Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: smooth on April 28, 2017, 08:29:58 AM

Title: rpietila is a scammer and heavily in debt. New 2020 scam info enclosed
Post by: smooth on April 28, 2017, 08:29:58 AM
The Crypto-Kingdom game founded and run by rpietila (forum profile link (;u=68520)) started as a legitimate fantasy role playing game with a rich economic model and an in-game currency fully-backed by real crypto (XMR).

However, it was recently turned into a fraudulent fractional reserve scam when rpietila decided to create in-game tokens for himself without depositing, and further being unwilling or unable to pay the resulting debts incurred by the game and himself.

I am personally owed 2.5 BTC which was due 12 hours after transfer of the in-game token. That was several days ago. After 12 hours, 1% per hours interest applies. His offer of this extremely high interest was, I speculate, a last-ditch attempt to prop up confidence in his fractional reserve scheme and reduce the run on the bank. In fact it had the opposite effect and many accepted the offer resulting in >500 BTC of unpaid debts on his part, plus (at the time of writing) over 1000 BTC of interest.

It is unfortunate that what was once a promising game with many contributors in the community has turned into a scam, but such as it is.

Requests for payment are met with excuses or deleted on his self-moderated game thread (Zechariah=rpietila), such as:

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

<Zechariah> Created Instagram acct. As usual, I give my greatest fan 1,000,000,000 and then the ones who Follow me (so that I see it) get 1/2, 1/3, etc. of the amount WITHOUT LIMIT!!!
 * Zechariah forgot to add: “Hear ye, all peoplez”

Actually was third and got 333,333,333M

go follow!

Maybe instead of more giveaways Zechariah should pay his existing debts first.

Bottom line, whatever you do, do not deposit money into the game or extend any sort of credit to rpietila, because he can not be trusted to honor his word and pay what he owes.

Cast of characters assembled by community member, linked for being informative without any particular endorsement (though I didn't notice anything inaccurate):

Other supporting posts:

Interest is accruing!

There are not enough XBT to back all the b1 or EUR to back all of the e1. This is combined with a form of exchange controls. EUR withdrawals are only allowed in cash in person in Tallinn Estonia, XBT withdrawals are subject to certain delays unless one pays a premium for a faster withdrawal (B2).

If you want delivery of your B1/B2/E1, you can take it as follows:

GIVE B1 amount 1 [address] => If (amount-10) mBTC has not been sent to address in 12 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour.

GIVE B2 amount 1 [btc-address] => If (amount-10) mBTC has not been sent to address in 12 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour.

GIVE E1 amount 1 [prio5] => If (amount-100) Euro has not been surrendered to hand of courier in the Throne Room in 336 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour. Total maximum 10000*500 EUR banknote(rounded down (your loss) to nearest unit), first come first served.

GIVE E1 amount 1 [prio4] => If 0.95*(amount-100) Euro has not been surrendered to hand of courier in the Throne Room in 48 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour. Total maximum 100*500 EUR banknote(rounded down (your loss) to nearest unit), first come first served.

GIVE E1 amount 1 [prio3] => If 0.90*(amount-100) Euro has not been surrendered to hand of courier in the Throne Room in 12 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour. Total maximum 10*500 EUR banknote(rounded down (your loss) to nearest unit), first come first served.

The following apply only once per [person;encounter]  with SA Risto, General (meaning: only one exchange per meeting me please & 1 matrix-hour apart in any case):

Give 10,000,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 2*500 EUR banknote to your hand.
Give 5,000,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 1*500 EUR banknote to your hand.
Give 2,000,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 200 EUR in banknotes to your hand.
Give 1,000,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 100 EUR in banknotes to your hand.
Give 500,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 50 EUR in banknotes to your hand.
Give 200,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 20 EUR in banknotes to your hand.
Give 100,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 10 EUR in banknotes to your hand.

EDIT 2017-06-20:

generalizethis claims that the game has gone its own way, kicked out rpietilla and seized all of his assets, and should not longer be considered a part of the scam.

Assets were seized yesterday, accounts were locked weeks ago, and yes, PJ is a hack DEV--but risto paid him upfront and he's all we have atm until we can get a blockchain asset  and fund it ourselves. So unless you have a way to expedite these matters, like creating a blockchain asset with your skillset, you are just repeating what we already know. Though if you are suggesting tying the game's currency to a blockchain asset, you would be damning the game--we were lucky that saddam was never hacked when M was pegged to XMR--risto's actions actually highlight this risk, rather than point to it as a solution. [Note: I am distinguishing between asset and currency]

Also, no one is asking anyone to deposit anything into the game atm--but meanwhile, risto is creating another game--so feel free to protect those people.

EDIT 2017-06-28

@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Thank you for the reply. I will copy this information to the OP so people will be aware of this apparent effort on the part of the current game operators to do something for the scammed players.

Title: Re: Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CK_Zephyrus on April 28, 2017, 08:34:12 AM

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: binaryFate on April 28, 2017, 09:43:20 AM
I confirm all this.
I am owed 39.223BTC + interest.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Lauda on April 28, 2017, 10:21:52 AM
However, it was recently turned into a fraudulent fractional reserve scam when rpietila decided to create in-game tokens for himself without depositing, and further being unwilling or unable to pay the resulting debts incurred by the game and himself.
There's no escaping from the shady system imposed by the banks; people tend to use them in a lot of situations. I've left him a negative rating.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 28, 2017, 10:48:07 AM
I can confirm this to be true.

I'm an investor in this game for over 2 years now.
Really sad to see this happen..
I am owed 9.224BTC + interest.

I would really like to see the game live, but after this its reputation is ruined, and for some reason rpietila doesn't want to pay out his debts.
And we do believe he has the funds to do so.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: papa_lazzarou on April 28, 2017, 10:56:02 AM
I confirm this.
Risto owns me 26.23 BTC plus the promised interest. I was led to deposit monero into CK believing he would honor his word according to this post.

There are not enough XBT to back all the b1 or EUR to back all of the e1. This is combined with a form of exchange controls. EUR withdrawals are only allowed in cash in person in Tallinn Estonia, XBT withdrawals are subject to certain delays unless one pays a premium for a faster withdrawal (B2).

If you want delivery of your B1/B2/E1, you can take it as follows:

GIVE B1 amount 1 [address] => If (amount-10) mBTC has not been sent to address in 12 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour.

GIVE B2 amount 1 [btc-address] => If (amount-10) mBTC has not been sent to address in 12 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour.

GIVE E1 amount 1 [prio5] => If (amount-100) Euro has not been surrendered to hand of courier in the Throne Room in 336 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour. Total maximum 10000*500 EUR banknote(rounded down (your loss) to nearest unit), first come first served.

GIVE E1 amount 1 [prio4] => If 0.95*(amount-100) Euro has not been surrendered to hand of courier in the Throne Room in 48 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour. Total maximum 100*500 EUR banknote(rounded down (your loss) to nearest unit), first come first served.

GIVE E1 amount 1 [prio3] => If 0.90*(amount-100) Euro has not been surrendered to hand of courier in the Throne Room in 12 matrix-hours from changelog timestamp of this; amount += 0.01*amount, each full hour. Total maximum 10*500 EUR banknote(rounded down (your loss) to nearest unit), first come first served.

The following apply only once per [person;encounter]  with SA Risto, General (meaning: only one exchange per meeting me please & 1 matrix-hour apart in any case):

Give 10,000,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 2*500 EUR banknote to your hand.
Give 5,000,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 1*500 EUR banknote to your hand.
Give 2,000,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 200 EUR in banknotes to your hand.
Give 1,000,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 100 EUR in banknotes to your hand.
Give 500,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 50 EUR in banknotes to your hand.
Give 200,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 20 EUR in banknotes to your hand.
Give 100,000 Markka certificate to Risto's hand => Gain 10 EUR in banknotes to your hand.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on April 28, 2017, 11:04:14 AM
He is claiming to unilaterally change the terms of the deals.

1. All debts denominated in non-Markka, will be converted to Markka using volume-weighted Agora averages for the 24 hours following the timestamp of this post, earliest when the time is up.

No they will not, unless agreed by both parties.

I do not agree that the 2.5 BTC+interest that you owe me (and managed player) will be redenominated or settled in anything other than BTC.

Please pay your debts and stop doubling down on stupid by suggesting that you pay a debt agreed to be paid in BTC (in fact that was rather explicit) using your own worthless in-game fiat.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on April 28, 2017, 11:20:26 AM
Community compiled & reviewed list of participants:

Do not trust. Please downvote for trust.

rpietila / Zechariah
  • Refusal / dodging numerous withdrawals of BTC, XMR as well as EUR
  • Violent behavior when approached in person to withdraw EUR
  • Moderating CK main thread to remove whistleblowers
  • Falsifying stories of fires and threats and theft to justify not paying debts
  • Mentally ill, and possibly psychotic or under narcotics
  • Single-handedly changed terms on his obligations to BTC debts to be paid back in Markka (=his own monopoly money)
  • Printing in-game BTC and XMR without corresponding deposits

  • Repeated support of rpietila and being present in physical form in Tallinn
  • Shutting up whistleblowers in CK main thread and IRC
  • Elevated due to community messages for repeatedly protecting the scammer (received early bribes in Tallinn)
  • Having access to "Ibiza-money" VIP-line from Risto's pocket
  • Multiple outrageous ad hominem attacks including both in IRC and the forums
  • Supporting every single post of the main scammer by bumping and quoting them in full with no sense of criticism, simultaneously neglecting the aspect of unpaid debts

  • Fraudalent auctioning of assets directly associated to CK
  • Liquidating assets on behalf of main scammer Zechariah
  • All-around Estonian pay2shill working as a lap dog of main scammer Zechariah

Fraudalent / Ignorant / Ass-licking shitpants
Potentially cleared in the future. I suggest not trusting until otherwise announced.

Cconnected (Kert Hallik), Malgarthius, Dannybreal, Larsinoense,  and other at-site employees
  • Shutting up whistleblowers in various channels
  • Apparently employed by rpietila to upkeep shill

Please comment to clear your name ASAP.

Just caught in-between due to bad luck (?).

  • Paid by rpietila (software development)
  • The only person with access to Crypto Kingdom source code and/or database

Multiple gamemasters / contributors of Crypto Kingdom
  • Misled by rpietila into wasting their time and deposits while he pocketed the money and took advantage of the content

Cleared and trustworthy
Good guys caught amidst the mess.

  • Ex-depository manager for both B1 / M3
  • Has cleared all deposits and withdrawals without flaws while in office. Trustworthy person, who is now leaving due to the obvious on-going scam. Vote him trustworthy.

  • Future depo-runner to-be, until rpietila fucked things up
  • Held much less depo assets than rpietila had let the public understand and was falsely accused by rpietila of failing to run the depo (simultaneously rpietila setting up his mirror BTC depo), thus caught flak undeservingly

Please review so this list may grow to be extensive and trustworthy. I suggest it be attached to smooth's original post and kept up-to-date.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 28, 2017, 11:37:55 AM
I don't believe serje has anything to do with it.

He got a paid trip to Talinn as he was first to claim and he got I think 3000€ there another time which is the reason he's defensive about the game, he was one of the lucky ones that managed to cash out.

Saddam is as clear as it gets, PJ is just a programmer.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Scrotum on April 28, 2017, 11:41:31 AM
Most people following Crypto Kingdom have noticed significant changes in rpietila's behaviour and personality in the last 6 months, and imo he is suffering from a mental illness that is severely impacting his mental and emotional state, and his decision making. He has a history of mental illness, and has experienced some major stress events in his life recently, including theft of 700k XMR, marriage breakdown,  and estrangement from his children. Lately he seems to have immersed himself so deeply in the roll playing aspect of the Game, and imo he's literally lost touch with reality now. This doesn't excuse his bad behaviour as outlined in this scam thread, but it does explain it partly.

Most scammers are bad people, but in this case rpietila is more 'mad' than bad. With treatment he could regain clarity and resume his former mental state, and if this was to occur I believe he would make whole all those he owes, and would be sincerely remorseful.

Mental illness is a factor in rpietila's recent actions.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on April 28, 2017, 11:49:37 AM
Most scammers are bad people

That is debatable. After the fact, it is a reasonable conclusion, but it isn't at all uncommon that many scams (especially fractional reserve scams) start with people not being deliberately evil, but more like a little sloppy or overly-optimistic, and willing to fudge a bit, until matters spiral more and more out of control. I have no particular insight into this case beyond the facts that I wrote on the OP, it is more of a general observation that seems to hold across many scams.


I added a link to your cast-of-characters post in the OP

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Scrotum on April 28, 2017, 12:21:26 PM
Most scammers are bad people

That is debatable. After the fact, it is a reasonable conclusion, but it isn't at all uncommon that many scams (especially fractional reserve scams) start with people not being deliberately evil, but more like a little sloppy or overly-optimistic, and willing to fudge a bit, until matters spiral more and more out of control. I have no particular insight into this case beyond the facts that I what I wrote on the OP, it is more of a general observation that seems to hold across many scams.


I added a link to your cast-of-characters post in the OP

I don't believe risto had a premeditated plan to destroy CK and scam people, I think the theft of his XMR last year probably set off a sequence of events that led to the break down of his marriage, a messy settlement with custody of his kids, and progressively more self destructive behaviour and isolation from family and true friends. In this context, with increased drug and alcohol use, his decision making and behaviour is classic attention seeking self sabotage stuff. It's like he wants to destroy CK, he's deliberately doing this ridiculous 'scam' with the interest as an act of self loathing, he wants this to happen, he wants to be hated now.

I spent a couple of years in self destruct mode, and provoking people to abuse and hate on you is what you're after when you hate yourself. I would do crazy shit like risto is doing to provoke people, not consciously, but in retrospect I know I did this because I wanted the outside world to match my own inner opinion of myself , which was shit. I got that way from grief over a car accident where some people died, and the guilt made me a different person. I think this is happening to risto maybe.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Syksy on April 28, 2017, 01:16:20 PM
Edit: Reserved.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on April 28, 2017, 02:02:45 PM
Accusation:Shutting up whistleblowers in CK main thread and IRC

See the Clip (

B1 Description:
B1 is backed by 0.001 BTC... Withdrawal fee fixed 0.100 BTC per withdrawal. We pay 1.0% per each realhour the withdrawal is late from the 12 hours we promise to respect.

I am waiting for 55.8463 BTC to arrive here 1LR7jdt5zijwCZYnNgZ9h1Vpyd3dRvqi4N (16.1363 penalty included, 0.4 deducted from original amount for 4 withdrawals 0.1 BTC fee each.).

Last updated: 9:58 AM UTC Monday, April 24, 2017

Feel free to look at whole list of people waiting for their money here (

MAN you are annoying me! I think we all got it!

How about patience!

Did you heard about it?

Good things happen to those who wait!

So I'm kindly asking you to STFU!

So whistle-blowers should be changed to whistle-blower because it's is only one!

Now let me explain to you why I did this!

He was selling M ingame to get more M basically he was scamming and insulting people!

"Yksi Markka / One Mark". This is Crypto Kingdom quote currency. (Do not place ask/bid for this item, it's always valued at 1 M)

And now the proofs:


Insulting:After Cconected asked him to pay back the unfair money he got from him, I was there near Cconected when he bought the M from sammy007 and I've told him that trading M is not allowed he said to me "Let him take it as a gift" and just right after that another offer appeared from sammy007 witch proves he was hunting innocent players to get more M by disrespecting the rules and scamming them! Here you have a photo of the attitude sammy007 had towards Cconected after he asked him to pay back the M. Also sammy007 had a negative attitude towards cconected on IRC also. Even thou sammy007 is a smart guy I don't have to tolerate his behavior towards me or other persons.

Now I think it is time to change the whistle-blower term to scammer and ignorant for sammy007.

And the accusation should be: Shutting up Scammer/ignorant sammy007 in CK main thread and IRC!

Also if anyone can point me a link to one of my posts where I was supporting Risto not to pay and where I was actually shutting up whistle-blowers in the thread please do! But I highly doubt it!

Accusation:Repeated support of rpietila and being present in physical form in Tallinn

Again I'm asking you to give some proofs about the first part of the accusations!
And yes I was present in physical form in Tallinn and I think that doesn't count because people from CK wanted me there!
How it all started:
[23:27] <serje|afK> what is a Peer more exactly?
[23:28] <serje|afK> The Peers I do not know personally need to prove their access to CK to a character that is a Peer. This is not needed for established Peers (those promoted before this post.)
[23:28] <moneromooo> A peer is someone who is Earl or higher.
[23:29] <moneromooo> Hmm, and maybe not royal. I'm not sure royals are peers...
[23:32] <serje|afK> fuck me
[23:32] <serje|afK> i guess i'm not a peer
[23:36] * Marquess_Loaf SparkleBerry's horn penetrates the mist; the only other thing visible are her red eyes, luminous in the haze...
[23:45] * Quits: Zechariah ( (Quit: Zechariah)
Session Time: Sat Apr 01 00:00:00 2017
[00:00] <serje|afK> if the peer condition is lifted i might get it there tomorrow
[00:00] * Quits: Roopatra (uid217061@gateway/web/ (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[00:00] <serje|afK> i mean today at 17.00 at tallin airport and in 30 minutes to location
[00:01] <saddam> I'm sure it will be a great party
[00:04] <serje|afK> I know for sure it will be great
[00:05] <serje|afK> but if I arrive there at 17.30 the party will end at 13.00 according to my calculations
[00:06] <saddam> I thought the party lasts for 66 hours
[00:07] <serje|afK> The first Peer who is not resident in Estonia and has previously not expressed any interest in attending the Party, but can make him/herself happen in base "Embassy" in Tallinn, before the partyday ends (it ends in 19 hours), gets the following bonus FOR FREE + plane tickets (max 2000 EUR):
[00:07] <serje|afK> and it was posted 6 hours ago
[00:08] <saddam> i se
[00:08] <saddam> e
[00:08] <saddam> It would take me too long to get there, and I'm not big on rushing to travel internationally
[00:09] <serje|afK> I love it
[00:09] <saddam> !consume w1634f 1
[00:09] <ckBot> saddam: The eating/drinking felt Useful. I could still eat 200, drink 199 and use 200 units of wisdom this year.
[00:09] <serje|afK> driving there would take me 24 hours
[00:09] <saddam> that's a long drive
[00:10] <serje|afK> yes
[00:10] <serje|afK> and planes don't want to help me

Later on:
[22:24] <serje_> hello
[22:24] <serje_> is my king around?
[22:25] <hmc_> yes
[22:26] <hmc_> i'm generalizethis also ; )
[22:26] <serje_> thank you for the opportunity!
[22:27] <hmc_> no problem, enjoy it for the both of us
[22:27] <hmc_> : )
[22:44] <Marquess_Loaf> excited to see serje_ report on the party :D
[22:45] <Marquess_Loaf> and also impressed that goin2mars bought some expensive cannons :P
[22:45] <serje_> it will be no phone! so I cant really promise I will update live!
[22:45] <Marquess_Loaf> i just mean afterwards
[22:45] <serje_> because my phone has a camera

Later on:
[11:36] <Marquess_Loaf> dang risto got the place rented for 90 days holy shit
[11:45] <serje> fuck me
[11:45] <serje> 90 days
[11:47] <Marquess_Loaf> well you still got time to show up in that case serje
[11:47] <serje> who is Saanjel21 ?
[11:49] <serje> well if I would have money then you can be sure I would go there in a heart beat .... the only problem for me is money :(
[11:57] <Marquess_Loaf> you got time to get a loan
[11:58] <serje> but the initial offering was awesome ... because I would have got there, paty there, come back for free :D
[11:58] <serje> anyone knows who is Saanjel21?
[11:59] * Quits: dnaleor ( (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[11:59] <Marquess_Loaf> hell pm risto and ask serje
[12:00] <Marquess_Loaf> if he can help
[12:00] <Marquess_Loaf> he was willing to pay for tickets and costs
[12:01] <serje> well it's one thing if he offers to do that and it's a completly another thing me asking him to do that!
[12:02] <serje> I had a chance and blew it
[12:02] <serje> now it's up to me to do get it there
[12:12] * Joins: dnaleor (
[12:40] * Joins: Syksy (
[13:27] * Joins: Zechariah (
[13:28] * Zechariah walks in majestically but with ease.
[13:28] <Zechariah> ama
[13:29] * Marquess_Loaf is overcome with Zechariah 's majestic ease
[13:30] <Zechariah> or if everyone is in possession of all the knowledge they wish to have at this point, please consider the execution of the provisions of this post (transfering SW5 from #15 to the chars mentioned) against a payment of 1 mil from #36:
[13:30] <Zechariah>
[13:30] * Marquess_Loaf and impressed with 90 days of scheduled partying :O
[13:30] <Zechariah> Marquess_Loaf: I tried to get a month tbh but they said it’s same price for 3 months
[13:31] <Zechariah> Marquess_Loaf: you admin, Sir?
[13:31] <Marquess_Loaf> serje: now if your chance; Zechariah is on
[13:31] <Marquess_Loaf> i am not an admin no Zechariah
[13:31] <Zechariah> Marquess_Loaf: you want?

Later on:
[13:57] <serje> Marquess_Loaf as I've already told you, I can't ask for something like that! In my humble opinion it is too much to ask and I would just be rude! I'll wait and hopefuly next time I can really make it happen
[13:58] <serje> hello Zechariah
[14:00] <Marquess_Loaf> i guess a question for Zechariah could be what he needs us as players to do to help him while his is busy with galactic federation of light tasks
[14:01] <Marquess_Loaf> or what sort of information we need to forward to hmc_ or others
[14:01] <Zechariah> serje: Hello Sir, congrats for Earl, where are you?
[14:02] <serje> I'm still in Romania ... no one could lend me money to travel as fast as I needed them :( my brother told me he needs at least one week to get the money
[14:03] <serje> and the lenders(fuckers) from the forum are really out of this world ... as they can't even read
[14:03] <Zechariah> Marquess_Loaf: I care about personal involvement in Ultima security issues as much as I have always done, and my expertise is about the same as before. (Ie. don’t expect me to do anything at all concerning this, but understand that PJ has both the authority and the way, and anyone has money.)
[14:03] <Zechariah> serje: How much do you need and in what form or money, currency, or portable item of value?
[14:04] * moneromooo likes the "portable item of value" term
[14:04] <Marquess_Loaf> Zechariah: i wasn't speaking of the potential security items Syksy and sammy007 mentioned, but rather if there are just any general game related tasks you would like us to work on while you are involved
[14:05] <Marquess_Loaf> involved with the galactic light items that is
[14:05] <serje> it all depends on the departure date dear Zechariah
[14:05] <Zechariah> moneromooo: It’s something with size=2 or less and has value that is relevant to the transaction at hand
[14:06] <Zechariah> serje: priority(3)=asap
[14:06] <Zechariah> Zechariah: We need someone to receive the Ambassador of Italy..
[14:08] <serje> you want me to welcome him?
[14:11] <Zechariah> serje: I want you here asap, is there anything that I may do to help you to make it happen; if such please state what.
[14:12] <Zechariah> Zechariah: “here” means inside the walls of Reval (Tallinn Old Town)
[14:12] <Zechariah> Zechariah: physical location on Earth in Estonia.
[14:19] <moneromooo> Are you doing the sw5, Marquess_Loaf ?
[14:19] <serje> Zechariah how much time?
[14:19] <serje> from 6 till 10 is ok?
[14:20] <serje> 06.04.2017-10.04.2017
[14:24] * Quits: goin2mars_ (~goin2mars@ (Quit: goin2mars_)
[14:25] <Zechariah> serje: Do not consider, please, taking any more time to reach the place than what is needed for using the fastest means of transport available, considering also the time required to book it.
[14:26] <Zechariah> and no need for return ticket unless it’s practically a bonus (often are in classic airlines).
[14:27] <Zechariah> And please provide me how and in what means of payment you need the funds required. Let’s say 100 mil (or the equivalent in any currency) to restrict the options to commercial flights.
[14:31] <papa_lazzarou> Zechariah: I asked for an admin role the other day. Did you missed it or should I assume it will not happen?
[14:31] <Zechariah> papa_lazzarou: char_id please?
[14:32] <papa_lazzarou> can i use the dead one? house of angus? 91
[14:32] <Zechariah> I gave too few fucks last time but it will happen with #91 now.
[14:33] <papa_lazzarou> cool. tnx
[14:33] <Zechariah> papa_lazzarou: try “TRANSFER COH 1 36 680 [congrats for new admin]”
[14:33] <serje> ok I will let you know in a few hours, my wifes dad is at work and I need to talk to him because he will have to babysit my little girl!
[14:33] <Zechariah> Zechariah: oh sorry replace ‘680’ with ‘91'
[14:33] <Zechariah> serje: Family can be provided for.
[14:34] <serje> Zechariah my wife just started working and she can't get free days
[14:35] <papa_lazzarou> works thanks
[14:35] * Quits: Zechariah ( (Quit: Zechariah)

Later on:
[20:55] <serje> if Risto come here please someone tell him I can leeave tomorrow at 19.00 from Budapest
[21:20] * Quits: DaveyJones ( (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:45] <moneromooo> serje: will do
[21:47] <serje> thanks, also please tell him to check his message on forum
[21:48] <serje> i can't wait to get there!

Later on:
[23:31] <SirJacket> serje: You planning on going to see Zech?
[23:32] <serje> yes
[23:32] <serje> i am ready
[23:32] <serje> hopefully i can leave tomorrow at 19.00 by plane if i will be able to get the ticket in time
[23:32] <serje> otherwise i will leave on 6 at 11.40
[23:33] <SirJacket> Looking forward to hearing about your trip
[23:33] <serje> and just put a minus 6 hours so i can reach the airport
[23:34] <SirJacket> !give e1 250 deborah
[23:34] <ckBot> SirJacket: 250 units of E1 given to deborah 1047.
[23:34] <Marquess_Loaf> lets see how it does :D
[23:34] <SirJacket> There's 250 Euro that you can withdraw from the agent :)

Later on:
[23:46] <serje> SirJacket you want to test if withdrawals work?
[23:48] <SirJacket> Yes ;)
[23:48] <luigi1111> you mean e1? :D
[23:48] <SirJacket> Enjoy the 250
[23:48] <luigi1111> I just wish b1 would work -_-
[23:48] <serje> omfg
[23:48] <SirJacket> Yes - I gave him 250 e1
[23:48] <serje> I cant belive!
[23:49] <serje> thank you SirJacket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[23:49] <serje> love you!
[23:49] <luigi1111> relax man :)

Later on:
[00:05] <SirJacket> kidjim__: Are you near risto?
[00:06] <sphericon>
[00:06] <kidjim__> Not even close.
[00:06] <sphericon> Crypto Kingdom(RCT2)
[00:07] <SirJacket> me either - so I wanted someone to try e1 withdrawl

So at that time no one saw a problem of me going there and getting a paid trip to Tallinn.

Also here you have the rules posted by Risto and every peer could have taken advantage of them.

The rules to get a paid trip:
I want Peers to show up in my party in Tallinn now.

Zechariah feels that his reasonable wishes to have also guys in the party, just go unfulfilled day after day. The party has been going on for 24 hours already (recently extended to 168 hours, meaning: 144 hours left). After a short meditation, he thinks that the perks are indeed reasonable, the problem is the suddenness of the party as not all Peers are special agents who just need to show up in 48 hours, which people don't usually do.

The first Peer who is not resident in Estonia and has previously not expressed any interest in attending the Party, but can make him/herself happen in base "Embassy" in Tallinn, before the party ends (it ends in 144 hours), gets the following bonus FOR FREE + plane tickets (max 2000 EUR):

VII... Serenity VIP
Price: 200,000,000
GM: HSH Grand Duke Paul, HSH of OZ, HSH HS-S3 of HUS
Access to most VIP areas, 20,000,000 worth of drink coupons per day, hotel suite in any hotel.

The second Peer gets the following plus max 1000 EUR for the plane tickets:

V..... Bitcoin VIP
Price: 100,000,000
Access to some VIP areas, 15,000,000 worth of drink coupons per day, sleeping lounge (1st priority), or EUR 150 hotel voucher, per day.

The third Peer gets the following (tickets max 500 EUR):

IV.... VIP
Price: 50,000,000
Access to some VIP areas, 10,000,000 worth of drink coupons per day, sleeping lounge (2nd priority), or EUR 100 hotel voucher, per day.
Total availability of all VIP combined in IV-XII is 50 VIPs.

All the other Peers, regardless whether they are residents in Estonia, regardless of earlier intention to attend or not, get the following bonus for showing up at the door:

II.... Guest
Price: 25,000,000
Daypass: 12,250,000
Access to Guest areas, incl Ballroom, 3,000,000 worth of drink coupons per day, sleeping lounge (3rd priority), or EUR 50 hotel voucher, per day.
Max 100 Guests and higher at any one time in the premises (Guest+ area).


25,000,000 discount on any ticket class IV or higher.

ADD: Please note that the characters/people mentioned as Grandmasters of lounges, also get EUR 1000-2000 towards the tickets, and this applies until Sunday 18:00, before which they can collect their respective tickets and the associated perks for free by showing up at the door (Vene street entrance). If King cannot come, how about sending an emissary since Zechariah's patience is wearing thin much faster than that of Xerxes (

This still holds. (Btw. the party is not completely without rules. We have 2:
- no smoking inside
- respect the signs saying "entry above level (X) only")

Additional notice: Finns (who are Peers) are eligible for the 3 top prizes but it's hard to spend EUR2k on the plane/ferry, so you only get the actual cost. Note: Serenity VIP is probably still unallocated (did not visit the Embassy for some time due to adventure so this may be off) and it DOES in fact include 6 partydays of money (120,000,000 M in banknotes) + 6 days in ANY hotel (subject to allocation since good rooms in the area will soon be scarce, we keep a few in reserve at all times).

If you can lift the peer condition for me then I can be there!

Or am I a peer?

Let me know!

P.S. I'm online on irc but I'm not at pc! Sir please send me a message here!

Later edit: it's a 4 hours drive to Budapest from my city!
Let me know as fast as you can so I can make the necessary preparations for my departure!

And I don't have a car! So I need some time to get a driver with a car to take me there!

HMC making me a peer:

I don't know if you are a Peer, but if I were you, I'd just come first and cause the King to make you a Peer while on your way.

See you in Embassy! ;)

Since I can't make it, Sir Serje can act as my ambassador of wine tasting :)

I would be delighted to be your ambassador!

I only have one last question, if I'm generalizethis ambassador that qualifies me for the contest?

He is the King!

I guess that's a yes! And will start preparations!

Wish me luck!

Serje, as one of the Ancients come to honor our lands once more, is officially peered by HM Crichton. Let it be known throughout the Kingdom.

I'm sorry that I'm disappointing everyone but I can't make it!

I wish I could be there from my heart! But it seems that almost all the people from my real life think I'm crazy because I want to go there and people from here are stuck on some shitty excuse about it's a lot of money to lend!

I've tried very hard to convince people that my place is there but they do not agree with me.

All this being said I would like to apologize in from of Sir Risto and in from of HM Crichton!

Please accept my humble apologies they come from deep inside my heart.

If they understood the arbitrage opportunity of E1 <--> M3, they probably would have paid you instead of lent you the money :) Sorry you can't get there and share your adventures. Hopefully there will be a few more parties to come.

Yes I did had two attempts to get there and only the second one was successful!

Also this is the thread where I asked for a loan:

Accusation:Elevated due to community messages for repeatedly protecting the scammer (received early bribes in Tallinn)

How did I protected the so called scammer? and what early bribes did I received in Tallinn?
Can you show me some proofs? Because I can't show you something that never existed!

