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10561  Other / Politics & Society / Re: all lives matter only until black lives matter is a faschist slur on: July 20, 2020, 08:52:48 PM
there are a few things where blacks are disadvantaged.
such as living in run down neighbourhoods where its low income families meaning less tax going into treasury and more going out to support incomes. which the causes budget restrictions on things like redeveloping social housing, creating more social housing and also funding schools

white people also have low incomes and in the same neighbourhoods with the same local schools and local stores that dont offer fresh veg due to the price of tinned veg being cheaper and all that people can afford.
low income families cant afford gas and an oven to boil veg. the most they can handle is a tin opener and a microwave. so even making veg cheaper then stumbles into the household bills of preparing food

i understand that people think this is an oppertunity to just promote minorities to senior roles and make them rich. but thats not gonna happen and going to cause more of a divide. with the whole "privilege" buzzword

the best solution is to actually make a 'social welfare' budget thats actually not below the poverty line. and also make employment not subsidised by social welfare but instead actually pay a proper living wage
instead of banks creating $30bill a month. as loans. banks should use their own already held capital for loans. and then the treasury should "create" money to pay for public infrustructure

i know we are living in the era where businesses can get cheap labour by outsourcing manufacturing abroad or replacing staff with automated machines (heck even mcdonalds are doing it with their touchscreen kiosks)

so trying to find that pivotal starting point of expanding employment that can roll into causing more positive lives, is not easy
the main problem with manufacturing abroad is because the exchange rate has be motivated to keep asian countries low so we can buy stuff from them cheap. however a switch where the GBP/USD is low compared to asian currencies wil make it more expensive to buy from there to inspire local manufacturing and also get asia to buy from the west which would put more funds into the west. instead of the west putting funds into the east right now
but atleast addressing where and what the problems actually are. is much better than just asking governors to just say "yes black lives matter" take a knee.. and then carry on with their day.

the whole take a knee solves nothing.
10562  Other / Politics & Society / Re: all lives matter only until black lives matter is a faschist slur on: July 20, 2020, 07:03:46 PM
BLM to become MLB
Make Lives Better

then its not about minorities being segregated or empty promises.
a governor can says "yes black live do matter" and thats it job done. platitudes passed and back to normal

but actually asking for more then recognition. and actually ask for something. will atleast give a target to aim for.
governors would actually have to do things to improve peoples lives. and not jsut recognise a certain minority are alive
10563  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid Theater: on: July 20, 2020, 06:57:39 PM
but.. my point was it doesnt matter if they were doing 50k tests a day or 200k tests a day, if there were only a few hundred people with it.. then there will still be only a few hundred people with it

which is the same common sense thing no matter the country/state

It does indeed matter, because it's very useful to know that only a few hundred catch it and test position, out of a hundred thousand in the same time period that do get tested.

As opposed to only getting the test if you show symptoms, which would create a far different perspective.

and world wide studies show that "prospective" but its funny how you try using a small situation of just a few days in orlando florida to try to pump your myth that the rest of the world must be lying. all because you didnt research the details of what actually happened in florida

remember your own words you thought that the positive cases would get altered due to the orlando situation. not realising it never affected the positive cases and wont cause a r0 to go under 1.0X like you thought it would

i used to enjoy sparring with you because you used to atleast put some effort into research. but lately you have been doing the same silly things badecker does.

at first i thought are you just being a temporary troll triggered because i called you out on your patriotic devotion to trump and not wanting him to be branded as the same social circle as epstein.. but it seemed you went to far into badecker style of trolling, that maybe its something deeper than the patriotic call out.

but in the end.
what matters in this whole topic is that the pandemic is not over. its still the calm before the storm and already some places are seeing new waves getting higher and higher again.
its not over, heck with not even 5-10% herd immunity thus far its not even midgame.
10564  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Strips CDC of Control of Coronavirus Data on: July 20, 2020, 05:49:59 PM
nations get their data from their health service departments direct.

