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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: noviapriani on June 13, 2014, 09:08:08 AM

Title: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on June 13, 2014, 09:08:08 AM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 09:10:31 AM

That is all  :D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on June 13, 2014, 10:04:29 AM

That is all  :D
Thanks for your perfectly describe in this post all that he accomplish during his mandate.........   ;D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Rigon on June 13, 2014, 11:01:14 AM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...
He has had some good acts in past ...
-making the public schools system a lot better with special care and closing the gap between black or Hispanic students and white students , he made very good website named Obamacare ....
-and he did something G.Bush could not putting Americans back to work !
he killed Osama bin Laden ,
made Game of Thrones and much more hehe :D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: umair127 on June 13, 2014, 11:06:23 AM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

But the fact is that he started a new one with Libya ...
A lot of people would say for Obama. A wolf in sheep's clothing

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 13, 2014, 11:27:06 AM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

The US economy is worse off now, than it was during the years of GW Bush.

And regarding the war in Iraq, read this:

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: sana8410 on June 13, 2014, 11:47:08 AM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

The US economy is worse off now, than it was during the years of GW Bush.

And regarding the war in Iraq, read this:
He did not win the war in Iraq. The invasion of Iraq wasn't really a war in a first place. It was a massacre. But he was the one who withdrew US troops from Iraq and he happened to be the president when Osama Bin Laden was found and killed by a SWAT team.

He can't really be credited for the killing of Osama bin Laden but he did made a good move by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and giving them back to their families.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 11:55:35 AM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

The US economy is worse off now, than it was during the years of GW Bush.

And regarding the war in Iraq, read this:

For once I agree with you, also unemployment has always been higher with obama in office then it ever was with bush. The numbers are actually higher then shown by the labor and statistics, due to a flawed reporting system of only counting people receiving unemployment. After the unemployment is out they are no longer counted.
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

The US economy is worse off now, than it was during the years of GW Bush.

And regarding the war in Iraq, read this:
He did not win the war in Iraq. The invasion of Iraq wasn't really a war in a first place. It was a massacre. But he was the one who withdrew US troops from Iraq and he happened to be the president when Osama Bin Laden was found and killed by a SWAT team.

He can't really be credited for the killing of Osama bin Laden but he did made a good move by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and giving them back to their families.

Not a way? LOL... Those guys in the funny looking green suits that killed Osama were not SWAT ROFL. He did not withdraw troops it was in the plans before he took office, the reason we have 0 troops left is, Iraq did not sign a agreement to keep combat troops in place. GUESS what they are no asking for U.S. help again.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 11:57:38 AM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...
He has had some good acts in past ...
-making the public schools system a lot better with special care and closing the gap between black or Hispanic students and white students , he made very good website named Obamacare ....
-and he did something G.Bush could not putting Americans back to work !
he killed Osama bin Laden ,
made Game of Thrones and much more hehe :D

Our school systems have gotten worse in my state over the last 8 years, no pay raises for teachers in the last 5.

G Bush did not need to put americans back to work when he left office unemployment was lower then it ever was with obama.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: umair127 on June 13, 2014, 11:58:56 AM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

The US economy is worse off now, than it was during the years of GW Bush.

And regarding the war in Iraq, read this:
He did not win the war in Iraq. The invasion of Iraq wasn't really a war in a first place. It was a massacre. But he was the one who withdrew US troops from Iraq and he happened to be the president when Osama Bin Laden was found and killed by a SWAT team.

He can't really be credited for the killing of Osama bin Laden but he did made a good move by withdrawing US troops from Iraq and giving them back to their families.
yes that's true ...
I have found some interesting facts or if we can call them facts on Washington Monthly portal ... They counted 50 good things that he has done but I would not agree with all of them , take a look if you want ....

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: jjdub7 on June 13, 2014, 12:00:04 PM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

But the fact is that he started a new one with Libya ...
A lot of people would say for Obama. A wolf in sheep's clothing

Please, define "winning" in the context of US involvement in the Middle East.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Because any activity that costs $4-6 trillion and results in the deaths of over half a million human beings...doesn't involve any "winning".

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: sana8410 on June 13, 2014, 12:14:34 PM
What I think is that life in America is not improved right now , but it is not going down as well , like when Bush left the office , we could say that wages are keeping up barely with this inflation ... If we talk about the federal deficit it is still high but lower than it was in time when Bush left the place of president ... And we need to give him a medal for that school improvements about racism

We can not judge someone only by his bad moves , look both sides make compilation than judge .

Obama is not bad at all . That’s my opinion !

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: joshraban76 on June 13, 2014, 12:21:30 PM
To be honest, nothing.

Obama is one of the worst presidents who ruled the US.

- He failed in Iraq, no way he did win.

- He lost his alliance with Egypt by denying the revolution of 30/6.

- Again, playing dirty cold war with Russia "Ukraine issue".

To be honest, I wish I can find US full of peace and not ruled by a war-oriented mind !

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on June 13, 2014, 12:28:30 PM
Ok, lets start, bad things he has done . he divided the country like first thing, and US debt by 2016 is going to be 27 trillion $ and 15 million of people with unaffordable health care failed acts in Crimea in Ukraine IRS scandals ...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: umair127 on June 13, 2014, 12:30:24 PM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

But the fact is that he started a new one with Libya ...
A lot of people would say for Obama. A wolf in sheep's clothing

Please, define "winning" in the context of US involvement in the Middle East.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Because any activity that costs $4-6 trillion and results in the deaths of over half a million human beings...doesn't involve any "winning".
We removed a murdering dictator who killed his own people by the thousands, we helped institute a government that gives the citizens the right to vote and choose their own leaders, we brought liberty to those people. We helped the country develop a military and police force so they can defend themselves against the terrorists. The real test is after we leave will it continue to improve or return to what it was? So far I would call it a win.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: zolace on June 13, 2014, 12:35:56 PM
A lot of murderers , kidnappers , rapists , and all other violent thugs are now out of the jail on streets of our country , all thanks to Barack Obama for making that new "Get Out Of Jail Free Card" for this violent people whose place is in jail ! The number of felonies that random person have committed is not relevant when they give that cards
Last year the ICE or Center for Immigration Studies provides fact that 36.000 convicted criminals are freed from detention . They all were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings ...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: sana8410 on June 13, 2014, 01:00:44 PM
Ok, lets start, bad things he has done . he divided the country like first thing, and US debt by 2016 is going to be 27 trillion $ and 15 million of people with unaffordable health care failed acts in Crimea in Ukraine IRS scandals ...
The affordable Care Act was not a failure.... it was the Legislative Branch of government that screwed that up...their tactics made it impossible to pass anything remotely close to a universal healthcare system in the US! Half of what President Obama is being blamed for were direct results of republican refusal to compromise!! Which kind of defeats the purpose of a democratic form of government. All the Bill actually does is protect people from the Insurance's a Patient Bill of Rights...not genuine health care coverage for Americans that need it!!! Universal Heath Care was the original goal, this was just a first step!!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: umair127 on June 13, 2014, 01:05:48 PM
Ok, lets start, bad things he has done . he divided the country like first thing, and US debt by 2016 is going to be 27 trillion $ and 15 million of people with unaffordable health care failed acts in Crimea in Ukraine IRS scandals ...
The affordable Care Act was not a failure.... it was the Legislative Branch of government that screwed that up...their tactics made it impossible to pass anything remotely close to a universal healthcare system in the US! Half of what President Obama is being blamed for were direct results of republican refusal to compromise!! Which kind of defeats the purpose of a democratic form of government. All the Bill actually does is protect people from the Insurance's a Patient Bill of Rights...not genuine health care coverage for Americans that need it!!! Universal Heath Care was the original goal, this was just a first step!!
I totally agree with you on the healthcare stance. The republicans should be ashamed of themselves when other developed countries including their eastern counterparts like Japan and Malaysia have managed to figure out a way to provide cheap and affordable healthcare while they themselves keep accepting 'donation money' from the healthcare industry to block reforms!!

In this research that was conducted in 2010 among 7 developed nations, US ranked the last in healthcare!:
  "Among the seven nations studied—Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States—the U.S. ranks last overall, as it did in the 2007, 2006, and 2004 editions of Mirror, Mirror. Most troubling, the U.S. fails to achieve better health outcomes than the other countries, and as shown in the earlier editions, the U.S. is last on dimensions of access, patient safety, coordination, efficiency, and equity. The Netherlands ranks first, followed closely by the U.K. and Australia. The 2010 edition includes data from the seven countries and incorporates patients' and physicians' survey results on care experiences and ratings on various dimensions of care."

One of the reasons frequently quoted was the lack of gov healthcare coverage.. I'm glad that Obama recognized this and has taken solid steps to solve the crisis! Even going as far as not giving in to the republicans when they made the gov shut down and hold Medicare as hostage..

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Rigon on June 13, 2014, 01:09:45 PM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

But the fact is that he started a new one with Libya ...
A lot of people would say for Obama. A wolf in sheep's clothing
Of course we won the Iraq war, for appropriate values of "we." if "we" is a bunch of multinational oil corporations and defense contractors, then "we" definitely won the Iraq war. Iraqi oil is now on its way to market. Without "regime change" the sanctions would still be in place.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on June 13, 2014, 01:43:23 PM
Please, define "winning" in the context of US involvement in the Middle East.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Because any activity that costs $4-6 trillion and results in the deaths of over half a million human beings...doesn't involve any "winning".
We removed a murdering dictator who killed his own people by the thousands, we helped institute a government that gives the citizens the right to vote and choose their own leaders, we brought liberty to those people. We helped the country develop a military and police force so they can defend themselves against the terrorists. The real test is after we leave will it continue to improve or return to what it was? So far I would call it a win.

The US only removed the murdering dictator because he was no longer useful to US interests; he was no longer doing its bidding as he had done in the past, so he had to go. The US was actively supporting him up to the point he ceased to be useful; just look at the Iran-Iraq war and the atrocities he committed with US help and technology (where do you think the chemical weapons that he used to slaughter his own people came from?). But the Iraq war had nothing to do with instituting democracy in Iraq as the propaganda goes. If that was the objective, it could have probably been accomplished after the first war when Iraqi generals were busy trying to get rid of Saddam, but which the US helped prevent.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bitsmichel on June 13, 2014, 01:46:42 PM
Good question, I think he achieved many things. For example, he has some new suits and experience in doing speeches.
 Its likely he has a new car too  :)

I think he will achieve new relations with Russia (as in, trying to start a war on several 'playgrounds'. Ukraine and others;)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 13, 2014, 03:18:15 PM
We removed a murdering dictator who killed his own people by the thousands, we helped institute a government that gives the citizens the right to vote and choose their own leaders, we brought liberty to those people. We helped the country develop a military and police force so they can defend themselves against the terrorists. The real test is after we leave will it continue to improve or return to what it was? So far I would call it a win.

Saddam was good for you when the Iraqis were used as cannon fodder against the Persians. Yes, Saddam was a murdering dictator who killed his own people by the thousands. But what about George W Bush, who killed millions of foreigners, just to seize their oil and gas resources? Even during the Saddam regime, the Iraqi refugees numbered only in the thousands. Right now, more than 5 million Iraqis are living in refugee camps. If the US has any shame left, it should offer residence visas to these refugees.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 03:29:13 PM
Ok, lets start, bad things he has done . he divided the country like first thing, and US debt by 2016 is going to be 27 trillion $ and 15 million of people with unaffordable health care failed acts in Crimea in Ukraine IRS scandals ...
The affordable Care Act was not a failure.... it was the Legislative Branch of government that screwed that up...their tactics made it impossible to pass anything remotely close to a universal healthcare system in the US! Half of what President Obama is being blamed for were direct results of republican refusal to compromise!! Which kind of defeats the purpose of a democratic form of government. All the Bill actually does is protect people from the Insurance's a Patient Bill of Rights...not genuine health care coverage for Americans that need it!!! Universal Heath Care was the original goal, this was just a first step!!
I totally agree with you on the healthcare stance. The republicans should be ashamed of themselves when other developed countries including their eastern counterparts like Japan and Malaysia have managed to figure out a way to provide cheap and affordable healthcare while they themselves keep accepting 'donation money' from the healthcare industry to block reforms!!

In this research that was conducted in 2010 among 7 developed nations, US ranked the last in healthcare!:
  "Among the seven nations studied—Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States—the U.S. ranks last overall, as it did in the 2007, 2006, and 2004 editions of Mirror, Mirror. Most troubling, the U.S. fails to achieve better health outcomes than the other countries, and as shown in the earlier editions, the U.S. is last on dimensions of access, patient safety, coordination, efficiency, and equity. The Netherlands ranks first, followed closely by the U.K. and Australia. The 2010 edition includes data from the seven countries and incorporates patients' and physicians' survey results on care experiences and ratings on various dimensions of care."

One of the reasons frequently quoted was the lack of gov healthcare coverage.. I'm glad that Obama recognized this and has taken solid steps to solve the crisis! Even going as far as not giving in to the republicans when they made the gov shut down and hold Medicare as hostage..

Lies... If you have money and/or insurance in the U.S. healthcare is some of the highest quality in the world. That's why people come from other countries to see our doctors.
Now on that note do you know why the best doctors come to the U.S. to practice? Have you ever thought long and hard about it? It has to do with free market ;)
Now a socialized healthcare system is not as grand as you think it might be, ask anyone who has served in the U.S. military they have had a taste of what U.S. socialized healthcare would be.
I do agree the U.S. needs healthcare reform, but as a U.S citizen If I DO NOTwant to purchase something I should not be forced to. This is going to start to lead to life style penalties as well mark my words, over wieght? You owe a 2,000 "penalty" on your taxes at the end of the year. High blood pressure refuse to quite smoking 5k "penalty".

Answer to why the U.S. has the best doctors.... is the pay, yup you got it. All about the $$$$$ doe ray me.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 13, 2014, 04:00:17 PM
After thinking for a while, I came up with one good thing which was done by Obama:

1. He didn't initiated a nuclear war with Russia, over the Ukraine crisis. Had it been Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney, half the world would have been already converted to radio-active wasteland.  ;D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 04:10:19 PM
After thinking for a while, I came up with one good thing which was done by Obama:

1. He didn't initiated a nuclear war with Russia, over the Ukraine crisis. Had it been Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney, half the world would have been already converted to radio-active wasteland.  ;D

I like my vodka with a kick thank you  ;D.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on June 13, 2014, 04:16:02 PM
After thinking for a while, I came up with one good thing which was done by Obama:

1. He didn't initiated a nuclear war with Russia, over the Ukraine crisis. Had it been Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney, half the world would have been already converted to radio-active wasteland.  ;D

Rhetoric aside, no one is sufficiently stupid to go that far (disclaimer: this may be wishful thinking). ::)

Now, as far as how the situation with Iran has been handled for example, that is a case in which I could sort of see them caving in to more extreme positions and (mis)handling the situation another way. On the other hand, the president only has a limited amount of power; it's not as if they can do whatever they feel like, so chances are that in these types of matters it's really irrelevant who is the puppet "in power".

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 04:18:53 PM
Anyone just see that press conference on Iraq? Classic Obama bull honkey...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: negafen on June 13, 2014, 04:47:14 PM
He has been a good laughingstock for the rest of the world.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: umair127 on June 13, 2014, 04:49:19 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: JohnnyLightning on June 13, 2014, 04:55:16 PM
Obama has done plenty of great things, if you're a Marxist.    :-\

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 04:58:21 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.

The war is not over, the U.S. may not be fighting it any longer but it is not over. I dono if you have been hiding under a rock these last couple of days or not. I can almost promise you more U.S. troops are about to be sent to Iraq for "training" and then it will progress. Why do I say it will progress? The ISIS, "islamic state in Iraq" will go ape shit if the US returns and will increase fighting, and send in more fighters.
The U.S. rules of engagement will change as soon as U.S. outpost are attacked, thus escalating the situation further.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bitgold on June 13, 2014, 05:01:37 PM
He has been sleeping in a prime residence in DC, kept silly George, scummy Dick away.

That in itself is a big accomplishment.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on June 13, 2014, 05:03:37 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.
That’s not true , he didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden , SWAT and FBI team did that , but yes that happened when he came to the office . But what you think about starting this war with Libya ? Is it the same like with Iraq just few miles difference same goal same oil same shits happening .

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bitsmichel on June 13, 2014, 05:04:35 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.

The war is not over, the U.S. may not be fighting it any longer but it is not over. I dono if you have been hiding under a rock these last couple of days or not. I can almost promise you more U.S. troops are about to be sent to Iraq for "training" and then it will progress. Why do I say it will progress? The ISIS, "islamic state in Iraq" will go ape shit if the US returns and will increase fighting, and send in more fighters.
The U.S. rules of engagement will change as soon as U.S. outpost are attacked, thus escalating the situation further.

I think it is also part of the plan, we will see more troops going to Iraq soon; USD inflation keeps continuing and many people don't get wage raised  :) The politicans have to solve this somehow, and I think they will do it by means of war (as they had done at the time of the great depression).

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 05:04:51 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.
That’s not true , he didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden , SWAT and FBI team did that , but yes that happened when he came to the office . But what you think about starting this war with Libya ? Is it the same like with Iraq just few miles difference same goal same oil same shits happening .

Swat and FBI, dude show me some proof of this. It better not be a stupid ass infowars link either.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: JohnnyLightning on June 13, 2014, 05:05:39 PM
he's got Al Qaida on the run, running from Mosul to Baghdad.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 13, 2014, 05:08:06 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.

The war is not over, the U.S. may not be fighting it any longer but it is not over. I dono if you have been hiding under a rock these last couple of days or not. I can almost promise you more U.S. troops are about to be sent to Iraq for "training" and then it will progress. Why do I say it will progress? The ISIS, "islamic state in Iraq" will go ape shit if the US returns and will increase fighting, and send in more fighters.
The U.S. rules of engagement will change as soon as U.S. outpost are attacked, thus escalating the situation further.

I think it is also part of the plan, we will see more troops going to Iraq soon; USD inflation keeps continuing and many people don't get wage raised  :)

You know what that creator right? A class of citizens willing to take any job to support a family, need soldiers? Promise to 1500+ a month to start, free housing for his family, medical for his family and security see if people do not jump at the chance.

Old Rich men start wars, you poor men fight wars.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Tzupy on June 13, 2014, 05:14:44 PM
We removed a murdering dictator who killed his own people by the thousands, we helped institute a government that gives the citizens the right to vote and choose their own leaders, we brought liberty to those people. We helped the country develop a military and police force so they can defend themselves against the terrorists. The real test is after we leave will it continue to improve or return to what it was? So far I would call it a win.

