Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spekulatius on March 06, 2013, 09:48:49 PM

Title: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 06, 2013, 09:48:49 PM ( (

I am proud to announce the first feature-length documentary that will focus entirely on BITCOIN!

Along side captivating interviews from celebrities and experts around the Bitcoin scene from all around the globe, external experts from the fields of law, politics or science will also talk about Bitcoin and what it could mean for society, economy and the World! The only thing we need right now are Donations! ;)

Its gonna be the first Bitcoin Documentary and it will be 100% Bitcoin funded! All donations will come from supporters and sponsors in the form of Bitcoin.
We are in the talks with a major supplier of BTC chargable debit cards, that will enable us to spend ALL neccessary expenses that CANNOT be spent in BTC, WITH BTC! Instead of paying with EUR or USD, we can just top up our account with donations in the form of Bitcoin and say: "Hey, you dont take Bitcoin? Here, take my Debit card instead. Its a Bitcoin card!"

On top of that, this project aims to be as open and transparent as possible. Everyone that has a good idea for an interview or how to make the movie/site/planning better is encouraged to take part! We will account for all the expenses in our blog, post current pictures and videos from the sets and turn this whole movie into a full fledged crowd funded, crowd sourced project of the Bitcoin Community!

First interviews have already been arranged with the owners of (, Germany's largest Bitcoin exchange as well as privacy experts Frank Braun and Jonathan Logan from ( and conducted with Trace Mayer, among others. We are in the talks with many more parties and also focus on Experts opposed to Bitcoin, because no good movie goes without good a conflict!

Please visit our website and let us know what you think!
>>> ( <<<
Visit our ( facebook page ( to stay uptodate on all the news! (

Current Balance: (

Donated to date: BTC (

Pls visit our site for non-anonymous donations (Gifts'n'stuff)

P.S.: Also check out the awesome Donor Gifts in the Donation Section (!!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 06, 2013, 10:02:53 PM
This thread will also serve as a platform for exchange of ideas, as long as our own forum over at is not up and running yet (coming in the next days!).

About us:

I'm a Student of "Applied Media Science" at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. My course of studies consists of theoretical elements of film (and other media) production, as well as practical ones. I have taken part in several film projects during my 3 years there on set and in the Marketing Department of a larger production.

My team consists of 4 students, doing their Master's Degree in "Media Technics", all have prior experience in practical film production and theoretical knowledge.

Our campus is equipped with the most up to date devices and infrastructure neccessary for recording and editing movies. All of witch are available to us. Different film projects are currently being developed there which an able community of young film makers, that can contribute to this project if need arises.

So we got the Know How, the Equipment and the Support to make this documentary reality. The only thing missing is MONEY!

To stay with the spirit of the Bitcoin project, I decided to raise funds exclusively with Bitcoin from the community that it comes from in the most transparent and open way possible instead of asking private or governmental film promotion funds to give me the money under some restrictive licenses.

How much money do we need?

To make this movie as awesome as it can get, we need to collect about 10.000 EUR or 13.000 USD in BTC. With this money we can traveler to conferences, developers, entrepreneurs and miners all over the world! If we get less then that, the movie will still be cool, but not as many interesting people and places will be in it, so yeah, if this documentation shall reflect the international concentrated power of the Bitcoin project, we need to raise those funds!

Ask me anything!

1. Question: Who would you like to see on the Docu?

Some Silk Road Dealer, the BIGGEST mining farms from within or Kim Dotcom?

Please make some suggestions!

Nominations so far:

Gavin Andresen
Ashton Kutcher
Alan Reiner (Armory developer)
Ben Bernanke
Satoshi Nakamoto


General advice:

Pls use best equipment available. Anything below 720i is not so likely to be included. If you have to, make sure the material is good;)
Low resolution should only be considered if intended for some effect (e.g. surveillance camera, media res, etc.)
Also try not to shake too much while holding your device, use tripods if available or look for other structures to support your camera. Its always easier to film and turn away from the sun or other sources of light, then to turn towards it. If sound is recorded, pls make sure its clear of too much background noise, wind, or else and relevant things can be understood well. Use external microphones if available. No loss in recorded data can be brought back in post production. If resolution is bad, we cant "turn it up" afterwards, if you are too loud or too silent, your recording device won't pick it all up and lossy compression methods (see: wikipedia ( should be avoided as well. Pls try to provide us with the best quality possible.

- LIVE TRANSACTION (open for public, receiving submissions)

Make a live Bitcoin transaction with someone far, far away! Take footage on both ends of the deal and also some impressions of the area [e.g. a pan across the skyline of the town you are in, a time-lapse cruise through your area from a subway or car window (can also be turned into time lapse from real time footage in post production) or from the top of some world famous monument)]!
Post links below! Thread will be updated with submissions.
Best ones will be picked and have a high chance to be put into final movie!

- SPANISH INTERVIEW TRANSLATION (currently being worked on by Jaques (;u=80579), please post if interested)

We need one or two translators of the interview shot with a 62 years old Bitcoin aficionado in Argentina. The footage has not yet been released and will remain secret till the making of is being released. To avoid leaking this super secret interview only one or two trusted individuals with great Spanish skills will be entrusted to translate and subtitle to whole interview (ca. 20 minutes). Successful candidates will also receive other benefits, as their contribution will be valued equal to a 5 BTC donation to the project (see donation page ( for list of privileges).

- LEGAL ADVICE (open for public, please post in comments)

Please answer all questions in this thread:

There are a couple of legal questions that come with this project. I would like to ask you to help us out if you have any fact based knowledge. We cant afford to consult a lawyer for that and our legal department at uni is completely over worked, so pls help us out!
When you try to answer these questions pls refer to them by citing the corresponding number and use articles of law whenever possible.

1 Under what license should we publish our movie?
  • I. It shall be the most open license possible. Our team and all contributors basically waive their rights to the material (except being the creators of the content of course), so others can freely aquire, edit, sell, broadcast, screen, possess and do whatever they want with it at no cost to them.
  • II. Some licenses to look at: Creative Commons (, Copyfree (, CC0 (, WhatTheFuckyouwanttoPublicLicense (
  • III. We have to make sure all sound tracks, video clips, art work or else contributed by supporters is also allowed to be treated under the same conditions as the work of our team. So absolutely no one can come in afterwards and claim royalties or legally prohibit the distribution of our movie in any jurisdiction.

2 WHO has to sign a waiver of rights and WHAT has to be in it? Can anyone provide blanks?
  • I. So far we gave a waiver to all people interviewed on camera, our team gets one, our supervisor at uni will get one and all people identifiable in miscellaneous shots, not part of a larger group were asked whether we can use their picture whith their consent on camera.

3 We would like to use stock footage of different TV channels and other resources (anyone remember that Good Wife episode;)?) To use it in our open domain-like licensed movie will be difficult. Any ideas? Practice experience, work arounds? Please provide legal facts if you can!

4 Filming permits are to be aquired under different conditions everywhere. In most cases we make sure to either have them or to not be classified as a professional film crew under the specific conditions lined out for the locations in question. Lets say it turns out we were not allowed to film somewhere so after the movie is published some public servant stands up and demands additional payment, should we be concerned?

5 Under what jurisdiction should we put our movie (if any)? After all it will be filmed in many different countries and there are different (copyright) laws in every one of those.

- SENT US SATOSHI NAKAMOTO! (open for public, receiving submissions)

We will talk about Bitcoin's mysterious creator and maybe visit some of his early peers to tell his story (or what we know about it). For that, we'll need a lot of cut away footage from him. If you have any ideas on how to portait him take a camera and start to film!

We need footage of him basically being himself in any way you see him: sitting in a sushi bar, using the subway, sitting in front of his screen, devicing Bitcoin, being a NSA spy, earning a shit ton of money,..

Any scenes that you can imagine we can use. In this case its not even important to record superb sound because we will most likely lay music over it or to use a good camera because those "memories" will fall out of the standard look of the movie anyway.

This is your chance to make yourself an idol of Satoshi Cyber Christ™ ( Please post or send us your ideas and footage and we can put you in the credits for ever lasting fame!

0.1_BTCAleš Janda (First Non-Anonymous Donation)
1.0_BTCTechnomage (;u=13746) (
2.0_BTCallkindsofshit (
10.0_BTCMike Gogulski ( ( (, (
1.0_BTCmolecular (;u=3771)
13.9645423_BTCBitcoin 100 (
1.75_BTCChristopher J. Decker

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: veteranBtc on March 06, 2013, 10:17:56 PM
Can't wait to see this

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: grantbdev on March 06, 2013, 10:23:22 PM
This will have the same problem as The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard. It's such a contemporary and on-going topic that the ending will probably suck and be outdated by the time it is released.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Monster Tent on March 06, 2013, 10:29:00 PM
You should think about releasing a series of short documentaries or films instead of a long format one.

Then you can concentrate on one individual or project at a time.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 06, 2013, 10:37:16 PM
This will have the same problem as The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard. It's such a contemporary and on-going topic that the ending will probably suck and be outdated by the time it is released.

Its true, there are lots of things going on right now. But you have to start somewhere!
If this project succeeds I believe more docus in this field can be made, providing more recent information.
But because our plan is already set, the main part of interviews will be done till June and everything will be fully produced and packaged by October, the delay between Information and premiere won't be too big.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 06, 2013, 10:42:12 PM
You should think about releasing a series of short documentaries or films instead of a long format one.

Then you can concentrate on one individual or project at a time.

Great idea! Thats why we release all parts of our docu completely free-to-use, even the unpublished ones!
This way the many creative members of the Bitcoin community can remix, add and distribute their very own versions of it, adding their original material and creating more movie's and clips every time. This project could be seen as a seed to grow many of its kind with the material and network it provides.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: herzmeister on March 06, 2013, 11:25:07 PM
Zappa di bibbedi boo!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: ryanAC on March 08, 2013, 07:53:56 PM
You should think about releasing a series of short documentaries or films instead of a long format one.

Then you can concentrate on one individual or project at a time.

Great idea! Thats why we release all parts of our docu completely free-to-use, even the unpublished ones!
This way the many creative members of the Bitcoin community can remix, add and distribute their very own versions of it, adding their original material and creating more movie's and clips every time. This project could be seen as a seed to grow many of its kind with the material and network it provides.

Making the footage available for others to remix/reuse would be great! 

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 08, 2013, 08:07:35 PM
Update: Question of the Week: Who would you like to see on the Docu?

Pls post here or in the comment section over at:

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: deejay on March 08, 2013, 08:09:19 PM
Get Ashton Kutcher, and ask him if Hollywood would be interested to do a movie on bitcoin

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Maciek on March 08, 2013, 08:13:19 PM
Is there Facebook and Twitter for that so I could like/follow? :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on March 08, 2013, 08:15:12 PM
Uh, I guess it's a cool idea but I wouldn't expect it to get anywhere. You can only say "send money to someone on the internet for free instantly" so many times. It would also be nice if the speakers in the video didn't have the obnoxious accents, their English is poor.

There is already a bitcoin debit card, it's been out for a while now and it is by Mastercard......

You don't really need donations, manual labor is free.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: sinner on March 08, 2013, 08:19:57 PM
is it on youtube?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: jcpham on March 08, 2013, 08:26:21 PM
Fade in, it's raining.
A young man is awakened by an alert in the middle of the night on his ipad9. He opens the alert finding the attached letter sent from his father, a decade ago in the past.
And so the story begins...
Cue title music.
Change timeline. back to 2008, pan in, we meet Satoshi Nakamoto he's pening the finishing touches on
He presses enter.
A whirlwhind of development.
Blah blah.
24 months+ of wild market stories.
Now we're here in 2013. Now what?

a documentary tbh to me sounds boring but I applaud the concept. Stories woven with fact into film make better entertainment.

Kutcher is a good contact to make, based on his BitPay investment exposure.

Edit: I'm sort of just throwing ideas & these things do not necessarily go together, but i think the target should be just as much truthiness as actual truth in a documentary sense. I've been awake for a long time. I really like the idea.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 08, 2013, 08:45:31 PM
Is there Facebook and Twitter for that so I could like/follow? :)

Facebook page is in the making. Is there some plugin for wordpress I could use to automatically twitter my latest posts etc.?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 08, 2013, 08:52:34 PM
You can only say "send money to someone on the internet for free instantly" so many times.
We will say much more then that I can assure you ;)
Btw, its not us talking in the movie, we only made the teaser to introduce ourselves. The people in the docu will be all different!

It would also be nice if the speakers in the video didn't have the obnoxious accents, their English is poor.

 ::) Yeah sorry about that :-[.
As I said, you wont hear us anymore, because the final movie will be shot BY us but not WITH us.
We open the stage many other interesting people.

There is already a bitcoin debit card, it's been out for a while now and it is by Mastercard......
I know, we are in the talks with a couple of them. Which one would you suggest?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 08, 2013, 10:09:08 PM
is it on youtube?


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: alir on March 08, 2013, 10:55:19 PM
You seem to be getting ahead of yourself. Bitcoin is still very young and it won't make any sense to do a documentary at this point.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Uglux on March 08, 2013, 11:26:28 PM
I think you are mistaken. Maybe their documentary helps to "mature" Bitcoin.
Saying "don't make a film, because the thing, you want to make film about, is young" makes no sense.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Mosper on March 08, 2013, 11:32:00 PM
Based on the trailer you have zero qualifications to be making a documentary about anything. Maybe a documentary about not knowing how to make a film. Hey wait if I watch the trailer under the assumption of it being about not knowing how to make a film then you are really bringing it home. Rock on.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: dmatthewstewart on March 09, 2013, 01:16:09 AM
Monster Tent has the best idea in making multiple short parts. This way it can stay current and also at a later time can be watched together to show the whole larger picture. And if one section is slightly outdated by the end it wont matter because it will be understood by the viewer.

Also, releasing shorter parts will allow faster completion of each part ensuring faster market availability to the consumer. If Bitcoin was not changing so rapidly I would say "just make a single, standard, long documentary".


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: on March 09, 2013, 01:46:07 AM
Facebook page is in the making. Is there some plugin for wordpress I could use to automatically twitter my latest posts etc.?

The thing are after is called socialize, and it is part of the JetPack plugin suite by WordPress ( ).  It has a lot of other stuff in there that is really useful to, I use and recommend it.

Sound like a great project, don't let the neigh sayers discourage you from contributing to bitcoin in your own way using your own skills, if it was left to them nothing would ever have been done, including bitcoin itself.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: GGGGG on March 09, 2013, 01:57:56 AM
Monster Tent has the best idea in making multiple short parts. This way it can stay current and also at a later time can be watched together to show the whole larger picture. And if one section is slightly outdated by the end it wont matter because it will be understood by the viewer.

Also, releasing shorter parts will allow faster completion of each part ensuring faster market availability to the consumer. If Bitcoin was not changing so rapidly I would say "just make a single, standard, long documentary".