And the community messages were because I withdrew 0.051 BTC from B2.
[13:23] <serje> 456251	Give	B2	5,131,434	deborah (1047)	Zechariah (1)		29.04.17 (10:27)	1G6TWgXtVqegisCoNaRc8xQbFteG2vGqu3,12 hours
[13:24] <serje> just did it )
[13:24] <Marquess_Loaf> "/ignore" may show list of ignores
[13:24] <serje> :)
[13:24] <Marquess_Loaf> no " in it
[13:24] <Marquess_Loaf> the command
[13:24] <Marquess_Loaf> "/unignore <nick>"
[13:24] <Marquess_Loaf>
[13:25] <Zechariah> serje: done.
[13:26] <serje> Zechariah I sold almost everything I had to see if it's working with instand ... but didn't make it to 10 mil :)))) so I used the 12 hours option
[13:26] <Zechariah> Everyone:
[13:26] <serje>
[13:26] <serje> it's working
[13:27] <serje> what can I say
[13:27] <sammy007> fuck you both
[13:27] <serje> too bad I was poor ingame :)
[13:27] <serje> why none of you tried it?
[13:27] <serje> why?
[13:28] <sammy007> because you are asshole and only you tried, he has outstanding debt and must spend B2 to pay it
[13:28] <sznikers> 0.05 BTC withdrawn WOW
[13:29] * Quits: wizzardPJ (~textual@ (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
[13:29] <sznikers> why havent i tried
[13:29] <sznikers> such oportunity
[13:29] * Joins: wizzardPJ (~textual@
[13:29] <sammy007> there was no oportunity
[13:30] * Joins: qwebirc74622 (52df43b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
[13:30] <Zechariah> YRH wizzardPJ ;
[13:30] * Quits: qwebirc74622 (52df43b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit)
[13:31] <moneromooo> fucking hanging loads...
[13:31] <serje> sammy007 please stop calling me like that as i've never used harsh words addressing to you, show some respect if you've been educated.
[13:31] <sammy007> you don't deserve any respect
[13:32] <serje> what I wanted to prove is that he tries to keep his word when he is the only one involved
[13:32] <serje> like in b2
[13:32] <sznikers> _ - _
[13:32] <serje> as for b1 i don know what to say
[13:32] <sammy007> you can cheat anyone here except me, it's pretty clear for me that you and cconnected fucker both just hanging out here and inciting him to do weird things
[13:33] <sammy007> and you both have been doing it since registration
[13:33] <serje> sammy007 i had char id 20 ... and I died
[13:33] <serje> so I don't think you can talk about me
[13:34] <serje> sammy007 you broke the rules by puttins ask/bids on M
[13:34] <sammy007> oh lol
[13:34] <serje> so what are we talking about? who is the deliqvent here? me or you?
[13:34] <serje> anyway
[13:34] <sammy007> fuck you idiot I didn't read all bullshit description there
[13:34] <sammy007> then I wanted to cancel but game rekt
[13:35] <serje> not knowing the rules doesn't make you innocent! this is what police will tell if you pass red light and tell them i ddn't knew that rules
[13:35] <sammy007> stfu and don't talk with me, best you can do in your poor life
[13:35] <serje> sammy007 you are not smart, so please don't act like one
[13:36] <serje> also I have another question ... why didn't you came to Tallinn? can you answear a simple question?
[13:37] <sznikers> to wait for a week in a hotel and not get any EUR ? :>
[13:37] <moneromooo> serje: just stop being a scammer apologist, you don't need to.
[13:39] <serje> there were smaller amounts available ... i doubt you all walk down the street with hundred thousands in your pockets!
[13:39] <sznikers> i remember multiple ppl here claiming they could withdraw and i was not hundrets of euros they wanted
[13:39] * Parts: Zechariah (
[13:39] <sznikers> they couldnt
[13:39] <sznikers> *
[13:39] * Joins: Zechariah (
[13:39] <serje> moneromooo I'm not apologizing for Risto ... I'm explaining you all some facts
[13:40] <serje> McDuffy did you cashed out 10.000 euros?
[13:40] <sznikers> how long did Roo waited for 20 ? how was it handled ?
[13:40] <smooth> serje> as for b1 i don know what to say <= okay then, until you do know what to say, please STFU
[13:40] <sznikers> also McDuffy did got it on first trie
[13:41] <sznikers> didnt got it on first try
[13:41] <smooth> knowing what to say about B1 is not hard, if you try
[13:41] <Odin> Withdrawing b2 once again while other people have been waiting almost 2 weeks
[13:41] <serje> I don't know that ... only McDuffy cashed out when I was there. everything I say is based on what I saw beeing there!
[13:41] <Odin> Is not a moral thing to do.
[13:42] <serje> once again? what I did again? I only tried it once
[13:42] <Odin> Already 100btc has been withdrawn from b2 while others were waiting.
[13:42] <Odin> No you added on top of the already made mistake.
[13:42] <Odin> And you support behavior like this by withdrawing.
[13:42] <serje>
[13:43] <serje> and 0.05BTC is an amount to make this much fuss? compared to the persone who cashed out 50 or 100 BTC ?
[13:43] <serje> seriously now are you out of your mind>
[13:43] <serje> how could you compare 60$ to 60.000$ ?
[13:44] <Odin> I love how people talk about amounts.
[13:44] <Odin> Its about principle kid.

All I know is that B2 is different than B1
This is what people don't understand.

Yet again odin who might have said this about me in fact he is the one who tried to skip the line before me and get his BTC from Risto:

[08:30] * Joins: Zechariah (
[08:30] <Odin> Good morning YGM
[08:30] <Odin> Does your offer of withdrawing b1 interest free still stand?
[08:31] <smooth> there is no need for interest free withdrawals, he can just pay as promised
[08:31] <smooth> simple
[08:31] <smooth> KISS
[08:31] <smooth> why overcomplicate?
[08:31] * Joins: H6zzz (50eb0db3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
[08:32] <Odin> Im not that greedy that i need 80% interest on top of it
[08:32] <Odin> Maybe 12% for the long waiting times would be fair
[08:32] <smooth> i never asked for it, it was freely offered
[08:32] <Odin> Yeah your right..
[08:32] <smooth> nobody ever showed up and sad 'hey fucker, pay me 1% per hour'
[08:32] <Odin> But i dont want to bring the treasury any problems
[08:32] <smooth> there are no problem, im sure he can easily afford it
[08:32] <Odin> I just want to be able to arbitrage again
[08:33] <Odin> And now im just locked out of everything

[00:22] <Zechariah> is anyone willing to settle his B1 withdrawal at no interest?
[00:22] <luigi1111> yes
[00:22] <moneromooo> Nice. I snarfed some HM02100B myself ^_^
[00:23] <saddam> probably.
[00:23] <tombot> yes me, its 5 btc
[00:23] <Zechariah> 296.4795348 BTC max.
[00:23] <SirJacket> yes
[00:23] <luigi1111> see my entry
[00:23] <Zechariah> first ones get it, but no interest.
[00:23] <luigi1111> entries, sorry
[00:23] <saddam> pay luigi
[00:23] <Speed112> I have like 30 tabs open with different items
[00:23] <luigi1111> L32 and L3
[00:23] <luigi1111> L33*
[00:23] <tombot> tombot 215 withdraw 5 btc, no interest is ok!
[00:23] <Speed112> Zechariah you can send me the 20 mil now so I can buy more cheap stuff 1273
[00:24] <Zechariah> tell me char_designator; amount; btc_addy until 296 btc ok?
[00:24] <Zechariah> where is the official my debt list? (url)
[00:24] * Joins: ChrisPop (4f743705@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
[00:24] <luigi1111> 29; 80,000*b1; 1E8EHEt7X9izSGDpognFNKkrD7J5CzC5pb
[00:24] <SirJacket>
[00:24] <floWS> did M just double
[00:24] <luigi1111> yes
[00:24] <Speed112> Yes
[00:24] <luigi1111> 30 minutes ago
[00:24] <Speed112> Literally 2 minutes after you left to take care of the baby
[00:24] <luigi1111> LOL
[00:24] <Speed112> Curses!
[00:24] <Speed112> This is why I will never have children.
[00:25] <moneromooo> lol
[00:25] <luigi1111> they ruin cheap item grabbing
[00:25] <floWS> damnit
[00:25] <SirJacket> 31; 20,500*b1; 1JEXNH9djnjkJzZYz7QtLGgNTaM78V5NJn
[00:25] <luigi1111> babies > loafed
[00:25] <floWS> someone bought the m3 I had on orders lol
[00:25] <SirJacket> 21;62,000*b1;1B3UeoJs3dqT2LqekuvxsnH3sedLs4vWDc
[00:25] <floWS> cancelall allxxx right?
[00:25] <floWS> !cancelall allxxx
[00:25] <ckBot> floWS: All of your active asks and bids are cancelled
[00:26] <Zechariah> SirJacket: sent.
[00:26] <moneromooo> Wheeee, B1 just dumped again
[00:26] <floWS> ty ckBot o/
[00:26] * Quits: ChrisPop (4f743705@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit)
[00:27] * luigi1111 mumbles something about order of listing
[00:27] * luigi1111 then regains composure
[00:28] <tombot> Zechariah: 215; 5 btc; 1DZMcKdq8hgwDWfwP9fLygUq7fCwCkKstp
[00:28] <mulu> Bought all the BRA I could :)
[00:30] <moneromooo> Zechariah: 88; 25 BTC; 1F5rwMzt5Xm8nv5YL74hAjaN3sC83cbV3Y
[00:30] <moneromooo> (new wd though, so if someone else wants the slot, I'll give way)

And I don't see people who settled for no interest in this thread, why am I here?

So why are you trying to mock me here?Who gave you proofs I defend Risto? moneromoo???

[13:37] <moneromooo> serje: just stop being a scammer apologist, you don't need to.

just read 5 lines up! he also said he is giving up on interest to get his BTC and then accused me of being a scammer apologist!

Who are you? and why do you have this language on chat?

[22:40] <cconnected_> please identify urself
[22:40] <FenrirCK> cconnected_: Follow the thread you fucking little sack of shit.

[22:45] <FenrirCK> cconnected_: I never said I am male.

[22:36] <FenrirCK> serje is to be elevated to "fraudalent" status based on the PM I got.
I double dare you to post a screen shot of the PM you got!

Also looking to the log looks what I've got:

[14:29] * Joins: hannamaaria (554c6267@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
[14:32] * Joins: FenrirCK (554ca5d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
[14:32] <FenrirCK> I compiled a list, please review:
[14:34] <iluvbtcFOC> I just did
[14:34] <iluvbtcFOC> :P
[14:34] <FenrirCK> why is serje protecting Zechariah in an obvious scam?
[14:35] <papa_lazzarou> drop, drop, drop
[14:35] <Zechariah> FenrirCK: Who are (y)ou?
[14:35] <iluvbtcFOC> where exactly is he protecting him?
[14:35] <moneromooo> I think serje is not a scammer, he's just a bit of an airhead and attached emotionally.
[14:35] <FenrirCK> [14:39] Ignored Zechariah, to unignore type: /UNIGNORE Zechariah
[14:35] <iluvbtcFOC> yeah
[14:36] <FenrirCK> let me dig it up
[14:36] <FenrirCK> I saw it in the thread, unless already removed by the admin
[14:37] <papa_lazzarou> I just saw him (serje) asking sammy007 to back down
[14:37] <moneromooo> And yeah, he's constantly saying it'll be alright and we'll be paid, just we wait. Willful myopia.
[14:37] <iluvbtcFOC> but how will we be paid
[14:37] <moneromooo> Who knows, he might end up be correct, but it'd be by pure chance :)
[14:37] <papa_lazzarou> FYI, saddma will run the M3 depo till May 1st:
[14:38] <iluvbtcFOC> if our debts are converted to Markka
[14:38] <moneromooo> Mine isn't.
[14:38] <papa_lazzarou> nor mine
[14:38] <FenrirCK> ok I'll move serje to "airhead / harmless" section
[14:38] <FenrirCK> as well as PJ
[14:38] <moneromooo> Though I'd be OK with it being converted to monero, at the poloniex rates at the withdrawal times.
[14:38] <iluvbtcFOC> :)

your IP and Hannamaria IP are pretty much the same.
And by coincidence she joined the room right before you started making accusations, this is a little strange to me!

Also are you the one stalking and calling Syksy?
[15:10] <Syksy> holy fucking shit
[15:10] <Syksy> I have always kept my name open but not for this purpose
[15:11] <Syksy> he did not say his name
[15:11] <Syksy> speaks Finnish
[15:11] <Syksy> Zechariah answer to me, please
[15:11] <moneromooo> Maybe J... I think it might have been him around earlier.
[15:11] <moneromooo> (speculating)
[15:11] <Syksy> J?
[15:11] <moneromooo> Can't remember the name, but the J-corp guy ?

Hmmmm if any of the DT+999(or to whatever level this goes) users rated anyone based on the facts provided by this FenerirCK guy I would likely ask you to consider it again! Something is rotten in Denmark and I'm gonna find out!

Anything else?

Also please provide proofs for all the accusations!
Because in this world everyone gets the presumption of innocence! And only after it is proven they are guilty they are sentenced!

Who are you to sentence people and to judge them?

Also if anyone wants all the logs they can be provided for 50BTC.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Wizard Developer P.J. on April 28, 2017, 02:04:44 PM
I don't believe serje has anything to do with it.

He got a paid trip to Talinn as he was first to claim and he got I think 3000€ there another time which is the reason he's defensive about the game, he was one of the lucky ones that managed to cash out.

Saddam is as clear as it gets, PJ is just a programmer.

As you already recognized my role in CryptoKingdom, I was the guy behind UI responsible for coding and improving players experience. I believed very much in it that I quit my 9-5 daywork to be able to work only on CK. I wanted it to flourish and I am really sad to see where it is going.

I did not have any involvement in any transactions and interest debts, but I can confirm that full control over game code and database is under my responsibility, so, game data will be protected, if somebody would like to interfere, that will not be possible.

I know, that is not much meaningful, if it's not backed by real (crypto) money behind, but since CK is still my only job, I will continue to improve it and upgrade (even without Risto around).

Please, feel free to contact me for any question or suggestion,

All best,

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Cconnected on April 28, 2017, 05:07:57 PM
we LOVE you PJ, thanks for the work u do and will do in the future =)))

And fenrick thanks for mentioning me in your post. I am honoured u would do free publicity to me, that shows ur a good person =)

Sincerely CC

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rontus on April 28, 2017, 05:20:33 PM
I have been Risto's friend in his up's and down's for a while, mostly following his public career from distance, but after I met him again some 5 weeks ago after more than 1,5 year of not meeting him I did participate in CryptoKingdom for time after that and now I see my nick (ronaz) pulled to this thread so I came answer for things, albeit was unclear what is the question to answer, to be clear from my side. I guess question is basically what the heck is happening. I have been out there with my real name all the time and would not wish to see any blame come towards me.

I have never been m3 depository manager, which saddam and whole community can confirm for you. I was one of the candidates of when saddam would stop, which has not happened yet.

Regarding b1 depository, saddam was trying to hand it it to me around 14th of April but nothing done to it then yet, then at 18th of April when Risto changed b1 notes to indicate that I need to do it (but with limited access to coins, I had some of his), I agreed for short time as the small amount of his coins in my possession didn't keep withdraw side satisfied for long (~day) and Risto started to run secondary withdrawal on the side for getting more Markka I think. For the larger amount that I was helping him to pull from wallets, most was send to saddam to keep up the b1 depository, which he can also confirm. And Z had got mad and started Eastern weekend accusations in 2 hours after not replying to him, about it running to low so quickly, which was then cleared as he was provided transactions logs and he has not given blame since.

I would like to add that that at the time when I was pushed to be the b1 depository holder it was not liquid as there was more b1 items created than BTC deposited at the depository, and those actions continued. These were Zecheriach's, Coinshop's and Crown's character's b1 item creations, done before I had ever even touch that little to the b1 depository, that had caused the deficit. Link for calculations where the mismatch can be seen is available by PM on request.

And b1 deposit side was opened couple days later of that day and it was open less than a week and total just a bit over 1 BTC had come in, of which transaction log has been gone over and cleared in IRC earlier. I'm happy to send those coins to whomever community figures out is fair.

I have visited Tallinn myself, participated in some events (except refused to come for the fuck fest as that is not something I would like to my name to be mixed with) there and last couple times I visited my main concern was Risto's well-being, community's trust collapsing (fair reaction, I might add) and I repeatedly told him to shut the embassy parties down, calm down somewhere and make deal with debtors before things get more out of hand. Which in the sense of fire, water damage and last-in-line of debtors so far getting close to de nada etc. happened.

edit: corrected March -> April in dates.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: ArticMine on April 28, 2017, 05:31:48 PM
He is claiming to unilaterally change the terms of the deals.

1. All debts denominated in non-Markka, will be converted to Markka using volume-weighted Agora averages for the 24 hours following the timestamp of this post, earliest when the time is up.

No they will not, unless agreed by both parties.

I do not agree that the 2.5 BTC+interest that you owe me (and managed player) will be redenominated or settled in anything other than BTC.

Please pay your debts and stop doubling down on stupid by suggesting that you pay a debt agreed to be paid in BTC (in fact that was rather explicit) using your own worthless in-game fiat.

It is actually way worse than that since the in game currency Markka, M, is deliberately being manipulated by rpietila in order to crash the in game values of the debt in terms of M to make the debt even more worthless.

Consider the following in game command issued earlier today. This is from the Crypto Kingdom game log.
452555 	Create 	E1 	10,000,000 	New (5) 	Zechariah (1) 		28.04.17 (13:41)
So what exactly does the in game item E1 represent? The answer lies in the description.
1 euro deposited in Area Command Malla Bitcoin Castle.
For those who are not familiar with "Malla Bitcoin Castle" it is actually a property in Estonia purchased by rpietila in later 2013 or early 2014. Here is a picture of the property from 2014 ( Since the creation of the 10,000,000 E1, above E1 have been dumped on the in game market by Zechariah, rpietila's character in order to depress the in game value of E1 and indirectly B1. We must keep in mind that the fall of the in game value of E1 triggered the doubling of the M money supply from 2,000,000,000,000 to 4,000,000,000,000. Depressing the in game value of E1 and B1 in terms of M has the effect of further devaluing the debts before "settlement".

I see two scenarios here.
1) rpietila has 10,000,000 EUR stashed away after the so called fire, actions of others etc., that supposedly prevented him from honoring his obligations. In this case the question becomes why not use the EUR to settle the obligations?
2) Or the 10,000,000 EUR actually do not exist and the 10,000,000 E1 were created out of thin air.

To me coming on the heels of the post quoted below either scenarion above is nothing short of a fragrant abuse of rpietila's position within Crypto Kingdom, including breach of trust, and a very strong indication of bad faith towards the creditors.  

Official Announcement

Quote from: ##crypto-kingdom
Zechariah: Created Instagram acct. As usual, I give my greatest fan 1,000,000,000 and then the ones who Follow me (so that I see it) get 1/2, 1/3, etc. of the amount WITHOUT LIMIT.
[09:16am] • Zechariah forgot to add: “Hear ye, all peoplez”
[09:16am] Zechariah:
[09:20am] Zechariah: Check this:
[09:39am] Marquess_Loaf: icecube tray proile pic; cool
[09:40am] Malgarthius2 left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[09:42am] Zechariah: Marquess_Loaf: Sir, see the spike in the ice, I always get them when energy is high  - - - do you?
[09:43am] Marquess_Loaf: ooo bucket joined us
[09:44am] Marquess_Loaf: my ice is produced via covered trays, so no spikes produced
[09:49am] hannamaaria joined the chat room.
[09:56am] Zechariah: Marquess_Loaf: ooo what is the similarity between gen 1:1, john 1:1 and the has used in crypto
[09:56am] Zechariah: [09:55am] Zechariah: it’s a hash
[09:56am] Zechariah: [09:55am] Zechariah: both are secured by a nonce
[09:56am] Zechariah: [09:55am] Zechariah: in crypto, you need to crack 2^256 if bruteforce (am I correct)?
[09:57am] Zechariah: CQ (control question): Does anyone understand that I have cracked SHA256?
[09:57am] Marquess_Loaf: its a hash as in there is something encoded?
[09:57am] Marquess_Loaf: say pi, all the strange stuff for gen 1:1 in hebrew, etc
[09:57am] Marquess_Loaf: i think they only recently cracked SHA1
[09:59am] Marquess_Loaf: might need newliberty in here for this sort of stuff
[09:59am] Zechariah: I have a device that can create 2 privkeys that start with the same string.
[09:59am] Marquess_Loaf:
[09:59am] Marquess_Loaf: not sure how true this is
[10:00am] Zechariah: I think it can be used for very funny things, notwithstanding the fact that the feat itself did not require for the heat death of the Universe:CK to happen..
[10:00am] Zechariah:
[10:00am] Marquess_Loaf: i do know i read something that the coding on BTC was clever as it is quantum proof
[10:00am] Marquess_Loaf: as long as people use the system as designed with single use addresses
[10:00am] Marquess_Loaf: andreas antonopoulos had video on this
[10:05am] Zechariah: Bullshit.
[10:05am] Zechariah: Bitcoin is toast - how else would I say that I destroy it?
[10:05am] Zechariah: I did not destroy anything, it was flawed and now just see where the dust settles.
[10:06am] Zechariah: I wonder if stupid people continue to use it even after they get as much Markka as they wish (and the goldclub is concerned about fucks and fucking, NOT currency)...
[10:06am] Odin left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[10:09am] sznikers: its kinda climbing high, maybe dust will setle above 2k$ price ...
[10:11am] Zechariah: Did you hear that every bitcoin of mine was (again) promised to have Embassy security, was in the XI level area (where all whom I do not kiss, physically die in an average 30 days since realising I am GoD - kiss me please!!), was torched to fire, flooded with water, saved, handpicked to dry, and once the process was completed, 2+2 goons walked in to disrespect sign and tried to kill me, I walked away and am now sorta hiding.
[10:12am] smooth: Marquess_Loaf> i do know i read something that the coding on BTC was clever as it is quantum proof <= not accurate
[10:12am] McDuffy left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[10:13am] smooth: 1. the original code did not use quantum resistant addresses (satoshi's coins or other early coins could be easily stolen by a sufficiently powerful quantum computer)
[10:13am] smooth: 2. the current outputs are quantum resistant in the sense that the elliptic curve public key is not revealed until it is spent
[10:14am] Marquess_Loaf: yeah 2 is what i remember
[10:14am] Marquess_Loaf: not until spent yes
[10:14am] Marquess_Loaf: that was it
[10:14am] smooth: but #2 still leaves a window for a quantum attacker. a slow quantum computer could not crack but a fast enough one could
[10:15am] McDuffy joined the chat room.
[10:15am] Marquess_Loaf: i am sorry you are in hiding Zechariah ; hope you were able to recover a good number of paper wallets
[10:15am] smooth: of cracked before it is confirmed then it becomes a matter of who pays miners more, which likely means miners get most of it
[10:15am] smooth: not a good outcome overall. best case is to switch to something more quantum-resistent before needed
[10:16am] Zechariah: smooth: How long does it take to create a valid privkey that is 40*base58 long, and then another that contains the first one as the first 40 chars?
[10:16am] smooth: also quantum computer could enormously increase mining difficulty which means if one miner gets it first, could completely dominate mining and destroy security
[10:17am] smooth: Zechariah: i dont know, although the second sounds like a long time
[10:17am] Zechariah: smooth: I have habitually created such since 2013, I am just a modest guy and not brag about it.
[10:17am] Odin joined the chat room.
[10:17am] Zechariah: I have multiples. Yes I know it is impossible to have 3 privkeys start with the same 40 alphanumerics but I did not ask for permission, just did it.
[10:18am] smooth: oh priv key, thats easier
[10:18am] smooth: almost anything is a valid private key, just needs to follow a few rules
[10:18am] Zechariah: smooth: oh ok so it’s not anything special to have a fan of privkeys.
[10:18am] Zechariah: Sorry about that.
[10:18am] Zechariah: What is difficult?
[10:18am] smooth: vanity addresses (public key with specified chars)
[10:19am] smooth: becausse public key is private key times a point, which is a one-way function
[10:20am] smooth: anyway im not expert on this stuff at all, just vaguely familiar. luigi would know much better
[10:21am] ChrisPop joined the chat room.
[10:21am] ChrisPop: hello,everyone!
[10:22am] ChrisPop: @Zechariah I have just followed you on Instagram.
[10:22am] Zechariah: ChrisPop: Cool.
[10:22am] Zechariah: Every millionth follower gets a special prize
[10:23am] Marquess_Loaf: Zechariah: is gonna be new pewdiepie
[10:23am] Zechariah: And the first million may transfer the amount: 1000000000/(how many followers was there when YOU followed)
[10:24am] ChrisPop: Yeah,he needs to start making some vlogs.
[10:25am] McDuffy: I was nr 3 (andsoitistoo)
[10:25am] ChrisPop: I am no.9  (ChrisPop)
[10:26am] Odin: I don't have Instagram
[10:26am] ChrisPop: Create one Odin.
[10:26am] Marquess_Loaf: how we see order?
[10:26am] ChrisPop: There is a start to everything.
[10:28am] Marquess_Loaf: guys game is ded; dump your CAN, gold, FUCK, and SW5 on me
[10:28am] Marquess_Loaf: maybe it is from top to bottom on instagram
[10:28am] Marquess_Loaf: i was #2 in that case maybe
[10:30am] McDuffy: I know i was nr 3 as there was only 2 others at the time
[10:30am] Zechariah: Marquess_Loaf: Next time I will specify that ppl who identify as +-(***) are OUT
[10:30am] Zechariah: betamales, go fuck yourselves
[10:30am] Zechariah: *kindly
[10:30am] Odin: Hahaha:D
[10:31am] ChrisPop: CAN doesn't spoil right?
[10:31am] Odin: 90% of the crypto market has just been ruled denied access.
[10:31am] Odin: Love it
[10:32am] Marquess_Loaf: is +- beta male
[10:32am] Marquess_Loaf: i guess instagram is bottom to top for order
[10:33am] Marquess_Loaf: who is andsoitistoo they seem first in that case
[10:37am] Zechariah: ChrisPop: I think it has max spoil of 5% or not even that; in practise no spoil
[10:38am] Zechariah: (even then, spoil is almost provably fair)
[10:38am] ChrisPop: Okay,good.
[10:39am] ChrisPop: Zechariah: I have sent you a response on BCT.
[10:40am] sammy007: Zechariah you really think that CK is going viral with new accounts? You still don't know that 500 accounts farmed recently to get free can and sell it on market?
[10:43am] Odin: I am a follower to now.
[10:45am] Odin: Following does seem like a beta move i must say.
[10:45am] Odin:
[10:46am] Odin: Fixing the existing problems before trying to take it viral again would be wise here.
[10:48am] Zechariah: Yes we move to CK:Universe
[10:48am] Zechariah: That will take as many players as have money
[10:49am] Zechariah: And the richest one will sponsor all the girls in
[10:50am] ChrisPop: What happens with the Clans module? Will it be still implemented?
[10:51am] sammy007: !marketbuy can 250000
[10:51am] ckBot: sammy007: Market buying 250000 units of can would cost 474,548,900m and bring the unit price to 2,000m.
[10:51am] sammy007: !marketbuy can 500000
[10:52am] ckBot: sammy007: Market buying 500000 units of can would cost 974,548,900m and bring the unit price to 2,000m.
[10:52am] sammy007: !marketbuy can 800000
[10:52am] ckBot: sammy007: Market buying 800000 units of can would cost 1,861,421,450m and bring the unit price to 7,550m.
[10:52am] ChrisPop_ joined the chat room.
[10:52am] ChrisPop left the chat room. (Quit: Page closed)
[10:53am] Zechariah: ChrisPop: I don’t design clans any more, my personal upgrade path is directly to CK:Universe
[10:53am] Zechariah: It actually works in a googlesheet in the beginning.
[10:53am] Odin left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[10:53am] ChrisPop_: You know what it's best for our Kingdom,Zechariah. I trust your decisions. In a nutshell how will CK:Universe work?
[10:54am] Odin joined the chat room.
[10:55am] Odin: So M will be used to sponsor girls?
[10:56am] moneromooo: What is that shit I'm reading...
[10:56am] Odin: For what purpose?
[10:56am] moneromooo: Blaming everyone else but poor risto aren't we
[10:56am] smooth: a fantasy about some new version
[10:56am] moneromooo: And a dead guy who's not here to speak for himself at that. Asshole.
[10:56am] smooth: despite zero trust and unpaid debts
[10:57am] smooth: but people are going to deposit money
[10:57am] smooth: right
[10:57am] Odin: Maybe if debts are paid to let the girls know Markka is worth something.
[10:57am] smooth: that would be a start
[10:58am] Odin: And what would the girls do in return for the sponsorship?
[10:58am] ChrisPop_: Guys,let's give Zechariah a chance. He said he was very busy in the last time so that might be the reason he couldn't make the payments.
[10:58am] Zechariah: moneromooo: Don’t talk evil of dead ppl. David was a Cardinal after all.
[10:58am] moneromooo: Fuck off, cunt.
[10:59am] Zechariah: ChrisPop_: It also hinders me that I don’t have access to any BTC, XMR, EUR, USD, gold or silver, because the 2+2 goons who tried to kill me (obviously nothing even happened - still alive, dick is hard and have 10 fingers) stole it all.
[10:59am] Odin: Also the XMR
[11:00am] Zechariah: But nvm - they don’t know how to use them, cannot destroy them, so I will collect my own in a great swoop that requires cleanup of body fluids if any of the darknessguys has a gun he dies first.
[11:01am] ChrisPop_: So you were robbed Zech? How could they steal all your btc,xmr,eur,usd,gold,silver? Haven't you kept your private keys in safe place and the fiat in bank accounts?
[11:01am] Zechariah: If 2 contract killers cannot finish me (alone in a place with (double) Embassy security, unarmed, drunk, stoned, tired, calling them ‘fuckers’, etc.) in 60 minutes, obviously no one can kill me, ok?
[11:01am] Zechariah: I do not need to kill people unless they refuse to kill themselves in the time allotted.
[11:02am] Zechariah: And these 4 ppl have 30 days to kill themselves, or get their forehead bloody for kissing the ground in front of the person I prefer to observe their penance.
[11:03am] Zechariah: Any volunteers for the job? You get paid according to the blood in the fuckers’ foreheads when they kiss the ground according to your orders...
[11:03am] Odin: If i leave my fridge open and mouses steal my cheese.
[11:03am] Zechariah: We do not NEED any other alphamales
[11:03am] Odin: Do i get mad at the mouse for stealing?
[11:03am] Zechariah: And the number of betas is also quite high atm.
[11:03am] ChrisPop_: You said they were contract killers. Who stopped them from killing you>?
[11:04am] Odin: Or do i take responsibility like a man and close my fridge.
[11:04am] moneromooo: Come on... He's delusional... imagining himself in a james bond movie...
[11:04am] Zechariah: ChrisPop_: Me. Since the only other one who even paid a visit was Ron, and he walked away before they even threatened him.
[11:04am] Zechariah: moneromooo: 30 days ok
[11:04am] moneromooo: I have not asked you to address me.,
[11:04am] Zechariah: I said that already, but no blood required.
[11:05am] Zechariah: moneromooo: FUCK AWAY FROM MY GAME OR SUBMIT 1 2.
[11:05am] Zechariah: I am getting tired of betas.
[11:05am] moneromooo: Poor Zechariah getting antsy ?
[11:05am] Odin: Then stop making the situation attractive for betas sir.
[11:06am] Odin: Let men put in work for their money.
[11:06am] Odin: Instead of giving it all away to woman and betas.
[11:06am] moneromooo: Maybe Zechariah thinks he might have chosen another path before all the shit started ? Might not be too late to change course.
[11:07am] Zechariah: moneromooo: Poor? Hell yeah. I have EUR50 at hand and no friends.
[11:07am] Zechariah: Antsy? Nope, this is regular everyday motherfucking bullshit and then you learn how to do w it.
[11:07am] ChrisPop_: Zechariah: How did they steal your assets? You are smart so I'm sure you kept them safe.
[11:07am] moneromooo: If we believe the former, then can't you work out why it all happened ?
[11:07am] Zechariah:
[11:08am] Zechariah: moneromooo: It is you who does not understand. I do.
[11:08am] moneromooo: Anyway. You have a knack for pissing people off. Find it, turn it off. That'sll go a long way.
[11:08am] moneromooo: Busytnow.
[11:09am] McDuffy left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[11:09am] Odin: Being humble shows great confidence.
[11:09am] Zechariah: If you spent even 15 minutes, 4-6 times per day, for reading my communication, you’d see who I am and it is normal I only give fuck about souls, since all money belongs to ME, the Creator.
[11:12am] steep joined the chat room.
[11:13am] Odin: Can't you make some new value materialize then?
[11:14am] serje: Zechariah 19 followers now
[11:15am] Zechariah: serje: target is 1,000,000 in the following 166 hours
[11:15am] Zechariah: We are doing great
[11:15am] Zechariah: Just push it gently.

