Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on December 01, 2015, 01:10:39 PM

Title: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 01, 2015, 01:10:39 PM
Polonibox - Spoetnik - 2015-11-28

all the David Latapies are hiding under their bed's hahahh

Monero Forums - David Latapie - 2015-11-30

Dear Moneroers,

There have been rumours about me. My silence was suspicious and there was even talks of criminal accusations in France.

Time to clear this up.

Months ago, I decided to go one step further in my involvement with Monero and to start a company to promote it (as well as the whole blockchain technology). It happened I made a terrible choice when it came to choose my partners. One of them, a very good smooth-talker, was a crook who managed to swindle us all (four other partners). We since discovered he was doing this for ten years. The French police eventually catched him and last thing I heard, he was in jail.

I deeply involved myself into this project, because it really meant a lot for me. This was not only about earning money, it was the culmination of years of sweating, not only in the society but also inside, in my head. So when everything crumbled, I was devastated.

I'm slowly recovering. It will take time, don't expect to see me much active in the following months on Monero (I do have a great project in the works, where Monero plays a part - I won't go into more details until I have something to show, though). I have to put a lot of things in order. The good news is that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I'm still the David Latapie you know. Weakened, but the same. So whatever you may have believed about me several months ago still holds true.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

NEW info below (a 2nd comment from Dave Latapie);u=81999;sa=showPosts
Thanks to user = ceti for the info.

Colleagues of crypto,

For years I hesitate to get into entrepreneurship. Many of my friends tell me that I am made for that (it or consulting), and I still hesitate long.

Just a few months (March 2015), when I was in a bad psychological passes (end of employment contract), I was seduced by a "contractor bitcoin" Wadii Rashid alias Rayane. Ignoring the advice of many of you, I persevered with that person, telling me that I have to stop giving up just before the finish line, do not stop at the first hesitation, think for me -even and not by others, etc.

I was wrong.

The so-called contractor was not one (it even has a rack very, very heavy, I recently discovered), knowledge in Bitcoin and were not its sole competence is very, very to talk ... (and defraud, but that it is not very good in it, fortunately for me).

Today, my situation is more precarious than seven months before. However, despite the daily hell (sect type) that I lived for several months and despite the many physical challenges that I should face the coming months, I draw positive lessons.
First to last! listen to my intuition ("when in doubt, there is no doubt")
Then finally, I have entrepreneurial skills (I could compare myself to various real entrepreneurs and assess my level).
Last but that yes, entrepreneurship is something that fits me (then do financially, I'll be able to afford me, it remains to be seen). I gained a lot of confidence in myself and so humanly, the balance is positive. If it again, I would do it-so far? I do not think, even knowing the reward behind (self-confidence, coughed).

These preliminaries, however, are only one way to bring the subject. This is because today I have the confidence in myself that I find the courage to appear before you, sisters and brothers of cryptomonnaies.

MEA culpa. I have a certain reputation in the community and by engaging me in this stupid adventure, I somehow tainted the community and especially the trust you have placed in me.

MEA culpa. I unintentionally hurt people; which shows how much I was enlisted. To these people, I wish to express my deepest, my sincere regrets. Some, I've been on the phone or face-October 6 in the Sof's Bar. Further, I have yet to join. I repeat here: I'm sorry, sincerely sorry. I will do my best to catch this error.

MEA culpa. All my life I had as credo of staying right in my boots, not to lie, to assume my choices, even when they cost me - and I did, including crypto, where I lost money on a sale where I knew I would lose but I still honored when I could do nothing, because I had given my word.
This time, I failed. I have not lied, never, but I did not say sometimes the back of my mind. For fear (psychological domination), for shame, for something else? I do not know but the result is there: when you are not in agreement with your values, you paid. One of my associates who made him also have (as was the crook are childhood friend!), Suffers at present the consequences on his health. I luckily managed to preserve this - I hope.

Mea maxima culpa. Great power entails great responsibility and I have not acted up to what people expect of me. Being sorry is not enough; it is in my future actions and not my words that you can judge whether my amends worth something.

I consider you a family here, cryptomonnaies. And we do not do that to his family. Although it's only been two years that I am, I have found here a warmth, intelligence and friendship are precious. Believe me when I tell you that the simple fact of isolation was very painful for you.

They say they are the mistakes that advance. I confirm I have progressed. I have only one thing to say in my defense: everything I did, I did it with good intentions. While the paths of hell are paved; let us hope that tomorrow other mine pave roads.

With all my heart,
David Latapie

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: whap on December 01, 2015, 01:29:37 PM
The Thread title could also have been like this:

"David Latapie is having a hard time, but as he is no Dev, Monero Project goes on as usual."

But hey, it's Spoetnik's Sensational News in action!

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: Spoetnik on December 01, 2015, 01:53:25 PM
I decided to go one step further in my involvement with Monero and to start a company to promote it

in case you can't read.. he's been the Robert Tilton of Monero on Troll-Boxes for ages.
Then went into hiding as his "friends" were screwed over and arrested etc..

GGaaba goobbaa he gaa boo ga heee ga booo
Wanna buy a prayer cloth ?
Touch your PC monitor and i will pray for you readers..

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: DaveyJones on December 01, 2015, 09:18:18 PM
Whats kinda more funny.... aint you the same guy that is annoyed by als the bumped Monero threads ( esp Speculation )... yet you kinda open a new one?

Well a trollīs double standards...

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: NextGenCrypto on December 01, 2015, 09:57:13 PM
Whats kinda more funny.... aint you the same guy that is annoyed by als the bumped Monero threads ( esp Speculation )... yet you kinda open a new one?

Well a trollīs double standards...

You called it!

He's nothing but a whiny, attention seeking, altcoin hating, worthless, friendless, low life troll.  Facts are facts.  Pathetic Spoetnik hard at "work"!

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: Spoetnik on December 01, 2015, 10:45:04 PM
Whats kinda more funny.... aint you the same guy that is annoyed by als the bumped Monero threads ( esp Speculation )... yet you kinda open a new one?

Well a trollīs double standards...

like your doing here ?
i'm a troll you claim and you're bumping my topic.. to attack me nothing more

seems a bit hypocritical of you i think.. if we look at your post history.

I also think your assuming people out there will get what your saying
not everyone ha been here 24/7 spamming about Monero.
so more than likely people out there won't know why you guys have such a problem with me.
wanna tell them all reading ?

further more i posted news.. the cops were involved with a Monero marketing business..

Interesting no ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: smoothie on December 01, 2015, 11:11:30 PM
OP's trust rating speaks for itself well as his post history.  :D

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: Spoetnik on December 01, 2015, 11:29:27 PM
OP's trust rating speaks for itself well as his post history.  :D

yup and your lead dev shill or what ever the hell he is left me my 2nd bad rating here today !

why ?

read my topic.. criticism about Monero Marketing is frowned on i guess ?

two neg ratings ?
yup.. from 2 guys who don't like me.
it had nothing to do with the TRUST system but more a retaliation for something i said.

I suggest growing up and learning to accept criticism after all it may lead to a better Monero ?

Treating the trust rating system here as a popularity contest is childish and goes against the intended spirit of the system.

You guys abuse it so you can post comments like i just quoted here now.
You used the rating system as an attack tool like a spoiled brat holding his breath because he can't get his way.
Go hard LOL

Also if anyone wants to hear my side of the story i have a link to my reputation topic in my SIG here.
(note = removed my rep topic link for something more interesting LOL)

and smoothie thanks for the bump but did you have anything at all to say on-topic ?

you guys make it easy.. no idea why you get in the ring with me ROFL

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: billotronic on December 02, 2015, 02:03:19 AM
lol way to go spoetnik on once again proving you are are the biggest cunt on these forums. I hope your mother is proud.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: NextGenCrypto on December 02, 2015, 02:08:14 AM
lol way to go spoetnik on once again proving you are are the biggest cunt on these forums. I hope your mother is proud.

I highly doubt "proud" is a word anyone has used to describe it, even it's own mother. 

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: r0ach on December 02, 2015, 02:43:33 AM
Spoederman, unless Latapie has been charged or accusesd with some kind of crime, then this topic is pretty misleading.  It's like making a topic that says "Spoeter spotted in affiliation with rape", then talking about Spoetnik mining and dumping rapecoin.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: smooth on December 02, 2015, 05:01:02 AM
I rarely rate people based on trolling alone, but in this case it is potential deliberately fruadulent market manipulation, and noted as such in the trust entry.

It has nothing to do with your opinion about Monero marketing either.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: generalizethis on December 02, 2015, 05:07:07 AM
You went too far with that title. You made David look like the perpetrator of fraud and not the victim of it. Sad.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: ArticMine on December 02, 2015, 05:37:09 AM
This just went to far. David is the victim here not the perpetrator. This is just really sad.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: tokeweed on December 02, 2015, 05:58:12 AM
This just went to far. David is the victim here not the perpetrator. This is just really sad.

Who was the scammer?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: ArticMine on December 02, 2015, 06:03:08 AM
This just went to far. David is the victim here not the perpetrator. This is just really sad.

Who was the scammer?

All I know is what is on the post in the Monero forum namely that the scammer is in jail. (

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: r0ach on December 02, 2015, 08:34:52 AM
nothing has really been revealed in the 'mea culpa' post, but it makes us aware something has seriously gone wrong......

What's the worst that could of happened?  I don't know of anyone that gave him money for anything.  Even if he bankrupted himself somehow, that doesn't have any effect on a decentralized coin.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: generalizethis on December 02, 2015, 08:38:21 AM
Today I'll be playing the part of a concern troll spreading rumors and FUD in the guise of empathy while ignoring all the flaws in my own coin: instamine, flawed privacy, flawed algorithm, ect...


Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: Spoetnik on December 02, 2015, 08:58:39 AM
nothing has really been revealed in the 'mea culpa' post, but it makes us aware something has seriously gone wrong......

What's the worst that could of happened?  I don't know of anyone that gave him money for anything.  Even if he bankrupted himself somehow, that doesn't have any effect on a decentralized coin.

Yeah an interesting new development.. Dave needs to give us more info !
He's been mighty vague so far.
Obviously he seems to be apologizing like crazy,
so he thinks he looks REALLY guilty over some Monero Marketing company thing.

Title: Thought ANY attention was great good or bad ? Change your mind Shills ?
Post by: Spoetnik on December 02, 2015, 09:11:13 AM
Posting obviously blatant lies and misleading title to a thread to attempt to manipulate people into thinking that David L. (of Monero) was scamming others.

Do not trust.

Yo smoothie.. you put that rating on me waaaaaaaaay before David Latapie explained.
So explain to us all how i could have possibly known what you claim in the reason you put on me for neg trust.

You're busted lying.

let's get this crystal clear..

You stamped me with a neg simply because i posted this topic.
and all i did was post word for word a copy of what Dave said and a ref link.
AND.. i already had gotten it from another user here first you chose to ignore even though he posted it first.

Your just whining upset Monero is getting bad pres.. BY YOUR MARKETING TEAM
David Latapie claimed on the first lien on his first comment after being missing for a month
he started a Monero Marketing company.

And what lies ?
You are the only one lying drowning Monero shill.
I never lied about anything.
Just because your little Monero boat i sinking don't try clawing at me..

Oh and the topic title was chosen based on the story content.. pretty simple.

Drown rats.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 09:12:14 AM
Polonibox - Spoetnik - 2015-11-28

all the David Latapies are hiding under their bed's hahahh

Monero Forums - David Latapie - 2015-11-30

Dear Moneroers,

There have been rumours about me. My silence was suspicious and there was even talks of criminal accusations in France.

Time to clear this up.

Months ago, I decided to go one step further in my involvement with Monero and to start a company to promote it (as well as the whole blockchain technology). It happened I made a terrible choice when it came to choose my partners. One of them, a very good smooth-talker, was a crook who managed to swindle us all (four other partners). We since discovered he was doing this for ten years. The French police eventually catched him and last thing I heard, he was in jail.

I deeply involved myself into this project, because it really meant a lot for me. This was not only about earning money, it was the culmination of years of sweating, not only in the society but also inside, in my head. So when everything crumbled, I was devastated.

I'm slowly recovering. It will take time, don't expect to see me much active in the following months on Monero (I do have a great project in the works, where Monero plays a part - I won't go into more details until I have something to show, though). I have to put a lot of things in order. The good news is that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I'm still the David Latapie you know. Weakened, but the same. So whatever you may have believed about me several months ago still holds true.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Thank you, Spoetnik, you are a true hero of this forum. Thank you for all your hard work.
Needless to say, this looks like a fake bait and switch to leave the XMR project which is moving nowhere after it has been pumped and dumped into oblivion. I expect it will fall 80-90% soon, following the path of Auroracoin, which was not even such a huge scam. I hope there will be real investigation with time and these XMR scammers get locked up for life.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 09:16:33 AM
Published on my website:

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 09:28:05 AM
Then finally, I have entrepreneurial skills (I could compare myself to various real entrepreneurs and assess my level).

Hilariously delusional  :-X here comes the true face of the narcissist

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Shrikez on December 02, 2015, 09:32:57 AM
Just when I thought I couldn't be any more disgusted with this forum people like ceti, Spoetnik and HCLiveless come along and prove me wrong.

What sad specimens you are...

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 09:33:32 AM
Also, found a lot of people to add to ignore list, thanks!

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 09:36:59 AM
You went too far with that title. You made David look like the perpetrator of fraud and not the victim of it. Sad.

You can't be even serious here. We all go through hardship. He whines about isolation (lol, all hardworking people work in isolation for the greater good of the community / civilization), he speaks of physical hardship (wtf???), he is not specific even in one point. Looks like a MAJOR LATAPIE SCAM to me

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: Spoetnik on December 02, 2015, 09:39:59 AM
Published on my website:

A lot of unanswered questions. I have been trying to collate information here: (

in case you hadn't come across the post.

Yup and you did a good job.
I will keep an eye out for any more David Latapie comments you find eh
I have not gone to their forum ever.. i used Google cache before for that link you posted before LOL

Dave has a LOT more to say to us.. he left us with too much vague apologies.. but for what ? What happened *precisely* ?

Dave i am not trying to lynch you just spread the word to what is going on.. and yeah no shit i don't like Monero.
But don't take that as personal attack on your David.

Bear in mind here guy i never started a Jackpotcoin Marketing Company with shady characters before LOL
Then spammed the fuck out of Bitcointalk for 2 years ahhahha
That would be you Dave (and co.)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 09:42:23 AM
Just when I thought I couldn't be any more disgusted with this forum people like ceti, Spoetnik and HCLiveless come along and prove me wrong.

What sad specimens you are...

It takes NOTHING to realize you are just pushing your cart here, trying to protect your investments. But sometimes things go just too far to hold up, be ready

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 09:47:07 AM
Thinking about it now, from the post it looks like Latapie was a puppet all way long, he seems to be the right kind of a person to easily manipulate for profit, while giving Monero a real, public face/image. Good plan, it takes special efforts to find such an individual.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 02, 2015, 09:49:19 AM
Thinking about it now, from the port it looks like Latapie was a puppet all way long, he seems to be the right kind of a person to easily manipulate for profit, while giving Monero a real, public face/image. Good plan, it takes special efforts to find such an individual.

Ya you can see why they prob targeted him looking at his pic..

I wonder if Risto was caught funding ISIS in Paris or something..

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 10:26:42 AM
if a fraction of the shill accounts on this forum were real and not puppets, this could turn into a huge HUGE mess, since it took XMR to fail so much longer than any other scamcoin. However, people like rptelia might hold forever

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: GTO911 on December 02, 2015, 11:29:29 AM

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Levole11 on December 02, 2015, 11:34:42 AM

Lol, all neg trusted by xmr neg trust nazi's.. that pic doesn't say anything...

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 02, 2015, 12:49:12 PM
a big LOL at all the pathetic concern trolls in here.. yea ceti and HCLivess i mean you

No one really cares what David Latapie does. Personally i wish he weren't associated with Monero at all but what can you do. He's harmless.

If you're really so concerned about dirtbag devs and their shady actions your time would be better spent looking into DARKcoin  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 02, 2015, 12:51:37 PM
DARKcoin is the same category

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 02, 2015, 01:14:42 PM
DARKcoin is the same category

Please explain how they are remotely in the same category? I'm curious here what exactly Monero has done to merit this accusation from you.

HYPE/FUD/SPAM from pump and dumpers not affiliated with core dev team:

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: YES

Massive intentional scam instamine?

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Change in emission curve after launch to the benefit of early adopters/instaminers?

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Developers setting up sham votes?  ( )

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Developers hyping the coin by announcing publicly they're buying on exchanges while actively selling OTC? ( )

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: illodin on December 02, 2015, 01:59:21 PM
Angry butthurt sock puppets with copy-paste FUD rhetoric spamming every thread?

Darkcoin: NO
Monero: YES

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: noobtrader on December 02, 2015, 02:04:04 PM
DARKcoin is the same category

definitely not the same

EDIT: see above  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 02, 2015, 02:33:14 PM
How about you little DARK DASH dipshits do one or both of the following:

- post some proof

- refute the proof i've posted

Oh, what's that? You don't have any proof to offer and you can't refute whats been posted?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Quicken on December 02, 2015, 02:37:04 PM
So that's three Monero hate threads on the first page here now. Can't say the same for any other coin. Thanks for your concern guys, but Monero is doing just fine.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: noobtrader on December 02, 2015, 02:42:30 PM
So that's three Monero hate threads on the first page here now. Can't say the same for any other coin. Thanks for your concern guys, but Monero is doing just fine.

monero is reaping what they sow...  i hope you understand  :)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: obit33 on December 02, 2015, 02:43:04 PM
So that's three Monero hate threads on the first page here now. Can't say the same for any other coin. Thanks for your concern guys, but Monero is doing just fine.


it's gonna get lots worse before it's gonna get better, if only it weren't so utterly pathetic...

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: junglist.massive on December 02, 2015, 03:07:14 PM
monero is dead or not yet?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: bigfryguy on December 02, 2015, 03:10:32 PM
wow off topic much?  How does the dark/dash argument pertain to spoetniks post on David Latapie, and the monero blackeye?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 02, 2015, 04:59:28 PM
So that's three Monero hate threads on the first page here now. Can't say the same for any other coin. Thanks for your concern guys, but Monero is doing just fine.

I would disagree.. i went to Poloniex last night hung out for a bit had some casual chat (no drama LOL)
And i seen a longer term downward dump trend on the Monero chart.
It's hard to deny it has been tanked and dumped into submission.. so doing fine ?

I don't see why people need to drag other coins into it unless there is a reasonable connection.
I think each case really should be handled separately.
And i have actually tried myself to stay out of the coin vs coin feuds.

@HCLivess, i love the SIG message you have right now ROFL

Coin cloning guide writer Shakezulu (name abandoned 3 years ago) once said (in the foreword of his scrypt guide)
He does it (cloning) for "fun and profit"
So.. i do crypto stuff for the same reason and yeah sometimes it's fun watching the drama unfold
on coin groups that really deserve some come up in's LOL

I don't actually think many people come here with an intent to Troll..
I see it all as mostly the majority of us have strong opinions and long histories and don't like certain coins or people.
That is not Trolling most times but simply friction, drama, clashing personalities and jousting for user's attention.
And i'd never go send someone a threat over this crap.. some of you take this stuff way too personally.
Yeah it's understandable we use real names and pictures and have our money tied up in projects.
So one way or the other someone is gonna have their food on the dinner table affected.

But investing in scam coins is a YOU problem !

Guys i have countless times rained down a rant or two on my most recent supported coin project.
Called Jackpot Coin ..even the very coins i support the most still get the same criticism i reserve for others.
Can all of you say the same ?
I accused that Jackpot coin guy of all kinds of stuff on different occasions.. and STILL supported it.

Monero guys i am honestly and sincerely sorry if i come across as hating on you individually.
My main gripe for 2 years has been the marketing tactics i have complained about.
So that criticism falls on many guys.. not just David Latapie.

But since the Monero crew have steadfastly denied any spamming or market manipulation etc (for 2 years)
..yeah this topic headline and comments by David Latapie are pure gold ! ..i love it Hahhaha
Did Spoetnik have to post an apology after starting a Jackpot Coin Marketing company ?
Of course not i have far more class than these shameless deceitful shill's.
Who the hell admits to getting into trouble doing that ? ..apparently David Latapie LOL
Stating the obvious.. i'd say that lends credence to the point that these guys REALLY have been spamming etc.
The majority of their Marketing works consists of bumping spam topics here and Trolling for bucks $$$

I had created maybe 2 or 3 topics for Jackpot coin and i tried to bump them occasionally to get the word out
about MAJOR news.. like a new wallet update etc.
Mods just deleted them on me.. and they woudl wait many months too.. apparently the topic would be fine for ages.
So when i wanted to support a coin.. i was put under intense pressure by staff here.
But when Monero shills want to power spam this place for 2 years they are often ignored.
And yeah i know we all have topics deleted i seen them in the log etc..
Just saying on a scale of toleration my fav coin was treated way more strictly than Monero ever was.
Last time they deleted my topic that had all my collected bumps with new info i just gave up..
Screw it.. i am not allowed to have a coin topic for my fav coin :(
So it make me sick watching guys spam a topic to 560 pages plus others 24/7 while i get shit on.

Monero Shill's you made Hoodie's that had printed on them.. "Secure, Private, Untraceable"
plenty claim that but few spam anywhere near as much as you guys do !
I also call BS on that Untraceable part.

Monero cheerleaders you have it coming..

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Vanderi on December 02, 2015, 05:03:33 PM
Oh this thread is setting new lows to say the least.

What is tried to do with David is just cruel, like kicking someone lying on the ground.

Cruel. Do I get a "lulz" gais, afterall I said the funny word?

Even if you are paid for posting against Monero, Davids person has done exactly zero to you, not to mention your person.
How about keeping personal tragedies out from the shitposting parade.

I can guarantee you David would not in a million years do something like this to you, either.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 02, 2015, 05:08:25 PM
Oh this thread is setting new lows to say the least.

What is tried to do with David is just cruel, like kicking someone lying on the ground.

Cruel. Do I get a "lulz" gais, afterall I said the funny word?

Even if you are paid for posting against Monero, Davids person has done exactly zero to you, not to mention your person.
How about keeping personal tragedies out from the shitposting parade.

I can guarantee you David would not in a million years do something like this to you, either.

oh fuck off and gimme a break  ::)

I posted what that fucker said and you wanna complain ..then bitch at Dave for opening his mouth .

And NO Dave is not innocent either Shill's so cut the crap.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smoothie on December 02, 2015, 08:27:47 PM
Oh this thread is setting new lows to say the least.

What is tried to do with David is just cruel, like kicking someone lying on the ground.

Cruel. Do I get a "lulz" gais, afterall I said the funny word?

Even if you are paid for posting against Monero, Davids person has done exactly zero to you, not to mention your person.
How about keeping personal tragedies out from the shitposting parade.

I can guarantee you David would not in a million years do something like this to you, either.

oh fuck off and gimme a break  ::)

I posted what that fucker said and you wanna complain ..then bitch at Dave for opening his mouth .

And NO Dave is not innocent either Shill's so cut the crap.

What evidence proves his guilt?

What court found him guilty?

What law did he break?

What was his crime?

If you can't answer ALL 4 of those questions with proof instead of bullshit, you obviously have an agenda.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 03, 2015, 01:03:03 AM
Oh this thread is setting new lows to say the least.

What is tried to do with David is just cruel, like kicking someone lying on the ground.

Cruel. Do I get a "lulz" gais, afterall I said the funny word?

Even if you are paid for posting against Monero, Davids person has done exactly zero to you, not to mention your person.
How about keeping personal tragedies out from the shitposting parade.

I can guarantee you David would not in a million years do something like this to you, either.

oh fuck off and gimme a break  ::)

I posted what that fucker said and you wanna complain ..then bitch at Dave for opening his mouth .

And NO Dave is not innocent either Shill's so cut the crap.

What evidence proves his guilt?

What court found him guilty?

What law did he break?

