I confirm that solo mining with external miner connected to the wallet works great now, generated coins shows instantly up to balance to wait maturing. Some of the community users reported broken solomining in the first release. This does not apply to the in-wallet cpuminer which have been worked flawlessly since start and after algorithm change (tested this to make sure).
My Dual HD6870 GPU mining rig:
sgminer 5.0.1-43-g889a5-dirty - Started: [2015-11-06 02:32:49] - [0 days 02:23:3
(0s):21.10M (avg):3.934Mh/s | A:2697 R:0 HW:0 WU:14.336/m
ST: 5 SS: 0 NB: 60 LW: 9022 GF: 4 RF: 0
Connected to Lyrabar Solo (longpoll) diff 488 as user
Block: 719e6c2f... Diff:1 Started: [04:56:22] Best share: 2.48K
[P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
GPU 0: 71.0C 1759RPM | 1.963M/1.960Mh/s | R: 0.0% HW:0 WU:7.147/m xI: 32
GPU 1: 74.0C 4262RPM | 1.960M/1.973Mh/s | R: 0.0% HW:0 WU:7.189/m xI: 32
[04:52:57] Accepted 5f904b98 Diff 685/492 GPU 0 at Lyrabar Solo
[04:54:38] Accepted 25bcc66f Diff 1.74K/484 GPU 0 at Lyrabar Solo
To solo mine through the daemon or graphical client, use following kind of parameters in the configuration file (lyrabar.conf, stored at Users/Username/Appdata/Roaming/Lyrabar/)
1 = Feature
enabled, 0 = Feature
disabled, Asterisk mark * is used as a wildcard to allow whole range on IP address configuration. If mining at same computer the wallet is, use
localhost or For example, in this configuration I'm using 192.168.*.* in both cases to allow all connections from my local network to solo mine from any mining capable computer without knowing it's local IP address. Never use your IP address visible to internet in this. Remove comments " // Comment" I'm using in here to clarify things. Name of the configuration file is unique for every coin, use
lyrabar.conf if solomining Lyrabar.
Be sharp when making own versions of the configuration files, if facing a connection issue with the miner, triple check RPC and P2P ports and the username and password in both configurations.
rpcuser=rpcusername // Generate own username, use this in the miner configuration
rpcpassword=rpcpassword // Generate own password, use this in the miner configuration
rpcallowip=192.168.*.* // Allows external miner(s) connection to wallet from a IP address defined (You can connect many miners by using asterisk)
rpcconnect=192.168.*.* // Connects to miner(s) used for solomining from other computer than where wallet is running. (You can connect many miners by using asterisk)
rpcport=4047 // Unique for every coin, RPC port for Lyrabar
port=4046 // Unique for every coin, P2P port for Lyrabar
listen=1 // wallet/client listens to connections from other clients
server=1 // daemon accepts commands
daemon=1 // enables daemon on background while running graphical wallet
gen=0 // same as "setgenerate false", means disabling wallet's built-in cpuminer
In here is a simple sgminer configuration for solomining, other way is to create a Windows batch file (or a shell script on Linux). This configuration is for sgminer using Lyra2REv2 as mining algorithm.
Please use http:// to enable getwork mining, Lyrabar does not support Getblocktemplate (GBT), so stratum+tcp:// can't be used in here. Again, remove all " // Comments" I've wrote to explain things in the configuration file, to make the configuration work.
"pools": [
"name": "Lyrabar solomining", // Define a name for your pool (not mandatory)
"url": "", // Define the IP address of the machine running the wallet, if wallet is at same computer, use [i][/i] or [i]localhost[/i].
"user": "rpcusername", // Use the RPC username you defined in coin's configuration file earlier.
"pass": "rpcpassword" // Use the RPC password you defined in coin's configuration file earlier.
"profiles": [],
"algorithm" : "Lyra2REv2", // Using uppercase letters with Lyra2REv2 algorithm name on sgminer is mandatory
"worksize" : "64",
"gpu-threads" : "1",
"device": "all",
"xintensity" : "16", // Experimental GPU intensity can be set to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, etc...
"temp-cutoff": "95",
"temp-overheat": "85",
"temp-target": "71",
"auto-fan" : true, // Auto-adjust fan speed, tries to keep temperature at value defined in "temp-target"
"shares": "0",
"expiry": "0", // Recommended to set the value to 0 when solomining
"gpu-dyninterval": "7",
"hamsi-expand-big": "4",
"keccak-unroll": "0",
"log": "0",
"no-pool-disable": true,
"no-client-reconnect": true,
"queue": "0",
"scan-time": "0", // Recommended to set the value to 0 when solomining
"kernel-path": "/usr/local/bin"
For a Windows batch file creation, create a text file in miner's directory where earlier made sgminer configuration is located and add next into it:
sgminer.exe -c solomine.conf
Save the file as .bat (or rename to .bat, if you have file extensions shown)
If you don't want to use configuration above and feel configuration files for sgminer are too complicated, you can use just parameters without a config file. In that case create this file into sgminer directory.
sgminer.exe --algorithm Lyra2REv2 --xintensity 16 --worksize 64 --expiry 0 --scan-time 0 -o http://walletip:rpcport -u rpcusername -p rpcpassword
Save the file as .bat (or rename to .bat, if you have file extensions shown)
After everythings ready, start the wallet, wait it to synchronize with the blockchain fully before starting the miner itself. Triple check everything related to IP addresses, ports and login credentials.