By the home language is French...
of course I do not have fake investors.
I propose systems for the fun where one can earn satoshi for free or not...
and if only few ones are interested it does not matter for fun is to programme it and to pay out satoshi.
if i would scam...i would manage otherwise...
Have you in your life already seen a scammer working like I do? (lol)
I have for years ans for years the same avatar on the net and the same nickname...
have you already heard proved bad things about me?
try winspiral on google...and you will know about me...perhaps things 20 year old...
Ok then. Well said there.
Im just curious on the previous post you stated on why your investors are afraid to talk about your investment system. Like you said it's a mystery and I really don't get it at all sides. Didn't they know that by vouching they will help you much promote your system or in a good way, it will help you to clean the recent tagged in your system as not recommended.
if i say it is mysterious or a mystery it means i do not's a mystery for me.
i have yet not undertood the web...not completly understood.
You cannot imagine how many people earn ed cash with my systems...and have not withdrawed it.
if the rule is:
invest and withdraw and the people do not withdraw in time it is not my penalty.
if i invest $1 somewhere ... be sure i will not forget it.
99% of my incomes are from bots who forget to follow the rules...
99% of my faucets users do not read the rules...even my detractors do not.
Sorry,i'm honnest,but if people does not read the minimum...I cannot help them more.
i have sometimes sponsor because people have to it is why people are only paid if they have read the system and understood it...
if one has not understood..;one has not to participe.(logic...not?)
I promise so little things that it is easy for me to hold it.
I spend more time to write right things that for my design (lol)
I find extremly funny when people write about my system and do not know about.
The funniest is about my disign...
I say:
get $0.01...
and people answer me:
You are a scammer...because your design is horrible...(lol)