So, therefore:

1. All debts denominated in non-Markka, will be converted to Markka using volume-weighted Agora averages for the 24 hours following the timestamp of this post, earliest when the time is up.

2. Let everyone live the rest of their life in happiness, and - if this is not reasonable - quit wasting my time, else.

3. 11:36 Peking Duk (

At the heart of this issue lines the attempt to on the part of rpietila to manipulate the in game Crypto Kingdom markets in order to rise the market cap of M to 100,000,000 EUR. This was attempted with a combination of rpietila own funds since a significant portion of the B1, B2 and E1 was actually paid and the issuance of in game tokens B1 and E1 that one can surmise are not backed by XBT or EUR, since 1) They have not been honoured and 2)  A attempt has been made to settle this debt by further manipulation of the in game token E1 and M. I must say that I consider these debts to be the personal debts of Risto Pietila and not the liabilities of Crypto Kingdom as a whole.

To me the critical evidence of bad faith here is the unilateral attempt to settle the personal debts of Risto Pietila in terms of M, combined with the issuance of the 10,000,000 E1 on 28.04.17 (13:41) and the use of newly issued E1 to attempt to further devalue the debts, by manipulating the market of E1 in terms of M.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Zepher on April 28, 2017, 05:37:51 PM
Wow, I have never heard of this game, nor the community that thrived around it, which seems to be substantial at the minimum.

I am genuinely sorry to see so many of you so heavily out of pocket as a result of rpietila's actions.

I have tagged him in the meantime, and will be watching this thread with interest.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: saddambitcoin on April 28, 2017, 06:08:41 PM
I can confirm ronaz statements above.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 28, 2017, 07:17:55 PM
And b1 deposit side was opened couple days later of that day and it was open less than a week and total just a bit over 1 BTC had come in, of which transaction log has been gone over and cleared in IRC earlier. I'm happy to send those coins to whomever community figures out is fair.

I'd like to ask my deposit from 4 days ago to be returned to 1untbp6qm8rsQGrt9jqLXZq2oVgFDtVD

The 51 B1 I have gotten from it remain in the account
I will consume them when my deposit is returned

This is nothing to the 9.224BTC + 5 interest I am owed, though  :-\

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on April 28, 2017, 07:21:24 PM
Thank you ronaz for a through-ought explanation of the situation. I trust your (and saddam's) word, and apologize for mixing your name in this. As you understand the trust has been broken, and rpietila had accused you of depo-issues.

Cconnected, I am not flattering you. I'd love to see you include the above description of you in your future CV though, as I constantly interview people for positions of trust. Luckily your tongue is so brown that once you open your mouth the only thing you'll be catching are flies.

List updated.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on April 28, 2017, 08:51:33 PM

I would like to add that that at the time when I was pushed to be the b1 depository holder it was not liquid as there was more b1 items created than BTC deposited at the depository, and those actions continued. These were Zecheriach's, Coinshop's and Crown's character's b1 item creations, done before I had ever even touch that little to the b1 depository, that had caused the deficit. Link for calculations where the mismatch can be seen is available by PM on request.

The Crown character's changelog entries were corrupted when Risto switched accounts 1 <--> 36, so the creations you are writing about are actually Zechariah's prior to the switch. This is really annoying as he did this switch without my knowledge and now it looks as though I did the b1 creations (along with a host of other actions).

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rontus on April 28, 2017, 09:23:45 PM
I'd like to ask my deposit from 4 days ago to be returned to 1untbp6qm8rsQGrt9jqLXZq2oVgFDtVD

I think that is fair and should be done, however the bitcoin address you provided is invalid, please check that.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Viper1 on April 29, 2017, 04:42:07 AM
Haven't been around for a couple years but this is certainly an interesting turn of events. Who would have thought.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rontus on April 29, 2017, 11:33:40 AM
I'd like to ask my deposit from 4 days ago to be returned to 1untbp6qm8rsQGrt9jqLXZq2oVgFDtVD

I think that is fair and should be done, however the bitcoin address you provided is invalid, please check that.

So addresses were:
1untbp6qm8rs8QGrt9jqLXZq2oVgfDtVD (correct in the screenshot)
1untbp6qm8rsQGrt9jqLXZq2oVgFDtVD (missing at least one 8 and fifth last F was capital here)


And people please learn to use copypaste or other methods of providing addresses, also QR code should be used as the way to deliver the address only when it suits the receiver, such as in mobile payment situations.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 29, 2017, 12:31:19 PM
I'd like to ask my deposit from 4 days ago to be returned to 1untbp6qm8rsQGrt9jqLXZq2oVgFDtVD

I think that is fair and should be done, however the bitcoin address you provided is invalid, please check that.

So addresses were:
1untbp6qm8rs8QGrt9jqLXZq2oVgfDtVD (correct in the screenshot)
1untbp6qm8rsQGrt9jqLXZq2oVgFDtVD (missing at least one 8 and fifth last F was capital here)


And people please learn to use copypaste or other methods of providing addresses, also QR code should be used as the way to deliver the address only when it suits the receiver, such as in mobile payment situations.

Damn, I'm sorry
I just copied it from my profile, must have typed it wrong when I was putting it in
Received, thank you  :)
51 units of B1 consumed. (ID 456453) 29.04.17 (12:36)
Also deleted the reply for a better view of the thread (image was too big).

Now, that we got those 0.05BTC out of the way, we just have those 9.224 left  :D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Febo on April 29, 2017, 03:10:10 PM
lol, I am not really sure how you got to this marka and bitcoins and stuff.  But 2-3 years ago when Gold was sold for Moneros lots of Moneros was collected and many like mine just stayed in the deposit address since my character died and my land houses and things and money and Gold was given to not sure who.
Those Moneros are now worth a pile of money. I was the first that bought Gold, but after me many did.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 29, 2017, 03:45:59 PM
lol, I am not really sure how you got to this marka and bitcoins and stuff.  But 2-3 years ago when Gold was sold for Moneros lots of Moneros was collected and many like mine just stayed in the deposit address since my character died and my land houses and things and money and Gold was given to not sure who.
Those Moneros are now worth a pile of money. I was the first that bought Gold, but after me many did.

Gold was later converted to CK which didn't have any near value as Crypto Kingdom Gold used to carry earlier
It did have value though

I had around 500 XMR I think, worth around 3000$ at the time I think in my acc, I bought a lot of gold before the conversion
Ended up in all my assets being worth ~3000$ (without land), prior to that I had just XMR worth of that lol

Huh, how times change
Look at us now
0$ 0 XMR 0 BTC

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on April 29, 2017, 05:45:48 PM
Haven't been around for a couple years but this is certainly an interesting turn of events. Who would have thought.

*Raises Hand*

I turned down a free character (Friar - Don't know if they ever added any) and a 10 XMR gift to join, as the saying goes "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark", There were alot of very reputable XMR community member's in the game and I didn't want to add any legitimacy by extension. I did want to see it succeed as it was a main project to give a use case while in development besides playing dice.

I wear the moniker "Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it" for a reason, that is the story of my life. I have watched him manipulate people into playing his bag for him for years and have been dogpiled on for pointing it out and trying to prevent new blood from getting burned and leaving this project as I still believe in the need for XMR (or an equivalent) for freedom of the masses and luckily the eco system has grown enough that this will just be a blip on the screen. If this had unwound a year ago it may have caused irreparable damage. So I think we can all be happy that he manged to last this long before his house of cards came tumbling down.

I feel sorry for you guys who got scammed, but I'm sure no-one went all in on this and those that bought in have large enough holdings that the 20 fold raise has more than covered their losses. I was of the opinion that he was using those funds to dump when the spike hit and would like to know if this is true. Can the accounts that held the in game currency be seen on that linkage explorer?

Anyway since I have been calling him out for at least the last 6 months in the speculation thread (which I doubt anyone paid heed to) I feel I have done all that I could to mitigate n00bs from getting fleeced. You veterans know enough that you didn't need my advice. If I wasn't so lazy without any dog in this fight I'd go back and make a list of those propping him up on all his manipulation and excuse posts and see if they are shill accounts or just fellow scammers or fools.

Lastly, If the community takes over or uses the source to start a new game now that the rotten core is gone I would happi9ly join you guys, :)


Words to live by:
"The World is ruled by Kings and Queens that blind your eyes and steal your dreams"

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: goin2mars. on April 29, 2017, 06:38:24 PM
I attest to smooths claims in OP as being truthful and agree with the recommendation to not deposit.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: iluvbitcoins on April 29, 2017, 07:14:57 PM
You expect insiders in a system that can print money at will to not go mad on power? That's the reason I got in Bitcoin in first place and why I'm disgusted by premines/coins that do not honor the emission curve, on a side note that's exactly why I think Zcash's master keys were not destroyed, they would be crazy to not keep them (printing money secretly at their own volition? too much power to throw away).
Risto owes me nothing, I have nothing against him etc etc, I actually registered in his game but I forgot the password and I couldn't recover it, I was going to invest some moneroj, guess that was for the best lol, anyway it is not too late for him to correct his mistake and pay the debts.

If you check this, it seems Risto had some mental issues
It's highly likely that recently with his marital and custody issues his mental issues came back
I hope he will seek help  :-\

I believe once he seeks help and recovers his prior state as he already did before, he will come to his senses and hopefully fulfill his obligations

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on April 29, 2017, 07:47:24 PM
This whole thing makes me very sad...  And I am a fan of Mr. Pietila.  But I feel like i saw this coming...

No offense meant to risto or those of you who have enjoyed this game.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on April 29, 2017, 08:01:38 PM

- Serje has been elevated back to Fraudalent based on feedback I got.
- Numerous other at-site employees who have not taken proper action and continue to endorse rpietila's actions have been enumerated.
- Given that rpietila has started posting videographic content such as "young cutie painfully loses her virginity", I encourage reporting him in BCT.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on April 29, 2017, 08:06:32 PM

- Serje has been elevated back to Fraudalent based on feedback I got.
- Numerous other at-site employees who have not taken proper action and continue to endorse rpietila's actions have been enumerated.
- Given that rpietila has started posting content such as "young cutie painfully loses her virginity", I encourage reporting him in BCT.

Yeah, like I was expecting!

I withdrew 0.051BTC with b2

and everyone went berserk on me!(sammy007 and odin)

well I'm still working on the reserved post but put me in whatever category floats your boat!

P.S. some other guy withdrew 3BTC with b2 and odin congratulated him .... so yeah double standards!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on April 29, 2017, 08:08:09 PM

- Serje has been elevated back to Fraudalent based on feedback I got.
- Numerous other at-site employees who have not taken proper action and continue to endorse rpietila's actions have been enumerated.
- Given that rpietila has started posting content such as "young cutie painfully loses her virginity", I encourage reporting him in BCT.

Yeah, like I was expecting!

I withdrew 0.051BTC with b2

and everyone went berserk on me!(sammy007 and odin)

well I'm still working on the reserved post but put me in whatever category floats your boat!

P.S. some other guy withdrew 3BTC with b2 and odin congratulated him .... so yeah double standards!

I have received reports of you receiving immediately multiple thousands of EUR (while others were ignored), and including paid flights, accomodation, high luxury inventory et cetra. Your claim of only "I withdrew 0.051BTC with b2" seems extremely unlikely (even questionable given the overall context), based on at-site witnesses. Do you deny this?

Despite promising to explain yourself, you haven't found the time to do this. Instead you find time to protect rpietila as well as try to shut up whistleblowers. Odin, to my knowledge, has nothing to do with this and his expressed congratulations are irrelevant. sammy007 expressed his uninterest in this complete matter in IRC today.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on April 29, 2017, 08:16:47 PM

- Serje has been elevated back to Fraudalent based on feedback I got.
- Numerous other at-site employees who have not taken proper action and continue to endorse rpietila's actions have been enumerated.
- Given that rpietila has started posting content such as "young cutie painfully loses her virginity", I encourage reporting him in BCT.

Yeah, like I was expecting!

I withdrew 0.051BTC with b2

and everyone went berserk on me!(sammy007 and odin)

well I'm still working on the reserved post but put me in whatever category floats your boat!

P.S. some other guy withdrew 3BTC with b2 and odin congratulated him .... so yeah double standards!

I have received reports of you receiving immediately multiple thousands of EUR (while others were ignored), and including paid flights, accomodation, high luxury inventory et cetra. Do you deny this?

Despite promising to explain yourself, you haven't found the time to do this. Instead you find time to protect rpietila as well as try to shut up whistleblowers.

while others were ignored is incorrect!
I was also ignored and McDuffy got 10.000 euros instead of me ... so why isn't he here?
I got paid flight because I am poor and don't had money to travel to Tallinn(I have a closed thread where I request for 2 BTC loan), and the irc logs can easily show you that it was not my idea of asking Risto for money, it was some persons from the game that told me to ask him although I told then I don't think is a good thing to ask him!

And even with asking he had the offer where all the peers will have their travel expenses deduced up to 2.000 euros! so I don't see what this fuss is about! and generalizethis made me a peer! and i was his ambassador there! why isn't he on your list?

Also in his offer all the peers got free accommodation!

high luxury inventory = ???? (I don't understand what is this)

Also i don't see Hannamaria on your list as she showed up there and said she is a peer and she wants her travel expenses covered, and me thinking that she is a friend of Risto asked her how much she spent and gave her 150 euros

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on April 29, 2017, 08:27:12 PM

Irrelevant claims and trying to steer attention to people who have not endorsed rpietila's scam actively

If you wish for people to be included send me a PM with the relevant facts/claims and I will look into it. Furthermore, your claim of receiving no fiat EUR is false according to my information. Please confirm you received 0 EUR from rpietila. I understand your primitive emotional response in being included in this list, but your actions currently only confirm what I consider accurate instead of coming clean (like ronaz did after I inaccurately included him, and again apologies to him).

Please post the IRC logs you mention.

The people who you now listed:
- McDuffy
- Odin
- generalizethis
- Hannamaria
have in no way endorsed rpietila's scam that I know of, which separates them from you. In fact, according to the BCT thread, they have tried to approach rpietila in his solvency crisis by forgiving him debt interest. If you acknowledge the obvious scam and explain facts behind rpietila's actions you will naturally be removed from the Fraudalent-list, but as long as you keep on protecting him and his lies you will not be removed.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: oblox on April 29, 2017, 08:33:46 PM
Doesn't surprise me this ultimately happened but I feel for those that have yet to be made whole.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Febo on April 30, 2017, 12:01:35 AM

OMG someone scammed Monero core team?  I bet he is on Evans paylist.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: ArticMine on April 30, 2017, 12:30:41 AM

OMG someone scammed Monero core team?  I bet he is on Evans paylist.

A Dash fractional reserve with the debtor controlling a large number of masternodes while being net short Dash is actually the Achilles Heel of Dash.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on April 30, 2017, 03:15:53 AM
ASS (http://x) & IF ( (porn link obfuscated)

Risto.  Why are you posting links to pornography?

The internet is forever...  is this something you want your children to discover?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on April 30, 2017, 03:27:07 AM
ASS (http://x) & IF ( (porn link obfuscated)

Risto.  Why are you posting links to pornography?

The internet is forever...  is this something you want your children to discover?

Of course. Is there something wrong with feeling GOoD?  ???

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on April 30, 2017, 03:35:17 AM
ASS (http://x) & IF ( (porn link obfuscated)

Risto.  Why are you posting links to pornography?

The internet is forever...  is this something you want your children to discover?

Of course. Is there something wrong with feeling GOoD?  ???

“Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'” The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

I do not intend for that quote to be interpreted having anything to do with pornography.

I hear what you are really saying.  Do you recognize the connection?

If you wish we can take this discussion offline.  This is not my thread.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: cryptonia on April 30, 2017, 07:05:24 AM
and has experienced some major stress events in his life recently, including theft of 700k XMR,
He had 700k XMR stolen?  :o


Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: stereotype on April 30, 2017, 07:21:34 AM
and has experienced some major stress events in his life recently, including theft of 700k XMR,
He had 700k XMR stolen?  :o


Is this the ole..... 'my laptop was tampered with, in a sauna' bullshit, again?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on April 30, 2017, 08:04:51 AM
No third party and/or verifiable evidence whatsoever has been presented in support of any of these alleged thefts/fires/floods. That does not mean that they did not occur, nor that they did.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: elrippo on April 30, 2017, 08:14:49 AM
Did someone present a piece of paper with a stamp of local police or anything similar on it  ::)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on April 30, 2017, 08:37:28 AM
Did someone present a piece of paper with a stamp of local police or anything similar on it  ::)

See above

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Take A Horse To Water on April 30, 2017, 09:38:34 AM
You all should be ashamed bullying Risto like this.

When Risto pays you back (which he will) you ought to be ready to apologise.

He is a good intentioned, god-fearing man, and there's no way on Earth he would choose personal profit at the expense of his brothers and sisters.

You will soon see that Risto pays back every penny, and though you might mock him (even after the event) he will have the ultimate upper hand.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

I'm quite certain Risto is about to make a huge sacrifice and will ensure every penny is paid to every one owed.

But it is he who shall have the last glory, as the father looks on with more satisfaction than ever before.

This will happen in seven days from now. Mark my words.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on April 30, 2017, 10:17:11 AM
You all should be ashamed bullying Risto like this.

When Risto pays you back (which he will) you ought to be ready to apologise.

He is a good intentioned, god-fearing man, and there's no way on Earth he would choose personal profit at the expense of his brothers and sisters.

You will soon see that Risto pays back every penny, and though you might mock him (even after the event) he will have the ultimate upper hand.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

I'm quite certain Risto is about to make a huge sacrifice and will ensure every penny is paid to every one owed.

But it is he who shall have the last glory, as the father looks on with more satisfaction than ever before.

This will happen in seven days from now. Mark my words.

We shall see.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 01, 2017, 01:36:55 AM

Irrelevant claims and trying to steer attention to people who have not endorsed rpietila's scam actively

If you wish for people to be included send me a PM with the relevant facts/claims and I will look into it. Furthermore, your claim of receiving no fiat EUR is false according to my information. Please confirm you received 0 EUR from rpietila. I understand your primitive emotional response in being included in this list, but your actions currently only confirm what I consider accurate instead of coming clean (like ronaz did after I inaccurately included him, and again apologies to him).

Please post the IRC logs you mention.

The people who you now listed:
- McDuffy
- Odin
- generalizethis
- Hannamaria
have in no way endorsed rpietila's scam that I know of, which separates them from you. In fact, according to the BCT thread, they have tried to approach rpietila in his solvency crisis by forgiving him debt interest. If you acknowledge the obvious scam and explain facts behind rpietila's actions you will naturally be removed from the Fraudalent-list, but as long as you keep on protecting him and his lies you will not be removed.

Who are you? Please identify yourself! And then show me the proofs you have!
I have taken 0 EURO from Risto's hand!
Now show me the profs that show the contrary?
And it's none of your businesses what I do and how I do it and wherever I do it!

Got it MAN?

And stop using double standards with me!

If you really want to talk to me then why don't you come over?
Let's meet face to face!

P.S. I also posted my point of view on the reserved section.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 01, 2017, 01:40:23 AM
You all should be ashamed bullying Risto like this.

When Risto pays you back (which he will) you ought to be ready to apologise.

He is a good intentioned, god-fearing man, and there's no way on Earth he would choose personal profit at the expense of his brothers and sisters.

You will soon see that Risto pays back every penny, and though you might mock him (even after the event) he will have the ultimate upper hand.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

I'm quite certain Risto is about to make a huge sacrifice and will ensure every penny is paid to every one owed.

But it is he who shall have the last glory, as the father looks on with more satisfaction than ever before.

This will happen in seven days from now. Mark my words.

We shall see.

He is right Smooth! You shouldn't have started this like this! How will you apologies after it's all over?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 01, 2017, 02:05:20 AM
smooth how will you undo the fact that this FenrirCK guy called Syksy?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CoinCidental on May 01, 2017, 02:27:59 AM
You all should be ashamed bullying Risto like this.

When Risto pays you back (which he will) you ought to be ready to apologise.

He is a good intentioned, god-fearing man, and there's no way on Earth he would choose personal profit at the expense of his brothers and sisters.

You will soon see that Risto pays back every penny, and though you might mock him (even after the event) he will have the ultimate upper hand.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

I'm quite certain Risto is about to make a huge sacrifice and will ensure every penny is paid to every one owed.

But it is he who shall have the last glory, as the father looks on with more satisfaction than ever before.

This will happen in seven days from now. Mark my words.

Those are some brave statements from a throwaway  account....
Why not just post from your regular one?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on May 01, 2017, 02:52:18 AM
You all should be ashamed bullying Risto like this.

When Risto pays you back (which he will) you ought to be ready to apologise.

He is a good intentioned, god-fearing man, and there's no way on Earth he would choose personal profit at the expense of his brothers and sisters.

You will soon see that Risto pays back every penny, and though you might mock him (even after the event) he will have the ultimate upper hand.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

I'm quite certain Risto is about to make a huge sacrifice and will ensure every penny is paid to every one owed.

But it is he who shall have the last glory, as the father looks on with more satisfaction than ever before.

This will happen in seven days from now. Mark my words.

We shall see.

He is right Smooth! You shouldn't have started this like this! How will you apologies after it's all over?

Everything I wrote is factual and accurate (if not, by mistake, I'm happy to accept corrections). I have nothing to apologize for.

Once I am paid what I am owed, I will update with those new facts accordingly. Others who are owed and, thus far, unpaid, are welcome to do the same.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 01, 2017, 02:57:46 AM
You all should be ashamed bullying Risto like this.

When Risto pays you back (which he will) you ought to be ready to apologise.

He is a good intentioned, god-fearing man, and there's no way on Earth he would choose personal profit at the expense of his brothers and sisters.

You will soon see that Risto pays back every penny, and though you might mock him (even after the event) he will have the ultimate upper hand.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

I'm quite certain Risto is about to make a huge sacrifice and will ensure every penny is paid to every one owed.

But it is he who shall have the last glory, as the father looks on with more satisfaction than ever before.

This will happen in seven days from now. Mark my words.

We shall see.

He is right Smooth! You shouldn't have started this like this! How will you apologies after it's all over?

Everything I wrote is factual and accurate (if not, by mistake, I'm happy to accept corrections). I have nothing to apologize for.

Once I am paid what I am owed, I will update with those new facts accordingly. Others who are owed and, thus far, unpaid, are welcome to do the same.

And you think apologies after payment are not necessary?(I just want to see what kind of person you are since you have id 18 ... I might meet you at Malla).

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on May 01, 2017, 06:53:25 AM
You all should be ashamed bullying Risto like this.

When Risto pays you back (which he will) you ought to be ready to apologise.

He is a good intentioned, god-fearing man, and there's no way on Earth he would choose personal profit at the expense of his brothers and sisters.

You will soon see that Risto pays back every penny, and though you might mock him (even after the event) he will have the ultimate upper hand.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

I'm quite certain Risto is about to make a huge sacrifice and will ensure every penny is paid to every one owed.

But it is he who shall have the last glory, as the father looks on with more satisfaction than ever before.

This will happen in seven days from now. Mark my words.

We shall see.

He is right Smooth! You shouldn't have started this like this! How will you apologies after it's all over?

Everything I wrote is factual and accurate (if not, by mistake, I'm happy to accept corrections). I have nothing to apologize for.

Once I am paid what I am owed, I will update with those new facts accordingly. Others who are owed and, thus far, unpaid, are welcome to do the same.

And you think apologies after payment are not necessary?(I just want to see what kind of person you are since you have id 18 ... I might meet you at Malla).

If I have misstated anything or otherwise erred, then I should and will apologize. I'm not aware of such. Calling out financial irresponsibility and non-payment is not, in and of itself, something that calls for apology, even if the debt is eventually settled.

You, on the other hand, appear to repeatedly downplay and dismiss such irresponsibility and failure to pay, and in doing so tend toward implicating yourself as an enabler at best and a willing participant at worst. If this is not intended, then you might consider modifying your behavior.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on May 01, 2017, 09:18:08 AM
Oh my.

Who are you? Please identify yourself! And then show me the proofs you have!

Ad hominem attacks are exceptionally useless here when obviously rpietila has scammed a whole community.
If you come to Eira (Helsinki, Finland), I will consider meeting you in person. I believe neither of us has anything to gain from this though, as this is a community effort.
Which proofs exactly? I believe rpietila's scam has been more than proven by a multitude of highly respected and trustworthy people within bitcointalk.

Here is my attempt to answer your questions, but I guess you will not even read the post properly.

I have taken 0 EURO from Risto's hand!
Now show me the profs that show the contrary?

Even in this very thread:

He got a paid trip to Talinn as he was first to claim and he got I think 3000€ there another time which is the reason he's defensive about the game, he was one of the lucky ones that managed to cash out.

I am too busy to dig out the through the main thread again (might've even been removed), but you introduced him to the game and you appeared to be close friends there. That's why I'd consider his statement exceptionally legit. Basically you were on the top of the pyramid and now you're a paid shill.

And it's none of your businesses what I do and how I do it and wherever I do it!

It becomes my (=our, the CK, Monero and even whole crypto community) business if you keep protecting a known scammer. How and where you do it is becoming increasingly clear from your very own posts.

Got it MAN?

Who ever said I am MALE?

And stop using double standards with me!

If you really want to talk to me then why don't you come over?
Let's meet face to face!

I gave you a chance to clear your name and even moved you to harmless-section, until it was brought to my attention that you are actively shilling rpietila's scam. Instead of validating your previous position you go ad hominem and deny proof that has been posted here in the very thread. According to yourself, you "only withdrew 0.0052mBTC from b2".

I don't really want to talk to you. I compiled a community-driven list and now you're attacking each of us individually, even further validating your suspected position by shooting the messenger. I won't even comment on your between-the-lines threats, and won't waste my time on making more vain trips abroad. Don't call double standards when you don't even know the meaning of it.

smooth how will you undo the fact that this FenrirCK guy called Syksy?

I have never called him. That is not my modus operandi - I have found all the necessary information from active people in the channel, community as well as (laborous) digging of the main thread, something I hope never to have to do again. Even if I did call him, what difference would it make and why would it matter? rpietila would still be as scammy as ever, and you'd keep supporting him.

I second smooth's comment addressing your behavior:

You, on the other hand, appear to repeatedly downplay and dismiss such irresponsibility and failure to pay, and in doing so tend toward implicating yourself as an enabler at best and a willing participant at worst. If this is not intended, then you might consider modifying your behavior.

Lastly, I believe the best we can attain from this debate is agree to disagree, but I take it you're not willing to accept that offer.

Lastly last, since rpietila stalks this thread and likes the 90s popular music and the video and lyrics are highly relevant, check this out on repeat: Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) (

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: iluvbitcoins on May 01, 2017, 09:48:10 AM

And you think apologies after payment are not necessary?(I just want to see what kind of person you are since you have id 18 ... I might meet you at Malla).

If Risto was in our shoes he'd do the same.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 01, 2017, 11:01:57 AM
The 3000 euros I made were from arbitrage trading and as you can see in the logs I posted SirJacket offered me the start with 250 E1 and I withdrew them from the reception desk not from Risto.

Got it GIRL?

Risto didn't payed me anything with his money!

Also for the other accusation like "receiving items of luxury" and "early bribes in Tallinn" can you show me the proofs?
Also I've never seen a proof about me protecting Risto, yet you keep saying that! Why?

When I ask for proofs I'm asking for proofs about the accusation you bring to me!

P.S. if you really are a girl and talk like that then I'm sorry for you!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 01, 2017, 11:13:32 AM
Also I don't get it why you generalize everything and say that I'm protecting Risto when I attacked sammy007?
I did it because I don't like him!Got it?I even posted profs why I don't like him so why my category didn't change?
Please explain to me!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: shinohai on May 01, 2017, 04:02:25 PM
From The #trilema logs ( this morning:

"oh, there's a game that actually works, run by the only guy who actually has money or understands business in this cloud of idiots. tell you what -- we'll pretend to be offended at "fuckgoats" and stick with some utter derpitude run by a mentally ill runt. then a year or two years or whatever later we'll go ... "unfortunately" and act like no one could have fucking predicted".

Keep the lulz coming, I'll continue to munch popcorn happily whilst hoarding actual Bitcoin in Eulora when time permits.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on May 01, 2017, 05:14:40 PM
You all should be ashamed bullying Risto like this.

When Risto pays you back (which he will) you ought to be ready to apologise.

He is a good intentioned, god-fearing man, and there's no way on Earth he would choose personal profit at the expense of his brothers and sisters.

You will soon see that Risto pays back every penny, and though you might mock him (even after the event) he will have the ultimate upper hand.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.

I'm quite certain Risto is about to make a huge sacrifice and will ensure every penny is paid to every one owed.

But it is he who shall have the last glory, as the father looks on with more satisfaction than ever before.

This will happen in seven days from now. Mark my words.

Those are some brave statements from a throwaway  account....
Why not just post from your regular one?

That acc is one of many myself and others caught regularly trying to manipulate ( the sentiment over the speculation thread, I have no idea who is behind them but with brief interaction and shallow analysis I would say be extremely cautious with anything they say as we are dealing with a true sociopath with no shame or remorse, funny enough he like to confess this trait through his sockpuppets and also ''bust'' some of his own sockpuppets just for show.

I forgot who made this but it lists at least some of them.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 01, 2017, 07:04:07 PM

Keep the lulz coming, I'll continue to munch popcorn happily whilst hoarding actual Bitcoin in Eulora when time permits.

Does it accept XMR? And when is MP joining the Monero party?

Hopefully never. The train is going direction Kingdom now.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: ArticMine on May 01, 2017, 08:47:18 PM

Keep the lulz coming, I'll continue to munch popcorn happily whilst hoarding actual Bitcoin in Eulora when time permits.

Does it accept XMR? And when is MP joining the Monero party?

Hopefully never. The train is going direction Kingdom now.

I can understand why. Running a fractional reserve / short on an asset that can rise in purchasing power by 4600% in a year does not work very well.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: luigi1111 on May 01, 2017, 10:02:21 PM
Just want to affirm that everything presented here (regarding lack of payment and amounts owed) is true to the best of my knowledge. I do not presently have any unpaid withdrawals, but do have "b1", the in-game representation of this (now assumed fractional reserve) depository.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: shinohai on May 01, 2017, 11:44:30 PM

Keep the lulz coming, I'll continue to munch popcorn happily whilst hoarding actual Bitcoin in Eulora when time permits.

Does it accept XMR? And when is MP joining the Monero party?

Hopefully never. The train is going direction Kingdom now.