What was his crime?

If you can't answer ALL 4 of those questions with proof instead of bullshit, you obviously have an agenda.

Exactly i have been..
My agenda has been clear all along and i restated it just above your comment.

I also don't need to prove anything.. i posted info i heard.. this has gotten me in trouble before. LOL
I checked before posting on Google..
Did David actually post that info ? Yes i believe he did.
Seeing what he said is a clear admission something big has or is going on.. tied to Monero by his own words.
People for or against Monero deserve to know what is going on.

If you guys have info then share it.. demanding i should post the info when YOU know the answers is silly nonsense.

I also don't have to prove anything because i made no claims.
I simply copied what was posted by David Latapie and made a topic title with the hot keywords.

I did NOT post this info with a negative spin or add or edit any info.
I copied and pasted it verbatim and let you all make your own opinions.
So if some of the guys viewed this news negatively then i am held responsible for that ?

The Paris attacks are fresh on my mind too so i find it odd that when there is lots of french arrests
these Police Monero News info going down in the same place time is weird !

I repeat.. i did not cut up the info on the first post and insert little statements..
I did not inject in little segways saying look David is a monster etc
Or Davis is a criminal etc.. i simply posted what i heard guys

Thanks for the neg feedback for no good reason too.
Remove it and i will of course remove the one's i gave you 2 guys in return ;)
(smooth & smoothie)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on December 03, 2015, 02:32:04 AM
Thanks for the neg feedback for no good reason too.
Remove it and i will of course remove the one's i gave you 2 guys in return ;)
(smooth & smoothie)

Edit the thread topic to be something other than apparently fraudulent market manipulation and I will consider it.

I'd suggest "Monero's David Latapie claims was defrauded, French police involved"

Furthermore your trust entry on me is itself fraudulent trust abuse. "Monero Police Fraud"? What have I to do with that in any way whatsoever?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 03, 2015, 04:47:06 AM
Well at this point i figure screw it.. let's just leave the title.
When i made the topic all i heard was 1 single super mega vague comment by Latapie on Monero forums.

Did i pick inflammatory keywords ? YES !
Was it dishonest ? that was -NOT- my intention.

The topic was launched born from a story.. short one where it mentions French Police Monero etc

This was no dishonest smear campaign.. maybe sensational journalism though hhahaha
But i am not a News reporter.. i am a guy sick of hearing about Monero for 2 years.
And i have been dicked around and mouthed off by you all for ages over it too.. so don't expect me to be nice.
All things considered with my Monero drama before i handled this topic pretty fairly i think.

You left me neg trust feedback because i tried to use a vacuum cleaner to cut the turkey #FACT

In other words remove your dumb neg ratings and i will follow.. if not ? then well who cares LOL

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: whap on December 03, 2015, 05:17:24 AM
You are not worth it Spoetnik.

"Two studies published in 2013 and 2014 have found that people who are identified as trolls tend to have dark personality traits and show signs of sadism, antisocial behavior, psychopathy, and machiavellianism.[42][43] The 2013 study suggested that there are a number of similarities between anti-social and flame trolling activities[42] and the 2014 study suggested that the noxious personality characteristics known as the "dark triad of personality" should be investigated in the analysis of trolling, and concluded that trolling appears "to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism."[43] Their relevance is suggested by research linking these traits to bullying in both adolescents and adults. The 2014 study found that trolls operate as agents of chaos on the Internet, exploiting hot-button issues to make users appear overly emotional or foolish in some manner. If an unfortunate person falls into their trap, trolling intensifies for further, merciless amusement. This is why novice Internet users are routinely admonished, "Do not feed the trolls!" The 2013 study found that trolls often have a high expectation of what it means to be successful, which is higher than they are able to attain, and this results in them resenting others who think they are successful but who fall below their standards." - from wiki.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 03, 2015, 05:40:44 AM
You contend i am insane ?
Why ?
Because i posted this topic ? What ?
Want me to run a poll and see how many people found the topic content interesting ?
I sure as hell did.. which is why i posted it.

I am normal like all others until i get picked on or i see others being picked on.. then i start kicking some ass.
I will stick up for guys as the crowd cowers in fear.

NONE of you had the balls to stand up to the crap-coin cloning that ruined our Altcoin scene.. pussies, the lot of you !
nope.. you are all happy to prey on the crypto-naive !

All we have here is account hopping mouthy cowards... GREEDY deceitful cowards who only care about $$$

For some inexplicable reason you all think your coin is exempt from criticism.
There is a reason i say, FUD first and ask questions later (because i mean it)
You all do NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.. but you expect it.
Open your eyes and look around at what all this has become and it's dark shady past.
The only people i have met that did this crypto stuff have quit after losing money.. WHY ?

Because we go round and round doing the same thing.
XYZ coin is popular and a group is behind "Marketing" AKA: spamming and making grand claims etc
Then it VANISHES !
The naive get caught holding worthless coins and eventually have to take massive loss.
While the smarter ones had already started pushing the next coin..
A vicious cycle of victims losing money.. While destroying crypto and Bitcoin.

How is Monero any different ?
Looking at the charts i see no difference..

You guys are greedy, irritating, dishonest and deceitful and new users deserve to know !
They need to know Monero Shill's are going to drop the bag on their head hard.. Like they already have been doing.
Look at the graphs.. Monero has been pumped up and power dumped !

Who pumped it up ? hmmm

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 03, 2015, 06:16:52 AM
You contend i am insane ?
Why ?
Because i posted this topic ? What ?
Want me to run a poll and see how many people found the topic content interesting ?
I sure as hell did.. which is why i posted it.

I am normal like all others until i get picked on or i see others being picked on.. then i start kicking some ass.
I will stick up for guys as the crowd cowers in fear.

NONE of you had the balls to stand up to the crap-coin cloning that ruined our Altcoin scene.. pussies, the lot of you !
nope.. you are all happy to prey on the crypto-naive !

All we have here is account hopping mouthy cowards... GREEDY deceitful cowards who only care about $$$

For some inexplicable reason you all think your coin is exempt from criticism.
There is a reason i say, FUD first and ask questions later (because i mean it)
You all do NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.. but you expect it.
Open your eyes and look around at what all this has become and it's dark shady past.
The only people i have met that did this crypto stuff have quit after losing money.. WHY ?

Because we go round and round doing the same thing.
XYZ coin is popular and a group is behind "Marketing" AKA: spamming and making grand claims etc
Then it VANISHES !
The naive get caught holding worthless coins and eventually have to take massive loss.
While the smarter ones had already started pushing the next coin..
A vicious cycle of victims losing money.. While destroying crypto and Bitcoin.

How is Monero any different ?
Looking at the charts i see no difference..

You guys are greedy, irritating, dishonest and deceitful and new users deserve to know !
They need to know Monero Shill's are going to drop the bag on their head hard.. Like they already have been doing.
Look at the graphs.. Monero has been pumped up and power dumped !

Who pumped it up ? hmmm

More hand waving. I could look at Bitcoin's charts and arrive at the same conclusion if that fit my agenda.

Do you have some fact based technical argument on why Monero won't work as advertised?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 03, 2015, 06:23:33 AM
WOW ..want me to screen cap the BTC/Monero Market charts at Poloniex ?
I looked at it last night.. a massive spike into the dirt !
Monero is dead boys.

EDIT: Added a screen cap.. default. i modded nothing !

Monero Shills = Blind, Deaf & Dumb .. and in Denial

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 03, 2015, 07:08:15 AM
WOW ..want me to screen cap the BTC/Monero Market charts at Poloniex ?
I looked at it last night.. a massive spike into the dirt !
Monero is dead boys.

EDIT: Added a screen cap.. default. i modded nothing !

Monero Shills = Blind, Deaf & Dumb .. and in Denial

Again, I could cherry pick a graph of Bitcoin's price and arrive (myself) at the same conclusion. But like Bitcoin, Monero has the support of Bitcoin Devs and has a very active github--that's how you read opensource projects (the people who support it and the activity of the developers and peer reviews), looking at charts is for speculators and trolls with an ax to grind.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: e-coinomist on December 03, 2015, 09:35:30 AM
Again, I could cherry pick a graph of Bitcoin's price and arrive (myself) at the same conclusion. But like Bitcoin, Monero has the support of Bitcoin Devs and has a very active github--that's how you read opensource projects (the people who support it and the activity of the developers and peer reviews), looking at charts is for speculators and trolls with an ax to grind.

looking at charts is for ... for a currency, it's everything. However this seems to be the XMR/BTC chart for exactly that timespan where BTC was is mooning. Compare XMR/USDT for another view on price discovery. That will reveal some almost stable range between 46~37 cents. For speculators very unexciting.

Back on toppic! What exactly goes on with David? Do we have some [NEWS] anywhere, or just this thread? Did "whatever happened" kicked in around 2015-08-20 ? Another day of relevance has been 2015-09-30 where "how low can it go" got tested 1st time. Identifying a "double bottom" seems risky since the only week against the long trend has been merely three bumps up, then back on downtrend again.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: ffmad on December 03, 2015, 11:14:16 AM
This just went to far. David is the victim here not the perpetrator. This is just really sad.

Who was the scammer?

All I know is what is on the post in the Monero forum namely that the scammer is in jail. (

David has been misleaded by a con man, the title of this topic is pure defamation

Also, this story has nothing to do with monero, the scammer was doing a "classic" mining / cloud mining scam (but aimed at VC / people with big pockets)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Rias on December 03, 2015, 11:27:44 AM
David has been misleaded by a con man, the title of this topic is pure defamation

Also, this story has nothing to do with monero, the scammer was doing a "classic" mining / cloud mining scam (but aimed at VC / people with big pockets)

How do you know it's about mining scam? Any prooflinks?
Also, how's mining scam against VCs/investors related to Monero at all? And why is then David apologizing so hard?

No offense to anyone here. The topic title is crazily misleading. But the way Monero supporters react to it... Very clumsy and full of logic fallacies. Spoetnik is definitely a divine level troll, but why aren't Monero guys willing to talk transparently this time?

Also, good luck to David on his path.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Jason.W on December 03, 2015, 11:40:06 AM
Admittedly he was also involved very much so with hyperstake, as I recall correctly. And mintcoin too.

Why do you hate it so much as to single it out from Mintcoin and Hyperstake?

Hope you find clarity, some day :)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: ffmad on December 03, 2015, 11:46:04 AM
David has been misleaded by a con man, the title of this topic is pure defamation

Also, this story has nothing to do with monero, the scammer was doing a "classic" mining / cloud mining scam (but aimed at VC / people with big pockets)

How do you know it's about mining scam? Any prooflinks?
Also, how's mining scam against VCs/investors related to Monero at all? And why is then David apologizing so hard?

No offense to anyone here. The topic title is crazily misleading. But the way Monero supporters react to it... Very clumsy and full of logic fallacies. Spoetnik is definitely a divine level troll, but why aren't Monero guys willing to talk transparently this time?

Also, good luck to David on his path.

The scamming company :

I know because they were openly selling that shit, through meetups, for example.
There was a video of a meetup (in french), but it has been deleted, the guy who took the video didn't want to show a scam to people.

Like I said before, it's absolutly not related to Monero. David was apologizing first to french community, because we warned him more than once that the business looked scammy.

For the monero guys defending him, I think it's normal. Those who knows and appreciate him can't let those kind of shit talk pass, as he was a main figure in monero community, you see a lot of them here.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 03, 2015, 01:00:28 PM
Nothing was cherry picked.. i ALREADY said i went to Poloniex loaded the web page and screen capped it.
I did not set it up to look that via ANY means !
IF you want the time frame adjusted do it yourself..
For the average user out there.. They too will see what i seen.
AKA: Reality

Spare me the innocent baby bullshit too guys.

A power shill and spammer is David Latapie.
And yeah that guy reminded me of a point.. i am VERY familiar with.. HypserStake.
That is yet another stain on his fine credibility boys.
How long has he sat on Polo chat boasting about XMR / HYP
What happened to both ?
Dumped into submission.. worthless + broke investors.
Spin shit all you want..

Defamed LOL
He defamed himself hahahha

PS: Monero is dead.

Monero Shill's are irritating for many reasons..
For 2 years they have littered the scene with self moderated topics.
If you see a self mod topic's probably a Monero topic LOL
And do the rest of us create those kind ? Of course not we have nothing to fear.

Self-Moderated Topics = RED FLAG

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 03, 2015, 02:03:18 PM
Oh this thread is setting new lows to say the least.

What is tried to do with David is just cruel, like kicking someone lying on the ground.

Cruel. Do I get a "lulz" gais, afterall I said the funny word?

Even if you are paid for posting against Monero, Davids person has done exactly zero to you, not to mention your person.
How about keeping personal tragedies out from the shitposting parade.

I can guarantee you David would not in a million years do something like this to you, either.

This is naive, ignorant of evidence, and intentionally deceitful
WHO did pay us to post against Monero again? The CIA? What would the incentive be?
hahahaa so pathetic
You are not innocent if you fuck with other peoples money because you're an idiot, ask the Karpele'd folks

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 03, 2015, 02:08:00 PM
i loved the chart excuses LOL
ohhh Spoetnik cherry picked a time frame that looked bad  ::)
Uhhh no..
I loaded the web page and saved the jpeg.
That is what anyone will see if they go to Poloniex..

I am really tired of dishonest Monero Shill's

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 03, 2015, 02:10:28 PM
Don't panic, there is a large buy wall support at 0.00001, right where it deserves to be
90% of all recently executed trade orders are selling

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on December 03, 2015, 08:32:18 PM
As far as I know, it was a Bitcoin mining company, and had nothing to do with Monero.

Most if not all Monero core team members and other developers are part time contributors to Monero and have other day jobs. David's happened to be as an entrepreneur involved with Bitcoin mining. That went bad, apparently due to the actions of someone else involved with that business and not David, but I don't know the details. I would take the comments of people directly involved with the French crypto community such as ffmod as being better informed than those of random crypto trolls such as Spoetnik, HCLivess, or ceti, but again, its all second hand from my perspective, so I don't really know.

I see no connection to Monero, any more than if I were involved in a coffee business that went bad.

The misleading thread title gives a very good idea of where people are coming from on this.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 03, 2015, 08:53:17 PM
As far as I know, it was a Bitcoin mining company, and had nothing to do with Monero.

Most if not all Monero core team members and other developers are part time contributors to Monero and have other day jobs. David's happened to be as an entrepreneur involved with Bitcoin mining. That went bad, apparently due to the actions of someone else involved with that business and not David, but I don't know the details. I would take the comments of people directly involved with the French crypto community such as ffmod as being better informed than those of random crypto trolls such as Spoetnik, HCLivess, or ceti, but again, its all second hand from my perspective, so I don't really know.

I see no connection to Monero, any more than if I were involved in a coffee business that went bad.

The misleading thread title gives a very good idea of where people are coming from on this.

Yes Risto, of course you know nothing. Wash your hands of it all.........

It's cute that you confuse Smooth for Risto.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 03, 2015, 09:13:23 PM
As far as I know, it was a Bitcoin mining company, and had nothing to do with Monero.

Most if not all Monero core team members and other developers are part time contributors to Monero and have other day jobs. David's happened to be as an entrepreneur involved with Bitcoin mining. That went bad, apparently due to the actions of someone else involved with that business and not David, but I don't know the details. I would take the comments of people directly involved with the French crypto community such as ffmod as being better informed than those of random crypto trolls such as Spoetnik, HCLivess, or ceti, but again, its all second hand from my perspective, so I don't really know.

I see no connection to Monero, any more than if I were involved in a coffee business that went bad.

The misleading thread title gives a very good idea of where people are coming from on this.

Yes Risto, of course you know nothing. Wash your hands of it all.........

It's cute that you confuse Smooth for Risto.

It's cute that Risto lets you off the leash to run around a bit.

I thought David's company was running Monero marketing? I wish you guys would get your delusions straight.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 02:16:18 AM
Don't panic, there is a large buy wall support at 0.00001, right where it deserves to be
90% of all recently executed trade orders are selling

Cheap coins.. NOM NOM NOM NOM

They -KNOW- they are in serious trouble which is why they called in the troops.
All hands on deck.. man your battle stations... Monero Shills unite !

IF they were ever going to accomplish something other than just another pump and dump..
It would have happened long ago.

I get people that want to flip coins for profit but some are naive and buy into various Shill Shenanigans..
This is not fair to people who believe all the hype then invest lots holding indefinably.. (long term)
Even if the whole Monero fanbase etc was honest in thinking it's the greatest eva !!111ONE
They still don't get 1 thing !

ALL coins get manipulated by rich scene players and pump groups.. leaving a trail of dead coins and victims.
The "not me" routine is grossly irresponsible of them all.
History speaks loud and clear on this guys.. and don't even bother blaming "devine level Trolls"
I don't sell access to my pump group for a fee or claim to be a millionaire investor.
Or have the name.. Kaiser or Dotcom etc.

Nope i am one of you guys that live paycheck to paycheck and want to support crypto and make a buck maybe.
BUT, i am not willing to sacrifice noobs to make that buck.. it's called Integrity you classless shameful Monero Shills.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 04, 2015, 02:34:39 AM
DARKcoin is the same category

Please explain how they are remotely in the same category? I'm curious here what exactly Monero has done to merit this accusation from you.

HYPE/FUD/SPAM from pump and dumpers not affiliated with core dev team:

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: YES

Massive intentional scam instamine?

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Change in emission curve after launch to the benefit of early adopters/instaminers?

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Developers setting up sham votes?  ( )

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Developers hyping the coin by announcing publicly they're buying on exchanges while actively selling OTC? ( )

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

I see the coward troll HCLivess runs away when asked what exactly he has against Monero... come on speak up HCLivess

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Djinou94 on December 04, 2015, 03:14:37 AM
David is a nice guy from what i know and he's too stupid to scam people, i think he's a good target for scammers

Anyway monero and dark are almost dead, zeroclash coming soon

Sell Sell!

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 04, 2015, 07:47:29 AM
David is a nice guy from what i know and he's too stupid to scam people, i think he's a good target for scammers

Anyway monero and dark are almost dead, zeroclash coming soon

Sell Sell!


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved.

Where is this confession and evidence? The only thing David confessed to was being taking by a fraudster--something you'll probably be doing when the dash-ship sinks.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 04, 2015, 07:53:29 AM
David is a nice guy from what i know and he's too stupid to scam people, i think he's a good target for scammers

Anyway monero and dark are almost dead, zeroclash coming soon

Sell Sell!


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved.

Where is this confession and evidence? The only thing David confessed to was being taking by a fraudster--something you'll probably be doing when the dash-ship sinks.

oh reallllyyyyy...................

Is that evidence?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 04, 2015, 08:10:03 AM
David is a nice guy from what i know and he's too stupid to scam people, i think he's a good target for scammers

Anyway monero and dark are almost dead, zeroclash coming soon

Sell Sell!


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved.

Where is this confession and evidence? The only thing David confessed to was being taking by a fraudster--something you'll probably be doing when the dash-ship sinks.

oh reallllyyyyy...................

Is that evidence?

of course not

My point exactly. Do you have any proof David was the cause of a fraud or are you just trying to set as many posts away from you getting called out on a lie as possible?

David is a nice guy from what i know and he's too stupid to scam people, i think he's a good target for scammers

Anyway monero and dark are almost dead, zeroclash coming soon

Sell Sell!


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved.

Where is this confession and evidence? The only thing David confessed to was being taking by a fraudster--something you'll probably be doing when the dash-ship sinks.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 04, 2015, 08:14:54 AM
David is a nice guy from what i know and he's too stupid to scam people, i think he's a good target for scammers

Anyway monero and dark are almost dead, zeroclash coming soon

Sell Sell!


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved.

Where is this confession and evidence? The only thing David confessed to was being taking by a fraudster--something you'll probably be doing when the dash-ship sinks.

oh reallllyyyyy...................

Is that evidence?

of course not

My point exactly. Do you have any proof David was the cause of a fraud or are you just trying to set as many posts away from you getting called out on a lie as possible?


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved

Wow! You just went in a circle.

Again, where is the evidence of David creating a fraud or the confession of him being fraudster. Again, the only thing he confessed to was being taken by a fraudster. So put up or shut up. Or are we gonna go in another circle?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smoothie on December 04, 2015, 08:24:11 AM
David is a nice guy from what i know and he's too stupid to scam people, i think he's a good target for scammers

Anyway monero and dark are almost dead, zeroclash coming soon

Sell Sell!


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved.

Where is this confession and evidence? The only thing David confessed to was being taking by a fraudster--something you'll probably be doing when the dash-ship sinks.

oh reallllyyyyy...................

Is that evidence?

of course not

My point exactly. Do you have any proof David was the cause of a fraud or are you just trying to set as many posts away from you getting called out on a lie as possible?


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved

Wow! You just went in a circle.

Again, where is the evidence of David creating a fraud or the confession. Again, the only thing he confessed to was being taken by a fraudster. So put up or shut up.

oh reallllyyyyy...................

Guess which one is Ceti in the top pic.  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: TaoOfSaatoshi on December 04, 2015, 08:26:12 AM
Don't panic, there is a large buy wall support at 0.00001, right where it deserves to be
90% of all recently executed trade orders are selling

Cheap coins.. NOM NOM NOM NOM

They -KNOW- they are in serious trouble which is why they called in the troops.
All hands on deck.. man your battle stations... Monero Shills unite !

IF they were ever going to accomplish something other than just another pump and dump..
It would have happened long ago.

I get people that want to flip coins for profit but some are naive and buy into various Shill Shenanigans..
This is not fair to people who believe all the hype then invest lots holding indefinably.. (long term)
Even if the whole Monero fanbase etc was honest in thinking it's the greatest eva !!111ONE
They still don't get 1 thing !

ALL coins get manipulated by rich scene players and pump groups.. leaving a trail of dead coins and victims.
The "not me" routine is grossly irresponsible of them all.
History speaks loud and clear on this guys.. and don't even bother blaming "devine level Trolls"
I don't sell access to my pump group for a fee or claim to be a millionaire investor.
Or have the name.. Kaiser or Dotcom etc.

Nope i am one of you guys that live paycheck to paycheck and want to support crypto and make a buck maybe.
BUT, i am not willing to sacrifice noobs to make that buck.. it's called Integrity you classless shameful Monero Shills.
You may be a FUDster, but right now this is my favorite post in a long time! Respect.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 04, 2015, 08:27:21 AM
David is a nice guy from what i know and he's too stupid to scam people, i think he's a good target for scammers

Anyway monero and dark are almost dead, zeroclash coming soon

Sell Sell!


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved.

Where is this confession and evidence? The only thing David confessed to was being taking by a fraudster--something you'll probably be doing when the dash-ship sinks.

oh reallllyyyyy...................

Is that evidence?

of course not

My point exactly. Do you have any proof David was the cause of a fraud or are you just trying to set as many posts away from you getting called out on a lie as possible?


David has confessed and there is plenty of evidence that shows him deeply involved

Wow! You just went in a circle.

Again, where is the evidence of David creating a fraud or the confession. Again, the only thing he confessed to was being taken by a fraudster. So put up or shut up.

oh reallllyyyyy...................

There once was a troll named ceti
who didn't have evidence ready
so when pressed about his lies
he laid down and died with his lies by his side
but not before he got off, "oh really....."

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 04, 2015, 08:36:27 AM
Admittedly he was also involved very much so with hyperstake, as I recall correctly. And mintcoin too.

Why do you hate it so much as to single it out from Mintcoin and Hyperstake?

Hope you find clarity, some day :)

HYP and MINT dont go for spam campaigns
Can you link the HYP scandal, please?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: obit33 on December 04, 2015, 09:54:10 AM
Nope i am one of you guys that live paycheck to paycheck and want to support crypto and make a buck maybe.
BUT, i am not willing to sacrifice noobs to make that buck.. it's called Integrity you classless shameful Monero Shills.