Saddam was good for you when the Iraqis were used as cannon fodder against the Persians. Yes, Saddam was a murdering dictator who killed his own people by the thousands. But what about George W Bush, who killed millions of foreigners, just to seize their oil and gas resources? Even during the Saddam regime, the Iraqi refugees numbered only in the thousands. Right now, more than 5 million Iraqis are living in refugee camps. If the US has any shame left, it should offer residence visas to these refugees.

My conclusion: you can't save a fish from water.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 13, 2014, 05:48:20 PM

He helped redefine the word "delusional"

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: jjdub7 on June 13, 2014, 06:30:46 PM
After thinking for a while, I came up with one good thing which was done by Obama:

1. He didn't initiated a nuclear war with Russia, over the Ukraine crisis. Had it been Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney, half the world would have been already converted to radio-active wasteland.  ;D

Again, I'm way, way more an Obama fan than I was a Bush fan, but if the best things anyone can offer are passive decisions on the part of the Obama administration, they're not going to convince anyone.

Nader 2016?  Granted, depending on how the parties weigh in on the issues, I could swing a Clinton vote.  Probably couldn't justify going Republican quite yet though...they're got a bit of evolving to do on social issues, although their heads are in the right place when it comes to spending.

Come to think of it, does anyone have any info/sources on how international debts have been affected by Bitcoin trading (specifically the U.S., but EU data would be interesting/cool too)?  I might be way off in assuming this, but it seems like Americans owned a lot of BTC at the start...if other countries' holdings only increased significantly after the price rose to the current magnitudes, current international debt figures could actually be way off...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Malok on June 14, 2014, 12:01:28 AM
I'm not a fan of politicians in general (for me, I think if someone WANTS to be in politics...then they probably should NOT be).   Anyway, I think that Obama will best be known for Obamacare as the years/decades roll past.  I just don't think that the next generation will give 2 hoots that someone called Bin Laden was killed during his presidency.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Benjig on June 14, 2014, 02:51:47 AM
1. Obama Care
2. Economy (it is improving despite Republican obstructionism)
3. Libya (ousting of Qadafy)
5. stopping the Keystone pipeline (at least so far)
6. ending don't ask don't tell
7. ending the Bush tax cuts for high earners
8. ending the stupid Bush policy on restricting stem cell research
9. Improved America's standing in the world community

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: acs267 on June 14, 2014, 03:04:01 AM
Well, there were more than ten scandals going on while he's in office.

That's true, along with Obama Care, the DAT act, and other things, I guess.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 14, 2014, 03:24:16 AM
9. Improved America's standing in the world community

Explain this. How did Obama improved America's standing in the world community? If anything to go by, I would say that the standing of the US has gone down with the international community. 

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Watermelondea on June 14, 2014, 03:46:21 AM
Retarded question alert!! (im not from the US)

So i see people making fun/trolling/complaining about Obamacare everywhere on the internet.
Whats the issue with it?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Benjig on June 14, 2014, 04:56:49 AM
9. Improved America's standing in the world community

Explain this. How did Obama improved America's standing in the world community? If anything to go by, I would say that the standing of the US has gone down with the international community. 

The image of the United States has improved markedly in most parts of the world,In many countries opinions of the United States are now about as positive as they were at the beginning of the decade before George W. Bush took office.Signs of improvement in views of America are seen even in some predominantly Muslim countries that held overwhelmingly negative views of the United States in the Bush years.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 14, 2014, 05:15:10 AM
The image of the United States has improved markedly in most parts of the world,In many countries opinions of the United States are now about as positive as they were at the beginning of the decade before George W. Bush took office.Signs of improvement in views of America are seen even in some predominantly Muslim countries that held overwhelmingly negative views of the United States in the Bush years.

Obama has supported toppling the secular governments in the Middle East and North Africa, and replacing them with the hard-line Islamist governments. So it does not surprise me that the standing of America has improved in the Muslim world.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: tvbcof on June 14, 2014, 05:30:37 AM
Obama has done plenty of great things, if you're a Marxist.    :-\

Pffft!  I'm a 'Marxist' by the definition of most mouth-breathing fox news watchers and he hasn't done squat for 'us'.

I have put some thought into this question and I really cannot think of anything.  Then, idea!  I'm a lib/progressive type, so if I think of a point where I dis-agree with most of my fellow progressives then maybe I'll spot something.  Sure enough.  I'm a 2nd amendment supporter and Obama hasn't done dick about the 'scourge of gun violence.'  So he's taken no action on an issue which ends up being for the better.  I guess that could qualify as 'doing.'

Not that he hasn't talked about dealing with 'the gun problem.'  So what?  He talks about all kinds of stuff in eloquent prose.  He just doesn't actually do jack shit.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: tvbcof on June 14, 2014, 06:07:07 AM

Thanks for finding some stuff.

1. Obama Care
Worse than nothing.  Condemns us to another decade or two of disfunctional malaise.  Insurance companies (totally parasitic) are thriving though.
2. Economy (it is improving despite Republican obstructionism)
There has not been another 2008 in spite of the underlying problems getting even more tightly wound.  We'll see if he gives his sponsors in the financial industry a payout in his last year as did the last POTUS.
3. Libya (ousting of Qadafy)
More war.  Great.  Popularized social media PSYOPS targeting Americans.  Continued same old 'color revolutions' with an even higher reliance on out-of-country mercenaries often enough with radical religion mixed in.  Populations suffered accordingly.  Worked in Libya, not so much in Syria.  It's not without a risk of blow-back.  Might be what we're seeing in Iraq now.  New saying two years after Gaddafi: "Before we only had one Gaddafi, but now we have hundreds.”
5. stopping the Keystone pipeline (at least so far)
Oddly, I've never been strongly against pipelines (unless they are the basis for wars to control territory.)  My liberal peers seem to get bent out of shape for silly reasons about them.  Not sure why.  If eminent domain is abused that is a different story in my mind, but I rarely see that as a complaint.
6. ending don't ask don't tell
7. ending the Bush tax cuts for high earners
8. ending the stupid Bush policy on restricting stem cell research
Agree, but I'm not terribly impressed with his performance on 7.  It is true that I had to pay more than 0% on my long-term capital gains from Bitcoin this year due to a tiny change to the tax code which took 'him' five shorty years to implement.  Boo-hoo for trust-fund brats (and successful Bitcoin long-term speculators.)
9. Improved America's standing in the world community
Debatable.  No particular reason for it in the minds of anyone paying much attention.  The U.S. found someone who could complete a sentence to lead the country.  We rock!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: counter on June 14, 2014, 06:39:54 AM
After thinking for a while, I came up with one good thing which was done by Obama:

1. He didn't initiated a nuclear war with Russia, over the Ukraine crisis. Had it been Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney, half the world would have been already converted to radio-active wasteland.  ;D

Amen to that!  I do appreciate that there isn't a nuclear war taking place at the moment but I think that is setting the standards bar a little low, haha.

I once asked a Obama supporter what he's done really and didn't get much of a reply but this was a couple years ago now.  Thing is the answer I here commonly these days is he's trying but the republicans are stopping him.  That is no excuse, what was expected when he took office I wonder?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: sana8410 on June 14, 2014, 11:07:59 AM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.
That’s not true , he didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden , SWAT and FBI team did that , but yes that happened when he came to the office . But what you think about starting this war with Libya ? Is it the same like with Iraq just few miles difference same goal same oil same shits happening .
If you don’t know much about Obama that’s not the reason to make him look bad . He did some good things really take a look . and then judge ! But if you are president some people are going to like you some are not . That’s normal fact !

Proof you can please only some people some of times .

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on June 14, 2014, 11:27:50 AM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...

Obamacare I mean healthcare for all citizens and a nice payday for the insurance companies
Well the good thing about it is that it was universal coverage no one could be turned down the bad thing about it was that some of the cheaper more efficient plans were moved up and inflated.
Still it is a start to universal healthcare.

But the website crashing so epicly means it wasn't really a complete success

Also finding Bin Laden COUGH they so knew where he was just waited for the right time to get him (not during bush years) During Obamas term.

The rest is negligible
Could say he lost iraq already given the news and used a far to small army to begin with

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on June 14, 2014, 12:00:27 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.
That’s not true , he didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden , SWAT and FBI team did that , but yes that happened when he came to the office . But what you think about starting this war with Libya ? Is it the same like with Iraq just few miles difference same goal same oil same shits happening .
If you don’t know much about Obama that’s not the reason to make him look bad . He did some good things really take a look . and then judge ! But if you are president some people are going to like you some are not . That’s normal fact !

Proof you can please only some people some of times .

I didn’t say only bad things . I would give him credits for that Improving the Economy, Preventing Depression and in fields of Wall Street reforms that he made . I can agree on that civil rights and anti-discrimination improvements that he made .

But as you said you can please only some people some of times . I don’t like Obama that's my opinion :)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Rigon on June 14, 2014, 12:16:34 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.
That’s not true , he didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden , SWAT and FBI team did that , but yes that happened when he came to the office . But what you think about starting this war with Libya ? Is it the same like with Iraq just few miles difference same goal same oil same shits happening .
If you don’t know much about Obama that’s not the reason to make him look bad . He did some good things really take a look . and then judge ! But if you are president some people are going to like you some are not . That’s normal fact !

Proof you can please only some people some of times .

I didn’t say only bad things . I would give him credits for that Improving the Economy, Preventing Depression and in fields of Wall Street reforms that he made . I can agree on that civil rights and anti-discrimination improvements that he made .

But as you said you can please only some people some of times . I don’t like Obama that's my opinion :)
According to a 2012 poll conducted by Gallup, a company famous for the integrity of their public opinion polls, 54% of Libyans approve of U.S. leadership, compared to only 22% and 19% respective approval for China and Russia's, and 75% of Libyans say they approved of NATO's military intervention in the civil war.

Well, what did you expect? Gaddafi was brutally oppressing his own citizens and killing the rebels and anyone who dares to speak against him en mass. His was an authoritarian dictatorship where ordinary citizens like you and I do not have a voice in what happens to us, our family and our neighbors.

Are you saying that such a leader should not be overthrown?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bitsmichel on June 14, 2014, 12:24:44 PM
9. Improved America's standing in the world community

I think this did not increase, on the contrary. Dragnet surveillance, financial crisis, guantanamo, secret wars, attack on journalists (whistleblowers) etc
The standing worsened;

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Nik1ab on June 14, 2014, 12:25:41 PM
US is shitty as always. I think almost every presidential candidate would have done the same thing.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Beans on June 14, 2014, 01:20:45 PM
The fact that he basically ended our ability to purchase healthcare makes everything else pretty insignificant. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Many people don't seem to realize what we've actually lost because they don't purchase healthcare. I used to pay $215 a month and my visits and meds were all covered with $15 co pays. Now I pay $300 month for insurance and $1200 a month for visits and meds. I'm only 30, most people my age would be struggling with this. The only reason I'm not is because I'm a early btc investor.

So with the new healthcare, your either poor and get your healthcare for free or middle class and made to be poor. Now that premiums are way up and health insurance is only allowed to cover catastrophic events you would think it would at least do a good job of that. The reality is they hardly cover any more in those situations then past insurance plans. All the extra money is just going towards handouts for people who don't care about getting jobs and why should they. Who doesn't like handouts, I wish I could stay at home and play all day.

Giving credit for capturing Osama is ridiculous. All he did was approve the mission. How could he not?

More recently, he's empowered terrorists by doing open trades. He also removed the need for congress on these issues.

He also ended NASA. A socialist County does not need the kind of innovation and sights on the future that NASA brings to the table.

Obama's goal is to removed the middle class and get everyone relying on the government. I think he's actually made a pretty impressive amount of progress towards that goal.

His wife is a real god send too. “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country …"  

As in, now that Obama's socialist liberal pro muslim agenda is moving forward.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 14, 2014, 03:22:11 PM
Retarded question alert!! (im not from the US)

So i see people making fun/trolling/complaining about Obamacare everywhere on the internet.
Whats the issue with it?

First. Tell us how much you know about obamacare and what the law is about.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: niothor on June 14, 2014, 03:32:15 PM
Retarded question alert!! (im not from the US)

So i see people making fun/trolling/complaining about Obamacare everywhere on the internet.
Whats the issue with it?

First. Tell us how much you know about obamacare and what the law is about.

I really think that before answering to the main question in this thread everyone should post
I am / I am not from the us.

I find it weird that so many people here seems to know exactly how life is there and how things are going  in the US based only on the news and forum talks.
I know a certain guy who's never been there and has sworn to never set foot in the states but it's one of the most active persons in threads related to...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Spendulus on June 14, 2014, 03:43:52 PM
...the answer I here commonly these days is he's trying but the republicans are stopping him.  That is no excuse, what was expected when he took office I wonder?

Look, everything was Bush's fault UNTIL the Republicans started stopping him from accomplishing anything.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 14, 2014, 04:40:28 PM

Obama helped the children all over the world (of Latin America) for a better future for "free"


Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: joshraban76 on June 14, 2014, 04:47:41 PM

Obama helped the children all over the world (of Latin America) for a better future for "free"


Nice, what about the children of Iraq and Palestine ?

Did they have the time to learn ?!!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 14, 2014, 07:29:19 PM

Obama helped the children all over the world (of Latin America) for a better future for "free"


Nice, what about the children of Iraq and Palestine ?

Did they have the time to learn ?!!

Obama is not responsible for his own inaction. Bush is. and Global warming  ;)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on June 15, 2014, 03:03:42 AM
President Obama has not done anything good for this country or the economy.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DrG on June 15, 2014, 08:37:43 AM
1. Obama Care
2. Economy (it is improving despite Republican obstructionism)
3. Libya (ousting of Qadafy)
5. stopping the Keystone pipeline (at least so far)
6. ending don't ask don't tell
7. ending the Bush tax cuts for high earners
8. ending the stupid Bush policy on restricting stem cell research
9. Improved America's standing in the world community

1) That's his worst failing.  Utterly destroying GDP growth with companies uncertain on legislation.  Hillary will ride in a "save us" with a single payer system that will eventually become tier.  His quintessential achievement is his biggest leadership failure (having Pelosi and Reid write the laws is a failure of leadership)
2) Economy is worse.  You need to learn what a structural deficit is.  See #1.  Of course this helped BTC grow :P
3) He violated his own policy but yes he succeeded (probably with McCain prompting him).
4) He didn't learn how to count at Harvard.
5) You can't have #2 and #5- one or the other.  You protect water supplies or create a national works project - not both.
6) I agree
7) Failure - he should have fixed the tax code to stop loopholes, but that is hard to do when you Sec of Treasury is a tax cheat who conveniently forgets to send in payroll taxes even though his own accountant sent 2 letters.
8) I agree
9) You must either live in a Muslim predominated country or are confused.  Most countries see him as a successor to Bush.  Nobel peace prize pfft.

His single biggest achievement, sadly, was his position as Commander in Chief - telling Pakistan to go to hell by taking out Osama.  Something that Clinton didn't want to do and Bush chose not to attempt.  I doubt many who hate America's military influence around the world had a problem with taking out the titular head of Al Queda

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: sana8410 on June 16, 2014, 01:19:17 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.
That’s not true , he didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden , SWAT and FBI team did that , but yes that happened when he came to the office . But what you think about starting this war with Libya ? Is it the same like with Iraq just few miles difference same goal same oil same shits happening .
If you don’t know much about Obama that’s not the reason to make him look bad . He did some good things really take a look . and then judge ! But if you are president some people are going to like you some are not . That’s normal fact !

Proof you can please only some people some of times .

I didn’t say only bad things . I would give him credits for that Improving the Economy, Preventing Depression and in fields of Wall Street reforms that he made . I can agree on that civil rights and anti-discrimination improvements that he made .

But as you said you can please only some people some of times . I don’t like Obama that's my opinion :)
According to a 2012 poll conducted by Gallup, a company famous for the integrity of their public opinion polls, 54% of Libyans approve of U.S. leadership, compared to only 22% and 19% respective approval for China and Russia's, and 75% of Libyans say they approved of NATO's military intervention in the civil war.

Well, what did you expect? Gaddafi was brutally oppressing his own citizens and killing the rebels and anyone who dares to speak against him en mass. His was an authoritarian dictatorship where ordinary citizens like you and I do not have a voice in what happens to us, our family and our neighbors.

Are you saying that such a leader should not be overthrown?
Yes u are right I agree with you totally , every country must be democratic ! Gaddafi was dictator just like Hitler or Stalin or any other dictators who need to be overthrown for good of all people of that region .

Every man deserve the have human rights and freedom in any way this rights are based on Geneva convention human rights . If you don’t agree with basic human rights than you don’t deserve to lead one country !

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: umair127 on June 16, 2014, 01:46:15 PM
What about Obama's saving of the US automobile industry by giving government bailouts in 2009? A lot of people regarded it as a bad move and waste of tax payer's money.

However, General Motors is now one of the most profitable companies in the world. GM has earned a stunning $22.6 billion in the 5 years since the bailouts in 2009 and has repaid everything it was obligated to repay the US gov.

Chrysler Group LLC has also repaid their $7.5 billion debt from the 2009 federal bailout to the U.S. and Canadian government in 2011, when the deadline that they had been given was 2017. They managed to pay 6 years early.

For all concerned, Obama's bailout plan was a success. If he had taken down those companies instead through the 'controlled bankruptcy' plans a lot of his political opponents were advocating, there'll be millions of jobs lost from american soil and more money flowing out of the country buying more imported cars which will further raise the national debt level.

So this was indeed a far sighted move by Obama.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on June 16, 2014, 01:50:53 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.
That’s not true , he didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden , SWAT and FBI team did that , but yes that happened when he came to the office . But what you think about starting this war with Libya ? Is it the same like with Iraq just few miles difference same goal same oil same shits happening .
If you don’t know much about Obama that’s not the reason to make him look bad . He did some good things really take a look . and then judge ! But if you are president some people are going to like you some are not . That’s normal fact !

Proof you can please only some people some of times .

I didn’t say only bad things . I would give him credits for that Improving the Economy, Preventing Depression and in fields of Wall Street reforms that he made . I can agree on that civil rights and anti-discrimination improvements that he made .