Come on, franky1. Doctors aren't the bad guys. The false numbers don't come from them. You are cutting down your own profession. Are you close to retirement? You're going to lose your job talking like this.

the reality is doctors do a good job they actually have a long process to go through for diagnosis.

i know your cultish sites think hospital doctors just write random stuff on prescription forms. but thats because your cultish influencers go to shady family clinics and pay their doctor just to write anything.
they dont have a clue what real doctors in hospitals do

the family clinic doctors own their clinics so its not like they can discipline themselves. so they are not accountable

but hospital doctors have employment contracts and medical licences, insurances, liabilities, they have accountability and responsibility that come with repercussions

when you realise the difference between hospital doctors and clinic doctors(EG your drug dispensing 'chiropractor') you will start to become aware of the flaws in your scripts you read.

then you start to realise the people your cultish influencers interview are either ex hospital workers/going through some reprimand procedure and trying to seek vengeance and shifting blame off themselves. or they own silly clinics and not responsible to anyone. and dont care about what happens as long as they get paid to be interviewed.

then if you actually go find actual hospital doctors that do real diagnostics and have the tests/equipment and other things a hospital have. you start to realise how little the cultish influencers interviewees know.

you dont have to be a doctor to see the flaws in the scripts you believe in. you just have to not be a blind devoted idiot
one day you might smarten up and realise how hole you dug yourself into and how its led you into something hard to escape. but instead of giving up or digging deeper. try to escape and actually then learn to not be an idiot
10565  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid Theater: on: July 20, 2020, 01:45:29 PM

there is already too many people just asking for a test even without having symptoms. so the negative test numbers become a meaningless statistic that explains nothing.....

Says who? You?

The goal of the test is to provide information to the one taking the test. The goal of the test is not to structure data sets to your liking.

like your trying to structure sets of data such as pretending the negative tests mean something they dont.

as for says who.. well in the UK many people are taking the tests without symptoms.
theres been days where there were most days over hundred thousand tests taken daily but only a few hundred positive or few thousand positive

the actual public health authority have said for people to get the test
1. if they have symptoms
2. if they have been in close proximity to someone who has had it
3. if they have a doctors appointment for any reason to avoid spreading it to non covid departments

many people have been using clause 2. by saying they have been near someone

so it aint me saying it. its pretty much common knowledge in UK cases and why they are doing 1-200k tests a day but only getting a few hundred positive results

but.. my point was it doesnt matter if they were doing 50k tests a day or 200k tests a day, if there were only a few hundred people with it.. then there will still be only a few hundred people with it

which is the same common sense thing no matter the country/state
10566  Other / Serious discussion / Re: WTF!! hospitals in Bangladesh sell corona-free certificates.. on: July 20, 2020, 07:59:14 AM
Most of the report on major newspaper,radio in eu,asia,africa..... are all frame up!!

NOTE:  : there are also cases where patients are corona-free but, they were certified as cov-19 postive!!

this topic is about a guy with 2 small convenience store sized clinics. its not about millions of people in all hospitals

but yes some people want to be claimed as being positive so that they can have 2 weeks off work fully paid. and then go back to work no longer needing to care about social distancing.
so yea idiots will pay for being certified as sick to get out of working or following guideance
the problem is. when they and then their co-workers do get sick. they are then screwed and it all becomes transparent that they lied the first time. and then wont get paid second time around, will also lose their job from lying to their employer and also risk the health of those co-workers

but ignorance, arrogance, selfishness seems to be more powerful than respect and common sense these days
10567  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Face Mask Placebo on: July 20, 2020, 06:34:48 AM
^^^ Yet there are all kinds of professionals that show that N95 masks are just about worthless.
No there are not. That's an idiotic statement. N95 has been used for decades, studied carefully. It's used in many fields not just medicine.

We really know A LOT about the N95 mask.

That "we," seems to exclude "you."

Ben Swann does seem to be a little different in his video that what he led us to expect - BADecker. But he seems to have the reports that show that masks don't do much if anything other than harming their wearers.

"did you get that"?
N95 and SURGICAL grade masks are the same high quality

surgical masks are NOT just 'cloth face coverings' they are surgical grade masks made specifically to meet a high standard.
yep its not saying n95 and surgical masks are useless.. its saying they are of same high quality
face coverings made of cloth from old t-shirts at home are less protective than n95/surgical masks
but still better then nothing at all
again the best advice is to respect personal space if you cant get hold of a high grade mask.
but for that extra protection wear something.

also its not about being 100% 'prevention' its about reduction
again low dosage/less battle vs high dosage major infection fight

if you want to invade sick peoples personal space unprotected to get a high dose and risk getting very sick so be it. be an idiot.
or you can take the advice and stay at a distance have some kind of covering/mask to reduce the viral load more so you can get a low dose and not have much of a battle/sickness to fight

its way cheaper to stay at a distance than to be buying dozens of high grade masks per week
meaning respect for personal space costs nothing.