+1, I like this idea! Would be interesting to look back at the series and see how bitcoin developed and evolved... a 1-part documentary would be more like a snapshot into a specific time.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: adamstgBit on March 09, 2013, 02:00:30 AM
how much will it cost when it comes out?

can i per-order?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: rudrigorc2 on March 09, 2013, 02:27:37 AM
Based on the trailer you have zero qualifications to be making a documentary about anything. Maybe a documentary about not knowing how to make a film. Hey wait if I watch the trailer under the assumption of it being about not knowing how to make a film then you are really bringing it home. Rock on.

True. I hope they can pay a talented editor with the funds raised.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on March 09, 2013, 02:36:14 AM
how much will it cost when it comes out?

can i per-order?
Paying for videos.... is that even a thing anymore?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 09, 2013, 03:04:25 AM
Facebook page is in the making. Is there some plugin for wordpress I could use to automatically twitter my latest posts etc.?

The thing are after is called socialize, and it is part of the JetPack plugin suite by WordPress ( ).  It has a lot of other stuff in there that is really useful to, I use and recommend it.

Sound like a great project, don't let the neigh sayers discourage you from contributing to bitcoin in your own way using your own skills, if it was left to them nothing would ever have been done, including bitcoin itself.

YES! I am using that plugin already  ::). With every page, post and media item, there are a couple of buttons from google+ via facebook all the way to Xing, you can click and follow our content. There is also the option to have new posts delivered to your email account or simply befriending our facebook page (, which is currently under construction.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 09, 2013, 03:14:20 AM
Based on the trailer you have zero qualifications to be making a documentary about anything. Maybe a documentary about not knowing how to make a film. Hey wait if I watch the trailer under the assumption of it being about not knowing how to make a film then you are really bringing it home. Rock on.

True. I hope they can pay a talented editor with the funds raised.

I have to admit that we patched this teaser together in a hurry to stay within our schedule ::)
Its not done with the same amount of attention and skill that the final movie will. We are in exams period right now, thats why we had to rush things a bit. An overhauled version will be published shortly!

I also encourage everybody to make their own version of it. This is the spirit of the project. Free use and free to distribute, no rights reserved!
If somebody is interested in all of the unedited material available, let me know and Ill send them the files before the public repository is ready.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 09, 2013, 03:19:00 AM
how much will it cost when it comes out?

can i per-order?

No, sry Adam, you cannot preorder ;)

All material will be published in time, free of charge with a free-to-use license. It will be made available openly on the net.
Our supporters however enjoy some privileges...

Have a look at our Donation Page ( to learn all about our Thank You Presents ❤. Only so much: Supporters watch it first and get a hand signed DVD with tons of extras and unique content (among other crazy stuff!).

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: BkkCoins on March 09, 2013, 08:45:27 AM
You should think about releasing a series of short documentaries or films instead of a long format one.

Then you can concentrate on one individual or project at a time.
Similar to how the BBC often puts together a long documentary as a series of shorter shows. Then you can do justice to parts that otherwise get passed over too quickly.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Transisto on March 09, 2013, 09:03:12 AM
I don't know what to think of the fact that more than 60% of your post were in /speculation/

I'll uningnore you for a this one.  Good luck

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Lethn on March 09, 2013, 10:20:00 AM
Get Ben Bernanke interviewed bwhahahahahaa! :D

But seriously good luck :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: rudrigorc2 on March 09, 2013, 10:46:56 AM
Based on the trailer you have zero qualifications to be making a documentary about anything. Maybe a documentary about not knowing how to make a film. Hey wait if I watch the trailer under the assumption of it being about not knowing how to make a film then you are really bringing it home. Rock on.

True. I hope they can pay a talented editor with the funds raised.

I have to admit that we patched this teaser together in a hurry to stay within our schedule ::)
Its not done with the same amount of attention and skill that the final movie will. We are in exams period right now, thats why we had to rush things a bit. An overhauled version will be published shortly!

I also encourage everybody to make their own version of it. This is the spirit of the project. Free use and free to distribute, no rights reserved!
If somebody is interested in all of the unedited material available, let me know and Ill send them the files before the public repository is ready.

I would like to have those raw footage and make my own remix :D

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Jaques on March 09, 2013, 11:16:44 AM
Uh, I guess it's a cool idea but I wouldn't expect it to get anywhere. You can only say "send money to someone on the internet for free instantly" so many times. It would also be nice if the speakers in the video didn't have the obnoxious accents, their English is poor.

There is already a bitcoin debit card, it's been out for a while now and it is by Mastercard......

You don't really need donations, manual labor is free.


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Mageant on March 09, 2013, 01:01:04 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 09, 2013, 03:13:52 PM
I don't know what to think of the fact that more than 60% of your post were in /speculation/

I'll uningnore you for a this one.  Good luck

Yep, I came to Bitcoin for that, in 2011..
Over time I took it to my heart ❤ ;)
Now I want to make a movie about it.
A perfect love story.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: cypherdoc on March 09, 2013, 05:10:58 PM
you know who would be great to interview?  Alan Reiner, aka etotheipi who wrote Armory.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: johnyj on March 09, 2013, 07:00:28 PM
Good work, keep it up!  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 09, 2013, 11:15:01 PM
You should think about releasing a series of short documentaries or films instead of a long format one.

Then you can concentrate on one individual or project at a time.
Similar to how the BBC often puts together a long documentary as a series of shorter shows. Then you can do justice to parts that otherwise get passed over too quickly.

This is indeed a proposition worthwhile pondering on. My initial plan was to have a frame story of a common Bitcoiner that tries to succeed in his quest, which could be anything from mining to starting a Business or organising a conference, etc. I would follow him around with the camera and while his story is used to tell his tale, the watcher can identify with him, feel for him, while different aspects of Bitcoin would be focused on, like anonymity, monetary regulation, the Bitcoin community with its various projects, always leading back to him to connect the different fields. Everything would of course be real as this is a documentary. So the Bitcoiner's story has to be a true story as well.

Now with this proposition I see another approach to the movie. If I understand you correctly, you envision a short (30 min?) feature on lets say "mining", the next part of this larger Bitcoin series would be focused on "Silk Road" for example. This would of course result in a more thorough coverage of the topic(s) but would lack a narrative, which is the common Bitcoiner from my initial idea. It sounds more like a series for a pre educated audience, that already has a basic understanding of Bitcoin. My aspiration is to make movie, that gears towards a completely unexperienced audience to the common Bitcoin follower. I think by including the narrative structure of a main story one has more control over the arc of suspense and can create a more captivating movie. I am planning on making a 45 minute feature about Bitcoin. The topic maybe too dry/complicated to grasp for the inexperienced to keep them watching over the entire length. Therefore the element of a frame story (golden yarn) is neccessary in my opinion.

But why not making both? The two structures, the full length one for the casual viewer and an in-depth one for the eagerly interested could both be realized and use footage from one another. In the end of production of the 45 min. one, we will have hours and hours of material from many different areas, that could easily recombined to make shorter features of maybe 20-30 minute parts that will focus on specific aspects and give a clearer image. This is the beauty of this project, it could provide a repository for so many movies to come and everyone is invited to make their own. Free to use, free to share and distribute!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 09, 2013, 11:17:24 PM

1. Question: Who would you like to see on the Docu?

Haven't heard too many suggestions so far!  ;)
Keep 'em coming!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: BkkCoins on March 10, 2013, 12:00:29 AM
I'd suggest looking at the Youtube series "How To Start Your Own Country".

Not that you want to follow the style exactly but the idea that you take it in steps and explain each area of Bitcoin as a progression. He makes it quite amusing even though the subject of government and administering a country would have been a bit tedious in a normal documentary style.

In that video above he interviews people along the way as he figures it out for himself. The questions become the story line and the exploration of that revolves around people who are experts in each area.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Bowjob on March 10, 2013, 12:05:20 AM
Nominating pirateat40 for the documentary.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: BkkCoins on March 10, 2013, 12:11:10 AM
Nominating pirateat40 for the documentary.
I could see him in a rotating chair in a darkened room with pixelated face and voice obscuring device explaining why he did it and how misunderstood he is. ha ha.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Monster Tent on March 10, 2013, 12:52:21 AM
You could hook Gavin Andresen up to a lie detector and ask if hes satoshi  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: 00null on March 10, 2013, 04:24:33 AM
Nominating pirateat40 for the documentary.
+1 Try it, if his ego is as huge as it was last year, you could probably manage to make him talk.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 10, 2013, 02:03:50 PM
Nominating pirateat40 for the documentary.
+1 Try it, if his ego is as huge as it was last year, you could probably manage to make him talk.

Will do, PM me for contact details! Or email me at

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 10, 2013, 05:46:00 PM
I'd suggest looking at the Youtube series "How To Start Your Own Country".

Not that you want to follow the style exactly but the idea that you take it in steps and explain each area of Bitcoin as a progression. He makes it quite amusing even though the subject of government and administering a country would have been a bit tedious in a normal documentary style.

In that video above he interviews people along the way as he figures it out for himself. The questions become the story line and the exploration of that revolves around people who are experts in each area.

Looks cool! Ill give it a watch!

Among other movies that inspired my recently is:
"King of Kong (" its about a the little known sub-culture of Arcade Game Nerds, especially those seeking to hold the Wolrd Title in the original Donkey Kong.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Tachikoma on March 10, 2013, 06:36:48 PM
The only thing I would want to know is wether you have the qualifications to make a documentary. So far you have told us nothing about your background or which skills you possess that make this project feasible.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 10, 2013, 07:11:09 PM
The only thing I would want to know is wether you have the qualifications to make a documentary. So far you have told us nothing about your background or which skills you possess that make this project feasible.

Im a Student of "Applied Media Science" at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. My course of studies consists of theoretical elements of film (and other media) production, as well as practical ones. I have taken part in several film projects during my 3 years there on set and in the Marketing Department of a larger production.

My team consists of 4 students, doing their Master's Degree in "Media Technics", all have prior experience in practical film production and theoretical knowledge.

Our campus is equipped with the most up to date devices and infrastructure neccessary for recording and editing movies. All of witch are available to us. Different film projects are currently being developed there which an able community of young film makers, that can contribute to this project if need arises.

So we got the Know How, the Equipment and the Support to make this documentary reality. The only thing missing is MONEY!

To stay with the spirit of the Bitcoin project, I decided to raise funds exclusively with Bitcoin from the community that it comes from in the most transparent and open way possible instead of asking private or governmental film promotion funds to give me the money under some restrictive licenses.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Raoul Duke on March 10, 2013, 07:14:14 PM
Nominating pirateat40 for the documentary.
+1 Try it, if his ego is as huge as it was last year, you could probably manage to make him talk.

Will do, PM me for contact details! Or email me at

His contact details and much more can be found here:

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Tachikoma on March 10, 2013, 07:18:41 PM
The only thing I would want to know is wether you have the qualifications to make a documentary. So far you have told us nothing about your background or which skills you possess that make this project feasible.

Im a Student of "Applied Media Science" at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. My course of studies consists of theoretical elements of film (and other media) production, as well as practical ones. I have taken part in several film projects during my 3 years there on set and in the Marketing Department of a larger production.

My team consists of 4 students, doing their Master's Degree in "Media Technics", all have prior experience in practical film production and theoretical knowledge.

Our campus is equipped with the most up to date devices and infrastructure neccessary for recording and editing movies. All of witch are available to us. Different film projects are currently being developed there which an able community of young film makers, that can contribute to this project if need arises.

So we got the Know How, the Equipment and the Support to make this documentary reality. The only thing missing is MONEY!

To stay with the spirit of the Bitcoin project, I decided to raise funds exclusively with Bitcoin from the community that it comes from in the most transparent and open way possible instead of asking private or governmental film promotion funds to give me the money under some restrictive licenses.

Thank you for answering; I would update your opening post with this info.

A second thing I would add is your target; the amount of Bitcoin you need with a small financial overview. I don't mind helping out worthwhile projects but I want to know what my funds are being used towards.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 11, 2013, 12:05:55 AM

Hi Mageant,

Nice that you like it  :D

If you could use your PR-boosting-Monster-machine ( to get us more attention, we would be happy to offer you and your service Premium Ad Space (small) on our site, a clickable ( logo (YES, because you are one of the first!), and a full DVD of the movie as layed out HERE ( in our sponsors page. Let's call it promotion.

What do you say?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 11, 2013, 12:09:38 AM
Based on the trailer you have zero qualifications to be making a documentary about anything. Maybe a documentary about not knowing how to make a film. Hey wait if I watch the trailer under the assumption of it being about not knowing how to make a film then you are really bringing it home. Rock on.

True. I hope they can pay a talented editor with the funds raised.

I have to admit that we patched this teaser together in a hurry to stay within our schedule ::)
Its not done with the same amount of attention and skill that the final movie will. We are in exams period right now, thats why we had to rush things a bit. An overhauled version will be published shortly!

I also encourage everybody to make their own version of it. This is the spirit of the project. Free use and free to distribute, no rights reserved!
If somebody is interested in all of the unedited material available, let me know and Ill send them the files before the public repository is ready.

I would like to have those raw footage and make my own remix :D

Hi rudrigorc2,

Pls give us some days more to make an upload with all the content so far, because we are pretty busy right now (interview arrangements'n'stuff).

We'll have an announcement on this site when everything's ready. Make sure to check back in the coming days!

Can't wait to see the first spoofs ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on March 12, 2013, 03:22:04 AM
I can arrange some footage with a criminal, carder/assassin/fullz/computer hackers, etc, if you like.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: DBG on March 12, 2013, 08:58:45 AM
Hey, I just wanted to wish your team the best of luck.  Personally the content I would like to see would mostly involve interviews with people outside of Germany (and travel isn't cheap these days x.x).  Perhaps you could arrange for a high-quality (aka better than Skype) two-way feed in these cases.  I'm personally most interested in three categories of people; 1) The mining pool operators (aka the people that operate "BTC Guild", "50BTC", etc) - 2) The software developers (those working on the main bitcoin client, as well as those who work on others apps and mining software) and 3) The hardware developers - these would probably be the hardest people to get interviews with, but all of those with successful (and possibly even unsuccessful) created ASIC hardware.

Just my two bitcents.  I understand that a majority of what I brought up is likely outside of the budget, but if I could create my "perfect bitcoin documentry", those would all be highly desired elements.  Also you might- great IRC distracted me and 20 mins later I have no idea what I could have possibly been getting ready to type.  Oh well, I'm sure it wasn't important =p.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: rudrigorc2 on March 12, 2013, 05:41:12 PM
Based on the trailer you have zero qualifications to be making a documentary about anything. Maybe a documentary about not knowing how to make a film. Hey wait if I watch the trailer under the assumption of it being about not knowing how to make a film then you are really bringing it home. Rock on.

True. I hope they can pay a talented editor with the funds raised.