But as you said you can please only some people some of times . I don’t like Obama that's my opinion :)
According to a 2012 poll conducted by Gallup, a company famous for the integrity of their public opinion polls, 54% of Libyans approve of U.S. leadership, compared to only 22% and 19% respective approval for China and Russia's, and 75% of Libyans say they approved of NATO's military intervention in the civil war.

Well, what did you expect? Gaddafi was brutally oppressing his own citizens and killing the rebels and anyone who dares to speak against him en mass. His was an authoritarian dictatorship where ordinary citizens like you and I do not have a voice in what happens to us, our family and our neighbors.

Are you saying that such a leader should not be overthrown?
Yes u are right I agree with you totally , every country must be democratic ! Gaddafi was dictator just like Hitler or Stalin or any other dictators who need to be overthrown for good of all people of that region .

Every man deserve the have human rights and freedom in any way this rights are based on Geneva convention human rights . If you don’t agree with basic human rights than you don’t deserve to lead one country !
I did not say I agree with dictator and autocrat as Gaddafi is , I’m saying that U.S government are doing some other things intended they should do . They just put their fingers on every "cake" ... u know like there in Libya people don’t like Gaddafi but Libya got oil , a lot of oil , and we are not in good relationship with Russia ok lets "help" to the people on Libya , let them accept us our leaders and than we are going to take all we want from that country , just like we did to Iraq or Vietnam or and other region that we conflicted with . Bush did that Obama is doing that .

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2014, 01:54:56 PM
Yes u are right I agree with you totally , every country must be democratic ! Gaddafi was dictator just like Hitler or Stalin or any other dictators who need to be overthrown for good of all people of that region .

Every man deserve the have human rights and freedom in any way this rights are based on Geneva convention human rights . If you don’t agree with basic human rights than you don’t deserve to lead one country !

What about Turkey and its dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan? No one is willing to speak a word against him, as he is pro-American. Just a few hours ago, another 15-year old was killed by Erdoğan's rabid dogs.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on June 16, 2014, 03:25:12 PM
Yes u are right I agree with you totally , every country must be democratic ! Gaddafi was dictator just like Hitler or Stalin or any other dictators who need to be overthrown for good of all people of that region .

Every man deserve the have human rights and freedom in any way this rights are based on Geneva convention human rights . If you don’t agree with basic human rights than you don’t deserve to lead one country !

So, are you saying that Obama (and most others really) doesn't deserve to lead a country? Because drone strikes, for example, completely ignore the basic human rights of the suspects they kill, and the rights of all the people who happen to be standing nearby when they happen.

Yes u are right I agree with you totally , every country must be democratic ! Gaddafi was dictator just like Hitler or Stalin or any other dictators who need to be overthrown for good of all people of that region .

Every man deserve the have human rights and freedom in any way this rights are based on Geneva convention human rights . If you don’t agree with basic human rights than you don’t deserve to lead one country !

What about Turkey and its dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan? No one is willing to speak a word against him, as he is pro-American. Just a few hours ago, another 15-year old was killed by Erdoğan's rabid dogs.

Exactly; or Saudi Arabia, or Bahrain, etc.. If you're pro-American, news of what you're doing barely even reaches the mainstream in the West.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 16, 2014, 04:14:54 PM
Exactly; or Saudi Arabia, or Bahrain, etc.. If you're pro-American, news of what you're doing barely even reaches the mainstream in the West.

Saudi Arabs enjoy almost a complete immunity from media coverage. They do all sort of shit there. But media hardly ever reports about those incidents. Recently they deported some one million or so illegal immigrants, and extreme brutality was used during the process. But that incident received almost zero media coverage. On the other hand, when the Netherlands or Denmark deports a handful of illegals, the media will publish the story in the front page.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: schnaiwiyi on June 16, 2014, 06:47:44 PM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DannyElfman on June 16, 2014, 07:31:51 PM
Well, he said feds would stop raiding medical marijuana dispensaries.

....Then they kept doing it.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 16, 2014, 08:02:02 PM
What about Obama's saving of the US automobile industry by giving government bailouts in 2009? A lot of people regarded it as a bad move and waste of tax payer's money.

However, General Motors is now one of the most profitable companies in the world. GM has earned a stunning $22.6 billion in the 5 years since the bailouts in 2009 and has repaid everything it was obligated to repay the US gov.

Chrysler Group LLC has also repaid their $7.5 billion debt from the 2009 federal bailout to the U.S. and Canadian government in 2011, when the deadline that they had been given was 2017. They managed to pay 6 years early.

For all concerned, Obama's bailout plan was a success. If he had taken down those companies instead through the 'controlled bankruptcy' plans a lot of his political opponents were advocating, there'll be millions of jobs lost from american soil and more money flowing out of the country buying more imported cars which will further raise the national debt level.

So this was indeed a far sighted move by Obama.

More than 60 percent of respondents said the fact that GM had taken bailout money would influence their decision on what brand of truck to buy. This news comes as GM says it hopes to send 40 percent of new Chevrolet Silverados to dealerships in Texas.

If the bailout was such a big success that President Obama could use it as a major issue in his reelection campaign last year, why isn’t GM’s stock isn’t worth more? Why is it increasingly unlikely that Obama’s prediction that taxpayers will make money on the bailout will come true?

After all, when the government used our money to “buy” GM stock, it was because the company was in such dire straits that it was about to collapse.  Now, it’s supposedly back on its feet and making a profit.  One would think it would have outperformed the market, but it’s selling for just about the same price as the 2010 IPO for the “new” GM, around $35 a share when the rest of the market is up 40 percent.

The significant government stake in the company has hindered recovery.  The White House forced policies on GM’s management that were oriented toward its own ideology rather than market factors. Obama himself bragged about it at a town hall meeting in Minnesota in 2011:  “What we said was, if we’re going to help you, then you’ve also got to change your ways.  You can’t just make money on SUV’s and trucks….And so what we’ve now seen is an investment in electric vehicles.”

That “investment” gave us the money-losing Chevy Volt, and political control of the company led to a series of other policy decisions that sapped the energy out of GM’s rebirth. These decisions including everything from union pension policies to advertising campaigns that did more for Obama’s reelection than GM’s market share.

We’ll never know where GM would be today if it had been allowed to go through bankruptcy in the ordinary way.  But there’s no reason to believe the current management, appointed by Washington politicians, has been more competent than the executives who might have taken over following a Chapter 11 reorganization.  Remember, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 40% since the GM bailout, and the 30 companies in the index are being run by executives hired without Washington’s help.

Obama’s Minnesota remarks also point to another reason why government ownership has hurt GM.  It alienated SUV and truck buyers, hardening attitudes they already had for Obama, GM and the bailout.

The National Legal Policy Center survey underscores the prevalence of the distaste in one state alone.  Clearly, the “Government Motors” moniker is still hurting GM.  For the company, the bailout resulted in bad business policies and bad public relations.  The government never should have done it, and should get out as fast as it can.  Maybe then, General Motors can begin its real recovery.

GM is now one of the 40 most profitable companies in the nation. It's more profitable than a third of the companies in the Dow, including Verizon (VZ), American Express (AXP), Boeing (BA) and 3M (MMM).
But the costs related to its controversial ignition switch recall essentially wiped out its profit in the first quarter of this year. GM estimates that repairs to the 15.8 million vehicles it's recalled this year will cost at least $1.7 billion. And that doesn't include any legal costs, fines or victim payouts that it will face.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 16, 2014, 08:05:06 PM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 17, 2014, 02:56:33 AM

Obamacare has benefited a few, but at the time has forced the medium-sizes businesses to shut down, as employee healthcare was made mandatory. Romneycare was much better than Obamacare.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: spazzdla on June 17, 2014, 12:39:57 PM
Nothing....... he tricked everyone..... he is one of the worst leaders to ever sit in America.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: sana8410 on June 17, 2014, 03:26:08 PM
Created jobs (Jobs act which was stopped by Republicans, did it piece by piece), Stimulus package and middle class tax cuts helped families make money/save money (created jobs as well instead of losing them), Took out Mohammad Gaddafi with a 'lead from behind' policy, Tapped into oil in New Mexico (conservative ideal) ....

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Rigon on June 17, 2014, 03:30:10 PM
Barack Obama has executed a whole lot of tasks.. However, the best of the lot is the killing of terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the end of war in Iraq.
That’s not true , he didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden , SWAT and FBI team did that , but yes that happened when he came to the office . But what you think about starting this war with Libya ? Is it the same like with Iraq just few miles difference same goal same oil same shits happening .
He did not kill Osama Bin Laden, all the credit goes to the brave men who carried out the mission, and not to mention that Bush has come close many times, so it's no great accomplishment.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 17, 2014, 03:53:08 PM
What about Obama's saving of the US automobile industry by giving government bailouts in 2009? A lot of people regarded it as a bad move and waste of tax payer's money.

However, General Motors is now one of the most profitable companies in the world. GM has earned a stunning $22.6 billion in the 5 years since the bailouts in 2009 and has repaid everything it was obligated to repay the US gov.

Chrysler Group LLC has also repaid their $7.5 billion debt from the 2009 federal bailout to the U.S. and Canadian government in 2011, when the deadline that they had been given was 2017. They managed to pay 6 years early.

For all concerned, Obama's bailout plan was a success. If he had taken down those companies instead through the 'controlled bankruptcy' plans a lot of his political opponents were advocating, there'll be millions of jobs lost from american soil and more money flowing out of the country buying more imported cars which will further raise the national debt level.

So this was indeed a far sighted move by Obama.

While he might have actually done what he set out to do there, I feel it was against free market. Who gets to pick the winners and losers? Oh and it did keep a ton of people employed over seas as well...
Should have been like this, we will LOAN you money if you bring this plant, this plant and this plant back to Detriot. Why help companies that turn their back on the U.S. worker that buys their product?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 17, 2014, 03:54:05 PM
At least when economy is concerned, I have a feeling that Romney would have done much better than Obama. But he is more war crazy when compared to Obama, so I don't prefer him.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on June 17, 2014, 03:54:36 PM
Obama has simply done nothing but increase our federal spending each year which is digging into our pockets. He gives free 'paychecks' to any American who can fake a broken arm, and everyone who has paid their social security are receiving the same amounts of someone who has done nothing but pass a naturalization test.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: minime on June 17, 2014, 05:03:18 PM
ended 2 expensive wars, caught/killed osama (comander in chief), got economy to kind of normal, healthcare, renewable energy...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2014, 05:24:47 PM
ended 2 expensive wars, caught/killed osama (comander in chief), got economy to kind of normal, healthcare, renewable energy...


Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2014, 05:30:30 PM
ended 2 expensive wars, caught/killed osama (comander in chief), got economy to kind of normal, healthcare, renewable energy...


HHS to probe up to two million ObamaCare enrollees for subsidy eligibility

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 17, 2014, 05:31:29 PM
ended 2 expensive wars, caught/killed osama (comander in chief), got economy to kind of normal, healthcare, renewable energy...

Ended... LMFAO we are about to "assist" iraq, cause of his method "ending the war".
Obama = Extra strength fail sauce

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2014, 05:37:15 PM
ended 2 expensive wars, caught/killed osama (comander in chief), got economy to kind of normal, healthcare, renewable energy...


Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2014, 05:48:09 PM
ended 2 expensive wars, caught/killed osama (comander in chief), got economy to kind of normal, healthcare, renewable energy...


Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bryant.coleman on June 17, 2014, 06:08:27 PM
ended 2 expensive wars

Seems like you haven't checked the news lately. Let me re-post it for you?

Do you really believe that the war in Iraq is over?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: NapoleonBonaparte on June 17, 2014, 06:22:41 PM
ended 2 expensive wars

Seems like you haven't checked the news lately. Let me re-post it for you?

Do you really believe that the war in Iraq is over?

Long on going war is good for the military industry complex. Profit margin is huge for missile and gun.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: minime on June 17, 2014, 06:28:02 PM
ended 2 expensive wars

Seems like you haven't checked the news lately. Let me re-post it for you?

Do you really believe that the war in Iraq is over?
yes i would say its over... what now happens could be compared to germany after ww1 (small scale)... so i would say its a new one

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2014, 06:29:30 PM
ended 2 expensive wars

Seems like you haven't checked the news lately. Let me re-post it for you?

Do you really believe that the war in Iraq is over?

Long on going war is good for the military industry complex. Profit margin is huge for missile and gun.

So then for Obama to keep droning and killing is good for his base? Got it  ;D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 17, 2014, 06:34:32 PM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: luv2drnkbr on June 17, 2014, 06:47:10 PM
Wow you guys are all fucking crazy and retarded.  No wonder everybody auto-assumes I'm mentally retarded when I agree with some libertarian or anarchist philosophies.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: counter on June 17, 2014, 11:11:49 PM
Wow you guys are all fucking crazy and retarded.  No wonder everybody auto-assumes I'm mentally retarded when I agree with some libertarian or anarchist philosophies.

Well put.  So well put you don't even have to give any kind of evidence lol.  Maybe instead of worrying what others think you should focus on what actually matters which is the truth/reality.  Care to give any examples of the libertarian or anarchist philosophies?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: ThomasCrowne on June 18, 2014, 12:09:54 AM
Universal healthcare  (still failing miserably)
improved economy (more money printing)
captured osama bin laden (heard he did this single-handed)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 18, 2014, 02:54:58 PM

The percentage of Americans approving of President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign policy issues has dropped to the lowest level of his presidency as he faces multiple overseas challenges, including in Iraq,according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Additionally, the public is evenly split on whether Obama is a competent manager of the federal bureaucracy. And a majority of respondents – 54 percent – believe the term-limited president is no longer able to lead the country. …

Just 37 percent approve of his handling of foreign policy, which is an all-time low in the survey, while 57 percent disapprove, an all-time high.

What’s more, by a 44 percent-to-30 percent margin, Americans disagree with the Obama administration’s decision to secure the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five imprisoned Taliban fighters.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: luv2drnkbr on June 18, 2014, 05:43:21 PM
Well put.  So well put you don't even have to give any kind of evidence lol.

The evidence is this thread

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DavidHume on June 18, 2014, 08:21:30 PM
Obama is a living proof that anyone can be US president.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on June 18, 2014, 08:26:11 PM
Obama is a living proof that anyone can be US president.

Sure anyone can be, provided they bow down and do the bidding of the guys that pay for the campaign.  :P

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2014, 12:01:08 AM

Funny how Bush had authorisation from both party to go, but he does not need any... ;D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on June 19, 2014, 12:34:07 AM

Wilikon, why do you always post a picture of the article you're referring to, instead of including, say, just a quote of the relevant part and a link to the article? Those of us with shitty net speed would appreciate it. :P

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Quartx on June 19, 2014, 03:22:18 AM
Now now now, what bad things has he done? I can't think of any

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2014, 03:42:56 AM

Wilikon, why do you always post a picture of the article you're referring to, instead of including, say, just a quote of the relevant part and a link to the article? Those of us with shitty net speed would appreciate it. :P

In the past, especially for "political" articles, you would get 'updates' with 'corrections' weeks, months later. I would copy paste parts of a text but then later to find the link to be broken, changed, etc. The page is something I like to respect visually.  I sometimes only get the headline of the front page for the visual impact and then copy paste the bit for the thread context here. I always include the original link as I rarely copy paste a full article if it is long. I believe people should visit the original links for making them some money and to make their own mind, not believing whatever I decided to copy paste here for my own devious agenda... ;D

Sorry about taxing your allocated bits. I believe you can disable your browser to automatically download any images. Then simply click on the link I would have included to read the full article, text only, making your own mind.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on June 19, 2014, 05:04:06 AM
In the past, especially for "political" articles, you would get 'updates' with 'corrections' weeks, months later. I would copy paste parts of a text but then later to find the link to be broken, changed, etc. The page is something I like to respect visually.  I sometimes only get the headline of the front page for the visual impact and then copy paste the bit for the thread context here. I always include the original link as I rarely copy paste a full article if it is long. I believe people should visit the original links for making them some money and to make their own mind, not believing whatever I decided to copy paste here for my own devious agenda... ;D

Sorry about taxing your allocated bits. I believe you can disable your browser to automatically download any images. Then simply click on the link I would have included to read the full article, text only, making your own mind.

So basically, you're saying I should go back to using Lynx... oh well. :P

Anyway, yes, I'm aware of at least the Guardian at times "disappearing" a few politically inconvenient news stories; and I'm sure they aren't the only ones doing it. So, I take it you keep a collection of "interesting news" just in case? :)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 19, 2014, 07:53:40 PM
In the past, especially for "political" articles, you would get 'updates' with 'corrections' weeks, months later. I would copy paste parts of a text but then later to find the link to be broken, changed, etc. The page is something I like to respect visually.  I sometimes only get the headline of the front page for the visual impact and then copy paste the bit for the thread context here. I always include the original link as I rarely copy paste a full article if it is long. I believe people should visit the original links for making them some money and to make their own mind, not believing whatever I decided to copy paste here for my own devious agenda... ;D

Sorry about taxing your allocated bits. I believe you can disable your browser to automatically download any images. Then simply click on the link I would have included to read the full article, text only, making your own mind.

So basically, you're saying I should go back to using Lynx... oh well. :P

Anyway, yes, I'm aware of at least the Guardian at times "disappearing" a few politically inconvenient news stories; and I'm sure they aren't the only ones doing it. So, I take it you keep a collection of "interesting news" just in case? :)

"So, I take it you keep a collection of "interesting news" just in case?"...  ;D No need for that anymore. All of that is backed up on the NSA giant drives in Utah  ;D.
I only do this here with you, bunch of bitcoin lovers, from left to right viewpoints. Although I understand some here are moles and FUD spreaders though, for political or financial reasons, or both...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 19, 2014, 08:57:29 PM
Had the U.S. patent office strip the Redskins of all trademarks.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 20, 2014, 12:04:59 AM
Had the U.S. patent office strip the Redskins of all trademarks.

Could that action qualify as something good Obama did since he was elected? :)?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: SunBin on June 20, 2014, 12:18:38 AM
He is good for being a laughing stock of the world.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 20, 2014, 12:33:30 AM
Had the U.S. patent office strip the Redskins of all trademarks.

Could that action qualify as something good Obama did since he was elected? :)?