I keep proving every thing that comes out of your mouth is dog shit.. over & over.
I can do this all day buddy.. i don't have a JOB ROFL

Suck it shill ;)

lol, talking about integrity while telling lies... living from paycheck to paycheck, but no job...


best regards

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: illodin on December 04, 2015, 10:57:16 AM
Again, where is the evidence of David creating a fraud or the confession of him being fraudster.

Oh the irony.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 11:48:54 AM
Guess which one is Ceti in the top pic.  ::)

I have one of those pics somewhere.. my Aunt feeding me a bear bottle at 3 months old or something LOL

Where else would a guy show up and say what he has and apologies and be cleared off wrong doing ?
If it was not Monero all of you Shills would be assuming the worst in a heart beat.
You claim we need proof to say he's guilty ? has admitted his guilt and apologized.
For what ? go fucking ask your shill best friend of 2 years idiots LOL
You have the balls to stay silent and hide info from the public investors then say prove it ? wow some nerve !
Who wants to bet these Monero cheerleaders know more than they let on ?
Since there was 5 guys involved in the original story here.. where are they and why so quiet ?
This is a crock of shit !
The shithead bag holders lined up to say i was guilty and give me neg ratings.
For what ?
Copying and pasting what Dave said ? ..gimme a break  ::)

I encourage everyone out there to give these Monero Spammers negative ratings too.. they are deceitful frauds !
That one idiot i quoted deserves one for bumping that Speculation topic 24/7 for damn near two years..
Then playing dumb about it.. and yeah it's self-moderated too  ::)
And by the way Monero Investards™
I do recall the forum exploding and getting sick of you all telling you to STFU a year ago.
We all got sick of your spamming and scammy antics here and there was a large backlash from everyone.
You guys then claimed this place was garbage and said you're going to your own forum.
..tucking your tails between your legs and wandering off..
And here we are reading an apology from one your Shills THAT NEVER LEFT ROFL
Oh we're leaving you say.. So the Latapie guys starts a Monero Marketing company and spams us LOL
How is that leaving ?

I'd bury your stupid coin but i feel sorry for you sad sack bag holders.. your shitty coin is dead
and because of that your lashing out taking it out on the people you have been pissing off for 2 years.
Accept responsibility for your actions like a grown up brats.

Don't forget to give these spammers a negative rating guys.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 11:57:55 AM
There once was a troll named ceti
who didn't have evidence ready
so when pressed about his lies
he laid down and died with his lies by his side
but not before he got off, "oh really....."

Trolls ?
I just gave you a neg rating for it and spamming and lying etc.
You have dishonestly been defending Monero *poorly.
And if you start rapping about Spoetnik is a Troll i am gonna lose it.. pissing my pants laughing ROFL

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 12:03:45 PM
Nope i am one of you guys that live paycheck to paycheck and want to support crypto and make a buck maybe.
BUT, i am not willing to sacrifice noobs to make that buck.. it's called Integrity you classless shameful Monero Shills.

I keep proving every thing that comes out of your mouth is dog shit.. over & over.
I can do this all day buddy.. i don't have a JOB ROFL

Suck it shill ;)

lol, talking about integrity while telling lies... living from paycheck to paycheck, but no job...


best regards

I never lied in Crypto before.. prove it.
And yes i have far more integrity than any worthless human garbage Monero Shill.. and i have proven it.
And whether i work or not is none of your business.
But since you want to be a mouthy jerk about it, i will point out how i am on medical disability right now
and you just called a guy with medical problems pathetic etc.. round of applause ..classy buddy  ::)

I also will point out the only people who knew that are old school Cryptsy guys.
And based on your user name that shows me your hiding.. i never seen your name before
so how do you know something i said on Cryptsy chat 2 year ago ? exposed yourself LOL
You have too keep quiet to maintain your cover ;)

OK oops... i said i was "Not working" on the Monero Marketing topic just hours ago.. so my bad i admit it !
Sorry for jumping on you about that.. i was wrong !

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 12:06:38 PM
Again, where is the evidence of David creating a fraud or the confession of him being fraudster.

Oh the irony.

yup.. we all apologize for doing GOOD things  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: obit33 on December 04, 2015, 12:12:48 PM
Nope i am one of you guys that live paycheck to paycheck and want to support crypto and make a buck maybe.
BUT, i am not willing to sacrifice noobs to make that buck.. it's called Integrity you classless shameful Monero Shills.

I keep proving every thing that comes out of your mouth is dog shit.. over & over.
I can do this all day buddy.. i don't have a JOB ROFL

Suck it shill ;)

lol, talking about integrity while telling lies... living from paycheck to paycheck, but no job...


best regards

I never lied in Crypto before.. prove it.
And yes i have far more integrity than any worthless human garbage Monero Shill.. and i have proven it.
And whether i work or not is none of your business.
But since you want to be a mouthy jerk about it, i will point out how i am on medical disability right now
and you just called a guy with medical problems pathetic etc.. round of applause ..classy buddy  ::)

I also will point out the only people who knew that are old school Cryptsy guys.
And based on your user name that shows me your hiding.. i never seen your name before
so how do you know something i said on Cryptsy chat 2 year ago ? exposed yourself LOL
You have too keep quiet to maintain your cover ;)

what on earth are you rambling about? I read nothing on cryptsy, I just read your stupid troll posts over here and wanted to point out the inconsistency...

medical disability, I should've figured why you act like a frustrated old grumpy man all the time, nothing better to do, projecting your own silly frustrations in internet-trolling...

not that I believe anything you say anymore, you've exposed your lying nature...

suck it troll  ;)

best regards

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 12:20:30 PM
Nope i am one of you guys that live paycheck to paycheck and want to support crypto and make a buck maybe.
BUT, i am not willing to sacrifice noobs to make that buck.. it's called Integrity you classless shameful Monero Shills.

I keep proving every thing that comes out of your mouth is dog shit.. over & over.
I can do this all day buddy.. i don't have a JOB ROFL

Suck it shill ;)

lol, talking about integrity while telling lies... living from paycheck to paycheck, but no job...


best regards

I never lied in Crypto before.. prove it.
And yes i have far more integrity than any worthless human garbage Monero Shill.. and i have proven it.
And whether i work or not is none of your business.
But since you want to be a mouthy jerk about it, i will point out how i am on medical disability right now
and you just called a guy with medical problems pathetic etc.. round of applause ..classy buddy  ::)

I also will point out the only people who knew that are old school Cryptsy guys.
And based on your user name that shows me your hiding.. i never seen your name before
so how do you know something i said on Cryptsy chat 2 year ago ? exposed yourself LOL
You have too keep quiet to maintain your cover ;)

what on earth are you rambling about? I read nothing on cryptsy, I just read your stupid troll posts over here and wanted to point out the inconsistency...

medical disability, I should've figured why you act like a frustrated old grumpy man all the time, nothing better to do, projecting your own silly frustrations in internet-trolling...

not that I believe anything you say anymore, you've exposed your lying nature...

suck it troll  ;)

best regards

I added more to my post 9 minutes before you quoted me.. nice try though.. BUSTED LOL

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: superresistant on December 04, 2015, 12:30:10 PM
You guys are fucking bastards. David is the victim of a real scammer (Wadii Rashid) who is now in jail.
David lost his money, his friends, his job, his reputation (not only on the forum but in real life) and you create a hate thread against him, written in a way that you make people believe that he was the scammer.
It is exactly the same as blaming a rape victim from being raped. Sick.

Spoetnik you had people hating you and ruining your reputation but instead of learning from it, you now dedicate your time and energy into ruining others people life ? Don't you see the problem here ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: obit33 on December 04, 2015, 12:34:39 PM
Nope i am one of you guys that live paycheck to paycheck and want to support crypto and make a buck maybe.
BUT, i am not willing to sacrifice noobs to make that buck.. it's called Integrity you classless shameful Monero Shills.

I keep proving every thing that comes out of your mouth is dog shit.. over & over.
I can do this all day buddy.. i don't have a JOB ROFL

Suck it shill ;)

lol, talking about integrity while telling lies... living from paycheck to paycheck, but no job...


best regards

I never lied in Crypto before.. prove it.
And yes i have far more integrity than any worthless human garbage Monero Shill.. and i have proven it.
And whether i work or not is none of your business.
But since you want to be a mouthy jerk about it, i will point out how i am on medical disability right now
and you just called a guy with medical problems pathetic etc.. round of applause ..classy buddy  ::)

I also will point out the only people who knew that are old school Cryptsy guys.
And based on your user name that shows me your hiding.. i never seen your name before
so how do you know something i said on Cryptsy chat 2 year ago ? exposed yourself LOL
You have too keep quiet to maintain your cover ;)

what on earth are you rambling about? I read nothing on cryptsy, I just read your stupid troll posts over here and wanted to point out the inconsistency...

medical disability, I should've figured why you act like a frustrated old grumpy man all the time, nothing better to do, projecting your own silly frustrations in internet-trolling...

not that I believe anything you say anymore, you've exposed your lying nature...

suck it troll  ;)

best regards

I added more to my post 9 minutes before you quoted me.. nice try though.. BUSTED LOL

wow, one sick delusional puppy you are... don't even get where you're aiming at... you're in a league of your own I guess

best of luck man, you obviously need it

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 12:43:30 PM

You guys are fucking bastards. David is the victim of a real scammer (Wadii Rashid) who is now in jail.
David lost his money, his friends, his job, his reputation (not only on the forum but in real life) and you create a hate thread against him, written in a way that you make people believe that he was the scammer.
It is exactly the same as blaming a rape victim from being raped. Sick.

Spoetnik you had people hating you and ruining your reputation but instead of learning from it, you now dedicate your time and energy into ruining others people life ? Don't you see the problem here ?

Learn to read and stop twisting shit around to suit you.

Dave posted an apology with police involvement with talk of a Monero marketing company.
ALL i did was post what he said.
All the rest of that moronic bullshit you accuse me of is pure lies.

back up your mouth or stfu..

PS: Innocent people don't apologize.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Vod on December 04, 2015, 12:53:44 PM
But since you want to be a mouthy jerk about it, i will point out how i am on medical disability right now

Most people in Kelowna are on social assistance - paid for by the hard working folks in the oilpatch in Alberta.

That's why Kelowna is considered trailer trash to the rest of Canada.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: onemorexmr on December 04, 2015, 12:54:36 PM

You guys are fucking bastards. David is the victim of a real scammer (Wadii Rashid) who is now in jail.
David lost his money, his friends, his job, his reputation (not only on the forum but in real life) and you create a hate thread against him, written in a way that you make people believe that he was the scammer.
It is exactly the same as blaming a rape victim from being raped. Sick.

Spoetnik you had people hating you and ruining your reputation but instead of learning from it, you now dedicate your time and energy into ruining others people life ? Don't you see the problem here ?

Learn to read and stop twisting shit around to suit you.

Dave posted an apology with police involvement with talk of a Monero marketing company.
ALL i did was post what he said.
All the rest of that moronic bullshit you accuse me of is pure lies.

back up your mouth or stfu..

PS: Innocent people don't apologize.

you did not only post what he said. you also said that he is a fraud and a shill.
(btw he is no shill as he never hid is relationship to monero - a shill is somebody who wants you to think he is not related)

and of course do innocent people apologize when they do something which harms others - even if it is not their fault... if i where david i'd apologize also because he made a bad judgement about his partners. this can happen...

btw: best wishes and good luck david - i hope it ends well ;-)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: onemorexmr on December 04, 2015, 01:48:03 PM

you did not only post what he said. you also said that he is a fraud and a shill.
(btw he is no shill as he never hid is relationship to monero - a shill is somebody who wants you to think he is not related) ...

    noun: shill; plural noun: shills
        1. <not related etc.>
        2. a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

Works for me.

i checked wikipedia (because my english sucks anyway) which said (
A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.

a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc.
a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

not sure.... so by your definition anybody working in marketing is a shill? then its not a bad word at all...just a job description... i thought shilling includes to deceive someone?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 04, 2015, 01:53:16 PM

You guys are fucking bastards. David is the victim of a real scammer (Wadii Rashid) who is now in jail.
David lost his money, his friends, his job, his reputation (not only on the forum but in real life) and you create a hate thread against him, written in a way that you make people believe that he was the scammer.
It is exactly the same as blaming a rape victim from being raped by Hitler. Sick.
FTFY because absolutely nothing like blaming the rape victim.
Outside man *always* claims to be the victim of the con he's roping for. De facto exit strategy.
Spoetnik you had people hating you and ruining your reputation ...
Actually gave me new hope for this place. He seems pretty effective at what he does :-\
you did not only post what he said. you also said that he is a fraud and a shill.
(btw he is no shill as he never hid is relationship to monero - a shill is somebody who wants you to think he is not related) ...

    noun: shill; plural noun: shills
        1. <not related etc.>
        2. a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

Works for me.

Why does bonemeal's post read exactly like a spoetnik post? Copycat or hypocrite? Either's possible as spoetnik contradicts himself a lot and impersonating a dick is pretty low hanging fruit (even for a noob).

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 02:40:49 PM
read the first post.


read the replies i got..


Understand the context in which i said things.

These stupid little pricks are making it sound the whole time i posted this topic
with the fiorst comment bashing David Latapie.. THAT is pure bullshit !

Lauda and VOD STFU your idiots period .

Following me around trolling ? ya mature brats..

Tired of you said sack fag coin bag holders lying and trolling.. get off my topic !
..or stop lying and trolling.

Lauda and VOD once more and i am reporting you two for trolling.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 02:45:51 PM
Polonibox - Spoetnik - 2015-11-28

all the David Latapies are hiding under their bed's hahahh

Monero Forums - David Latapie - 2015-11-30

Dear Moneroers,

There have been rumours about me. My silence was suspicious and there was even talks of criminal accusations in France.

Time to clear this up.

Months ago, I decided to go one step further in my involvement with Monero and to start a company to promoteIt (as well as the whole blockchain technology). It happened I made a terrible choice when it came to choose my partners. One of them, a very good smooth-talker, was a crook who managed to swindle us all (four other partners). We since discovered he was doing this for ten years. The French police eventually catched him and last thing I heard, he was in jail.

I deeply involved myself into this project, because it really meant a lot for me. This was not only about earning money, it was the culmination of years of sweating, not only in the society but also inside, in my head. So when everything crumbled, I was devastated.

I'm slowly recovering. It will take time, don't expect to see me much active in the following months on Monero (I do have a great project in the works, where Monero plays a part - I won't go into more details until I have something to show, though). I have to put a lot of things in order. The good news is that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I'm still the David Latapie you know. Weakened, but the same. So whatever you may have believed about me several months ago still holds true.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

NEW info below (a 2nd comment from Dave Latapie);u=81999;sa=showPosts
Thanks to user = ceti for the info.

Colleagues of crypto,

For years I hesitate to get into entrepreneurship. Many of my friends tell me that I am made for that (it or consulting), and I still hesitate long.

Just a few months (March 2015), when I was in a bad psychological passes (end of employment contract), I was seduced by a "contractor bitcoin" Wadii Rashid alias Rayane. Ignoring the advice of many of you, I persevered with that person, telling me that I have to stop giving up just before the finish line, do not stop at the first hesitation, think for me -even and not by others, etc.

I was wrong.

The so-called contractor was not one (it even has a rack very, very heavy, I recently discovered), knowledge in Bitcoin and were not its sole competence is very, very to talk ... (and defraud, but that it is not very good in it, fortunately for me).

Today, my situation is more precarious than seven months before. However, despite the daily hell (sect type) that I lived for several months and despite the many physical challenges that I should face the coming months, I draw positive lessons.
First to last! listen to my intuition ("when in doubt, there is no doubt")
Then finally, I have entrepreneurial skills (I could compare myself to various real entrepreneurs and assess my level).
Last but that yes, entrepreneurship is something that fits me (then do financially, I'll be able to afford me, it remains to be seen). I gained a lot of confidence in myself and so humanly, the balance is positive. If it again, I would do it-so far? I do not think, even knowing the reward behind (self-confidence, coughed).

These preliminaries, however, are only one way to bring the subject. This is because today I have the confidence in myself that I find the courage to appear before you, sisters and brothers of cryptomonnaies.

MEA culpa. I have a certain reputation in the community and by engaging me in this stupid adventure, I somehow tainted the community and especially the trust you have placed in me.

MEA culpa. I unintentionally hurt people; which shows how much I was enlisted. To these people, I wish to express my deepest, my sincere regrets. Some, I've been on the phone or face-October 6 in the Sof's Bar. Further, I have yet to join. I repeat here: I'm sorry, sincerely sorry. I will do my best to catch this error.

MEA culpa. All my life I had as credo of staying right in my boots, not to lie, to assume my choices, even when they cost me - and I did, including crypto, where I lost money on a sale where I knew I would lose but I still honored when I could do nothing, because I had given my word.
This time, I failed. I have not lied, never, but I did not say sometimes the back of my mind. For fear (psychological domination), for shame, for something else? I do not know but the result is there: when you are not in agreement with your values, you paid. One of my associates who made him also have (as was the crook are childhood friend!), Suffers at present the consequences on his health. I luckily managed to preserve this - I hope.

Mea maxima culpa. Great power entails great responsibility and I have not acted up to what people expect of me. Being sorry is not enough; it is in my future actions and not my words that you can judge whether my amends worth something.

I consider you a family here, cryptomonnaies. And we do not do that to his family. Although it's only been two years that I am, I have found here a warmth, intelligence and friendship are precious. Believe me when I tell you that the simple fact of isolation was very painful for you.

They say they are the mistakes that advance. I confirm I have progressed. I have only one thing to say in my defense: everything I did, I did it with good intentions. While the paths of hell are paved; let us hope that tomorrow other mine pave roads.

With all my heart,
David Latapie

SINCE you guys clearly can NOT read.. i quote just for you ;)

PS: innocent people do NOT apologize.

Further more if even one of you have something even vaguely useful to contribute to the conversation here
then by all means post it and will add it to the first post.

Until then go back to crying FUD and pretending you KNOW things..
When all we have is what i quoted.

Ever heard of shooting the messenger ?
The second i posted this you all dived on me giving me neg ratings !

Have personal problems with me ? well rather than following me around trolling see shrink about it.
Seems to me YOU ALL are far too interested in flaming than knowing how he fucked you all over.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Vod on December 04, 2015, 03:57:44 PM
Spoetnik lives on an Indian reservation off social assistance.  He has no clue how the real world works.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Vod on December 04, 2015, 04:23:31 PM
Spoetnik lives on an Indian reservation off social assistance.  He has no clue how the real world works.

Well, you both live in Canada, why split hairs?

Because I work, and my taxes go to supporting his lazy ass.

Provincial transfer payments have all the money going from rich Alberta to lazy BC.  Then this bum has the nerve to call Alberta trailer trash.  Without us, he'd be homeless and begging on the street.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: ArticMine on December 04, 2015, 05:10:01 PM
Spoetnik lives on an Indian reservation off social assistance.  He has no clue how the real world works.

Well, you both live in Canada, why split hairs?

Because I work, and my taxes go to supporting his lazy ass.

Provincial transfer payments have all the money going from rich Alberta to lazy BC.  Then this bum has the nerve to call Alberta trailer trash.  Without us, he'd be homeless and begging on the street.

Thanks for reminding me to make my income tax instalment payment to the Canada Revenue Agency before December 15th deadline. Ever since I got involved with crypto currencies I find myself paying ever increasing amounts in tax to the CRA. By the way I live in BC so no need for provincial transfer payments.

By the way I have no problem if my taxes resulting from gains from the sale of Monero end up paying for Spoetnik's social assistance cheque. Canada is a great country to live in.  

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Nxtblg on December 04, 2015, 06:01:16 PM
But since you want to be a mouthy jerk about it, i will point out how i am on medical disability right now

Most people in Kelowna are on social assistance - paid for by the hard working folks in the oilpatch in Alberta.

That's why Kelowna is considered trailer trash to the rest of Canada.

Wow...what brought you down to the altcoin ghetto?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on December 04, 2015, 08:17:59 PM
David did run a company to promote Monero

Not that I'm aware of no. He said he decided to start a company to help promote Monero, but I'm not aware of any such promotion actually happening by such a company.

PS: innocent people do NOT apologize.

Since you are some sort of sociopath or maybe just stupid, you wouldn't understand this, but innocent people do apologize when they make mistakes and people end up getting hurt as a result. Making mistakes does not make someone guilty, it makes them human.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 04, 2015, 08:24:01 PM
There are questions to be asked and answered.

David did run a company to promote Monero, he and Risto make up marketing and public relations for Monero and Monero is well known to use aggressive trolling, dirty tricks and guerilla marketing against any coin who they perceive is a competitor.

While they do a terrible job at it and their efforts are backfiring all over the place, it is organised, planned and executed by the above names plus other core members.

People can bitch all they want, but David is the one that posted about his guilt and the Monero core are starting reap what they have sowed.

I'll stand by for the attack dogs to come out and wait in fear of PM threats.

Please, the only reason you hate anyone from monero is that they expose your shit coin's instamine and other failures on a regular basis, so save the boyscout routine. You still have yet to provide evidence that David is guilty of fraud and not just the victim of fraud as stated in his "confession". But why let facts get in the way of a FUD campaign--

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 04, 2015, 08:26:13 PM
Poor ceti, he lost SO MUCH MONEY from believing the lies and buying Darkcoin above 0.02 BTC :(

Now, he needs to find someone to blame for his losses.. and he decided Monero must be held responsible. You have no one else to blame but yourself ceti. Do a little research next time before buying into an instamine scam coin like DarkDASHcoin

DARKcoin is the same category

Please explain how they are remotely in the same category? I'm curious here what exactly Monero has done to merit this accusation from you.

HYPE/FUD/SPAM from pump and dumpers not affiliated with core dev team:

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: YES

Massive intentional scam instamine?

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Change in emission curve after launch to the benefit of early adopters/instaminers?

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Developers setting up sham votes?  ( )

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Developers hyping the coin by announcing publicly they're buying on exchanges while actively selling OTC? ( )

Darkcoin: YES
Monero: NO

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 08:52:18 PM
Spoetnik lives on an Indian reservation off social assistance.  He has no clue how the real world works.

Well, you both live in Canada, why split hairs?

Because I work, and my taxes go to supporting his lazy ass.

Provincial transfer payments have all the money going from rich Alberta to lazy BC.  Then this bum has the nerve to call Alberta trailer trash.  Without us, he'd be homeless and begging on the street.

Wow Off-Topic Troll much ?
How old are You ? wait.. i already know.. you're 38 and live in Alberta and are jealous you don't live in K-Town !
Alberta guys are always jealous of BC guys.. we be the ballers and Alberta guys are trailer trash.

Want to poke and prod me for more personal info ? hmmm i am debating on whether to hand it to you ;)
You see VOD............. I am in charge
NOT you "chief"

And you know what ?
I DO in fact feel like sharing some private info.. even though some douche here think she's tricking me into revealing it.  ::)

NO i have never lived on an indian reserve in my life.. and my taxes have been paid in full for as long as i can remember.

So VOD..
Care to explain to everyone why you would pull bold face lies out of your ass to try and Troll me with me insults ?
Was it just an attempt at self-doxxig or what ?

Since i owned your cocky ass and laid you out full knock out here when you came at me last with your idiotic bullshit.
All you did was switch to another attack after you picked up yourself and had an other charge at me
and once again i laid you out on your ass icecold.. another KO.

Should we scroll back and review your unending personal attacks and accusations on me 1 by 1 ?
And then see my response ?

I love it though because you are destroying what you had left for a reputation here by making an ass out of yourself.
Keep it up.. LOL

Nope.. This topic is not about Indian reserves or who has their taxes paid.
Believe it or not this topic is about Monero.
You know the comment i quoted last (the first post)
Funny how you accused me of lying etc then when i quoted my first post with highlights
you then changed topics called me a tax evading wagon burner ROFL

I will save you the oh so clever tactic and just tell you ahead of time since you seem sooo damn curious about my personal affairs..
I am white VOD ;)
I take it that was your round about way of trying to provoke info from me LOL
But unlike you i am not a middle aged bald guy.. i look like a greek god  8)

PS: i am older than you by 2 years son !


Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on December 04, 2015, 08:56:23 PM
David did run a company to promote Monero

Not that I'm aware of no. He said he decided to start a company to help promote Monero, but I'm not aware of any such promotion actually happening by such a company.

PS: innocent people do NOT apologize.

Since you are some sort of sociopath or maybe just stupid, you wouldn't understand this but innocent people do apologize when they make mistakes and people end up getting hurt as a result. Making mistakes does not make someone guilty, it makes them human.

Thanks for your updates Risto, looks like we are coming to the end game now.

Indeed, your game has become such a joke to all rational observers, that I doubt you will continue it.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2015, 09:00:35 PM
There are questions to be asked and answered.

David did run a company to promote Monero, he and Risto make up marketing and public relations for Monero and Monero is well known to use aggressive trolling, dirty tricks and guerilla marketing against any coin who they perceive is a competitor.

While they do a terrible job at it and their efforts are backfiring all over the place, it is organised, planned and executed by the above names plus other core members.

People can bitch all they want, but David is the one that posted about his guilt and the Monero core are starting reap what they have sowed.

I'll stand by for the attack dogs to come out and wait in fear of PM threats.

Well said and i agree you speak the truth.
I have watched this unfold for a long looong time just as you said.
My sentiments exactly just in a far shorter form (no long winded Spoetnik rant) hahhaha

We were all handed a pile of tantalizing info to tease us all and i would like to hear the whole story !
I am really not too concerned with who is or isn't guilty.. i simply found what i posted originally very interesting.
And i thought others would too !


Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 04, 2015, 11:16:38 PM
There are questions to be asked and answered.

David did run a company to promote Monero, he and Risto make up marketing and public relations for Monero and Monero is well known to use aggressive trolling, dirty tricks and guerilla marketing against any coin who they perceive is a competitor.

While they do a terrible job at it and their efforts are backfiring all over the place, it is organised, planned and executed by the above names plus other core members.

People can bitch all they want, but David is the one that posted about his guilt and the Monero core are starting reap what they have sowed.

I'll stand by for the attack dogs to come out and wait in fear of PM threats.

Well said and i agree you speak the truth.
I have watched this unfold for a long looong time just as you said.
My sentiments exactly just in a far shorter form (no long winded Spoetnik rant) hahhaha

We were all handed a pile of tantalizing info to tease us all and i would like to hear the whole story !
I am really not too concerned with who is or isn't guilty.. i simply found what i posted originally very interesting.
And i thought others would too !


Why the fuck do you only have a problem with Monero? Why don't i see you on any of the DarkDASHcoin scam threads - the biggest scam in Crypto but no you just ignore it.  

You being paid bro? No? Then eat a big bag of dicks you fuckin hypocrite!

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 05, 2015, 12:53:40 AM
Dash supporters have never had to be told to reel it in..
I have not had to tolerate those guys spamming every end of Crypto for 1.7 years.
Frankly i am not as concerned with which ones are scammy.
When you all make+support 7,000 coins it's tough to care anymore.
I am the official Crypto cop ? If i don't chase all scam's i am a hypocrite ?
If you see what i said.. 7k coins.
I have ALWAYS sat back and waited for them to crawl their way out of their ANN section.
I let them come to me.. not the other way around.
As a matter of fact it's about -us- ..not me.
We are waiting.
Rather than organizing a group to chase ANN topics.
We all just do our own thing and see who needs dealt with as things play out.

I can't believe all Monero Shill's have not been banned for spamming trolling etc.
They have done so much for so long it's simply ridiculous.

I tried 1 year ago to tell them their spamming marketing shenanigans will simply piss people off.
And they all countless times said any attention is good attention.. and thanked us that complained.
Hypocrites ?
Want me to show you every Monero shill here saying that and how they are here whining being a hypocrite ?
All they ever do is spout stupid crap.. endlessly.

Latapie is an idiot.. and i told him and his coder he paid to make HYP too.
The same group of douches ripped off TruckCoin and then converted into a super high stake "experiment" coin.
playing dumb but knowing it would ultimately collapse.. while they bragged on Polo chat about how much they made.
Saying the price would not go down etc.. i feel sorry for people who believe all those lies.. they are broke no doubt.

And Poloniex for providing them the official Monero / HYP spam box too !
Poloniex just sits there and lets these guys sucker people and bans anyone that criticizes them.
I don't have much respect for that exchange it's run by sleazy morons..
Last night i was being lied to by a mod and he had to be told who BitJohn was LOL he give me a history lesson on Crypto ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 05, 2015, 01:07:56 AM

Well well.. He trolls me and goes on about Taxes and indians claiming i lied but refuses to prove it among other things..
then he leaves me neg ratings so i left him some for Trolling and what do i see ?
It's magically gone LOL

I will make sure you keep that negative rating VOD.. you earned it.
how many reasons do you want ?
Your ass is gonna get scalped ;)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 05, 2015, 02:52:28 AM
Topic will be re-opened once David Latapie or others provide us some more info.
Re-Opened for business.. CETI might have something to add ? ;)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: bigfryguy on December 05, 2015, 11:21:03 PM
Spoetnik lives on an Indian reservation off social assistance.  He has no clue how the real world works.

Well, you both live in Canada, why split hairs?

Because I work, and my taxes go to supporting his lazy ass.

Provincial transfer payments have all the money going from rich Alberta to lazy BC.  Then this bum has the nerve to call Alberta trailer trash.  Without us, he'd be homeless and begging on the street.

wow, what a douchebag you are...   funny thing is most albertans i know used to work for higher wages for less skilled jobs than us BC boys while having lower costs of living due to oil subsidizing your job growth.   since that has dried up, at least half of you so called super hard working oil hunters have been running on EI for almost a year now.  

calling the rest of canada(or maybe just BC) lazy is the stupidest shit I have ever heard.  have fun trying to find a job in a year or two when the trickled down money of oil past has all dried up.  PLEASE DONT COME OVER THE ROCKIES.

oh and btw you are totally wrong on the transfer payments between provinces, BC and alberta residents are exactly equal
so before you go proving that all albertans are trailer trash, please go and do some research.

sorry spoetnik for being off topic but this guy is a retarded.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 12:09:02 AM
Dash supporters have never had to be told to reel it in..
I have not had to tolerate those guys spamming every end of Crypto for 1.7 years.
Frankly i am not as concerned with which ones are scammy.

Oh really?  ::)

Looks like there are just as many if not more DASH spam topics in Altcoin Discussion... here's a sample:

[DASH] Dash Price and Trade Discussion Thread

Article of comparison between DashX and VNL zerotime

Dash Codename Evolution

Is Dash a better alternative to Bitcoin?

How Does Dash Crypto-Currency Solve Many of Bitcoin's Problems?

Dash Biweekly Digest – 28th October, 2015

Why Dash is not a scam, but a scheme  

Dash is Digital Cash -- The Most Innovative Crypto-Currency

Dash's Masternodes, what are they ? how many are there ? why should i care?

So where the fuck is Spoetnik telling them to reel it in? I'll tell you where.. he's sitting on his hypocrite ass fanning his hypocrite balls in his mom's hypocrite basement

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: noobtrader on December 06, 2015, 03:13:46 AM
Dash supporters have never had to be told to reel it in..
I have not had to tolerate those guys spamming every end of Crypto for 1.7 years.
Frankly i am not as concerned with which ones are scammy.

Oh really?  ::)

Looks like there are just as many if not more DASH spam topics in Altcoin Discussion... here's a sample:

[DASH] Dash Price and Trade Discussion Thread ->

Article of comparison between DashX and VNL zerotime ->

Dash Codename Evolution ->

Is Dash a better alternative to Bitcoin? ->

How Does Dash Crypto-Currency Solve Many of Bitcoin's Problems? ->

Dash Biweekly Digest – 28th October, 2015 ->

Why Dash is not a scam, but a scheme  ->

Dash is Digital Cash -- The Most Innovative Crypto-Currency ->

Dash's Masternodes, what are they ? how many are there ? why should i care? ->

So where the fuck is Spoetnik telling them to reel it in? I'll tell you where.. he's sitting on his hypocrite ass fanning his hypocrite balls in his mom's hypocrite basement

is this thread about Dash ???  or David Latapie ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: slapper on December 06, 2015, 03:59:34 AM
Wait Latapie protocol is broken in Monero? So now no privacy ? ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 06, 2015, 05:15:52 AM
Wait Latapie protocol is broken in Monero? So now no privacy ? ??? ??? ???

Yup and apparently the inept Dash supporters caused this colossal failure with their chatter about Dash.
And in other News Monero is at an all time high.. never been doing better.
Dave has had nothing to do with Monero.. even though he said he did.

Well i made this topic and i have commented the most.
I have said 20 times i don't give a shit about Dash either way except..
that they never spammed on the same level as Monero.
I have even criticized Dash on a few occasions and had a few joking jabs at them too LOL
I had posted a couple times "Dash will turn your cash to Ash" ROFL

But hey bring on the Monero Brigade.. you guys are doing wonderfully at your "Marketing"  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 01:32:02 PM
Dash supporters have never had to be told to reel it in..
I have not had to tolerate those guys spamming every end of Crypto for 1.7 years.
Frankly i am not as concerned with which ones are scammy.

Oh really?  ::)

Looks like there are just as many if not more DASH spam topics in Altcoin Discussion... here's a sample:

[DASH] Dash Price and Trade Discussion Thread ->

Article of comparison between DashX and VNL zerotime ->

Dash Codename Evolution ->

Is Dash a better alternative to Bitcoin? ->

How Does Dash Crypto-Currency Solve Many of Bitcoin's Problems? ->

Dash Biweekly Digest – 28th October, 2015 ->

Why Dash is not a scam, but a scheme  ->

Dash is Digital Cash -- The Most Innovative Crypto-Currency ->

Dash's Masternodes, what are they ? how many are there ? why should i care? ->

So where the fuck is Spoetnik telling them to reel it in? I'll tell you where.. he's sitting on his hypocrite ass fanning his hypocrite balls in his mom's hypocrite basement

is this thread about Dash ???  or David Latapie ?

This thread is about the hypocrisy of attacking one coin relentlessly, along with anyone involved in it, for supposed spam (something the core devs have NO control over) and leaving a coin thats a million times scammier (and just as spammy) alone to continue their scam agenda at the expense of a community Spoetnik claims to give a SHIT about.

Don't be crying about "off-topic  :-[" just because an objective view makes your coin look like the complete garbage that it is.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Crestington on December 06, 2015, 02:18:05 PM
lol, Spoetnik is a FUD artist, I can't believe so many people got trolled by a topic title.


Grow some balls.

He's right though about the Monero marketing tactics, it's annoying to see the forum constantly bombarded by spam threads and spending all your time bashing Dash. Do I care about Monero? no. Do I care about Dash, no. I do find it offensive that a community will spend all it's time trying to bash another project rather than focusing on improving itself (regardless of Dash instamine etc.).

There is no strength in elevating ones self by the degradation of others.

On topic: I hope David ends up recovering financially and wish the best for him, he seems like a nice guy and hope to see an update with some more details.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 02:23:25 PM
lol, Spoetnik is a FUD artist, I can't believe so many people got trolled by a topic title.


Grow some balls.

He's right though about the Monero marketing tactics, it's annoying to see the forum constantly bombarded by spam threads and spending all your time bashing Dash. Do I care about Monero? no. Do I care about Dash, no. I do find it offensive that a community will spend all it's time trying to bash another project rather than focusing on improving itself (regardless of Dash instamine etc.).

There is no strength in elevating ones self by the degradation of others.

On topic: I hope David ends up recovering financially and wish the best for him, he seems like a nice guy and hope to see an update with some more details.

It goes both ways. DASH has been busted faking PMs from Satoshi Nakamoto and posting on the forum as Andreas A. pretending to be an XMR supporter.

I really don't understand the bias against Monero for marketing spam, something the devs have no control over (and again, that goes both ways). it must just be fashionable to attack monero

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Crestington on December 06, 2015, 03:09:51 PM
lol, Spoetnik is a FUD artist, I can't believe so many people got trolled by a topic title.


Grow some balls.

He's right though about the Monero marketing tactics, it's annoying to see the forum constantly bombarded by spam threads and spending all your time bashing Dash. Do I care about Monero? no. Do I care about Dash, no. I do find it offensive that a community will spend all it's time trying to bash another project rather than focusing on improving itself (regardless of Dash instamine etc.).

There is no strength in elevating ones self by the degradation of others.

On topic: I hope David ends up recovering financially and wish the best for him, he seems like a nice guy and hope to see an update with some more details.

It goes both ways. DASH has been busted faking PMs from Satoshi Nakamoto and posting on the forum as Andreas A. pretending to be an XMR supporter.

I really don't understand the bias against Monero for marketing spam, something the devs have no control over (and again, that goes both ways). it must just be fashionable to attack monero

Dev's can ask people not to make a million threads and bump them all, can also not engage in trolling but keep the relevant stuff in the scam accusation section instead of bringing it into every topic. You like Monero, that's great but from the outside looking in, I see a group of people attacking anyone that has anything negative to say. It's probably only a handful but it's enough to notice and judge the entire community by.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 03:14:44 PM
lol, Spoetnik is a FUD artist, I can't believe so many people got trolled by a topic title.


Grow some balls.

He's right though about the Monero marketing tactics, it's annoying to see the forum constantly bombarded by spam threads and spending all your time bashing Dash. Do I care about Monero? no. Do I care about Dash, no. I do find it offensive that a community will spend all it's time trying to bash another project rather than focusing on improving itself (regardless of Dash instamine etc.).

There is no strength in elevating ones self by the degradation of others.

On topic: I hope David ends up recovering financially and wish the best for him, he seems like a nice guy and hope to see an update with some more details.

It goes both ways. DASH has been busted faking PMs from Satoshi Nakamoto and posting on the forum as Andreas A. pretending to be an XMR supporter.

I really don't understand the bias against Monero for marketing spam, something the devs have no control over (and again, that goes both ways). it must just be fashionable to attack monero

Dev's can ask people not to make a million threads and bump them all, can also not engage in trolling but keep the relevant stuff in the scam accusation section instead of bringing it into every topic. You like Monero, that's great but from the outside looking in, I see a group of people attacking anyone that has anything negative to say. It's probably only a handful but it's enough to notice and judge the entire community by.

If a handful of individuals is enough for you to judge an entire community, that's on you. You also need to keep in mind that a lot of the trolling and posts are reverse trolls whose only purpose is to make a coin look bad by using false flags. So in your case and i'm sure in many others, they've succeeded in their objective

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: illodin on December 06, 2015, 04:58:27 PM
lol, Spoetnik is a FUD artist, I can't believe so many people got trolled by a topic title.


Grow some balls.

He's right though about the Monero marketing tactics, it's annoying to see the forum constantly bombarded by spam threads and spending all your time bashing Dash. Do I care about Monero? no. Do I care about Dash, no. I do find it offensive that a community will spend all it's time trying to bash another project rather than focusing on improving itself (regardless of Dash instamine etc.).

There is no strength in elevating ones self by the degradation of others.

On topic: I hope David ends up recovering financially and wish the best for him, he seems like a nice guy and hope to see an update with some more details.

It goes both ways. DASH has been busted faking PMs from Satoshi Nakamoto and posting on the forum as Andreas A. pretending to be an XMR supporter.

I really don't understand the bias against Monero for marketing spam, something the devs have no control over (and again, that goes both ways). it must just be fashionable to attack monero

You're wrong as usual.

Satoshi PM was clearly a joke, and not even you can pretend to be dumb enough to not understand that, and yet you do which is telling lol.

And here is the Monero Marketing Team impersonating an authority to drive its agenda:

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: catotune on December 06, 2015, 05:02:22 PM
Dash supporters have never had to be told to reel it in..
I have not had to tolerate those guys spamming every end of Crypto for 1.7 years.
Frankly i am not as concerned with which ones are scammy.

Oh really?  ::)

Looks like there are just as many if not more DASH spam topics in Altcoin Discussion... here's a sample:

[DASH] Dash Price and Trade Discussion Thread ->

Article of comparison between DashX and VNL zerotime ->

Dash Codename Evolution ->

Is Dash a better alternative to Bitcoin? ->

How Does Dash Crypto-Currency Solve Many of Bitcoin's Problems? ->

Dash Biweekly Digest – 28th October, 2015 ->

Why Dash is not a scam, but a scheme  ->

Dash is Digital Cash -- The Most Innovative Crypto-Currency ->

Dash's Masternodes, what are they ? how many are there ? why should i care? ->

So where the fuck is Spoetnik telling them to reel it in? I'll tell you where.. he's sitting on his hypocrite ass fanning his hypocrite balls in his mom's hypocrite basement

All of those links point to the same URL:

Come on man, if you want to argue that Dash supporters are such spammers, at least come up with a couple of actual examples.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 05:18:57 PM
lol, Spoetnik is a FUD artist, I can't believe so many people got trolled by a topic title.


Grow some balls.

He's right though about the Monero marketing tactics, it's annoying to see the forum constantly bombarded by spam threads and spending all your time bashing Dash. Do I care about Monero? no. Do I care about Dash, no. I do find it offensive that a community will spend all it's time trying to bash another project rather than focusing on improving itself (regardless of Dash instamine etc.).

There is no strength in elevating ones self by the degradation of others.

On topic: I hope David ends up recovering financially and wish the best for him, he seems like a nice guy and hope to see an update with some more details.

It goes both ways. DASH has been busted faking PMs from Satoshi Nakamoto and posting on the forum as Andreas A. pretending to be an XMR supporter.

I really don't understand the bias against Monero for marketing spam, something the devs have no control over (and again, that goes both ways). it must just be fashionable to attack monero

You're wrong as usual.

Satoshi PM was clearly a joke, and not even you can pretend to be dumb enough to not understand that, and yet you do which is telling lol.

And here is the Monero Marketing Team impersonating an authority to drive its agenda:

CLearly a joke LOL - pure bullshit from illospin as usual. Convenient how it becomes a "joke" once he was called out on his lies. It wasn't a joke illospin

YEah, there's the false flag from the Dash community pretending to be a monero supporter. Was it you?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 05:21:46 PM

All of those links point to the same URL:

Come on man, if you want to argue that Dash supporters are such spammers, at least come up with a couple of actual examples.

The threads exist, but after initially posting i changed them to link to Trashcan since i'd rather avoid linking to the actual scam threads. A trivial amount of research will bring you to the threads.. just copy the thread names i posted into google. This is actually preferable, it will show you just how many other forums they've spammed with the same threads

I've removed the links on my initial post

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: illodin on December 06, 2015, 05:25:57 PM
CLearly a joke LOL - pure bullshit from illospin as usual. Convenient how it becomes a "joke" once he was called out on his lies. It wasn't a joke illospin

Yes, clearly a joke. No matter how much you're trying to spin it everyone knows it.

YEah, there's the false flag from the Dash community pretending to be a monero supporter. Was it you?

Get caught => claim you were framed. FAIL

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 05:27:35 PM
CLearly a joke LOL - pure bullshit from illospin as usual. Convenient how it becomes a "joke" once he was called out on his lies. It wasn't a joke illospin

Yes, clearly a joke. No matter how much you're trying to spin it everyone knows it.

YEah, there's the false flag from the Dash community pretending to be a monero supporter. Was it you?

Get caught => claim you were framed. FAIL

You're a failure illospin. No matter how much you keep spinning and spinning. Everyone knows it wasn't a joke, and everyone knows the Dashtards tried to frame XMR with that stunt.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: illodin on December 06, 2015, 05:30:53 PM
CLearly a joke LOL - pure bullshit from illospin as usual. Convenient how it becomes a "joke" once he was called out on his lies. It wasn't a joke illospin

Yes, clearly a joke. No matter how much you're trying to spin it everyone knows it.

YEah, there's the false flag from the Dash community pretending to be a monero supporter. Was it you?

Get caught => claim you were framed. FAIL

You're a failure illospin. No matter how much you keep spinning and spinning. Everyone knows it wasn't a joke, and everyone knows the Dashtards tried to frame XMR with that stunt.

Do you keep telling that to yourself when you're crying yourself to sleep every night?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: noobtrader on December 06, 2015, 05:31:54 PM
CLearly a joke LOL - pure bullshit from illospin as usual. Convenient how it becomes a "joke" once he was called out on his lies. It wasn't a joke illospin

Yes, clearly a joke. No matter how much you're trying to spin it everyone knows it.

YEah, there's the false flag from the Dash community pretending to be a monero supporter. Was it you?

Get caught => claim you were framed. FAIL

LOOL  :D :D :D ;D

no wonder Andreas so pissed off...

moronero is so full of fudder, troll and liar... with such ethic how come anyone trust them, and invest in their coin?

fake AndreasAntonopoulos wrote:
Good to hear your 'voice' again Charlie!

Fungibility is not a luxury, it's a necessity. I've been following Monero for some time now and I like what I'm seeing. The Bitcoin protocol has more potential as programmable money if it co-exists with another public ledger that is private and opaque on the protocol level. The best version of digital cash I've seen to date is Monero. Bitcoin on its own will never be anonymous, so never fully fungible.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 06, 2015, 05:43:29 PM
225 = Dash related comments deleted
17 = Monero related comments deleted

Seems to me we have a Gorilla Marketing Campaign Team attacking Dash.
And in the process of defending their Monero shit-coin they have created a LOT of work for mod's here.

crystal clear proof all these Monero shills have side stepped.
It's the Monero idiots who are making all the work for staff here /case closed

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 05:57:43 PM
225 = Dash related comments deleted
17 = Monero related comments deleted

Seems to me we have a Gorilla Marketing Campaign Team attacking Dash.
And in the process of defending their Monero shit-coin they have created a LOT of work for mod's here.

crystal clear proof all these Monero shills have side stepped.
It's the Monero idiots who are making all the work for staff here /case closed

It's actually DASH shills who are starting the Monero topics for this exact purpose, but you're too stupid to understand that. You're content in being played like a fiddle by the DarkDASHtards. So keep attacking Monero while leaving the real scam alone. What a fucking hero you are.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: superresistant on December 06, 2015, 06:17:01 PM
Can we just stop this ridiculous thread please ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 06, 2015, 06:23:58 PM
225 = Dash related comments deleted
17 = Monero related comments deleted

Seems to me we have a Gorilla Marketing Campaign Team attacking Dash.
And in the process of defending their Monero shit-coin they have created a LOT of work for mod's here.

crystal clear proof all these Monero shills have side stepped.
It's the Monero idiots who are making all the work for staff here /case closed

It's actually DASH shills who are starting the Monero topics for this exact purpose, but you're too stupid to understand that. You're content in being played like a fiddle by the DarkDASHtards. So keep attacking Monero while leaving the real scam alone. What a fucking hero you are.

Dash guys are creating bad posts on the Dash ANN that have to be deleted ?
Bull-shit !

This stupid routine is classic Monero Trolling / Spamming.. no matter how crystal clear the proof is you guys play dumb.

I posted this news headline because it had mentioned numerous times in David Latapies OWN WORDS..
- Monero
- David Latapie
- French Police
- Fraud

Hence the topic title = [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]

AND.. to be fair i even added a second comment where he said more stuff.

So what do you Monero cheerleaders do ?

You all gang up on me then blame Dash users and leave me a pile of negative ratings claiming i lied about something.
Then when i quoted the first post and highlighted..
David Latapie
French Police

You guys simply switched gears and went on about me being an indian that don't pay taxes etc..
and on and on about how Dash guys are monsters..

By the way if you have a News story about a Dash guy apologizing like this topic then post it.
So far i have seen no drama from that camp.. it's ALWAYS Monero drama !
And YEAH these idiots will go cook up some crap now too ..since i gave them the idea (they are that dumb)

David Latapie had nothing to do with Monero you all claimed ?
Well he was wearing the hoodie and quoted saying he started a Monero Marketing company.
So i busted your lying ass's so what do you ATTACK ME with next ?
Well.. oh oh oh oh oh.......... ANYONE can start a Monero Marketing company.  ::) gimme a break !