Of course, The Highwire has had several different professionals on their program over the months, who explain why all masks except airtight body suits (spacesuits) are useless in stopping Covid.
kinda funny
the faux media that was trying to promote herd immunity is now subliminally advertising people buy body suits
its weird how these faux media are not using the science to their advantage to tell people that getting low dose infections by respecting distance and wearing some kind of viral load reduction method. can actually be of benefit to herd immunity

as for saying that wearing facemasks cause injuries. well that just needs common sense to not wear a mask 24/7 and instead take it off. kinda the same advice needed for the idiots wearing the same underwear for weeks without changing can cause issues. im sure those idiots know what im talking about.
you know the type. they wear the same underwear for weeks. get chaffing in their sensative regions and decide from then on to walk around in public naked, saying clothing is a health risk.

so here is the lesson for those idiots
respect peoples personal space. and change / remove a mask more often than underwear. but when out in public wear a something.. yep that includes wear underwear.
its about hygiene of regular use and regular replace. not avoiding wearing things all together due to lazyness being the real health risk

if you want to be out in public respect other people
10568  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 20, 2020, 06:14:45 AM
Wow! Just yesterday when I reported on the Kaufman videos; you still haven't watched them to figure out how to do research, and to see why we don't know what SARS or Covid really are, or if there is any difference between them.

you and kaufmans scripts are both the same outdated stupidity
heck even kaufmans videos are months old. and based on his "research" from january

i kept telling you its now july and yet your stuck with scripts from january

they have identified what sars and covid are
for instance diagnostically they know its not similar symptomology of ebola, but similar to sars
they also used microscopes on samples from the sick patients with this same symptomology and found the common demoninator.
they know it looks like
 \  |  /
 - O -
 /  |  \
 and not

they have actually tested it on multiple animals and test subjects.
multiple places around the world have done it using different techniques showing that it all comes with the same results. proving there is no fault with the techniques because they were able to isolate and then infect test specimens with different techniques

they also sequenced thousands and thousands  of peoples infections and seen they all had the common denominator
they have also seen this common demoninator's sequence is of the same family as other SARS. yet nothing like ebola or chickenpox or other things

its funny how even now you are avoiding reading the reports that kaufman say dont exist/were suppressed. yet i have shown that they are public knowledge and easily available. and its actually your ignorance that is suppressing your ability to find them

i know your acting like a toddler trying to have a tantrum so that you can be spoonfed. and then only favouring the people that do spoonfeed you. but atleast try one day to be a big boy and learn to feed yourself with good stuff instead of the sloppy soup your getting spoonfed by idiots
10569  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown easing - I'm back in the cafe on: July 20, 2020, 05:44:09 AM
i heard another lockdown is necessary

well with the way some idiots are talking about wanting to spit on people and not respect personal space and such then yea its kinda inevitable

they pretend their motives are to promote herd immunity. but they always sound like they dont even care about other people.

its as if these idiots want to force the government to intervene just to then say the government intervened.
not actually caring for their own health or health of those around them, but instead be idiots and push the limits to test the response.
its like toddlers testing their parents boundaries to see what they can get away with but then crying when they get told off..
seems they never learn to just not test boundaries and instead just get on with other things to avoid crying
10570  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown easing - I'm back in the cafe on: July 19, 2020, 07:34:31 PM
doctors wear masks. they work with masks. yes they should get regular breaks. but thats a case for standard work practice of not making people work 12 hours without a break

if you think your suppose to wear the same mask all day for weeks. then you need to take a step back from the sites badecker has been linking you

your suppose to only use masks in places where social distancing is not available

once you are out of the shop you can loosen the mask
you should regularly replace the mask too.
but whats most important is distance
respect peoples personal space. its not that hard
10571  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid Theater: on: July 19, 2020, 07:07:43 PM
BTW, looking at FL Rt=1.06 from I am officially scared for the rest of the country.  Not sure if Rt from is helpful, NY Rt=1.07

numbers in FL.. you said its 1.06.. but reality is 1.3 average
it managed a 1.07 for the last half of May but by june 3rd numbers were above 1.1

heck even just looking at a graph you can see that the upward angle is not a low 1.0X amount

FL is at 1.03

...But I suggest waiting a week or two on FL, there have been massive errors reported from there, over reporting covid and deaths.