Depends are you an american indian lol?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Kluge on June 20, 2014, 12:42:46 AM
Now now now, what bad things has he done? I can't think of any
Expansion of NSA & NSA powers incl. PRISM (planning may've predated Obama, but I don't recall him doing anything to stop it). Massive expansion of DoJ allowances & bureaucratic power. New, outrageous claims that Americans can be cyber-wiretapped if they communicate with foreigners. Unconstitutional expansion of "War on Terror" to include a great number more Mid. East countries including drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. Permitting immigration policy to remain tight while wasting resources on beefing up border security which is now reaching another crisis point. Some of the tightest press control of any president in history. Federal administrations have conflicting guidance on Bitcoin he's done nothing to help alleviate. Continued and expanded war on drugs, cracking down on marijuana dispensaries while legal in the county and state they're operating in. Killing Americans oversees without due process. QE9000, massive expansion of the government deficit, has created a situation where the next administration is doomed to fail (weak economy, poor housing market, boat-loads of unrealized inflation and Fed still has near-zero rates). Wide diversity and large number of scandals where administration somehow claims ignorance, from IRS political targeting, to Fast & Furious, to the VA scandal, to Bergdahl, to Snowden (obv. not just Obama admin which was damned there), Obamacare website fiasco & Obamacare figure manipulation (all gov't resource assurances broken once voted in favor of and in operation).

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, and I don't follow the news much. I don't even think his supposedly beneficial racial legacy is actually beneficial anymore, or at least no more so than Kwame Kilpatrick. Just suspending habeas corpus doesn't make you Abraham Lincoln. On a personal note, I think he's done a great job sowing distrust for ALL government and politicians among citizens, which I'm sincerely thankful for. There's no hope for change. Everyone's going to screw you over, so better to just try equalizing everyone's power, reigning in government and revoking judicial and executive privileges which've come in over the years.

I'll admit some of his picks have done some good things... EPA head (forget her name) and Warren come to mind, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows with them, either. Some alt energy sources have been given leniency and subsidies to get us off coal, but they still haven't gone after dirty energy manufacturers for extraordinary contribution to pollution and the health, environmental, and economic detriments brought with it which could be used to fund alt energy research, development, and deployment instead of making nominal improvements to dirty sources to make them a bit more clean (not that it's unique to Obama admin, but it'd be a nice change for someone promising change). Whether or not Iraq's ended in another disaster (which is hardly Obama's fault), at least no Americans are dying in the chaos (for now).

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: jjdub7 on June 20, 2014, 11:12:46 PM
Uh while we're on the topic, can we PLEASE fucking repeal the laws that mandate drug testing for federal contractors?  The development fiasco should serve as proof that even if people are passing the tests, they're still fucking things up on the billion-dollar scale.  Why the fuck do we have to drug screen for jobs but not for welfare?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 21, 2014, 03:13:26 AM

I hope, this time, this time, but this time, no really, this time... he will do everything in his power to stop something he thought was not cool and stuff. Before 2008...

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s renewal of the contested program, authorized under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, comes as lawmakers continue to debate reform legislation.

“Given that legislation has not yet been enacted, and given the importance of maintaining the capabilities of the Section 215 telephony metadata program, the government has sought a 90-day reauthorization of the existing program,” the Justice Department and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said in a joint statement.
The NSA’s bulk collection of phone "metadata," such as which numbers people dial and how long they talk, was one of the most controversial programs revealed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden last summer. The program requires renewal by the secretive spy court every 90 days.

Some privacy advocates have urged the Obama administration not to ask for reauthorization while Congress debates a measure to effectively end the program.

The program is “not effective,” “unconstitutional” and “has been misused,” more than two-dozen groups wrote in a letter this week.

Administration officials have said that the program is necessary to track terrorists and foreign agents and have rejected calls to end or significantly reform the program without legislation from Congress.

The program’s renewal, which was officially issued on Thursday but unclassified on Friday, expires on Sept. 12.

The House last month passed the USA Freedom Act to end the phone records program, but that bill is still working its way through the Senate. Multiple reform advocates have worried that it does not go far enough.

The bill would end the NSA program and require government agents to get a court order before searching private phone companies’ storehouses of phone records, a move endorsed by President Obama earlier this year.

“Overall, the bill’s significant reforms would provide the public greater confidence in our programs and the checks and balances in the system, while ensuring our intelligence and law enforcement professionals have the authorities they need to protect the Nation,” the Justice Department and ODNI explained.

Critics on both sides of the aisle, however, have worried that compromise language in the version passed by the House could still allow NSA agents to grab vast amounts of records in one sweep, such as those of every resident in a single ZIP code or all subscribers of a particular phone company like Verizon.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: ALToids on June 26, 2014, 05:42:55 AM
The single best thing he did is help bring Americans together in their hate of government (other than the ones looking for gov teets).  Now he has 2 years to get everybody to hate him equally and we'll be good to go.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Nemo1024 on June 27, 2014, 07:32:48 AM

That is all  :D

No, no, no! You forgot about getting a lot of people killed, thus reducing the demographic pressure on the Earth's ecology. He should get a prize from Greenpeace for that!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DrG on June 27, 2014, 07:37:40 AM
No, no, no! You forgot about getting a lot of people killed, thus reducing the demographic pressure on the Earth's ecology. He should get a prize from Greenpeace for that!

Well he did get a Nobel Peace Prize - perhaps it was in economic theory. Disparage enough people and they'll want to kill themselves and not have kids - the ultimate steward of the environment!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: c789 on June 27, 2014, 06:33:43 PM
There is not enough room for what he's done since elected, so how about things from just this week:

He fought against 4th Ammendment rights and was unanimously struck down by the Supreme Court a few days ago. If he had had his way, police could search your phone without a warrant. That's what he wanted and fought for (but thankfully lost) in the hearings.

He also has made unlawful and unprecedented appointments, and again was struck down unanimously by the Supreme Court a few days ago for this too.

His administration brazenly continues to coverup the IRS targeting of political opponents.

He is very, very dangerous.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Balthazar on June 27, 2014, 06:45:05 PM
1) 100% raise of the public debt;
2) Anti-protest bill.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 27, 2014, 10:11:36 PM

He helped the tattoo industry a lot.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: boraf on June 28, 2014, 08:25:37 AM
Giving us false hope is a good thing before he is elected.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: taipo on June 28, 2014, 09:18:25 AM
He has a better grasp of the English/USA language than the dipstick he replaced.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 28, 2014, 02:49:51 PM
He has a better grasp of the English/USA language than the dipstick he replaced.

A.K.A... "A better functioning forked tongue..."

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DrG on June 29, 2014, 04:24:25 AM
He has a better grasp of the English/USA language than the dipstick he replaced.

The smoothest talkers in the recent past have been Reagan (the zipper, the great communicator) and Clinton (the great unzipper, Oxford trained).  Bush, while you may love or hate him, would be able to carry a conversation with you without pausing.  He had gaffes like the "fool me once" line, but we all do stupid stuff now and then.  Obama slipped up once and said 57 states.  Am I going to fault him for that one misstep - no, he may not have slept all night worrying about some crisis unbeknownst to us.  He cannot, however, speak as smoothly as George Bush.

Watch this youtube video about AFO: (

It's not particularly political.  Bush talks more or less like an average guy.  Obama tries to smooth talk you like he's trying to pick you up at a bar.  Obama says "uh" about 31x more often as Bill Clinton (have to find this citation).

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on June 29, 2014, 05:01:21 AM
The smoothest talkers in the recent past have been Reagan (the zipper, the great communicator) and Clinton (the great unzipper, Oxford trained).  Bush, while you may love or hate him, would be able to carry a conversation with you without pausing.  He had gaffes like the "fool me once" line, but we all do stupid stuff now and then.  Obama slipped up once and said 57 states.  Am I going to fault him for that one misstep - no, he may not have slept all night worrying about some crisis unbeknownst to us.  He cannot, however, speak as smoothly as George Bush.

Watch this youtube video about AFO: (

It's not particularly political.  Bush talks more or less like an average guy.  Obama tries to smooth talk you like he's trying to pick you up at a bar.  Obama says "uh" about 31x more often as Bill Clinton (have to find this citation).

Is it just me, or some people spend their time on completely inconsequential things? I mean, what difference does it make if he says "uh" more often than someone else? Shouldn't people be worrying about finding out where these guys stand on issues and where their funds come from before electing them, instead of worrying about how cool they are/look/sound/whatever? Someone once compared selling candidates to selling any other product on the market, and I guess he was right; avoid the issues and just focus on presenting a pleasant face so people will buy it.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DrG on June 29, 2014, 05:48:02 AM
The smoothest talkers in the recent past have been Reagan (the zipper, the great communicator) and Clinton (the great unzipper, Oxford trained).  Bush, while you may love or hate him, would be able to carry a conversation with you without pausing.  He had gaffes like the "fool me once" line, but we all do stupid stuff now and then.  Obama slipped up once and said 57 states.  Am I going to fault him for that one misstep - no, he may not have slept all night worrying about some crisis unbeknownst to us.  He cannot, however, speak as smoothly as George Bush.

Watch this youtube video about AFO: (

It's not particularly political.  Bush talks more or less like an average guy.  Obama tries to smooth talk you like he's trying to pick you up at a bar.  Obama says "uh" about 31x more often as Bill Clinton (have to find this citation).

Is it just me, or some people spend their time on completely inconsequential things? I mean, what difference does it make if he says "uh" more often than someone else? Shouldn't people be worrying about finding out where these guys stand on issues and where their funds come from before electing them, instead of worrying about how cool they are/look/sound/whatever? Someone once compared selling candidates to selling any other product on the market, and I guess he was right; avoid the issues and just focus on presenting a pleasant face so people will buy it.

The sad part is you read my post without looking at what I replied to.  Does the word context mean anything to you? Please look at the quote to which I responded to.   That's the one judging people by how eloquent they are.

Did you take any meaning from my post.  Look I don't care if they have to use sign language or grunt like apes if they're capable of thinking like Stephen Hawkings.  Unfortunately, the leaders we have had as of late make great apes look more intelligent.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on June 29, 2014, 06:14:01 AM
The sad part is you read my post without looking at what I replied to.  Does the word context mean anything to you? Please look at the quote to which I responded to.   That's the one judging people by how eloquent they are.

Did you take any meaning from my post.  Look I don't care if they have to use sign language or grunt like apes if they're capable of thinking like Stephen Hawkings.  Unfortunately, the leaders we have had as of late make great apes look more intelligent.

Oh, I read his post as well as yours, and I didn't mean to single you out in that; sorry if that was the impression it left.

My point is: wouldn't it be more productive to tell him just that (how eloquent they are is irrelevant), instead of going on a meaningless tangent that does nothing to help the situation, and then further wasting your time by offering to search for the source of the "Obama says 'uh' about 31x more often as Bill Clinton"? :P

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Tzupy on June 29, 2014, 11:52:19 AM
Good article at CNN about Obama's poor handling of Iraq:

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DrG on June 29, 2014, 12:09:15 PM
The sad part is you read my post without looking at what I replied to.  Does the word context mean anything to you? Please look at the quote to which I responded to.   That's the one judging people by how eloquent they are.

Did you take any meaning from my post.  Look I don't care if they have to use sign language or grunt like apes if they're capable of thinking like Stephen Hawkings.  Unfortunately, the leaders we have had as of late make great apes look more intelligent.

Oh, I read his post as well as yours, and I didn't mean to single you out in that; sorry if that was the impression it left.

My point is: wouldn't it be more productive to tell him just that (how eloquent they are is irrelevant), instead of going on a meaningless tangent that does nothing to help the situation, and then further wasting your time by offering to search for the source of the "Obama says 'uh' about 31x more often as Bill Clinton"? :P

In my medical training we rely on evidence based medicine.  You can't spew out an argument without supporting data.  If I told him flat out usually people object as it being subjective.  So I tried to make it more objective showing the video and noting Clinton was much better.

What's silly is people who are so in love with Obama they thing he's a good speaker/orator.  JFK was damn good - that line "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" is notable.  Reagan had his city on a hill.  Clinton, despite all the trouble he got into, could charm the pants off most men and women.  Bush was able to win over quite a few D's in Texas with his charm.  Obama, well other than watching Game of Thrones and listening to Beyonce like 1/2 of America I can't see him as being real.  Look at he mustard he ordered on AFO in the video - all my African American friends eat plain old Frenches, not the uppity Grey Poupon.

So whoever makes those Hope & Change posters must be doing a damn good job  :D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: ManFromJupiter on June 29, 2014, 01:28:21 PM
The best thing that Obama did siince he was elected is legalization of weed

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: efreeti on June 29, 2014, 02:00:23 PM
Obama care is pretty good for senior who has not reach the retirement age.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 29, 2014, 03:48:56 PM
The sad part is you read my post without looking at what I replied to.  Does the word context mean anything to you? Please look at the quote to which I responded to.   That's the one judging people by how eloquent they are.

Did you take any meaning from my post.  Look I don't care if they have to use sign language or grunt like apes if they're capable of thinking like Stephen Hawkings.  Unfortunately, the leaders we have had as of late make great apes look more intelligent.

Oh, I read his post as well as yours, and I didn't mean to single you out in that; sorry if that was the impression it left.

My point is: wouldn't it be more productive to tell him just that (how eloquent they are is irrelevant), instead of going on a meaningless tangent that does nothing to help the situation, and then further wasting your time by offering to search for the source of the "Obama says 'uh' about 31x more often as Bill Clinton"? :P

In my medical training we rely on evidence based medicine.  You can't spew out an argument without supporting data.  If I told him flat out usually people object as it being subjective.  So I tried to make it more objective showing the video and noting Clinton was much better.

What's silly is people who are so in love with Obama they thing he's a good speaker/orator.  JFK was damn good - that line "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" is notable.  Reagan had his city on a hill.  Clinton, despite all the trouble he got into, could charm the pants off most men and women.  Bush was able to win over quite a few D's in Texas with his charm.  Obama, well other than watching Game of Thrones and listening to Beyonce like 1/2 of America I can't see him as being real.  Look at he mustard he ordered on AFO in the video - all my African American friends eat plain old Frenches, not the uppity Grey Poupon.

So whoever makes those Hope & Change posters must be doing a damn good job  :D

There must be a reason why ALL his school papers are locked down as national security and can't be accessed, unlike reagan's, clinton's, bush Sr's, bush Jr's or why no one remember him as a colleague or student or friend while he was a student.


Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: LAstar on June 29, 2014, 04:01:58 PM
The best thing that Obama did siince he was elected is legalization of weed
So let's smoke that weed!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 29, 2014, 04:13:09 PM
The best thing that Obama did siince he was elected is legalization of weed
So let's smoke that weed!

Then, get arrested by dog eric holder.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on June 29, 2014, 04:15:51 PM
Obama care is pretty good for senior who has not reach the retirement age.

How exactly?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: bitcoincal on June 29, 2014, 07:50:24 PM
I'm really trying to think of one thing.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 29, 2014, 07:55:03 PM
The best thing that Obama did siince he was elected is legalization of weed

So let's smoke that weed!
Obama care is pretty good for senior who has not reach the retirement age.

Obama has not legalized weed, he just gave guidance to the DEA.

You are not a senior until retirement age, hence no retirement, senior citizens discounts or other things they get.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Kluge on June 30, 2014, 11:08:22 PM
The best thing that Obama did siince he was elected is legalization of weed

So let's smoke that weed!
Obama care is pretty good for senior who has not reach the retirement age.

Obama has not legalized weed, he just gave guidance to the DEA.

You are not a senior until retirement age, hence no retirement, senior citizens discounts or other things they get.
What is retirement age in the US anymore? Pensions are a relic, social security's on the way out... I guess the age you can withdraw from 401(k) without penalty or emergency waiver? That's 62, I think? Irrelevant for some people, though. Maybe non-disability Medicare age?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DrG on July 01, 2014, 11:08:55 AM
The best thing that Obama did siince he was elected is legalization of weed

You must be high right now.  Stand outside the white house front lawn and light up, or better yet sell some weed and see what happens  :o

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Justine on July 01, 2014, 02:30:24 PM
Was going to say obamacare.

I think the program got rolled back by the supreme court?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 01, 2014, 02:58:19 PM
Was going to say obamacare.

I think the program got rolled back by the supreme court?

A few minutes of "Googling" regarding the state of obamacare and obama's policy in general would be helpful for this thread  ;)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 02, 2014, 01:21:34 PM

Hands down Obama is the worst president since WWII: poll

Poll after poll shows President Obama’s approval rating dipping recently, and one new Quinnipiac University Poll finds that voters say Mitt Romney would have been a better choice in 2012.

With Mr. Obama deploying military troops to Iraq, failing to find compromise with Congress and seeing major defeats in the Supreme Court, voters continue to sour on him.

Quinnipiac found 45 percent of voters say the country would have been better off if Mr. Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, had been election, while just 38 percent say Mr. Obama remains a better choice.

Even Democrats aren’t so sure — just 74 percent of them told the pollsters Mr. Obama was clearly the better pick in the last election.

Voters also rate him the worst president since World War II, topping even his predecessor, President George W. Bush, who had left office with terrible ratings.

“Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Wow! Much sad. Very much racist American people! Why U Mad? Very cry! :D ;D :D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: umair127 on July 04, 2014, 05:57:12 PM
Barack Insane OdumbASS OFailure burns America down

Huge Jobs Report: The U.S. Economy Added 288,000 Jobs in June
The latest jobs report has some actual good news for the economy

 On top of that good news comes positive revisions for job gains in May and April. The May report was revised up from 217,000 jobs to 224,000, and the April report was boosted from 282,000 to 304,000. Average hourly wages are up two percent since last June

 Dow Jones Industrial Average hits 17,000 for first time

U.S. private job gains in June largest in one and half years

In a separate report, the National Federation of Independent Businesses said small business hiring increased in June for a ninth straight month, the longest string of gains since 2006.


Jobs and Car Sales Expected to Show U.S. Economy Rebounding


a fifth straight month of job gains above 200,000, a run unmatched since the Sept 1999-Jan 2000 period, just before the dot-com bubble burst.

"If we settle at a 215-220 (thousand) pace that would be consistent with a transition to a faster pace of growth of around 3 percent," said Lewis Alexander, U.S. chief economist at Nomura.

Highest market ever

Most months in a row over 200,000 jobs added since Clinton.

More small business hiring that any time since 2006.