I have to admit that we patched this teaser together in a hurry to stay within our schedule ::)
Its not done with the same amount of attention and skill that the final movie will. We are in exams period right now, thats why we had to rush things a bit. An overhauled version will be published shortly!

I also encourage everybody to make their own version of it. This is the spirit of the project. Free use and free to distribute, no rights reserved!
If somebody is interested in all of the unedited material available, let me know and Ill send them the files before the public repository is ready.

I would like to have those raw footage and make my own remix :D

Hi rudrigorc2,

Pls give us some days more to make an upload with all the content so far, because we are pretty busy right now (interview arrangements'n'stuff).

We'll have an announcement on this site when everything's ready. Make sure to check back in the coming days!

Can't wait to see the first spoofs ;)

Where are you putting content? Do you need space? I could give you some GB in one ftp.

I wonder if you guys heard of Casey Neistat ;D

Also, you could dramatically reduce the budget only by asking people to submit their own videos like they did in the awesome Life in a Day (
No need to travel far.
I think this is the way to go. You give some instructions, ask some questions to guide them on what you are thinking of, then, you get tons of footage, use the ones that fits better.


I would like miners, from the high datacenter owner tech guy to the guerrila one.
I would like to see a live transaction going on between two guys actually making a deal in real world, differente language and countrys too.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 12, 2013, 06:38:43 PM
Based on the trailer you have zero qualifications to be making a documentary about anything. Maybe a documentary about not knowing how to make a film. Hey wait if I watch the trailer under the assumption of it being about not knowing how to make a film then you are really bringing it home. Rock on.

True. I hope they can pay a talented editor with the funds raised.

I have to admit that we patched this teaser together in a hurry to stay within our schedule ::)
Its not done with the same amount of attention and skill that the final movie will. We are in exams period right now, thats why we had to rush things a bit. An overhauled version will be published shortly!

I also encourage everybody to make their own version of it. This is the spirit of the project. Free use and free to distribute, no rights reserved!
If somebody is interested in all of the unedited material available, let me know and Ill send them the files before the public repository is ready.

I would like to have those raw footage and make my own remix :D

Hi rudrigorc2,

Pls give us some days more to make an upload with all the content so far, because we are pretty busy right now (interview arrangements'n'stuff).

We'll have an announcement on this site when everything's ready. Make sure to check back in the coming days!

Can't wait to see the first spoofs ;)

Where are you putting content? Do you need space? I could give you some GB in one ftp.

I think MEGA will do. If space is too limited, I can just make multiple uploads and distribute files. Maybe I have to come back to your offer though, for the final movie in HD or something.

I wonder if you guys heard of Casey Neistat ;D

Not yet, he seems to have a cool style. Ill check him out later. Thx for the hint!

Also, you could dramatically reduce the budget only by asking people to submit their own videos like they did in the awesome Life in a Day (
No need to travel far.
I think this is the way to go. You give some instructions, ask some questions to guide them on what you are thinking of, then, you get tons of footage, use the ones that fits better.

Thats what we are encouraging users to do: Send us your copyright free material and we'll use it in the final movie if it fits!
However, most part of the actual movie will be shot by us to assure a regular standard, style and direction. If anyone is interested in shooting their own material, get in touch with us and Ill make some suggestions on how we could incorporate it!


I would like miners, from the high datacenter owner tech guy to the guerrila one.
I would like to see a live transaction going on between two guys actually making a deal in real world, differente language and countrys too.

Thats a great idea! Ill put that in the movie! Thx, front page updated!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 12, 2013, 10:49:11 PM
UPDATE: Andreas & Andreas from Bitcoin Austria hosted me on their weekly BitcoinUpdate podcast. Learn more in our blog ( or head straight over to their site ( to listen to it! (first 10 min)

 >:( >:( >:(   ???   ::)   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Technomage on March 13, 2013, 02:17:26 PM
This is very interesting! We need documentaries. There are pretty much none.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Technomage on March 13, 2013, 02:25:06 PM
Please come to Finland guys. We have a very lively community here, probably one of the biggest in the world. Relative to the population size, I'm confident that Finland has the most Bitcoin users anywhere.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: DobZombie on March 13, 2013, 02:53:30 PM

1. Question: Who would you like to see on the Docu?


If you promised to roll upto his house and do a full blown michael moore on him I'd pay to see that!

What you guys should do is a kickstarter clone of your page.  If people knew they would be getting a physical DVD they'd 'donate' $60.  If some of the richer bitcoineers on here were offered a producers credit they'd donate BTC200. Even some of the bigger bitcoin businesses would be keen to fund some decent dough.

All you would need is make a plan of attack.  what would you give with what donation? Setting up the site would be a piece of cake.  It would just be buy it now type buttons with bitpay or whatever. 

You boys need to do this right. Camera, sound. A good presenter.  We could use this doco to show off bitcoin to the world.  Again, businesses would pay to have their name thrown at the front of it.

              GOOD LUCK

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: rudrigorc2 on March 13, 2013, 08:32:17 PM

1. Question: Who would you like to see on the Docu?


If you promised to roll upto his house and do a full blown michael moore on him I'd pay to see that!

What you guys should do is a kickstarter clone of your page.  If people knew they would be getting a physical DVD they'd 'donate' $60.  If some of the richer bitcoineers on here were offered a producers credit they'd donate BTC200. Even some of the bigger bitcoin businesses would be keen to fund some decent dough.

All you would need is make a plan of attack.  what would you give with what donation? Setting up the site would be a piece of cake.  It would just be buy it now type buttons with bitpay or whatever. 

You boys need to do this right. Camera, sound. A good presenter.  We could use this doco to show off bitcoin to the world.  Again, businesses would pay to have their name thrown at the front of it.

              GOOD LUCK


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 13, 2013, 09:36:33 PM

1. Question: Who would you like to see on the Docu?


If you promised to roll upto his house and do a full blown michael moore on him I'd pay to see that!

What you guys should do is a kickstarter clone of your page.  If people knew they would be getting a physical DVD they'd 'donate' $60.  If some of the richer bitcoineers on here were offered a producers credit they'd donate BTC200. Even some of the bigger bitcoin businesses would be keen to fund some decent dough.

All you would need is make a plan of attack.  what would you give with what donation? Setting up the site would be a piece of cake.  It would just be buy it now type buttons with bitpay or whatever.  

You boys need to do this right. Camera, sound. A good presenter.  We could use this doco to show off bitcoin to the world.  Again, businesses would pay to have their name thrown at the front of it.

             GOOD LUCK

I guess you missed this part at the beginning of the thread;)

Have a look at our kickstarter clone over at:
>>> ( <<<

We DO have DVDs (even Double DVDs!) and other MEGA special stuff in store for our supporters. Have a look!
And yes, we plan to do the full program.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 14, 2013, 05:23:10 AM
Monster Tent has the best idea in making multiple short parts. This way it can stay current and also at a later time can be watched together to show the whole larger picture. And if one section is slightly outdated by the end it wont matter because it will be understood by the viewer.

Also, releasing shorter parts will allow faster completion of each part ensuring faster market availability to the consumer. If Bitcoin was not changing so rapidly I would say "just make a single, standard, long documentary".


Hence saving all the footage and produce a 'Behind the Scenes' video after they win an Oscar for best Foreign Documentary or possibly some other category. Worse case scenario, they're dominated for something.

I like this idea! Would be interesting to look back at the series and see how bitcoin developed and evolved... a 1-part documentary would be more like a snapshot into a specific time.


how much will it cost when it comes out?

can i per-order?
Paying for videos.... is that even a thing anymore?

Why not! Ten bucks/.25 BTC (~), with a bonus track included for those who pre-order. Now let's see what I can think of to include that would make this a success...thinking...thinking...almost got it...okay, maybe not a goat...thinking again...still thinking...OMG...Got it! Did you figure it out? ---> LadyBytes

how much will it cost when it comes out?

can i per-order?

No, sry Adam, you cannot preorder ;)

All material will be published in time, free of charge with a free-to-use license. It will be made available openly on the net.
Our supporters however enjoy some privileges...

Have a look at our Donation Page ( to learn all about our Thank You Presents ❤. Only so much: Supporters watch it first and get a hand signed DVD with tons of extras and unique content (among other crazy stuff!).

I think you better reconsider this. Did you see my suggestion? With my idea, you'll reach your $13K in no time. Besides, what the hell can you do with only 13K? I say go for $20K for starters.

This is not a joke post, for I'm behind your endeavor 100%. I'm also serious about the post above, available to only those who pre-order. Besides, she'll need to paid also for her services. Two to three hundred bucks should cover it. More if a goat is involved. (humor, that time)

You could hook Gavin Andresen up to a lie detector and ask if hes satoshi

You could hook Satoshi up to a lie detecor and ask if he's Gavin.  ;D


WTF! Only $324.27 so far.

I'm going to go out onto a limb here and suggest that Bitcoin 100 donate $1,000 to this venerable endeavor. I have some pull over there, but do respect opinions of its members.

Bitcoin 100 was initially develop for this king of enterprise, let alone a young one, but it was designed to further the awareness of Bitcoin, of which this project would surely do if done properly.

I honestly believe that $13K is not enough, unless I'm missing something. Kickstarter, mentioned, is a pretty good idea. Also, if you sold 10 high-level exposure spots at $10K each from entities with a little depth in their pocketbook, that would definitely put you guys on the right path.

Also, I and a partner are currently developing a project of which we could help raise funds for you. Would you be so kind as to state the projected release date? I may have overlooked it if it was published on your website.

As far as spending funds to attend San Jose, I think that would take a big bite out of your pool. There is a conference coming up in Vienna, but I believe that is later in the year.

I believe the SJ conference is going to have a decent guy filming it of which the footage should be readily available. If you do attend, I suggest getting the cheapest plane tickets for two and hook up with some Bitcoiner near there, staying at their home. No more than two guys should be needed for said event, one of which is your camera guy.

Suggestion: Document where and how every bitcoin is spend, taking screenshots of the blockchain as proof, incorporating it into the documentary somehow.

I love the idea of somehow you interview one of the hackers or scammers.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: bitcoinstarter on March 14, 2013, 05:53:21 AM
What you guys should do is a kickstarter clone of your page.  If people knew they would be getting a physical DVD they'd 'donate' $60.  If some of the richer bitcoineers on here were offered a producers credit they'd donate BTC200. Even some of the bigger bitcoin businesses would be keen to fund some decent dough.

All you would need is make a plan of attack.  what would you give with what donation? Setting up the site would be a piece of cake.  It would just be buy it now type buttons with bitpay or whatever.

Hopefully, we'll be up by then but this is what we plan to offer is a Bitcoin Crowdfunding platform. Be great to have you up on the site once we are ready!  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: DobZombie on March 14, 2013, 07:40:49 AM

I guess you missed this part at the beginning of the thread;)

Yes. Yes I did :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 14, 2013, 03:36:29 PM
UPDATE: Biertaucher has put us into his podcast. Check out his geek archives at: (
Sorry, once again a great podcast in German only :(

Also, stay tuned and check this space in the coming days for some bigger announcements. (Hint: it's moving forward people, it's moving ;))

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: rudrigorc2 on March 14, 2013, 06:56:19 PM
can you guys remake this scene with some physical bitcoins? but dont put it on your pocket.
id like to see this in bitcoin context.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 14, 2013, 07:42:49 PM
can you guys remake this scene with some physical bitcoins? but dont put it on your pocket.
id like to see this in bitcoin context.

Hmm, thats an awesome scene and very easy to alter in order to get a Bitcoin in there.
All you would have to do is replace the cuts when the coin is seen. That could be a great teaser for the final movie;)
I wonder whether we could use the material without legal trouble. If some user made it on the other end, Im not so sure whether that would be a problem..

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 15, 2013, 12:14:31 AM
Please come to Finland guys. We have a very lively community here, probably one of the biggest in the world. Relative to the population size, I'm confident that Finland has the most Bitcoin users anywhere.

I had you guys on my list already. Now that the donations roll in I think its not too foolhardy to think about paying a visit.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: kibblesnbits on March 15, 2013, 01:50:36 AM
I'd be willing to play the part of the pizza delivery guy for Laszlos infamous order.  I could walk away from from the front porch saying "Geez, a lousy five buck tip on a half-million dollar pizza!  What a cheapskate!".  Have your people call my people. 

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: phelix on March 15, 2013, 07:41:52 AM
show some bitcoin notes:

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Mageant on March 15, 2013, 01:49:06 PM
I can show you my Bitcoin Boardgame I made if you like (I also live in Germany).

see here:

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Richy_T on March 15, 2013, 05:58:01 PM

Making the footage available for others to remix/reuse would be great! 

Though please add a clause excluding Kanye West.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 15, 2013, 06:42:04 PM
If the general consensus is that this endeavor is viable, I see no reason why Bitcoin 100 can't donate $1,000 worth of BTC toward the project. We would ask that some credit of sorts be placed on the final production, and definitely on your website.

What is the projected release date?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: dancingnancy on March 15, 2013, 07:13:43 PM
I will donate 2% of my coins that Mt. Gox is currently holding for no publicly stated reason from the Bitcoinica fiasco.  Not quite sure if I will get them back in time  :'(

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Raoul Duke on March 15, 2013, 07:14:25 PM
If the general consensus is that this endeavor is viable, I see no reason why Bitcoin 100 can't donate $1,000 worth of BTC toward the project. We would ask that some credit of sorts be placed on the final production, and definitely on your website.

I approve.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 15, 2013, 08:13:17 PM

Besides $/BTC and video submissions, is there anything else you desire to see this project to fruition of which can be donated, whether a physical object or time (read providing some service)?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 15, 2013, 10:27:50 PM
UPDATE:  We aquired our first official sponsor: (

The guys of were so kind to donate 10 BTC to the cause.
For their donation they receive:

- A non-clickable logo on the front page of
- An entry in the Hall of Fame part of the website and on the discussion thread of
- A Thank-You DVD containing the full movie, hand signed by the whole team (yay)
- Priority ad space on the website in small size, compared to other ad spaces that come in medium and large sizes.

Thank you to put your faith in us! With your donation we will be able to make some cool interviews!

Current donated Amount (total): 20.71 BTC

We get closer to our aim of 200 BTC but its still way off. First interviews will be conducted in the weeks and days to come. Stay tuned for more info!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 16, 2013, 02:26:37 AM
I can show you my Bitcoin Boardgame I made if you like (I also live in Germany).

see here:

I lol'd when I downloaded your game and had a look at the cards! :D
Really funny! I encourage everybody who's part of some Bitcoin cracker barrel to print the game out and bring it on your next meeting!
For added fun, you may wanna gamble for some Bitcoin bank notes ;)

You could be the kind of guy we are looking for our main story. You seem very much involved in Bitcoin and have some projects on the side we could show. I would like to learn more about your Bitcoin history and plans, pls PM me if you are interested!


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 16, 2013, 02:34:57 AM
If the general consensus is that this endeavor is viable, I see no reason why Bitcoin 100 can't donate $1,000 worth of BTC toward the project. We would ask that some credit of sorts be placed on the final production, and definitely on your website.