Not me .

Monero is run and supported by idiots that have effectively killed the coin.
All because you guys acted like Trolling jerks and spamming about it.. NON STOP for almost 2 years !
I would not invest in Monero.. and it has nothing to do with coin code.. it's the swarm of pathetic losers that make it bad !

Drown rats.

Toned it down and cleaned it up a bit here..

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on December 06, 2015, 07:12:14 PM
225 = Dash related comments deleted
17 = Monero related comments deleted

Seems to me we have a Gorilla Marketing Campaign Team attacking Dash.
And in the process of defending their Monero shit-coin they have created a LOT of work for mod's here.

crystal clear proof all these Monero shills have side stepped.
It's the Monero idiots who are making all the work for staff here /case closed

It's actually DASH shills who are starting the Monero topics for this exact purpose, but you're too stupid to understand that. You're content in being played like a fiddle by the DarkDASHtards. So keep attacking Monero while leaving the real scam alone. What a fucking hero you are.

Dash guys are creating bad posts on the Dash ANN that have to be deleted ?
Bull-fucking-shit !

This stupid bullshit routine is classic Monero retard Trolling.. no matter how crystal clear the proof is you guys play dumb.

Monero is a club for retards.
I posted this news headline because it had mentioned numerous times in David Latapies OWN WORDS..
- Monero
- David Latapie
- French Police
- Fraud

So what do you pathetic Trolls do ?
You all gang up on me blame dash and leave me a pile of negative ratings claiming i lied about something.
Then when i quoted the first post and highlighted..
David Latapie
French Police

You guys simply switched gears and went on about me being a fucking indian that don't pay my taxes
and on and on about how Dash guys are monsters..

By the way if you have a News story about a Dash guy apologizing like this topic then post it.
So far i have seen no drama from that camp.. it's ALWAYS Monero drama !
And YEAH these idiots will go cook up some crap now too ..since i gave them the idea (they are that dumb)

David Latapie had nothing to do with Monero you all claimed ?
Well he was wearing the hoodie and quoted saying he started a Monero Marketing company.
So i busted your lying retard ass's so what do you ATTACK ME with next ?
Well.. oh oh oh oh oh.......... ANYONE can start a Monero Marketing company.  ::) gimme a fucking break !

Not me dumb fucks .

Monero is run and supported by idiots that have effectively killed the coin.
All because you guys acted like Trolling assholes and spamming about it.. NON STOP for almost 2 years !
I would not invest in Monero.. and it has nothing to do with coin code.. it's the swarm of pathetic losers that make it bad !

Drown fucking rats.

Lol cool keep it up. You're a hero.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Zer0Sum on December 07, 2015, 12:06:49 AM

Can we just stop this ridiculous thread please ?

Getting too close to home? Close ties to Latapie? Under surveillance by the "French Police"?

The great thing about the Marathon of Life is...
Clowns who fluke small fortunes (see Bitcoin, startup tech, venture gold mines, etc)...
Almost always have it all taken away within a few years by scammers/whores/drug dealers.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: noobtrader on December 07, 2015, 04:46:42 PM
did anyone got new info... ???

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 14, 2015, 04:27:13 AM
Soo uhhh why did he apologize again ?

he's still hiding ROFL

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smoothie on December 14, 2015, 04:41:32 AM
did anyone got new info... ???

Yes, just stand in the general vicinity of Spoetnik's ass and you can smell the fart.

Compared to some seriously funny and interesting reverse trolling from the likes of MoneroMan88, or threats of hash % attacks by BCX last year or the perpetual pseudo-intellectual threats by Anonymint, this comedy is nothing but a fart to amuse himself. I don't know whats wrong with generalizethis et al who indulge in pointless tit-tats.

You want to troll? Take a stab at these instead

I have a stubborn belief that reason and facts will prevail in all human consciousness--sounds crazy, I know.  :P

I cry a lot

Okay  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 14, 2015, 04:57:48 AM
Quit hiding smoothie..
You have the nerve to post here avoiding the topic discussion.. while knowing what happened ?
And you won't tell Monero investors ?
For shame smoothie.. for shame !

Monero Investors didn't you wish you were in on the secret Monero club Cult ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: bhokor on December 14, 2015, 10:38:07 AM
well lets see how it ends but certainly i am watching Monero development and it is actually a little stopped, some minor changes but dont see the development required of a coin which wants to be with the best

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: esoum.1003 on December 14, 2015, 12:52:42 PM
What development? Trolleros devs don't understand the code.

They can't improve nothing!!!!!

They are a bunch of liers and thieves, that stole TFT project "bitmonero", and now they don't know what to do.

Where is the GUI wallet? Others cryptonote coins managed to develop one, why not the trolleros devs? Because they are retarded!!

The only thing they do, is talking and trashing the others coins, and they dare to call scammers at BYTECOIN devs, the fathers of the code they uses. LOL.

Trolleros devs are the real scammers.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: obit33 on December 14, 2015, 01:48:14 PM
What development? Trolleros devs don't understand the code.

They can't improve nothing!!!!!

They are a bunch of liers and thieves, that stole TFT project "bitmonero", and now they don't know what to do.

Where is the GUI wallet? Others cryptonote coins managed to develop one, why not the trolleros devs? Because they are retarded!!

The only thing they do, is talking and trashing the others coins, and they dare to call scammers at BYTECOIN devs, the fathers of the code they uses. LOL.

Trolleros devs are the real scammers.

oh god, not this again, although I see you're a newbie, so maybe you just need time to read up to get some perspective:

please read:

quote from that post:
tl;dr - CryptoNote developers faked dates in whitepapers. Bytecoin faked dates in fake blockchain to facilitate an 82% premine, and CryptoNote backed them up. Bytecoin, Fantomcoin, Quazarcoin, Monetaverde, Dashcoin are all from the same people and should be avoided like the fucking black plague. duckNote and Boolberry are probably from them as well, or are at least just fucking dodgy, and who the fuck cares anyway. Monero would have been fucking dodgy, but the community saved it. Make your own mind up about shit and demand that known people are involved and that there is fucking transparency. End transmission.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 15, 2015, 12:57:47 AM
Polonibox - Spoetnik - 2015-11-28

all the David Latapies are hiding under their bed's hahahh

Monero Forums - David Latapie - 2015-11-30

Dear Moneroers,

There have been rumours about me. My silence was suspicious and there was even talks of criminal accusations in France.

Time to clear this up.

Months ago, I decided to go one step further in my involvement with Monero and to start a company to promote It (as well as the whole blockchain technology). It happened I made a terrible choice when it came to choose my partners. One of them, a very good smooth-talker, was a crook who managed to swindle us all (four other partners). We since discovered he was doing this for ten years. The French police eventually catched him and last thing I heard, he was in jail.

I deeply involved myself into this project, because it really meant a lot for me. This was not only about earning money, it was the culmination of years of sweating, not only in the society but also inside, in my head. So when everything crumbled, I was devastated.

I'm slowly recovering. It will take time, don't expect to see me much active in the following months on Monero (I do have a great project in the works, where Monero plays a part - I won't go into more details until I have something to show, though). I have to put a lot of things in order. The good news is that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I'm still the David Latapie you know. Weakened, but the same. So whatever you may have believed about me several months ago still holds true.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

NEW info below (a 2nd comment from Dave Latapie);u=81999;sa=showPosts
Thanks to user = ceti for the info.

Colleagues of crypto,

For years I hesitate to get into entrepreneurship. Many of my friends tell me that I am made for that (it or consulting), and I still hesitate long.

Just a few months (March 2015), when I was in a bad psychological passes (end of employment contract), I was seduced by a "contractor bitcoin" Wadii Rashid alias Rayane. Ignoring the advice of many of you, I persevered with that person, telling me that I have to stop giving up just before the finish line, do not stop at the first hesitation, think for me -even and not by others, etc.

I was wrong.

The so-called contractor was not one (it even has a rack very, very heavy, I recently discovered), knowledge in Bitcoin and were not its sole competence is very, very to talk ... (and defraud, but that it is not very good in it, fortunately for me).

Today, my situation is more precarious than seven months before. However, despite the daily hell (sect type) that I lived for several months and despite the many physical challenges that I should face the coming months, I draw positive lessons.
First to last! listen to my intuition ("when in doubt, there is no doubt")
Then finally, I have entrepreneurial skills (I could compare myself to various real entrepreneurs and assess my level).
Last but that yes, entrepreneurship is something that fits me (then do financially, I'll be able to afford me, it remains to be seen). I gained a lot of confidence in myself and so humanly, the balance is positive. If it again, I would do it-so far? I do not think, even knowing the reward behind (self-confidence, coughed).

These preliminaries, however, are only one way to bring the subject. This is because today I have the confidence in myself that I find the courage to appear before you, sisters and brothers of cryptomonnaies.

MEA culpa. I have a certain reputation in the community and by engaging me in this stupid adventure, I somehow tainted the community and especially the trust you have placed in me.

MEA culpa. I unintentionally hurt people; which shows how much I was enlisted. To these people, I wish to express my deepest, my sincere regrets. Some, I've been on the phone or face-October 6 in the Sof's Bar. Further, I have yet to join. I repeat here: I'm sorry, sincerely sorry. I will do my best to catch this error.

MEA culpa. All my life I had as credo of staying right in my boots, not to lie, to assume my choices, even when they cost me - and I did, including crypto, where I lost money on a sale where I knew I would lose but I still honored when I could do nothing, because I had given my word.
This time, I failed. I have not lied, never, but I did not say sometimes the back of my mind. For fear (psychological domination), for shame, for something else? I do not know but the result is there: when you are not in agreement with your values, you paid. One of my associates who made him also have (as was the crook are childhood friend!), Suffers at present the consequences on his health. I luckily managed to preserve this - I hope.

Mea maxima culpa. Great power entails great responsibility and I have not acted up to what people expect of me. Being sorry is not enough; it is in my future actions and not my words that you can judge whether my amends worth something.

I consider you a family here, cryptomonnaies. And we do not do that to his family. Although it's only been two years that I am, I have found here a warmth, intelligence and friendship are precious. Believe me when I tell you that the simple fact of isolation was very painful for you.

They say they are the mistakes that advance. I confirm I have progressed. I have only one thing to say in my defense: everything I did, I did it with good intentions. While the paths of hell are paved; let us hope that tomorrow other mine pave roads.

With all my heart,
David Latapie

SINCE you guys clearly can NOT read.. i quote just for you ;)

PS: innocent people do NOT apologize.

Further more if even one of you have something even vaguely useful to contribute to the conversation here
then by all means post it and will add it to the first post.

Until then go back to crying FUD and pretending you KNOW things..
When all we have is what i quoted.

Ever heard of shooting the messenger ?
The second i posted this you all dived on me giving me neg ratings !

Have personal problems with me ? well rather than following me around trolling see shrink about it.
Seems to me YOU ALL are far too interested in flaming than knowing how he fucked you all over.

So all of you Monero investors don't even know why the leader of a Monero Marketing company apologized to you ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: onemorexmr on December 15, 2015, 07:44:02 AM

So all of you Monero investors don't even know why the leader of a Monero Marketing company apologized to you ?

we know. if someone makes a mistake (eg picking the wrong partner) he apologizes. so did David.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 15, 2015, 08:02:09 AM

So all of you Monero investors don't even know why the leader of a Monero Marketing company apologized to you ?

we know. if someone makes a mistake (eg picking the wrong partner) he apologizes. so did David.

uhhhhhhmm ALL of that was because he picked a partner ?
That is the most brutal apology i ever seen on the web.. for what ?
He was apologizing to YOU guys.. read it guys !

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 15, 2015, 08:31:32 AM

So all of you Monero investors don't even know why the leader of a Monero Marketing company apologized to you ?

we know. if someone makes a mistake (eg picking the wrong partner) he apologizes. so did David.

uhhhhhhmm ALL of that was because he picked a partner ?
That is the most brutal apology i ever seen on the web.. for what ?
He was apologizing to YOU guys.. read it guys !

We read it. Did you? Sorry that he over-apologized in your estimation--but for a guy who calls people faggots and retards on a regular basis without any acknowledgement as to it being rude or offensive, I'm guessing all apologies are overdone.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 15, 2015, 09:07:21 AM

So all of you Monero investors don't even know why the leader of a Monero Marketing company apologized to you ?

we know. if someone makes a mistake (eg picking the wrong partner) he apologizes. so did David.

uhhhhhhmm ALL of that was because he picked a partner ?
That is the most brutal apology i ever seen on the web.. for what ?
He was apologizing to YOU guys.. read it guys !

We read it. Did you? Sorry that he over-apologized in your estimation--but for a guy who calls people faggots and retards on a regular basis without any acknowledgement as to it being rude or offensive, I'm guessing all apologies are overdone.

If the shoe fits..
And besides i never defrauded innocent people of money unlike Monero shills / criminals.
Besides how do i know you are not a faggot ?
Maybe you like a little cock every now and then ? ..hey i don't judge each their own man !

Oh and by the way good job avoiding answering the question.. WHY.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: generalizethis on December 15, 2015, 09:17:11 AM

So all of you Monero investors don't even know why the leader of a Monero Marketing company apologized to you ?

we know. if someone makes a mistake (eg picking the wrong partner) he apologizes. so did David.

uhhhhhhmm ALL of that was because he picked a partner ?
That is the most brutal apology i ever seen on the web.. for what ?
He was apologizing to YOU guys.. read it guys !

We read it. Did you? Sorry that he over-apologized in your estimation--but for a guy who calls people faggots and retards on a regular basis without any acknowledgement as to it being rude or offensive, I'm guessing all apologies are overdone.

If the shoe fits..
And besides i never defrauded innocent people of money unlike Monero shills / criminals.
Besides how do i know you are not a faggot ?
Maybe you like a little cock every now and then ? ..hey i don't judge each their own man !

Oh and by the way good job avoiding answering the question.. WHY.

What question? I answered that he was apologizing for being frauded here and in another thread. Did you have another question? As for your belief that he over apologized--I speculated on that also. I'm going to work. Have a nice day trolling.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: onemorexmr on December 15, 2015, 09:21:06 AM

If the shoe fits..
And besides i never defrauded innocent people of money unlike Monero shills / criminals.
Besides how do i know you are not a faggot ?
Maybe you like a little cock every now and then ? ..hey i don't judge each their own man !

Oh and by the way good job avoiding answering the question.. WHY.

who in the monero community has defrauded anyone?
who is a criminal?

no one?

please back up your accusations!

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Vod on December 15, 2015, 09:24:36 AM
I'm going to work. Have a nice day trolling.

I can do this all day buddy.. i don't have a JOB ROFL

Spoetnik is a liar.  Don't believe anything he says.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: JohnnyBTCSeed on December 15, 2015, 01:12:03 PM
Icebreaker thats who

He is a hashfast scammer.

That guy is scum.

And he is in monero community

Fuck him

If the shoe fits..
And besides i never defrauded innocent people of money unlike Monero shills / criminals.
Besides how do i know you are not a faggot ?
Maybe you like a little cock every now and then ? ..hey i don't judge each their own man !

Oh and by the way good job avoiding answering the question.. WHY.

who in the monero community has defrauded anyone?
who is a criminal?

no one?

please back up your accusations!

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 15, 2015, 01:38:24 PM
I'm going to work. Have a nice day trolling.

I can do this all day buddy.. i don't have a JOB ROFL

Spoetnik is a liar.  Don't believe anything he says.

At least i am not a pedophile.

Your ass is reported *again.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 15, 2015, 01:40:03 PM

If the shoe fits..
And besides i never defrauded innocent people of money unlike Monero shills / criminals.
Besides how do i know you are not a faggot ?
Maybe you like a little cock every now and then ? ..hey i don't judge each their own man !

Oh and by the way good job avoiding answering the question.. WHY.

who in the monero community has defrauded anyone?
who is a criminal?

no one?

please back up your accusations!

Yes David Latapie back it up.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: onemorexmr on December 15, 2015, 02:22:36 PM

If the shoe fits..
And besides i never defrauded innocent people of money unlike Monero shills / criminals.
Besides how do i know you are not a faggot ?
Maybe you like a little cock every now and then ? ..hey i don't judge each their own man !

Oh and by the way good job avoiding answering the question.. WHY.

who in the monero community has defrauded anyone?
who is a criminal?

no one?

please back up your accusations!

Yes David Latapie back it up.

david is not a criminal - his partner was (maybe)
david did not defraud anyone

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 15, 2015, 02:54:14 PM
If you have no new info please stop bumping my topic.. you are wasting all our time with this nonsense.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: onemorexmr on December 15, 2015, 02:56:43 PM
If you have no new info please stop bumping my topic.. you are wasting all our time with this nonsense.

i'd suggest you show some evidence that david actually defrauded anyone and is a criminal

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 15, 2015, 03:21:17 PM
If you have no new info please stop bumping my topic.. you are wasting all our time with this nonsense.

i'd suggest you show some evidence that david actually defrauded anyone and is a criminal

i don't have to.
i posted info of him apologizing for something.
and on the HYP topic i pretty well proved.. close enough.
that is far more than enough in my books.

so let's recap..
how many coins and marketing companies have i made ? ZERO
Latapie ? 2 (possibly more)

Stick to making Polls about me maybe.. it seems to be your forte champ.
You can leave the bad retorts to generalizethis ..he has that covered rather well.
Actually maybe i should start some Polls of my own ? hmmm

So hey Monero shills and Monero Marketing companies owners / employee's..
IF we actually knew why he was apologizing then maybe we could confirm or deny things.
But as it stands he apologized but for what ? ..we don't know.
But it's a safe bet many of you do.. and it's only a matter of time until we find out.
And then it will probably look far worse for you all hiding his secrets (and your own)
While playing dumb etc.

It's funny i have said many times that a ton of you Monero shills know what happened
and after all this time not 1 of you denied it.
every single time you simply bob & weave and play this little game.. where you avoid answering the question
then demand "i prove it"
Maybe i could if you guys didn't hide 90% of the story ?

Leave me a negative rating and go buy more cheap Monero NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM
Then maybe go spam about it on Poloniex.. with your Marketing companies.

Oh and anyone have any idea how a Monero Marketing company would work ?
Seems to me one would not start a business unless it could turn a profit.
So how does Latapie's Monero marketing company make money ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Rias on December 15, 2015, 04:15:38 PM
This thread is so much cyclical you can read whichever page you want to get the full scope of this discussion.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DaveyJones on December 15, 2015, 04:51:26 PM
Here have a tinfoil hat and a joint

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Vod on December 15, 2015, 05:49:19 PM
At least i am not a pedophile.

You posted you download child porn.  That makes you a pedophile.

Why else would you dress up as Wolverine and go to children's parties?  Sick fuck.   :-\

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on December 15, 2015, 08:40:33 PM
This thread is so much cyclical you can read whichever page you want to get the full scope of this discussion.

Pretty much true of all of Spoetnik's posts ever.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 19, 2015, 10:30:17 PM
At least i am not a pedophile.

You posted you download child porn.  That makes you a pedophile.

Why else would you dress up as Wolverine and go to children's parties?  Sick fuck.   :-\

Nope you are a liar and should be banned for Trolling.

Also David Latapie gets Red Trust (as of today)

His shady dealings with Terrik + HYP + Monero is more than enough... never mind this story here.
He apologized for making some colossal mistake. (that all the Monero Shill's refuse to elaborate on)
I don't think he deserves another "chance"

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: e-coinomist on December 20, 2015, 10:55:48 AM
Fun thread.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Nxtblg on December 20, 2015, 12:04:45 PM

Better than the National Enquirer!  :D

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 24, 2015, 07:43:27 AM
10/25/2014 - Poloniex Chat

WoW Mr. Monero Marketing company wrapped up in French Police fraud doesn't care about PR / Marketing ?

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

Then why did he start a MONERO MARKETING COMPANY ?
He got bored of his pump / dump scam coin HYP he bought ?

By the way sleazy little pieces of shit.. this was from my offline personal log collection i have built up for years.
This little gem was dug up as a reminder.. NO i did not forget about you my little Latapie's (and Monero Scammer Friends)

And i have a surprise coming for you Monero Shill's soon too.
Make sure you have fresh panties bitches

And Poloniex for fuck sakes get some class already.. your Shill Teams are pathetic and mod's are retarded.

presstab: Spoetnik, then why were you posting about me like 25 posts ago when i wasnt here?
getmesome: moderated by OMK. :)
Spoetnik: teh amount of pm's you sent me is not exactly an important issue in the grand scheme of things lol
Spoetnik: presstab, did you read it ?
presstab: Spoetnik, sure
Spoetnik: well then why are you asking me then ?
presstab: Spoetnik, wat
Spoetnik: yoru proving my point..
Spoetnik: i said yoru only interested in fighting basicaly just liek yoru doing now
Spoetnik: and i said i could help you stop drama not cause it ;)
NickNS: Spoetnik, oh man, do you really think you're the smartest person around here?
Spoetnik: NickNS, do you ?
NickNS: how come you always come and pick a fight
NickNS: always
NickNS: always
NickNS: always
presstab: Spoetnik, i dont care a bout PR lol. I just care about HYP's code and security
Spoetnik: NickNS, why do you pick fights ? ..always ?
Spoetnik: NickNS, why ?
leathan7: presstab, screw PR
leathan7: code and security +10
NickNS: I've never seen you here talking nice to someone
presstab: leathan7, exactly lol
Spoetnik: NickNS, i never seen you talking before either so why do i care what you think ?
OldManKidd: Please, let's try and play nice in the TROLLBOX. Thank you. A message from your local MOD SQUAD
leathan7: lets all me *bleep* freinds
marcous: it's already been personal, by attacking HYP and the dev
nimrood: OldManKidd, howdy--you're on early it seems!
Spoetnik: presstab, fine then i will take that as a NO you don't want my help.. aka pr is not important
OldManKidd: that is the end of the friendly warning
leathan7: good thing that was bleeped out =)
OldManKidd: nimrood, he ya ... im always around it seems lol
Spoetnik: OldManKidd, i hope you meant that for the crowd of HYP cheerleaders that have dived on me man
presstab: Spoetnik, submit a pull request on github if you want to help
getmesome: OldManKidd, you are man. Your a machine
eatthetree123: presstab, yeah I'm borrowing a friends pi to stake with. 3w power consumption is nothing and it is silent so I can run it 24/7. Hopefully my 1960 hyp will be a
Spoetnik: presstab, your ignored i am not getting banned for your childish crap coin bs
DirkBenedict: only thing spoetnik can pull is his timbit
eatthetree123: Hyp buy support growing
leathan7: idk what all the fight is about
leathan7: but if a hyp dev was insulted i disagree
leathan7: they are smart and nice from waht ive seen
presstab: eatthetree123, thats awesome! Hell_ from IRC put ubuntu onto android phone and is trying to build daemon from there
OldManKidd: Spoetnik, i am meaning that for insulting and instigating behavior
eatthetree123: OldManKidd, hi
OldManKidd: getmesome, lol
OldManKidd: eatthetree123, good day to you
eatthetree123: presstab, that would be awesome. A android app would be even cooler! I would pay for an android app wallet so I could stake 24/7
getmesome: OldManKidd, cheers eh
eatthetree123: Hyp buy orders jumping around from 14 down to 12.7
presstab: eatthetree123, hard part about android app is that it is a battery eater
Spoetnik: OldManKidd, exactly.. i didn't do anything of the sort man
Spoetnik: THEY did !
presstab: eatthetree123, and it would take a lot of valuable time to make it
polonuser: Heh, not sure about the history, but I can agree to david and presstab being upstanding fellows
Spoetnik: and i am logging it for sure too

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 25, 2015, 08:52:24 AM;u=162198;sa=showPosts

Hmmm French dev of Both Monero & HYP ..from FRANCE ;)
Like the country in the News story ;)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 27, 2015, 06:43:52 AM
In case you didn't catch on guys presstab = David Latapie

And hey ..maybe i will add the PM conversation her that was mentioned in that Poloniex chat log. (With me and Latapie)

gimme a few and i will update this post with the PM's ;)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: billotronic on December 28, 2015, 12:20:22 AM
The best part about you being who you are is I don't even need to argue with you, your quoted materials prove your wrong. I love it.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 28, 2015, 01:22:13 AM
The best part about you being who you are is I don't even need to argue with you, your quoted materials prove your wrong. I love it.