Damn that Obama for burning down this country.  How I long for the days of Bush in 2007 when we were losing 700,000 jobs a month.  At least he loved America!!!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on July 04, 2014, 06:01:27 PM
Haven't you heard ? It's a lie. Everyone is conspiring to make Obama look good. Because he is the only one who benefits when the country does well

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on July 04, 2014, 06:15:24 PM
Its not a tin foil hat wearing type deal but, the jobs numbers are flawed. After someone goes off unemployment they are no longer counted, if someone does not qualify for unemployment they are not counted. The reason small business are hiring is cause that's all thats left.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: noviapriani on July 04, 2014, 06:18:32 PM
That old saying "Its the economy, stupid".....we don't like that one so much any more.

We have some new ideas.

#5)  It's the  Islamist President, stupid!

#4) It's the old Soviet Union again, stupid!

#3) Its the diseased immigrants, stupid!

#2) It's America-Killing Healthcare, stupid!

#1)  It's Benghazi, stupid! 

Tap your shoes together and say scandal until your blood vessels burst.

To think black guys don't get breaks.  He's got the longest string of 200,000+ jobs per month since Clinton, highest markets ever, small business success....coming out of the worst recession in 100 years......and the rabid right among us are ready to call him the worst president ever.  The next black guy will think twice before running.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: zolace on July 04, 2014, 06:25:16 PM
We are witnessing a total meltdown from cons because Barack Obama is a successful leader.  The more he succeeds, the more they stray into becoming delusional liars - and losers too.
LOSERS lol.  2016 is looking pretty dim for the GOP. 

And I thought that their lies about him BEFORE he was elected were ugly.  They've eclipsed themselves.  At least they are succeeding in something.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: umair127 on July 04, 2014, 06:37:31 PM
See no good, hear no good, speak no good.  Long for the days of losing 700,0000 jobs per month.  Change the way we have historically tallied unemployment to make the numbers all look worse.

92 million americans.....many of which are children and retired baby boomers.   But the number sure sounds awful.  There are more people working today than in 2009.   That is driving you nuts.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on July 04, 2014, 06:50:44 PM
Wait till the BLS is back up I will show you all how flawed your views really are. You should really go with statistics and not your political beliefs and THAT IS WHAT FUCKS THE USA OVER. People tend to go with one side or the other and fail to do the research and just believe the bullshit they feed you to rable rouse you.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: taylortyler on July 04, 2014, 07:52:47 PM
Even if Iraq was a war, which it wasn't technically (haven't declared war since ww2), you can't win a war on terrorism, because terrorism will always exist, and as long as the US exists, they will be one of the biggest terrorist groups. Actually, the US is the biggest terrorist organization in the world. Period. And they're not going to wage war on their government, just their people.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: taylortyler on July 04, 2014, 08:05:36 PM
See no good, hear no good, speak no good.  Long for the days of losing 700,0000 jobs per month.  Change the way we have historically tallied unemployment to make the numbers all look worse.

92 million americans.....many of which are children and retired baby boomers.   But the number sure sounds awful.  There are more people working today than in 2009.   That is driving you nuts.

There's no doubt that the u3 unemployment numbers reported as the "official unemployment numbers" in the media are far from accurate as they only account for a small percentage of unemployed. If the the entire u1-u6 unemployment numbers were used as the official numbers, unemployment percentage would easily jump by 6 percent, by conservative estimates.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 04, 2014, 09:29:12 PM
See no good, hear no good, speak no good.  Long for the days of losing 700,0000 jobs per month.  Change the way we have historically tallied unemployment to make the numbers all look worse.

92 million americans.....many of which are children and retired baby boomers.   But the number sure sounds awful.  There are more people working today than in 2009.   That is driving you nuts.

There's no doubt that the u3 unemployment numbers reported in the media are far from accurate as they only account for a small percentage of unemployed. If the the entire u1-u6 numbers were used as the unemployment numbers, unemployment percentage would easily jump by 6 percent, by conservative estimates.
Not to mention these so-called created jobs are lower wage and minimum wage jobs, not the middle class lifting element that we've seen in the past. The ones that are great are typically contract positions that last for a short time and are usually benefiting to those that have been in the job market for decades and/or newly retired folks. There's a whole generation (millenials) that have next to no opportunities our of high school or those that graduate college w/ a 2 or 4 yr degree that have loans w/o jobs in the line of work they went to school for. So, there's a very limited supply of younger people having families in a responsible way that can afford to buy even starter homes, let alone buy the houses of all the Boomers retiring. It's not just Obama to blame but the entire ruling and political class current and past that have used the system for their advantage at the expense of main street. There's no way to defend the amount of spending that's been going on abroad or here at home thinking that's a way to future prosperity and I can't believe there's anyone into cryptos that truly buys into any of that.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: pungopete468 on July 04, 2014, 11:10:45 PM
Well I guess when people are forced to work two jobs at 30 hours each just to make a living wage, you can call that a success story for the US economy. Good job to our leaders for creating these opportunities for the masses by burdening the employers who offer decent jobs with these asinine laws and regulations. Small businesses are suffering, people are financially stressed to the limit, and those government reports sure do make everybody feel better about it!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: sana8410 on July 05, 2014, 01:11:55 PM
Some 2 million Americans lost their jobs shortly before Barack Obama took office, but make no mistake: they lost them precisely because he was about to do so. And to argue against that is to demonstrate colossal ignorance as to what a business owner's first job is, which is to see around the corner and position his business for what is coming.

And business owners saw Obama coming. They saw Pelosi's and Reid's increased power coming, too. They feared that trifecta so much that they went ahead and fired about 2 million people between Election Day 2008 and the inauguration. They were too scared to wait until Obama was actually sworn in.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 05, 2014, 02:20:02 PM
See no good, hear no good, speak no good.  Long for the days of losing 700,0000 jobs per month.  Change the way we have historically tallied unemployment to make the numbers all look worse.

92 million americans.....many of which are children and retired baby boomers.   But the number sure sounds awful.  There are more people working today than in 2009.   That is driving you nuts.

Pew also found that 52% of Solid Liberals "have college degrees and 21% have graduate degrees" while "45% say if they could live anywhere they wanted, they would live in a city." While 93% of Solid Liberals believe that "stricter" environmental regulations are worth the cost, only "12% say the description 'hunter, fisher or sportsman' fits them well, the lowest share of any typology group."
Conservatives are significantly prouder to be Americans.
Pew's survey found that "81% of Business Conservatives and 72% of Steadfast Conservatives say the phrase 'often feel proud to be American' describes them well." Pew also concluded that the "feelings of pride in being American – and a belief that honor and duty are core values – are much more widespread among the two conservative groups than the other typology groups."

Hot dogs, burgers and Bud! ;)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: muldoonski on July 05, 2014, 06:02:51 PM
People have very short memories.   The absolute tailspin the economy was in back in 2008 can't be described in a forum post.  Failures of investment banks, AIG, the auto industry on the verge of utter collapse.

It's very easy for people to have their opinions "on paper".  Let the auto industry fail...that's how markets work.  Who cares that the economy was circling the drain, let's just throw a million more people out the door.   Let AIG fail, who cares that 50 million people would wake up with no car/home insurance and their employer can't transport goods to market.  

I personally feel Obama should be charged for his targeted killing of American's overseas, and am less than happy with the targeting of whistle blowers and constant creep into privacy being eroded.

Naomi Wolf had a documentary called "The End Of America" where, under GW Bush she talked about a lot of the parallels occurring in the early 2000's that were reminiscent to nazi germany, east germany, the soviet union and other dictatorships.  (People spying on each other, paramilitary groups etc) An important point she made, was that once you give up something to the government, the next guy in line isn't exactly going to be forthcoming to give it back.  Obama has taken every inch given to him by the previous POTUS, and whomever follows Obama will do the same.

If you believe folks are born gay, then allowing them to serve in the military openly is something Obama did positive.   If you (like I) have family who have a child with a genetic illness, you can now buy health insurance for them - that's because of Obama.   Credit card companies have stricter rules if they're going to just try to bump up your rates, that's because of Obama.

To say that things are worse (economy) now than in 2008 is just flat out wrong.  To say that Obama has done nothing positive, is also wrong.   

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 05, 2014, 07:22:21 PM
People have very short memories.   The absolute tailspin the economy was in back in 2008 can't be described in a forum post.  Failures of investment banks, AIG, the auto industry on the verge of utter collapse.

It's very easy for people to have their opinions "on paper".  Let the auto industry fail...that's how markets work.  Who cares that the economy was circling the drain, let's just throw a million more people out the door.   Let AIG fail, who cares that 50 million people would wake up with no car/home insurance and their employer can't transport goods to market.  

I personally feel Obama should be charged for his targeted killing of American's overseas, and am less than happy with the targeting of whistle blowers and constant creep into privacy being eroded.

Naomi Wolf had a documentary called "The End Of America" where, under GW Bush she talked about a lot of the parallels occurring in the early 2000's that were reminiscent to nazi germany, east germany, the soviet union and other dictatorships.  (People spying on each other, paramilitary groups etc) An important point she made, was that once you give up something to the government, the next guy in line isn't exactly going to be forthcoming to give it back.  Obama has taken every inch given to him by the previous POTUS, and whomever follows Obama will do the same.

If you believe folks are born gay, then allowing them to serve in the military openly is something Obama did positive.   If you (like I) have family who have a child with a genetic illness, you can now buy health insurance for them - that's because of Obama.   Credit card companies have stricter rules if they're going to just try to bump up your rates, that's because of Obama.

To say that things are worse (economy) now than in 2008 is just flat out wrong.  To say that Obama has done nothing positive, is also wrong.   

So when bill Clinton enacted don't ask don't tell and Obama never said he was against it was he an hypocrite back then? While he was against gay mariage there was someone else who was for it: dick Cheney... Strange isn't it...

Obamacare is a monstrosity. It needs to die the same way the VA lets the veterans die: slowly and painfully, a few yard away from an emergency room... The latest Supreme Court decision was a good start :)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: muldoonski on July 05, 2014, 07:50:12 PM

So when bill Clinton enacted don't ask don't tell and Obama never said he was against it was he an hypocrite back then? While he was against gay mariage there was someone else who was for it: dick Cheney... Strange isn't it...

I don't recall what Obama said when he was 32 years old in 1994 when DADT was enacted.  I know he used to be against gay marriage.  I also know the difference between him and Cheney is that when Cheney was in a position to actually make a difference on the issue - he did nothing except say he loved his (gay) daughter.  Obama is a hypocrite on a lot of issues - HUGE SHOCK!  A POLITICIAN IS A HYPOCRITE!!!

My post pointed out that there are some good things (in the eyes of many) that Obama has done.  It also pointed out that the economy is no where as close to what it was in 2008. 

You didn't post anything to dispute that.   You wanted to go off on a rant against the ACA - so good on you.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 06, 2014, 05:44:22 AM

So If I understand this well, the poorest Americans will have to wait after those 300 000 new people will be "serviced" before them because it is a just cause?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 06, 2014, 05:49:47 AM

So when bill Clinton enacted don't ask don't tell and Obama never said he was against it was he an hypocrite back then? While he was against gay mariage there was someone else who was for it: dick Cheney... Strange isn't it...

I don't recall what Obama said when he was 32 years old in 1994 when DADT was enacted.  I know he used to be against gay marriage.  I also know the difference between him and Cheney is that when Cheney was in a position to actually make a difference on the issue - he did nothing except say he loved his (gay) daughter.  Obama is a hypocrite on a lot of issues - HUGE SHOCK!  A POLITICIAN IS A HYPOCRITE!!!

My post pointed out that there are some good things (in the eyes of many) that Obama has done.  It also pointed out that the economy is no where as close to what it was in 2008. 

You didn't post anything to dispute that.   You wanted to go off on a rant against the ACA - so good on you.

If your definition of a good economy is to print 85 Billions of new bills every month and artificially pumping wall Street while every days food for every day people keep climbing, it would seem to me you are for the 1% and too bad for the poorest of the poor. You may have a point on that hypocrite notion for obama being a liar though... We can agree on that ;D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: h0lybyte on July 06, 2014, 06:11:03 AM
No WW3 and no draft? Okay, so far we are good to go! :D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 06, 2014, 06:20:10 AM
No WW3 and no draft? Okay, so far we are good to go! :D

Yep.. Only drones on countless children and their family... and some terrorists of course. We are good to go...  ;D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: tvbcof on July 06, 2014, 06:50:54 AM

So If I understand this well, the poorest Americans will have to wait after those 300 000 new people will be "serviced" before them because it is a just cause?

Probably you don't understand this well.  But who knows?  I'm just guessing about this, and going by my observation that such 'understandings' are usually a result of pumped up right wing echo chamber nonsense and more than a bit of predisposition toward such beliefs.

Anyway, it does make one wonder if this whole influx of young Hispanics is an implementation of the supposed strategy to use Central Americans as our primary bullet-stoppers at the far flung corners of our empire.  Time will tell.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: ALToids on July 06, 2014, 10:47:22 AM
What I find comical here in Southern California is the local TV stations showing Hispanics protesting that the kids should be allowed to stay.  I know about 100 Hispanic families, 6 of them very closely. 5 of those families have been here for more than 3 generations.  Of the 10 or so families that I've spoken about this issue to in casual conversation, 7 want the kids deported.  5 of those 7 families are the ones that have the long roots here.  2 Cubans, 2 Mexicans, 1 Guatemalan.

I guess when you identify yourself as an American you see it as cheating the system. When you identify it as a Mexican or El Salvadoran living in the US you see it as a humanitarian issue.

If you identify yourself as a politician you see it as more votes LOL

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 06, 2014, 03:42:31 PM

So If I understand this well, the poorest Americans will have to wait after those 300 000 new people will be "serviced" before them because it is a just cause?

Probably you don't understand this well.  But who knows?  I'm just guessing about this, and going by my observation that such 'understandings' are usually a result of pumped up right wing echo chamber nonsense and more than a bit of predisposition toward such beliefs.

Anyway, it does make one wonder if this whole influx of young Hispanics is an implementation of the supposed strategy to use Central Americans as our primary bullet-stoppers at the far flung corners of our empire.  Time will tell.

While we wait for my understanding to materialize here are the data, right wing echo chamber free, if you chose to believe it is, of course :)
I can understand why some liberals would see this as a positive and genius move from obama. Too bad about all those children who died or turned into food rapist. "Can't make an omelette without breaking some young south american eggs" could be the new motto from the O's cheerleaders...

Deportation data won't dispel rumors drawing migrant minors to U.S.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: tvbcof on July 06, 2014, 07:26:07 PM

So If I understand this well, the poorest Americans will have to wait after those 300 000 new people will be "serviced" before them because it is a just cause?

Probably you don't understand this well.  But who knows?  I'm just guessing about this, and going by my observation that such 'understandings' are usually a result of pumped up right wing echo chamber nonsense and more than a bit of predisposition toward such beliefs.

While we wait for my understanding to materialize here are the data, right wing echo chamber free, if you chose to believe it is, of course :)
I can understand why some liberals would see this as a positive and genius move from obama. Too bad about all those children who died or turned into food rapist. "Can't make an omelette without breaking some young south american eggs" could be the new motto from the O's cheerleaders...

My comment was more toward the veracity of the suggestion that support to Americans was going to cease resulting in seniors adopting a diet of cat-food until we bought every S. American refugee a Porche or whatever gibberish Fox News is forcing down the throats of their gullible audience.

Fact is that immigration is widely used by the business class to force down wages, and that is very likely a big part of the 'problem' which has mysteriously proven so 'intractable' over the decades.  From the 'Liberal' standpoint this 'problem' is nothing but one more in a countless string of examples of Obama being indistinguishable (if not worse) than any other political who is totally beholden to corporate interests.

Again, the question in my mind is whether this whether there is a direct link to the military/industrial component given the interesting age cohort observable with this latest 'immigration problem.'  Americans do seem to be getting fed up with their own kids coming back from the edges of the empire without all of their limbs.  Presumably it would not be that big a deal if it were some immigrant kid doing his duty in the service of America who took the brunt of this damage.  Especially if we could dump them back to their country of origin if they ended up injured and costing tax dollars.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Spendulus on July 06, 2014, 08:39:16 PM
My comment was more toward the veracity of the suggestion that support to Americans was going to cease resulting in seniors adopting a diet of cat-food until we bought every S. American refugee a Porche or whatever gibberish Fox News is forcing down the throats of their gullible audience.

Fact is that immigration is widely used by the business class to force down wages, and that is very likely a big part of the 'problem' which has mysteriously proven so 'intractable' over the decades.  From the 'Liberal' standpoint this 'problem' is nothing but one more in a countless string of examples of Obama being indistinguishable (if not worse) than any other political who is totally beholden to corporate interests.

Again, the question in my mind is whether this whether there is a direct link to the military/industrial component given the interesting age cohort observable with this latest 'immigration problem.'  Americans do seem to be getting fed up with their own kids coming back from the edges of the empire without all of their limbs.  Presumably it would not be that big a deal if it were some immigrant kid doing his duty in the service of America who took the brunt of this damage.  Especially if we could dump them back to their country of origin if they ended up injured and costing tax dollars.

This which you wrote, is a rather strange concoction of illogic, fantasy, and shreds of fact aligned with  each other regardless of the lack of meaning in so doing.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Spendulus on July 06, 2014, 08:42:05 PM
Probably you don't understand this well.  But who knows?  I'm just guessing about this...
Those of us that live in the border areas don't need the help of your guesswork.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: ALToids on July 06, 2014, 10:38:50 PM

So If I understand this well, the poorest Americans will have to wait after those 300 000 new people will be "serviced" before them because it is a just cause?

Probably you don't understand this well.  But who knows?  I'm just guessing about this, and going by my observation that such 'understandings' are usually a result of pumped up right wing echo chamber nonsense and more than a bit of predisposition toward such beliefs.

While we wait for my understanding to materialize here are the data, right wing echo chamber free, if you chose to believe it is, of course :)
I can understand why some liberals would see this as a positive and genius move from obama. Too bad about all those children who died or turned into food rapist. "Can't make an omelette without breaking some young south american eggs" could be the new motto from the O's cheerleaders...

My comment was more toward the veracity of the suggestion that support to Americans was going to cease resulting in seniors adopting a diet of cat-food until we bought every S. American refugee a Porche or whatever gibberish Fox News is forcing down the throats of their gullible audience.

Fact is that immigration is widely used by the business class to force down wages, and that is very likely a big part of the 'problem' which has mysteriously proven so 'intractable' over the decades.  From the 'Liberal' standpoint this 'problem' is nothing but one more in a countless string of examples of Obama being indistinguishable (if not worse) than any other political who is totally beholden to corporate interests.

