Activity: 8
Merit: 0
December 30, 2014, 02:52:43 AM |
Do you know where the cgminer conf file is? I can't find it anywhere - seems to be a different file system to Bitmains usual setup. I want to change the --queue setting, it's set at 8192!!
Hello: You can modify 'user_setting' file in /config directory to change --queue setting.
December 30, 2014, 03:04:07 AM |
Just remember nidec have different models of the ta450dc although frame will not vary. Worst case even if the holes don't line perfectly you can't beat 10 bucks shipped.
Yep they do, and more pertinent different depths. 38mm - 120CFM max 43.1dba @ 2750rpm => - 190CFM max 56.7dba @ 4000rpm => was referring to the latter type (model A34538-90 but can not find its datasheet though plenty on fleabay!). Also the CFM & noise levels at the reduced voltage should be the ones that matter, as I am sure they will be better than the stock fans, possibly even the silverstone.
Activity: 3234
Merit: 1221
December 30, 2014, 03:13:25 AM |
There ya go petey, shoulda been more specific, the nidec fans I've used are mainly the standard TA500DC 38mm fans, so I couldn't imagine how you were thinking it had a 38mm fan blade inside a 38mm housing. I didn't know you meant the 51mm WIDEBODY TA500DC monsters that came out of old compaq servers etc. Interestingly Nidec were also the OEM for the very popular range of watercooling fans in the Scythe GT range. Anyway no harm no foul, just don't get your fingers caught in those suckers!
December 30, 2014, 03:25:48 AM Last edit: December 30, 2014, 03:35:54 AM by RchGrav |
Yes phillip is a tinkerer trying to get the best watt/gh ratio with low noise as possible. Its a refreshing approach, not one everyone always considers, but he'll probably be mining long after we give up from electrical costs  I have to live with my miners too.. oh, and believe me.. I'm all about the underclock and the tinker.. I think out of the gate its pretty well understood that the design of this miner and the BM1384 is such that it has a narrow overclocking and underclocking potential when operating at 12v (In terms of watts per gh).. if he had his hands on a 9V 10A PSU, I would applaud him doing underclocking tests... and would bit sitting on the edge of my seat to see what he discovered and shared here. mod it up with a silent high flow low rpm fan.. neat! Thats the mod I want to see... I'm sure there will be some in depth S5 modding thread(s) coming.. unless this one ends up being it.. Anyway, I'm interested to see where this review ends up in summation and final thoughts..
4C 6F 6E 67 4C 69 76 65 42 69 74 63 6F 69 6E Qba'g lbh unir nalguvat orggre gb qb?
December 30, 2014, 03:26:12 AM |
There ya go petey, shoulda been more specific, the nidec fans I've used are mainly the standard TA500DC 38mm fans, so I couldn't imagine how you were thinking it had a 38mm fan blade inside a 38mm housing. I didn't know you meant the 51mm WIDEBODY TA500DC monsters that came out of old compaq servers etc. Interestingly Nidec were also the OEM for the very popular range of watercooling fans in the Scythe GT range. Anyway no harm no foul, just don't get your fingers caught in those suckers! It is really a ping pong thing to call the 38mm as the standard ones ..... 51mm one may actually be the standard ones, but never mind, though you should have thought of the 51mm ones seeing I'd suggested they had 38mm blades .... But more interesting from your point of view, is what CFM + noise level would you get from those 51mm fans, bearing in mind that the ones that come from the compaq servers are 12v 2.7A they are bound to have a higher CFM rating than those in the 51mm datasheet, i.e higher than 190CFM (of course even the dba), BUT at a reduced voltage, the dba will be less (possibly less than the stock /silverstone running at medium), and the CFM too (but possible higher than the stock /silverstone running at medium); then there you have a good substitute.
Activity: 1593
Merit: 1004
December 30, 2014, 03:40:31 AM |
Nice work Phil. Keep the info coming.