I love making claims to.. I once shit a solid gold turd before and sold it for 13 grand.

This scammy HYP fucker started HYP after he paid a dev to make it for him.
Said he had no use for PR..
The crated a Monero Marketing Company with some other guys who got in trouble with French Police.
He made a couple of intense apologies for screwing over the Monero users etc.. AKA: The Shill team
THEN he went into hiding.. still coming here and logging in lurking, but HIDING !
A coward hiding like BigVern from Cryptsy as he fucks you all over !

He posted the most intense apology i have ever seen on the web but refuses to tell anyone WHY.

You sleazy little deceitful Monero Shills + Monero Marketing guys (Bitcointalk spammers)
Gang up on me accuse me off lunacy Trolling me and leaving me negative ratings
for posting his apology.

- Monero claims to be secure and untraceable which is a lie and will get people arrested.

- Monero is backed by a "Monero Marketing Team" that does nothing pretty much except Spam, Lie and Troll this forum for $$$

The kiss of death to XMR AKA: Monero is the scammy losers behind it.
If it was some other coin they too would kill that one also.. a toxic community of dishonest, greedy & deceitful bag holders.
I highly advise newcomers to avoid Monero at all costs and not just because it has a gay name ROFL

And.. leave me all the negative ratings all you want and Troll me all you want.. you will NOT bully & harass me into liking that scam coin !

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 28, 2015, 05:40:30 AM
I'm going to work. Have a nice day trolling.

I can do this all day buddy.. i don't have a JOB ROFL

Spoetnik is a liar.  Don't believe anything he says.

Your a liar.. click on the link.
Is what you quoted on that link ? no ? because i never said it.

Can you *try* being honest VOD ? you are a brat immune to being banned for Trolling.
how much Staff cock have you sucked to get that privilege ?

WOW you are are possibly the worst guy in this whole entire forum at staying on topic.
And since when do you care about Monero ?
OR.. since when do you ever post on any Altcoin topic ?
Just caem by here to troll on me with racist insulting off topic lies ?
Congrats super star.. i am sure everyone here is impressed by your childish antics LOL
Maybe stick to leaving Nooby accounts negative ratings for not using escrow when borrowing Bitcoin.
That seems to be your forte big shot hahhaha

You mess with Spoetnik sweet-heart you get the horns  8)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DaveyJones on December 28, 2015, 09:48:46 AM
The best part about you being who you are is I don't even need to argue with you, your quoted materials prove your wrong. I love it.

I love making claims to.. I once shit a solid gold turd before and sold it for 13 grand.

This scammy HYP fucker started HYP after he paid a dev to make it for him.
Said he had no use for PR..
The crated a Monero Marketing Company with some other guys who got in trouble with French Police.
He made a couple of intense apologies for screwing over the Monero users etc.. AKA: The Shill team
THEN he went into hiding.. still coming here and logging in lurking, but HIDING !
A coward hiding like BigVern from Cryptsy as he fucks you all over !

He posted the most intense apology i have ever seen on the web but refuses to tell anyone WHY.

You sleazy little deceitful Monero Shills + Monero Marketing guys (Bitcointalk spammers)
Gang up on me accuse me off lunacy Trolling me and leaving me negative ratings
for posting his apology.

- Monero claims to be secure and untraceable which is a lie and will get people arrested.

- Monero is backed by a "Monero Marketing Team" that does nothing pretty much except Spam, Lie and Troll this forum for $$$

The kiss of death to XMR AKA: Monero is the scammy losers behind it.
If it was some other coin they too would kill that one also.. a toxic community of dishonest, greedy & deceitful bag holders.
I highly advise newcomers to avoid Monero at all costs and not just because it has a gay name ROFL

And.. leave me all the negative ratings all you want and Troll me all you want.. you will NOT bully & harass me into liking that scam coin !

People like you are the downfall for cryptocurrencies.... cause you donīt understand shit only that you came too late for bitcoin. Your reasoning is worse then a 5th grader ( oh the coin has a gay name LOL ).

Btw Monero is not backed by a "Marketing Team" ( must haunt you all night as you can not let it go ) it is backed by being open-source and everyone can look into it if he got the skills to do so.... otherwise it is trust like everything in life where experts are needed. DaveyOut

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 28, 2015, 10:39:41 AM
The best part about you being who you are is I don't even need to argue with you, your quoted materials prove your wrong. I love it.

I love making claims to.. I once shit a solid gold turd before and sold it for 13 grand.

This scammy HYP fucker started HYP after he paid a dev to make it for him.
Said he had no use for PR..
The crated a Monero Marketing Company with some other guys who got in trouble with French Police.
He made a couple of intense apologies for screwing over the Monero users etc.. AKA: The Shill team
THEN he went into hiding.. still coming here and logging in lurking, but HIDING !
A coward hiding like BigVern from Cryptsy as he fucks you all over !

He posted the most intense apology i have ever seen on the web but refuses to tell anyone WHY.

You sleazy little deceitful Monero Shills + Monero Marketing guys (Bitcointalk spammers)
Gang up on me accuse me off lunacy Trolling me and leaving me negative ratings
for posting his apology.

- Monero claims to be secure and untraceable which is a lie and will get people arrested.

- Monero is backed by a "Monero Marketing Team" that does nothing pretty much except Spam, Lie and Troll this forum for $$$

The kiss of death to XMR AKA: Monero is the scammy losers behind it.
If it was some other coin they too would kill that one also.. a toxic community of dishonest, greedy & deceitful bag holders.
I highly advise newcomers to avoid Monero at all costs and not just because it has a gay name ROFL

And.. leave me all the negative ratings all you want and Troll me all you want.. you will NOT bully & harass me into liking that scam coin !

People like you are the downfall for cryptocurrencies.... cause you donīt understand shit only that you came too late for bitcoin. Your reasoning is worse then a 5th grader ( oh the coin has a gay name LOL ).

Btw Monero is not backed by a "Marketing Team" ( must haunt you all night as you can not let it go ) it is backed by being open-source and everyone can look into it if he got the skills to do so.... otherwise it is trust like everything in life where experts are needed. DaveyOut

YOU = Date Registered: June 05, 2014, 02:45:00 PM
I started my forum account here 1 year before you noob.
I support Crypto.. NOT GREED !
Blaming me for the Down fall of crypto ?
Nice try and i said you guys would do that too during the big rush too.. i called it in advance. LOL
Nobody seemed to care how much i bitched about Doge coin when it was launched..
It just steamed rolled forward getting more & more popular as did the cloning wave that Doge triggered..
Which is the real downfall of Altcoins (not Spoetnik's FUD)

I'd love to take credit for ruining all of crypto but let's be realistic here i don't have that power.
Even if some of you hang on my every word making me the most important person in all of crypto.
The reality is the scammy greedy nature of it all is the down fall and -THAT- is what i have bitched about with Monero.

YEAH the name Monero is gay but that is just a semi-unimportant observation on my part.
I do think a name matters for potential adoption though.
Why did Crypto nose dive and why did we have a mass exodus of users leaving ?
Deceitful people bragging about profit from sleazy ponzi schemes.. such as David Latapie's coin HYP he bought to Pump & Dump.
Track it all and it's the same story all over.. MTGox is another example.
By the way Latapie was on Poloniex chat bragging about making many thousands of dollars when i was grilling him about it.
his incessant spamming of HYP non stop on chat 24/7 with Crazyloaf & friends.
That 5 grand he bragged about came out of gullible naive users pockets ultimately.

And there is no Marketing group ?
The proof was these guys spamming this place about it for almost 2 years non stop.. deceitfully i might add.
And on Poloniex chat etc..
The kicker is THIS TOPIC ..where we finally have written proof of Latapie saying..
"I started a Monero Marketing Business"
First you judge people by their actions then later when the slip up running their mouth you get "bonus* proof ROFL

I think that is what bugs these Tardero idiots the most here about this topic.. not the fraud accusation etc
But that their little Shill buddy admitted publicly to starting a marketing company (that reinforces the Forum Spam accusations here)
We could ALREADY see them doing it on & off in waves we have them admitting it and it pisses you guys off hahahha

That one "Speculation" topic that has 600 pages is crystal clear.
It's just a blatant attempt to have the word MONERO stickied to the top of this forum section 24/7.
And the funny part is.. as usual you idiots here would rather dig your self a hole a million miles deep then admit something small.
You Moronero's could have just said YES it's just advertising..
Instead you get caught up trying to lie an bullshit about it for a year +  :D

Monero is a train wreck of stupid brats bullshitting their greedy little ass's off for money $$$.
The fact that nothing is more important to these Shills's than the *perception* HERE about there shit coin speaks volumes.
The Marketing Team was never intended for the public.. it was to target this forum ...
even after they proclaimed they were leaving this forum and starting their own etc.
They just pretend to leave.. created more Troll / Spam accounts and tip toed back here and started the bullshit again.
The lives of these Spammers revolve around name dropping Monero anyway they can as much as they can possibly get away with.
In reality they don't give two shits what the general public thinks..
Only forum users here matter.. because people here will go buy their Monero coins on Poloniex in exchange for Bitcoin $$$

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on December 29, 2015, 04:00:41 PM

Can i introduce you to Spoetnik ? The guy that hates that Monero Topics get bummed all the time and yet opens his own thread about it and pushes it constantly... oh and he is ignorant and stubborn.

Did you get left negative ratings for said topic after posting it ?
Do you get harassed any time the issue of Monero gets brought up with guys arguing about what was quoted ?
I had to bump that because you guys REFUSE to see what was actually said.
You just keep twisting the story around.

Because of getting stupid NEG Ratings over the (Latapie Fraud Topic) i can tell ya one thing..
i won't be letting the matter drop until those invalid ratings are removed ;)

You brats here need to learn NOT to use the Trust Rating system as an attack tool because you don't like what someone said.

I got 2 each from Smooth and Smoothie (who claim to be different people yet act the same)
Who left me the Neg's ?
..claiming i "Lied" (when i asked where / prove it, i got the run around)

And have to re-bump post that quote over and over again because they STILL can't read.
Round and round we go with bullying, Trolling and Lying.

You get those bad trusts because your tiny brain does not get it ... first you make the threadtitle sound like David Lapatie is the scammer ( name calling like that could get you in serious trouble in some countries )... even though obviously the thread said he GOT scammed ( does not matter if its the truth for the moment ).
You are acting like you are on a personal crusade against him.... asking for proof that he is not the scammer... but not delivering either proofs that he is ( contracts etc ). That is called twisting the reality like it fits oneself.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 03, 2016, 06:45:05 AM
Monero Forums - David Latapie - 2015-11-30

Dear Moneroers,

There have been rumours about me. My silence was suspicious and there was even talks of criminal accusations in France.

Time to clear this up.

Months ago, I decided to go one step further in my involvement with Monero and to start a company to promote It (as well as the whole blockchain technology). It happened I made a terrible choice when it came to choose my partners. One of them, a very good smooth-talker, was a crook who managed to swindle us all (four other partners). We since discovered he was doing this for ten years. The French police eventually catched him and last thing I heard, he was in jail.

I deeply involved myself into this project, because it really meant a lot for me. This was not only about earning money, it was the culmination of years of sweating, not only in the society but also inside, in my head. So when everything crumbled, I was devastated.

I'm slowly recovering. It will take time, don't expect to see me much active in the following months on Monero (I do have a great project in the works, where Monero plays a part - I won't go into more details until I have something to show, though). I have to put a lot of things in order. The good news is that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I'm still the David Latapie you know. Weakened, but the same. So whatever you may have believed about me several months ago still holds true.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Colleagues of crypto,

For years I hesitate to get into entrepreneurship. Many of my friends tell me that I am made for that (it or consulting), and I still hesitate long.

Just a few months (March 2015), when I was in a bad psychological passes (end of employment contract), I was seduced by a "contractor bitcoin" Wadii Rashid alias Rayane. Ignoring the advice of many of you, I persevered with that person, telling me that I have to stop giving up just before the finish line, do not stop at the first hesitation, think for me -even and not by others, etc.

I was wrong.

The so-called contractor was not one (it even has a rack very, very heavy, I recently discovered), knowledge in Bitcoin and were not its sole competence is very, very to talk ... (and defraud, but that it is not very good in it, fortunately for me).

Today, my situation is more precarious than seven months before. However, despite the daily hell (sect type) that I lived for several months and despite the many physical challenges that I should face the coming months, I draw positive lessons.
First to last! listen to my intuition ("when in doubt, there is no doubt")
Then finally, I have entrepreneurial skills (I could compare myself to various real entrepreneurs and assess my level).
Last but that yes, entrepreneurship is something that fits me (then do financially, I'll be able to afford me, it remains to be seen). I gained a lot of confidence in myself and so humanly, the balance is positive. If it again, I would do it-so far? I do not think, even knowing the reward behind (self-confidence, coughed).

These preliminaries, however, are only one way to bring the subject. This is because today I have the confidence in myself that I find the courage to appear before you, sisters and brothers of cryptomonnaies.

MEA culpa. I have a certain reputation in the community and by engaging me in this stupid adventure, I somehow tainted the community and especially the trust you have placed in me.

MEA culpa. I unintentionally hurt people; which shows how much I was enlisted. To these people, I wish to express my deepest, my sincere regrets. Some, I've been on the phone or face-October 6 in the Sof's Bar. Further, I have yet to join. I repeat here: I'm sorry, sincerely sorry. I will do my best to catch this error.

MEA culpa. All my life I had as credo of staying right in my boots, not to lie, to assume my choices, even when they cost me - and I did, including crypto, where I lost money on a sale where I knew I would lose but I still honored when I could do nothing, because I had given my word.
This time, I failed. I have not lied, never, but I did not say sometimes the back of my mind. For fear (psychological domination), for shame, for something else? I do not know but the result is there: when you are not in agreement with your values, you paid. One of my associates who made him also have (as was the crook are childhood friend!), Suffers at present the consequences on his health. I luckily managed to preserve this - I hope.

Mea maxima culpa. Great power entails great responsibility and I have not acted up to what people expect of me. Being sorry is not enough; it is in my future actions and not my words that you can judge whether my amends worth something.

I consider you a family here, cryptomonnaies. And we do not do that to his family. Although it's only been two years that I am, I have found here a warmth, intelligence and friendship are precious. Believe me when I tell you that the simple fact of isolation was very painful for you.

They say they are the mistakes that advance. I confirm I have progressed. I have only one thing to say in my defense: everything I did, I did it with good intentions. While the paths of hell are paved; let us hope that tomorrow other mine pave roads.

With all my heart,
David Latapie

Now explain to me the logic of apologizing to the Monero community etc.
So far deceitful Monero shills (hiding the truth) have said..
He apologized simply for being taken advantage of by a fraudster.

Now you guys read those those 2 quotes above by Latapie and tell me WTF !
Like seriously WTF ?

Would you go and apologize to the world like that if you had lost some coins to a fraudster etc ?

All these pieces of shit smooth, smoothie etc have left me negative ratings over this and i didn't do fuck all.
That little weazle prick Latapie did.. which is we he apologized !


I won't rest until i have the full story and sooner or later it WILL be posted publicly.

I think he's in jail right now.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 04, 2016, 02:18:59 AM
I got 3 PM's from the French dev guy today after i bumped this..

Sorry but sending me info privately defeats the entire purpose here.
If you have info to update what went down then post it somewhere publicly for all to see please.
It's not me you have to appease it's the world !

And all i got from him was a rough "interpretation" of what was quoted by me earlier already.
In other words no new info.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 04, 2016, 11:46:29 PM
I have to assume the silence is not a good sign.
David Latapie is not shy of PM'ing me and i had seen him logging in here reading this topic..
He *could* speak up.. and SHOULD !

It's simply mind boggling he went on and on like that talking as though there would be more to come..
then saying nothing and hiding.

He could tell me what happened but he has deliberately gone out of his way to avoid it all costs.
Further more i have all the rest of the Monero crew slam my account with negative ratings over posting this topic
screaming lies and FUD and Trolling.

I never posted a shred of false info and all they could say later after negging me was that the topic title was a lie.
I simply plucked out the key parts of the story and used that for the headline straight from Latapie's OWN WORDS !
How is me quoting that guy a lie ?
THEY have been lying though depending on who replies back..
On this topic and the "Monero Marketing" topic by ceti..
we see the Monero Shill's claiming David Latapie had no associations at all with the development team.
Which is a lie !

The fact that VOD negged me and was on the Monero topic (this one or the marketing one Trolling me)
And smooth & smoothie were on this and negging me over it and Kluge way back Trolling me and maybe in on it too ?
Show i there for have a negative rating because 4 guys negged me over critically talking about Monero.

- Kluge, left me a neg rating and an extreme PM claiming i was mentally Ill and i had never spoke to or about him even once.
  He also sent me a death threat 14 minutes later i am positive !

- VOD, negged me because of a joke i think i had made directed towards him about guys from Alberta Canada.
  This guy had followed me around all the way to Monero topic posting i was a welfare Pedo Indian with unpaid taxes.

- Smooth, negged me 2x because of this specific topic.
  This guy simply did not like what i posted here so he tried to claim it was lies some how.

- Smoothie, negged me 2x because of this specific topic.
  This guy simply did not like what i posted here so he tried to claim it was lies some how.

All of those guys have made an ass of themselves and i love it ROFL
Leaving me a negative rating(s) for blatantly false reasons simply makes THEM look bad.. NOT ME 8)

I neg people in return (afterwards) i never gave any of those guys a neg first.
AND.. i also had removed VOD's neg twice and he kept coming back at me (probably think mods removed it etc)
Nope just trying to be nice and get along and move forward.. but these children want none of it.. THEY WANT A FIGHT !

Not a problem


Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on January 04, 2016, 11:55:50 PM
On this topic and the "Monero Marketing" topic by ceti..
we see the Monero Shill's claiming David Latapie had no associations at all with the development team.

No one (knowledgable) ever claimed that.

Some (maybe me, I don't even remember) may have claimed that he was not a "developer" (in the sense of software development/coding).

Or that the Monero team has had nothing to do with his business ventures.

Both of these statements are true.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 05, 2016, 06:01:10 AM
On this topic and the "Monero Marketing" topic by ceti..
we see the Monero Shill's claiming David Latapie had no associations at all with the development team.

No one (knowledgable) ever claimed that.

Some (maybe me, I don't even remember) may have claimed that he was not a "developer" (in the sense of software development/coding).

Or that the Monero team has had nothing to do with his business ventures.

Both of these statements are true.

generalizethis said it more than once.. i could quote him if needed.
moot point..
you left me bullshit negative ratings based on lying bullshit.
I quoted Latapie so you negged me.. couldn't be simpler.
Nice you dodged it though LOL
You cut out that part of my comment you just quoted..

Glad you did too it.. do more dumb stuff i can cast a spotlight on ROFL

Welcome to 2016 smooth or smoothie or who the fuck ever.. it's ognna be a long year  8)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on January 05, 2016, 06:14:35 AM
On this topic and the "Monero Marketing" topic by ceti..
we see the Monero Shill's claiming David Latapie had no associations at all with the development team.

No one (knowledgable) ever claimed that.

Some (maybe me, I don't even remember) may have claimed that he was not a "developer" (in the sense of software development/coding).

Or that the Monero team has had nothing to do with his business ventures.

Both of these statements are true.

generalizethis said it more than once.. i could quote him if needed.

Said what specifically?

moot point..

No, your repeated false and misleading statements are exactly the the point.

you left me bullshit negative ratings based on lying bullshit.
I quoted Latapie so you negged me.. couldn't be simpler.

The reasons for the correct, non-bullshit ratings are clear. Your thread topic and posts give the impression of him committing fraud in connection with Monero, without any evidence to that effect. His claim, which you haven't contradicted, is that he was the victim of fraud, with no evidence that it had anything to do with Monero. On that basis, your topic and posts are grossly misleading.

Likewise the rating "Monero Police Fraud" that you left for me implies likewise.

Many people have told you exactly this, including people not involved with Monero in any way. It is a reasonable inference from the composition of the topic and posts, one which I'm quite certain you intend because you haven't edited or removed the posts which reasonably convey such a inference.

Those are both false FUD which is a scam tactic to manipulate the market. You are a scammer in addition to being a troll, and are rated accordingly, not only by me but by roughly two dozen people so far. Keep going, you'll get to three dozen or more I'm sure.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 09, 2016, 05:03:14 PM
Latape showed up on page 1 of some new coin that was released recently saying he supported it.
Strange of all things that would bring him out of hiding..

So before the coin OP deleted my comment on his obligatory self modded ANN topic
i got no reply back from David Latapie when i asked him why he's hiding still
and why he won't reply back here etc. once and for all telling us what happened.

Hey Monero fag's

It's gonna be a long year assholes..

I'm on Welfare pricks ;)

I got all the time in the world ROFL

Title: Reply from David Latapie
Post by: David Latapie on January 10, 2016, 01:38:28 AM

If I do reply at all, this is because "a lie repeated often enough looks like a truth" so countermeasures are necessary (I'm still in control of my account and anyone with a brain will notice my writing style and my use of horizontal rules - of course, some talkative poster could say this is all impersonation). I know very well this will add fuel to the fire but still think a reply was necessary.

Some (maybe me, I don't even remember) may have claimed that he was not a "developer" (in the sense of software development/coding).
This was whap:
"David Latapie is having a hard time, but as he is no Dev, Monero Project goes on as usual."
And I confirm the assertion.
Depending on the audience, I introduce myself as a Bitcoin developer (then explain that this is not Bitcoin but something similar because such an audience doesn't even understand the word "cryptocurrency"), as a Monero developer (then explain that I do not actually code, but I develop in the sense of developing an idea, a strategy, a project) or as a Monero Core Team member (rarely because it doesn't translate well in French) or as Monero director (the best ratio between accuracy and understandability).

Or that the Monero team has had nothing to do with his business ventures.
I confirm this one too.

I also confirm that superresistant has it right:
You guys are fucking bastards. David is the victim of a real scammer (Wadii Rachid) who is now in jail.
David lost his money, his friends, his job, his reputation (not only on the forum but in real life) and you create a hate thread against him, written in a way that you make people believe that he was the scammer.

I will continue to reply very selectively here and only when I feel this is necessary (which may mean "never"). Thanks to anyone who supported me here, by PM, or on the Monero forum. Of course some particularly talkative poster will seize the opportunity to try to get me to react, probably to no avail.

The preferred way to reach me is PM, because for many reasons I stopped reading most of my mail and unsubscribed from topic notification on as many fora and mailing lists as possible - bitcointalk PM notifications are among the few things I still receive.

For people who actually care: the fact that I am replying here is evidence that I am starting to recover. Slowly.

David "presstab" Latapie ;-)

P.-S.: I suspected it, now I am sure: some talkative poster likes to invent facts, like me saying I support a coin ( anyone?) or the OP of a self-modded ANN topic deleting the poor guy's post. If the said poster acts this way for me, then he probably does it when ranting about something/someone else.

P.-P.-S.: reply #200. Nice one.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: pineapples on January 10, 2016, 01:57:18 AM
since when is presstab = david latapie ??

Title: Re: Reply from David Latapie
Post by: Spoetnik on January 10, 2016, 08:12:22 AM

If I do reply at all, this is because "a lie repeated often enough looks like a truth" so countermeasures are necessary (I'm still in control of my account and anyone with a brain will notice my writing style and my use of horizontal rules - of course, some talkative poster could say this is all impersonation). I know very well this will add fuel to the fire but still think a reply was necessary.

