Please tell me what's so special about Pussytron? Regardless Crave like p&d... Lot of lost money and bagholding expected
Relax, the drop was because of me. I decided to sell some of my XBS to buy Tron.
Yes, i know it's another p&d coin but ICM from Crave have been hyping it for now. I wanna make more money to be put back in to XBS.
Hope you'll get what you planned, but I admit that your move was quite threatening for XBS trades.
And I hope that Pussytron won't become a trap for others like Crave did.
XBS is more safe bet. No daytrading for me anymore. My time is more precious than sitting behind screen and lurking at those small fluctations or dump-for-invest-in-shit-coin moves. Yes, often it is profitable, but you can burn yourself heavily!
That's awesome that some coins come with innovative features, but what cryptomoney needs, is real world adoption. XBS has prerequisites already, and it is near to the point where currency will be used on daily basis.
What other coins can bring on the table? whateverPOS? whateverAnnon? That's it? Those are only selling points for traders, whales, trolls, fudsters etc.
True value of coin is determined by how much it is used in real world transactions. Other than that it is just a piece of code.
Your turn to choose!