I can understand why. Running a fractional reserve / short on an asset that can rise in purchasing power by 4600% in a year does not work very well.

Hence why he can rest assured that MP won't be joining the XMR party. He tends not to consort with scammers.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CoinCidental on May 05, 2017, 04:00:01 AM

Keep the lulz coming, I'll continue to munch popcorn happily whilst hoarding actual Bitcoin in Eulora when time permits.

Does it accept XMR? And when is MP joining the Monero party?

Hopefully never. The train is going direction Kingdom now.

I can understand why. Running a fractional reserve / short on an asset that can rise in purchasing power by 4600% in a year does not work very well.

Hence why he can rest assured that MP won't be joining the XMR party. He tends not to consort with scammers.

Is MP referring to Mircea Popescu?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: goin2mars. on May 05, 2017, 10:54:44 AM
I would assume this to be the only reason shinohai would be posting here.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on May 05, 2017, 10:08:31 PM

Keep the lulz coming, I'll continue to munch popcorn happily whilst hoarding actual Bitcoin in Eulora when time permits.

Does it accept XMR? And when is MP joining the Monero party?

Hopefully never. The train is going direction Kingdom now.

Choo Choo.
Amusingly enough, I paid a visit to Erki last Friday (and found out you were supposed to meet but failed to do so - this is just too ridiculous, I couldn't come up with this shit). I do hope the Malla-bubble is still holding up.

Seems the only thing the train dropped on the way to the Kingdom was its waste containers. Meanwhile the Kingdom's real assets are being frozen in Estonia, and the panic has reached across your personal acquintances. Jaakko is not happy; imagine what Thud thinks when he's found out that the previously reliable depository treasurer of M3 resigned. Just imagine how the chairman/-men of your companies react when they hear of your "CAN adventures in the Kingdom". I think linking some quality classical music with accompanying porn might settle them down though.

I enjoy watching the events unfold. Like good wine - except this time you pissed in it, forgot about it, and now you're drinking it. Classic.

Times change my dear. Clock's ticking.
Choo Choo. Tick Tock.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 06, 2017, 08:28:16 AM

FUCK YOURSELF. If you are too stupid to realise that the train left you, well - let there be others to laugh at you instead..  :P :-[


Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on May 06, 2017, 10:37:26 PM

Dearest Risto,
thank you for your kind and swift response. I find your proposition both thrilling and - I must admit - most appealing. However, I decide where, how and when I masturbate, but I will possibly heed your above-quoted advice. Unlike you, I am not a slave to my immediate flesh and desires, and find other matters more urgent. In due time though as a master of my own body, and if I find the pastime and partner(s) permitting, I may. However, as you have so far been unable to make me wet and you have been witnessed walking around in your silken gown with a 3" bump on your groin, I don't want to leave you 'hanging':

I'd like to propose a game. Every time you insult, caps lock or lie, I will reveal my matrix-penetrating bossoms of galactic proportions to shine upon thee (=LIGHT). In your language this means that I will reveal something about myself. As I specialize in intel in all of its forms, consider this an honor. However, simultaneously I will reveal the darkness of how you squirm like a maggot in your own feces (=DARKNESS). In your language this means that I will reveal more dirty details of you, some of which you possibly didn't even realize yourself. Emphasis shall be on amusement, as we are not dealing within a professional forum.

Let us start with a simple example:

When I have said that "I was unable to withdraw and was violently" or "I did not call him" or such, this statement may or may not have extended through my network of contacts. So in your naive perspective you may find some of my statements deceitful. The median of my operation typically extends to jumps of 3 people, depending on the task; for example withdrawal of hundreds of thousands may even be a 2-jump trustee. The social network is built depth-first and is scarce with a central node (with sewing of the center available in case the central node goes MIA). For people in the cryptocommunity this modus operandi ought to be quite intuitive, but since you may be a newbie to the inner circles, let it be made clear. I found it most amusing when you started cross-checking names of those who tried to withdraw E1/B1/M3 and which were met with rude violence, in order to find out who I am - utterly failing in the task. Fun fact: I have never even logged into Crypto Kingdom nor do I have the desire to. I am the she-wolf, and your kind mostly go ignored by me and my kind. However, should you kick one of my pups (which you have), I do tend to take action.

I sent one of my employees to scout out Malla when I attended Tallinn (don't worry, I had other business to attend to besides Erki). I ordered him not to infringe privacy and to behave as if he was an architecture student interested in Soviet preservation of national heritages of Eesti. What he reported was not what I expected; this supposed "Malla Castle" is a complete wreck; a humiliating disaster and an extremely bad investment by any measure. I now realize why you never post any interior pictures. I now realize why the emphasis is always on a single half of the front-side of the supposed "Castle". Inside was a complete mess, unlivable and possibly even moist due to bad drainage.

I did some research and found this golden nugget, which shows the conditions as presented by you in your "Quality thread": (
Do you run this same image on Malla homepage and/or social media sites? Turns out it is photoshopped. The reality is not as fancy; ( (
The only potentially livable conditions there existed in the small buildings purposed to be the servants' quarters (usually hidden from the public, apparently even discouraged to be photographed according to testimonials by locals). Sniff sniff, is that irony I smell? Yup, servants' quarters.

Waiting eagerly for your tender response,

(Kindly generated by

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on May 06, 2017, 11:11:47 PM
LOL... So hilarious, what a scammer/loser piece of shit. BTW risto, you owe me 50 XMR.  ::)

The "Castle" on Google Maps (LOL) (,26.5892785,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s-Gftep38dESM%2FVIUi4vW5yhI%2FAAAAAAAAB8I%2FqwnOs-yeg50i26-HXoXYf4fhRY9nNQmRQCJkC!2e4!3e12!!7i2304!8i2304!4m5!3m4!1s0x46939a36ca9dcaad:0x52a484313a1f5a69!8m2!3d59.5008297!4d26.5898305!6m1!1e1)

Edit - 

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CrazyLoaf on May 07, 2017, 12:02:07 AM
Every time you insult, caps lock or lie, I will reveal my matrix-penetrating bossoms of galactic proportions to shine upon thee (=LIGHT). In your language this means that I will reveal something about myself. As I specialize in intel in all of its forms, consider this an honor. However, simultaneously I will reveal the darkness of how you squirm like a maggot in your own feces (=DARKNESS). In your language this means that I will reveal more dirty details of you, some of which you possibly didn't even realize yourself. Emphasis shall be on amusement, as we are not dealing within a professional forum.

Looking forward to more insults, caps locks, or lies as those matrix-penetrating bossoms of galactic proportions rise on the horizon ;D Also want sexier intel as I thought it was common knowledge that Malla Manor wasn't in the best of shape and the value was more in the land (doesn't it have several 10's of acres)?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on May 07, 2017, 12:25:49 AM
Every time you insult, caps lock or lie, I will reveal my matrix-penetrating bossoms of galactic proportions to shine upon thee (=LIGHT). In your language this means that I will reveal something about myself. As I specialize in intel in all of its forms, consider this an honor. However, simultaneously I will reveal the darkness of how you squirm like a maggot in your own feces (=DARKNESS). In your language this means that I will reveal more dirty details of you, some of which you possibly didn't even realize yourself. Emphasis shall be on amusement, as we are not dealing within a professional forum.

Looking forward to more insults, caps locks, or lies as those matrix-penetrating bossoms of galactic proportions rise on the horizon ;D Also want sexier intel as I thought it was common knowledge that Malla Manor wasn't in the best of shape and the value was more in the land (doesn't it have several 10's of acres)?

No, it's not common knowledge at all, see these google searches on news? Fucking scamming piece of lying shit.

Does anyone have a recent picture to prove this asshole is a lying, scamming piece of shit once and for all? ???

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on May 07, 2017, 02:49:24 AM
That picture of him with the rented Rolls is a perfect shot of a piece of Euro Trash.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: ArticMine on May 07, 2017, 04:50:23 AM
That picture of him with the rented Rolls is a perfect shot of a piece of Euro Trash.
... Picture see above ...

Personally I find the following book which I read in the 1990's ( very relevant to the above picture and its subject's debts.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: ArticMine on May 07, 2017, 04:28:05 PM
A series of posts related to the non repayment of debts by rpietila were deleted by  rpietila from the Crypto Kingdom  thread .They have been reposted here. ( I consider this post deletion a further indication of bad faith on the part of rpietila

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 08, 2017, 12:42:57 AM
IF I Agree With Anything Anyone Says, I Will Indicate It. Until otherwise announced, everyone else except ME is speaking bullshit( in this thread at least). No offense GIRLs and others who are close to truth.

Jesus motherfucking God.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on May 08, 2017, 12:52:13 AM
IF I Agree With Anything Anyone Says, I Will Indicate It. Until otherwise announced, everyone else except ME is speaking bullshit( in this thread at least). No offense GIRLs and others who are close to truth.

Jesus motherfucking God.

Scamming loser piece of trash .... Good luck in the afterlife, "looser"... ;D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 08, 2017, 12:54:49 AM
IF I Agree With Anything Anyone Says, I Will Indicate It. Until otherwise announced, everyone else except ME is speaking bullshit( in this thread at least). No offense GIRLs and others who are close to truth.

Jesus motherfucking God.

Scamming loser piece of trash .... Good luck in the afterlife, "looser"... ;D

No offense to anyone but I would like to be a "looser" like Risto :) 2mil in polo is just crazy and insanely brilliant in the same time!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 08, 2017, 01:06:12 AM
IF I Agree With Anything Anyone Says, I Will Indicate It. Until otherwise announced, everyone else except ME is speaking bullshit( in this thread at least). No offense GIRLs and others who are close to truth.

Jesus motherfucking God.

Scamming loser piece of trash .... Good luck in the afterlife, "looser"... ;D

No offense to anyone but I would like to be a "looser" like Risto :) 2mil in polo is just crazy and insanely brilliant in the same time!

The less I collect the debts from the assfuckers who don't even know Finnish (or any intelligible language), the more [   ]Universe:* is GIVing me back. Not that they'd escape punishment, but that's their Karma. I can SING anything now (, so don't please try to kill** ME.

* Wildcard.
** or: 'do anything that requires me of a fuck that I am unwilling to give except with a sting (for the fuckee's benefit ofc(xN))'.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on May 08, 2017, 01:24:32 AM
Right, so that absolves you of scamming me? Fuck you Risto you piece of shit. Die in a fire. Faggot.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 08, 2017, 01:25:53 AM
Right, so that absolves you of scamming me? Fuck you Risto you piece of shit. Die in a fire. Faggot.


Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on May 08, 2017, 01:31:04 AM
Right, so that absolves you of scamming me? Fuck you Risto you piece of shit. Die in a fire. Faggot.


Look at the trust i left you - you figure it out because I gave you 50 XMR and I don't see where it went or anything. Thanks for scamming a newbie, you euro-trash piece of shit. Again, go die in a fire.

PS - DAN MONERO MOTHERFUCKER..... GET IT??? NO??? Then you are clearly a scammer and a delusional fuck who has no conscious. Fuck off.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on May 08, 2017, 01:32:34 AM
That picture of him with the rented Rolls is a perfect shot of a piece of Euro Trash.

LOL.. Euro trash #1 right there... ;D

Edit most morally bankrupt bitch on earth right now.. Piece of scamming shit.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 08, 2017, 01:35:10 AM
Right, so that absolves you of scamming me? Fuck you Risto you piece of shit. Die in a fire. Faggot.


Just FYI: the last sentence is MY abbreviated Style (name-title). Hardly applies to you, punk(, no)?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on May 08, 2017, 01:36:36 AM
Right, so that absolves you of scamming me? Fuck you Risto you piece of shit. Die in a fire. Faggot.


Just FYI: the last sentence is MY abbreviated Style (name-title). Hardly applies to you, punk(, no)?

Fuck you scamming piece of shit. LOL.. Love how you get so mad and post such lunacy. It's quite fun thank you! :D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 08, 2017, 01:37:42 AM
I beg to remain your HIghest servant,
(and quickly, please)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on May 08, 2017, 01:38:24 AM
I beg to remain your HIghest servant,
(and quickly, please)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smoothie on May 08, 2017, 03:06:17 AM
IF I Agree With Anything Anyone Says, I Will Indicate It. Until otherwise announced, everyone else except ME is speaking bullshit( in this thread at least). No offense GIRLs and others who are close to truth.

Jesus motherfucking God.

Usually narcissists have that type of attitude where the entire world is wrong...and they are in the right.


You must live in a world of rainbows and unicorns, no?

To me it speaks volumes when trusted members of the community are all claiming you have scammed them or others.

My 0.02 XMR

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 08, 2017, 03:21:26 AM
To me it speaks volumes when trusted members of the community are all claiming you have scammed them or others.

To me, a shred of VALID CLAIM trumps all the hot air of the community(, sorry, etc).

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on May 08, 2017, 03:31:45 AM
To me it speaks volumes when trusted members of the community are all claiming you have scammed them or others.

To me, a shred of VALID CLAIM trumps all the hot air of the community(, sorry, etc).

The valid claims derive from the offer of payment upon delivery of units of the in-game item quoted in the OP along with the units of the in-game item (B1) that were so delivered, which is documented in the game database and witnessed by many (and tabulated in the quoted linked spreadsheet). Your suggestion that these claims lack validity is nonsense.

Furthermore none of this would have even happened had you delivered the BTC to the game treasurer (at the time saddam) as was expected of all players making deposits into the game. You instead did so on credit, which leaves you owing the game/treasury/other players BTC unless you buy back the tokens, which is what you did. So either way you owe. There is zero legitimate question of validity here.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on May 08, 2017, 04:54:27 AM
Yeah, and whoever does not want to help, but also does no harm: (S/)HE will just miss out of the fun.

Everyone will get paid once darkness is out of the Universe.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: elrippo on May 08, 2017, 05:08:46 AM

Dearest Risto,
thank you for your kind and swift response. I find your proposition both thrilling and - I must admit - most appealing. However, I decide where, how and when I masturbate, but I will possibly heed your above-quoted advice. Unlike you, I am not a slave to my immediate flesh and desires, and find other matters more urgent. In due time though as a master of my own body, and if I find the pastime and partner(s) permitting, I may. However, as you have so far been unable to make me wet and you have been witnessed walking around in your silken gown with a 3" bump on your groin, I don't want to leave you 'hanging':

I'd like to propose a game. Every time you insult, caps lock or lie, I will reveal my matrix-penetrating bossoms of galactic proportions to shine upon thee (=LIGHT). In your language this means that I will reveal something about myself. As I specialize in intel in all of its forms, consider this an honor. However, simultaneously I will reveal the darkness of how you squirm like a maggot in your own feces (=DARKNESS). In your language this means that I will reveal more dirty details of you, some of which you possibly didn't even realize yourself. Emphasis shall be on amusement, as we are not dealing within a professional forum.

Let us start with a simple example:

When I have said that "I was unable to withdraw and was violently" or "I did not call him" or such, this statement may or may not have extended through my network of contacts. So in your naive perspective you may find some of my statements deceitful. The median of my operation typically extends to jumps of 3 people, depending on the task; for example withdrawal of hundreds of thousands may even be a 2-jump trustee. The social network is built depth-first and is scarce with a central node (with sewing of the center available in case the central node goes MIA). For people in the cryptocommunity this modus operandi ought to be quite intuitive, but since you may be a newbie to the inner circles, let it be made clear. I found it most amusing when you started cross-checking names of those who tried to withdraw E1/B1/M3 and which were met with rude violence, in order to find out who I am - utterly failing in the task. Fun fact: I have never even logged into Crypto Kingdom nor do I have the desire to. I am the she-wolf, and your kind mostly go ignored by me and my kind. However, should you kick one of my pups (which you have), I do tend to take action.

I sent one of my employees to scout out Malla when I attended Tallinn (don't worry, I had other business to attend to besides Erki). I ordered him not to infringe privacy and to behave as if he was an architecture student interested in Soviet preservation of national heritages of Eesti. What he reported was not what I expected; this supposed "Malla Castle" is a complete wreck; a humiliating disaster and an extremely bad investment by any measure. I now realize why you never post any interior pictures. I now realize why the emphasis is always on a single half of the front-side of the supposed "Castle". Inside was a complete mess, unlivable and possibly even moist due to bad drainage.

I did some research and found this golden nugget, which shows the conditions as presented by you in your "Quality thread": (
Do you run this same image on Malla homepage and/or social media sites? Turns out it is photoshopped. The reality is not as fancy; ( (
The only potentially livable conditions there existed in the small buildings purposed to be the servants' quarters (usually hidden from the public, apparently even discouraged to be photographed according to testimonials by locals). Sniff sniff, is that irony I smell? Yup, servants' quarters.

Waiting eagerly for your tender response,

(Kindly generated by

You talk like you are the innocense in person who has nothing to hide and does everything perfectly. Think about your own circumstances first, then point on others.
And by the meaning of older buildings. Yes they are falling apart if you do not look after them, what's new on that?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 08, 2017, 09:11:22 AM

Dearest Risto,
thank you for your kind and swift response. I find your proposition both thrilling and - I must admit - most appealing. However, I decide where, how and when I masturbate, but I will possibly heed your above-quoted advice. Unlike you, I am not a slave to my immediate flesh and desires, and find other matters more urgent. In due time though as a master of my own body, and if I find the pastime and partner(s) permitting, I may. However, as you have so far been unable to make me wet and you have been witnessed walking around in your silken gown with a 3" bump on your groin, I don't want to leave you 'hanging':

I'd like to propose a game. Every time you insult, caps lock or lie, I will reveal my matrix-penetrating bossoms of galactic proportions to shine upon thee (=LIGHT). In your language this means that I will reveal something about myself. As I specialize in intel in all of its forms, consider this an honor. However, simultaneously I will reveal the darkness of how you squirm like a maggot in your own feces (=DARKNESS). In your language this means that I will reveal more dirty details of you, some of which you possibly didn't even realize yourself. Emphasis shall be on amusement, as we are not dealing within a professional forum.

Let us start with a simple example:

When I have said that "I was unable to withdraw and was violently" or "I did not call him" or such, this statement may or may not have extended through my network of contacts. So in your naive perspective you may find some of my statements deceitful. The median of my operation typically extends to jumps of 3 people, depending on the task; for example withdrawal of hundreds of thousands may even be a 2-jump trustee. The social network is built depth-first and is scarce with a central node (with sewing of the center available in case the central node goes MIA). For people in the cryptocommunity this modus operandi ought to be quite intuitive, but since you may be a newbie to the inner circles, let it be made clear. I found it most amusing when you started cross-checking names of those who tried to withdraw E1/B1/M3 and which were met with rude violence, in order to find out who I am - utterly failing in the task. Fun fact: I have never even logged into Crypto Kingdom nor do I have the desire to. I am the she-wolf, and your kind mostly go ignored by me and my kind. However, should you kick one of my pups (which you have), I do tend to take action.

I sent one of my employees to scout out Malla when I attended Tallinn (don't worry, I had other business to attend to besides Erki). I ordered him not to infringe privacy and to behave as if he was an architecture student interested in Soviet preservation of national heritages of Eesti. What he reported was not what I expected; this supposed "Malla Castle" is a complete wreck; a humiliating disaster and an extremely bad investment by any measure. I now realize why you never post any interior pictures. I now realize why the emphasis is always on a single half of the front-side of the supposed "Castle". Inside was a complete mess, unlivable and possibly even moist due to bad drainage.

I did some research and found this golden nugget, which shows the conditions as presented by you in your "Quality thread": (
Do you run this same image on Malla homepage and/or social media sites? Turns out it is photoshopped. The reality is not as fancy; ( (
The only potentially livable conditions there existed in the small buildings purposed to be the servants' quarters (usually hidden from the public, apparently even discouraged to be photographed according to testimonials by locals). Sniff sniff, is that irony I smell? Yup, servants' quarters.

Waiting eagerly for your tender response,

(Kindly generated by

You talk like you are the innocense in person who has nothing to hide and does everything perfectly. Think about your own circumstances first, then point on others.
And by the meaning of older buildings. Yes they are falling apart if you do not look after them, what's new on that?

I find it quite amusing that the student didn't took some photos to back up your words :))


Where were you locked down until now FenerirCK?

Is this the first few time you access the internet?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on May 08, 2017, 01:45:17 PM
Community compiled & reviewed list of participants:

Do not trust. Please downvote for trust.

rpietila / Zechariah
  • Refusal / dodging numerous withdrawals of BTC, XMR as well as EUR
  • Violent behavior when approached in person to withdraw EUR
  • Moderating CK main thread to remove whistleblowers
  • Falsifying stories of fires and threats and theft to justify not paying debts
  • Mentally ill, and possibly psychotic or under narcotics
  • Single-handedly changed terms on his obligations to BTC debts to be paid back in Markka (=his own monopoly money)
  • Printing in-game BTC and XMR without corresponding deposits

Fraudalent / Ignorant / Ass-licking shitpants
Potentially cleared in the future. I suggest not trusting until otherwise announced.

Cconnected (Kert Hallik), Malgarthius, Dannybreal, Larsinoense, Vigens, and other at-site employees
  • Shutting up whistleblowers in various channels
  • Apparently employed by rpietila to upkeep shill

  • Repeated support of rpietila and being present in physical form in Tallinn
  • Shutting up whistleblowers in CK main thread and IRC
  • Elevated due to community messages for repeatedly protecting the scammer (received early bribes in Tallinn)

Please comment to clear your name ASAP.

Just caught in-between due to bad luck (?).

  • Paid by rpietila (software development)
  • The only person with access to Crypto Kingdom source code and/or database

Multiple gamemasters / contributors of Crypto Kingdom
  • Misled by rpietila into wasting their time and deposits while he pocketed the money and took advantage of the content

Cleared and trustworthy
Good guys caught amidst the mess.

  • Ex-depository manager for both B1 / M3
  • Has cleared all deposits and withdrawals without flaws while in office. Trustworthy person, who is now leaving due to the obvious on-going scam. Vote him trustworthy.

  • Future depo-runner to-be, until rpietila fucked things up
  • Held much less depo assets than rpietila had let the public understand and was falsely accused by rpietila of failing to run the depo (simultaneously rpietila setting up his mirror BTC depo), thus caught flak undeservingly

Please review so this list may grow to be extensive and trustworthy. I suggest it be attached to smooth's original post and kept up-to-date.

Exactly how am i involved in this?  If people want to see my itinerary to Usa while all this has been going on and also my deposits to the game to build my CK character. I would like a open apology by the poster of this post and also clear my name.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Zepher on May 08, 2017, 03:10:52 PM
I had posted this in rpietela's self moderated thread (, but deleted it as I am sure it would have been deleted anyway. So it goes here.

This was uploaded by rpietela himself here (

Having a $7K withdrawal limit on a balance of that size is absurd. You can easily get that increased on Poloniex to $25K by providing some form of ID, such as a drivers licence, or $100K with further docs and a phone call.

I have never played this "game", but it saddens me to see good people effectively being scammed here. You have $2M in crypto on Polo. Pay your damn debts.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 08, 2017, 05:53:45 PM
Community compiled & reviewed list of participants:

Do not trust. Please downvote for trust.

rpietila / Zechariah
  • Refusal / dodging numerous withdrawals of BTC, XMR as well as EUR
  • Violent behavior when approached in person to withdraw EUR
  • Moderating CK main thread to remove whistleblowers
  • Falsifying stories of fires and threats and theft to justify not paying debts
  • Mentally ill, and possibly psychotic or under narcotics
  • Single-handedly changed terms on his obligations to BTC debts to be paid back in Markka (=his own monopoly money)
  • Printing in-game BTC and XMR without corresponding deposits

Fraudalent / Ignorant / Ass-licking shitpants
Potentially cleared in the future. I suggest not trusting until otherwise announced.

Cconnected (Kert Hallik), Malgarthius, Dannybreal, Larsinoense, Vigens, and other at-site employees
  • Shutting up whistleblowers in various channels
  • Apparently employed by rpietila to upkeep shill

  • Repeated support of rpietila and being present in physical form in Tallinn
  • Shutting up whistleblowers in CK main thread and IRC
  • Elevated due to community messages for repeatedly protecting the scammer (received early bribes in Tallinn)

Please comment to clear your name ASAP.

Just caught in-between due to bad luck (?).

  • Paid by rpietila (software development)
  • The only person with access to Crypto Kingdom source code and/or database

Multiple gamemasters / contributors of Crypto Kingdom
  • Misled by rpietila into wasting their time and deposits while he pocketed the money and took advantage of the content

Cleared and trustworthy
Good guys caught amidst the mess.

  • Ex-depository manager for both B1 / M3
  • Has cleared all deposits and withdrawals without flaws while in office. Trustworthy person, who is now leaving due to the obvious on-going scam. Vote him trustworthy.

  • Future depo-runner to-be, until rpietila fucked things up
  • Held much less depo assets than rpietila had let the public understand and was falsely accused by rpietila of failing to run the depo (simultaneously rpietila setting up his mirror BTC depo), thus caught flak undeservingly

Please review so this list may grow to be extensive and trustworthy. I suggest it be attached to smooth's original post and kept up-to-date.

Exactly how am i involved in this?  If people want to see my itinerary to Usa while all this has been going on and also my deposits to the game to build my CK character. I would like a open apology by the poster of this post and also clear my name.

don't take it too serious

it's fenerirck first time on the internet.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Fragbait on May 08, 2017, 06:02:49 PM
Having a $7K withdrawal limit on a balance of that size is absurd. You can easily get that increased on Poloniex to $25K by providing some form of ID, such as a drivers licence, or $100K with further docs and a phone call.

It's not that easy if for example the account has been registered using a name for which it's hard to come up with an ID.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on May 08, 2017, 06:09:42 PM
Having a $7K withdrawal limit on a balance of that size is absurd. You can easily get that increased on Poloniex to $25K by providing some form of ID, such as a drivers licence, or $100K with further docs and a phone call.

It's not that easy if for example the account has been registered using a name for which it's hard to come up with an ID.

Opening a fraudulent trading account with a US based KYC/AML exchange and then leaving potentially millions of dollars of crypto on it would be magnificently dumb.

Opening the account ahead of the time the exchange became KYC/AML compliant and then ignoring the warning of those withdrawal limitations coming would be even more dumb.

I want to believe neither of those scenarios is in play here... ;)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: serje on May 08, 2017, 06:35:28 PM
Having a $7K withdrawal limit on a balance of that size is absurd. You can easily get that increased on Poloniex to $25K by providing some form of ID, such as a drivers licence, or $100K with further docs and a phone call.

It's not that easy if for example the account has been registered using a name for which it's hard to come up with an ID.

Opening a fraudulent trading account with a US based KYC/AML exchange and then leaving potentially millions of dollars of crypto on it would be magnificently dumb.

Opening the account ahead of the time the exchange became KYC/AML compliant and then ignoring the warning of those withdrawal limitations coming would be even more dumb.

I want to believe neither of those scenarios is in play here... ;)

Look at the bright side no one can steal his money from polo :D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on May 08, 2017, 08:21:12 PM
Having a $7K withdrawal limit on a balance of that size is absurd. You can easily get that increased on Poloniex to $25K by providing some form of ID, such as a drivers licence, or $100K with further docs and a phone call.

It's not that easy if for example the account has been registered using a name for which it's hard to come up with an ID.

Opening a fraudulent trading account with a US based KYC/AML exchange and then leaving potentially millions of dollars of crypto on it would be magnificently dumb.

Opening the account ahead of the time the exchange became KYC/AML compliant and then ignoring the warning of those withdrawal limitations coming would be even more dumb.

I want to believe neither of those scenarios is in play here... ;)

Look at the bright side no one can steal his money from polo :D

Nah...  nothing risky about leaving 2mm+ USD in crypto on an exchange that was previously hacked in a country that could at any moment seize assets of a person who is possibly getting deeper and deeper into monetary trouble...

Plus he can start withdrawing it.  He can do a little each day.  As long as he does 7k a day, and prices dont rise.... He'll have it all back in a year.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: ArticMine on May 11, 2017, 08:15:33 PM

Nah...  nothing risky about leaving 2mm+ USD in crypto on an exchange that was previously hacked in a country that could at any moment seize assets of a person who is possibly getting deeper and deeper into monetary trouble...

Plus he can start withdrawing it.  He can do a little each day.  As long as he does 7k a day, and prices dont rise.... He'll have it all back in a year.

With the bulk of the account in XMR. What is the chance that XMR/USD will not rise in a year?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: binaryFate on May 12, 2017, 10:16:09 AM
Cross-posting from self-moderated thread.

From this file:
Here are the relevant lines for me:

Date & Time                      Address to withdraw to                                   Principal             Principal + Interests

The principal is therefore 39.223 BTC, including interests (as of today) 216.286 BTC. Address is 14URMhzZ9vxL1odLAnWnJsJt46iutXkoDq.
I would advise to pay the principal if nothing else asap so the interests stop accruing.

This loss is basically coming from XMR I deposited to the game just the days before, and I am happy to accept XMR (for the same BTC value) instead of BTC if this is more convenient for you.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: upupup on May 16, 2017, 07:03:16 AM
Community compiled & reviewed list of participants:

Do not trust. Please downvote for trust.

rpietila / Zechariah
  • Refusal / dodging numerous withdrawals of BTC, XMR as well as EUR
  • Violent behavior when approached in person to withdraw EUR
  • Moderating CK main thread to remove whistleblowers
  • Falsifying stories of fires and threats and theft to justify not paying debts
  • Mentally ill, and possibly psychotic or under narcotics
  • Single-handedly changed terms on his obligations to BTC debts to be paid back in Markka (=his own monopoly money)
  • Printing in-game BTC and XMR without corresponding deposits

Fraudalent / Ignorant / Ass-licking shitpants
Potentially cleared in the future. I suggest not trusting until otherwise announced.

Cconnected (Kert Hallik), Malgarthius, Dannybreal, Larsinoense, Vigens, and other at-site employees
  • Shutting up whistleblowers in various channels
  • Apparently employed by rpietila to upkeep shill

  • Repeated support of rpietila and being present in physical form in Tallinn
  • Shutting up whistleblowers in CK main thread and IRC
  • Elevated due to community messages for repeatedly protecting the scammer (received early bribes in Tallinn)

Please comment to clear your name ASAP.

Just caught in-between due to bad luck (?).

  • Paid by rpietila (software development)
  • The only person with access to Crypto Kingdom source code and/or database

Multiple gamemasters / contributors of Crypto Kingdom
  • Misled by rpietila into wasting their time and deposits while he pocketed the money and took advantage of the content

Cleared and trustworthy
Good guys caught amidst the mess.

  • Ex-depository manager for both B1 / M3
  • Has cleared all deposits and withdrawals without flaws while in office. Trustworthy person, who is now leaving due to the obvious on-going scam. Vote him trustworthy.

  • Future depo-runner to-be, until rpietila fucked things up
  • Held much less depo assets than rpietila had let the public understand and was falsely accused by rpietila of failing to run the depo (simultaneously rpietila setting up his mirror BTC depo), thus caught flak undeservingly

Please review so this list may grow to be extensive and trustworthy. I suggest it be attached to smooth's original post and kept up-to-date.

Interesting read and all makes sense... Thanks!
P.S. me no fan of Rpitila and IMHO its obvious thats him who's creating evil master plan. Be careful, everyone!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on May 18, 2017, 07:31:10 PM
Kyrie Eleison, he has again ascended from the tar pits to dwell among us.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Why don't you just pay out B1 and take control of your own game?

Because the game is in rebellion, ignoring both ME and good manners.

Join my dinner instead and let's sort out the rebels tomorrow. (Sunday is the day for rest and some nice eating.)