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
December 30, 2014, 03:58:42 AM Last edit: December 30, 2014, 04:14:52 AM by philipma1957 |
Okay just got back home from a party. I need to find a few other fans. at freq 250 I do 824 gh and 404 watts that comes to .49 watts per gh. I bounce to 416 watts which is .504 watts per gh this is good. It will run too hot with my current fan setup if I go above freq 250. temps are 60c and 57 c It is too loud stock! it runs hot at stock speed with stock fan. stock fan ramps to 3800 rpm and temps were over 60c for each board. if you want db's 75 plus it is a nasty pitch. my complaint is really simple here 2 silverstone 140's would allow it to run max speed and quiet. A no brainer 1 minute mod. instead I will need to fuck around with it. If noise does not matter run it stock. It is louder then the s1 or the s3 it is as loud as the asic miner tube. So far at 225 ,250, 275, 300 and stock 350 it scales close to .51 or .52 watts per gh. I am looking at the stock fan and it is a bizarre fan. It is 38 mm yet has 1 inch deep blades I have never seen a fan like this. I have to go back and correct part of the review. 3 shots of the my wife will kill me sounding stock fan. it has 38mm depth with 25mm blades then 13mm focus grill. it was pushing 3800 rpm at freq 350 worse sound of any fan I ever use for a miner.   
December 30, 2014, 04:16:18 AM Last edit: December 30, 2014, 04:39:05 AM by pekatete |
That is a crap fan! It looks like the ones that ship with the AMT 1.2 miners (are they 12v 3A?) Do they have a sticker and care to post a photo? The design of the safety /focus grill is what makes them whine (and therefore loud), but I suppose they were chosen because of the CFM they can output, but if running normally is 3800rpm .... then I wonder. EDIT: I think this is the fan (220 CFM 12v 3.3A max 64.8 dba) - datasheet => ones that ship with the AMT 1.2 are V34809-INT1F
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
December 30, 2014, 04:38:26 AM Last edit: December 30, 2014, 04:55:02 AM by philipma1957 |
That is a crap fan! It looks like the ones that ship with the AMT 1.2 miners (are they 12v 3A?) Do they have a sticker and care to post a photo? The design of the safety /focus grill is what makes them whine (and therefore loud), but I suppose they were chosen because of the CFM they can output, but if running normally is 3800rpm .... then I wonder.
good news I have a delta 3 pin fan a 38 mm runs at 3000 rpm. I put it in place of the four pin pwm fan and it is pushing at 3000 rpm. using the silver stone 141 mm to pull while loud it is not holy fucking shit loud. So it is imperative to understand the stock fan sent to me is not usable in a home it is too loud and you must get better fans. I now push at 3000 rpm since it ia a 3 pin it will just do that. and the silverstone is pulling at at 1440 rpm temps are 51. So I think I can now do a higher freq testing. So I am jumping to freq 300   and so far freq 300 with new fan setup is good. 
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
December 30, 2014, 04:44:27 AM Last edit: December 30, 2014, 05:01:03 AM by philipma1957 |
freq 300 has settled in at 999gh and 489 watts
I have a delta 3000 rpm 3 pin fan as the push it moves 113 cfm I have the silverstone 141 mm as the pull it is running at 1560 rpm
watts are 488/999 = .489 watt per gh
Here is my impression you must get new fans. as to the best fans over the next few days I will test for some.
temps are 57c and 54c in an 80f room.
okay 22 minutes in with a push pull setup at freq 300 we have
975gh 489 watts at kwatt meter delta push fan is 3000 rpm silverstone pull fan is 1560 rpm temps are 57c and 54 c db is 61 at 1 meter and pitch is okay
going to bump to freq 325
December 30, 2014, 04:59:55 AM |
Just to recap, if the stock fan is the V34809, then with a top rpm of 5300 (and assuming a linear increase in CFM and dba), then to get to stock cooling levels you'd need: (stock rpm / fan max rpm) * fan max CFM = Stock CFM (3800/5300) * 220 = 157 CFM Applying the same simplistic logic to the dba: (3800 / 5300) * 64.8 = 46.46 dba Thus any fan that can provide over 157 CFM with a dba less than 40 would be better. PS. I know I am most likely wrong, but please don't shoot!
December 30, 2014, 05:03:47 AM |
philipma1957 Thank you for the review!
What are your thoughts on 2x SILVERSTONE FHP-141 140mm (1 push, 1 pull)? Not going to be too much for the board to handle?