Some (maybe me, I don't even remember) may have claimed that he was not a "developer" (in the sense of software development/coding).
This was whap:
"David Latapie is having a hard time, but as he is no Dev, Monero Project goes on as usual."
And I confirm the assertion.
Depending on the audience, I introduce myself as a Bitcoin developer (then explain that this is not Bitcoin but something similar because such an audience doesn't even understand the word "cryptocurrency"), as a Monero developer (then explain that I do not actually code, but I develop in the sense of developing an idea, a strategy, a project) or as a Monero Core Team member (rarely because it doesn't translate well in French) or as Monero director (the best ratio between accuracy and understandability).

Or that the Monero team has had nothing to do with his business ventures.
I confirm this one too.

I also confirm that superresistant has it right:
You guys are fucking bastards. David is the victim of a real scammer (Wadii Rachid) who is now in jail.
David lost his money, his friends, his job, his reputation (not only on the forum but in real life) and you create a hate thread against him, written in a way that you make people believe that he was the scammer.

I will continue to reply very selectively here and only when I feel this is necessary (which may mean "never"). Thanks to anyone who supported me here, by PM, or on the Monero forum. Of course some particularly talkative poster will seize the opportunity to try to get me to react, probably to no avail.

The preferred way to reach me is PM, because for many reasons I stopped reading most of my mail and unsubscribed from topic notification on as many fora and mailing lists as possible - bitcointalk PM notifications are among the few things I still receive.

For people who actually care: the fact that I am replying here is evidence that I am starting to recover. Slowly.

David "presstab" Latapie ;-)

P.-S.: I suspected it, now I am sure: some talkative poster likes to invent facts, like me saying I support a coin ( anyone?) or the OP of a self-modded ANN topic deleting the poor guy's post. If the said poster acts this way for me, then he probably does it when ranting about something/someone else.

P.-P.-S.: reply #200. Nice one.

If you provide no info people will guess and assume the worst.. reality !
This news broke and you went into hiding.

And we see you commenting and being colossally evasive.
You provided no new info at all aside from grasping at the out's the shills provided you.
These guys lined up to hand you excuses and you showed up to take them up on the offer.

They all posted every excuse in the book for you.
All you did is come here and pick a few out and say yeah yeah.. that one !

Were you playing the victim bragging about making 5 grand on HYP ?
Who made that Latapie ?
Or.. should i say who got paid to make it ? FOR YOU !

All you have ever done is run around the community with double talk and games then hide.
You and a few dumb ass shill's spammed the living fuck out of Polo with HYP shit for ages.
Making all kinds of bold claims.. crying troll.. crying fud etc..
The whole usual routine..
then vanished.
Never mentioning it again.

nuff said.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 11, 2016, 08:56:34 AM
since when is presstab = david latapie ??

Since he admitted on the comment right before yours  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on January 11, 2016, 09:28:40 AM
since when is presstab = david latapie ??

Since he admitted on the comment right before yours  ::)

is that for real? hahaha unexpected turn of events

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: farfiman on January 11, 2016, 09:42:37 AM
since when is presstab = david latapie ??

Since he admitted on the comment right before yours  ::)

I think he was kidding?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: presstab on January 11, 2016, 04:31:45 PM
Not the same people. It will take about two minutes of investigating for you to figure that out. Good luck, hope your brains can handle the stressful analysis it will take to come to that conclusion.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 11, 2016, 09:32:50 PM
since when is presstab = david latapie ??

Since he admitted on the comment right before yours  ::)

I think he was kidding?


You guys are fucking UNBELIEVABLE.

I have endless proof.. how much do you want ?

Did you bother to search the forum or google ?
Did you ask him ?


JESUS tap dancing christ almighty are you fucking people here stupid WOW !

Want PM's i have from him proving it ?
Too lazy too look on Polonibox ?

Think i made some elaborate lie of two nobodies being the same nobody ?

how the fuck do you all here mange to make it through another day ?
Every time i log in here my IQ level goes lower :(

What would all you brain dead idiots here do with out me ? Seriously you people are lost poor baggies.
Blind & drunk off of shit coin greed..

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 11, 2016, 09:34:39 PM
Not the same people. It will take about two minutes of investigating for you to figure that out. Good luck, hope your brains can handle the stressful analysis it will take to come to that conclusion.


Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: pineapples on January 15, 2016, 06:02:15 AM
since when is presstab = david latapie ??

Since he admitted on the comment right before yours  ::)

I think he was kidding?

lol some people don't get sarcasm i think

spoetnik, you dont come across as the sanest of people, if you have evidence just post it instead of people having to filter through your tourette style ramblings

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: netmonk on January 15, 2016, 03:37:57 PM
Well for sure David is not the best guy for PR and Marketing, and i always thought it was a major error for the monero project to keep him.
I mean on the work level.

On the social level and human level, i met several time David and he is kind of lunatic in a very weak situation trying to survive everyday.
I was the first to advise him to not make business with the other guy, as i was there when they first meet and detected very early that this third guy was running a fraud business (mostly tax evasion, and electricity fraud).

As im a technical guy, it tooks me little time to detect that the third guy know almost nothing about btc and prooved wrong his claims such as having already 60 spondo mining on some pool. He even asked me to check his "pool statistic" and didn't think i was able to see that only one miner was connected instead of 60.

I had several phone talk with David, advising him to run away from all this, and to really build a consultant business by himself, even proposing to coach him on presentation and talk. But it seems the third guy was more appealing with the pile of money he was promising with his big investor in his mining project.

I almost lost sight of all this stuff, when few weeks ago David called me and apologise to me, that he should have listened to me and telling me that the final conclusion was that the third guy was in jail for even bigger fraud in some other area, and that the guy tooks all the money of the project and investor.

I was innerly satisfied as, prooving again my analysis was right! But this leave David in a very unconfortable position.

I think he should retire from any PR and marketing project he is involved, and i think monero should really be smarter on hiring a new one.

Anyway this tittle is wrong.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 16, 2016, 02:15:41 PM
I don't give a shit if you think the title is wrong.. go fuck yourselves !

We still don't know what happened and instead of explaining this cunt showed up here
simply to deny being tied to presstab and HYP coin.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: GTO911 on January 16, 2016, 02:31:53 PM
and instead of explaining this cunt showed up here simply to deny being tied to presstab and HYP coin.

Latapie already explained before you opened this thread. Maybe you should stop scraping the bottom of the barrel now

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: presstab on January 16, 2016, 05:10:10 PM
I don't give a shit if you think the title is wrong.. go fuck yourselves !

We still don't know what happened and instead of explaining this cunt showed up here
simply to deny being tied to presstab and HYP coin.

Tied? I thought we were the same person?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 17, 2016, 02:42:38 AM
Latapie.. answer the questions instead of Bumping your Speculation topic.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: luigi1111 on January 17, 2016, 05:01:10 AM
Latapie.. answer the questions instead of Bumping your Speculation topic.

Let's see:;u=81999;sa=showPosts;start=80

AFAICT, his last post in XMR Speculation was March 17 of last year.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 17, 2016, 05:33:57 AM
I want the story.. no more excuses / diversions !

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: netmonk on January 17, 2016, 09:59:40 AM
I want the story.. no more excuses / diversions !

What kind of story do you want ?

Didn't my previous post contain enough fact for you ?

Anyway, linking this sad story to XMR is quite adventurous, as far as David acted upon his own will and nothing officially linked to monero project.

SO i guess you are a fraud too in spreading false assumptions.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 18, 2016, 01:51:40 AM
I want the story.. no more excuses / diversions !

What kind of story do you want ?

Didn't my previous post contain enough fact for you ?

Anyway, linking this sad story to XMR is quite adventurous, as far as David acted upon his own will and nothing officially linked to monero project.

SO i guess you are a fraud too in spreading false assumptions.

How about the truth ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: slapper on January 18, 2016, 02:00:14 AM

How about the truth ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on January 18, 2016, 02:16:57 AM
I want the story.. no more excuses / diversions !

What kind of story do you want ?

Didn't my previous post contain enough fact for you ?

Anyway, linking this sad story to XMR is quite adventurous, as far as David acted upon his own will and nothing officially linked to monero project.

SO i guess you are a fraud too in spreading false assumptions.

How about the truth ?

And your evidence that netmonk is not telling the truth?


Or ffmad before him? (ffmad, by the way, is not a Monero guy at all, he is part of a directly competing coin.)

more crickets

Or superresistant?

more crickets

The one we haven't seen truth from on this thread is you, Spoetnik

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 20, 2016, 07:33:49 AM
Hey guys want to come clean ?
Waiting 1.5 years is not going to make things any easier ;)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on January 20, 2016, 07:37:09 AM
Hey guys want to come clean ?
Waiting 1.5 years is not going to make things any easier ;)

Good point

The one we haven't seen truth from on this thread is you, Spoetnik

It isn't too late.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 20, 2016, 09:21:29 AM
Hey guys want to come clean ?
Waiting 1.5 years is not going to make things any easier ;)

Good point

The one we haven't seen truth from on this thread is you, Spoetnik

It isn't too late.

Nice job retard idiot Moenro Fucktard.
Thanks for the invalid neg rating too loser douche.. gimme more prick !

diversion tactics much coward ?

Scammy piece of shit you and your faggy spam crew are going down .

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 20, 2016, 09:23:37 AM
Monero Forums - David Latapie - 2015-11-30

Dear Moneroers,

There have been rumours about me. My silence was suspicious and there was even talks of criminal accusations in France.

Time to clear this up.

Months ago, I decided to go one step further in my involvement with Monero and to start a company to promote It (as well as the whole blockchain technology). It happened I made a terrible choice when it came to choose my partners. One of them, a very good smooth-talker, was a crook who managed to swindle us all (four other partners). We since discovered he was doing this for ten years. The French police eventually catched him and last thing I heard, he was in jail.

I deeply involved myself into this project, because it really meant a lot for me. This was not only about earning money, it was the culmination of years of sweating, not only in the society but also inside, in my head. So when everything crumbled, I was devastated.

I'm slowly recovering. It will take time, don't expect to see me much active in the following months on Monero (I do have a great project in the works, where Monero plays a part - I won't go into more details until I have something to show, though). I have to put a lot of things in order. The good news is that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I'm still the David Latapie you know. Weakened, but the same. So whatever you may have believed about me several months ago still holds true.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Colleagues of crypto,

For years I hesitate to get into entrepreneurship. Many of my friends tell me that I am made for that (it or consulting), and I still hesitate long.

Just a few months (March 2015), when I was in a bad psychological passes (end of employment contract), I was seduced by a "contractor bitcoin" Wadii Rashid alias Rayane. Ignoring the advice of many of you, I persevered with that person, telling me that I have to stop giving up just before the finish line, do not stop at the first hesitation, think for me -even and not by others, etc.

I was wrong.

The so-called contractor was not one (it even has a rack very, very heavy, I recently discovered), knowledge in Bitcoin and were not its sole competence is very, very to talk ... (and defraud, but that it is not very good in it, fortunately for me).

Today, my situation is more precarious than seven months before. However, despite the daily hell (sect type) that I lived for several months and despite the many physical challenges that I should face the coming months, I draw positive lessons.
First to last! listen to my intuition ("when in doubt, there is no doubt")
Then finally, I have entrepreneurial skills (I could compare myself to various real entrepreneurs and assess my level).
Last but that yes, entrepreneurship is something that fits me (then do financially, I'll be able to afford me, it remains to be seen). I gained a lot of confidence in myself and so humanly, the balance is positive. If it again, I would do it-so far? I do not think, even knowing the reward behind (self-confidence, coughed).

These preliminaries, however, are only one way to bring the subject. This is because today I have the confidence in myself that I find the courage to appear before you, sisters and brothers of cryptomonnaies.

MEA culpa. I have a certain reputation in the community and by engaging me in this stupid adventure, I somehow tainted the community and especially the trust you have placed in me.

MEA culpa. I unintentionally hurt people; which shows how much I was enlisted. To these people, I wish to express my deepest, my sincere regrets. Some, I've been on the phone or face-October 6 in the Sof's Bar. Further, I have yet to join. I repeat here: I'm sorry, sincerely sorry. I will do my best to catch this error.

MEA culpa. All my life I had as credo of staying right in my boots, not to lie, to assume my choices, even when they cost me - and I did, including crypto, where I lost money on a sale where I knew I would lose but I still honored when I could do nothing, because I had given my word.
This time, I failed. I have not lied, never, but I did not say sometimes the back of my mind. For fear (psychological domination), for shame, for something else? I do not know but the result is there: when you are not in agreement with your values, you paid. One of my associates who made him also have (as was the crook are childhood friend!), Suffers at present the consequences on his health. I luckily managed to preserve this - I hope.

Mea maxima culpa. Great power entails great responsibility and I have not acted up to what people expect of me. Being sorry is not enough; it is in my future actions and not my words that you can judge whether my amends worth something.

I consider you a family here, cryptomonnaies. And we do not do that to his family. Although it's only been two years that I am, I have found here a warmth, intelligence and friendship are precious. Believe me when I tell you that the simple fact of isolation was very painful for you.

They say they are the mistakes that advance. I confirm I have progressed. I have only one thing to say in my defense: everything I did, I did it with good intentions. While the paths of hell are paved; let us hope that tomorrow other mine pave roads.

With all my heart,
David Latapie

Now explain to me the logic of apologizing to the Monero community etc.
So far deceitful Monero shills (hiding the truth) have said..
He apologized simply for being taken advantage of by a fraudster.

Now you guys read those those 2 quotes above by Latapie and tell me WTF !
Like seriously WTF ?

Would you go and apologize to the world like that if you had lost some coins to a fraudster etc ?

All these pieces of shit smooth, smoothie etc have left me negative ratings over this and i didn't do fuck all.
That little weazle prick Latapie did.. which is we he apologized !


I won't rest until i have the full story and sooner or later it WILL be posted publicly.

I think he's in jail right now.

A shitload of guys know why that apology i quoted was posted.
Instead of answering they bump that Speculation spam topic to 700 fucking pages.

Trust me pulling a BigVern and waiting 1.5 years to come clean is not going to help matters..

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on January 20, 2016, 09:32:26 AM
1. retard

2. idiot

3. fucktard

4. loser

5. douche

6. prick

7. coward

8. scammy

9. piece of shit

10. faggy

11. spam crew

Wow, I didn't realize I had such an effect on you Spoetnik.

If you were a hot girl, 100% I'm getting laid here.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: GTO911 on January 20, 2016, 09:57:42 AM
I am genuinely sorry for Spoetnik, life is cruel sometimes :'(

Get dressed and hit the town spoti, its not that hard :)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DaveyJones on January 23, 2016, 12:18:13 PM
So what about YOU join IRC and ASK HIM directly... cannot tell who is the moron here... you want question answered so ask HIM and not open some fkn thread... wait i even help your more and link you the appropiate thread ---> ... there you go

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Shrikez on January 23, 2016, 01:54:23 PM
I think you should use bigger fonts, or maybe make them blink in different neon colors.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 23, 2016, 03:22:08 PM
So what about YOU join IRC and ASK HIM directly... cannot tell who is the moron here... you want question answered so ask HIM and not open some fkn thread... wait i even help your more and link you the appropiate thread ---> ... there you go

He can grow a par and speak up HERE.
You think he hasn't seen this topic ?
Of course he has but he is deliberately avoiding answering any questions.
I think you scammy shill's are hilarious beyond belief.
You basically all change the subject have a jab at me.. then i own your ass !
And you quickly change the subject and have another jab at me.

I asked one question here.
How are you guys going to spin this again next ?

Hide more scammy cowards.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 24, 2016, 03:05:20 AM
I can safely assume since this story is still hidden from the public's bad !

Whats the matter will this devastate Monero and the French inner circle ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 26, 2016, 07:18:28 PM
I think you should use bigger fonts, or maybe make them blink in different neon colors.

Did you have some info on what happened ?
How about an Opinion on what little info we do have ?

That guy made one hell of an apology for some reason and i want to know why !

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: houlala1 on January 31, 2016, 01:48:29 AM
Who is Bernard Tapie  ???

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on January 31, 2016, 07:43:40 AM
Who is Bernard Tapie  ???

Is that David's dad ?
Why did you bring up his name ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on January 31, 2016, 08:45:17 PM
The great MEW heist. 

David and Risto getting caught out on 'holding' donated XMR.

Much saving face going on by refunding......good read

Good story except that holding the donated funds until their use is decided by a vote is exactly according to the charter

Q. Is the MEW focused on funding development projects or does it plan to fund non-technical startups involving XMR in some way?
A. 50% of membership fees are given to the core team immediately and they may spend it on the core development at their discretion. The remaining 50% is decided by the vote. The money involved is so small that it is not realistic that the MEW as a group would fund anything except very basic level not-for-profit tasks (websites, marketing materials...). It is up to the members what kind of startups they like to start, technical or service/community-oriented.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on February 01, 2016, 09:09:08 AM
The great MEW heist.  

David and Risto getting caught out on 'holding' donated XMR.

Much saving face going on by refunding......good read

Thanks i think i already knew this though.

Last Active: Today at 12:36:33 AM

He's here dodging this topic still.

And no i don't want to hear from smooth or smoothie or smoothest or smoother etc.

Latapie you have explaining to do.. now or later bucko.



That is more damning than i thought only after a couple comments in.
I could add a ton of shit to that convo but i can't it's self moderated *of course"

I had reported the crypto kingdom topic here for spam was denied.
I also have pointed out i seen Risto change his name on Polo in front of me..
He started hiding way back..
Around that time he was hanging out best friends with presstab on Polo
who denies that it's dave latapie
same time presstab admitted to making about 5k on HYP
and Risto said he had made thousands on his first forum game here.
then he made another one.. the retro shit

Every single thing those piece of shit have said has been lies and i have proof of all of it too.

smooth, smoothie, latapie, risto.. all you fuckers are going down in flames.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on February 13, 2016, 12:50:43 AM
Most of this topic is guys waiting until the first post (re-quoted)
was bumped away to a previous page.. then they come here and deny what was said "Word for word"
Which is why i have repeated the quote lots.

You can see what i mean simply by reading through this topic.
The whole thing has been a massive campaign of denial and interpretations.
While people ACTUALLY DO know what happened !

Hell even David Latapie posted here and yet he still did not shed any light on what happened.

I have never seen anyone apologize like that about anything.
I STILL want to know what happened.
When i posted this it was a call to arm's by the Marketing team etc.
Which doesn't exist yet David Latapie admits it does in the damn quote ROFL

And somehow i lied my rep was beaten on with neg ratings.
Then the only excuse they gave me after a long battle of demanding what the problem was..
Was that i made a *misleading" topic title.
Yet i plucked the keywords right out of the damn quote i posted form the Monero guy !
So what the fuck did i lie about then ?
Not a damn thing they simply got mad i *highlighted* some bad news..
Where they claimed he was the victim but he apologized tho the Monero community specifically (for something)

They tried the angle that he was not even a part of the "team"
Well a pile of people have told me HE IS !
Further more..
David Latapie just so happens to be the treasurer of the Monero donation funds.
Where i pointed out how Risto had been sending coins to for almost 2 years.
Which they denied.
Yet on the previous page it's PROVEN 100%

We see Risto also has been said to have no part of the Monero Team etc too !
Even though whew Monero launched he had bought around 882 BTC worth back when BTC was worth around $600 roughly
Then the link someone posted on the previous page about MEW etc
Shows Risto on their (self-modded) topic admitting to spending the donation money while crying TROLL/FUD
because 1 person asked if he had gotten permission and where the rest of the donated money is now.
Since i had said Latapie was in hiding for months they too also denied that..
Which Latapie admitted to on that link AND in the quote i posted in this topic.
Risto admitted he spent the donation money with out any vote or anyone's permission
even though he was NOT a part of Monero !
Make any sense at all ?

Oh yeah it gets worse LOL
Risto spent the money which was ear marked for public adoption / marketing endeavors..
On get this !
On a Forum game topic here at Bitcointalk. ROFL
Where yes again for two years they have denied making ANY effort ever on Advertising here.
Such as denying their 2 year old spam topic with 700 pages 24/7 bumped to page one.
On that link i mentioned Risto the NOT team member admitted he spent the money on his
Retro City Altcoin section Forum game topic as a method of public adoption..
He called in in respect to public adoption efforts an "asset"

THEN get this !
I had seen him tell me on Poloniex about his previous forum game topic where he admitted to making 1,000 of dollars !
So.. how much has he made on his newer one that i had reported as spam when he started it ?

You guys see why Monero hates me so much ?  :o

And boys.. my oh my i didn't even get smarted LOL
Want me to dish dirt ?
I didn't even graze the surface !
This crew have been at it for almost years now here at this forum.
Funny part is Risto has led the charge on this and backed it posting messages he had donated to it.
He also admitted he was in the "Loony Bin" ..a Millionaire who posts crazy pictures such as,
him posing in front of a Pink Bentley
And the kicker is..
Monero he said was his first coin besides bitcoin.. so it's the best of course.  ::)

Monero i is deceitful vehicle for this rich guy to manipulate.. it's Risto's coin !
The dev's etc are nothing but puppets for this millionaire..sadly they don't see it or care.
OR !
maybe all these Monero shill's are simply taking advantage of Risto pouring $100,000's of dollars into Monero

All i know is these guys have been sooooo irritating with manipulative spamming / advertising
And when confronted about it they bad mouthed this forum and claimed to go off and start their own. (they did but stayed)
Saying they were going to leave here..
While Risto spends donated company money on a topic HERE to advertise.. as he said it's a "high value asset" (forum game)
So in other words every fucking damn thing that rolls out of these scammy pricks mouths has turned out to be a PROVEN LIE !

Don't skip over the point here guys..
THEY claim he was a victim and did nothing wrong and was not a part of the "team".
Later it was proven he WAS in fact a part of the team.
AND he apologized word for word to "doing wrong" to the Monero community.. which is WHY he apologized !

These guys are not being picked on..
They are cornered, manipulative, deceitful, greedy shit coin peddlers.. caught red-handed lying NON STOP.
For almost two years now !

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: billotronic on February 13, 2016, 07:47:19 PM
news flash, idiot, maybe its just not any of your fucking business

why dont you go put your energy to better use?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: GTO911 on February 13, 2016, 07:58:08 PM
news flash, idiot, maybe its just not any of your fucking business

why dont you go put your energy to better use?

Tip: Lets not pump the obvious troll thread

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on February 14, 2016, 09:04:43 AM
news flash, idiot, maybe its just not any of your fucking business

why dont you go put your energy to better use?

Seriously ?
That is the best retort you could come up with ?
i am *almost speechless ;)

I think you guys have done well avoiding bumping my topics because
you know i will highlight dirt.. that you want hidden.
But if i don't do it somebody else will.

These things are said for a reason.
These guys have acted like assholes for 2 years now.
You all recall Risto's Monero topic with his long winded rant about HIS FORUM RULES ?
He had JUST shown up and Monero was his first coin..
but wow holy fucking shit did this guy stomp in here with a chip on his shoulder.

And wow surprise surprise i come here and yet 2 more notifications now i had comments removed.. AGAIN !
Staff.. blow me you are idiots and i hope you enjoy your 5 cents commission you earned from hiding the truth.
I mention that FOR A REASON everything i say for fuck sakes.
Call me on it.. And i will post proof !

such as this last one..

That has nothing to with a currency and NO Microsoft is NOT working with ETH at all.

Mod's deleted it.. why ?

People have been running around saying ETH is working with MS for a long time now and it's a lie !

so what happens ? mod's deleted it !

Fuck all of you scammy cunts.. blow me  8)

Go tale your BTC shit coin profits / or forum mod commisions and by some credibility class & integrity spineless worms.

douche bags.

To back up my mouth..

I copied and pasted Risto's rules September 06, 2014 but put my own name in on that link.. see below ;)

Hi, I am Spoetnik. Welcome to my thread on altcoins. I have been a Bitcoin owner since 2011 but never owned any alts, until I bought started mining LTC last year.

The rules of this thread are very strict, as always in my threads:

- There is no freedom of speech. The topic is altcoins, but I also want that it stays in a level that is possible and interesting to read for a busy Bitcoin holder that does not care about alts. I know how it feels to be a busy Bitcoin holder, so I steer the discussion to the maximum benefit for me, and for my readers.