Any decent moral pagan being or a Christian will rebel against the tyranny of such a Luciferian, who starts offering their souls as a sacrifice to Belzebub to gain more inane power within this world.
However, it is true that Sunday ought to be pacified for a decent meal and rest nevertheless. This is necessary to prepare you receptive for the on-coming disciplining. Rest well.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smoothie on May 18, 2017, 07:56:12 PM
Oh my God Smooth has the balls to call _anything_ a "scam"???

His entire professional career revolves around scamming people out of money.

Of course Reptilia is a scammer. We've all known that for years. The same thing about you, Smooth.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Anybody involved in XMR is a wasteman, that's as certain as the sun coming up in the morning.

Proof of claims and links please.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on May 18, 2017, 08:37:17 PM
Oh my God Smooth has the balls to call _anything_ a "scam"???

His entire professional career revolves around scamming people out of money.

Of course Reptilia is a scammer. We've all known that for years. The same thing about you, Smooth.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Anybody involved in XMR is a wasteman, that's as certain as the sun coming up in the morning.

Proof of claims and links please.

I don't have that much time to waste, but you basically spent years lying on this forum in order to promote your own financial welfare. I choose to spend my time in other ways. I just think its hilarious that you're calling somebody a scammer when you're one of the most fraudulent posters I've ever seen in action. Frankly I hope you lost a lot of money, to somebody with even more money than you. That's usually the way it goes. Welcome to planet earth.

Who are you talking about now, Smooth or Smoothie because you seem to be very confused?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on May 18, 2017, 09:37:10 PM
Oh my God Smooth has the balls to call _anything_ a "scam"???

His entire professional career revolves around scamming people out of money.

Of course Reptilia is a scammer. We've all known that for years. The same thing about you, Smooth.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Anybody involved in XMR is a wasteman, that's as certain as the sun coming up in the morning.

Proof of claims and links please.

I don't have that much time to waste, but you basically spent years lying on this forum in order to promote your own financial welfare. I choose to spend my time in other ways. I just think its hilarious that you're calling somebody a scammer when you're one of the most fraudulent posters I've ever seen in action. Frankly I hope you lost a lot of money, to somebody with even more money than you. That's usually the way it goes. Welcome to planet earth.

Who are you talking about now, Smooth or Smoothie because you seem to be very confused?

I found that amusing as well, he's been on ignore so long if he wasn't quoted i would have missed that gem. :)

BTW good to see you posting, it's been a minute. I've got the popcorn out in this thread. Lol

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rangedriver on May 18, 2017, 10:01:07 PM
Oh my God Smooth has the balls to call _anything_ a "scam"???

His entire professional career revolves around scamming people out of money.

Of course Reptilia is a scammer. We've all known that for years. The same thing about you, Smooth.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Anybody involved in XMR is a wasteman, that's as certain as the sun coming up in the morning.

No offence but you're really fucking dumb. I'm actually glad you're a failed neuroscientist because the amount of damage you could have done with your complete scientific ineptitude is alarming. It is viscerally frustrating like a nausea, to witness a cock fucking hypocritical twat like you express a moral and intellectual high ground without any real objective understanding of what you're talking about.

At least have the fucking self decency to check your facts.... cunt.,width=178,height=178/middle-finger-woman-ring.png

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on May 18, 2017, 10:10:30 PM
Oh my God Smooth has the balls to call _anything_ a "scam"???

His entire professional career revolves around scamming people out of money.

Of course Reptilia is a scammer. We've all known that for years. The same thing about you, Smooth.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Anybody involved in XMR is a wasteman, that's as certain as the sun coming up in the morning.

No offence but you're really fucking dumb. I'm actually glad you're a failed neuroscientist because the amount of damage you could have done with your complete scientific ineptitude is alarming. It is viscerally frustrating like a nausea, to witness a cock fucking hypocritical twat like you express a moral and intellectual high ground without any real objective understanding of what you're talking about.

At least have the fucking self decency to check your facts.... cunt.,width=178,height=178/middle-finger-woman-ring.png

You might want to dumb down that post, i'm not sure he'll pick up on the nuance. :D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on May 18, 2017, 10:17:52 PM
True, hes a dashtard after all isnt he?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on May 18, 2017, 10:37:59 PM
True, hes a dashtard after all isnt he?

I personally don't remember if he is a dashtard or not all I remember is putting him on ignore because all I've ever seen from him is hate. Of course the dashtards look like geniuses right now hah the irony. :)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smoothie on May 19, 2017, 02:32:59 PM
Oh my God Smooth has the balls to call _anything_ a "scam"???

His entire professional career revolves around scamming people out of money.

Of course Reptilia is a scammer. We've all known that for years. The same thing about you, Smooth.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Anybody involved in XMR is a wasteman, that's as certain as the sun coming up in the morning.

Proof of claims and links please.

I don't have that much time to waste, but you basically spent years lying on this forum in order to promote your own financial welfare. I choose to spend my time in other ways. I just think its hilarious that you're calling somebody a scammer when you're one of the most fraudulent posters I've ever seen in action. Frankly I hope you lost a lot of money, to somebody with even more money than you. That's usually the way it goes. Welcome to planet earth.

Lol you obviously can't read.

I'm smoothie

You are accusing smooth of lying etc.

Now back to reality. Where is your evidence/links/proof?


Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on May 19, 2017, 04:20:03 PM
You are using difficult words he likely doesnt understand.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on May 20, 2017, 10:08:03 AM
I have been watching this drama unfold for a while in silence.
And i warned you all ;)

Go read what i was saying about him 2 fucking years ago.

I TOLD YOU SO ..again.


I know lots ;)
Such as the guy above me commenting..
He was the one sitting on Cryptsy IRC for ages and on the MEW topic asking about the donated funds and then was called a "Fudder" by King Risto.

How dare he ASK ? the nerve of him WOW !

Oh and yeah i still get confused having two manic XMR shill's with the same name LOL
- Smooth
- Smoothie
- Smoother
- Smoothiest

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on May 31, 2017, 07:03:40 PM
Regarding the community-curated list of involved personnel;

serje has been elevated to Scammer-status. His multiple ad hominem attacks, continued shilling for months in IRC, the main thread as well as uncensored thread, arrogant and dismissive behavior towards the debtors, as well his current "Ibiza-line" concept warrant this. Should a community member other than rpietila or serje request discarding this change, it will most likely be permanent, given serje's continued cretinism.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on May 31, 2017, 07:40:13 PM

Dearest Risto,
thank you for your kind and swift response. I find your proposition both thrilling and - I must admit - most appealing. However, I decide where, how and when I masturbate, but I will possibly heed your above-quoted advice. Unlike you, I am not a slave to my immediate flesh and desires, and find other matters more urgent. In due time though as a master of my own body, and if I find the pastime and partner(s) permitting, I may. However, as you have so far been unable to make me wet and you have been witnessed walking around in your silken gown with a 3" bump on your groin, I don't want to leave you 'hanging':

I'd like to propose a game. Every time you insult, caps lock or lie, I will reveal my matrix-penetrating bossoms of galactic proportions to shine upon thee (=LIGHT). In your language this means that I will reveal something about myself. As I specialize in intel in all of its forms, consider this an honor. However, simultaneously I will reveal the darkness of how you squirm like a maggot in your own feces (=DARKNESS). In your language this means that I will reveal more dirty details of you, some of which you possibly didn't even realize yourself. Emphasis shall be on amusement, as we are not dealing within a professional forum.

Let us start with a simple example:

When I have said that "I was unable to withdraw and was violently" or "I did not call him" or such, this statement may or may not have extended through my network of contacts. So in your naive perspective you may find some of my statements deceitful. The median of my operation typically extends to jumps of 3 people, depending on the task; for example withdrawal of hundreds of thousands may even be a 2-jump trustee. The social network is built depth-first and is scarce with a central node (with sewing of the center available in case the central node goes MIA). For people in the cryptocommunity this modus operandi ought to be quite intuitive, but since you may be a newbie to the inner circles, let it be made clear. I found it most amusing when you started cross-checking names of those who tried to withdraw E1/B1/M3 and which were met with rude violence, in order to find out who I am - utterly failing in the task. Fun fact: I have never even logged into Crypto Kingdom nor do I have the desire to. I am the she-wolf, and your kind mostly go ignored by me and my kind. However, should you kick one of my pups (which you have), I do tend to take action.

I sent one of my employees to scout out Malla when I attended Tallinn (don't worry, I had other business to attend to besides Erki). I ordered him not to infringe privacy and to behave as if he was an architecture student interested in Soviet preservation of national heritages of Eesti. What he reported was not what I expected; this supposed "Malla Castle" is a complete wreck; a humiliating disaster and an extremely bad investment by any measure. I now realize why you never post any interior pictures. I now realize why the emphasis is always on a single half of the front-side of the supposed "Castle". Inside was a complete mess, unlivable and possibly even moist due to bad drainage.

I did some research and found this golden nugget, which shows the conditions as presented by you in your "Quality thread": (
Do you run this same image on Malla homepage and/or social media sites? Turns out it is photoshopped. The reality is not as fancy; ( (
The only potentially livable conditions there existed in the small buildings purposed to be the servants' quarters (usually hidden from the public, apparently even discouraged to be photographed according to testimonials by locals). Sniff sniff, is that irony I smell? Yup, servants' quarters.

Waiting eagerly for your tender response,

(Kindly generated by

I haven't read something this wonderful in a long time. I'm crying. It's like poetry.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on June 01, 2017, 04:45:39 AM

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on June 01, 2017, 02:17:54 PM
IF I Agree With Anything Anyone Says, I Will Indicate It. Until otherwise announced, everyone else except ME is speaking bullshit( in this thread at least). No offense GIRLs and others who are close to truth.

That's the spirit, my boy! I Would NOT Accept Anything Lesser Than Claiming Absolute Truth From Somebody Like You. Until otherwise announced, I am speaking bullshit unless confirmed by the above-quoted entity( in this thread at least) [SIC].

You do realize that you're awful at bluffing and you really don't have the talent for what you consider 'trolling' though? Your troll posts are directly correlated to how people ignore your desperate bumping of your own thread / messages, and you seem to harbor extreme anxiety to make sure people notice you and your posts. How much of your day do you spend following the rather low raise of "Views"-field on your thread while cringing at the lack of replies?

It's time for a Risto-trivia! Answer the following questions with YES/NO and see if you're a straight A. rpietila is also invited to participate! I am pretty confident he himself is also in a state that these questions pose necessary level of difficulty, and therefore desirable entertainment for him.

1) Risto is a Professor of Economics / highly educated economist.

2) Risto has pretended/pretends to be an underage girl in the internet.

3) Malla is a highly valuable historical site.

4) Risto's premises in Tallinn (before "a fire"/"water hosing"/"theft") were tiered with increasing luxury as per the level.

5) Risto is an angel/celestial being (literally).



1) Wrong!

Risto has repeatedly claimed to be a Professor of Economics, while he might've been referring to a fictional status inside CK. He might be a Professor of Economics in his own imaginary world, but in the real world he attended the technical university at Helsinki. A simple call as a "potential future employer" to the University (social hacking) revealed that he a) Never managed to finish a degree; b) Never held a position within the University; c) Received only a meager amount of ECTS and his grades were average at best.

- Call the University, they are obliged to give information on his studies.

2) True!

For Silverclub, Risto repeatedly hired underage girls to "look good' and serve food and drinks (including alcoholic ones). To make it worse, none of them were paid anything - they either received Risto's monopoly money at the time related to the silver business, or they were there for the "rare and exclusive working experience". He and Olli Posti orchestrated this strange club around so-called Superfoods, and I found their general attitude and stance towards women as tools or trophies appalling there-in.

The whole thing exploded when the worried mother of X, a girl that was supposed to be attending school, gathered media to save her daughter from the closed environment, aka. being psychologically held hostage within the premises of the Silverclub. Her main task was to keep a Silverclub-shilling blog, telling how awesome it is and of her (positive) experiences regarding the people she served there (including multiple creeps from the Superfood-forums that Risto was involved in back then).

The media rally was too much for Risto's image at the time, to the degree that he dismissed X. She has since been institutionalized per her mental distress and was not able to continue blogging. Instead, Risto took over the blog and wrote in her name. She started a second blog claiming that she was no longer writing for Silverclub and that Risto was writing using her account.

Do any of us see the irony that Risto willingly ditched her and effectively had her institutionalized, while he himself takes every single drop of pity he can for acting like a lunatic and being institutionalized himself for a brief amount of time? We're talking of a child who was abused and used, after which the abusing party ditched and cut ties to her, leaving her to a mental institution.

- (translations can be arranged with a reasonable BTC fee, otherwise use Google translate)
(Sadly, the documentary YLE TV2 made of their "Chocolate & Sex -parties" and "Recruiting teenagers" has been since been removed, all their blogs made invite only while they were previously public, and most of the citations can be only found from independent forums by shocked users that were reading and commenting the events as they were unfolding)

3) Wrong!

Although CrazyLoaf rightly prompted:

Also want sexier intel as I thought it was common knowledge that Malla Manor wasn't in the best of shape and the value was more in the land (doesn't it have several 10's of acres)?

The authorities of Estonia have declared Malla a site of historical importance and a protected site. This means that a) No buildings can be demolished; b) No new buildings can be erected; c) The overall landscape and structure of the premises has to be kept in its current state. Given that the main building is not worth restoring, it renders the whole lot practically useless and Risto bound to a decaying, non-relevant site. Effectively, you can't even install more energy-saving windows to the building without breaching the rules for preserving national monuments.

As the Malla main building rots (see my previous posts, ignore bullshit by serje and the other shills), Risto is left with this time-bomb. He ignored the advice given to him at the time of purchase, including mine, of not tying himself down to such a physical site and now regrets it deeply. Malla is in a bad location in Estonia (near the Russian border where nobody wants to go), while most tourist attractions are located near Tallinn (North-West), Pärnu (South-West), and Saaremaa (West). Sadly, Malla (East) and its tiny village don't seem to appeal to... well, anybody except those paid by Risto to come there.

I was criticized for not providing pictures provided by my subordinates for the rotting conditions of Malla. I find this highly amusing, as the Malla village as well as several other independent sources verify that a) The site/main building is in a decaying state; b) Mr. Pietila keeps on using a higly photoshopped version of the Malla main building to upkeep the staged version of it. Why the hell would you want my pictures when you can have an independent source / multiple sources? Pathetic really.

- (Registration as a national heritage site; translations can be arranged with a reasonable BTC fee, otherwise use Google translate)

4) Wrong!

The premises were just a pretty ordinary, above-average luxury apartment. We had double-agent(s) video the site in order to gain insight of what was going inside, but as per Risto's style it's all an over-exaggerated dumbed down shill.

The "luxury tiers" were just literally duct taped to the floor to indicate to which parts you could attend. The rooms themselves didn't differ much. I'll repeat, the tiers were just literal duct tape on the floor. His galactic majesty's area were probably taped with a bit more expensive tape, as one might expect.

- Unfortunately I cannot share the original videomaterial due to metadata in the file as well as the context.
- People attending the premises can provide their account confirming or denying the above claims.

5) Correct!

Paul Choo ministries, a prosperity-gospel church that relies heavily on tithing by its members, have declared Risto being the highest tier a human can achieve before rapture. Naturally he has the rights to being raptured first, and to have more credentials before God than other potential members within the Church, and of course among the pseudo-believers (the ones not attending the Church). He will be judging angels as per Bible, thus he is already 'beyond angel-tier'.

And yes, they call themselves 'the Church'. Because they're the only verily true sect in the whole wide world of tens or hundreds of thousands of sects that exlusively have the one and only true direct connection to God. That's why they're righteous in using the name 'the Church' and claiming the rights for angelic beings - as you know, they're the only true believers. To quote the most-wise, his galactic majesty mr. Pietila:


... I think I've heard this whole story so many times before.

Actually the correct answer is 'Wrong!'. Mr. Choo was recently confronted in their Scandinavian headquarters in Sweden, and admitted to Mr. Pietila being just a milking-cow for gaining financial leverage for 'the Church'. Thus it's no wonder mr. Choo has distanced himself from mr. Pietila in increasing amounts (and never playing CK himself despite being 'present'), given the latter's financial challenges. The irony is just overwhelming, as Paul Choo himself is a known critic of prosperity-gospel churches in general. He is currently brawling in the Asian field of prosperity gospel, acquiring more members to his own congregation by using aggresive tactics towards his adversaries (i.e. other sects). Admittedly, mr. Pietila has not attended actively mr. Choo's sect any more, and has rather developed his own fork of the theology, which appeared to create anxiety for mr. Choo, who himself is also a recorded millionaire (see e.g. his >6mil $ deal on selling a series of medical facilities).

- In order to protect the identity of our counter-parties, we cannot unfortunately reveal information of those interacting with Paul Choo and/or his board.
- However, the internet has multiple sources for 'Paul Choo ministries' - Find the True Path (tm) Today and Join the Most Revered Mr. Choo in the Name of Our Lord and Saviour Ris... God!

If you answered in the following order:
Wrong! - True! - Wrong! - Wrong! - Wrong!
I applaud you and will print any requested amount of M4 in my very own Crypto Kingdom fork. It is called Fenricoin and the market cap will reach 100mil $ by the end of this year, so consider yourself extremely lucky. It is a highly reliable currency as it's saved on a single SQL-table without backup, to prevent any possible tampering. I know this is very technical talk, but I can assure you the crypto-aspect behind it is strong due to our complex changelog and it's likely to become the de facto currency in the near future.



You talk like you are the innocense in person who has nothing to hide and does everything perfectly. Think about your own circumstances first, then point on others.
And by the meaning of older buildings. Yes they are falling apart if you do not look after them, what's new on that?

Whether I write as if I was always correct does not matter. In fact, I do not consider my acquired material or its presentation infallible. The material, discussion and context help people decide whether to support rpietila or his acquintances in his future venues in the light of this thread.



Where were you locked down until now FenerirCK?

Is this the first few time you access the internet?

It is indeed my first time in the internet! I am extremely lucky to have found fine gentlemen such as yourself to help me find my way in this strange world, which I only recently discovered. As for your first comment; I was previously bound by Gleipnir, but am unleashed since.

While I wait for your expert advice, I will continue to work in collaboration with mr. JM Laine regarding financial matters, as well as issues regarding rpietila's accusations of the former of pedophilia. The on-going discussions of money laundering with mr. A Paul in Tallinn will also proceed. I could use your advice on these matters though, as I am sure that you are highly capable of evaluating the matters with your vast expertise and steering me/us to the right direction.

Meanwhile, I have managed to acquire the requested more sexy intel of serje and rpietila! Go for '' - but I must warn you, it contains sexual activity and/or nudity, thus you should avoid it if such offends you.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CrazyLoaf on June 01, 2017, 06:34:26 PM
The "luxury tiers" were just literally duct taped to the floor to indicate to which parts you could attend. The rooms themselves didn't differ much. I'll repeat, the tiers were just literal duct tape on the floor. His galactic majesty's area were probably taped with a bit more expensive tape, as one might expect.

Best part! ;D Sexier intel was provided; ty! Looking forward to more as all we got in CK atm is a bunch of Salmon (SAL, WIS: 5) stinking up the place.

Someone fork this crap and let's get on with it. I just wanted to grow some PIG, produces MEAT (H: 5, Cul:1), but CENTRAL PLANNING™ took all the kingdom's PIGs and slaughtered them in the middle of the the town. All the NPCs have been in stasis and haven't done shit; as a result, I still get my fur-lined boots sticky with blood and brain matter every time I walk through the town square.  

Don't even know why consumables have stats as they haven't had a point for almost a century at this stage. I've just been eating and drinking without so much as a visit to the WC. I frequently worry about the day the game proper is unpaused and have a retinue of escorts follow me around with chamberpots and rafts as I fear the great PURGING™ that will occur on that day.

With almost a century of constipation, I have considered marking the day with one of the most ostentatious pieces of artwork heretofore unseen by mortal eye, which will be emblazoned by fecal matter (not seen in the land for almost a century) and glistening foreign gemstones.

This game sucks...and no, that is not an invitation to pull a "well this is crypto and you do all the work to support the project" line... ;D  


Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: pixie85 on June 02, 2017, 12:20:47 AM

Somebody done some redecorating... in ms paint  ;D This looks like an image from children's coloring book. Did you really need to go there and check it out to know it wasn't real?

Morale of the story: you can get lucky with your investments, but if you're dumb, mentally ill, or both, you'll waste it all sooner or later. He wanted to be the king so he bought himself a palace, made his own money, divided people into classes, threw some parties... You all got caught in a poor man's dream.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 03, 2017, 08:41:31 AM

Somebody done some redecorating... in ms paint  ;D This looks like an image from children's coloring book. Did you really need to go there and check it out to know it wasn't real?

Morale of the story: you can get lucky with your investments, but if you're dumb, mentally ill, or both, you'll waste it all sooner or later. He wanted to be the king so he bought himself a palace, made his own money, divided people into classes, threw some parties... You all got caught in a poor man's dream.

I've been saying for years.. following him along with his coin and his related coin forum games is silly.
He should go back to the loony bin !

Or get a hobby..
A grown man who invests large amounts of money into a forum game so he can sit on it 24/7 is simply insane.. and childish.

All i needed to see long ago was 1 single comment from him that threw up red-flags.
The rest of you have been soaked in his semen mumbling around here with his cock in your mouth.
And i know why too..

Long ago Risto showed up in Altcoin land and brought with him vast amounts of money to buy "cryptos"
Kaaaching the monero'ites heard the cash register loud & clear !
Over the years Risto has admitted to making "donations" and paying the dev's.
As well as buying insane amounts of the XMR coin.
He has fueled the coin and is responsible for it getting off the ground and carrying it for years when no one cared.
It's HIS coin !

Although i have never been certain how the hell Poloniex fits into it all though.
Clearly there is a LOT of signs since day one that Polo is heavily intertwined with it all.

Like i said it would.. it's all unraveling.
I said wait until the big Monero whale dumps (see the fluffypony fraud topic about that in alt main)
Do i have to keep saying i told you so ?
It should just go with out saying now right ?  :D

Times are tough again King Risto.. time to sell another unicorn ?
My 5 yr old niece might be interested.

I am just fascinated with the rabid cult mentality of the Monero shills though.
What is this magical hold he has on these idiots ?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on June 03, 2017, 08:51:53 AM
What is this magical hold he has on these idiots ?

Thank you for these kind words, Sir.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 05, 2017, 08:46:49 AM
What is this magical hold he has on these idiots ?

Thank you for these kind words, Sir.

kind ? uhh no.  ::)

Where do you get off strutting around crypto like "king" shit ?
You've been doing that since day one like an obnoxious arrogant asshole.

Want me to recap some of the bullshit you have been up to for people here ?
I have no idea why people have been following you around for years here..
Actually i do !


It's like these guys are preying on a mentally ill guy with money.
Notice how your "friends" are turning on you ?

You are a lot like Shelby.. your head is jammed up your ass so deep it won't ever come out.
So i don't expect much from you.

I just find it funny how you have drama associated with your little forum game and NOW it's being called a scam.
I recall the day you started the forum game topic.. i reported it to staff as Spam / advertising.
It was nothing but a ruse to make sure the Monero shit is in people's face all the time.
And to give a bored childish crypto-house-wife something to do during the day.

I was right too.
You admitted you stole MEW donated money to spend on the game in question here.
(calling it an adoption asset when making excuses as to why you spent the MEW money on it)
When the people who donated the money asked questions you called them Fudders.
I was also told you had hired the treasurer of the MEW money to work on the forum game (what ever that means)

Buddy you are a fraudulent little bullshitting coward.
You either delete whole topics or go and edit shit out to cover your tracks.
And yeah i can prove it too.

This guy needs to go BACK to the loony bin.
You all should not be fueling this mentally ill wacko's bullshit.
Don't forget he couldn't care less about any of you.. you are peasants and play toys to the rich spoiled kids whims.
All you have to do is see his flippant snotty little remarks he has posted on just this topic alone.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on June 05, 2017, 10:40:50 AM
Where do you get off strutting around crypt like "king" shit ?
You've been doing that since day one like an obnoxious arrogant asshole.

Yeah, and only rather recently graduated to using the L21 title options such as His Imperial Majesty & GameMaster, The Emperor, etc(x7(!))..

Notice how your "friends" are turning on you ?

To my chagrin, I have noticed that :/

It was nothing but a ruse to make sure the Monero shit is in people's face all the time.

Thank you for the ~$674,651,110/$676,651,110 then, I am glad my lips did not depart from each other so manifold for nothing (& the second acquisition of a 2011 MacBook Air was not for nothing either..)

And to give a bored childish crypto-house-wife something to do during the day.

My pleasure, &c ('and continuing')

I was right too.

(yet no richer as a result)

You admitted you stole MEW donated money to spend on the game in question here.

Giving dividend without touching the principal != stealing (in my books).

When the people who donated the money asked questions you called them Fudders.

No, Sir, here you are just plain wrong.

Buddy you are a fraudulent little bullshitting coward.

Considering how the # of opinions might be likened to that of assholes, I think just leaving it here is a sensible play.

You either delete whole topics or go and edit shit out to cover your tracks.

No, it is not possible to delete whole topics, I think you are mistaken here.

And yeah i can prove it too.

I won't die in waiting.

Don't forget he couldn't care less about any of you.. you are peasants and play toys to the rich spoiled kids whims.

Not the most undeserving market segment to service, though.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 06, 2017, 05:44:44 AM
I said my piece.
If others want info i urge them to get on Google.
I couldn't care less what this idiot thinks of me either.
I just scrolled past his crap he posted.. he's hear to listen to me not the other way around.

Not sure how you all think you can act like a scammy idiot asshole then justify it.

You shit on the floor i will jam your nose in it.
Don't like it ? The quit shitting on the floor spoiled rich kids.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on June 06, 2017, 01:44:31 PM
I said my piece.
If others want info i urge them to get on Google.
I couldn't care less what this idiot thinks of me either.
I just scrolled past his crap he posted.. he's hear to listen to me not the other way around.

Not sure how you all think you can act like a scammy idiot asshole then justify it.

You shit on the floor i will jam your nose in it.
Don't like it ? The quit shitting on the floor spoiled rich kids.

Whats wrong with rich kids? You sound extremely desperate, maybe have a cup of tea.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 07, 2017, 01:55:45 AM
I said my piece.
If others want info i urge them to get on Google.
I couldn't care less what this idiot thinks of me either.
I just scrolled past his crap he posted.. he's hear to listen to me not the other way around.

Not sure how you all think you can act like a scammy idiot asshole then justify it.

You shit on the floor i will jam your nose in it.
Don't like it ? The quit shitting on the floor spoiled rich kids.

Whats wrong with rich kids? You sound extremely desperate, maybe have a cup of tea.

What was that ? A retort ?

What is wrong with rich kids ?
I dunno what ? You tell me..

Desperate ? about what now ?
Did i create this topic ?
I simply warned all these guys about the EXACT thing they are lining up to complain about it.

Such as this little gem from September 2014..

Hi, I am Spoetnik. Welcome to my thread on altcoins. I have been a Bitcoin owner since 2011 but never owned any alts, until I bought started mining LTC last year.

The rules of this thread are very strict, as always in my threads:

- There is no freedom of speech. The topic is altcoins, but I also want that it stays in a level that is possible and interesting to read for a busy Bitcoin holder that does not care about alts. I know how it feels to be a busy Bitcoin holder, so I steer the discussion to the maximum benefit for me, and for my readers.

- Which alts can be discussed, is up to me. Mentioning an alt after that specific alt has been banned from a thread results in a ban for you. If you do not obey my ban from the thread, historically you have had 100% chance to be banned from the forum as a result. Don't try your luck.

- Posts may be deleted for whatever reason. Deletion does not necessarily mean that the post was offensive. It may also have been too long quote (in which case either the original, or the reply may be pruned), repetition of yours or somebody else's point, or anything else.

- Moderating actions are written in red. Others are not allowed to use red.

My take on altcoins

Real simple
Scumbags like this guy and his power tripping self moderated flood of shill topics are drowning this forum in one sided garbage scam coin advertising.
see this bullshit..

You will notice that he edited his comment that i linked to in the quote above.
His comment was identical to mine except i changed the coin name basically.

He stomped in here like an obnoxious arrogant little rich kid.
The lack of respect is one thing but worse was his antics and Monero shill-faggotry.
Then made a career out of being a manipulative weazle to further his own financial agenda.

Explain to me why he is logged on Polonibox laughing in my face years ago like an obnoxious little child bragging about making thousands on his PREVIOUS forum game here.

I find it pretty fucked up when we talked about being rich and he deleted the topic to bury my replies ..after i pointed out how he is a shallow hollow little man that covets money like a pig.
Proof is his other topic where he was proud as a peacock about having forgot about 2.2 million dollars worth of XMR sitting on Poloniex.. that he claimed he didn't care about.
..yet cares enough to brag about ripping off children for 5k with his other forum game ?

The guy is a fucking mentally ill little clown.
It's proven and right there in front of your nose with years worth of dipshitery.

He needs to GO BACK to the mental institution he was in before and quit being worried about pushing religious cults and having an official title "angel"

Want to know what kind of guy he is here on the forum ?
The rich braggart posts shit like this..

He is an arrogant shady asshole that deserves to be taken down a peg.
Because of his past and continued behavior.
He doesn't learn.. he has a chip on his should and a massive superiority complex.
At the determent to all of YOU !

Don't get me wrong i don't hate him or anything.
I am simply pointing out his bad behavior he routinely hides / deletes.
All i would want from him is to get his shit together and quit being a douche.
It's nothing personal.


By the way his MONERO Speculation topic (in ALT main) was bumped NON FUCKING STOP way back and i kept bitching about his spamming. (as did many others)
Staff here left his topic super bumped to the top of page 1 for YEARS !
Meanwhile every other guy here had his topic moved to the speculation section.
yet for some fucked up inexplicable reason Monero shills were always given the green light to be a blatant spamming advertiser.. blatantly breaking the rules 24/7.
Eventually staff did in fact move his topic.

I have other examples too.
These guys post a giveaway topic and it was allowed.

I also reported the topic here mentioned in the titles as SPAM / ADVERTISING
And was denied by staff.
I knew they would spam it non-stop (after the other one was moved to speculation)
Funny because he later said he used donated MEW money to create the forum game you are reading about here on this very topic and admitted it was created for 1 purpose.. to be "an adoption asset"

AKA: advertising.. used with spamming techniques.

He admitted it for crying out loud jesus !


And as usual the staff turns a blind eye to Risto's bullshit shenanigans he's been pulling here for YEARS.

And looky looky what do i see ?
His very own "friends" complaining about what i have all along every step of the fucking way.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: binaryFate on June 07, 2017, 05:42:07 PM
Quoting from the CK moderated thread for posterity:


To Whomever It May Concern

I just write quickly to say a big FUCK YOU to almost all the dear readers. You have proven your shortmindedness by harassing me extensively with your requests about transfers of some fucking tokens, all of which are redundant and only useful to controlling those who cannot stand on their own two feet.

The number of people doing anything else than trying to fit both their thumbs as deep in their own asshole (simultaneously) as they can, has indeed been small. These people I AM interested in helping as they have helped me. The others can indeed FUCK OFF and seek their daily bread from their own money masters. If I AM willing to have something to do with you, I WILL contact you. Try for once realise to whom you are talking to, and talk accordingly. I HAVE had unlimited money since 2013 AND STILL DO. It is just not intended for the benefit of fuckers who do not even know why they are here and where they have CUM from.

Today's party will be held in good spirits, and no, we will not talk about money, but about the NWO, which - unlike your masters would have you to believe - is not one of a boot endlessly rubbing your cheek, but one of light and love.

With these words I hope to get rid of you in my life altogether. When your own masters cease my harassment, you will get your dues. Before that, licking the shit off your thumb/s is your reward for mindless fuckery.

In Malla, this 7th June 2017.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 17, 2017, 05:58:49 AM
I liked the quote earlier so much that i went and quoted the whole thing unedited in full !