What is the projected release date?

We'll reveal the release date in the next days, stay tuned. And thx for your suggestions! I realize a lot of people want to have a say on where to spend the next tranch of funds from Bitcoin 100. We would of course be happy to accept your donations, but please hold on a couple of days more before you start any official polling! We will make some announcements in the days to come to make it clearer what we plan on doing next and what we already accomplished! Next announcement tomorrow..

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: niko on March 16, 2013, 02:40:02 AM
No time to read through the whole thread -

Bitcoin may turn out to be of historical importance. Therefore, everyone here should make sure these early days are documented. If you do have home footages of your mining rigs, bitcoin discussions, in-person trades, bitcoin firsts, bitcoin disasters, angry wives - by all means preserve these footages and share them with Spekulatius!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 16, 2013, 02:47:14 AM

Besides $/BTC and video submissions, is there anything else you desire to see this project to fruition of which can be donated, whether a physical object or time (read providing some service)?

Thank you for asking.
You can donate anything you deem useful to this project, especially:

- Contacts of interesting people
- Suggestions on how to improve
- Animation work for animated sequences, like explainatory animations on how Bitcoins work or what you can do with them (free of any tendencies or opinions pls!)
- Anything really, just the other week some benevolent user has quasi donated his domain to us. Have a look at his gift here: (
- If you like making music we would love to have someone writing one or the other song for us to use in the final movie. Pls contact me if you are interested!
- Have a look at our OP in this thread, I will try to keep it up to date with assignments, users can take part in. Right now we need a Spanish translator for the Argentinian interview I recorded, while I was there. !Por favor envian mensajes a: o usa la función de "PM" en este forum y contactame, si están interesados! !Gracias! (and dont mind my Spanish ;))

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 16, 2013, 10:15:50 AM

Besides $/BTC and video submissions, is there anything else you desire to see this project to fruition of which can be donated, whether a physical object or time (read providing some service)?

Thank you for asking.
You can donate anything you deem useful to this project, especially:

- Contacts of interesting people
- Suggestions on how to improve
- Animation work for animated sequences, like explainatory animations on how Bitcoins work or what you can do with them (free of any tendencies or opinions pls!)
- Anything really, just the other week some benevolent user has quasi donated his domain to us. Have a look at his gift here: (
- If you like making music we would love to have someone writing one or the other song for us to use in the final movie. Pls contact me if you are interested!
- Have a look at our OP in this thread, I will try to keep it up to date with assignments, users can take part in. Right now we need a Spanish translator for the Argentinian interview I recorded, while I was there. !Por favor envian mensajes a: o usa la función de "PM" en este forum y contactame, si están interesados! !Gracias! (and dont mind my Spanish ;))

If you paid for a Spanish program from psy, there's a scammer tag section on this forum. Also, Dank is the best musician I can think of on this forum. I just came up with an interesting idea while penning that last sentence. Image Dank as a busker, playing(?) his guitar, accepting donations only in bitcoins, whereupon if he reaches a certain amount, he'll stop playing. Otherwise the song(?) remains the same.

<end humor>

Seeing that there's four of you, and the documentary's based on a financial aspect, what better place to start it than here?

After filming a similar work, head on over to Bank on Dave and try to convince him to start accepting/dealing-in Bitcoin. Explain to him that you're making a documentary and looking for a short term Bitcoin loan.

For starters, everything you guys are doing now that's Bitcoin related should be filmed, for it's all part of the project.

Back to the Bitcoin 100 proposal.

Currently, we have ~$20,000 worth of bitcoins setting in our coffer. All we're asking in return for a $1,000 donation is a link on your official site and a tiny mention in the credits, something you would do for some other entity willing to donate a chuck of change. You would do it for Bank on Dave, wouldn't you?

But I'm willing to go one better--a lot better. But it would entail a little effort on your part, but worth the footage. I'll explain in sec, but first the following.

Originally, Bitcoin 100's intent was to dole out 100 BTC to any non-profit that would simple embed a Bitcoin donation option onto their website, provided they met a couple simple criteria. Four have done so, and $400 to $1,200 worth of coins were donated to them, depending on the exchange rate at the time. The purpose was, and still is, to further the awareness of Bitcoin. Now some of those early entities we approached declined when bitcoins traded in the single digits (US dollar speaking). Now at $46 a coin, they may have second thoughts seeing that there's $4,600 to be had.

But I foreseen this as a possibility early on, thus suggestion that at some arbitrary amount like $20 per coin should be the cutting off point for the 100 BTC donation. Since we've surpassed that mark, and Bitcoin is obtaining more exposure, it's time to cut that figure down to $1,000 per charitable organization, but not lower, as I've mentioned a few times already in Bitcoin 100's main thread.

And what more venerable cause then your endeavor to start, leaving us with ~$19,000.

Here's what I propose. First accept the $1,000 donation. Then seek out an NPO/NGO willing to embed a Bitcoin donation option onto their respective website, and they will receive a $1,000 donation. For your efforts, $500 worth of bitcoin will be transferred to your coffer.

Ideally, it'll be nice to be filming your efforts, showing beforehand how easy this sounds, but hopefully you encounter brick walls which makes good cinema.

Do this 12 times total, and you'll receive an additional $6,000 on top of the $1,000 we hopefully gave you, leaving $1,000 in our coffer at the current exchange rate. Hypothetically if the exchange rate remains the same after your team/network-of-friends garner the 12 non-profits, we'll give you that $1,000 as a bonus. At the end of the day, our coffer will be empty and your (ours, as in bitcoiners) documentary is well on its way. I'm sure you brainiacs can figure out a way to weave the story line in on how you had to give away thousands of dollars worth of bitcoins so that you can make this fine documentary.

Think about it! It'll probably be the first ever documentary funded via the giving away of money opposed to the trying of obtain it. And it would only take some effort on your team's part, of which you should be able to collect some fine footage during the process, provided camera's in hand.

Fuck it! Make it only 10 NPO/NGO's you need to obtain at $1K a pop, and the rest is yours. And if the exchange rate goes higher in the coming weeks, of which it may, I pretty sure you'll have your $13K from us. We'll still dole it out at $1,000 per charity and $500 to you, with the balance transferred once the tenth charity is obtained.

Image the footage when you receive a yes on that tenth entity. The jumping up with joy knowing that you have earned the money hoped for to make said documentary.

What we get out of the deal is eleven more non-profit entities (ten, plus yourself) who've added Bitcoin donation options onto their websites. That's all we ever wanted in the first place. And if the exchange rate wouldn't have risen, the best we would have hoped for was only ~4 more with the current amount of bitcoins we have on hand.

The way I see it, it's a win/win for all parties concerned. The worse aspect of the entire deal is that there would be some effort on your team's (and your network of friends/associates) part. But the filming of said effort would make the quest that much more valuable.

If luck is on your side, you may even approach $20K worth of bitcoins.

The other option is doing it the old fashion way getting a dollar here, a dollar there, and in no time (no pun intended) you've have a sawbuck (

Let me know what you think.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 16, 2013, 10:36:41 AM
And if you accept the above offer, during the interim of you obtaining the ten non-profits we obtain one some other way, we'll still shoot you $500 worth of bitcoins, thus one less you have to secure. But no promises.

Perhaps, a selling point to the NPO/NGO's could be a mention of their noble causes in the documentary. That'll help give them further exposure as well, especially if the film was nominated for something--or anything.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Jaques on March 16, 2013, 11:52:16 AM

Besides $/BTC and video submissions, is there anything else you desire to see this project to fruition of which can be donated, whether a physical object or time (read providing some service)?

Thank you for asking.
You can donate anything you deem useful to this project, especially:

- Contacts of interesting people
- Suggestions on how to improve
- Animation work for animated sequences, like explainatory animations on how Bitcoins work or what you can do with them (free of any tendencies or opinions pls!)
- Anything really, just the other week some benevolent user has quasi donated his domain to us. Have a look at his gift here: (
- If you like making music we would love to have someone writing one or the other song for us to use in the final movie. Pls contact me if you are interested!
- Have a look at our OP in this thread, I will try to keep it up to date with assignments, users can take part in. Right now we need a Spanish translator for the Argentinian interview I recorded, while I was there. !Por favor envian mensajes a: o usa la función de "PM" en este forum y contactame, si están interesados! !Gracias! (and dont mind my Spanish ;))

i could help with the spanish-translation ...

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 16, 2013, 06:38:51 PM
UPDATE: Trace Mayer (, entrepreneur, lawyer and author of a variety of books including: "Bitcoin Beginner’s Guide" and "A Lawyer’s Take On Bitcoin And Taxes"  has confirmed an interview with us on March 18th in Vienna!
He also hosts ( and ( and is known to be a strong advocate of personal and financial liberties.

We have our very first interview set up as a chain of appointments in the coming weeks. On Monday we will make the trip and meet Trace in Vienna, where he is invited to hold a presentation at the Global Payments Forum. If everything goes as planned, the venue of said interview will be the divine halls of Bitcoin Card ('s work shop next door. Who knows, maybe we will even have the chance to get hold of some more interesting people to question that day..

First snippets of the interview will be available few days after the filming with exclusive digital content accessible only to commited supporters,.. see our Donation ( page for details on how to unlock this special privilege!

Thank you to all our supporters so far!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on March 17, 2013, 02:13:07 AM
I can arrange some footage with a criminal, carder/assassin/fullz/computer hackers, etc, if you like.
This was a completely serious post lol. If you don't think organized crime is a relevant part of bitcoins then you are on some good acid.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: phelix on March 17, 2013, 10:44:07 AM
link added on

edit: just saw my site in the trailer  ;D     The trailer really got me btw.

you got a typo in the trailer at the beginning, it's bitcoinica not bitconica  You might consider having the film reviewed by some "experts" as even little mistakes can drive nerds nuts. ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: phelix on March 17, 2013, 11:44:05 AM
fyi: the media page of your site seems to have a bug:

This webpage has a redirect loop
The webpage at has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
Learn more about this problem.
Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 17, 2013, 01:16:15 PM
you got a typo in the trailer at the beginning, it's bitcoinica not bitconica  You might consider having the film reviewed by some "experts" as even little mistakes can drive nerds nuts. ;)


No srsly, thank you for pointing it out. The next reviewed version will fix this typo.

Im glad that you like it! And thx for the link.

The media page is under construction right now, so I guess you found a glitch! Thx for pointing it out. I will let my site admin know.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 17, 2013, 01:18:39 PM
UPDATE: Monster Premiere Event on this year's unSYSTEM 2013!!  :o :o :o

More info on our site:
and on:

 Check it out!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 17, 2013, 05:47:33 PM
I assume you're still mullin' over my ~$10,000 USD donation offer.

Don't make me sweeten the offer, for I can do that also.

<thinking out loud> What if I got 5-10 venerable bitcoiners who own viable sites to pledge $500 each each provided you accomplish the task I laid out in X days?

That's another potential $5,000 USD, maybe more.

I'm doing the best I can to help fund this endeavor of yours, short of writing the damn check myself.

<still thinking out loud> Tentative example: If Team Bitcoin Documentary got 10 NPO/NGOs to embed Bitcoin Accepted Here buttons onto their respective websites, and no less than 10 venerable Bitcoin entities pledge $500 each if task is completed, then The Bitcoin Foundation will donated $1,000 USD, provided said criteria was met.

Guys, I'm doin' the best I can to get $20,000 USD in your hands ASAP to help bring this project to fruition.

I'm pretty sure this would be the first documentary ever funded mainly via the giving away of money opposed to the beggin' for donations method.

Currently, Bitcoin 100 has $20,000+ USD in our coffer, and over half of it can becomes yours.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: URSAY on March 18, 2013, 01:15:42 AM
If your giving away documentary budgets then maybe you should consider that there are willing professionals in the community, not just some kids with no camera presence, no lighting, no color correction, predictable edits, etc. etc.
Not to sound like a jerk but if anyone is donating to this I suggest you stop.  In order for such a production to have any reasonable impact then it needs to be of a higher bar.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: human on March 18, 2013, 01:28:51 AM
If your giving away documentary budgets then maybe you should consider that there are willing professionals in the community, not just some kids with no camera presence, no lighting, no color correction, predictable edits, etc. etc.
Not to sound like a jerk but if anyone is donating to this I suggest you stop.  In order for such a production to have any reasonable impact then it needs to be of a higher bar.
we should have a contest. for bitcoin. and the process could also be distributed...

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 18, 2013, 02:39:52 AM
Just thought I'll share with you what Bitcoin 100 would expect if you accepted our offer.


PRIORITY AD SPACE ON SITE: Just one clickable link would suffice.

OWN LOGO ON FRONT PAGE: Not important, but may take you up on the offer.

HALL OF FAME: Not sure what this curtails, but probably won't need it.

THANK-YOU DVD & FULL MOVIE: We'll pass on this, opting to pay for it.

LOGO IN DVD-BOOKLET: Might be interested in this, but no big deal.

MENTION IN CREDITS: Text only will be fine.

SPECIAL THANKS IN CREDITS: Again, text only will be fine.

MENTION BY DIRECTOR IN EVERY INTERVIEW: Only if you wish, but won't be offended if you don't, even if it's the majority of the time.

You can even leave us out of the contest, thus distributing prizes to any of the other donators. I'm not sure if this was ever a concern on your part while thinking about accepting our challenge.

Unless I'm mistaken, I'm the only one offering to donate $10K-$20K USD through Bitcoin 100, in essence surpassing your initial goal of $13K USD.

Once you say the word GO, I'll even start and man a thread to help you reach the ten non-profits goal within 90 days max.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on March 18, 2013, 11:47:41 AM
Sounds like a faggot is on the loose with a computer.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 18, 2013, 07:56:19 PM
Sounds like a faggot is on the loose with a computer.

Not dissing you, but not sure what you're implying.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 19, 2013, 07:30:37 PM
Not sure how much longer I'm going to leave this kind offer available, but currently there's over $10K USD on the table for the taking to help fund The Bitcoin Documentary.

Just say the word, and together we'll get this ball a rollin'. To be clear, I will be helping every step of the way with your team of 5(?), including your network of friends and associates, along with our fellow becoiners here on this forum. Rassah is justa itchin' to transfer the coins.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 20, 2013, 01:34:55 AM
Hi Phinnaeus,

I have indeed been mullin' all along 8)
But the only reason I didnt answer earlier was that I was too busy making appointments for the coming weeks.
I just now returned with my team from Vienna and 2 interviews (one of which with Trace Mayer).
Long story short: Yes, I definitly would love to receive your donations! The 1000$ one would get us to Finland or Britain for example and much closer to San José in May!
We will try our best to convince NGOs to accept Bitcoin when we encounter them during our project, but please understand that its not the main purpose of this project and we would still keep our focus on getting the most interesting people to tell their Bitcoin stories, not picking them for being heads of some NGOs that may be interested in Bitcoin (unless they have something interesting to say beyond that).
Would you have any suggestions for organizations that match Bitcoin100's apiration and could also be on the Docu?