Again, the question in my mind is whether this whether there is a direct link to the military/industrial component given the interesting age cohort observable with this latest 'immigration problem.'  Americans do seem to be getting fed up with their own kids coming back from the edges of the empire without all of their limbs.  Presumably it would not be that big a deal if it were some immigrant kid doing his duty in the service of America who took the brunt of this damage.  Especially if we could dump them back to their country of origin if they ended up injured and costing tax dollars.

You do realize that these kids will be citizens very shortly.  They will get minimum wage jobs in border states.  Look what just happened to the minimum wage in San Diego.  All that cheap labor as you call it will unionize in 5 seconds thanks to SEIU and force companies (at least those that don't have government holding back the union leashes) to basically do wealth redistribution (whether you're for it or against it).

I agree the CEOs make way too much considering they are not being held responsible when something bad happens (they take the 5th).  The boards of publicly held companies having turned into crony capitalism - and Obama is currently king of such a jester court (previously Haliburton via Bush/Cheney).

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 07, 2014, 03:57:21 PM

Axelrod: Obama’s Approval Rating In The Toilet Because Voters Lack Brain Power To Appreciate How Smart He Is…

President Obama’s approval ratings continue to sink to fresh lows as a growing number of Americans turn away from the harbinger of the tired and worn-out message of “hope and change.”

But it’s not because of the White House’s ham-fisted handling of a myriad of scandals, including the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups, the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, the National Security Agency’s ever-growing surveillance program, the White House’s decision to circumvent Congress and release five Taliban officers in exchange Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl or the still-brewing scandal involving the Department of Veterans Affairs.

No, here love died between voters and the president because he’s just too darn complex, or so says David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to the president.

National Review’s Rich Lowry flagged this gem of a quote in a recent New York Times article:

Reagan significantly changed the trajectory of the country for better and worse. But he restored a sense of clarity. Bush and Cheney were black and white, and after them, Americans wanted someone smart enough to get the nuances and deal with complexities. Now I think people are tired of complexity and they’re hungering for clarity, a simpler time. But that’s going to be hard to restore in the world today.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: spazzdla on July 07, 2014, 05:06:02 PM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

But the fact is that he started a new one with Libya ...
A lot of people would say for Obama. A wolf in sheep's clothing

I just had to comment on this..

Winning the war in Iraq... That's like saying my High school basketball team did things because we dummied the 6yo rec team.  Like not even middle school the pre school team...
You went into a country that had maybe 5 tanks and beat them... SUCH IMPRESSIVE...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: hotsaucee on July 07, 2014, 05:10:28 PM
Well hes about to help student loan debts right.  I guess thats 1 step in the right direction.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: spazzdla on July 07, 2014, 06:42:07 PM
Well hes about to help student loan debts right.  I guess thats 1 step in the right direction.

Hum.. no he is not.  He is still making them 100% impossible to default on and pushes the idea that if you don't spend $100,000's you'll never get a good job..  Then you find out after you're in so much debt nothing can save you that the awesome sauce job you went to school for and went in massive debt for pays 25% more than the factory you could of started at 4 years ago.

You can pay the loans back over a longer time now though with out getting a black mark on your record!! YAY!!!!  .....  welcome debt slaves to our new wonderful world.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 12:49:29 AM

The context:

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: taipo on July 10, 2014, 05:39:21 AM
Yes your country needs a new president to start shitting on.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: skottiejay on July 10, 2014, 05:42:36 AM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...


Absolutely nothing.

Did you see the news that Holder resigned today? He was "advised" to do so.
Nothing in his administration has done any good for anyone, I tried signing up for the ACA and it would have raped me financially HAD I THE MONEY TO DO SO.

Also I'm repub.

But that's not the point. I probably would like the guy outside the presidency, hell I'd probably hang out with him. He seems like a really nice guy.

Also I read an interesting article about how he used conversational hypnosis to make people vote for him in the first election, I wish I still had that link.

Basically here's the gist of his presidency:

"I got Osama whooppeee"
"Attends 90000 basketball games with celebs"
"Nothing gets done"

I'm sorry I just have a sore spot for Obama.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: freedomno1 on July 10, 2014, 07:56:00 AM

Axelrod: Obama’s Approval Rating In The Toilet Because Voters Lack Brain Power To Appreciate How Smart He Is…

President Obama’s approval ratings continue to sink to fresh lows as a growing number of Americans turn away from the harbinger of the tired and worn-out message of “hope and change.”

But it’s not because of the White House’s ham-fisted handling of a myriad of scandals, including the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups, the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, the National Security Agency’s ever-growing surveillance program, the White House’s decision to circumvent Congress and release five Taliban officers in exchange Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl or the still-brewing scandal involving the Department of Veterans Affairs.

No, here love died between voters and the president because he’s just too darn complex, or so says David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to the president.

National Review’s Rich Lowry flagged this gem of a quote in a recent New York Times article:

Reagan significantly changed the trajectory of the country for better and worse. But he restored a sense of clarity. Bush and Cheney were black and white, and after them, Americans wanted someone smart enough to get the nuances and deal with complexities. Now I think people are tired of complexity and they’re hungering for clarity, a simpler time. But that’s going to be hard to restore in the world today.

I made a bet to keep track of his approval ratings in the future
I am not really expecting him to set the low bar which is Bush that was pretty bad and it could be a whole different topic on what good things did Bush do when he was elected ?

Still I am a bit impressed that he is hovering close around 40% That Nobel Peace Prize Eh :) ( Obama - Approval Rating 1 Aug 2014 (
Options: 41 and Lower ( | 42 ( | 43 ( | 44 ( | 45 and Over (
June 26, 2014
President Barack Obama's Job Approval Higher Than George W. Bush, at Midterm of Second Term
Gallup Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport compares President Barack Obama's job approval rating with other recent presidents' ratings at the midterm of their second terms.

Obama 41% Bush was 30%

But thats nothing congress is like 15% lol. That's impressive then again with all the bloody infighting everytime we see the Fiscal Cliff can see why the President is more popular mumbles ...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 03:20:51 PM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 08:23:00 PM

Obama Admits He Lied To Voters: “I’m Telling The Truth Now” Because I’m Not Running For Office…

“I’m just telling the truth now. I don’t have to run for office again, so I can just, you know, let her rip.”

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 08:29:31 PM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...


Absolutely nothing.

Did you see the news that Holder resigned today? He was "advised" to do so.
Nothing in his administration has done any good for anyone, I tried signing up for the ACA and it would have raped me financially HAD I THE MONEY TO DO SO.

Also I'm repub.

But that's not the point. I probably would like the guy outside the presidency, hell I'd probably hang out with him. He seems like a really nice guy.

Also I read an interesting article about how he used conversational hypnosis to make people vote for him in the first election, I wish I still had that link.

Basically here's the gist of his presidency:

"I got Osama whooppeee"
"Attends 90000 basketball games with celebs"
"Nothing gets done"

I'm sorry I just have a sore spot for Obama.

Is this what you are talking about? (

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DubFX on July 10, 2014, 08:31:25 PM
Marijuana has been legalised in few states, no? ;D Even thought not on federal law level  ::)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 10:07:35 PM

Black Americans: The True Casualties of Amnesty
Democrats throw black voters under the bus.

One of the sleeper issues surrounding the debate on amnesty for illegal immigrants – an inconvenient one that no proponent of a widespread amnesty wishes to acknowledge – is the devastating effect so-called immigration reform will have on African Americans.

The black unemployment rate is almost 11 percent, far higher than that of any other group profiled by labor statistics. African Americans are disproportionately employed in lower-skilled jobs – the very same jobs immigrants take. As Steven Camarota asked in a recent column, why double immigration when so many people already aren’t working?

Who will be harmed most by amnesty? African-Americans.

The issue resurfaced this week when a YouTube video emerged of two young African-Americans confronting pro-illegal-immigration demonstrators in Murrieta, California. Murrieta is one of the towns in which undocumented minors are being relocated — and supporters are squaring off with protestors.

The young man argues:

If somebody brought six children to your house and you ain’t got no job, are you gonna take them in?… What are you gonna do? Are you gonna try to go out there and take care of these children AND the children you got already that you can’t take care of?… What are we going to do for the people who are here who are starving already?… We got our OWN people that are starving and hungry…. Why would we add to the problem?!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 10:15:59 PM

PHOTOS: Obama Laughs His Way Through Meeting with Gov. Perry

July 10, 2014

Reuters published these two photos from President Obama’s meeting with Texas Gov. Rick Perry Wednesday. The president and the governor met in Dallas to discuss the humanitarian crisis on the Texas-Mexico border. The federal government estimates that 57,000 unaccompanied children have been taken in after illegally crossing into the United States.

In the two photos, Gov. Perry and his team appear to be taking the moment seriously. President Obama is grinning and laughing.

Obama himself has described the situation on the border as a “humanitarian crisis.”

President Obama refuses to visit the border while he is in Texas this week, despite the fact that while he is in Austin for a fundraiser he will be a short flight from the Rio Grande Valley. The vast majority of the illegal crossings are occurring in that region.

President Obama has requested $3.7 billion in emergency funding to handle the crisis, with most of that going to process and care for the children, not secure the border.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 10, 2014, 10:16:11 PM
It hasn't really sunk in yet or hit home to the black folks I encounter on a regular basis up here in the Great Lakes region. Of course, my normal encounters are through a major hospital where the employees mostly have it pretty good, unlike those in the inner city or its offshoots. Forget competing for low wage jobs but consider thinking about one's welfare benefits or related entitlements and how the writing is on the wall for how your future will look as more people are on the take. Around 38% of Americans are on some sort of welfare, disability or similar program and the numbers are only going up. I wonder how outsiders think about good ole America going down the tubes..

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 10, 2014, 10:24:24 PM
It hasn't really sunk in yet or hit home to the black folks I encounter on a regular basis up here in the Great Lakes region. Of course, my normal encounters are through a major hospital where the employees mostly have it pretty good, unlike those in the inner city or its offshoots. Forget competing for low wage jobs but consider thinking about one's welfare benefits or related entitlements and how the writing is on the wall for how your future will look as more people are on the take. Around 38% of Americans are on some sort of welfare, disability or similar program and the numbers are only going up. I wonder how outsiders think about good ole America going down the tubes..

You voted at 90% for the One, believing he was your savior... but ends up being your pied piper, damning you to hell...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: tvbcof on July 11, 2014, 04:28:54 AM

Ah, I thought of one today:  Chuck Hagel.

He would not have been my first pick by any stretch, but at least Obama stood up to the neocons for once and demonstrated that he's the president of the United Fuckin States and his pick to head the defense dept will be looking out for number one as his first priority (and won't be fellating any donkeys (

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 11, 2014, 05:54:02 PM

Bloggers, Surveillance and Obama’s Orwellian State (

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: counter on July 11, 2014, 09:08:04 PM
Marijuana has been legalised in few states, no? ;D Even thought not on federal law level  ::)

Obama didn't build that!!!   :o ;D
Wow, c'mon mang you know how much work the people had to put in just to get that far and you just give Obama credit for it all just like that.  The federal laws are still shite and I've not seen Obama make any real changes in that arena...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: tvbcof on July 11, 2014, 10:54:04 PM
Marijuana has been legalised in few states, no? ;D Even thought not on federal law level  ::)

Obama didn't build that!!!   :o ;D
Wow, c'mon mang you know how much work the people had to put in just to get that far and you just give Obama credit for it all just like that.  The federal laws are still shite and I've not seen Obama make any real changes in that arena...

That is a good point, but it is true that Holder's justice dept finally lightened up even if it took a while.  That is a little something.

What is very interesting to me is that Holder's 'operation choke point' targets a lot of things, but almost seems to coddle the medical (chuckle) marijuana industry.  I've not formulated any good hypothesis for their fairly 180 degree turn on this issue.  Whatever the reason is, I'd not be at all surprised if it has some nefarious character to it.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 11, 2014, 10:58:44 PM
Marijuana has been legalised in few states, no? ;D Even thought not on federal law level  ::)

Obama didn't build that!!!   :o ;D
Wow, c'mon mang you know how much work the people had to put in just to get that far and you just give Obama credit for it all just like that.  The federal laws are still shite and I've not seen Obama make any real changes in that arena...

That is a good point, but it is true that Holder's justice dept finally lightened up even if it took a while.  That is a little something.

What is very interesting to me is that Holder's 'operation choke point' targets a lot of things, but almost seems to coddle the medical (chuckle) marijuana industry.  I've not formulated any good hypothesis for their fairly 180 degree turn on this issue.  Whatever the reason is, I'd not be at all surprised if it has some nefarious character to it.

Well, Holder has been coming out on reforming the criminal justice system meaning that people can eventually be forgiven of past minor and non-violent drug convictions so standing strong on these cannabis legalizing states wouldn't jive w/ that. Part of it is they don't want Rand Paul to get the lion's share of the credit for leading the charge on this issue or otherwise many minorities would have little or no reason to continue to support democrats especially in 2016 if Paul is the at the GOP's top of the ticket.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: counter on July 11, 2014, 11:18:23 PM
Marijuana has been legalised in few states, no? ;D Even thought not on federal law level  ::)

Obama didn't build that!!!   :o ;D
Wow, c'mon mang you know how much work the people had to put in just to get that far and you just give Obama credit for it all just like that.  The federal laws are still shite and I've not seen Obama make any real changes in that arena...

That is a good point, but it is true that Holder's justice dept finally lightened up even if it took a while.  That is a little something.

What is very interesting to me is that Holder's 'operation choke point' targets a lot of things, but almost seems to coddle the medical (chuckle) marijuana industry.  I've not formulated any good hypothesis for their fairly 180 degree turn on this issue.  Whatever the reason is, I'd not be at all surprised if it has some nefarious character to it.

Well, Holder has been coming out on reforming the criminal justice system meaning that people can eventually be forgiven of past minor and non-violent drug convictions so standing strong on these cannabis legalizing states wouldn't jive w/ that. Part of it is they don't want Rand Paul to get the lion's share of the credit for leading the charge on this issue or otherwise many minorities would have little or no reason to continue to support democrats especially in 2016 if Paul is the at the GOP's top of the ticket.

Very good points and I agree that Holder's actions for reform of the criminal justice system are a positive but I believe the decision is purely politically driven as suggested by Chef Ramsay.  Remaining relevant being the basis of the decision would make the most sense in my opinion.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: tvbcof on July 11, 2014, 11:40:53 PM

Well, Holder has been coming out on reforming the criminal justice system meaning that people can eventually be forgiven of past minor and non-violent drug convictions so standing strong on these cannabis legalizing states wouldn't jive w/ that. Part of it is they don't want Rand Paul to get the lion's share of the credit for leading the charge on this issue or otherwise many minorities would have little or no reason to continue to support democrats especially in 2016 if Paul is the at the GOP's top of the ticket.

Very good points and I agree that Holder's actions for reform of the criminal justice system are a positive but I believe the decision is purely politically driven as suggested by Chef Ramsay.  Remaining relevant being the basis of the decision would make the most sense in my opinion.

Agree.  The 'just electoral politics' hypothesis is a strong one.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 26, 2014, 05:04:48 PM

The checked-out presidency

Our friend Matt Lewis, of Daily Caller fame, has a column this weekend at The Telegraph which puts forth a rather difficult to dispute assertion; Barack Obama has already checked out of his job. In it, he points to a number of items in evidence which support this theory.

President Obama has emotionally checked out of his job a couple of years early, it seems. How can one tell?

Candidates for president who brazenly assume they are the inevitable victor are sometimes accused of “measuring the drapes” for the White House.

Obama, conversely, seems to be prematurely packing his bags in hopes for an early departure.

Just last week, for example, the Los Angeles Times reported that “The First Family is believed to be in escrow on a contemporary home in a gated community where entertainers Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby once maintained estates”.

George Santayana observed that “Americans don’t solve problems, they leave them behind”. Perhaps the president is taking this to heart.

The President’s new prospective digs are on the Left Coast, not the Windy City, so is Obama already engaged in more California dreaming than managing the affairs of the nation? Rounds of golf, fundraisers, barbecue pit stops in Texas and toying with doing Jimmy Kimmel’s show while the nation and the world erupt in multiple lesions and fractures certainly lend the appearance of it. But even with the caveat that the White House travels with the President and people are capable of focusing on more than one thing at a time, it’s not hard to see this presidency as one which already has its eyes on the off ramp.

While you’re free to think what you will about Barack Obama’s “true intentions” when he originally made the decision to seek the presidency, I still feel that he came to the job as a true believer. (Of course, as Steve Martin pointed out in the film Leap of Faith, the true believers – or the Genuine Article – are the ones you always have to watch out for.) Barack Obama honestly felt that his mere presence on the stage would bring the various factions of the nation and the world together… that everyone would, sooner or later, recognize the brilliance of his vision and the structural soundness of his solutions to the planet’s ills and things would truly change.

He was reinforced in this belief constantly, starting with the phenomenal reception to his Yes We Can speech in New Hampshire in January of 2008. We’re used to a history of glad handing, baby kissing politicians making all sorts of grandiose promises which offer impossible visions. We’re also used to knowing in the back of our minds that they generally don’t even believe the pablum they’re peddling themselves. But not so with Barack Obama. I honestly think he really believed it. He wasn’t just falling victim to his own hype… he was embodying it. It’s what led him to send Hillary to Russia with her reset button and make one concession after another to our traditional enemies. The world was about to change, and he would be the catalyst of a new era.

Since then, despite the best efforts of his handlers to keep things cheery in the bubble, reality has set in. The Republicans weren’t about to turn into liberals simply because he could explain their vision in a simpler way. Vladimir Putin wasn’t going to see the error of his ways and embrace a global vision of humanitarian milk and honey. The seas failed to recede and people stubbornly remained … people, with all the variety, warts and blemishes they’d always had. And in the face of this failure to transform on the part of the world, Barack Obama needed someone to blame. On the domestic front, the Republicans were the only available target, so Obama became sullen and insulting, abandoning any pretense at trying to work together.

The reason for this is that Obama’s vision of the future never involved compromise. It relied on everyone suddenly seeing just how right he was and how wrong they were. That didn’t happen, and not having a backup plan in the event that the rabbit failed to emerge from the hat, Barack Obama threw in the towel.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on July 28, 2014, 02:10:18 PM

The violence in Libya that caused U.S. embassy personnel to flee the country on Saturday is partly due to President Obama’s inability to bring calm to the region, key Republican members of Congress said on Saturday.