But before i do i am curious just who are we speaking to ?
And why do we need his help ?
And what about the more important NWO business ?

Me thinks a certain guy here needs to get his ass back in the mental institution.
You see how money fucks with your head people ?
I seen it a mile away and warned you all on day one about this fucking prick.
I sounded the alarm loud on the exact precise shit his own supporters are now pointing out.


Like me or not Monero tard's but i fucking warned you all.

That link is a bit past the link earlier quoted.
It shows us two things.
1) The quote earlier is gone.
2) Shithead admits he said it in my link.

In between comments 1/2 on that page you can see him with weak excuses.
Not having money to pay people etc.
Yet he has "unlimited money" ..yet this topic exists why ?

Then the first thing i noticed on this round of drama is this delusional fuckhead has a poll on that topic.. asking "Do you follow him ?" -- this wacko thinks he's Jesus.
For starters what relevance does that have with the childish little lame forum game shit (created with donated MEW funds with no permission as he said for adoption)
It doesn't.
He is obviously referring to his quote mentioned earlier that says the same thing which is now gone.
And what did i say earlier on this topic and lots before ?
He posts retarded bullshit then deletes it.
So here you go again.. yet more of it.

He's fucked in the head.
He calls him self technically an "Angel" with his Church the highest level in his religious hierarchy etc.
He also said he was in a mental hospital before.
He needs to go back ASAP.

Hey dumb fuck..
People did not join your adoption "retro" game v2 so they can see the donated MEW funds vanish.
(first one he laughed about making thousands on it)
..but ohhhhh not this one.. this one is for Monero adoption LOL ..or ? hahahhaha
And then be fed religious / NWO conspiracy rabble.. and never ending excuses as to how these users are not deserving of the money you own them.

Risto you are a wormy arrogant little scammer.
I hope all these guy neg the living fuck out of you.

You have ripped them off then egg them on and lure them in more and stringing them along then try and rope them into your church etc or mentally ill theories on life etc.

Hmm maybe that was his grandiose little plan all along ?
Maybe that is why he paid David Latapie and maybe others to work on his forum game ?

Oh and i have to mention this is the first time i have seen a "forum game" paid for with real money.
Also odd that he seems to be the one who wanted it made yet has / had "unlimited money" yet..
Had to take with out permission donated MEW money to fund this forum game.

Clearly he orchestrated this game so he could be the leader and you call could blow him.
..a play toy for a childish "rich" brat bored house wife.

So why did he take your donated funds *FOR MONERO* to do it ?
Why was the MEW treasurer the guy he PAID to work on the forum game ?
And why was my rating here negged over digging for info on David Latapie ?


I think if you guys dug around you would see a whole hell of a lot more bullshit from this conceded arrogant fraudulent scammer and his paid lackeys.

You are done in crypto now.
And it was your own doing.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on June 17, 2017, 08:04:36 AM
So why did he take your donated funds *FOR MONERO* to do it ?

I'd point out this didn't happen. The core team has always had a separate donation address which has received community donations, rpietilla has never had access to those funds, and no funds there have ever 'gone missing'.

Rpietilla's MEW was a completely separate user group or industry association or whatever you want to call it, but it was not the Monero project itself, nor were its funds (which were eventually fully accounted for afaik) donated 'for Monero'.

AFAIK, rpietilla denies that MEW funds were used for Crypto Kingdom, though if they were I'm not sure it would be improper, as the stated goals of MEW were to promote the growth of the economy, which would be consistent with trying create a successful (if it were) Monero-based game. There might have been a procedural issue with authority to spend or something, but I'd have to look back at the MEW bylaws and such, which I'm not going to do at this point.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 17, 2017, 03:25:29 PM
So why did he take your donated funds *FOR MONERO* to do it ?

I'd point out this didn't happen. The core team has always had a separate donation address which has received community donations, rpietilla has never had access to those funds, and no funds there have ever 'gone missing'.

Rpietilla's MEW was a completely separate user group or industry association or whatever you want to call it, but it was not the Monero project itself, nor were its funds (which were eventually fully accounted for afaik) donated 'for Monero'.

AFAIK, rpietilla denies that MEW funds were used for Crypto Kingdom, though if they were I'm not sure it would be improper, as the stated goals of MEW were to promote the growth of the economy, which would be consistent with trying create a successful (if it were) Monero-based game. There might have been a procedural issue with authority to spend or something, but I'd have to look back at the MEW bylaws and such, which I'm not going to do at this point.

That is bullshit and you know it.
It happened as i said it happened.
I also have proven it by quoting him on it all endlessly.

And you also were first in line helping him "smooth" it over so no wonder your here saying that.
You are after all implicated heavily in that and many other things such as my Trust Rating  :D

Thank fucking god for the quote function here or there would be no trace of that assholes bullshit.
All the Monero morons do is run around and chant lies and delete away drama and slide in random apologies.. quietly

Monero is a fucking failure because of you idiots.
It's scammy because of the corrupt deceitful assholes that surround it.
You made it that way.

You took a code project and fucked it up from day one.
First thing you did was cook up a community take over story..
then from there it got worse and worse.

Further more i have caught all you lying and bullshitting endlessly for years.
Or you are the stupidest most forgetful people on the forum.
ANYTHING ..i bring up you go straight into denial mode and play dumb.
Even when there is immense tangible proof available.. like this last comment above mine :D

If Monero was not associated with smooth, smoothie, Genrealizethis, Reptiela, FluffyPony, Icebreaker etc etc the coin would probably have been successful YEARS AGO.

YOU are the problem.
Yeah you, the guy who created a topic I'm typing on that says what the fuck now ? HAHHAHAHHAHHA

You are inept, decetful, shady, greedy losers and you reap what you sow.
I seen it coming a mile away because i smarter than all you Monero morons combined.
It was obvious at the start you were going to fuck it up every step of the way with endless moronic shenanigans.

You have only your selves to blame for your own dumb fuck stupidity.
It is in fact idiots like smooth that bloated Risto's silly conceded personality here.
You enabled him.
And you did it dumb fucks because he admitted to PAYING You you sleazy corrupt little pieces of shit.

YUP ..i do recall Risto saying he has paid the dev's such as taaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SMOOTHIE
or smooth i can't ever recall which one is which  ::)
Doesn't matter anyway same shit different pile LOL

Eat a bag of Monero "safe as houses" circle jerk, 80% secure "ANON" cocks assholes.


Posted Again ;)


I figured i better hurry and quote him before shithead goes and edits it out.

Can we assume this initiative is dormant? Or is it dead?

As the first project, we created a virtual world, and then morphed ourselves in.

The MEW executives, me, David and NewLiberty, are the 3 founding characters in Crypto Kingdom, nuff said ?  :D

Then that project got surprise delays, but now they are behind.

Are you saying that MEW funds have been invested in Crypto Kingdom?  Was any discussion / vote ever held on that?

Well no. Crypto Kingdom was a MEW initiative and got so immersive that we forgot about the bureaucracy. My understanding is that David as the Members Executive still controls the funds since he collected and treasured them, and despite time passing, I would believe he has not done anything to them since the legit use would have required contacting me, which has not happened.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on June 17, 2017, 04:32:10 PM
So why did he take your donated funds *FOR MONERO* to do it ?

I'd point out this didn't happen. The core team has always had a separate donation address which has received community donations, rpietilla has never had access to those funds, and no funds there have ever 'gone missing'.

Rpietilla's MEW was a completely separate user group or industry association or whatever you want to call it, but it was not the Monero project itself, nor were its funds (which were eventually fully accounted for afaik) donated 'for Monero'.

AFAIK, rpietilla denies that MEW funds were used for Crypto Kingdom, though if they were I'm not sure it would be improper, as the stated goals of MEW were to promote the growth of the economy, which would be consistent with trying create a successful (if it were) Monero-based game. There might have been a procedural issue with authority to spend or something, but I'd have to look back at the MEW bylaws and such, which I'm not going to do at this point.

That is bullshit and you know it.

I'd say not. It is all completely accurate, as I told you before, but continue trolling and spewing nonsense, because you will.

And you also were first in line helping him "smooth" it over so no wonder your here saying that.

I "helped him" not at all (unless you consider donating to his MEW initiative, something that was done by many in the community, and a donation, I might add, which was eventually returned to me), and you have no evidence to the contrary. Please cease your false statements about what I have done or not done.

You are after all implicated heavily in that and many other things such as my Trust Rating  :D

My rating of you, if I recall, has to do with spewing nonsense, which could very well be misleading if anyone were to believe you. Your posts on this thread are just one more instance of your usual behavior.

I also have proven it by quoting him on it all endlessly.

Your quote if of him denying that MEW funds were used (note as I said in any case, these were not funds donated "for Monero" they were funds donated to "MEW" which was an initiative to promote and encourage a Monero-based economy).

But quoting someone denying what you claim happened as evidence that it happened...Wow, you really are retarded.

YUP ..i do recall Risto saying he has paid the dev's such as taaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SMOOTHIE

I can tell you categorically I have never been paid by Risto for anything (other than occasional trading of in-game CK assets with him, back when he was a trustworthy trading partner and paid his debts). I doubt Smoothie has either. For that matter, I've never been paid to 'dev' any coin by anyone and in fact am a net donator to Monero development and developers (which, again, is separate from "MEW") for several thousand XMR. Stop spewing nonsense.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 17, 2017, 06:44:30 PM
Create topic calling him a scammer..
Then come back and defend him ?


I know what you are going to do before you do.. twist and warp shit around and go into denial mode.
You've been doing it for years.

People are free to come to their own conclusion on what i said earlier (if they are interested)
I posted a link that covered most of it in 1 page of reading.

Smoothie why did you show up to defend Risto's behavior on that MEW topic with an apology ?
So he goes and fucks around with peoples money and you create this topic ?
Then crawl back making excuses and denying shit ?

Fuck your are a little pussy.. Grow a pair !
What are you scared of that guy or something smoothie ?

If any rational person out there can see all the shit KING Risto has been pulling for years..
and think it's acceptable i would be shocked big time.
That is about all there is to it really.

You know when the writing is on the wall it's time to read it guys.
So don't be worried about arguing with ole Spoetnik.. worry about your own ass's AND YOUR OWN MONEY.

..why do you think i warned you all here in the first place about him ?
To be an asshole ?
I was warning you because of shit like this topic.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: nutildah on June 17, 2017, 07:42:49 PM
Wow its an all out Battle of the Tards in this thread. Love it! Keep it coming!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 18, 2017, 04:27:10 AM
I have a pretty good memory but i have ALWAYS been confused a bit because there is two smooth's

And these guys bob & weave and play games galore with semantics.

Risto has in fact admitted to giving money to the dev's
If the guy earlier wants to dicker back & forth about whether it was a payment or a donation or an advance i couldn't care less.

What it means is he paid you money and you accepted it.
I seen him saying it with my own fucking eyes on this forum way back.

You know i find it odd how Monero and their crew of Risto "followers"
claim to have a perfect track record yet have had tons of drama..
and went and stealthy edited posts here to change things.

If nothing was done wrong then why issue a refund ?
Why say sorry ?
Why edit your comments ?

Simple.. these guys are *as usual* full of shit.
Hence the reason for this topic existing in the first place.

Are you all stupid ?
What did Risto say ?
Read a couple comments back.. he just said you don't deserve your money.

What did i warn you about in September 2014 ?

See it yourself ;)
And yeah right after i posted that parody of his topic reptiela/Risto went and edited out his whole topic.

Why ?

I see a track record of the usual Monero suspects doing things they should not.
Then playing little games to minimize it all and deflect attention at DASH.
How does a guy create a topic titled "rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds." the scam section here.
And then, come back here and deny it all then play dumb etc ?

Par for the course..
There will of course bet yet more bloody drama from the same old cocky shady douche bags.
And once again they will be down playing it all and blaming others for it.

What i look forward too is when more of the long time shills turn on KING RISTO.
Because i know for a fact there is a Huuuuuge massive amount of drama yet to be exposed publicly.
So sooner or later more info will come to light and i will be here with popcorn  ;D

I suspect David Latapie could sink this asshole in heart beat if he wanted to.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on June 18, 2017, 06:05:38 AM
David Latapie
* 1977
+ 2017

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 18, 2017, 03:17:22 PM
David Latapie
* 1977
+ 2017

Know what i just noticed ? Your Trust Rating is twice as bad as mine ?
4x worse than Mark from Gox..
Why is that ? Can you explain that to us all ?
I don't think i want to take trade advice from a guy with red trust  :D

Projects i have started or been involved with i was negged over = 0
Trade related activity i have had i was negged over = 0 can't say the same now can you King Risto ?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on June 18, 2017, 03:48:56 PM
Create topic calling him a scammer..
Then come back and defend him ?

'Defend'? Not exactly.

Point out when you are spewing nonsense, yes.

There is plenty of scamming that rpietilla has actually done. Your nonsensical delusional allegations are not helpful.

How does a guy create a topic titled "rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds." the scam section here.
And then, come back here and deny it all then play dumb etc ?

I'm denying nothing about rpietilla and his game being a fractional reserve scam and heavily in debt. People should stay away from sending or depositing money into anything he's involved with.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 18, 2017, 05:22:10 PM
The nonsense was provided with proof.. see the link i posted.
You as always as you have done for 4 years dance around playing games and bullshitting.

You are full of shit and no better than king risto.

I hope all of you enjoy your karma.. it's coming.
I warned you and i was right and you said the same thing then.. "i was spewing bullshit"


Now carry on with your scam topic in the scam section.  :D

Don't worry guys if Risto thinks you DESERVE your money and the guy he hired to get access to his email address used on the exchange pans out you will get paid eventually... maybe ? ;)
Oh and in the mean time just join his new forum game !
..for Monero adoption of course ROFL

Hey assholes..
I don't have to "spew bullshit" you got it covered  :D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on June 18, 2017, 10:30:54 PM
Create topic calling him a scammer..
Then come back and defend him ?

'Defend'? Not exactly.

Point out when you are spewing nonsense, yes.

There is plenty of scamming that rpietilla has actually done. Your nonsensical delusional allegations are not helpful.

How does a guy create a topic titled "rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds." the scam section here.
And then, come back here and deny it all then play dumb etc ?

I'm denying nothing about rpietilla and his game being a fractional reserve scam and heavily in debt. People should stay away from sending or depositing money into anything he's involved with.

Not sure why you respond to such delusional ramblings dude, nothing he says makes sense and we all know.  What he is after is a response from anyone since I doubt after all his time on BCT anyone other than a total noob would ever engage him and humor his ramblings.

All one has  to do is compare you trust rating to his and all is evident.  No need to feed his delusions which would be much better served with a strong regiment of anti-psychotic medication.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 19, 2017, 08:08:22 AM
But but but.. Risto & Latapie are "not apart" of Monero they chant all along for 4 years.
Except uhhh they are  :D

So ?
What do we see ?

The usual Monero suspects flooding in as usual doing Monero Damage control.

It's simple.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on June 19, 2017, 08:25:49 AM
Oddly, the title is misleading as it lumps risto's debt in with the game--a game risto has been kicked out of for scamming people. Though I think this is smooth's attempt at deflating the game's value, so he can buy back-in on the cheap. So until smooth changes the title, I think he deserves the irony of sputnik lumping risto's scam in with monero--and having to defend against the obvious fallacy. Funny how things go.

BTW: neither CK or Monero are scams, but they can be used by scammers in the same way BTC or AlphaBay can be used by scammers. These are tools, not omnipotent-organizations. I just wish smooth would fix his logic in the same way he expects sputz to fix his.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on June 19, 2017, 10:00:59 AM
Oddly, the title is misleading as it lumps risto's debt in with the game--a game risto has been kicked out of for scamming people.

The game is also at fault, for failing to control its own books and accounts, and also failing to do anything to make players whole once the founder and largest stakeholder of the game manipulated the integrity of the game and ripped people off.

The best thing for anyone who hasn't already been ripped off to do is stay away until people are made whole and the structural problems are resolved (for example by putting the assets on a blockchain where they can't be arbitrarily manipulated).

If MtGox reopened tomorrow with Kerpelles 'kicked out' but the whole rest of the crew still there, would you deposit money? I know I would not.

And no, I have no interest in buying in on the cheap (I wouldn't have to buy 'back' in either, as I already have a huge collection of in-game assets).

Fix this problem for real, and maybe the game has a chance. Otherwise, its all one dirty and dangerous pile of shit and people should not deposit money.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on June 19, 2017, 10:45:07 AM
Oddly, the title is misleading as it lumps risto's debt in with the game--a game risto has been kicked out of for scamming people.

The game is also at fault, for failing to control its own books and accounts, and also failing to do anything to make players whole once the founder and largest stakeholder of the game manipulated the integrity of the game and ripped people off.

The best thing for anyone who hasn't already been ripped off to do is stay away until people are made whole and the structural problems are resolved (for example by putting the assets on a blockchain where they can't be arbitrarily manipulated).

If MtGox reopened tomorrow with Kerpelles 'kicked out' but the whole rest of the crew still there, would you deposit money? I know I would not.

And no, I have no interest in buying in on the cheap (I wouldn't have to buy 'back' in either, as I already have a huge collection of in-game assets).

Fix this problem for real, and maybe the game has a chance. Otherwise, its all one dirty and dangerous pile of shit and people should not deposit money.

The game is at fault for Risto's actions? So Alphabay would be at fault for every dealer who sells counterfeit pills? Sputz feel free to lump Monero and Risto together using smooth's logic. [Also, who is the "Game?" By your own admission, you own a large chunk of the game, so are you going to pay me the $200,000 eu that risto owes me, or do I pay back the how-ever-much BTC risto owes you? It be like a decentralized exchange paying victims of a scammer with money from the victims of a scammer]

Mt Gox was an exchange, not a video game with deposhares controlled by third party wallets. And Risto is alone in his actions. I never heard you once complain about CK's design (or trade the items that in your own infallible wisdom, you should have seen as risky) until Risto fucked it up for everyone.

How would you fix it? You want to pay Risto's bill? I'm looking into putting items on the blockchain, but all that work has to come from volunteers paid with in-game currency (work I never see you volunteering to help with--despite your concern).

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on June 19, 2017, 10:58:56 AM
Oddly, the title is misleading as it lumps risto's debt in with the game--a game risto has been kicked out of for scamming people.

The game is also at fault, for failing to control its own books and accounts, and also failing to do anything to make players whole once the founder and largest stakeholder of the game manipulated the integrity of the game and ripped people off.

The best thing for anyone who hasn't already been ripped off to do is stay away until people are made whole and the structural problems are resolved (for example by putting the assets on a blockchain where they can't be arbitrarily manipulated).

If MtGox reopened tomorrow with Kerpelles 'kicked out' but the whole rest of the crew still there, would you deposit money? I know I would not.

And no, I have no interest in buying in on the cheap (I wouldn't have to buy 'back' in either, as I already have a huge collection of in-game assets).

Fix this problem for real, and maybe the game has a chance. Otherwise, its all one dirty and dangerous pile of shit and people should not deposit money.

The game is at fault for Risto's actions?

I'm not assigning fault, I'm saying it is an unsound system which enabled this scam and has done nothing to resolve the fact that people deposited into the game and were not able to withdraw from it (the proximate cause for that being rpietilla's manipulation of the game records, but the underlying cause being poor controls) other than "SFYL, game goes on!"

I'd add to that another separate incident where the database was lost, due to developer error, there were no usable recent backups, and people faced potential large trading losses from a rollback until one of the players thankfully volunteered to help the developer do what he wasn't able to do himself (recover it).

If you are inviting people to put money into that, then yes you are complicit in scamming. Play all you like, but don't invite people to deposit money into such a system before you get your house in order.

I never heard you once complain about CK's design

Excuse me? I have been saying for years that at least the monetary assets (whether houses and such should be on a blockchain is a different question) should be on a blockchain (and also repeatedly stated that the blockchain version of the token should not be disadvantaged relative to the in-game token, for example by not receiving dividends, so that people are not discouraged from more-safely holding the blockchain version). I was the one who originally did the research into the capabilities and suitability of various asset platforms and suggested counterparty last year when luigi created the original token.

How would you fix it? You want to pay Risto's bill?

Aside from structural reforms,  you could start by seizing and selling all of his in-game assets with the proceeds used to (likely partially) repay the players who were ripped off when it turned into a fractional reserve scam. Has that yet been done?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on June 19, 2017, 11:26:47 AM
Oddly, the title is misleading as it lumps risto's debt in with the game--a game risto has been kicked out of for scamming people.

The game is also at fault, for failing to control its own books and accounts, and also failing to do anything to make players whole once the founder and largest stakeholder of the game manipulated the integrity of the game and ripped people off.

The best thing for anyone who hasn't already been ripped off to do is stay away until people are made whole and the structural problems are resolved (for example by putting the assets on a blockchain where they can't be arbitrarily manipulated).

If MtGox reopened tomorrow with Kerpelles 'kicked out' but the whole rest of the crew still there, would you deposit money? I know I would not.

And no, I have no interest in buying in on the cheap (I wouldn't have to buy 'back' in either, as I already have a huge collection of in-game assets).

Fix this problem for real, and maybe the game has a chance. Otherwise, its all one dirty and dangerous pile of shit and people should not deposit money.

The game is at fault for Risto's actions?

I'm not assigning fault, I'm saying it is an unsound system which enabled this scam and has done nothing to resolve the fact that people deposited into the game and were not able to withdraw from it (the proximate cause for that being rpietilla's manipulation of the game records, but the underlying cause being poor controls) other than "SFYL, game goes on!"

I'd add to that another separate incident where the database was lost, due to developer error, there were no usable recent backups, and people faced potential large trading losses from a rollback until one of the players thankfully volunteered to help the developer do what he wasn't able to do himself (recover it).

If you are inviting people to put money into that, then yes you are complicit in scamming. Play all you like, but don't invite people to deposit money into such a system before you get your house in order.

I never heard you once complain about CK's design

Excuse me? I have been saying for years that at least the monetary assets (whether houses and such should be on a blockchain is a different question) should be on a blockchain (and also repeatedly stated that the blockchain version of the token should not be disadvantaged relative to the in-game token, for example by not receiving dividends, so that people are not discouraged from more-safely holding the blockchain version). I was the one who originally did the research into the capabilities and suitability of various asset platforms and suggested counterparty last year when luigi created the original token.

How would you fix it? You want to pay Risto's bill?

Aside from structural reforms,  you could start by seizing and selling all of his in-game assets with the proceeds used to (likely partially) repay the players who were ripped off when it turned into a fractional reserve scam. Has that yet been done?

Assets were seized yesterday, accounts were locked weeks ago, and yes, PJ is a hack DEV--but risto paid him upfront and he's all we have atm until we can get a blockchain asset  and fund it ourselves. So unless you have a way to expedite these matters, like creating a blockchain asset with your skillset, you are just repeating what we already know. Though if you are suggesting tying the game's currency to a blockchain asset, you would be damning the game--we were lucky that saddam was never hacked when M was pegged to XMR--risto's actions actually highlight this risk, rather than point to it as a solution. [Note: I am distinguishing between asset and currency]

Also, no one is asking anyone to deposit anything into the game atm--but meanwhile, risto is creating another game--so feel free to protect those people.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on June 19, 2017, 12:41:31 PM
Also, no one is asking anyone to deposit anything into the game atm--but meanwhile, risto is creating another game--so feel free to protect those people.

Okay then, I'm not sure what the issue is if there are no deposits and actions are being taken to improve the situation.

If there are any new developments in terms of paying back the players who were scammed I'll be happy to add them to this thread. In fact your comments about his assets being seized and other improvements to the safety of the game are worthy of being noted in the OP as well. When I get a chance I will make the edit.

As for his new game, afaik this thread and his associated history should suffice to warn people not to deposit money in his next game either.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on June 19, 2017, 02:34:40 PM
Oddly, the title is misleading as it lumps risto's debt in with the game--a game risto has been kicked out of for scamming people.

The game is also at fault, for failing to control its own books and accounts, and also failing to do anything to make players whole once the founder and largest stakeholder of the game manipulated the integrity of the game and ripped people off.

The best thing for anyone who hasn't already been ripped off to do is stay away until people are made whole and the structural problems are resolved (for example by putting the assets on a blockchain where they can't be arbitrarily manipulated).

If MtGox reopened tomorrow with Kerpelles 'kicked out' but the whole rest of the crew still there, would you deposit money? I know I would not.

And no, I have no interest in buying in on the cheap (I wouldn't have to buy 'back' in either, as I already have a huge collection of in-game assets).

Fix this problem for real, and maybe the game has a chance. Otherwise, its all one dirty and dangerous pile of shit and people should not deposit money.

The game is at fault for Risto's actions?

I'm not assigning fault, I'm saying it is an unsound system which enabled this scam and has done nothing to resolve the fact that people deposited into the game and were not able to withdraw from it (the proximate cause for that being rpietilla's manipulation of the game records, but the underlying cause being poor controls) other than "SFYL, game goes on!"

I'd add to that another separate incident where the database was lost, due to developer error, there were no usable recent backups, and people faced potential large trading losses from a rollback until one of the players thankfully volunteered to help the developer do what he wasn't able to do himself (recover it).

If you are inviting people to put money into that, then yes you are complicit in scamming. Play all you like, but don't invite people to deposit money into such a system before you get your house in order.

I never heard you once complain about CK's design

Excuse me? I have been saying for years that at least the monetary assets (whether houses and such should be on a blockchain is a different question) should be on a blockchain (and also repeatedly stated that the blockchain version of the token should not be disadvantaged relative to the in-game token, for example by not receiving dividends, so that people are not discouraged from more-safely holding the blockchain version). I was the one who originally did the research into the capabilities and suitability of various asset platforms and suggested counterparty last year when luigi created the original token.

How would you fix it? You want to pay Risto's bill?

Aside from structural reforms,  you could start by seizing and selling all of his in-game assets with the proceeds used to (likely partially) repay the players who were ripped off when it turned into a fractional reserve scam. Has that yet been done?

Assets were seized yesterday, accounts were locked weeks ago, and yes, PJ is a hack DEV--but risto paid him upfront and he's all we have atm until we can get a blockchain asset  and fund it ourselves. So unless you have a way to expedite these matters, like creating a blockchain asset with your skillset, you are just repeating what we already know. Though if you are suggesting tying the game's currency to a blockchain asset, you would be damning the game--we were lucky that saddam was never hacked when M was pegged to XMR--risto's actions actually highlight this risk, rather than point to it as a solution. [Note: I am distinguishing between asset and currency]

Also, no one is asking anyone to deposit anything into the game atm--but meanwhile, risto is creating another game--so feel free to protect those people.

Risto is creating another spreadsheet game?  I could never understand how so many people participated in that in the first place, it seemed so silly but thats just me.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on June 19, 2017, 02:40:57 PM
It's not just you.  :D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: stereotype on June 19, 2017, 03:16:59 PM
It's not just you.  :D
lol Ditto

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 20, 2017, 01:05:29 AM
Monero wouldn't exist unless Risto funded it all along.
You guys forever down play his involvement and his forum game employee he hired David Latapie.

It's Risto's coin guys.
So yeah.. this does relate to Monero big time.

Hell he said explicitly he created it as a Monero Adoption Asset on the MEW topic.
This forum game *IS* Monero Advertising by the very same people behind Monero.

All this does matter and we all know it.
The only people waffling around bullshitting are the Monero shills in damage control mode.

Honestly i think all the little fish are scared shitless he will take his ball & go home.
If Risto decides to dump all his XMR it's gonna get ugly and stain the reputation of the coin badly forever.

And he might.
He's a mentally ill asshole.

Look at this topic he rips you off then says you don't "Deserve" your money.
What is there to defend ?

You guys if you had half a brain would have severed your ties from him LONG AGO !

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on June 20, 2017, 01:32:15 AM
When CK was first being discussed I thought the prevailing Idea was that XMR would be the in game currency. Wasn't that what was supposed to be the innovation and the part that helped monero expand it's eco system? I have no clue why a spreadsheet and a trusted system was  even used? That kind of defeated the initial purpose of the game didn't it?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on June 20, 2017, 02:51:19 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 21, 2017, 06:32:26 AM
Excellent point !
Can't believe i missed that.
But yeah i was thinking that too way back.

I also find it disgusting a millionaire took MEW money donated to fund his forum game.
It sickens me that he had to take small amounts from little fish to fuel his fantasy.
And who the hell ever heard of a forum game needing money ?

So it seems the XMR part of this was getting the Monero community to donate XMR coins to fund this game so he could run off with cash later.

The question i'm wondering is here is who is the victim ?

I have said all along for years the Monero shills were simply exploiting the mentally ill rich guy.
But in reality it appears he is in fact the shrewd one and got the last laugh.

As long as buddy stomped around with big talk and posted pictured of castles and screen caps with huge wallet balances all these Monero shills were more than happy to feed into his maniacal ego and shenanigans.
Even going so far as to cover up his bullshit stunts when he got cornered.

Look at the guy above me..
Then look at the MEW topic.. who was first in line doing damage control setting up refunds and an apology ?

An apology for yup.. Risto's idiotic bullshit ego tripping shenanigans.

So i wonder will the crew here learn something ?
I've thought that guy was a cancer on what ever project he supported.

Risto you are a little piece of scammer shit prick.
Pay these guys their money pronto ...and shut your fucking mouth.
Hows that for for straight forward ? LOL  ;D
I am not going to suck up to that chubby ass bald nerd prick douche.

And check your ass back into a mental hospital.
Risto you lured these people into a game so pay them.
Don't have access to exchange funds ?
Then sell the Bentley or the castle or the silver you posted pictures of here.
You have ZERO excuses buddy.. pay your damn bills.

And you have some fucking nerve rattling your cocky smug little "angel" dick holster about who "deserves" their money.. and saying " do these people know who they are dealing with ?"

Yeah a petty arrogant little scammer douche bag who has a scammer topic created on his ass.

Quit being a cunt and get some packing peanuts and put those silver tea pots into a box and Fed-Ex them to your victims asshole !

..this prick has no right simply starting a new game after ripping people off on the old one !

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on June 21, 2017, 02:04:28 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CoinCidental on June 21, 2017, 03:51:08 PM
Monero wouldn't exist unless Risto funded it all along.
You guys forever down play his involvement and his forum game employee he hired David Latapie.

It's Risto's coin guys.
So yeah.. this does relate to Monero big time.

Hell he said explicitly he created it as a Monero Adoption Asset on the MEW topic.
This forum game *IS* Monero Advertising by the very same people behind Monero.

All this does matter and we all know it.
The only people waffling around bullshitting are the Monero shills in damage control mode.

Honestly i think all the little fish are scared shitless he will take his ball & go home.
If Risto decides to dump all his XMR it's gonna get ugly and stain the reputation of the coin badly forever.

And he might.
He's a mentally ill asshole.

Look at this topic he rips you off then says you don't "Deserve" your money.
What is there to defend ?

You guys if you had half a brain would have severed your ties from him LONG AGO !

let him dump ,XMR is bigger than risto

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: katariina on June 21, 2017, 04:02:34 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

So when are we going to get our money?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: player99 on June 21, 2017, 04:27:41 PM
So when are we going to get our money?

You have 2 options, no?

1) Ask Risto for the money.

2) Help make Crypto Kingdom game great again so that Zechariahs M amount will be worth something.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on June 21, 2017, 04:41:09 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on June 21, 2017, 10:51:04 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Like most things in risto's life, that is hard to formulate due to the convoluted and ambiguous nature of how he went about it. For example he has claimed that over a half million was recently paid back to one of the players--problem is that there is no way to verify what the arrangement was with that player as it wasn't done publicly--I had thought the player/company was run by him, so was surprised that it even appeared as part of the debt.