From the top of my head, I can think of all the local hackspaces that we will visit. Would they qualify for Bitcoin100?
2nd idea (just hit me over the head): What about organizations that may accept Bitcoin, but when we interview them first they are more likely to decline, so we show their statements as a little side story and as the plot progresses, they are shown again with footage from our second visit by which they have already accepted Bitcoin and talk about how cool it is;) ?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 20, 2013, 07:47:25 AM
Hi Phinnaeus,

I have indeed been mullin' all along 8)
But the only reason I didnt answer earlier was that I was too busy making appointments for the coming weeks.
I just now returned with my team from Vienna and 2 interviews (one of which with Trace Mayer).
Long story short: Yes, I definitly would love to receive your donations! The 1000$ one would get us to Finland or Britain for example and much closer to San José in May!
We will try our best to convince NGOs to accept Bitcoin when we encounter them during our project, but please understand that its not the main purpose of this project and we would still keep our focus on getting the most interesting people to tell their Bitcoin stories, not picking them for being heads of some NGOs that may be interested in Bitcoin (unless they have something interesting to say beyond that).
Would you have any suggestions for organizations that match Bitcoin100's apiration and could also be on the Docu?

From the top of my head, I can think of all the local hackspaces that we will visit. Would they qualify for Bitcoin100?
2nd idea (just hit me over the head): What about organizations that may accept Bitcoin, but when we interview them first they are more likely to decline, so we show their statements as a little side story and as the plot progresses, they are shown again with footage from our second visit by which they have already accepted Bitcoin and talk about how cool it is;) ?

Fair enough! (and feel free to call me Bruno if you desire) Given the above, I'm going to take the liberty to fine-tune the original proposal, with hopefully at the end of the day not take much, if any, moneys--as first outlined--off the table, and maybe even securing more funds along the way.

With that, you're pretty much assured the $1,000 USD from Bitcoin 100 to further along this endeavor.

What I believe is paramount is that the ten NPO/NGOs we obtain receive as much prominent billing as possible, i.e., credits in the documentary (hopefully not in fast scroll mode), and links on your website, chiefly come to mind. Shouldn't need more than that. Please don't concern yourself with billing Bitcoin 100 unless we deserve credit(s).

Therefore, the adjusted proposal (outlined shortly) is predicated on a commitment from you in regard to the above--prominently showcasing ten new non-profits (not any previously obtained prior to this tentative agreement).

Would you have any suggestions for organizations that match Bitcoin100's apiration and could also be on the Docu?

Possibly. kenija2012 was one of the first NPOs we funded, and I'm sure those doctors may have live footage, taken while in Kenya.

Another example will come to mind later, or perhaps a new entity will manifest itself, rising up for the occasion. Of course, the better the human interest storyline, the better the final cut would be.

From the top of my head, I can think of all the local hackspaces that we will visit. Would they qualify for Bitcoin100?

Probably not. Not because of who or what they are, but because of their reach, with most functioning at the local level. An umbrella organization of said group would suffice, provided they are not already accepting bitcoins as a donation option.

They do seem like a fine group of folks, where a member or two may be closely connected to some charitable organization which may qualify though. But we won't know unless they're asked. Hint! Hint!

2nd idea (just hit me over the head): What about organizations that may accept Bitcoin, but when we interview them first they are more likely to decline, so we show their statements as a little side story and as the plot progresses, they are shown again with footage from our second visit by which they have already accepted Bitcoin and talk about how cool it is;) ?

Or at the very least, they reluctantly accept the offer (filmed), with a follow up video prior to the footage hitting the edit floor.

Once one of these ten accept, we'll do our best to work with them as they start requesting donations via Bitcoin. This will be more true if one particular entity is pose to be filmed more so than some other(s). Once we're made aware of such a fact, it'll be easier to shoot more coins their way, thus making the outcome more favorable, albeit a tad contrived.

Now that I've address your response, allow me to outline the next step(s) below the fold.

The New Proposal

Don't worry, for the changes are not too draconian. In fact, some may prove better, outweighing any negativity.

The first major change is that I will take lead control of the fund raising drive as it relates to Bitcoin 100's efforts in the amassing of the majority of the funding for the documentary. I'll be starting a separate thread for the occasion. In fact, there'll be two threads, for it'll be a two-step process. You'll understand why in a bit (almost penned sec).

Another major change will be in the time frame to accomplish this task. Originally, I penned a 60-90 day max window, with your team footing the majority of the labor. Seeing from your post, and should of considered it myself earlier, you'll probably be too pressed for time to take on added burdens.

The new time frame will be only 30 days to accomplish said task, provided the wafers leave the FAB as scheduled.  ;D (couldn't resist injecting humor) This quickening should come as a blessing for a myriad of reasons.

In essence, I'll be setting up a 30 day donation drive/challenge starting on the first day of April (probably sooner), ending on the 30th (locked deadline). This is what thread two (mentioned above) will consist of. Thread one (started immediately) will consist of garnering support from various viable entities, willing to donate $500(?) each at the end of April if Bitcoin 100 pulls through. (getting tired, but hope the gist came through--elaboration will be provided in said thread, and touch upon further below)

Quick aside: Upon a second/third read of the quoted post, I wanted to let you know that in no way are we (am I) trying to dictate to you how, or what, to weave into the documentary as it pertains to NGOs, et al. But I will start a third thread in the Projects sections for you to peruse, asking of the members what they would like to see in the doc. Therefore, all the suggestions would be in a single thread, whereupon you'll maintain the official thread (perhaps this is it), and I'll man the donation arm, again as it only relates to Bitcoin 100 and none of the other funding. No other addresses will be set up to collect donations by me in The Bitcoin Documentary's name. Only the address you've provided will be utilized.

One last major change, and that's the maximum dollar amount aspect. I've previous stated that all the funds currently residing in our coffers would go toward the making of the documentary provided a certain criteria's met, $10K of which going to actual charities. One aspect of the criteria was having your team doing most of the legwork. Since that is no longer the case due to it being impractical, I have bestowed that burden unto myself. That act alone causes us to no longer guarantee the entire pool.

The only way you would receive less than $10K from Bitcoin 100 is if the exchange rate spirals downward before the end of April, and the grand total did not come to $20K USD. If that'll be the case, all of the funds would still be allocated for this cause with the exception of a 1 BTC.

The maximum now that we'll transfer out for this project will only be $20,000, whereas before it had a potential of being $20K+. It equates to $10,000 USD max that you'll end up with, broken down the same way as before: namely, for each charity embedding a Bitcoin donation button onto their respective website, they'll receive $1,000, and you'll immediately receive $500; if at the end of April all ten are obtained, another $4,000 heads your way ($1K (initial) + $5K ($500 X 10) + $4K (remainder) = $10K (total); plus the dollar sum from all those betting, so to speak, that we can't do it (e.g., $500 per entity times 10 minimum equals $5K); and hopefully another $1K from The Bitcoin Foundation pledging (again, betting, so to speak) that we can't get 10 charities before the end of April AND get at least ten entities to pledge AND get at least $5K pledged from as many entities needed to surpass said figure.

Basically, that's what thread one will consist of--garnering support prior to augment the main drive (thread two). If I did the math correctly, with all the goals met there'll be no less than $16,000 I hope to raise for this crazy documentary idea, produced by four (five) wild and crazy guys with accents.

Again, just assure me that you'll show prominence to ten charities if we secure them. If so, I'm moving forward with what's outlined above, unless you believe something needs addressing.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 20, 2013, 09:33:37 PM
Haven't heard too many suggestions so far :-X

As promised in my mega post above, I created a thread for just this very thing:

I, in now way, am connected with this endeavor, but am doing everything within my power to help them bring this venerable documentary to fruition.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 21, 2013, 12:01:38 AM
UPDATE: First Pic from Vienna interviews

This pic comes fresh from the cam and has NOT been edited yet!
So please be patient and check back in a couple of days for the first brushed up sneak peeks of our Vienna interviews!
Always first in our blog (!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 21, 2013, 12:16:51 AM
Haven't heard too many suggestions so far :-X

As promised in my mega post above, I created a thread for just this very thing:

I, in now way, am connected with this endeavor, but am doing everything within my power to help them bring this venerable documentary to fruition.

~Bruno K~

Thanx Bruno,

Ill give it another Mega read tomorrow;)
Too tired right now, but I like it.


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Questing on March 21, 2013, 05:43:44 AM
Just a suggestion, so please feel free to take it or leave it. But I think you might discuss what email did to the post office, as an example of how bitcoin might effect banks.

Instant free messaging, independent of the Post Office.
Instant free money transactions, independent of banks,.

I think its an opportunity to get a profound point across to your audience.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 21, 2013, 10:24:09 PM
Haven't heard too many suggestions so far :-X

As promised in my mega post above, I created a thread for just this very thing:

I, in now way, am connected with this endeavor, but am doing everything within my power to help them bring this venerable documentary to fruition.

~Bruno K~

Thanx Bruno,

Ill give it another Mega read tomorrow;)
Too tired right now, but I like it.


Your welcome, Johannes.

Now, on to phase two of my self-imposed three-part commitment, that being phase one of the two-part fund drive. Hopefully, it won't receive the same lackluster response as the bring-on-your-ideas thread (

Once penned, I'll post the link in this thread.

Meanwhile, all, please consider backing this project in whatever means you're capable of doing, even if only offering up suggestions.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 22, 2013, 05:02:46 AM
Apologies for the bump, but...

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Jan on March 22, 2013, 05:44:26 AM
I met the guys behind the documentary in Vienna this week. They are really doing this and they are working hard on a really tight budget.

Please consider to donate.

When I met them they had been driving since 3AM from somewhere north of Berlin (quite a trip) to do two interviews. Saving money on transportation and hotel.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 22, 2013, 06:35:25 AM
I met the guys behind the documentary in Vienna this week. They are really doing this and they are working hard on a really tight budget.

Please consider to donate.

When I met them they had been driving since 3AM from somewhere north of Berlin (quite a trip) to do two interviews. Saving money on transportation and hotel.

Let 'em suffer! In a couple days, Josh'll send them a quarter to buy a bath.  ;D

Seriously, I'm shooting Rassah a PM now to send $1,000 USD worth of BTC as promised to help them out.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Jan on March 22, 2013, 08:01:05 AM
Thanks! This makes proud to be in the Bitcoin 100.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 22, 2013, 06:18:08 PM
UPDATE: Easter in Bratislava!

Hi, just letting everybody know that our team will spend the easter holidays in Bratislava (from 29.03. till 02.04) for some interviews and get togethers at the local hackspace (progressbar ( and elswhere, then on the 2nd of April attending a Bitcoin-get-together in Vienna's Metalab (, then back home to eat all the eggs!

More infotainment, as always in our blog (!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: bbit on March 22, 2013, 06:49:32 PM
Maybe the guys can do an interview with the legendary Phinnaeus Gage ?  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Rassah on March 22, 2013, 07:07:26 PM
Maybe the guys can do an interview with the legendary Phinnaeus Gage ?  ;D

Doon't encourage him. Besides, that wouldn't be too healthy for Phinn, as it would likely cause his already overinflated ego to cause his head to explode.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: bbit on March 22, 2013, 07:10:55 PM
Maybe the guys can do an interview with the legendary Phinnaeus Gage ?  ;D

Doon't encourage him. Besides, that wouldn't be too healthy for Phinn, as it would likely cause his already overinflated ego to cause his head to explode.

HAHAHA good point!  :P

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 22, 2013, 09:39:36 PM
Apologies for the bump, but...

Thank you very much for putting so much effort into getting us the dough we need to make this happen!
I really appreciate the amount of work you are committing to shoulder! If only part of what you envision works out, you can be sure to get a top notch Thank You Present ❤ from us as well as any other privilege you would like for yourself or Bitcoin 100.

First I would have said, just give us whatever amount you would like to donate and we try to get you some organizations to accept Bitcoin wherever we can. So I was confused at first about the amount of rules you put up there to formalize your commitment.
Now after carefully reading it again I understand that this is not only between us, but everyone that may want to donate or would possibly give more to the cause. It is set up like a bet and because I know how enarmored this community is with bets, I think its a pretty good idea to propose a personal bet to them.

Just to get this straight, you are trying to get at least 10 NGOs/NPOs by the end of April to accept Bitcoin for donations, that formerly havent and no involvement by the Bitcoin -The Documentary- team would be required to meet your target, correct? If we wanted to help out we certainly could aid you in adding to the list of 10, right? As can anyone?

Not wanting to spoiler or anything, but have you got some good candidates set up already? Because what you attempt here seems REALLY ambitious! 10 new organizations means 1 every 3rd day for a whole month!


P.S.: Are you located somewhere near Bratislava btw?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Richy_T on March 23, 2013, 12:23:58 AM
I can't really contribute much at this time but if there was a pre-order page, I'd jump on (providing the price is reasonable).

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 23, 2013, 12:35:25 AM
I can't really contribute much at this time but if there was a pre-order page, I'd jump on (providing the price is reasonable).

Hi Richy,

There is no pre-order page so to speak, because the final product will be entirely free! If you would like to support the project however and hold something in your hands that others dont, try out our Donation ( page and Thank You Presents ❤!

Better be quick, before price rises into undefinable hights!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 23, 2013, 06:38:36 AM
Apologies for the bump, but...

Thank you very much for putting so much effort into getting us the dough we need to make this happen!
I really appreciate the amount of work you are committing to shoulder! If only part of what you envision works out, you can be sure to get a top notch Thank You Present ❤ from us as well as any other privilege you would like for yourself or Bitcoin 100.

First I would have said, just give us whatever amount you would like to donate and we try to get you some organizations to accept Bitcoin wherever we can. So I was confused at first about the amount of rules you put up there to formalize your commitment.
Now after carefully reading it again I understand that this is not only between us, but everyone that may want to donate or would possibly give more to the cause. It is set up like a bet and because I know how enarmored this community is with bets, I think its a pretty good idea to propose a personal bet to them.

Just to get this straight, you are trying to get at least 10 NGOs/NPOs by the end of April to accept Bitcoin for donations, that formerly havent and no involvement by the Bitcoin -The Documentary- team would be required to meet your target, correct? If we wanted to help out we certainly could aid you in adding to the list of 10, right? As can anyone?

Not wanting to spoiler or anything, but have you got some good candidates set up already? Because what you attempt here seems REALLY ambitious! 10 new organizations means 1 every 3rd day for a whole month!


P.S.: Are you located somewhere near Bratislava btw?

To be clear, I only used the word bet to help explain the challenge aspect, and in way try to associate the term with its common meaning.

Just to get this straight, you are trying to get at least 10 NGOs/NPOs by the end of April to accept Bitcoin for donations, that formerly havent and no involvement by the Bitcoin -The Documentary- team would be required to meet your target, correct?