According to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), the “deteriorating security posture” that is playing out across the region “is what happens when the United States is not engaged and lacks a clear foreign policy that includes strong U.S. leadership.”…

The country has been locked in violence and instability since Gaddafi, the former dictator, was ousted with American aid in 2011. Militia groups have had easy access to weapons, officials say, and some of the armed groups have focused their threats on Americans.

Taliban fighters are scoring early gains in several strategic areas near the capital this summer, inflicting heavy casualties and casting new doubt on the ability of Afghan forces to contain the insurgency as the United States moves to complete its withdrawal of combat troops, according to Afghan officials and local elders.

The Taliban have found success beyond their traditional strongholds in the rural south and are now dominating territory near crucial highways and cities that surround Kabul, the capital, in strategic provinces like Kapisa and Nangarhar.

Their advance has gone unreported because most American forces have left the field and officials in Kabul have largely refused to talk about it. The Afghan ministries have not released casualty statistics since an alarming rise in army and police deaths last year.

Four-star Gen. James Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, used a speaking engagement at the Brookings Institute on Tuesday to deliver a stinging rebuke of the Obama administration’s handling of Iraq.

“I have a hard time believing that had we been there, and worked with the government, and worked with parliament, and worked with the minister of defense, the minister of interior, I don’t think we’d be in the same shape we’re in today,” Gen. Amos said, the Fiscal Times reported Wednesday…

“We may think we’re done with all of these nasty, thorny, tacky little things that are going on around the world — and I’d argue that if you’re in that nation, it’s not a tacky, little thing for you. We may think we’re done with them, but they’re not done with us,” the commandant of the Marine Corps added, the paper reported. “We’re probably the only country in the world that has the resources and the capability to be able to do some of this that others can’t.”

The draft Kerry passed to Israel on Friday shocked the cabinet ministers not only because it was the opposite of what Kerry told them less than 24 hours earlier, but mostly because it might as well have been penned by Khaled Meshal. It was everything Hamas could have hoped for.

The document recognized Hamas’ position in the Gaza Strip, promised the organization billions in donation funds and demanded no dismantling of rockets, tunnels or other heavy weaponry at Hamas’ disposal. The document placed Israel and Hamas on the same level, as if the first is not a primary U.S. ally and as if the second isn’t a terror group which overtook part of the Palestinian Authority in a military coup and fired thousands of rockets at Israel…

If Kerry did anything on Friday it was to thwart the possibility of reaching a cease-fire in Gaza. Instead of promoting a cease-fire, Kerry pushed it away. If this failed diplomatic attempt leads Israel to escalate its operation in Gaza, the American secretary of state will be one of those responsible for every additional drop of blood that is spilled.

A real U.S. president would give Kiev the weapons it needs, impose devastating sectoral sanctions on Moscow, reinstate our Central European missile-defense system, and make a Reaganesque speech explaining why.

Obama has done none of these things. Why should he? He’s on the right side of history.

Of course, in the long run nothing lasts. But history is lived in the here and now. The Soviets had only 70 years, Hitler a mere twelve. Yet it was enough to murder millions and rain ruin on entire continents. Bashar Assad, too, will one day go. But not before having killed at least 100,000 people…

The world is aflame and our leader is on the 14th green. The arc of history may indeed bend toward justice, Mr. President. But, as you say, the arc is long. The job of a leader is to shorten it, to intervene on behalf of “the fierce urgency of now.” Otherwise, why do we need a president? And why did you seek to become ours?

Luckily for America’s self-esteem, it was liberal Democrats that produced this particular shambles [in Libya]. If Republicans had done this, the media would be on the administration non-stop, perhaps comparing Samantha Power to Paul Wolfowitz—a well-meaning humanitarian way over her head who wrecked a country out of misguided ideology. There might also be some pointed questions for future presidential candidates who supported this fiasco. But since both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have their fingerprints all over Libya, there isn’t a lot of press hunger for a detailed, unsparing autopsy into this stinking corpse of policy flub.

If Obama were a Republican, the press and the weekly news shows would be ringing with hyperbolic, apocalyptic denunciations of the clueless incumbent who had failed to learn the most basic lessons of Iraq. Indeed, the MSM right now would be howling that Obama was stupider than Bush. Bush, our Journolist friends would now be saying ad nauseam, at least had the excuse that he didn’t know what happens when you overthrow a paranoid, genocidal, economically incompetent Arab tyrant in an artificial post-colonial state. But Obama did—or, the press would nastily say, he would have done if he’d been doing his job instead of hitting the golf course or yakking it up with his glitzy pals at late night bull sessions. The ad hominem attacks would never stop, and all the tangled threads of incompetence and failure would be endlessly and expertly picked at in long New Yorker articles, NYT thumbsuckers, and chin-strokings on all the Sabbath gasbag shows…

But luckily for Team Obama, the mainstream press would rather die than subject liberal Democrats to the critiques it reserves for the GOP. So instead, as Libya writhes in agony, reputations and careers move on. The news is so bad, and the President’s foreign policy is collapsing on so many fronts, that it is impossible to keep the story off the front pages. “Smart diplomacy” has become a punch line, and the dream Team Obama had of making Democrats the go-to national security party is as dead as the passenger pigeon. But what the press can do for the White House it still, with some honorable exceptions, labors to accomplish: it will, when it must, report the dots. But it will try not to connect them, and it will do what it can to let all the people involved in the Libya debacle move on to the next and higher stage of their careers.

100%. Total. Failure.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 06, 2014, 07:05:55 PM

Poll Finds Obama And Bush’s Approval Ratings Nearly Identical…

My last column, which argued President Barack Obama’s situation going into his second midterm closely resembled President George W. Bush’s standing going into his second midterm, is reinforced in a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

When I filed the column on Monday, I used the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll results from June, since it was the most recent poll available at that time. It showed Obama’s job ratings at 41 percent approve/53 percent disapprove. The new survey, conducted July 30-August 3, showed Obama’s approval at 40 percent, with 54 percent disapproving of his performance.

Since Bush’s late July 2006 job ratings stood at 39 percent approve/56 percent disapprove, the new Obama numbers bear an even more uncomfortably close resemblance to Bush’s.

Even with the full help of 1000 secret shadow journalists with internetz soopa powah! (

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Hawker on August 06, 2014, 07:29:45 PM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...

Obamacare.  Its a mess but its better than the mess he inherited.

Dodd-Frank.  Didn't go far enough but again, better than the mess he inherited.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - part of Dodd-Frank.  Small step towards insisting banks are less dishonest in dealing with people who can't afford to sue them.

The 2009 Stimulus bill. 

No troops in Iraq.

Withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

Any one of these is more than Bush or Clinton achieved in their 8 year periods.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 06, 2014, 07:34:03 PM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...

Obamacare.  Its a mess but its better than the mess he inherited.

Dodd-Frank.  Didn't go far enough but again, better than the mess he inherited.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - part of Dodd-Frank.  Small step towards insisting banks are less dishonest in dealing with people who can't afford to sue them.

The 2009 Stimulus bill. 

No troops in Iraq.

Withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

Any one of these is more than Bush or Clinton achieved in their 8 year periods.

Don't forget: obama uses more drones than Clinton and Bush combined. That is a way better than water boarding living humans... ;)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Hawker on August 06, 2014, 07:39:06 PM
If someone can tell me what good and meaningful successes has President Obama had since being elected ... what Democrats can call as one success ?

I’m not judging Obama only want to summarize ...

Obamacare.  Its a mess but its better than the mess he inherited.

Dodd-Frank.  Didn't go far enough but again, better than the mess he inherited.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - part of Dodd-Frank.  Small step towards insisting banks are less dishonest in dealing with people who can't afford to sue them.

The 2009 Stimulus bill. 

No troops in Iraq.

Withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

Any one of these is more than Bush or Clinton achieved in their 8 year periods.

Don't forget: obama uses more drones than Clinton and Bush combined. That is a way better than water boarding living humans... ;)

Indeed.  Bush lost more Americans "fighting terrorism" in Iraq than were killed by terrorists attacks in the US.  Drones are way better.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Possum577 on August 06, 2014, 08:56:41 PM

That is all  :D

Wow, I'm embarrassed for you. Obama got Bin Laden...that's all he needs to be in every American's good graces. That literally "is all". How soon you forget...the rest of us will never forget.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Possum577 on August 06, 2014, 08:58:15 PM
You only speak for yourself. I'm doing much better now than I was during the Bush years and the stock market is doing much better too.

Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

The US economy is worse off now, than it was during the years of GW Bush.

And regarding the war in Iraq, read this:

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Hawker on August 06, 2014, 09:09:57 PM


That is all  :D

Wow, I'm embarrassed for you. Obama got Bin Laden...that's all he needs to be in every American's good graces. That literally "is all". How soon you forget...the rest of us will never forget.

Ugh - I left that off my list and its huge. Good point.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Possum577 on August 06, 2014, 09:13:39 PM
To be fair, Obama should definitely give back the Nobel Peace Prize.

The only Nation's leader that can accept that prize with complete honesty is Nelson Mandela.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Hawker on August 06, 2014, 09:17:39 PM
To be fair, Obama should definitely give back the Nobel Peace Prize.

The only Nation's leader that can accept that prize with complete honesty is Nelson Mandela.

I have to disagree.  If Yassir Arafat can have a Peace Prize, an American president who went 8 whole years without invading a country surely deserves one too?  If Romney or McCain had won, the US would have invaded Iran and Syria by now.  Its a low bar but Obama is more peaceable than the alternatives.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 07, 2014, 12:54:09 AM

Obama’s monsters ball: How the White House opened its doors to some of Africa’s most evil dictators and homophobes and turned blind eye to their human rights record
Leaders were invited to the White House for the first ever US Africa summit
Included were dictators and despots with shocking human rights records
Obama's speech barely acknowledged the oppression rife across Africa

Nobel Piss Drone Winner In Action...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: DannyElfman on August 07, 2014, 01:04:33 AM
To be fair, Obama should definitely give back the Nobel Peace Prize.

The only Nation's leader that can accept that prize with complete honesty is Nelson Mandela.

I have to disagree.  If Yassir Arafat can have a Peace Prize, an American president who went 8 whole years without invading a country surely deserves one too?  If Romney or McCain had won, the US would have invaded Iran and Syria by now.  Its a low bar but Obama is more peaceable than the alternatives.

Oh boy, you guys from overseas really got some high standards going ;)

If that was a criteria 180-200 countries would get a nobelprice everyyear.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 07, 2014, 01:32:31 AM

Flashback: Obama Dismisses Islamic State As A “Jayvee Team”…

Via New Yorker (Jan. 2014):

…At the core of Obama’s thinking is that American military involvement cannot be the primary instrument to achieve the new equilibrium that the region so desperately needs. And yet thoughts of a pacific equilibrium are far from anyone’s mind in the real, existing Middle East. In the 2012 campaign, Obama spoke not only of killing Osama bin Laden; he also said that Al Qaeda had been “decimated.” I pointed out that the flag of Al Qaeda is now flying in Falluja, in Iraq, and among various rebel factions in Syria; Al Qaeda has asserted a presence in parts of Africa, too.

“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama said, resorting to an uncharacteristically flip analogy. “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.

Man! Obama is so funny! Nobel Piss Winner funny!

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: wolfYella on August 07, 2014, 01:41:03 AM
To be fair, Obama should definitely give back the Nobel Peace Prize.

The only Nation's leader that can accept that prize with complete honesty is Nelson Mandela.

I have to disagree.  If Yassir Arafat can have a Peace Prize, an American president who went 8 whole years without invading a country surely deserves one too?  If Romney or McCain had won, the US would have invaded Iran and Syria by now.  Its a low bar but Obama is more peaceable than the alternatives.
The number of wars that you start is not necessarily an indication of how peaceful you make the world. The US avoided getting involved in the early days of WW2 and as a result Hitler was able to invade most of europe with pretty much zero resistance. Prior to invading Germany was under a treaty not to even bring troops near the border of Germany, and when he sent troops near the boarder Germany should have been invaded.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Razick on August 07, 2014, 02:12:28 AM
Fixing the US Economy
Winning the war in Iraq

But the fact is that he started a new one with Libya ...
A lot of people would say for Obama. A wolf in sheep's clothing

In what world did he fix the US economy? You do realize that recovering from recessions is natural and requires no government action? He managed to slow down the recovery quite a bit.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Razick on August 07, 2014, 02:14:41 AM
To be fair, Obama should definitely give back the Nobel Peace Prize.

The only Nation's leader that can accept that prize with complete honesty is Nelson Mandela.

I have to disagree.  If Yassir Arafat can have a Peace Prize, an American president who went 8 whole years without invading a country surely deserves one too?  If Romney or McCain had won, the US would have invaded Iran and Syria by now.  Its a low bar but Obama is more peaceable than the alternatives.

You realize that he got the peace prize before he was even inaugurated? The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke, that much more so because he got it before he even did anything. Basically, it's the "Charismatic Liberal Award." That's not to say that some recipients haven't deserved it.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: freedomno1 on August 07, 2014, 03:35:50 AM
To be fair, Obama should definitely give back the Nobel Peace Prize.

The only Nation's leader that can accept that prize with complete honesty is Nelson Mandela.

I have to disagree.  If Yassir Arafat can have a Peace Prize, an American president who went 8 whole years without invading a country surely deserves one too?  If Romney or McCain had won, the US would have invaded Iran and Syria by now.  Its a low bar but Obama is more peaceable than the alternatives.

You realize that he got the peace prize before he was even inaugurated? The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke, that much more so because he got it before he even did anything. Basically, it's the "Charismatic Liberal Award." That's not to say that some recipients haven't deserved it.

Well it was because he was black and yes I say that with honesty lol.
His policies however were far from worthy of any peace prize pretty much just the accumulation of all those slavery years being put into one award for someone not worthy of that title.

It would be like giving Putin's successor a prize just because they weren't Bush (or Putin) :P
Although it could have well been Hillary Clinton to win that prize lols.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Razick on August 07, 2014, 03:39:18 AM
To be fair, Obama should definitely give back the Nobel Peace Prize.

The only Nation's leader that can accept that prize with complete honesty is Nelson Mandela.

I have to disagree.  If Yassir Arafat can have a Peace Prize, an American president who went 8 whole years without invading a country surely deserves one too?  If Romney or McCain had won, the US would have invaded Iran and Syria by now.  Its a low bar but Obama is more peaceable than the alternatives.

You realize that he got the peace prize before he was even inaugurated? The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke, that much more so because he got it before he even did anything. Basically, it's the "Charismatic Liberal Award." That's not to say that some recipients haven't deserved it.

Well it was because he was black and yes I say that with honesty lol.
His policies however were far from worthy of any peace prize pretty much just the accumulation of all those slavery years being put into one award for someone not worthy of that title.

It would be like giving Putin's successor a prize just because they weren't Bush :P
Although it could have well been Hillary Clinton to win that prize lols.

The Nobel Prize Committee seems to favor socialist leaning candidates, which I tend to think is why Obama was given the award.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: freedomno1 on August 07, 2014, 04:48:41 AM

The Nobel Prize Committee seems to favor socialist leaning candidates, which I tend to think is why Obama was given the award.

I was leaning towards it being because it was the First Black President and what not
Pretty much a full circle in American history from Slavery to Freedom to the President
So whichever colored individual it was would win that prize not because of their personal merit but because of the historical one.

8% to 92%

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Balthazar on August 07, 2014, 06:21:11 AM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Balthazar on August 07, 2014, 06:22:40 AM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Divinespark on August 07, 2014, 07:01:49 AM
Pretty much sod-all
Nobel Prize winner though, let's not forget! :D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 08, 2014, 02:29:32 PM

 January 19th, 2014

Obama on Al Qaeda Groups: ‘If a Jayvee Team Puts on Lakers Uniforms, That Doesn’t Make Them Kobe’

What a moronic moron...

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Hawker on August 08, 2014, 02:44:10 PM

 January 19th, 2014

Obama on Al Qaeda Groups: ‘If a Jayvee Team Puts on Lakers Uniforms, That Doesn’t Make Them Kobe’

What a moronic moron...

I take it you wanted him to re-invade Iraq in January.  Really?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 08, 2014, 02:53:25 PM

 January 19th, 2014

Obama on Al Qaeda Groups: ‘If a Jayvee Team Puts on Lakers Uniforms, That Doesn’t Make Them Kobe’

What a moronic moron...

I take it you wanted him to re-invade Iraq in January.  Really?

I take it if your man bombs Iraq for a good cause, like W did, according to the vote of mostly all the democrats in congress, Hilary clinton included, it is OK.

We both love to bomb Iraq I take it  ;D

Kudos for defending obama no matter what. I could not do that when W was in power.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 08, 2014, 03:12:02 PM

 January 19th, 2014

Obama on Al Qaeda Groups: ‘If a Jayvee Team Puts on Lakers Uniforms, That Doesn’t Make Them Kobe’

What a moronic moron...

I take it you wanted him to re-invade Iraq in January.  Really?

By the way your moronic rhetorical question of bombing Iraq in January by obama was a real option as your man is a moron but also a serial liar. He called them "jayvee team", FULLY KNOWING what menace they where way back in..... in?

Obama administration knew Islamic State was growing but did little to counter it

Like the rest of the world, the U.S. government appeared to have been taken aback last month when Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, fell to an offensive by jihadis of the Islamic State that triggered the collapse of five Iraqi army divisions and carried the extremists to the threshold of Baghdad.

A review of the record shows, however, that the Obama administration wasn’t surprised at all.

In congressional testimony as far back as November, U.S. diplomats and intelligence officials made clear that the United States had been closely tracking the al Qaida spinoff since 2012
, when it enlarged its operations from Iraq to civil war-torn Syria, seized an oil-rich province there and signed up thousands of foreign fighters who’d infiltrated Syria through NATO ally Turkey.

The testimony, which received little news media attention at the time, also showed that Obama administration officials were well aware of the group’s declared intention to turn its Syrian sanctuary into a springboard from which it would send men and materiel back into Iraq and unleash waves of suicide bombings there. And they knew that the Iraqi security forces couldn’t handle it.

What a liar... Jayvee team? Really?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 08, 2014, 03:22:10 PM

 January 19th, 2014

Obama on Al Qaeda Groups: ‘If a Jayvee Team Puts on Lakers Uniforms, That Doesn’t Make Them Kobe’

What a moronic moron...

I take it you wanted him to re-invade Iraq in January.  Really?