It may actually be <1.0

the cases graph is ACTAULLY / not _

by the way the "error" is not thats there are more or less positive cases. its just that they didnt include the negative cases to show the ratio of positive to negative

yet graphs of positive cases have only shown positive cases and dont include the negative cases. so it wouldnt have any impact

there is already too many people just asking for a test even without having symptoms. so the negative test numbers become a meaningless statistic that explains nothing.

if there were only ~10k cases a day. and labs can do 20millions tests a day. it will still show only ~10k positive tests.
negative tests are irrelevant. no matter how many they can do or not report about the ones not positive. it doesnt affect the positive tests
10572  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump Strips CDC of Control of Coronavirus Data on: July 19, 2020, 06:50:26 PM
nations get their data from their health service departments direct.

the data found on CDC is their own collation of data that comes LATER
in the UK the ONS comes later. but idiots dont accept this reality either

no agency is relying on CDC/ONS for the 'live data' of daily reporting

CDC has been transparent that it collates its data slowly and can be weeks to get the accurate numbers
i have even told badecker abut this

the idiot does not learn
his cultish influencers pretend the world relies on the CDC data for daily numbers and its the CDC fudging the numbers
it pretty much explains how little these idiots dont know about a topic and even after months of telling a particular set of idiots they still dont learn

trump has not removed any powers from CDC because CDC never had the powers that trump thinks they had
same with WHO
WHO is an advisory board not a authority. they have no powers to just invade china. so when trump had his hissy fit that WHO didnt raid china. trump just didnt realise what WHO does. and doesnt do

he is in his full right to withdraw his government donations to WHO. but he wanted to blackmail WHO by threatening to not pay the next instalment unless they raided china.
its not nor ever was WHO's job to raid any country. so trump could not even successfully blackmail them into doing something they just cant do.

so with this new hissy fit about the CDC
smart people are looking at state departments daily reporting.. while trump stays naive looking at the CDC website and crying about why its not showing daily numbers.
maybe someone should tell these idiots they need to learn where to look
im sure some have told trump to look at state health departments. but he got confused and thought he was being asked to replace the CDC for state departments.. not realising they were just telling him to look on the already in place state department websites.

a more believable title would just be "trump strips" as i can easily think he would be a guy that can actually atleast handle that.
just being in the top seat doesnt make you the top intellect
10573  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Natural corona virus immunity sky rockets. on: July 19, 2020, 04:42:27 PM
My main point is that the vast majority of the population have a strong immunity to virus that has been given to them by nature. No man made drugs or vaccines have any chance of improving on this. Now id the time when immunity is at its strongest, so lets do all we can to let as many people as possible gain natural immunity, and then we can get on with life and try to handle the real economic problems that beset the world.

The increase in viral load is also an argument against the wearing of mass produced face masks.

1. if this is the 2nd 3rd season then yea people have built up a tolerance. they have the blueprints from previous seasons and the hospitalisation rate per year would drop from 10% first to 1% second to 0.1% third

but we are in the first season of a new virus..
again because i dont think you understand this part
even if you do have a fast metabolism so when you identify a threat replicate loads of antibodies. this can take hours-days still.. but in that first 20 minutes of sucking face with a sick person the viral load may outpace your bodies ability to have pot luck random defenders.
its then too late its in the lungs replicating

much better to get low dose to then have low amount battle/replicating if they get passed the first defense
2. face coverings are only about 20% effective compared to N95/PPE2. and if you just done some maths.
its way better to instead of getting 1mill particles sucking face unprotected. to stand at 2 metres and get
a few dozen thousand. and then reduce that by 20% further so that your body gets a lower dose. thus less fight to need to battle

but overall distance and limiting time exposure makes more of an impact that a covering.

but if you want to keep promoting people should lick faces with sick people for 20minutes a day unprotected then you are just creating more problems for people.
much better to promote personal space respect to only get low dose exposure(social distance/cloth covering)

or if you are in the vulnerable category. then avoid all exposure(shielding/n95)
10574  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Natural corona virus immunity sky rockets. on: July 19, 2020, 04:32:01 PM
Another problem with care worker stats is that many of them come from the BAME community,

you might want to check on that
when you realise a large majority of the 79% general white NHS staff are not patient facing. but office/admin/consultants/lab techs

and if you instead looked at the reports of the actual patient facing staff diversity
you will start to see that there are more philippinos, african, asian, indian in the mix. and its not 2-11%
meaning its not a HEALTH risk difference based on ethnicity. its a close contact risk that has more BAME people getting close to patients than white staff

