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2121  Local / Политика / Re: Политика из последнего вагона на север on: April 03, 2022, 06:43:12 AM
А куда спешить? США бомбила Ирак больше месяца перед началом сухопутной фазы операции. Россия пропустила эту часть марлезонского балета, потому что ключевой задачей первой фазы было отбросить силы ВСУ от границы с Россией, чтобы ВСУ не могло стрелять по России. Эта задача была выполнена в первые три дня операции, собственно после этого Украине впору было выбрасывать белый флаг. Сейчас основную группировку ВСУ на Донбассе можно месяц не спеша утюжить ракетами, угрожая закрыть котёл и устроить ВСУ Сталинград. Не забывай, что у армии России по прежнему нет численного перевеса на Украине, а форсировать сейчас наступление означает нести лишние жертвы.
Пока что это похоже, по образному выражению Гиркина "на многомесячный кровавый тяни-толкай". Имхо, рано или поздно перед Россией встанет вопрос об официальной мобилизации срочников.
Тогда марлезонский балет перейдёт к кульминации.
Ты похоже витаешь в радужных облаках и вообще не понимаешь что происходит. По всем канонам военной науки ВСУ уже всё, примерно на уровне армии Германии в марте 1945 года. Основная группировка на Донбассе фактически заперта в котле, формально путь на запад им ещё открыт, но фактически отступление ВСУ с Донбасса технически невозможно. Во-первых, покинув укреп-раёны они окажутся как на ладони для ракетных ударов, во-вторых давеча Россия (видимо в ответ на удар по Белгороду) расхуярила единственный на Украине НПЗ и чтобы съебнуть с Донбасса ВСУ банально не хватит топлива. Не будет никакой мобилизации срочников, эта кампания для России уже выиграна. Не нужно привлекать необстрелянное пушечное мясо, чтобы откалибровать Калибрами всю поляну. Нет никакого многомесячного кровавого тяни-толкая - за три дня отбросили ВСУ от своих границ и ещё за месяц зафиксировали ВСУ на своих позициях, лишив оперативного простора для любых манёвров и передислокаций. Любые попытки ВСУ принять и задействовать в бою военную помощь Запада сталкиваются с большими логистическими проблемами.
2122  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 03, 2022, 05:28:53 AM
Yes, this is discrimination based on nationality, a manifestation of Nazism. What collective responsibility are you talking about? I did not vote for Putin in the elections and I am not responsible for his decisions and actions. I am responsible for my decisions and actions, but I have no responsibility simply because I am Russian. I am human and you can treat me without national or racial prejudice.
Maybe you or some other people didn't voted for Putin, but still, he is elected by majority of votes. And according to surveys, over 60% of Russians support war in Ukraine. If they support it, I think they should be ready to accept consequences of it, one of it is banning Russian athletes from competitions. This is waht is collective responsibility. Yes, it's not compleely fair thing because people who aren't responsible fro it and don't support war is also suffering, but nobody haven't offered better solution.
Even if Europe does not have a better solution, this is not a reason to apply a bad solution, simply because they could not come up with anything better. Cultivating Russophobia and thereby encouraging the manifestations of Nazism in Europe is not very smart against the backdrop of the operation to "denazify" Ukraine. Europe should seriously consider its behavior towards Russia, given that Europe depends on Russia, it seems much more than Russia depends on Europe. Nazism did not fall on Ukraine from an unknown distance, Nazism was and remains the highest stage in the development of European philosophical thought - and this is a serious problem in Europe, because Nazism is unacceptable to Russia.
2123  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Economic sanctions are not a war declaration on: April 02, 2022, 04:17:24 AM
Glad you're having fun. Grin
I am afraid, that train has left the station. The divorce proceedings are in progress.

If you think we will go back to the way things were even if Putin withdraws his army from Donbas and Crimea tomorrow, you are mistaken.

Your fuhrer is a war criminal, and nothing will change this fact. You guys are done.  All civilized world will not want to have anything to do with you.

No more Blancpain watches for you, Volodiya.
What divorce process, what are you talking about? Europe has spent a week considering the possibilities and prospects of abandoning Russian gas, and now it looks like it will be happy to announce its victory, continuing to pay for gas in euros, bypassing its own sanctions. Europe cannot refuse Russian gas right now - this is an immediate economic disaster with the shutdown of large industrial enterprises. Europe cannot abandon Russian gas in a year or two - too much time and money will be spent on building a new infrastructure adapted for liquefied gas, and free liquefied gas simply does not exist on the market in sufficient volumes, and there is nowhere to take it from. Having mentally abandoned Russian gas, Europe realized the scale of its dependence on it, in general, on the supply of fertilizers, raw materials, natural resources and cheap energy from Russia, and I think it was a very educational experience.