The goal is to get 10 non-profits by the end of April that do not currently have a Bitcoin donation option embedded on their websites. Changes are, most would never have heard of Bitcoin until they're approached by a Bitcoiner.

During the course of accomplishing that task, I hope to have at least 10 business (or individuals) pledge at least $5,000 USD total between them in the form of a challenge if I accomplish said task.

If I accomplish both of the above (10 non-profits AND at least 10 businesses to pledge $5,000), I desire The Bitcoin Fountion to donate $1,000 USD in bitcoins.

I'm sure the shorten version is now easier read, but if I would have presented this version first, I would still have had to detail the objective.

Apologies to all if my approach came out ass-backwards.

Please feel free to ask me any questions.

BTW, Rassah has sent the $1,000 USD donation. Please let us know if there's a problem with the transaction.

Calling it a Vite, for I need to go back to Chicago in the morning. Wish I knew if Josh was in town, for I would buy him dinner. Seriously!

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 23, 2013, 02:15:09 PM
Thanks Bruno & Rassah!

Donation received ;D
No problems at all. We will keep you updated with our efforts in making this movie awesome and also how much luck we have in suggesting Bitcoins to not-for-profits.


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 23, 2013, 03:46:06 PM
Thanks Bruno & Rassah!

Donation received ;D
No problems at all. We will keep you updated with our efforts in making this movie awesome and also how much luck we have in suggesting Bitcoins to not-for-profits.


Still waiting for an update. It's been almost twos hour since your last update.  ;D ;D ;D

Later, bud.

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on March 24, 2013, 12:01:13 AM
Willing to donate $10,000 if you are my friend, cheers

~Bruno K

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Wouter Drucker on March 24, 2013, 05:33:14 PM
we meet Satoshi Nakamoto he's pening the finishing touches on

It would be really nice to open the film with just a screen of the text appearing letter by letter, with the sound of typing.

"1) The mining pool operators (aka the people that operate "BTC Guild", "50BTC", etc) - 2) The software developers (those working on the main bitcoin client, as well as those who work on others apps and mining software) and 3) The hardware developers - these would probably be the hardest people to get interviews with, but all of those with successful (and possibly even unsuccessful) created ASIC hardware."

Add Satoshi Dice.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Richy_T on March 24, 2013, 06:02:42 PM

It would be really nice to open the film with just a screen of the text appearing letter by letter, with the sound of typing.

I believe it's a legal requirement, mandated by international treaties, that any such documentary begins with Pink Floyd's "Money"

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Wouter Drucker on March 24, 2013, 08:27:29 PM

It would be really nice to open the film with just a screen of the text appearing letter by letter, with the sound of typing.

I believe it's a legal requirement, mandated by international treaties, that any such documentary begins with Pink Floyd's "Money"

First the silent typing opening, then after the first scene has ended "Money" with the opening credits and some kind of 'sequence'. I believe that is a pretty standard film opening which works very well.

Example (I'm sure we can find more): First 9 minutes (2 scenes with small and big music climax, then the main film with longer scenes).

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 24, 2013, 08:56:12 PM

It would be really nice to open the film with just a screen of the text appearing letter by letter, with the sound of typing.

I believe it's a legal requirement, mandated by international treaties, that any such documentary begins with Pink Floyd's "Money"

First the silent typing opening, then after the first scene has ended "Money" with the opening credits and some kind of 'sequence'. I believe that is a pretty standard film opening which works very well.

If someone remembers a film that starts in this way: post a link. It's always good to look at examples.

Not exactly what you requested, but a damn close second option. (short)

If nothing else, borrow the concept.

Another way to incorporate the song is at the beginning of the doc, show a busker picking Money, later in the film, expand the song further, then further, then toward the end, a full orchestra playing the song, and finally a choir, as seen here:

There's a term that describes this progression, but it eludes me.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Richy_T on March 24, 2013, 09:01:01 PM
Let's pick some more:

Segment about Satoshi: "Who are you", The Who

Segment segueing from the first big rally & crash to the current rally: "You aint seen nothing yet", Bachman Turner Overdrive

Obviously, "The Taxman" by The Beatles has to be worked in somewhere too.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Wouter Drucker on March 24, 2013, 09:03:21 PM
If nothing else, borrow the concept.

By far the best results are achieved by either

  • copying
  • inventing by mistake

So as long as it's not you who does it.  ;D

Let's pick some more:

Segment about Satoshi: "Who are you", The Who

Segment segueing from the first big rally & crash to the current rally: "You aint seen nothing yet", Bachman Turner Overdrive

Obviously, "The Taxman" by The Beatles has to be worked in somewhere too.

IMO this would create the effect of 'taking you back in time', which would not be appropriate: it should be futuristic.

8-bit version of "Money":  ;D

There's a term that describes this progression, but it eludes me.

I think I know what you mean, a lot of Hollywood films use it, especially if the score is very good: 'Titanic', 'The Bodyguard', 'The Lion King'.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 24, 2013, 10:43:01 PM
UPDATE: My mother just realized Bitcoins have real value!  ::)

The full Story >>>Here<<< ( our Power-24-Hour-Blog!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 24, 2013, 11:27:51 PM
Just thought I'll share with you what Bitcoin 100 would expect if you accepted our offer.


PRIORITY AD SPACE ON SITE: Just one clickable link would suffice.

OWN LOGO ON FRONT PAGE: Not important, but may take you up on the offer.

HALL OF FAME: Not sure what this curtails, but probably won't need it.

THANK-YOU DVD & FULL MOVIE: We'll pass on this, opting to pay for it.

LOGO IN DVD-BOOKLET: Might be interested in this, but no big deal.

MENTION IN CREDITS: Text only will be fine.

SPECIAL THANKS IN CREDITS: Again, text only will be fine.

MENTION BY DIRECTOR IN EVERY INTERVIEW: Only if you wish, but won't be offended if you don't, even if it's the majority of the time.

You can even leave us out of the contest, thus distributing prizes to any of the other donators. I'm not sure if this was ever a concern on your part while thinking about accepting our challenge.

Unless I'm mistaken, I'm the only one offering to donate $10K-$20K USD through Bitcoin 100, in essence surpassing your initial goal of $13K USD.

Once you say the word GO, I'll even start and man a thread to help you reach the ten non-profits goal within 90 days max.

~Bruno K~

Hi Bruno,

Since your cause has donated ~14 BTC so far you guys float between the 10 BTC ('Wood Sponsor (') and 25 BTC ('Gold Sponsor (') mark, which means you should at least have all the privieges a Wood Sponsor would get plus some things from the Gold Sponsor Tier. PM me to discuss the details for not cluttering the thread (or post it if you insist to make it transparent at all cost ;) )
Id like to aid you guys in your cause as I think everybody profits from it!

Greetings from Germany,

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Wouter Drucker on March 25, 2013, 12:42:53 AM
Spekulatius: there are many choices to be made in making a documentary. Can you talk a bit about your ideas?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on March 25, 2013, 01:31:48 AM
Just thought I'll share with you what Bitcoin 100 would expect if you accepted our offer.


PRIORITY AD SPACE ON SITE: Just one clickable link would suffice.

OWN LOGO ON FRONT PAGE: Not important, but may take you up on the offer.

HALL OF FAME: Not sure what this curtails, but probably won't need it.

THANK-YOU DVD & FULL MOVIE: We'll pass on this, opting to pay for it.

LOGO IN DVD-BOOKLET: Might be interested in this, but no big deal.

MENTION IN CREDITS: Text only will be fine.

SPECIAL THANKS IN CREDITS: Again, text only will be fine.

MENTION BY DIRECTOR IN EVERY INTERVIEW: Only if you wish, but won't be offended if you don't, even if it's the majority of the time.

You can even leave us out of the contest, thus distributing prizes to any of the other donators. I'm not sure if this was ever a concern on your part while thinking about accepting our challenge.

Unless I'm mistaken, I'm the only one offering to donate $10K-$20K USD through Bitcoin 100, in essence surpassing your initial goal of $13K USD.

Once you say the word GO, I'll even start and man a thread to help you reach the ten non-profits goal within 90 days max.

~Bruno K~

Hi Bruno,

Since your cause has donated ~14 BTC so far you guys float between the 10 BTC ('Wood Sponsor (') and 25 BTC ('Gold Sponsor (') mark, which means you should at least have all the privieges a Wood Sponsor would get plus some things from the Gold Sponsor Tier. PM me to discuss the details for not cluttering the thread (or post it if you insist to make it transparent at all cost ;) )
Id like to aid you guys in your cause as I think everybody profits from it!

Greetings from Germany,

Now how the fuck did the barn wood guy backdoor the Wood Sponsor position?

Seriously, I nor Bitcoin 100 is interested in earning rewards for our actions. As you've quoted me above (in bold) in regard to this tier system of yours, I feel it best to dole any perks achieved via our funding efforts to those we may obtain to donating to your cause either directly or indirectly.

For instance, the entities I get on board to post Challenge Grants. They may be more incline to accept said rewards, perhaps donating in such a manner to reap the maximum benefits. Remember, I'm gunning for at least 10 people to pledge no less than $5,000 USD total, coupled with The Bitcoin Foundation to grant another $1,000 USD, IFF I obtain 10 new non-profits before the end of April.

This way you would receive no less than $16,000 USD worth of bitcoins into your coffer. As you well know, I'm already less than an inch there, since you've already received 1/16th of the my goal, with only 15/16 left to go. Now, if I were in Germany, the task at hand would be even smaller, for I would be measuring it in cm, assuming a cm is shorter than an inch.  ::)

One more thing that I don't want to take for granted. Those 10+ entities I've been speaking of should get proper billing as well, similar to the 10 non-profits I bring on board. In fact it's imperative that this is arranged, for it's a major selling point for me to obtain those entities. I'm sure that BitPay, Coinabul, Butterfly Labs, Mt. Gox, Memory Dealers, Satoshi Dice, et al., would love to see their names on the big screen. (apologies if I left off major entities on the list, but was penning from memory off the top of my...let me rephrase that)

~Bruno K~

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Rassah on March 25, 2013, 02:12:43 PM
I believe it's a legal requirement, mandated by international treaties, that any such documentary begins with Pink Floyd's "Money"

First the silent typing opening, then after the first scene has ended "Money" with the opening credits and some kind of 'sequence'. I believe that is a pretty standard film opening which works very well.

Or they could, you know, NOT do an extremely overdone cliche, and come up with something original. Personally I'd like to see that.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on March 25, 2013, 03:34:47 PM
UPDATE: Second Bitcoin Docu ( announced!

Hi Everyboy, Im excited about this project! There is another Documentary in the making by Pittsburgh film makers that aspires to take Bitcoin to the public this year. Have a look at their project thread and show them some loving!

We have been in contact over the past weeks and agreed on some collaboration to boost our both projects. They seem to focus on the US-side of things while we have, due to our geographical location, the focus on the European community momentarily.
I cant wait to see their movie, I hope they release more info soon! (may have to stop calling it the "FIRST" Bitcoin Docu eventually ;) )

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Rassah on April 03, 2013, 03:04:49 PM
Any updates or progress on this? Or have you guys been too busy just sitting and staring at the prices going  :o like the rest of us?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: buddhacoiner on April 04, 2013, 05:51:47 AM
love this Johannes!  would be great to be involved somehow.  kann Deutsch sprechen und wohne in Kanada, bruder wohnt in Asien und spricht Mandarin, freund in Kanada (auch Deutsch) hat film in der Uni studiert...

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 07, 2013, 02:09:18 PM (

UPDATE: Interview with the guys from on 9th and 10th of April (next week) in Berlin!

Hi everybody,

Just to let you know that we are back from our trip from Bratislava and Vienna with some great interviews and contacts!
More will be released shortly, always first on our blog (!

We will meet Jesse and Co. from in Berlin and interrogate them on Bitcoin and Virtual Worlds, their own projects and some inside views of the unfolding digital items trade economy!

If you have any questions for them, let us know and we will ask them. Leave your ideas in the comments (of our blog)!

We are also still looking for a great location to have the interviews. Some place with power outlets, silence (more or less), around 20m² space and no passers-by running through our set up. If you have any ideas, pls help us out and get into contact with me!
(I thought of a Cyber-Café or COmic book store but anything with a nice background would be fine)



Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 07, 2013, 02:12:15 PM
love this Johannes!  would be great to be involved somehow.  kann Deutsch sprechen und wohne in Kanada, bruder wohnt in Asien und spricht Mandarin, freund in Kanada (auch Deutsch) hat film in der Uni studiert...

Hi thx buddha!

Im sure we an work something out!
Where exactly are you located? Others have also pledged their support and have even offered to conduct interviews for us over in the US. Maybe you guys could join forces on the right occasion. Do you have any skills that you could help us with?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Bitcoinpro on April 07, 2013, 02:16:36 PM
first scene have a kid asking their dad for some money he gets out a dollar flicks it in the air to the kid who catches it while saying "turn this into a trillion"

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 07, 2013, 09:40:24 PM
@ Bruno:

When we stayed over at Bratislava on Alex Breadman' ( invitation (he also organises this year's other big Bitcoin Conference), I was introduced to his charity program that he runs together with his fiancé and a friend; its called BitcoinTablet ( and is based on an interesting idea. Basically they want to raise funds (Bitcoins) in order to ship tablets for the lowest prices available at no additional costs to schools and rural communities in Africa. The twist is that these tablets run on solar power and can communicate with one another and with the internet through a meshnet from device to device. That way no additional infrastructure is neccessary and only one device connected to the internet enables all of them to take part in the global community. Oh yeah, and as a bonus Bitcoin Clients are already pre installed;)

Its still in early stage but they will receive the first batch of tablets next month and have already arranged some schools in central Africa to ship to.

Have a look and if you like it, pls consider to support them!


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: DeeSome on April 07, 2013, 10:01:51 PM
Ask Max Keiser to appear, he's been pushing Bitcoin on his RT show and reckons he is already a BTC millionaire. Maybe even good for a sizeable donation.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Rassah on April 07, 2013, 10:55:36 PM
@ Bruno:

When we stayed over at Bratislava on Alex Breadman' ( invitation (he also organises this year's other big Bitcoin Conference), I was introduced to his charity program that he runs together with his fiancé and a friend; its called BitcoinTablet ( and is based on an interesting idea. Basically they want to raise funds (Bitcoins) in order to ship tablets for the lowest prices available at no additional costs to schools and rural communities in Africa. The twist is that these tablets run on solar power and can communicate with one another and with the internet through a meshnet from device to device. That way no additional infrastructure is neccessary and only one device connected to the internet enables all of them to take part in the global community. Oh yeah, and as a bonus Bitcoin Clients are already pre installed;)

Its still in early stage but they will receive the first batch of tablets next month and have already arranged some schools in central Africa to ship to.

Have a look and if you like it, pls consider to support them!