what real BAME support groups are asking for is why are the white people safe in their office spaces while the BAME community are tasked to be facing patients taking all the risk
its not about BAME people being lower immune
its the same with work places. bus drivers and taxi drivers are usually a higher BAME community % yet they are in roles where they have to stay upclose and in confined spaces with loads of people.
again not a health immunity concern but a proximity to random people concern
10575  Other / Serious discussion / Re: WTF!! hospitals in Bangladesh sell corona-free certificates.. on: July 19, 2020, 03:33:50 PM
anyway. back to the topic
the guy manages 2 clinics that look like 7-eleven shop refits.
he first caught the attention of the authorities when he was selling sub-par PPE and body bags. to other more official hospitals but they found they didnt meet the standard
they then found he was doing alot of covid certification above the norm

then they found he was switching peoples samples around so using those that did have the virus with those that didnt to fake certification..
and that escalated to him just handing out certification without testing for profit

oh and he also switched samples to pretend he was currently infected when he wasnt just so he could escape being jailed because he thought he can play the sympathy card. it didnt work

he has 56 charges for many scams and pretty much shows that he is a profit douche and not a proper medical care ethical man
10576  Other / Serious discussion / Re: WTF!! hospitals in Bangladesh sell corona-free certificates.. on: July 19, 2020, 01:36:43 PM
maybe think less of the government trying to blame a debt crises (that was going to happen) on a virus
and think more that the virus would have caused the same equal health crisis of underfunded hospitals to require such drastic action no matter what.
yep lockdowns would still have been a thing
but governments also used this same crisis to then add in the economic crisis to warn people to expect a decade of economic tightening

again the health crises would have still occurred, hospitals still would have got over run and lockdowns and restrictions would still have occurred
try not to think that if there was no debt crisis then the pandemics restrictions would not have occurred

as for vaccines
antivaxxers sites are not unbiased
the tales of mercury and monkey kidney stuff got debunked decades ago
if you knew of all the filtering systems in the body and you know of the dosages of ingredients in a vaccine compared to whats found on everyday food. you would then form different opinions

if you think about the amount of preventable deaths from having a vaccine. vs the deaths without a vaccine.
and then look at the smaller amount of deaths linked to bad batches of meds. you would see there is more benefit to having a vaccine than not having a vaccine

if a virus has a 10% hospitalisation rate of needing some form of oxygen therapy
then imagine 10% of population without any therapy/hospital care.

thats far worse than the 0.0x% of cases that are due to bad reaction to medication

try to stick to numbers, science and fact. and not antivaxxer emotional opinion.

if you cant grasp the fact that there are certain nasty diseases that actually kill more people without a vaccine then you really need to check your sources

i know you want to believe that babies can all survive measles and mumps and rubella
i know you want to believe that people can get over things by just getting it

but you dont understand the complexity
as shown by your comments in other topics

anyway. your over 60yo. you dont have to worry about being given infant scheduled vaccines.
so instead of lettig these websites get you emotionally triggered that somehow its killing you. realise that your not an infant. and then do the research as to why these antivaxxers are trying to trigger people

dont play the emotional card. play the science and math card.
actually learn if a vaccine actually has mercury in it. actualy learn what other everyday things have the same thing in it. look at how much you consume from every day things vs how much you get in a vaccine once a few years.
use maths not emotion
then you might find an unbiased opinion
(EG learn difference between Methylmercury and Ethylmercury)
the one with the M is in fish and water and soil (food and drink) it can build up
the one with the E breaks down and excreted by body and doesnt build up
in short worry more about fish and non organic foods and unfiltered water
10577  Other / Serious discussion / Re: WTF!! hospitals in Bangladesh sell corona-free certificates.. on: July 19, 2020, 12:09:48 PM
yes there are some 'family doctors' that set up thier own clinic to then sell drugs.
yep even in america the opioid crisis has revealed how demonic/selfish and unethical some people can be

i get that some people dont trust a doctor when hearing news that some are trying to sell snake oil
but that does not mean modern medicine is just voodoo, either

i can already tell that some idiots will try to swing this news into some mass world wide drama that all doctors are, are magicians and con artists. but that is not the case
i can already tell that some idiots will try to swing this news that covid is not real because of this
i can already tell that some idiots will just be idiots and now seek out doctors who will print them out a certificate for money, in the hope that the certificate awards them immortality.

heck the guy above me thinks that if the certificate was worded different it instantly changes the persons real health status(facepalm). guess he didnt get the hint that the certificate is not worth the paper its printed on
10578  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 19, 2020, 11:42:33 AM
Somebody said that the moon was made of green cheese. You say that Koch's Postulates were observed, but you don't say that the more important Rivers' upgrading of Koch's Postulates was observed. Further, like the moon being made of green cheese, you don't show HOW and WHERE any of the reports show the Koch or Rivers process being done.