- Which alts can be discussed, is up to me. Mentioning an alt after that specific alt has been banned from a thread results in a ban for you. If you do not obey my ban from the thread, historically you have had 100% chance to be banned from the forum as a result. Don't try your luck.

- Posts may be deleted for whatever reason. Deletion does not necessarily mean that the post was offensive. It may also have been too long quote (in which case either the original, or the reply may be pruned), repetition of yours or somebody else's point, or anything else.

- Moderating actions are written in red. Others are not allowed to use red.

My take on altcoins


Hey Risto go fuck yourself and your rules above asshole.. stupid shit coin Noob.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: slapper on February 14, 2016, 01:16:14 PM
So they rubbed you the wrong way on Polo chat (like they did to many, not just you), it gives you the right to post stupid posts trying to malign an entire coin instead of attacking the cunts individually?

You know you are fucking up when people choose Reptilia over you based on your posts in this scammy thread and no one like Reptilia.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Herp on February 16, 2016, 09:20:46 PM
The devs running Monero should go to jail for defrauding investors, fooling them into buying into an orchestrated pump.

They've paid some Poloniex day traders few k to fool around with the coin.

From a coin with a shitty daily volume of 20-30k/day USD few weeks ago it grew to 800k volume. Give me a break.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: From Above on April 14, 2016, 09:30:36 PM
is he in dem jail ?


Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on April 14, 2016, 11:13:06 PM
We never did get an explanation to what happened.. just defense attacks.
Eventually one of their own will turn on them though.. and we will know !

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: obit33 on April 14, 2016, 11:26:58 PM

If I do reply at all, this is because "a lie repeated often enough looks like a truth" so countermeasures are necessary (I'm still in control of my account and anyone with a brain will notice my writing style and my use of horizontal rules - of course, some talkative poster could say this is all impersonation). I know very well this will add fuel to the fire but still think a reply was necessary.

Some (maybe me, I don't even remember) may have claimed that he was not a "developer" (in the sense of software development/coding).
This was whap:
"David Latapie is having a hard time, but as he is no Dev, Monero Project goes on as usual."
And I confirm the assertion.
Depending on the audience, I introduce myself as a Bitcoin developer (then explain that this is not Bitcoin but something similar because such an audience doesn't even understand the word "cryptocurrency"), as a Monero developer (then explain that I do not actually code, but I develop in the sense of developing an idea, a strategy, a project) or as a Monero Core Team member (rarely because it doesn't translate well in French) or as Monero director (the best ratio between accuracy and understandability).

Or that the Monero team has had nothing to do with his business ventures.
I confirm this one too.

I also confirm that superresistant has it right:
You guys are fucking bastards. David is the victim of a real scammer (Wadii Rachid) who is now in jail.
David lost his money, his friends, his job, his reputation (not only on the forum but in real life) and you create a hate thread against him, written in a way that you make people believe that he was the scammer.

I will continue to reply very selectively here and only when I feel this is necessary (which may mean "never"). Thanks to anyone who supported me here, by PM, or on the Monero forum. Of course some particularly talkative poster will seize the opportunity to try to get me to react, probably to no avail.

The preferred way to reach me is PM, because for many reasons I stopped reading most of my mail and unsubscribed from topic notification on as many fora and mailing lists as possible - bitcointalk PM notifications are among the few things I still receive.

For people who actually care: the fact that I am replying here is evidence that I am starting to recover. Slowly.

David "presstab" Latapie ;-)

P.-S.: I suspected it, now I am sure: some talkative poster likes to invent facts, like me saying I support a coin ( anyone?) or the OP of a self-modded ANN topic deleting the poor guy's post. If the said poster acts this way for me, then he probably does it when ranting about something/someone else.

P.-P.-S.: reply #200. Nice one.

TLDR: David was scammed himself... he was not the scammer...

BTW: this is still a very very very weak attempt to discredit monero and its developers... please, generate some substantial arguments of why monero/monderdevelopers are scams... Might be beneficial for your credibility and that of the community you're representing.

best regards

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on April 15, 2016, 06:27:35 AM
We heard that (and ONLY that so far) and congrats on your quote button skills.

Was Dave scammed when he said countless times he has nothing to do with Monero Marketing / Advertising here ?
Then what is in the story quoted ?
A Monero marketing company that is what !

Let's see some PROOF he was scammed.
He never did explain ANYTHING.


Don't post what you *think* as facts.

Have info then back it up and provide proof.


log into your regular account Mr. Expert Noob  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: obit33 on April 15, 2016, 11:04:12 AM
Let's see some PROOF he was scammed.

Let's see some PROOF he was a scammer...

That's your problem, you're accusing anybody of anything and then you expect these persons to prove that your made up and inane gobbledygook isn't true...

BTW: I don't have any other account, I'm a long term reader of the board since I started investing in bitcoin, mostly I prefer not to comment, sometimes I do...

anyway, not that you're gonna want to learn anything from anybody...

best regards

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on April 15, 2016, 12:36:16 PM
news flash, idiot, maybe its just not any of your fucking business

why dont you go put your energy to better use?

It's the business of the users he apologized to for screwing them over in the 2 quotes i posted.
Read them..

Me ? I am just curious.
But if i was a Supporter that was screwed over i would want to know why Monero was damaged so badly.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on April 15, 2016, 12:37:51 PM
But if i was a Supporter that was screwed over i would want to know why Monero was damaged so badly.

Please find one supporter who was screwed over.

When you have done that, then go right ahead and post about it. Until then, you have nothing to post about.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on April 15, 2016, 12:39:02 PM
Let's see some PROOF he was scammed.

Let's see some PROOF he was a scammer...

That's your problem, you're accusing anybody of anything and then you expect these persons to prove that your made up and inane gobbledygook isn't true...

BTW: I don't have any other account, I'm a long term reader of the board since I started investing in bitcoin, mostly I prefer not to comment, sometimes I do...

anyway, not that you're gonna want to learn anything from anybody...

best regards

Read the first post for the most intense apology ever posted on the internet.
From a guy who swore up & down for almost two years had had NOTHING to do wit marketing / Advertising here.
Who later admitted to it.. and then it goes on even deeper than that.
Check out the MEW topic.

Know what burns the most i bet.. your own Team members fucking you over.
Thank him for it.. i did not write his apology.

by the way i don't buy your Mr. Nooby routine.
Your Trolling with a dummy account.
You are one of the old Monero shill's guaranteed.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: obit33 on April 15, 2016, 12:52:14 PM
Let's see some PROOF he was scammed.

Let's see some PROOF he was a scammer...

That's your problem, you're accusing anybody of anything and then you expect these persons to prove that your made up and inane gobbledygook isn't true...

BTW: I don't have any other account, I'm a long term reader of the board since I started investing in bitcoin, mostly I prefer not to comment, sometimes I do...

anyway, not that you're gonna want to learn anything from anybody...

best regards

Read the first post for the most intense apology ever posted on the internet.
From a guy who swore up & down for almost two years had had NOTHING to do wit marketing / Advertising here.
Who later admitted to it.. and then it goes on even deeper than that.
Check out the MEW topic.

Know what burns the most i bet.. your own Team members fucking you over.
Thank him for it.. i did not write his apology.

by the way i don't buy your Mr. Nooby routine.
Your Trolling with a dummy account.
You are one of the old Monero shill's guaranteed.

So you find proof that he was a scammer in the fact that he offers an apology for being scammed himself...

JAP, solid logic at work here people...

and no, I'm not one of the old monero shill's... My account dates from april 2013, long before monero even existed. I just discoverd monero about a year ago and kinda like the coin... Next to that I think that unfounded personal attacks and accusing people without proof really sucks, but hey, it probably makes it easier in your world to just label me as another monero-shill, after all they're everywhere, right?

best regards,

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Febo on April 15, 2016, 01:21:39 PM
Spoetnik so when someone apology for something he is a scammer?

If i apology my mother i was not help her enough when i was a kid, i am a scammer?

Please start stating soem facts behind your words.
I also dont understand how you can tell someone to log to other account? Again without any fact and also point except try to go away from his questions and facts.

Spoetnik, please please please stop ignoring peoples facts and questions and state facts behind your words and more important stop being rude to people. Dont call them bad names just because moderators on this forum are to lazy to do their job and punish that. I really dont believe anyone want to live in a world you are helping make with your words.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on April 16, 2016, 11:30:03 AM
13 pages of me re-explaining myself like a broken record to people who can't read or understand English.
What is the point.. you are not asking me anything i have not stated a dozen times already.
Read the topic here.

And yeah facts are facts.. facts have been pointed out.

If you guys have something more to add other than guessing on behalf of a coward who hides
then by means lets hear it.

Scammer ?
Yeah because that guy and his buddies are pathological / compulsive liars.
Monero has a long 2 year history of getting caught doing dumb shit and / or lying.
That is a fact.. sooooooo
DUH this French Police Marketing company fraud crap is of course more of the same.
More of the same from the same guys who hang around here advertising their coin
as they deny advertising their coin here ROFL

FEBO you PM'd me telling me he was a part of the Monero Team and later i got more PROOF (facts)
Even though half of these LIARS demanded he was NOT.

Scammer ?

Scammer = A person in crypto who is dishonest and who is really just doing this stuff for profits.
That is my definition of a scammer..

Go read the MEW topic people and see how their millionaire investor make the decisions for the coin
and how the guy in this story is the treasurer who vanished with the coins for months hiding.

2 guys who the usual suspects have claimed for 2 years that are NOT apart of the "team"
uhhh i would say that MEW topic alone proves they ARE !
And this topic PROVES the lying for 2 years about them never advertising here.
Even though it's obvious because they pump that Spam Topic 24/7 to the top of page 1 every day.

A lot of Spamming, lying, Trolling, crying FUD here and on poloniex, preying on Noobs..
I would and have gone outside and lit my money on fire before i go use FIAT to buy BTC to buy Monero's

Your community take over coin cloning platform coin with Anon features that can't work ever is gay !

Only a moron would fork a coin cloning platform coin then call it ByteCoin when one already existed using that name
then parade around trying to beat Bitcoin by claiming your coin is Secure / Anon (BS claims)
And supposedly the original dev left and never came back the day it was taken over ?
Who here believes that ?
Who here would bet the guy simply changed names and lied about a community take over?

Who wants to invest in a coin run by a sucker kid who is inept and gets made a victim ?
You guys cry Dave was picked on and he was taken advantage off..
So why is he your MEW treasurer ? (or was)

Who wants to invest in coin that would have collapsed and died long ago if it was not for a rich investor
sinking money into Monero endlessly.. you know the bald fucker from Smashing Pumpkins.. Risto
Mr admits to being in the loony bin and has shown us all he is fucking nuts !
And HE controls the coin and makes the decisions for it !

Does any of this gay bullshit sound appealing ?
I guess the only thing people out there are asking is can they profit from it..

Good luck buying Monero coins at Poloniex with your picture ID then using it to buy crack & guns on SilkRoad v2  :D
Don't worry.. it's ANON ! hahahahha  :D

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: superresistant on April 16, 2016, 11:37:36 AM
Did David end up going to jail for what he did?

David never did anything and was never accused of anything so obviously he was not sent to jail and will not go to jail.
David, among others got scammed by a con artist and that person got in jail.

And all of this have nothing to do with Monero.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Febo on April 16, 2016, 02:27:16 PM
Spoetnik it happened once again. You did not answered on my question that related on last few posts you made in this thread. But you went into new illusions you probably 99 times posted here before.

One thing i noticed in your post is that you dont really understand decentralized crypto liek are Monero and BTC. If Monero is of no interest you could at least understood that no one owns Bitcoin. All partners need to agree with whatever happen. Miners, exchanges, merchants, developers. Developer itself cant force anything without other 3 partners.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on April 17, 2016, 04:49:50 PM
read post 1 ..that is what this topic is about.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on May 28, 2016, 04:09:00 PM
Did David end up going to jail for what he did?

David never did anything and was never accused of anything so obviously he was not sent to jail and will not go to jail.
David, among others got scammed by a con artist and that person got in jail.

And all of this have nothing to do with Monero.

People do not apologize like he did unless they did something wrong.

And further more you have no cred around here because of your endless MEMORY COIN scammy bullshit support buddy.

All you have to do is look at what i quoted D. Latapie saying..
..then ask yourself does that sound like an apology from someone who did no wrong ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on May 28, 2016, 07:19:45 PM

Garbled nonsense

Hey sputnik where's the outrage at all the dash spam being shoved down everyone's throat? FUcking hypocrite dirtbag  :)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on May 28, 2016, 10:03:22 PM
Obviously they were up to something illegal and the monero camp got caught out. David was the sacrificial lamb in order to save face and thus his public apology.

This did not happen and you are making false accusations. It is reasonable to ask questions and distrust, but when it rises to the level of false accusations that you can not back up and which are untrue, you are the one lying and scamming.

David made his apologies for his own reasons that had no involvement (meaning with either the apology itself or the previous actions) of any part of the Monero core team nor, to my knowledge, any other party of the Monero community at all.

As far as I know he is still in control of his account, but if not then it isn't something that happened with the involvement of any part of the Monero core team nor to my knowledge any other part of the Monero community.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: DrkLvr_ on May 28, 2016, 11:42:52 PM
hey ceti are you always a lying scumbag or only when you're on bitcointalk?  :D

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on May 29, 2016, 01:19:49 PM
The guys who claim they were not involved apparently have all kinds of facts.
Even though David posted on this topic NOT saying anything..

He later went into hiding and i can quote him admitting it more than once.
Look on the MEW topic link.

I agree with CETI and we have to speculate a little because they did what he said.
There was no lies posted.
What happened is we all seen the most intense apology in Crypto.
Not like we seen Mark from GOX make an apology like that for taking half a billion dollars..
And apparently when you say word for word you screwed over the Monero community
and then apologize for it repeatedly in writing this means somehow YOU are the victim.

Funny after this French Police shit went down and the ensuing silence
they all said David Latapie was NOT a part of the Monero team and then they made
sure David stopped using his account here and claimed he was "leaving"
Ignoring the fact that the admitted to a "Monero Marketing" company.. what ever that means.

This guys past behavior is also pretty scammy.. ever heard of useless scam coin HYP ?

We have angry little scammers pissed off because they got caught up with a few of their accounts.
But they really don't care and will jump to other forum accounts to push other coins.
There was a suspicious character on IRC i seen before announcing his new clone coin
so i went and looked at his ANN topic a few months back like in December'ish
And what did i see ?
Mr David Latapie who was in hiding spamming page 1 on the ANN topic about how good this new coin was.
Isn't that a tad odd boys ?
I said why are you here pushing this coin while hiding from the French Police fraud drama etc ?
My comments were swiftly deleted of course.. yup another coin topic self modded from the same old crew.
HYP coin ?
A rip-off CENT clone made by request by a serial cloner for hire here.
Who showed up here to admit he was paid to make it *by request*
Latapie was more than happy to go and hang out on poloniex and push it getting you to part with your Bitcoin.
Paid cloner was more than happy to take the money to make teens shits coins to flog for "Fun & Profit"

Kind of funny we have heard David Latapie was "working" for Risto / reptiela
who is also another name changing Poloniex shill and whom both are said to have NOT been
a part of the Monero team even when they clearly are..
And funnier is when i get a PM from "FEBO" who has submitted tons of code to Monero on Github
telling me via PM David Latapie "IS" a part of the Monero team (after the French Police drama)
David speaks french ? FEBO speaks french ? half the dummy accounts they use speak french ?
WOW what are the odd's ?

Lies ?
look in the mirror Morono's  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on May 29, 2016, 07:10:20 PM
He later went into hiding and i can quote him admitting it more than once.
Look on the MEW topic link.

I did look, after you mentioned looking at his posting history. I saw him posting offering to return the funds he was holding:

As an example of the message I will send:
Please confirm:
You have 10 votes, you paid 10 XMR and for renewal you paid one-tenth, which is 1 XMR. Total is 11 XMR. Since half went to dev and are non refundable, this means I will send you back 5.5 XMR (modulo transaction fees). Please state privately your XMR address.
I case you ask, I have my own ledger of who paid how much.

I later saw various people requesting of the funds he was holding and then receiving them, with zero complaints of not receiving a full refund (I received mine).

I also saw that when asked about the MEW funds being used for Crypto-Kingdom, rpietila said exactly the opposite of what you claimed he said.

Kind of funny we have heard David Latapie was "working" for Risto / reptiela
who is also another name changing Poloniex shill and whom both are said to have NOT been
a part of the Monero team even when they clearly are..

No one ever said that David was not part of the Monero team. He clearly was, but went off to do his own thing a long time ago and effectively disappeared from the group for a year or more, did not stay in contact. and did not tell us what he was doing other than "starting a business". Another one of the other original members also disappeared in a similar manner. That's how unpaid open source projects often work: people are volunteers who come and go based on other activities and demands on their time.

Risto was indeed never part of the Monero team, just a community member and supporter.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on May 30, 2016, 08:13:07 AM
What bothered me about this crap was the truth untold.
You can tell by reading what he DIDN'T say there was clearly far more to it.
His quoted apology was evasive and crafted carefully to not divulge any real information.
And i have a feeling the Monero supporters who got their apology don't even know WHY they got it.

So far* they have successfully swept all of this under the rug and carried on like nothing happened.

And a patsy kid fool who is playing the poor innocent little victim who has been duped is silly.
Wake up guys.. he's the fucking MEW treasurer and can be seen wearing the Monero Merch hoodies.
With the words SECURE written on them..

Now tell me want some punk who can't keep his own shit secure involved with your investment ?
Want a kid who is a patsy gullible little fool HOLDING FUNDS AS A TREASURER ?

Of course not.. that is retarded !

These Morono Shills love pushing some angle to suit their argument only to flip flop
and cry the opposite later..

Like this topic had every fucking right being posted because when it happened
he had VANISHED for months with MEW donated money he held as the treasurer
and later we found out he simply gave it to Risto to make forum games here with.
(not sure why he needed so much to post a topic here anyway)

They sure as hell had no right running and giving me a negative rating for this shit either.
I am guilty of passing along pertinent information.. nothing more. (i was "negged" for lying apparently)
If he did nothing wrong then why did he apologize ? Did i add any false info to it all ? Of course not !
And why did they HAVE TO give back the donated MEW funds ?

These clowns are deceitful greedy slithering little snakes hell bent on pushing the bags on noobs.
Clearly no matter what happens they will simply cry FUD and Troll and attack they can keep getting peoples Bitcoin in exchange for Moron "credits"

Line up gullible greedy idiots..
Head on over to Poloniex the official shit coin distributor so you can hand over your picture ID buy ANON coins

And i will summarize here with this..

Playing victim..

Playing Mr. Security..

Can't have it both ways Morono's  ::)

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: smooth on May 30, 2016, 09:38:03 AM
and later we found out he simply gave it to Risto to make forum games here with.
(not sure why he needed so much to post a topic here anyway)

That's exactly the opposite of what was stated on the thread. Do you have any evidence to the contrary? Oh i didn't think so.

They sure as hell had no right running and giving me a negative rating for this shit either.

You sure as hell do deserve being identified as a scammer as long as you post lies as you did above. You are misleading people with made up crap which can very well cost them money if they are stupid enough to believe you.

Head on over to Poloniex the official shit coin distributor so you can hand over your picture ID buy ANON coins

There is no picture ID on Poloniex for under $2000 per day. Do you play higher than that? Oh, I didn't think so.

There is no picture ID on the decentralized exchange that supports Monero.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on June 26, 2016, 07:59:26 PM
You have to get verified at Exchanges quit playing dumb.
You know damn well it has nothing to do with picture ID or Poloniex specifically.
You are simply playing stupid little games here trying show an exception to the rule.

SO sometimes you do NOT have to show your ID so there for it's OK when you do ?

Or has Spoetnik pointed out a gaping massive hole in your gay retarded little ANON coin scheme ?  8)

Keep *trying* to play smart smooth crew.. you fail ever damn time..
And it amuses my bloody balls off.

I think it might be time for a spanking.
I HAD been nice to you guys lately.. want me to REALLY break you off some ?

Cryptsy sent users personal info to the fed's when flagged.
Hows dem anon coinz workin' out for ya bro ?

Idiots LOL

It's call law dumb fucks ahahhahaha
Enjoy your never ending pwnage Morono's  8)

Hmmm what does it show in this picture ? Bitcointalk ? Poloniex ? Bittrex ? LOL

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: superresistant on June 27, 2016, 07:31:03 AM

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: superresistant on June 27, 2016, 07:34:51 AM

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on June 27, 2016, 08:49:54 AM
Haven't seen the guy for quite a while, what happened, nervous breakdown?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on June 27, 2016, 08:56:58 AM
Haven't seen the guy for quite a while, what happened, nervous breakdown?

He was HIV+ positive i heard a rumor..
People watch out when you Crypto you could pick up something.. USE PROTECTION.
He died of AIDS ?

And get a load of that other nozzle LOL
He says nothing ever since MemoryCoin 2 years ago as he sucked off FreeTrade on his scam coin..
Except to post on this specific topic occasionally to cry FUD & say he has me on ignore.
generalizethis is that you Mr. Fungability ?

Bribe ?
Yeah i laughed at them.. their money was better spent hiring a Crypto-Hitman  :D
These Morono's i hear are looking at teaming up with Russian mobster scammer V. Butterin.
To hire a man to take care of some FUD.

Lesson here is heavy bags are heavy.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: netmonk on June 27, 2016, 12:20:33 PM

Kind of funny we have heard David Latapie was "working" for Risto / reptiela
who is also another name changing Poloniex shill and whom both are said to have NOT been
a part of the Monero team even when they clearly are..
And funnier is when i get a PM from "FEBO" who has submitted tons of code to Monero on Github
telling me via PM David Latapie "IS" a part of the Monero team (after the French Police drama)
David speaks french ? FEBO speaks french ? half the dummy accounts they use speak french ?
WOW what are the odd's ?

Lies ?
look in the mirror Morono's  ::)

I would agree with your suspicions that it was DL whether he is really in charge if his accounts is another question.

Well by knowing IRL David Latapie, i can merely declare that he doesn't know how to code.
Therefore, if one tells you he submitted lot of code on github, it can not be David ! :)

So FEBO cannot be David Latapie. Or FEBO is lying about his github submission.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on June 27, 2016, 06:17:19 PM
Well that is a fair perception if you know him.

If you talk to him though.. tell him to consider providing more info on this story.
It would defuse any drama hat it started some what.

Although Dash guys may still want to have a go at Monero about this.
I would have less to bite into LOL

I think the people in Crypto do in fact deserve a proper explanation.
So if Latapie wants to provide more info he can if he wants send me a PM
and i will try and post on the forum what he wants said.
I am not hearing trying to badger him to pick on him.

If he ran into problems then fine i get it.
But when you go in silence we are all left to assume things or guess etc.
Sorry but that is just how it is.. nothing personal.

SO far he did comment on this topic and CHOSE to not saying ANYTHING !

I am not the one who posted apologies online then would not say why.
And i am trying to say here Dave don't be scared just give us some more info guy.
I get the impression he is worried about being attacked or something if he speaks up.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Moneroman88 on June 27, 2016, 06:18:54 PM
Spoetnik could you please stop posting about Monero 24/7, it's okay if you want to boost your investment but it's getting a little repetitive.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: HCLivess on December 05, 2016, 02:59:53 PM
Is he in jail? Monero is boring without the main clown.

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud [updated]
Post by: Spoetnik on July 11, 2017, 05:11:48 AM

You should see the scam topic on rpietila  :D
I could mention other things too such as FluffyPony saying it was only 80% secure and his dice site getting hacked.

but instead i will point out this clown supported the scam called "Memory Coin" even harder than the Larimers who made it  :D

Oh and did anyone ever find out what happened ?

Title: Re: [NEWS] Monero David Latapie French Police Fraud
Post by: jack3rror on January 08, 2022, 09:25:23 PM
This just went to far. David is the victim here not the perpetrator. This is just really sad.

Who was the scammer?
Waadi Rachid.