This sounds like something I would be interested in buying. Wonder if they are for sale for others?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 08, 2013, 11:16:56 PM
UPDATE: New Assignment! (see OP): "LEGAL ADVICE"

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: buddhacoiner on April 09, 2013, 05:28:23 AM
love this Johannes!  would be great to be involved somehow.  kann Deutsch sprechen und wohne in Kanada, bruder wohnt in Asien und spricht Mandarin, freund in Kanada (auch Deutsch) hat film in der Uni studiert...

Hi thx buddha!

Im sure we an work something out!
Where exactly are you located? Others have also pledged their support and have even offered to conduct interviews for us over in the US. Maybe you guys could join forces on the right occasion. Do you have any skills that you could help us with?

Well, since I am in Taiwan at the moment, for now I could offer to interview someone involved with Bitcoin over here.  I haven't looked into the possible existence of any 'players' in Taiwan but if you know of any bitcoin action occurring here it would be fun to go and film an interview with them.  I have time on my hands so it's no problem.

I'm a short flight away from Tokyo, but I'm guessing you'll probably make it over there yourself at some point.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 17, 2013, 08:38:16 PM
UPDATE: First monthly statement public! We spent 2153.54€ and conducted 11 interviews in 3 countries!

The whole file and more Intel inside (!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 18, 2013, 06:20:44 PM
UPDATE: Facebook page reloaded!

Hi friends!

Our enchanting designer girl and cutting specialist just redid our facebook presence and brought it a little bit more up to standards.
Click this button and visit us at: (

Any suggestions?

We only have 17 friends so far..  :'(

LET US GROW! :D ;D ::) :P ;D ;D ;D :o :P :D ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 18, 2013, 07:21:15 PM (

UPDATE #2 toady ;D:

I just saw that great short Docu on reddit:

Head over and have a look its great stuff!
I hope we can arrange some cooperation of any kind, I'm excited;)

If you are from the area show them some support monetary or otherwise, to bring more projects like this to life!

¡Saludos de Alemania y buena suerte!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 19, 2013, 08:29:31 PM
UPDATE: 66(.6)% OFF! Everything for 1/3 the price due to price appreciation of Bitcoin vs. USD!

We just lowered the prices for donation rewards, so check out our new prices ( and leave a message!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 21, 2013, 11:32:34 PM
UPDATE: We are coming to London in May. Read all about it here (!

We need suggestions for:
- People to interview
- Places to have the interviews (interesting backgounds, more or less silence, power outlets are a plus)
- Accomodation

Any ideas?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 22, 2013, 10:09:30 PM
UPDATE: David Birch confirmed for interview in London.

He is financial consultant, author of more then a hundred columns for the Guardian and a book about Digital Identity Management as well as director of Consult Hyperion (, a specialist electronic transactions consulting firm that advises governments and large companies on electronic identity and electronic money. He is also outspoken critic of Bitcoin and has offered his perspective on the young currency in the past, for example in this enlightening speech during the Prague Conferece 2011:

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 23, 2013, 05:19:56 PM
UPDATE: First Snippet Released! (

Get all the info first on our blog:

Is everybody able to watch it on vimeo?
Would you prefer if we used youtube instead?


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 26, 2013, 11:32:52 PM
UPDATE: New Assignment!

- SENT US SATOSHI NAKAMOTO! (open for public, receiving submissions)

We will talk about Bitcoin's mysterious creator and maybe visit some of his early peers to tell his story (or what we know about it). For that, we'll need a lot of cut away footage from him. If you have any ideas on how to portait him take a camera and start to film!

We need footage of him basically being himself in any way you see him: sitting in a sushi bar, using the subway, sitting in front of his screen, devicing Bitcoin, being a NSA spy, earning a shit ton of money,..

Any scenes that you can imagine we can use. In this case its not even important to record superb sound because we will most likely lay music over it or to use a good camera because those "memories" will fall out of the standard look of the movie anyway.

This is your chance to make yourself an idol of Satoshi Cyber Christ™ ( Please post or send us your ideas and footage and we can put you in the credits for ever lasting fame!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on April 27, 2013, 01:46:38 AM
Are there plans to have interviews with silk road vendors or just darknet figures in general? Huge part of bitcoin I bet is being ignored.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 28, 2013, 11:20:59 PM
Are there plans to have interviews with silk road vendors or just darknet figures in general? Huge part of bitcoin I bet is being ignored.

Yes, we will! This is a very important aspect that we wont leave aside. Because it is a bit delicate to talk about details rigth now, only so much: Expect both parties of the legal spectrum to be on the movie!

Have a look at Trace and Gabe talking about how Silk Road contributes to a more peaceful world;) (

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on April 29, 2013, 08:15:21 PM
UPDATE: Musical artist Seven7hwave has agreed on a collaboration with our movie and has pledged a couple of songs (some currently under review)!

Check out his past work here ( and learn everything about it in our blog (!

Feel free to post ideas or contact me if you would like to participate!

Stay up to date with our facebook profile (!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on May 02, 2013, 10:05:36 PM
UPDATE: Gabe and Trace on Central Banking

Check out our blog ( and shoot us some satoshis for our London trip ( if you like it!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: chronocoin on May 04, 2013, 08:48:40 AM
Cool project

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: smoothie on May 07, 2013, 04:05:46 AM
+1 bump

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on May 07, 2013, 07:52:52 PM

UPDATE: LadyBytes agreed for interview, need help to figure out TOR+VoIP set up

Hi everybody,

Famous Reddit model LadyBytes best known for her appearance on reddit's notorious /r/GirlsGoneBitcoin ( (NSFW!) sub reddit has agreed for an interview. She insists to keep her identity a mystery and to hold the interview via TOR. I did some research and it seems possible to have a decent Skype call or similar with this set up. I am not tech savvy enough to figure out how, though (Im just the Director :P).

So please help prepare the stage for Bitcoin's most famous/notorious woman and let her tell her story: LadyBytes.

- What software is the most suitable to perform this?

- What needs to be set up in the menus?

- How can we assure a good sound and picture quality?

- What else needs to be taken care of?

Thx for your support, the full interview will be made available to donors (unless LadayBytes objects)!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: monokaskade on May 07, 2013, 08:13:10 PM
There is an MS-20 in the OP. MUST SEE

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on May 07, 2013, 09:13:53 PM
There is an MS-20 in the OP. MUST SEE


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 08, 2013, 03:22:51 AM
Don't forget about the gal in Vegas who got the first(?) Bitcoin tattoo.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Jaques on May 08, 2013, 03:21:32 PM
There is an MS-20 in the OP. MUST SEE

? (

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: ReCat on May 08, 2013, 03:38:41 PM
Nice. It'd be epic to see this air on TV some day.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on May 08, 2013, 08:27:39 PM
There is an MS-20 in the OP. MUST SEE

? (

Cool! When we run out of funds (more then we already are), I know where to get more money from ;)

Now that I know what it does, I want to play with it.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: blackreplica on May 09, 2013, 08:46:29 AM
Donation sent. Good luck!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on May 21, 2013, 09:35:05 PM (

UPDATE: Frank Braun & Jonathan Logan for interviews today!

Today we will meet Frank Braun (above) and Jonathan Logan from at an undisclosed location for interviews (seriously, I dont even know where they will take us). Topics to be discussed are anonymity, surveillance, privacy online, offline and financially as well as broader fields of politics and society in relation to Bitcoin. Do you have any questions for them?

Let us know in the comments!

Getting there costs money, pls consider a donation! (

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on May 22, 2013, 01:18:52 AM
honestly who are these random people, why aren't you talking to silk road vendors, drug dealers, and people who are actually involved in the bitcoin community and make a living from it instead of theorists

that is the only way you are going to make this documentary mainstream. you have to "scare" the public, do what american underworld does and actually go through the steps of some of this shit instead of simply introduce it. anyone can make a documentary of what you are currently doing.

if you really go through everything you can get international attention and have people take this currency seriously, and not just a "hypothetical solution to the banking problem (which is a problem that society does not comprehend nor ever will regardless of your actions)".

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Blindfolded on June 16, 2013, 12:48:35 AM
Donation sent, best of luck.

Can't wait to see the film.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on June 16, 2013, 02:07:00 AM
honestly who are these random people, why aren't you talking to silk road vendors, drug dealers, and people who are actually involved in the bitcoin community and make a living from it instead of theorists

that is the only way you are going to make this documentary mainstream. you have to "scare" the public, do what american underworld does and actually go through the steps of some of this shit instead of simply introduce it. anyone can make a documentary of what you are currently doing.

if you really go through everything you can get international attention and have people take this currency seriously, and not just a "hypothetical solution to the banking problem (which is a problem that society does not comprehend nor ever will regardless of your actions)".

Hi flavius,

Those are some great points you brought up there! Yes, we are getting our hands dirty and talk to the people on the bleeding edge of the Bitcoin cosmos! We have already talked to a number of Bitcoin business owners and programmers/enthusiasts that let us share their sparks for the idea of Bitcoin. Our main character is currently living of Bitcoin solely and tries to provide for himself and his young wife only by what he earns in Bitcoins (cant give you names yet, because I dont want to interfere with his "natural" setting of life ;)
We will feature both sides of the law as well concerning certain aspects of Bitcoin usage on the web. Cant give you much details on that also atm, sry but Im sure u understand. We will not get into contact with any SR dealers or users before proper protection is worked out for our team or potential interview partners, but rest assured that we will not spare this aspect.
Regarding those "random people", you have been seing introduced: they are actual experts in their fields and can with proper background describe the multiple facets of Bitcoin from their perspective, may it be anonymity, economy or legal aspects. As my documentary parts into a describing/theoretical part and a real life story (see main character) that the viewer can follow throughout the movie both have their place and reason to be interviewed/followed by the camera.

I hope this clears things up a bit. Let me know what you think about this.


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: flavius on June 16, 2013, 02:13:28 AM
you mean beccy and austin...?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on June 16, 2013, 02:13:38 AM
Donation sent, best of luck.

Can't wait to see the film.

A BTC well invested ;)

First Exclusive Digital Content to be released is just being edited! We have some burners up our pipeline (hope that doesnt sound too ambiguoues ;) )

little update:
We have concluded most of our expert interviews and can begin to cut/edit the main movie. In the process we will release more footage as we should have during the actual filming anyway but couldnt because of limited resources.


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on June 16, 2013, 02:21:21 AM
you mean beccy and austin...?


No :) Striking similarity isnt it ;)
Its a completely different scenario but yeah, both seem to try to make a living on Bitcoins.
Our couple earns Bitcoins through their work in the Bitcoin sphere while B&A try to live off the donations they gather I understand.
Lets hope both couples dont starve in the process ;)

Hint: Also the continents are different in both cases.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Drezi on June 16, 2013, 02:44:19 AM
This is awesome!  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 16, 2013, 02:57:41 AM
Great job Spekulatius! I always liked you because you support the coz.  *pun intended*

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Rassah on June 28, 2013, 02:12:26 AM
So, is the goal anywhere in sight yet?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: ReCat on July 01, 2013, 03:59:34 AM
I expect you should be seeing it in the form of an occasional photon randomly flashing at an ever-so-slowly increasing rate. :P

(physics metaphor for far away, but existent.)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: BitTrade on July 01, 2013, 02:40:26 PM
mentioning Ashton Kutcher in the OP makes me think you're scamming, or at best trying to talk to big to raise hopes and raise more BTC

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on July 02, 2013, 12:44:53 AM
mentioning Ashton Kutcher in the OP makes me think you're scamming, or at best trying to talk to big to raise hopes and raise more BTC

The lads are legit, BitTrade.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: WhatsUpFreak on July 02, 2013, 01:00:15 AM
What is the estimated release date for this documentary?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on July 08, 2013, 10:42:21 PM

We are planning on releasing in November, when our main character will host his own Bitcoin Conference in the UK (as it stands).
This will be the release event as well.

We have finished the largest part of our expert interviews but will conduct more till November and also keep following our main story with the camera.

Im sorry that I didnt communicate more frequently in the past and probably will not have the time to post as much as I would like to either  ::)
We are all students after all and our uni keeps us busy on top of filming and editing.

I was just about to upload some pictures from some prior shoots, but it seems our site is experiencing a down time atm, I already wrote to the hosting company and will call them tomorrow, so that I can give something back to you guys at least to show you that we have been busy.

We are entering post production right now and edit the parts that we have already filmed to parrallel the work flow.
Hope I can present some visuals to you guys soon!

Thx to all of our donors so far!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on July 08, 2013, 11:16:28 PM
Some pictures of our recent trip from Germany to the UK:

Calais ( ( ( (

The UK ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Ecuadorian Embassy in London, most famous resident as of current: Julian Assange (
Michael Parsons ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

More pictures on our facebook page:

and soon to come on our website:

-edit- some of the pictures have filming locations and interviewees in them:)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: ReCat on July 09, 2013, 04:22:06 PM
Why aren't phone boxes there blue anymore?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: molecular on July 09, 2013, 06:49:59 PM
Why aren't phone boxes there blue anymore?

Have you been tripping? Did you see any yellow buses?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on July 09, 2013, 10:18:24 PM
That looks like a nice vacation! I should start a Bitcoin documentary.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Runescape on July 09, 2013, 10:23:47 PM
Thanks, nice watch.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: ReCat on July 09, 2013, 10:40:29 PM
Why aren't phone boxes there blue anymore?

Have you been tripping? Did you see any yellow buses?


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: bitcoinstarter on July 09, 2013, 10:41:49 PM
Yellow bus is funny!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: RapidCoinz on July 10, 2013, 10:26:46 AM
Good work and good luck with this!  Can't wait to see what you manage to brew up!  Keep us posted..  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: molecular on July 10, 2013, 02:57:56 PM
Why aren't phone boxes there blue anymore?

Have you been tripping? Did you see any yellow buses?


lol, maybe you have been to "The City of London, Ohio"?

did you get screwed over with that "Trip to London"? (

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: meekstav876 on July 10, 2013, 04:52:50 PM ( (

I am proud to announce the first feature-length documentary that will focus entirely on BITCOIN!

Along side captivating interviews from celebrities and experts around the Bitcoin scene from all around the globe, external experts from the fields of law, politics or science will also talk about Bitcoin and what it could mean for society, economy and the World! The only thing we need right now are Donations! ;)

Its gonna be the first Bitcoin Documentary and it will be 100% Bitcoin funded! All donations will come from supporters and sponsors in the form of Bitcoin.
We are in the talks with a major supplier of BTC chargable debit cards, that will enable us to spend ALL neccessary expenses that CANNOT be spent in BTC, WITH BTC! Instead of paying with EUR or USD, we can just top up our account with donations in the form of Bitcoin and say: "Hey, you dont take Bitcoin? Here, take my Debit card instead. Its a Bitcoin card!"