wow even just yesterday i said how when you got proved wrong about koch you instantly then shifted gears and talked about rivers..
and no surprise surprise you repeated it again. even when being told how you failed last time you didnt get the hint.

maybe if you stopped looking at your conspiracy cult websites and actually done the research you will find the reports. heck i did link them last time and again just a couple this time

your blind ignorance does not mean the reports dont exist. your blind ignorance means you wont even read them even when someone links them
so why do you even ask for them when people already have. and why do you deny them.

why even ask for something you dont want.
funny part is the link i just posted both show HOW and WHERE and WHAT and WHEN
but goodluck with your ignorance
but incase you want to deny finding any links even though you quoted the links in my previous post
ill link just a couple again
heres the more detailed notes incase you fear creading the first link to actually find it
(i know its hard to click the 'pdf' button to then have to read the full report. but you asked for the report. so go read it). heck they even have supplementary pictures and even videos of the hamsters

oh and to save you another circle should you dare research(but unlikely) modern medicine/diagnostics.. it also passes the bradford hill aswell
10579  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Natural corona virus immunity sky rockets. on: July 19, 2020, 11:06:31 AM
even people with strong immune systems and people that know about health still suffer
take the doctors in the ICU. its their speciality they know about infections they know about immunity. but they get sick too

the reason is not that a good immunity will make you immortal. because when it comes to new viruses that are having their first season where you have not had it before you have no blueprints of the antibody inside you. your just playing a game of 'pot luck' that your body can adapt and find a corresponding random defender to block/fight an attacker

its about viral load too. if your a person inhaling 500m particles per breath for a long time vs someone only inhaling 3 million so there is less virus for your body to battle

think about simple math
if your playing dogeball would you prefer to be hit by 50 balls up close or stay at a distance so you can dodge 47 of them and only get hit by 3

its basic math
if it takes you 1 second to react to hit a ball you cant dodge. would you want to be a metre from the thrower meaning it gets to you in 0.2seconds meaning you cant react fast enough so you get hit hard by all 50 balls.
stand metres away giving you more time to react and hit the 3 balls you cant dodge

trying to pretend that being an athlete that has quick reflexes will make you immortal still means you end up getting hit by 50 balls and looking like a fool while getting hurt and wondering why hurt. and just trying to hide the pain and pretend it aint happening..
.. or you can simply just keep your distance and be aware of your surroundings for a much simpler solution

dont 'be a man' getting hurt and trying to be macho pretending it dont hurt
instead be smart and just avoid getting hit so much

remember its a new virus your body doesnt have the blueprints of a antibody built in yet. so even a strong immune system wont be proactive to defend you.. but will possibly be quick reactively to fight it once it has learned the blueprint antibody that works

EG if you got a viral load that overwhelms you
bad immunity = 3-4 weeks in hospital
good immunity = 1-2 weeks in hospital

try to think about math and science.. and not hope and wishes
10580  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Natural corona virus immunity sky rockets. on: July 19, 2020, 03:51:22 AM
gotta laugh at this topic

jetcash. if you want to be ignorant and wanna just go to morrisons/mcdonalds cafe's to use your internet fine.
if you done some real math. you would see that there are risks

the reality is that out of ~100 people
50 if they stay at safe distance to low dose viral load will have no symptoms
30 will have mild symptoms(just a cough and slightly warm, nothing too bad)
10 will have more acute symptoms(restless night and coughing/sweating extremes)
10 will need hospital care

the issue is if in a population of say 100k town. they will only have 200 special care beds (0.2% average)
so if there are over 1000 people a week. meaning 100 a week needing hospital beds for 2 weeks. (200)
thats just too much for hospitals to handle

yes if people were to group together and lick each others faces and dryhump and really inhale high viral loads from each other
it would be more like
10 no symptoms
30 mild
40 acute
20 hospital
meaning only 500 a week would become a problem due to it translating to the 100 in hospital

so how about offering advice for people to learn personal space respect.

another way to view it is
imagine streets are filled with graffiti artists with spray paints
if you stand right infront of them only a metre away your at high risk of getting face covered in paint.
but if you stand at 2 metres away less paint can get on you.
wear a n95mask and you should be good. wear a cloth mask. we better then nothing but expect to get some paint

its called common sense.
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