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
December 30, 2014, 05:09:08 AM |
Just to recap, if the stock fan is the V34809, then with a top rpm of 5300 (and assuming a linear increase in CFM and dba), then to get to stock cooling levels you'd need: (stock rpm / fan max rpm) * fan max CFM = Stock CFM (3800/5300) * 220 = 157 CFM Applying the same simplistic logic to the dba: (3800 / 5300) * 64.8 = 46.46 dba Thus any fan that can provide over 157 CFM with a dba less than 40 would be better. PS. I know I am most likely wrong, but please don't shoot! okay fan has no label FXDS IS IN TWO DIFFERENT SPOTS. I won't use it as I like my ears. the two fans I have are a 3 pin 38mm delta that does 113 cfm max as push and the silverstone 141 mm by 38mm does 170cfm max as the pull I know that 113 + 170 = 283 cfm total but push pull loses some of that. as i have ramped up to freq 325 watts are now 516 to 530 and a board failed so I will go to a lower freq. many x's and 1 0 this issue could be my seasonic 760 watt psu not the miner I dropped down to freq 306 and I am good no hw's temps are 58 and 54 I may stay at this number for now. I need to get a better psu out as this 760 watt plat seems to want to stay at the 499 watt level on my kwatt meter. at cryptoglance i seem to be running 2 fans safely for now I do not know rating on the fans I use and the board powering them but so far so good.
December 30, 2014, 05:13:31 AM |
Is there a reason you can't increase the temps above 60C?
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
December 30, 2014, 05:22:24 AM |
Is there a reason you can't increase the temps above 60C?
no I think 65c would be okay but I never ran an s-1 or an s-3 at that temp. So I do not mind going at a different temp. I just switched the silverstone to quiet and the 3 pin is still at 3000 rpm the silverstone dropped to 840 rpm with temps holding at 58c and 54 c see freq 306 numbers watts are at 495-499 
December 30, 2014, 05:29:07 AM |
at cryptoglance i seem to be running 2 fans safely for now I do not know rating on the fans I use and the board powering them but so far so good.
Thank you. I expect to have this miner in my hands soon. Hopefully I can mod two silverstone fans for a better noise level. Cheers
philipma1957 (OP)
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
December 30, 2014, 05:44:07 AM Last edit: December 30, 2014, 05:55:44 AM by philipma1957 |
okay I opened my new evga 1300 g2 up since the 760 watt seasonic plat crapped out at freq 325 and liked up to freq 306. I am back at freq 325 and I will see if there is an issue with this freq. at freq 325 watts are 542 542/1027 = .53 watts per gh So over freq 306 may be when this miner loses best watts per gh. db is 59 at a meter distance the pitch is okay. stock fan was 75db!! pitch was nasty there are better fans then the 113 cfm delta 3 pin but this delta and this silver stone cost me about 10+ 17 = 27 bucks . I think I will run this at 325 for 6 hours then change to higher. good night folks 
Activity: 3878
Merit: 1193
December 30, 2014, 06:15:55 AM |
okay I opened my new evga 1300 g2 up since the 760 watt seasonic plat crapped out at freq 325 and liked up to freq 306.
I am back at freq 325 and I will see if there is an issue with this freq.
at freq 325 watts are 542
542/1027 = .53 watts per gh
So over freq 306 may be when this miner loses best watts per gh.
Didn't you go from a Platinum to a Gold PSU? You should expect slightly higher power draw with the Gold.
Buy & Hold
December 30, 2014, 06:26:09 AM |
okay I opened my new evga 1300 g2 up since the 760 watt seasonic plat crapped out at freq 325 and liked up to freq 306.
I am back at freq 325 and I will see if there is an issue with this freq.
at freq 325 watts are 542
542/1027 = .53 watts per gh
So over freq 306 may be when this miner loses best watts per gh.
Didn't you go from a Platinum to a Gold PSU? You should expect slightly higher power draw with the Gold. Not necessarily, it depends on the efficiency curve which usually peaks at about 50% of max. load and that would be closer on a 1300w than a 760w.
December 30, 2014, 06:44:35 AM |
okay I opened my new evga 1300 g2 up since the 760 watt seasonic plat crapped out at freq 325 and liked up to freq 306.
I am back at freq 325 and I will see if there is an issue with this freq.
at freq 325 watts are 542
542/1027 = .53 watts per gh
So over freq 306 may be when this miner loses best watts per gh.
Didn't you go from a Platinum to a Gold PSU? You should expect slightly higher power draw with the Gold. Not necessarily, it depends on the efficiency curve which usually peaks at about 50% of max. load and that would be closer on a 1300w than a 760w. yeah and that plat has done a year of mining. it dropped out 1 board to all x's and 1 zero after a few minutes of mining at freq 325. the evga is 2 hours old. still solid with the freq 331. going to bump to freq 337
1956jUdYPFwiBSzt9AECdWj3KE4WV7taiM I can't do 1957philma.. for btc address the i are not allowed This is a secondary account for Philipma1957, don't do business with this account deal with philipma1957