On top of that, this project aims to be as open and transparent as possible. Everyone that has a good idea for an interview or how to make the movie/site/planning better is encouraged to take part! We will account for all the expenses in our blog, post current pictures and videos from the sets and turn this whole movie into a full fledged crowd funded, crowd sourced project of the Bitcoin Community!

First interviews have already been arranged with the owners of (, Germany's largest Bitcoin exchange as well as privacy experts Frank Braun and Jonathan Logan from ( and conducted with Trace Mayer, among others. We are in the talks with many more parties and also focus on Experts opposed to Bitcoin, because no good movie goes without good a conflict!

Please visit our website and let us know what you think!
>>> ( <<<
Visit our ( facebook page ( to stay uptodate on all the news! (

Current Balance: (

Donated to date: (

Pls visit our site for non-anonymous donations (Gifts'n'stuff)

P.S.: Also check out the awesome Donor Gifts in the Donation Section (!!

Epic picture is epic!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Rassah on July 12, 2013, 04:05:15 AM
Why aren't phone boxes there blue anymore?

You are thinking police boxes / time machines. Phone booths, for making calls, have always been red. Police boxes, for sticking criminals/timelords into while waiting for the police/daleks to arrive have always been blue. Except or the weird places where they have sometimes been red, but no one talks about that place.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: phelix on July 15, 2013, 02:52:56 PM
You are welcome to vote for Bitcoin - the Documentary as Bitcoin Project of the Quarter:

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on July 15, 2013, 03:13:18 PM
would like to see in the docu:

Dirk Müller (german stock market expert)
Jens Weidmann (german president of national bank)
WinkleVoss twins

maybe you can get at least Dirk Müller, he is very famous in germany   :)  !

are you accept LiteCoin?

(..sorry but, the trailer does not look good because you just read everything from a piece of paper ......  ::) )

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: 420 on August 04, 2013, 04:17:21 AM
lame trailer. i can do better

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 29, 2013, 03:00:47 AM
Here's to hoping all is still on track.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: hlynur on October 20, 2013, 07:00:56 AM
Here's to hoping all is still on track.
seeing no updates on your site since may made me worried.
how are you guys doing?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on November 26, 2013, 10:39:31 PM

Sorry for the abysmal communication on my end :P
We have kept our uni intern dead line recently and handed in a 50 min version of the movie with some interviews but excluding the story plot and animations. We actually received mark 1.0 which is the best possible result from our professor who is in charge of the local Media Production Institute,  so I guess we are on the right track :D.

I would like to let everybody know that work on this movie has been going on constantly during the beginning of March and is nearing completion as far as interviews and following our main character's storyline go. I would have liked to post more of our material but have been very busy with my academic duties as well as organizing and executing this project throughout the year. Nevertheless, we have lined up 2 more interview trips this year: The first one will take us to the London Bitcoin Expo 2013, where we will be filming the preparations and expo that our main character is organizing (have you guessed yet who it is.. ???) and seize the occasion to interview some of the celebrities and their projects there, such as Richard Stallman or the Trezor Guys. I hope to release some raw footage soon thereafter. The next trip in early December will take us to Switzerland, more on it when the time draws near. If you can make it, pls come and meet us in person! (

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: hlynur on November 26, 2013, 11:30:32 PM
thanks for the update
can't wait to see some footage.
do you already have a planned release date? (i will add it on documentary thread)
perhaps you could set up an entry on imdb and omdb. (to create an in development title on imdb afaik you need a pro account, but it's not to expensive & the money would be worth it imo.)
good luck for the future of your project

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on November 27, 2013, 12:15:38 AM
thanks for the update
can't wait to see some footage.
do you already have a planned release date? (i will add it on documentary thread)
perhaps you could set up an entry on imdb and omdb. (to create an in development title on imdb afaik you need a pro account, but it's not to expensive & the money would be worth it imo.)
good luck for the future of your project

Post production, including animations and finding the animators will take up 1 or 2 months at least, maybe the occasional interview here and there if things come up unexpectedly, so Im aiming for Spring 2014. I will narrow it down as things take more shape.

I really have to get on bringing the website up to speed and releasing some of the footage we have created so far. I was thinking of a members area for donors to access this exclusive digital content and the option just a little donation to see only one clip for example. To implement it the s2member plugin for wordpress seems to be the right fit. I just have to do it. I confess that I push it off again and again, so pls kick my ass occasionally ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 27, 2013, 02:19:11 AM
Well, at least you're able to have on hand over the amount originally hoped for (post #2 of this thread) thanks to the exchange rate.

May I suggest offering the content free, whereupon you'll be more likely to garner more donations oppose to having to pay for it?

Do your best to keep us abreast, thus keeping any naysayers at bay. The last thing you fine lads need is spending time to defend yourselves for whatever reason.

Personally, I'm currently in route to Satoshi Forest to feed some homeless Thanksgiving dinner, albeit it's looking like it may not happen on Thursday, but it's not uncommon to have said feast on the immediate following weekend.

Next, I'm heading to Las Vegas to drum up support for Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fund (

I'll do my best to get some footage.

TMIBTCITW (The Most Interesting Bitcoiner In The World)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on December 10, 2013, 01:52:18 PM

Tomorrow on the 11th of December our team will visit Mr. Schwaab in the National Parliament of Switzerland and inquire on his parliamentary call to investigate the dangers of Bitcoin and potentially ban it which more then 50 parliamentarians have co signed. You can find his proposition here:

A similar postulate has been submitted recently and has been signed by more then 40 parlamentarians asking to consider Bitcoin a legal currency:

Please let us know what to ask him if you have any questions for us, post it in the comments!


Relevant Reddit discussion:

Bitcointalk thread:

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 10, 2013, 03:30:19 PM
hurry up, i cant wait to see the movie :)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on December 15, 2013, 11:42:13 PM

We went to the Swiss Parliament, the Bern Bundeshaus to meet Mr. Schwaab that lodged a rather sceptical postulate to the parliament and while we were at it, ran into Mr. Weibel that wants to bring the Swiss government to accredit Bitcoin with official "Currency Status" with his very own postulate, both signed by a few dozen parliamentarians.

Both interviews were pretty good and enlightening, more on our blog ( at ( and soon in the donor's exclusive digital content section (P.S.: Donation thresholds will be reduced)!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on December 15, 2013, 11:56:48 PM

So we are in Switzerland at the moment to meet the local Bitcoin crowd and among them of course is core devolper Mike Hearn who lives in Zürich. We will catch up with Mike on the 17th this month to have a casual interview covering the relevant questions concerning the docu, like how Bitcoin works under the hood explained in simple terms and also how developing one of the most scrutinized technologies in the world feels like.
After the compulsory portion is done, Mike may answer some additional questions, questions of the Bitcoins fan base (insert your name here). So please let us know of any questions you may have on your mind for me to ask Mike on Tuesday.


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on December 16, 2013, 12:21:35 AM
Thresholds to receive certain levels of our much loved Thank You Presents ❤ have been drastically reduced by almost 90%. The same goes for our valuable Sponsors packages that can be bought for a fraction of what it once was. If I was one of those electronic store mascots, I would call myself Crazy Joe's.
So hurry up and donate as long as they stay so cheap! When the first exclusive content will be released, thresholds may go up to cover our costs (financial statements for past months will be released shortly).

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on December 16, 2013, 01:06:38 PM
No suggestions for questions to Mike yet?


Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 16, 2013, 03:39:52 PM
No suggestions for questions to Mike yet?


BUmp!!! Any questions for Mike?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on December 16, 2013, 03:40:06 PM
what does the thinks about the coming regulation in the US?

why does he live in zürich :) ?

why doesnt "he" (the foundation) add Zerocoin in BTC ? now zerocoin will be made as an own coin:

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: remotemass on December 16, 2013, 11:18:17 PM
Questions you may rise:

1) What characteristics would a cryptocurrency need to have to be much superior to bitcoin?
2) How possible it is to extend the number of decimal places in bitcoin?
3) How bitcoin exchanges work? How is the BTC price set?
4) How robots and other autonomous agents will use bitcoin?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on December 23, 2013, 06:11:04 PM
from our news section (

Switzerland trip recap:
Parlamentarian Thomas Weibel who want’s to make Bitcoin an officially recogniced currency in Switzerland
Parlamentarian Jean Christophe Schwaab who set out to ban Bitcoin (both interviewed).
Taking pictures and Cut away footage
Zürich riverside view
Zürich town
According to the man, Switzerland’s largest mining operation
Visit at Bitcoin Swiss AG in Baar (sorry for my shaky cell phone pic)
German Wolpertinger (beware!)
Interviewing Mike Hearn on Zürichsee shore.


Some pics were taken with cell phone, some from camera footage. All unedited.

This trip was definetely a success. We got alot of quality interviews and good footage of physical Bitcoins, Litecoins and the mining farm (and of course of scenic Swiss towns). This trip concludes our some dozen scheduled trips all across Europe. More with 20-30 interviews and of course our main character who we followed around for 9 months. Maybe one or two other trips may come up if some quality interviews can be arranged in the coming months, among possible interviewees are the European Central Bank, the German Federal Police (BKA) and Julian Assange with who’s secretary I have been in touch and which current residence in London we payed a visit.

The following steps to take are to produce a quality teaser that uses our material and showcases what the final movie could look like and to seal a deal with some professional studio to do the editing and post production which lays ahead and will hopefully be finalized by late Spring next year.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on December 23, 2013, 06:16:43 PM
LOOKING FUCKING GREAT!!! (caps intended)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Frost000 on December 23, 2013, 07:18:18 PM
I'm relatively new here but I must say that I enjoyed reading through this thread and can't wait to be able to see the finished film!

Good luck!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Spekulatius on January 18, 2014, 02:24:17 AM

Tomorrow on Saturday, the 18th of January the Berliner Festspiele ("Berlin Festivals") will screen the early version of our movie that we finalized when handing it in to our university in October. It includes scenes from interviews and has about 45 mins playtime. Although it is a very early version that lacks the whole story part and shows none of the final production volume of the anticipated release version, it will do the job to explain Bitcoins to a wider audience present at the event who wants to learn more about the different actors in Bitcoinland because the event`s main focus is on "Netzkultur", net culture. The 8pm slot is the one where Bitcoin will be introduced and discussed by a disperse audience and me with prior screening of the movie.

I was approached by the curators of the event because of my visual material and connections into the regional Bitcoin world. Bitcoinlike I will participate as a virtual presence over Skype ;)

Check it out if you like, other interesting points are also the agenda >>> (<<<

P.S.: Sorry for the late notice!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: hlynur on May 13, 2014, 02:49:04 AM

how are you guys doing?

how went the premiere of the early version?

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: counter on May 13, 2014, 03:10:11 AM

Tomorrow on Saturday, the 18th of January the Berliner Festspiele ("Berlin Festivals") will screen the early version of our movie that we finalized when handing it in to our university in October. It includes scenes from interviews and has about 45 mins playtime. Although it is a very early version that lacks the whole story part and shows none of the final production volume of the anticipated release version, it will do the job to explain Bitcoins to a wider audience present at the event who wants to learn more about the different actors in Bitcoinland because the event`s main focus is on "Netzkultur", net culture. The 8pm slot is the one where Bitcoin will be introduced and discussed by a disperse audience and me with prior screening of the movie.

I was approached by the curators of the event because of my visual material and connections into the regional Bitcoin world. Bitcoinlike I will participate as a virtual presence over Skype ;)

Check it out if you like, other interesting points are also the agenda >>> (<<<

P.S.: Sorry for the late notice!

Yes indeed an update would be great but what would have been awesome is if this pic was never posted.   :'(

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 13, 2014, 05:37:32 AM
Let me guess. They received funding from Sunlot, thus getting some sun in some parking lot. Hope that's not Brock's car.

Can't wait to see the flick, guys.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 13, 2014, 07:48:22 AM
It's been about 14 months, will this be completed soon?

I don't think it took this long to write "War and Peace"!

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: hlynur on June 06, 2014, 05:58:46 PM
2nd bump....(oh god not that pic again  :D)

Seriously though, any update on your project would be highly appreciated.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Gleb Gamow on September 13, 2014, 07:14:03 AM

If I don't get an update within 24 hours, I'm going to jack off to this image, especially the dude on the right.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: hlynur on September 13, 2014, 10:56:12 AM
come on spekulatius,
you've been online yesterday
just asking for a short update...

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Gleb Gamow on September 20, 2014, 04:59:17 AM

If I don't get an update within 24 hours, I'm going to jack off to this image, especially the dude on the right.

Final warning! Update within 24 hours or I jack off to the dude on the left.  ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: hlynur on October 06, 2014, 09:21:15 PM no update for 9 months!!!

nice to see you posting on several altcoin threads since then, spekulatius.  :-\
and you're also still accepting donations in your signature.

The following steps to take are to produce a quality teaser that uses our material and showcases what the final movie could look like and to seal a deal with some professional studio to do the editing and post production which lays ahead and will hopefully be finalized by late Spring next year.

Notice: This project started March 2013 and since then nothing but a trailer and some pics have shown up.

I strongly disadvise donating coins until further updates.

edit: project also removed from documentary list.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: Gleb Gamow on October 07, 2014, 12:57:35 AM
This is so fuckin' sad!  :'(

Some bright college lads reached on out to use to help further their education by producing a Bitcoin documentary and they thought it best to stick it up our ass.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on October 07, 2014, 03:05:00 AM
That looks like a nice vacation! I should start a Bitcoin documentary.

I wanted to avoid the rush so I started giving them shit back in July of 2013. lol

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: bbit on October 07, 2014, 03:23:45 AM
I suppose its time to list them up on  ?  :o

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on October 07, 2014, 03:26:35 AM
I suppose its time to list them up on  ?  :o

Isn't this sad. You can't trust anybody on this forum.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: bbit on October 07, 2014, 03:31:21 AM
I suppose its time to list them up on  ?  :o

Isn't this sad. You can't trust anybody on this forum.

It probably is the #1 problem Bitcoin has. If there was ever a way to include POS ( Proof of Scammer ) we would all be zillionaires.

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: QuestionAuthority on October 07, 2014, 03:39:02 AM
I suppose its time to list them up on  ?  :o

Isn't this sad. You can't trust anybody on this forum.

It probably is the #1 problem Bitcoin has. If there was ever a way to include POS ( Proof of Scammer ) we would all be zillionaires.

POS lol

Title: Re: [ANN] FIRST Feature-length Documentary on Bitcoin, 100% BITCOIN FUNDED!
Post by: hlynur on October 31, 2014, 01:02:16 AM
plenty of time given for a statement.
no response to pms on btctalk and tradingview (

Name:    Spekulatius
Posts:    2274
Activity:    1008
Position:    Legendary
Date Registered:    August 07, 2011, 02:06:53 AM
Last Active:    October 10, 2014, 02:39:11 PM

Don't donate, this is a scam!!!

i'll send a mail to his former instructor Oliver Klose at his university (
perhaps he can help to find a way to get at least the uncut footage released.