I assume the 3mil he claims to have on Polo would be enough, but there again, he is claiming that Polo is forcing him to jump through regulatory hoops, so he can't get the money. There is a google sheet somewhere with the withdrawal and interest debt, but this doesn't have all of the euro debt and is heavily weighted by the absurd interest he accrued while this was all happening--I believe the interest scheme was one of the driving factors in getting every last dollar he could from the players.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on June 21, 2017, 11:40:10 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Like most things in risto's life, that is hard to formulate due to the convoluted and ambiguous nature of how he went about it. For example he has claimed that over a half million was recently paid back to one of the players--problem is that there is no way to verify what the arrangement was with that player as it wasn't done publicly--I had thought the player/company was run by him, so was surprised that it even appeared as part of the debt.

I assume the 3mil he claims to have on Polo would be enough, but there again, he is claiming that Polo is forcing him to jump through regulatory hoops, so he can't get the money. There is a google sheet somewhere with the withdrawal and interest debt, but this doesn't have all of the euro debt and is heavily weighted by the absurd interest he accrued while this was all happening--I believe the interest scheme was one of the driving factors in getting every last dollar he could from the players.

Yeah, that interest rate he offered was a real dirty and crooked move.  As far as a lot of his strange behavior could be attributed to his deranged mental condition and refusing to seek treatment this action leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that he is as crooked as they come, a flat out thief and scammer.

Karma is a bitch and catches up with everyone in the end.

It would probably take 3 KPMG accountants the better part of a month to unravel the CK finances. 

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CoinCidental on June 22, 2017, 05:22:30 AM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Like most things in risto's life, that is hard to formulate due to the convoluted and ambiguous nature of how he went about it. For example he has claimed that over a half million was recently paid back to one of the players--problem is that there is no way to verify what the arrangement was with that player as it wasn't done publicly--I had thought the player/company was run by him, so was surprised that it even appeared as part of the debt.

I assume the 3mil he claims to have on Polo would be enough, but there again, he is claiming that Polo is forcing him to jump through regulatory hoops, so he can't get the money. There is a google sheet somewhere with the withdrawal and interest debt, but this doesn't have all of the euro debt and is heavily weighted by the absurd interest he accrued while this was all happening--I believe the interest scheme was one of the driving factors in getting every last dollar he could from the players.

Yeah, that interest rate he offered was a real dirty and crooked move.  As far as a lot of his strange behavior could be attributed to his deranged mental condition and refusing to seek treatment this action leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that he is as crooked as they come, a flat out thief and scammer.

Karma is a bitch and catches up with everyone in the end.

It would probably take 3 KPMG accountants the better part of a month to unravel the CK finances. 

How much was the interest rate?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on June 22, 2017, 12:53:17 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Like most things in risto's life, that is hard to formulate due to the convoluted and ambiguous nature of how he went about it. For example he has claimed that over a half million was recently paid back to one of the players--problem is that there is no way to verify what the arrangement was with that player as it wasn't done publicly--I had thought the player/company was run by him, so was surprised that it even appeared as part of the debt.

I assume the 3mil he claims to have on Polo would be enough, but there again, he is claiming that Polo is forcing him to jump through regulatory hoops, so he can't get the money. There is a google sheet somewhere with the withdrawal and interest debt, but this doesn't have all of the euro debt and is heavily weighted by the absurd interest he accrued while this was all happening--I believe the interest scheme was one of the driving factors in getting every last dollar he could from the players.

Yeah, that interest rate he offered was a real dirty and crooked move.  As far as a lot of his strange behavior could be attributed to his deranged mental condition and refusing to seek treatment this action leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that he is as crooked as they come, a flat out thief and scammer.

Karma is a bitch and catches up with everyone in the end.

It would probably take 3 KPMG accountants the better part of a month to unravel the CK finances. 

How much was the interest rate?

1% per hour.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on June 22, 2017, 02:04:03 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Like most things in risto's life, that is hard to formulate due to the convoluted and ambiguous nature of how he went about it. For example he has claimed that over a half million was recently paid back to one of the players--problem is that there is no way to verify what the arrangement was with that player as it wasn't done publicly--I had thought the player/company was run by him, so was surprised that it even appeared as part of the debt.

I assume the 3mil he claims to have on Polo would be enough, but there again, he is claiming that Polo is forcing him to jump through regulatory hoops, so he can't get the money. There is a google sheet somewhere with the withdrawal and interest debt, but this doesn't have all of the euro debt and is heavily weighted by the absurd interest he accrued while this was all happening--I believe the interest scheme was one of the driving factors in getting every last dollar he could from the players.

Risto is on record with over 57K XMR sitting on Polo. There are no regulatory hoops preventing him from drip selling to pay off his debts. As for the show he puts on of being deranged, I guess you can be the judge of that.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on June 22, 2017, 03:22:59 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Like most things in risto's life, that is hard to formulate due to the convoluted and ambiguous nature of how he went about it. For example he has claimed that over a half million was recently paid back to one of the players--problem is that there is no way to verify what the arrangement was with that player as it wasn't done publicly--I had thought the player/company was run by him, so was surprised that it even appeared as part of the debt.

I assume the 3mil he claims to have on Polo would be enough, but there again, he is claiming that Polo is forcing him to jump through regulatory hoops, so he can't get the money. There is a google sheet somewhere with the withdrawal and interest debt, but this doesn't have all of the euro debt and is heavily weighted by the absurd interest he accrued while this was all happening--I believe the interest scheme was one of the driving factors in getting every last dollar he could from the players.

Risto is on record with over 57K XMR sitting on Polo. There are no regulatory hoops preventing him from drip selling to pay off his debts. As for the show he puts on of being deranged, I guess you can be the judge of that.

That's if you believe screenshots.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on June 22, 2017, 03:31:34 PM
how to make mo money without usin' yo money
but wit da Bitcoin, baby 8)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on June 22, 2017, 04:06:51 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Like most things in risto's life, that is hard to formulate due to the convoluted and ambiguous nature of how he went about it. For example he has claimed that over a half million was recently paid back to one of the players--problem is that there is no way to verify what the arrangement was with that player as it wasn't done publicly--I had thought the player/company was run by him, so was surprised that it even appeared as part of the debt.

I assume the 3mil he claims to have on Polo would be enough, but there again, he is claiming that Polo is forcing him to jump through regulatory hoops, so he can't get the money. There is a google sheet somewhere with the withdrawal and interest debt, but this doesn't have all of the euro debt and is heavily weighted by the absurd interest he accrued while this was all happening--I believe the interest scheme was one of the driving factors in getting every last dollar he could from the players.

Risto is on record with over 57K XMR sitting on Polo. There are no regulatory hoops preventing him from drip selling to pay off his debts. As for the show he puts on of being deranged, I guess you can be the judge of that.

Its not a show, no one in their right mind would write such ramblings and anyway he has been locked up in an insane asylum in the past.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: BlindMayorBitcorn on June 22, 2017, 04:15:54 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Any idea how much his majesty owes the townspeople??

Like most things in risto's life, that is hard to formulate due to the convoluted and ambiguous nature of how he went about it. For example he has claimed that over a half million was recently paid back to one of the players--problem is that there is no way to verify what the arrangement was with that player as it wasn't done publicly--I had thought the player/company was run by him, so was surprised that it even appeared as part of the debt.

I assume the 3mil he claims to have on Polo would be enough, but there again, he is claiming that Polo is forcing him to jump through regulatory hoops, so he can't get the money. There is a google sheet somewhere with the withdrawal and interest debt, but this doesn't have all of the euro debt and is heavily weighted by the absurd interest he accrued while this was all happening--I believe the interest scheme was one of the driving factors in getting every last dollar he could from the players.

Risto is on record with over 57K XMR sitting on Polo. There are no regulatory hoops preventing him from drip selling to pay off his debts. As for the show he puts on of being deranged, I guess you can be the judge of that.

Its not a show, no one in their right mind would write such ramblings and anyway he has been locked up in an insane asylum in the past.

Your argument is a non-sequitur on top of a does-not-follow. But that's none of my business.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: wpalczynski on June 22, 2017, 04:24:56 PM
How is that so?  It was implied that he might not really be crazy and I pointed out that he has been committed in the past.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 24, 2017, 06:23:06 AM
He committed himself before.
I have done that before too around 1998.. so i am not bashing the guy on that in of itself.
Myself i was depressed about my living station and future etc.
Over the years i changed that.. problem solved.

He on the other hand clearly struggles from a variety of issues that are bleeding over on to your lives and YOUR money !

And i agree that screencap is just that.. a picture.
But i do tend to believe him.

He said he forgot about it.
How do you "forget" you have a couple million dollars worth of XMR on Polo..
when you are a rabid maniacal shill for XMR that hangs out on Polo with others like yourself ?

Simple he's an arrogant liar.

And i was implying all along that he had the means to take out the small amount from Polo all along.
He acts as though he has to get it all out at once vs taking the max amount daily etc.

And who the hell believes he is not using a verified account ?
Who would insert a couple million in coins knowing there would be a verification limit blocking him from getting them out again.

Simple he's a fucking liar.

He set up this game as it is.. so he feels entitled to use any loop holes he sees to his advantage.
It's a game to him and he thinks he won.. fairly.

I don't have any respect for him.
I too could have setup a scheme to get you all to give me money so i could rip you off later.. but i didn't.
I have integrity and class he has a tea pot on his head.

Those Fed-Ex packages moving yet Risto ?
Pay your bills cocky little prick..

Beware people.. you heard his comment about who deserves their money right ?
Well how does this procedure work transferring assets etc over to the new game ?
Let me guess.. those who "deserve" in his almighty angelic opinion will have a "smooth" transfer and the others will be.. waiting.

The new game is a clever play of his.
He gets what he wants and well.. you don't.

Well aside from the rest of you who still want to play a game cited as a scam.
But those of you i can't help.
I have to wonder who wants to keep playing a game confirmed to be a scam with a confirmed scammer.
Who should be in the loony bin ?
Me thinks a few of you should be joining him in the padded room  :D

I think it's time the XMR children grew up and started acting their age.
Maybe time to put away the multi-million dollar "forum game" spread sheet and grow the fuck up already.

I bet many of you would have gladly ran to sign up at
Just like Leroy Fodor (CyberPinoy) and Michael Wilterdink (Terrik) did with Cryptsy China..

Anyway ;)
You don't need to be verified to have an exchange hand over a user details.
I suggest calling the Fed's on this guy and send them to Polo staff.. pronto !
Maybe even launch a class action lawsuit against him.

And neg his fucking ass people.. that is what the rating system is for.
Just because he pays some people does not make it ok he ripped off others.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 27, 2017, 05:26:29 PM
Well it seems this arrogant scammer went ahead and created his new forum game.
I seen the topic in ALT Main.

Like the other scammers here he just gives you the finger and carries on like nothing has happened.

And I hope you negged his ass guys if he cheated you off your money.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Sandrakene on June 27, 2017, 08:14:01 PM
Well it seems this arrogant scammer went ahead and created his new forum game.
I seen the topic in ALT Main.

Like the other scammers here he just gives you the finger and carries on like nothing has happened.

And I hope you negged his ass guys if he cheated you off your money.

I belive him. He is a good man. Don't cry here!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 28, 2017, 12:31:14 AM
Well it seems this arrogant scammer went ahead and created his new forum game.
I seen the topic in ALT Main.

Like the other scammers here he just gives you the finger and carries on like nothing has happened.

And I hope you negged his ass guys if he cheated you off your money.

I belive him. He is a good man. Don't cry here!

You believe what now?
Mind elaborating with improved English NOOB?

Crying is fair when you have been ripped off by the way..

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: nutildah on June 28, 2017, 04:59:47 AM

You believe what now?
Mind elaborating with improved English NOOB?

Crying is fair when you have been ripped off by the way..

How's the weather in Canada there Sputty?  Tolerable? I'm genuinely curious.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on June 28, 2017, 09:12:40 PM
Summer time so it's hot in Kelowna BC.
I think it's supposed to be 94 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow  :o
But I'm puss and burn easy so complain about it lots!

Funny how it looks like I'm the one that cares about this.
He fires up a new game and all is well I guess  ::)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on June 28, 2017, 09:44:55 PM
@generalizethis, I edited your comments about kicking rpietilla out of the game and seizing his assets into the OP. Now my question to you is whether those assets are going to be used to compensate the players who were scammed?

Yes, if risto does not pay his debt and reclaim his account, his assets will be used to repay the debt he created, and this is a huge IF, if the game is successful enough to do so.

And just to be clear, I am using some seized assets (his M, land, and deposhares will remain untouched as per game rules) to create bounties and fund other projects to help ck become a successful gaming platform.

Also, I did not follow this thread, but will do so as to answer any questions that may arise about the game sans risto.

Thank you for the reply. I will copy this information to the OP so people will be aware of this apparent effort on the part of the current game operators to do something for the scammed players.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on June 29, 2017, 04:59:38 PM
Larsinoense and Vigens are pending to be elevated to the Scammer-status, unless they promptly provide proof of their numerous claims made in the ex-main thread regarding the fire and the flood (e.g. only high resolution official documents with a visible date, address and names of the correspondent(s) will be accepted). Due to their highly biased financial and sexual connections to the main conspirator, any anecdotal or unverifiable proof will be discarded.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on June 30, 2017, 11:24:02 PM
Larsinoense and Vigens are pending to be elevated to the Scammer-status, unless they promptly provide proof of their numerous claims made in the ex-main thread regarding the fire and the flood (e.g. only high resolution official documents with a visible date, address and names of the correspondent(s) will be accepted). Due to their highly biased financial and sexual connections to the main conspirator, any anecdotal or unverifiable proof will be discarded.

What the hell are you even talkin about? No chance getting these documents to show but you can call to city of Tallinn and find out yourself wanker

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: statdude on July 01, 2017, 01:13:49 AM
how was he scammed? I saw reference to was the site insecure? who the hell would put 700k monero on there? and when did this happen?

what other financial losses has he suffered, and what is the proof (eg blockchain records, police reports)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on July 01, 2017, 02:41:36 AM
how was he scammed? I saw reference to was the site insecure? who the hell would put 700k monero on there? and when did this happen?

what other financial losses has he suffered, and what is the proof (eg blockchain records, police reports)

I dunno who would put 2.2 million dollars worth of XMR on Polo then say he can't get them out because he's not verified?

You would :D

And I have to point out how in situations like this..
We have victims trying to "save" the operation deemed a "scam"
.. Then we have people like myself pointing out how you are now deliberately supporting a confirmed scam.

Like I said..
When Cryptsy vanished..
I had guys telling me they would donate money to get it going again.
When clearly that was not a bright idea.

If you were not smart enough to hear the warnings ahead of time and get out then sorry but tough luck.

Oh and FenrirCK top notch posts.  :D
People should click on his profile and check out his recent posts.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: statdude on July 01, 2017, 03:41:42 AM
Huh? I would what? I have never scammed anybody and I got my money off polo as fast as I could lately.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on July 01, 2017, 11:58:29 AM
The only thing you do is dig a deeper hole.
You have a shady track record.

I do not.

Funny how your money can not buy integrity or class huh?

So risto.. If I got burned.. Would I "deserve" my money?

And what is it you are even doing in crypto anyway?
So far you have a track record of scamming poor people to pad your rich bragging ass wallet.

You basically stole the Mew donated money before for example then had smooth apologize and issue a refund.
Funny because you claimed it was a powerful adoption asset for Monero.
AKA:a paid forum game for advertising.

Like jeesus fuck I couldn't make up this shit its so funny :D
I also want to point out how you said to me on polo chat before this forum game you made thousands on the previous one.
Soooooo uhhhhhh?
Oh but now this one... Or I should say the last one was for adoption purposes.
So what is this one for now?

What are you doing here besides setting up childish gay forum game bullshit?
Just want to play demigod and profit off poor people?

I'm curious just what in the fuck do you do in crypto to support it?

I have pointed out lots how the shit you say and the shit YOU DO are not equal..endlessly.
You are wormy insecure delusional mentally ill predator fraud and people should steer clear of your little money schemes.

And uhhh you been gettin' that 2.2 million in XMR out of polo?
Good then prove to us all payments have been made to your debtors.
Otherwise risto sweety you have little wiggle room to come to a scam topic with your name on it claiming denial.

Risto you are sad pathetic little clown and I knew damn well on day one you were going to be a never ending juggernaut of drama and bullshit.

You are hands down the most deluded arrogant bullshit "king" in all of crypto land.
Every time I see your garbage posts I think of the pied piper leading the XMR rats.
But guess what sweety?
New players are coming for your throne LOL
Pretty soon the rats will be following a new perceived whale.. Like oh I dunno Mark Cuban?

Your done in crypto.
You have a long trail of bullshit.
These brain washed victims may still suck you off but I can assure you new people showing up will steer clear.

Your debts are paid then?
Prove it.

If not do you think launching another forum game is a wise use of your time?
Did that guy you hired to access your email account used with Poloniex succeed then?

I don't know where to begin with you.. You are such a bushitting insecure lite clown.
You remind me of a bored out of work house wife playing "forum games" all day..
Except you keep ripping people off then launching another one.


I've never understood why people bother with retarded crap like this.
Forum games I've played? 0

Maybe get a hobby or a job and pay the people back you ripped off "king" risto?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: cAPSLOCK on July 01, 2017, 01:44:51 PM
Sput figuring out he's too drunk to know who he's talking to in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: statdude on July 01, 2017, 02:29:24 PM
Sput figuring out he's too drunk to know who he's talking to in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

I want some of whatever he's on. looks fun.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on July 01, 2017, 03:03:35 PM
I know enough..

Fraud boy is an idiot.

It's me who is laughing.. Who's name is on the scam topic title in the scam section?

And the kicker here is it was very own maniacal shills who turned on him.
That is the funny part :D

After all these years of defending that fat bald sack of shit loser *some of the shills clued in..
...some ::)

OH it is me who is laughing.. Trust me.  8)

And yeah I guess I figured he was risto.. It's a bitch reading on my tablet  :'(

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on July 01, 2017, 06:09:31 PM
what other financial losses has he suffered, and what is the proof (eg blockchain records, police reports)

There is no proof of any of it. Nor is it relevant. Even if true it is just obfuscation and excuses for scamming. No one else is responsible for his own carelessness or losses.

As printed out numerous times, apart from verifying, nothing prevents him from trickle withdrawing 7K/day from polo and paying off the debts.

Quoted here in case of deletion on the scammer's self-moderated thread:

This proposal expired with no acceptance or counter offer. In fact not even a response. Since my proposal met the steep discounts proposed in the quote above this is indicative that there is no interest and / or ability here to settle these debts even with the steep discounts above.

Sorry YE, the others here have weddings to attend to, and you must understand some of the other of my responsibilities now:

* CK-U
* 6 companies in 2 jurisdictions
* 3 police investigations in as many cities in 2 countries
* $50 million + stolen from me, needs back
* 120 rooms to take care of in Malla
* Future of DAGcoin, XMR, Markka, etc. hinges in my actions
* Typically, when I go to bed, I wake up with 10 PMs and 20 notifications
* I have 2 minors to take care of, plus about 5-10 staff/servants
* Ongoing divorce with legal action all over
* Dating GIRLs, dreaming about a WOMAN, fucking whores
* Global summit going on in Malla/Ibiza/Korea as we speak
* Charity/giveaways running at $1M annualised

Since you are such a master of the universe it should be a simple matter to pay off your debts or even hire someone to manage the repayments for you.

have them transferred to Universe, as follows:

Offer declined. I am due payment as agreed, on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Please make payment.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: statdude on July 01, 2017, 06:51:22 PM

Indeed, his Poloniex screenshots (which should also probably be captured) showed no attempt to withdraw a penny.

Delusional. I'd be withdrawing that as fast as possible with Poloniex current horrid track record.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: criptix on July 01, 2017, 10:25:58 PM
1% interest per hour... and you guys send him money ::)


Why did you do that?
I always had the impression that you were one of the good guys - weird but honest and sincere.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on July 01, 2017, 11:23:12 PM
1% interest per hour... and you guys send him money ::)


Why did you do that?
I always had the impression that you were one of the good guys - weird but honest and sincere.

Not exactly. It was money he already owed in the game. He made an offer for cashouts and volunteered 1%/hour interest after 48 hours as a penalty on himself to demonstrate commitment to pay. Of course he didn't actually pay and the interest kicked in, but it was completely avoidable.

Some people may have accepted that offer as an inducement to make additional deposits into the game, but many of us were just cashing out existing holdings (which had become otherwise unredeemable because of rpietilla's fractional reserve scamming)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: criptix on July 01, 2017, 11:31:06 PM
1% interest per hour... and you guys send him money ::)


Why did you do that?
I always had the impression that you were one of the good guys - weird but honest and sincere.

Not exactly. It was money he already owed in the game. He made an offer for cashouts and volunteered 1%/hour interest after 48 hours as a penalty on himself to demonstrate commitment to pay. Of course he didn't actually pay and the interest kicked in, but it was completely avoidable.

Some people may have accepted that offer as an inducement to make additional deposits into the game, but many of us were just cashing out existing holdings (which had become otherwise unredeemable because of rpietilla's fractional reserve scamming)

Ah i see. Thanks for clarifying.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on July 02, 2017, 01:10:42 AM
You know what bothers me is his vile attitude.
He should not be making insulting remarks to people he owns money to..
Or going on about who deserves their money.

Notice how he has not accepted responsibility?
Instead he just gets more defiant.

I'd like to see him apologetic and have a bit of humility.
Be sorry about it all and make it right..
And give us all some reason to think your behavior will be different in the future.

He never understood why I critized his bullshit over the years.
He really does think he's some kind of crypto king when he stomped in on day 1.
He was like this from the beginning.

This topic is about how his arrogant attitude gets him into trouble.
He feels above everyone and entitled to jerk people around using them at his discretion.
The Mew money was a perfect example.
He simply felt entitled to take the money and do what ever he wanted with it with out asking or any oversight.
Funny enough he said it with such an arrogant smug attitude he didn't realize he was even making himself look bad.
If he was smart he would have avoided saying it LOL
THEN he said the supporters were FUD'ing him when they asked where the money went.
The nerve of the fucking guy WOW.

What I have been harping on for years is this guy's fucked up mentality is a danger to you all.
Things like this happen because the guy is bad news.
I warned you guys but you wouldn't listen.

Uhhh it goes a little bit beyond that.

Try insane..
He said BTC will be worth 1 million each eventually.
So... Why would he bother spending millions on Altcoins?
That makes 0 sense..

The bored house wife is spoiled and delusional and in need of attention.
Well congrats king risto.. Enjoy your scam topic.

..and I'll see you on the next one  ;)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on July 03, 2017, 09:59:49 AM
Summer time so it's hot in Kelowna BC.
I think it's supposed to be 94 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow  :o
But I'm puss and burn easy so complain about it lots!

Funny how it looks like I'm the one that cares about this.
He fires up a new game and all is well I guess  ::)

Why is that every time I read one of your posts
It's like an adventure in reading freestyle poetry?  :P :P :P

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: nutildah on July 03, 2017, 07:00:23 PM
Summer time so it's hot in Kelowna BC.
I think it's supposed to be 94 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow  :o
But I'm puss and burn easy so complain about it lots!

Funny how it looks like I'm the one that cares about this.
He fires up a new game and all is well I guess  ::)

Why is that every time I read one of your posts
It's like an adventure in reading freestyle poetry?  :P :P :P

He would make for a good Slam Poet. Some dude who just goes on stage and expresses his frustrations angrily - yet poetically - for too long.

By the way, howbout Smooth calling Reptilia a scammer?? I've never heard of a more pot/kettle situation.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Gleb Gamow on July 03, 2017, 11:09:28 PM
Summer time so it's hot in Kelowna BC.
I think it's supposed to be 94 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow  :o
But I'm puss and burn easy so complain about it lots!

Funny how it looks like I'm the one that cares about this.
He fires up a new game and all is well I guess  ::)

Why is that every time I read one of your posts
It's like an adventure in reading freestyle poetry?  :P :P :P

He would make for a good Slam Poet. Some dude who just goes on stage and expresses his frustrations angrily - yet poetically - for too long.

By the way, howbout Smooth calling Reptilia a scammer?? I've never heard of a more pot/kettle situation.

I believe it was NPR where I first learnt about Slam Poetry. Here's a girl I last seen when she was very young, for I knew here father well when he lived in Nashville, TN: She takes slamming to a whole new level, and ironically she's a ... wait for it ... Bitcoiner.

Her father, Steve Eng, penned the following lyrics:

Your love is hot and heavy like a burger on a bun
Your love is just like Kmart, you got something for everyone

Your love is like a pizza, home-delivered to the door
After one slice, the customer cries for more

If Linda Lovelace needed lessons, you could show her how it's done
Your love is just like Kmart, you got something for everyone

This song needs a release
AND ... I ... NEED ... A ... RELEASE ... FOR ... MY ... BODILY ... TENSIONS

The last time I saw Steve Eng was at the main public library in downtown Nashville. He was looking for a Tennessee whore. Seriously, a Tennessee whore, and he calculated his odds of finding one at the public library. Last I heard, he did find one, and included her name in the book "Tennessee Wild West" ->

How I remember Steve Eng:

Steve during his final days:


Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on July 08, 2017, 12:04:19 AM
By the way, howbout Smooth calling Reptilia a scammer?? I've never heard of a more pot/kettle situation.

Interesting. Where is the list of people I owe money who have not been paid? Where is the documentation of some deal I made which has to been upheld?

Because there is a (partial) list of those out money due to rpitilla's fractional reserve scam and unpaid debts in the OP of this thread.

Anyway, the scammer has now locked his original self-moderated game thread and started a 'new' game complete with new self-moderated thread, which will likely result in a repeated scam. Beware.


Scammer still deleting from his self-moderated threads, in this case the new thread created to rope in more victims after locking the old one.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Scam users, lock old thread, create new thread. Wash rinse repeat.

Oldest scammer trick in the book.

Pay your debts

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on July 09, 2017, 11:10:16 AM
Continued lies/spin about his past scamming, along with continued deletion by the scammer of accurate information on his new self-moderated 'game' thread.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

Can someone fill me in on the exit scam?  And also where I can download the game?  I always wondered if this project left the role playing stage.

He issued B1 (mBTC) and E1 (€) which weren't backed by actual mBTC and €
When people started withdrawing he didn't pay out

Outstanding debt without interest is at 600BTC

The game doesn't download, you can access it over

The matter is discussed amply in other CK threads and will be deleted from here promptly. Rebels have stolen both my BTC paperwallets (Embassy 4/2017) and XMR online wallets (hack 2/2016 and before). B1/E1 situation became untenable when my accounts representing more than 50% of the game were blocked from access (Ultima 5-6/2017). As a result the marketcap collapsed.

Utter and complete bullshit. Your access was blocked only after you turned the game into a scam, and refused to pay your debts. The administrators of the game are doing their best to recover from a bad situation that YOU created, and salvage some value from a game into which many have invested time and money, an investment that you did your utmost to trash.

The B1/E1 'situation became untenable' only because YOU created tokens out of thin air (fractional reserve scam step one) and then YOU not only refused to deliver funds to back those tokens (fractional reserve scam step two) but then YOU explicitly agreed to buy a large number of those tokens from those otherwise left holding the bag on your malfeasance but YOU refused to uphold YOUR end of the deal (fractional reserve scam step three).

Your parade of excuses that rivals the biblical plagues (fires, floods, and hacking, too!) has nothing to do with your refusal to pay debts. It is no one else's fault or responsibility that you (supposedly) left paper wallets sitting next to unattended lit candles, or that you are one of the earliest crypto users but can't figure how to secure your own wallets from hackers. (Nor, for that matter, that you got yourself into debt in this manner at all.)

Pay your debts.

If deleted, the notice of deletion will be added to scam thread as further evidence of bad intent and ongoing abuse of self-moderated threads to suppress accurate information about your history of scamming, most likely to facilitate future scamming.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on July 11, 2017, 12:44:45 AM
There really is no penetrating his arrogant ego.
I contend he really must suffer from a lot of mental issues.
A pushy stubborn "king" who simply pushes on..

And his hallmark signature is self moderation.
That is his MO here all along for years.

You know you'd get a more reasonable response from even theymos than this idiot.
I really hope you all learned a lesson here guys and are severing your ties from this lunatic.
Because clearly he has learned nothing from this or other past drama..
So you can expect more shit like this in the future i guarantee it.

I also would be extra concerned if this is sinking in with him too.
He feels he has finally lost his credibility he is far more likely to scam others more and ever worse.

Risto.. repair the damage you have done.
And have some class and apologize.
Being a mouthy stubborn arrogant child is not going to work out well for you.
If you owe money then pay it.

You bragged about having 2.2 million worth of XMR on Polo then posted a screen cap of it.
You said you forgot about it so it can't be important to you..
But the money you owe to other poor people probably is to them.
So i don't see why you don't just take out what you can from Polo and sent it to people and post proof.
If if Polo has a trade key like Cryptsy did then i bet most of these guys would happily take XMR as payment anyway.

So what is the hold up ?
Is it about as you said "who deserves their money" ?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on July 26, 2017, 09:20:01 AM
Can't have anyone interfere with the next iteration of his scam

smooth: notice to leave my thread as per rules of the forum.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on July 26, 2017, 09:30:11 AM
Can't have anyone interfere with the next iteration of his scam

smooth: notice to leave my thread as per rules of the forum.

All novel content is welcome. Moderation removes redundancy. Stupidity tolerated only until completion, not repeatedly.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on July 26, 2017, 09:32:56 AM
Can't have anyone interfere with the next iteration of his scam

smooth: notice to leave my thread as per rules of the forum.

All novel content is welcome. Moderation removes redundancy. Stupidity tolerated only until completion, not repeatedly.

Pay your debts.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on July 26, 2017, 09:58:11 AM
Your stupid assholeness is not without merit, though. I am considering to add the following to the TOE with me:

"Your reasonable wishes will be fulfilled upon request, and likewise for mine.

Do not even think that it includes any lasting obligation, especially financial. Anyone who thinks I owe him anything, should check head.

The darkness-bred variety such as you, spend up to 30 pages to assholishly elucidate that they only screw you, not the other way round. I am ready to serve everyone, and opting out is easy: just start talking about money that you pretend to deserve from me.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rdnkjdi on July 26, 2017, 01:01:43 PM
Thanks for the warning Smooth.  I still can't believe he managed to lose 700K XMR.

This actually kinda explains why (beyond the "Fluffypony tried to stop Monero's bubble.  And succeeded" meme) XMR has lagged behind over the last several months compared to other alts.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on July 27, 2017, 12:39:37 AM
What a punk.
He rips people off then hangs around running a new version of the same scam game.
Then shows up to shoot his mouth off.

The rich braggart can zip it and pay his bills.
Nothing more to it than that.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on July 27, 2017, 05:13:07 PM
What a punk.
He rips people off then hangs around running a new version of the same scam game.
Then shows up to shoot his mouth off.

The rich braggart can zip it and pay his bills.
Nothing more to it than that.

New game was greated because the real scammers are running the original game.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Zepher on July 27, 2017, 05:17:38 PM
What a punk.
He rips people off then hangs around running a new version of the same scam game.
Then shows up to shoot his mouth off.

The rich braggart can zip it and pay his bills.
Nothing more to it than that.

New game was greated because the real scammers are running the original game.

Really? Who are these people? Please provide some evidence for your claims.

From my standpoint, and forgive me here as I only know the basics, rpietila is the one who has stolen money from all the users.

Care to correct me if I am wrong? Again, please provide some proof for your claims to be taken seriously.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on July 27, 2017, 05:26:22 PM
What a punk.
He rips people off then hangs around running a new version of the same scam game.
Then shows up to shoot his mouth off.

The rich braggart can zip it and pay his bills.
Nothing more to it than that.