‘Top advisors predict a long, very long campaign’ in Iraq

“We don’t understand real evil, organized evil very well,” said America’s former ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, in an interview with The New York Times. “This is evil incarnate.”

“People like [Islamic State commander] Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi have been in a fight for a decade,” he added. “They are messianic in their vision, and they are not going to stop.”

President Barack Obama authorized military strikes on select targets in Iraq on Thursday aimed only to halt the Islamic State’s advance on the cities of Erbil, the Kurdish capital in the north, and Baghdad. At the same time, however, the president continues to assure the American public that this is not the start of a third Iraq War. For the time being, the introduction of American ground forces has been ruled out.

American military commanders seem to think that the president’s strategy of using airpower alone to reduce the threat posed by the Islamic State fighters is insufficient.

“We must neutralize this enemy,” Army Lt. Gen. Mick Bednarek, U.S. chief of the Office of Security and Cooperation-Iraq told a Military Times reporter. “This is not just an Iraqi issue. This is not just a regional issue.”

He added that, as even those only familiar with the threat posed by the Islamic State through media accounts know, this organization “is not just a violent extremist organization.”

“This is an army,” Bednarek added, “and it takes an army to defeat an army.”

Regardless of the assurances the president has made to a war-weary public, a report in CBS This Morning on Friday indicates that American military officials are aware of just how comprehensive a military campaign aimed at neutralizing this fundamentalist threat will have to be.

Who ever said obama was not creating jobs was a liar. Thank you obama, thanks from:

Lockheed Martin ;D
Boeing :D
Raytheon ;)
General Dynamics :o
Northrop Grumman :-*

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 08, 2014, 03:33:14 PM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 08, 2014, 06:42:02 PM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 09, 2014, 01:19:38 AM

So many lives could have been saved as the WH knew what was going on the ground for months while watching BUT decided to do NOTHING just to make the democrats and obama not look bad in November. They let ISIS inflate to 40 000 animals. Oh but Libya was such a big deal obama went there without the congress' blessing... Now it's chaos.

Pure. Political. Heartless. Calculation. Yet very amateurish.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 09, 2014, 01:46:44 AM

Jake Tapper hammers Tony Blinken for ISIS B.S

Tapper: Tony, a lot of people have been warning about ISIS for months and months with no action — no serious action — by the White House. Was the intelligence not there? Why is it only now that you’re acting?

Blinken: Actually, we’ve been warning about this for a long time, ourselves, well beyond that. When, initially, in 2012, we said to the Iraqis, AQI — which is ISIS’ predecessor — may be on its heels, but the only way to keep them there is to go after them constantly, and we propose to engage with them to help them do that. The politics in Iraq wouldn’t allow that. But it took a while, and finally in 2013 — a year ago — we began to increase the capacity of the Iraqis to deal with AQI and then what became ISIS. And of course, the Syrian conflict added fuel to the fire. So we’ve been focused on this for well over a year, and unfortunately, the ISIS threat overtook the efforts that the Iraqis were making to deal with it. Now, unfortunately, everyone is seized with this, but what we’re seeing increasingly is coordination among the Iraqis and the Kurds, which is unique. We haven’t seen that in a long time. And countries in the region who’ve responded to this threat, which, it’s a threat to them as well, all getting together and looking to take action.

Tapper: Tony, you say you’ve been warning about it, but in January, President Obama told The New Yorker magazine’s David Remnick that ISIS — which was then still considered a part of al-Qaeda fighting in Syria — was like a JV basketball team. He said, quote, “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” Just how badly did President Obama underestimate the threat of ISIS?

Blinken: No, there are two different things going on here, Jake. One is the question of the threat that ISIS poses to us here in the homeland, and unlike core al-Qaeda, right now, their focus is not on attacking the U.S. homeland or attacking our interests here in the United States or abroad. It’s focused intently on trying to create a Caliphate in Iraq and a base from which, over time, to operate. And that’s what we’re focused on. We’re focused on making sure that we can help empower the Iraqis and others to prevent them from doing just that. The president was exactly right: They did not pose a threat like al-Qaeda central to us in the homeland. We want to make sure that they don’t get to the point where they can pose that threat.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: FishcakeBuffet on August 09, 2014, 02:04:36 AM
Well he has done alot to fix the economy every since the U.S Housing bubble burst and entered a recession. The Iraq war.....



Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 09, 2014, 02:09:28 AM

The truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.

obama.  ON JUNE 11, 2014

And he told us many times he gets his news from the newspapers. I guess not anymore since 2014?

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Bitsaurus on August 09, 2014, 05:40:06 AM
I will send 1000BTC to anybody that can convince Obama to go to Chicago and stand in front of the families of those 20 dead from the July 4rth weekend and say "The world is less violent than it has ever been."

Obama is so into basketball....who does he think he is... King James?

I don't think even the SS could handle that threat.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: wasserman99 on August 09, 2014, 10:47:32 PM
Well he has done alot to fix the economy every since the U.S Housing bubble burst and entered a recession. The Iraq war.....
I think he has very much hurt the economy more then he helped it after the housing bubble burst. His "stimulus" did nothing more then put taxpayers further into debt. His social programs gave people more incentives to not work, slowing down economic growth.

Withdrawing from Iraq allowed the ISIS to take over much of Iraq and will end up costing us a lot more then if we had stayed there.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 10, 2014, 02:53:31 AM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Mobius on August 10, 2014, 04:00:49 AM
I will send 1000BTC to anybody that can convince Obama to go to Chicago and stand in front of the families of those 20 dead from the July 4rth weekend and say "The world is less violent than it has ever been."

Obama is so into basketball....who does he think he is... King James?

I don't think even the SS could handle that threat.
He would be lying if he were to say that. His anti-gun policies actually make the country a more violent place. Criminals do not follow the law (obviously) so when it is illegal to carry a gun they will not follow this, but they know that law-abiding citizens are not carrying a gun so they will be less hesitant to use their gun to commit a crime. 

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Bitsaurus on August 10, 2014, 04:38:04 AM
I will send 1000BTC to anybody that can convince Obama to go to Chicago and stand in front of the families of those 20 dead from the July 4rth weekend and say "The world is less violent than it has ever been."

Obama is so into basketball....who does he think he is... King James?

I don't think even the SS could handle that threat.
He would be lying if he were to say that. His anti-gun policies actually make the country a more violent place. Criminals do not follow the law (obviously) so when it is illegal to carry a gun they will not follow this, but they know that law-abiding citizens are not carrying a gun so they will be less hesitant to use their gun to commit a crime. 

Very true.  Not one of those 20 homicides in Chicago that fourth of July was a legally armed civilian defending his/her house.  Not all the suspects have been identified, but of those who have all are known gang members and some have multiple felonies thereby making gun ownership illegal but somehow they still have them. Watch the New Orleans to see those thugs talk about how easy it is to get a gun.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: freedomno1 on August 10, 2014, 10:07:28 AM
I will send 1000BTC to anybody that can convince Obama to go to Chicago and stand in front of the families of those 20 dead from the July 4rth weekend and say "The world is less violent than it has ever been."

Obama is so into basketball....who does he think he is... King James?

I don't think even the SS could handle that threat.
He would be lying if he were to say that. His anti-gun policies actually make the country a more violent place. Criminals do not follow the law (obviously) so when it is illegal to carry a gun they will not follow this, but they know that law-abiding citizens are not carrying a gun so they will be less hesitant to use their gun to commit a crime.  

Very true.  Not one of those 20 homicides in Chicago that fourth of July was a legally armed civilian defending his/her house.  Not all the suspects have been identified, but of those who have all are known gang members and some have multiple felonies thereby making gun ownership illegal but somehow they still have them. Watch the New Orleans to see those thugs talk about how easy it is to get a gun.

Well there is anti-gun and then there is no one is allowed to have guns at all
Regardless of status unless that somehow happens there is a reason the USA has a right to bear arms lol.

Only works in Japan ^_^
Get some pretty hardcore knifing instead.

In part by forbidding almost all forms of firearm ownership, Japan has as few as two gun-related homicides a year.

Lol the foreigners mess with the averages

Page 5
Prisoners > Foreign prisoners   6.5%
Ranked 42nd. 13 times more than United States   0.5%

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 11, 2014, 04:36:12 PM

ABC: Obama “Entirely Unconcerned” By Optics Of Golfing During Crises…

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 12, 2014, 01:12:17 AM

Video: 0bama then Repeatedly Takes Credit For Pulling All Troops Out Of Iraq…
0bama now:"Hey, it wasn’t my idea to leave Iraq"

In a post over the weekend, Joel Gehrke covered President Obama’s astonishing claim that it was not his decision to pull American troops out of Iraq, notwithstanding that he was commander-in-chief when they were withdrawn. John McCormack (with an assist from Max Boot) had an excellent post rehearsing the relevant history, which boils down to a familiar pattern: President Bush’s fingerprints are on the decision, and on any matter in which there is some contributory Bush role, Obama blames Bush, no matter how minimal Bush’s contribution was, as if Obama were a mere spectator incapable of anything other than self-absorbed indignation…

But on the matter of Obama disclaiming responsibility for his own pull-out of American forces, it is worth recalling some more history. As a candidate in mid-2008, Obama pushed aggressively for a swift U.S. pullout and publicly undermined Bush – who was trying to keep troops there with no strict timetable for withdrawal – by colluding with the loathsome Maliki toward that end. With candidate Obama about to visit Iraq and already heavily favored to win the presidency, Maliki openly endorsed Obama’s call for a complete American pullout within 16 months of Obama’s taking office.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 12, 2014, 01:33:32 AM

Biden In 2010: Iraq Will Be “One Of The Greatest Achievements” Of This Administration…

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: strongkoffein on August 12, 2014, 05:38:52 AM
actually nothing

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Balthazar on August 12, 2014, 07:25:17 AM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Daniel91 on August 12, 2014, 10:48:07 AM
OK President Obama is probably not the best US president in history but at least he is better than Pres. Bush.
He didn't rush in the new wars, tried to start peace talk in Israel and Palestine. tried to make friends with partners in Europe...
He didn't make some big success until now but still at least he tried to make some positive changes and this, in my opinion, makes him better than some other president in the near future.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Bitsaurus on August 12, 2014, 11:10:47 AM
OK President Obama is probably not the best US president in history but at least he is better than Pres. Bush.
He didn't rush in the new wars, tried to start peace talk in Israel and Palestine. tried to make friends with partners in Europe...
He didn't make some big success until now but still at least he tried to make some positive changes and this, in my opinion, makes him better than some other president in the near future.

Bush never openly declared war on his own citizens.  Obama/Holder syndicate has effectively done this with their control of government agencies that they now use to target groups.  First they did it to the media and got away with it in his first term.  Since that got a pass from some of the media they went straight to gov agencies and now emails are disappearing with regularity.

It's like Enron shredders but with a national budget.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on August 12, 2014, 11:34:04 AM
OK President Obama is probably not the best US president in history but at least he is better than Pres. Bush.
He didn't rush in the new wars, tried to start peace talk in Israel and Palestine. tried to make friends with partners in Europe...
He didn't make some big success until now but still at least he tried to make some positive changes and this, in my opinion, makes him better than some other president in the near future.

Bush never openly declared war on his own citizens.  Obama/Holder syndicate has effectively done this with their control of government agencies that they now use to target groups.  First they did it to the media and got away with it in his first term.  Since that got a pass from some of the media they went straight to gov agencies and now emails are disappearing with regularity.

It's like Enron shredders but with a national budget.

I'm under the impression all that was already set in motion long before Obama came around, though he certainly did nothing but help it out, after getting into office. Still, what do you mean by "emails are disappearing with regularity"? Did I miss an episode? :)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Bitsaurus on August 12, 2014, 11:41:51 AM
OK President Obama is probably not the best US president in history but at least he is better than Pres. Bush.
He didn't rush in the new wars, tried to start peace talk in Israel and Palestine. tried to make friends with partners in Europe...
He didn't make some big success until now but still at least he tried to make some positive changes and this, in my opinion, makes him better than some other president in the near future.

Bush never openly declared war on his own citizens.  Obama/Holder syndicate has effectively done this with their control of government agencies that they now use to target groups.  First they did it to the media and got away with it in his first term.  Since that got a pass from some of the media they went straight to gov agencies and now emails are disappearing with regularity.

It's like Enron shredders but with a national budget.

I'm under the impression all that was already set in motion long before Obama came around, though he certainly did nothing but help it out, after getting into office. Still, what do you mean by "emails are disappearing with regularity"? Did I miss an episode? :)

IRS scandal emails most likely were destroyed on purpose since most IT managers agree that those emails would have been retained somewhere in the system due to redundancy.  It's statistically impossible for intents and purposes - yet Holder refuses to assign forensics to see what is occuring.

Now HHS says email regarding the botched ACA website have gone missing.

Basically you can't punish people if you destroy evidence.  If you throw away the guns, kill all witnesses & destroy any video recording... what bank robbery  ;)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: u9y42 on August 12, 2014, 12:36:43 PM

I'm under the impression all that was already set in motion long before Obama came around, though he certainly did nothing but help it out, after getting into office. Still, what do you mean by "emails are disappearing with regularity"? Did I miss an episode? :)

IRS scandal emails most likely were destroyed on purpose since most IT managers agree that those emails would have been retained somewhere in the system due to redundancy.  It's statistically impossible for intents and purposes - yet Holder refuses to assign forensics to see what is occuring.

Now HHS says email regarding the botched ACA website have gone missing.

Basically you can't punish people if you destroy evidence.  If you throw away the guns, kill all witnesses & destroy any video recording... what bank robbery  ;)

It seems I really did miss those episodes. But that's no problem: I'm sure the ever helpful (and present) NSA has a copy of those emails somewhere... as well as any other agency/government that can somehow gain access to their databases. ::)

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Mobius on August 13, 2014, 06:11:15 AM
OK President Obama is probably not the best US president in history but at least he is better than Pres. Bush.
He didn't rush in the new wars, tried to start peace talk in Israel and Palestine. tried to make friends with partners in Europe...
He didn't make some big success until now but still at least he tried to make some positive changes and this, in my opinion, makes him better than some other president in the near future.

Only a few short years after Bush left office several democracies have popped up in the middle east that were likely influenced by the war in Iraq (and Afghanistan to a less degree). As a result of the wars that Bush started the world is a much safer place.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on August 17, 2014, 06:47:57 PM

I'm under the impression all that was already set in motion long before Obama came around, though he certainly did nothing but help it out, after getting into office. Still, what do you mean by "emails are disappearing with regularity"? Did I miss an episode? :)

IRS scandal emails most likely were destroyed on purpose since most IT managers agree that those emails would have been retained somewhere in the system due to redundancy.  It's statistically impossible for intents and purposes - yet Holder refuses to assign forensics to see what is occuring.

Now HHS says email regarding the botched ACA website have gone missing.

Basically you can't punish people if you destroy evidence.  If you throw away the guns, kill all witnesses & destroy any video recording... what bank robbery  ;)

It seems I really did miss those episodes. But that's no problem: I'm sure the ever helpful (and present) NSA has a copy of those emails somewhere... as well as any other agency/government that can somehow gain access to their databases. ::)

And who will give the order to make those access available to the public to make that very government look criminal?

It does not matter if the NSA has a copy or not. The same way it did not matter if the NSA can see commercial airplanes being shot down and locate exactly where they crashed. Top secret. Why do you think is the official website of the NSA? I have to say they do have a sense of humor... :D

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on September 05, 2014, 02:23:00 PM

Brit Hume: Obama told a friend of mine before he was elected, “Wouldn’t it be great for the world if I were president?”

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: tvbcof on September 05, 2014, 06:42:40 PM
OK President Obama is probably not the best US president in history but at least he is better than Pres. Bush.
He didn't rush in the new wars, tried to start peace talk in Israel and Palestine. tried to make friends with partners in Europe...
He didn't make some big success until now but still at least he tried to make some positive changes and this, in my opinion, makes him better than some other president in the near future.

Bush never openly declared war on his own citizens.  Obama/Holder syndicate has effectively done this with their control of government agencies that they now use to target groups.  First they did it to the media and got away with it in his first term.  Since that got a pass from some of the media they went straight to gov agencies and now emails are disappearing with regularity.

It's like Enron shredders but with a national budget.

I'm under the impression all that was already set in motion long before Obama came around, though he certainly did nothing but help it out, after getting into office. Still, what do you mean by "emails are disappearing with regularity"? Did I miss an episode? :)

IRS scandal emails most likely were destroyed on purpose since most IT managers agree that those emails would have been retained somewhere in the system due to redundancy.  It's statistically impossible for intents and purposes - yet Holder refuses to assign forensics to see what is occuring.

Now HHS says email regarding the botched ACA website have gone missing.

Basically you can't punish people if you destroy evidence.  If you throw away the guns, kill all witnesses & destroy any video recording... what bank robbery  ;)

The IRS issue is prominent among a slew of incidents which could really benefit by an independent counsel's investigation.  To bad that such a process was thoroughly ruined and discredited by Ken Starr since it was a reasonably effective mechanism prior to his blatant politicization.  In my conspiratorial mind I have to wonder if this was not part of the goal of Starr's work.  No administration since has been bothered by independent counsel exploring their malfeasance, and during both the Cheney and Obama administrations the justice department has been laughable corrupt in facilitating anything the executive wants to do no matter how over-the-top.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Wilikon on September 24, 2014, 06:38:52 PM

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Honeypot on September 24, 2014, 06:56:50 PM
To the OP:

Nothing good that others could not have done better, and nothing worse than anyone could have ever done.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: mnmShadyBTC on September 25, 2014, 05:31:20 AM
I don't think Obama actually believes in wars, at least not with America's enemies.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: Nemo1024 on November 13, 2014, 10:48:19 PM
To drag this topic back up. :)

I think Obama should get thanks from all progressive Russians who would like to see Russia as a stronger and more independent state. Obama has done more towards that goal than many Russian politicians.

Putin should really present Obama with a medal "For the services towards Russia", or maybe created additional medals "For promotion of Russia's statehood" and "For promotion of Russia's economic and industrial independence"

Thank you, Obama, for kicking Russia in the butt and waking it from a political and economical reverie, and for expanding Russia's economic ties by the means of the sanctions that primarily hit EU.

Title: Re: What good things has Obama had since he is elected ?
Post by: maddog0000 on November 13, 2014, 11:02:05 PM
He pooed in his hand and called it a souffle.....I guess that's kinda good :D