New game was greated because the real scammers are running the original game.

Really? Who are these people? Please provide some evidence for your claims.

From my standpoint, and forgive me here as I only know the basics, rpietila is the one who has stolen money from all the users.

Care to correct me if I am wrong? Again, please provide some proof for your claims to be taken seriously.

I got no evidence, dont have to be taken seriuosly. People still seeing Zech as a honey pot and try to get more money from him. I have seen this shite going on here for too long. Most you here are darkness people and see only small picture. Look at your game now without Zechs funds.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on July 27, 2017, 05:40:07 PM
What a punk.
He rips people off then hangs around running a new version of the same scam game.
Then shows up to shoot his mouth off.

The rich braggart can zip it and pay his bills.
Nothing more to it than that.

New game was greated because the real scammers are running the original game.

Really? Who are these people? Please provide some evidence for your claims.

From my standpoint, and forgive me here as I only know the basics, rpietila is the one who has stolen money from all the users.

Care to correct me if I am wrong? Again, please provide some proof for your claims to be taken seriously.

I got no evidence, dont have to be taken seriuosly. People still seeing Zech as a honey pot and try to get more money from him. I have seen this shite going on here for too long. Most you here are darkness people and see only small picture. Look at your game now without Zechs funds.

Yeah well I hate to inform you that those Zech funds are from the people now running the original game and they are the stolen funds that that piece of Ero Trash stole! Welcome to ignore moron.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Zepher on July 27, 2017, 05:46:32 PM
I got no evidence, dont have to be taken seriuosly. People still seeing Zech as a honey pot and try to get more money from him. I have seen this shite going on here for too long.

Okay, care to list who these scammers are who are now running the original game? Also, exactly why they are the scammers in this scenario? As I understand it, the majority (if not all) of those people invested money into a game where one rpietila caused the game to become a fractional reserve by injecting money a worthless token into it - money a token that was backed by absolutely nothing whatsoever and therefore just diluted everything. As a result, those people are now out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of Bitcoins. If I recall correctly, did he not inject something like €100M into the game?

I only see one scammer here.

Most you here are darkness people and see only small picture.

Ummm, okay. :-X

Look at your game now without Zechs funds.

You mean, look at the game now that Zech has stolen all legitimate users funds and has moved on to a new game?

Okay then.

Edited to fix words.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on July 27, 2017, 05:50:45 PM

Okay, care to list who these scammers are who are now running the original game? Also, exactly why they are the scammers in this scenario? As I understand it, the majority (if not all) of those people invested money into a game where one rpietila caused the game to become a fractional reserve by injecting money into it - money that was backed by absolutely nothing whatsoever and therefore just diluted everything. As a result, those people are now out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of Bitcoins. If I recall correctly, did he not inject something like €100M into the game?

I only see one scammer here.

He didn't inject money, he injected a worthless token he made up that didn't even have a blockchain and was backed by nothing and tried to shill it in the XMR threads. If you go back you will find me calling him out on it then and there, I'm assuming those in the game didn't call him out on it as they wanted to get what they could back before the house of cards came down. So basically he injected a worthless IOU.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Zepher on July 27, 2017, 06:06:44 PM

Okay, care to list who these scammers are who are now running the original game? Also, exactly why they are the scammers in this scenario? As I understand it, the majority (if not all) of those people invested money into a game where one rpietila caused the game to become a fractional reserve by injecting money a worthless token into it - money a token that was backed by absolutely nothing whatsoever and therefore just diluted everything. As a result, those people are now out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of Bitcoins. If I recall correctly, did he not inject something like €100M into the game?

I only see one scammer here.

He didn't inject money, he injected a worthless token he made up that didn't even have a blockchain and was backed by nothing and tried to shill it in the XMR threads. If you go back you will find me calling him out on it then and there, I'm assuming those in the game didn't call him out on it as they wanted to get what they could back before the house of cards came down. So basically he injected a worthless IOU.

Appreciate the correction :) All I know about this game is what has been posted on the forum here in the scam section, I had not heard about it prior to that.

I used the wrong word when I said injecting "money", it should have been token as the word money would imply there was something backing it up, which we all know there isn't.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on July 28, 2017, 02:31:26 AM

Okay, care to list who these scammers are who are now running the original game? Also, exactly why they are the scammers in this scenario? As I understand it, the majority (if not all) of those people invested money into a game where one rpietila caused the game to become a fractional reserve by injecting money a worthless token into it - money a token that was backed by absolutely nothing whatsoever and therefore just diluted everything. As a result, those people are now out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of Bitcoins. If I recall correctly, did he not inject something like €100M into the game?

I only see one scammer here.

He didn't inject money, he injected a worthless token he made up that didn't even have a blockchain and was backed by nothing and tried to shill it in the XMR threads. If you go back you will find me calling him out on it then and there, I'm assuming those in the game didn't call him out on it as they wanted to get what they could back before the house of cards came down. So basically he injected a worthless IOU.

Appreciate the correction :) All I know about this game is what has been posted on the forum here in the scam section, I had not heard about it prior to that.

I used the wrong word when I said injecting "money", it should have been token as the word money would imply there was something backing it up, which we all know there isn't.

It has a use case in game (like any other game), the problem came when he tried to force an arbitrary euro peg--so don't try to characterize the players he fucked over as accomplices--as long as he was backing the deposhares with real euro and bitcoin, there was never a problem--he was literally telling us, "You'll be sorry if you don't trade your B1, E1 and M3 for M," and he did manage to back that claim up a few times by injecting fake b1 and e1 into the game and making those who cashed out look like they got out at a bad rate. I've always thought there should be an exchange asset, but when luigi created one, risto changed the ck asset to m (something I supported at the time without knowing that he would inflate the supply, so I thought it would be a simple 1ck=1m). He is very likely intentionally sabotaging the game, "why" is anyone's guess--though smooth can validate that in slack conversations he was threatening me with that action, because I wouldn't be bribed or bullied into playing the bad guy (this is around the time he started classifying me as dark in posts).

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on July 28, 2017, 03:01:20 AM

Okay, care to list who these scammers are who are now running the original game? Also, exactly why they are the scammers in this scenario? As I understand it, the majority (if not all) of those people invested money into a game where one rpietila caused the game to become a fractional reserve by injecting money a worthless token into it - money a token that was backed by absolutely nothing whatsoever and therefore just diluted everything. As a result, those people are now out of pocket to the tune of hundreds of Bitcoins. If I recall correctly, did he not inject something like €100M into the game?

I only see one scammer here.

He didn't inject money, he injected a worthless token he made up that didn't even have a blockchain and was backed by nothing and tried to shill it in the XMR threads. If you go back you will find me calling him out on it then and there, I'm assuming those in the game didn't call him out on it as they wanted to get what they could back before the house of cards came down. So basically he injected a worthless IOU.

Appreciate the correction :) All I know about this game is what has been posted on the forum here in the scam section, I had not heard about it prior to that.

I used the wrong word when I said injecting "money", it should have been token as the word money would imply there was something backing it up, which we all know there isn't.

It has a use case in game (like any other game), the problem came when he tried to force an arbitrary euro peg--so don't try to characterize the players he fucked over as accomplices--as long as he was backing the deposhares with real euro and bitcoin, there was never a problem--he was literally telling us, "You'll be sorry if you don't trade your B1, E1 and M3 for M," and he did manage to back that claim up a few times by injecting fake b1 and e1 into the game and making those who cashed out look like they got out at a bad rate. I've always thought there should be an exchange asset, but when luigi created one, risto changed the ck asset to m (something I supported at the time without knowing that he would inflate the supply, so I thought it would be a simple 1ck=1m). He is very likely intentionally sabotaging the game, "why" is anyone's guess--though smooth can validate that in slack conversations he was threatening me with that action, because I wouldn't be bribed or bullied into playing the bad guy (this is around the time he started classifying me as dark in posts).

Thanks for the clarification. :)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on July 28, 2017, 05:05:44 AM
To further clarify, there were two different kinds of assets in the game: depository and non-depository. Depository shares represented deposits of outside funds (originally just XMR and later BTC, and in some mostly-fantasy sense, EUR), and redeemable in some fixed ratio (million to one, thousand to one, etc.). There was nothing wrong with creating arbitrary non-depository assets. After all it is a game. If a player happens to dig in the ground and finds GEMs or whatever other fanciful items, those could be created as part of reasonable gameplay.

The problem arose when rpietilla credited depository assets to himself without actually depositing, and then when called to pay out on those shares, refused (and has continued to refuse).

The analogy of buying into a poker game and then using the chips (i.e. depository shares) to play is an accurate one. If the host sells chips to people who buy in (and also himself plays in the game, though this doesn't so much change anything) and then at the end of the night refuses to cash in the winners' (and even losers' remaining) chips, the host is a scammer.

The 'peg' issue doesn't really enter into this except as being one of the several retarded ways that rpietilla lost some of his chips.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on July 28, 2017, 08:30:49 AM
For further clarity:

There is no evidence that I ever took a penny out of the game.

What I put into game, was 3 years of work, and paid many EUR-denominated stuff of the game from my pocket, plus gave out 20,000 XMR without strings, plus 20,000 XMR sold to get Markka (which was blocked=stolen from me by Chrichton and other scum, excuse me, high-ranking players who just don't think my loss as theirs, especially when they pocket it), about 10,000 XMR still blocked=stolen in the game where my access has been taken away, 3.45 million EUR as settlements to people who did not participate in the thefts (obvious is that people who see me bringing them money, and do not help when it's taken away, OR worse yet pocket it, will never get anything, and this applies to many people here - thief Crichton has sinned, and possesses my money, and it will never bring anything but curse to him until he repent and give money back to ME (and then to others since I have no interest in money, being master of it).

So one of us is lying scammer, and all readers may freely pick their side, identifying with either him, or me. I would be so glad that some who actually lost would give Trust feedback to the ones whom it belongs. If you stick head deep into ass like OZ, Karma has a difficulty to give your reward. You must speak up. Enough of this darkness already.

If you think I am just talking, you may be wrong. I mentioned something about abrupt ending for those who live in countries where Police does not uphold justice, and that includes you.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on July 28, 2017, 08:43:48 AM
For further clarity:

There is no evidence that I ever took a penny out of the game.

What I put into game, was 3 years of work, and paid many EUR-denominated stuff of the game from my pocket, plus gave out 20,000 XMR without strings, plus 20,000 XMR sold to get Markka (which was blocked=stolen from me by Chrichton and other scum, excuse me, high-ranking players who just don't think my loss as theirs, especially when they pocket it), about 10,000 XMR still blocked=stolen in the game where my access has been taken away, 3.45 million EUR as settlements to people who did not participate in the thefts (obvious is that people who see me bringing them money, and do not help when it's taken away, OR worse yet pocket it, will never get anything, and this applies to many people here - thief Crichton has sinned, and possesses my money, and it will never bring anything but curse to him until he repent and give money back to ME (and then to others since I have no interest in money, being master of it).

So one of us is lying scammer, and all readers may freely pick their side, identifying with either him, or me. I would be so glad that some who actually lost would give Trust feedback to the ones whom it belongs. If you stick head deep into ass like OZ, Karma has a difficulty to give your reward. You must speak up. Enough of this darkness already.

If you think I am just talking, you may be wrong. I mentioned something about abrupt ending for those who live in countries where Police does not uphold justice, and that includes you.

This also covers my posts about calling out other people (keyboard warriors) as scammers.
Someone called me a moron here  :) Good for you.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on July 28, 2017, 10:10:51 AM
To further clarify, there were two different kinds of assets in the game: depository and non-depository. Depository shares represented deposits of outside funds (originally just XMR and later BTC, and in some mostly-fantasy sense, EUR), and redeemable in some fixed ratio (million to one, thousand to one, etc.). There was nothing wrong with creating arbitrary non-depository assets. After all it is a game. If a player happens to dig in the ground and finds GEMs or whatever other fanciful items, those could be created as part of reasonable gameplay.

The problem arose when rpietilla credited depository assets to himself without actually depositing, and then when called to pay out on those shares, refused (and has continued to refuse).

The analogy of buying into a poker game and then using the chips (i.e. depository shares) to play is an accurate one. If the host sells chips to people who buy in (and also himself plays in the game, though this doesn't so much change anything) and then at the end of the night refuses to cash in the winners' (and even losers' remaining) chips, the host is a scammer.

The 'peg' issue doesn't really enter into this except as being one of the several retarded ways that rpietilla lost some of his chips.

Lets not forget that he was shilling these non backed poker chips to the community outside of the game as investment opportunities.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Karl Hungus on July 28, 2017, 10:16:51 AM
For further clarity:

There is no evidence that I ever took a penny out of the game.

What I put into game, was 3 years of work, and paid many EUR-denominated stuff of the game from my pocket, plus gave out 20,000 XMR without strings, plus 20,000 XMR sold to get Markka (which was blocked=stolen from me by Chrichton and other scum, excuse me, high-ranking players who just don't think my loss as theirs, especially when they pocket it), about 10,000 XMR still blocked=stolen in the game where my access has been taken away, 3.45 million EUR as settlements to people who did not participate in the thefts (obvious is that people who see me bringing them money, and do not help when it's taken away, OR worse yet pocket it, will never get anything, and this applies to many people here - thief Crichton has sinned, and possesses my money, and it will never bring anything but curse to him until he repent and give money back to ME (and then to others since I have no interest in money, being master of it).

So one of us is lying scammer, and all readers may freely pick their side, identifying with either him, or me. I would be so glad that some who actually lost would give Trust feedback to the ones whom it belongs. If you stick head deep into ass like OZ, Karma has a difficulty to give your reward. You must speak up. Enough of this darkness already.

If you think I am just talking, you may be wrong. I mentioned something about abrupt ending for those who live in countries where Police does not uphold justice, and that includes you.

I have tried to speak up, and have strongly suggested both sides seek a compromise, so all of us can continue the Game, but is anyone listening, or do people actually think they can WIN this debate? I think I clearly see what happened, I really do, my eyes are OPEN!!

Most of what you say above is correct, you've lost a large sum of money with CK, and have never withdrawn anything from CK, so you have not profited from any 'scam', and find it offensive that people are both criticising you,  and have locked your accounts.

BUT, that doesn't mean the sequence of events described by generalizethis, smooth and others isn't true also - your version and theirs aren't mutually exclusive, they both accurately describe certain facts about the history of CK.

You've lost so much already in CK it's difficult to imagine it's fair and reasonable that you should lose more money paying these debts, especially to those who've already made a HUGE profit. I understand your position Risto.

But, these debts were incurred 'legally' under the rules of the Game, so if you don't pay them, people will call you a scammer, and the Game suffers greatly, including innocent bystanders like myself.

Both arguments are valid, and people can maintain their positions until everything related to CK goes down the drain, but we all lose everything that's left in that scenario, that's why I'm asking both sides to try and find a compromise, so risto gets his accounts back, BUT, he acknowledges these debts as valid, and works out a payment plan based on the marketcap of the Game, so he doesn't lose any more money .

Work it out guys, please!!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CK_Zephyrus on July 28, 2017, 01:27:17 PM
about 10,000 XMR still blocked=stolen in the game where my access has been taken away

So you can't get blockchain payment for your in-game depository shares. Several people can relate to this sad state of affairs, I assure you. I note with interest you characterize this as "stolen".

If you think I am just talking, you may be wrong. I mentioned something about abrupt ending for those who live in countries where Police does not uphold justice, and that includes you.

Most unwise.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on July 28, 2017, 03:20:50 PM

No one cares how much time or money you put into your failed venture and losing gameplay. That does not justify refusing to redeem depository tokens (ie. representing actual deposits of funds, allegedly) that you fraudulently created out of thin air and credited to yourself in abuse of database admin rights.

You are the entrepreneur here. This is/was your baby. Profits and losses due to the success or failure of any business legitimately vest with the entrepreneur (and those who invest in equity shares), not with players depositing funds into what was supposedly a fully-backed depository, which you fraudulently (and in an attempt, whether or not successful, to gain advantage for yourself via in-game trading) converted to fractional reserve.

Your constant references to how much time, effort and money you put into the game are not responsive to the factual claims against you resulting from your defrauding of the depository. By repeatedly referencing it and similar obfuscations as some sort of justification for your actions in creating (and refusing to redeem) fraudulent unbacked depository tokens, it is in effect an admission.

Pay the debts you owe for the fractional reserve fraud that you created. Death threats are not the way to resolve this matter. Paying is.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on July 29, 2017, 12:56:55 AM
I agree with smooth again on this.
I was thinking the exact same.
I also think risto is trying to play the victim now.

Would it be OK for staff at an exchange to say hey know what?
We don't like your attitude so we decided to keep your money.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: generalizethis on July 29, 2017, 03:01:46 PM
I agree with smooth again on this.
I was thinking the exact same.
I also think risto is trying to play the victim now.

Would it be OK for staff at an exchange to say hey know what?
We don't like your attitude so we decided to keep your money.

Tux: "No, you're the scammer--you're lucky I didn't take moar for all the time and effort I put in this fractional reserve."

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on August 02, 2017, 09:50:52 PM
Pay your debts.

For Bitcoin denominated debts, an equivalent amount of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is now owed.


Be careful ArticMine, the scammer may ban you from his self-moderated thread for commenting about his debts.


As predicted:

This was deleted by rpietila. He does not want to admit that he now also owns an equivalent amount of Bitcoin Cash on his Bitcoin debts.

Pay your debts.

For Bitcoin denominated debts, an equivalent amount of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is now owed.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on August 03, 2017, 11:22:04 PM
More delusional nonsense from the deadbeat scammer, especially the bold (added).

As if whether people did what he said has any bearing on the validity of his fraudulent fractional reserve and out-of-game debts. Pfft.

The thread is opened for the reason that people would go on in their path towards more understanding.

For a change, I am interested in writing simple word that anyone can understand.

If you want difficult word, please read Voice again from start, or meditate upon how M2 broke the validity of M, XMR, BTC, USD/EUR and physical PM all in one go (in March).

Please wake up.

I do not intend to do much more signs and wonders, because if you don't get even the basics here, it truly does not matter if I scattered my remaining money to the poor and let my body be burned in fire (as Bible also says in 1 Cor 13).

It feels a bit hard to have graduated from the usefulness of money when you big babies still want it. I will make the next money thing, but it will be the last. People will wake up. If anything, I will compensate the ones who had Markka at the time of the rebellion. Does not make sense to pay those who did exactly opposite to what I said. So consider that no one can do anything, the fork is already in the past.

Enjoy life rather, and meditate upon my post history. You will get it.

Pay your debts, deadbeat.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on August 04, 2017, 06:18:32 PM
risto gets his accounts back, BUT, he acknowledges these debts as valid, and works out a payment plan based on the marketcap of the Game, so he doesn't lose any more money .

Work it out guys, please!!

I agree, peace is necessary.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: shitaifan2013 on August 05, 2017, 07:00:57 AM

If you think I am just talking, you may be wrong. I mentioned something about abrupt ending for those who live in countries where Police does not uphold justice, and that includes you.

is that supposed to be a threat?  ;D

for everyone fed up with this man child: a friend of mine operates a EU-wide inkasso/encashment service. he's far from being a nice guy but he is quite efficient. let me know if there is interest.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: rpietila on August 05, 2017, 05:57:05 PM
he's far from being a nice guy but he is quite efficient. let me know if there is interest.

Is THIS supposed to be a threat?

Yes it's possible to put in 7 million, withdraw 0 and be regarded as a scammer by the profite(e)rs...  :-[

What exactly was my wrongdoing??  :-\

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on August 05, 2017, 07:55:35 PM
What exactly was my wrongdoing??  :-\

1. Creating depository tokens (i.e. debts), crediting them to yourself, distributing them throughout the player base of the game by trading, and then refusing to redeem them

2. Agreeing to buy (your own fraudulent; see #1 above) depository tokens with explicit terms for method of payment (on the bitcoin blockchain) and interest, accepting delivery of the tokens, and refusing to perform on your part of the deal by paying for them.

Pay your debts.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: shitaifan2013 on August 06, 2017, 06:26:04 AM
he's far from being a nice guy but he is quite efficient. let me know if there is interest.

Is THIS supposed to be a threat?

Yes it's possible to put in 7 million, withdraw 0 and be regarded as a scammer by the profite(e)rs...  :-[

What exactly was my wrongdoing??  :-\

I wouldn't call it a threat. It's rather the logical consequence of your wrongdoings  :)

anyway, the offer is up in case you guys ever get bored with this online disucssion.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on August 08, 2017, 05:41:33 AM
risto gets his accounts back, BUT, he acknowledges these debts as valid, and works out a payment plan based on the marketcap of the Game, so he doesn't lose any more money .

Work it out guys, please!!

I agree, peace is necessary.

If mental health professionals read your bullshit you will be locked up.. Again.
You really truly are seriously mentally ill.
Does the concept delusion of grandeur mean anything to you?

And recall me giving you a spanking in off topic about your wealth bragging?
It was me who was telling you money means fuck all.
And it was YOU who was coveting it.
I went on to ask you what you will be remembered for.
You and your money vs the ways I have touched peoples lives in a positive way.
Remember that big mouth?
I sure as hell do..
You deleted the topic then reposted it self modded.
Like the ones in the Altcoin section staff kept deleting on you..
I guess you didn't like the fact I pointed out your hypocrisy.. Again.
Like when I told everyone how you LOL'd on Polo chat at me and bragged you made thousands on your first forum game here.. Soon after in front of me on chat you changed your name.

What I find fascinating is which parts of your own bullshit do you actually believe.
If all of it then you are far crazier than I had ever imagined.. And I already thought you were pretty fucked in the head buddy.

Let's get real here guys.
I am no fan of Monero or the crew behind it.
But i gotta agree with these guys here.
Risto it seems to me you fucked these guys around and worse spit on them with verbal diarrhea after the fact.

Bottom line.
King risto in all his majestic angelic Jesus like glory fucked up.
There is no repenting.
You are stained in crypto.
History is written.
You made a mess than refused to accept responsibility for it.
You refuse to clean up the mess then to make matters worse you are insulting to your victims.
You better hope there is no God because you would be going south bud :D

People don't let him off the hook with his I'm a certified angel in my own church sect crap.
Don't let him play the victim.
And remind him to pay his bills.
If you owe people money then pay them crypto-jesus.
Is that in simple words enough?
Meditate on my words buddy  ;D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on August 15, 2017, 06:14:55 PM
Continued deletions and whitewash on the scammer's self-moderated thread.

Quote from: Bitcoin Forum
A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by the starter of a self-moderated topic. There are no rules of self-moderation, so this deletion cannot be appealed. Do not continue posting in this topic if the topic-starter has requested that you leave.

You can create a new topic if you are unsatisfied with this one. If the topic-starter is scamming, post about it in Scam Accusations.

If we take the facts only, the game is destroyed, as nothing there has any market value. I could pay all the debts with Markkas if they had value, but I believe I cannot net even 100,000 EUR for the 52% stake I have between my chars. If this is not theft, what is?

You, wrecking it, with your irresponsible and dishonest behavior.

Maybe the value of the game can be restored. Maybe your reputation can be restored. Honestly I have no idea about either. But both start with paying your debts.

Also, allegation of some new scam:


Risto is impersonating Town and sending emails in-game with a promotion offer--do not send him BTC as he is known scammer.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: FenrirCK on August 25, 2017, 04:55:16 AM
Vigens has been elevated to Scammer-status, due to his continued presence as Zech's current go-to-shiller in IRC, Bitcoin Talk, and in-game.

Full quotes are provided here due to continued removal of damning evidence in all self-moderated threads by the accused.
The main reason (questionable auctioning of some CK related shitcoin that's supposedly 1 million $ worth; pending explanation for his actions):

Auction first ever pure silver Monero physical coin 1KingCK

I have received this token from King Zechariah for contribution! The King has agreed with me that i should auction it to highest bidder. It is now on auction with starting price of 2200XMR.
Bids can be made for a minimum of 100XMR. Auction will end in 96h.

All the information about history of physical Moneroj coins can be found from:

Validation info from:

P.S. Bids can be made here on the thread or through PM. When winner is announced and agreement is made the coin will be delivered to new rightful owner.


A "1000 XMR" bid was received. However, the auction was soon re-opened while the previous thread was locked (oh, a 1000 XMR bid withdrawn/lost/denied/forgotten for a worthless shitcoin? HOW SURPRISING.)

I have for sale first ever full silver Monero 1KingCK coin. It is very rare coin indeed. Open to any offers in Xmr or Btc.

All the info about the coins from: (

Validation info from: (

Pictures: ( (

10 XMR. (The coin was mine but was lost to the market (SA VIC) in adverse circumstances a few months ago.)

Notice how conveniently the message is the same, but Zech's name has been omitted as the giver of the gift - wait, does that mean... da, that's right. Zech is bidding (empty raises) for his own coin. It's not lost to the market, it's in his hands. Now it's "adverse circumstances" while previously it was a gift for "contribution". Bravo, except the incompetence is so surreal it's almost like Vigens = Zech. Did he just bother to wait 30 minutes before raising bid on his own auction? If you're going full retard any way, just reply immediately. Wake up, sheeple!!!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on August 25, 2017, 11:04:58 AM

U gotta be kidding me u fool  ;D Offer was received but i didnt sell it yet. U aint got any proof of me being a scammer.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Spoetnik on September 18, 2017, 01:09:18 AM
What does those 2 previous comments have to do with the scammer fraud rpietila ?

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on September 18, 2017, 01:28:45 AM

U gotta be kidding me u fool  ;D Offer was received but i didnt sell it yet. U aint got any proof of me being a scammer.

I offer 5 XMR. Do you have a better offer yet? Thanks.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on September 18, 2017, 09:14:26 AM

U gotta be kidding me u fool  ;D Offer was received but i didnt sell it yet. U aint got any proof of me being a scammer.

I offer 5 XMR. Do you have a better offer yet? Thanks.

You mean 500 XMR?  ;D

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: BTC-Graphicdesigns on October 09, 2017, 02:14:19 PM
Can't have anyone interfere with the next iteration of his scam

smooth: notice to leave my thread as per rules of the forum.

All novel content is welcome. Moderation removes redundancy. Stupidity tolerated only until completion, not repeatedly.

Ist time you shut up - you filthy low life scammer! Hows about you give us back our stolen Money. You have been reported to Interpol!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Vigens on October 10, 2017, 08:05:04 AM
Can't have anyone interfere with the next iteration of his scam

smooth: notice to leave my thread as per rules of the forum.

All novel content is welcome. Moderation removes redundancy. Stupidity tolerated only until completion, not repeatedly.

Ist time you shut up - you filthy low life scammer! Hows about you give us back our stolen Money. You have been reported to Interpol!

Interpol wont give two fucks about some lost crypto currencies. Same story with 700k xmr stolen from Rpietila.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Kuriso on October 22, 2017, 04:28:39 AM
This is funny.  I've been calling this guy a scam for years.  All I got was shit talk for calling out a rich monero pump and dumper.  

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Fatman3001 on October 22, 2017, 08:26:04 PM
This is funny.  I've been calling this guy a scam for years.  All I got was shit talk for calling out a rich monero pump and dumper. 

You know him and Smooth are basically the same person, right? It's basically a scammer calling out another scammer.

This group has absolutely no shame and would sell their grandmother's false teeth if it raised the price of XMR by 1 satoshi.

Aren't you thinking of smoothie or something? I've made that mistake before.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: owlcatz on October 22, 2017, 09:57:31 PM
This is funny.  I've been calling this guy a scam for years.  All I got was shit talk for calling out a rich monero pump and dumper. 

You know him and Smooth are basically the same person, right? It's basically a scammer calling out another scammer.

This group has absolutely no shame and would sell their grandmother's false teeth if it raised the price of XMR by 1 satoshi.

Aren't you thinking of smoothie or something? I've made that mistake before.

The guy is trolling. smoothie is not a scammer, nor is smooth afaik. Nutildah is just an angry troll, nothing new here. Besides, how you can anyone say "You know him and Smooth are basically the same person, right?" - it doesn't even make sense - Either they are same person or they aren't. ::)

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Zepher on October 22, 2017, 10:08:55 PM
This is funny.  I've been calling this guy a scam for years.  All I got was shit talk for calling out a rich monero pump and dumper. 

You know him and Smooth are basically the same person, right? It's basically a scammer calling out another scammer.

This group has absolutely no shame and would sell their grandmother's false teeth if it raised the price of XMR by 1 satoshi.

Aren't you thinking of smoothie or something? I've made that mistake before.

The guy is trolling. smoothie is not a scammer, nor is smooth afaik. Nutildah is just an angry troll, nothing new here. Besides, how you can anyone say "You know him and Smooth are basically the same person, right?" - it doesn't even make sense - Either they are same person or they aren't. ::)

Now now owlcatz, this is no place for logical thinking!


Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: CrazyLoaf on December 20, 2017, 01:06:28 PM

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: bizdev on December 21, 2017, 02:30:02 PM
I wonder why such a successful game even if it was not known by many would run into such massive troubles. Was it due to some problems faced or was it greed that resulted in the devs running into serious trouble. Although not many might have known about it, the number of users seem to be pretty big.

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: Hueristic on December 24, 2017, 04:46:02 AM
I wonder why such a successful game even if it was not known by many would run into such massive troubles. Was it due to some problems faced or was it greed that resulted in the devs running into serious trouble. Although not many might have known about it, the number of users seem to be pretty big.

I wonder why you comment in this thread asking a question that in fact is answered by the topic of the thread alone. Did you even read the TOPIC!

Title: Re: rpietila's Crypto Kingdom game is a scam, heavily in debt. Do not deposit funds.
Post by: smooth on February 25, 2020, 09:43:28 AM
Apparently returned and back for another round of (very likely) scamming.

I would strongly urge everyone to not go near this or at least do so with EXTREME caution.

Title: Re: rpietila is a scammer and heavily in debt. New 2020 scam info enclosed
Post by: Hueristic on February 26, 2020, 01:38:22 AM
I saw a vid were the title had him talking at a BCN conference or some such thing so it looks like he has really hit rock bottom. Makes me wonder if he was in on that scam from the early days, I never did trust him.

Title: Re: rpietila is a scammer and heavily in debt. New 2020 scam info enclosed
Post by: Vigens on February 28, 2020, 06:41:38 AM
Instead, you should go all in!

Title: Re: rpietila is a scammer and heavily in debt. New 2020 scam info enclosed
Post by: Lowryder on November 20, 2020, 11:28:03 PM
Rpietilä has succumbed to road accident on the 14th of august 2020.

Title: Re: rpietila is a scammer and heavily in debt. New 2020 scam info enclosed
Post by: JayJuanGee on November 21, 2020, 12:10:56 AM
Rpietilä has succumbed to road accident on the 14th of august 2020.

Source?  Link or it did not happen.

Title: Re: rpietila is a scammer and heavily in debt. New 2020 scam info enclosed
Post by: nutildah on November 21, 2020, 12:29:56 AM
Rpietilä has succumbed to road accident on the 14th of august 2020.

Source?  Link or it did not happen.

His facebook says "Remembering Risto Pietila", which takes an obituary.

However, I can't find the obituary. I remember people were discussing it elsewhere back in August, on a Twitter post somewhere. Maybe he had another name?

There isn't much under his name on Google but somebody did make a Wikipedia page for him in Finnish, after his apparent death.

Title: Re: rpietila is a scammer and heavily in debt. New 2020 scam info enclosed
Post by: Hueristic on November 21, 2020, 02:47:13 AM
I hope not but I won't believe it until I see a death certificate.

Title: Re: rpietila is a scammer and heavily in debt. New 2020 scam info enclosed
Post by: cAPSLOCK on November 21, 2020, 08:59:20 PM
Wow.. Intense.  Sad.  What a crazy life that  loon lived.

And I am also with Hueristic.