In the meantime, here's a recent article in The Economist on the effects of economic sanctions on Russia.
If any economy could come close to coping with being cut off from the world, it would be Russia’s.
In short, it looks like the Russians пoxyй about sanctions.
2124  Local / Политика / Re: Политика из последнего вагона на север on: April 01, 2022, 06:46:57 PM
Калибры хорошее оружие, не буду спорить. Они там что на 100 лет что ли ими запаслись?
Калибр отличная ракета, учитывая что Украине нечем их сбивать и они все летят точно в цель. Относительно дешёвая и заводы работают в три смены.
Если россияне обздвижили украинцев, то почему идёт отвод войск с киевского и черниговского направлений?
Потому что россияне обездвижили украинцев, но не сами себя. Обычная перегруппировка сил, на Донбассе щас эти войска нужнее.

Почему Россия увеличила активность переговоров и идёт на уступки?
На какие именно уступки идёт Россия? Мединский долбоёб, его надо выгнать за профнепригодность.

Почему не развивается наступление?
А куда спешить? США бомбила Ирак больше месяца перед началом сухопутной фазы операции. Россия пропустила эту часть марлезонского балета, потому что ключевой задачей первой фазы было отбросить силы ВСУ от границы с Россией, чтобы ВСУ не могло стрелять по России. Эта задача была выполнена в первые три дня операции, собственно после этого Украине впору было выбрасывать белый флаг. Сейчас основную группировку ВСУ на Донбассе можно месяц не спеша утюжить ракетами, угрожая закрыть котёл и устроить ВСУ Сталинград. Не забывай, что у армии России по прежнему нет численного перевеса на Украине, а форсировать сейчас наступление означает нести лишние жертвы.
2125  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 01, 2022, 03:54:48 AM
The losses of the personnel of the Russian army exceed the losses of the civilian population of Ukraine - a consequence of the tactics chosen by Putin to minimize damage to the fraternal people of Ukraine. The losses of Ukrainian soldiers are ten times greater than the losses of Russian soldiers - and soon Ukrainian propaganda will no longer be able to hide it. The Ukrainian army is suffering serious losses in personal strength and dramatic losses in military equipment, which the West can replace with a maximum of Javelins. Tanks, planes, helicopters, ships, air defense missiles, Tochka-U missiles, etc., Ukraine's losses in heavy equipment are great and irreplaceable. Soon the regular army will turn into gangs of Nazis with Kalashnikovs.
I'm curious what data for death toll you are using? If you are using stats given by Russian propaganda, then nothing surprising that you're saying that losses of Ukrainian army exceeds victims of Russian army. According to Russia, they have lost 1351 troops in this war what is nothing more than cynical lie. Ok, let's say that numbers given by Ukraine is not correct, but still, USA report about over 10 000 deaths and numbers given by NATO is very estimate, from 7000 to 15 000. Russia claiming that they have killed 14 000 Ukrainians, but nobody eles don't report about such big numbers.
And what you will tell about report which says that Ukraine now have more tanks than they had before war, after they have captured over 100 tanks from Russia?
I am based on data from the Russian Ministry of Defense. There are a lot of fakes on the Ukrainian side (including about 100 captured tanks), Russian data looks reliable. Putin has declared the west to be the "Empire of Lies", so Russians have to tell the truth in order to look like a knight in shining armor. Grin

I'm talking about the manifestations of Kansel culture, when the names of great Russian writers, composers and artists are deleted from the list of the treasury of world culture, when athletes are discriminated against on a national basis and not allowed to compete in sports, when Russians are hounded just because they are Russian - about manifestations of Nazism in modern Europe.
Why do Russians see Nazis everywhere? Before going to sleep maybe you're checking under your bed to be sure that nazi isn't hiding? Not allowing athletes to participate just because that they're Russian isn't discrimination. It's collective reposnisbility. They're not directly responsible for war in Ukraine, but Russian citizens should respond for actions of their elected president, which was elected by majority of votes.
Maybe these things in Europe can be called Russophobia, but what else do you expect? That Russians will be liked and welocomed with a joy?
Yes, this is discrimination based on nationality, a manifestation of Nazism. What collective responsibility are you talking about? I did not vote for Putin in the elections and I am not responsible for his decisions and actions. I am responsible for my decisions and actions, but I have no responsibility simply because I am Russian. I am human and you can treat me without national or racial prejudice.
2126  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Economic sanctions are not a war declaration on: April 01, 2022, 03:19:35 AM
You are so funny when you squirt bile. Here is Putin's decree on the "gas for rubles" mechanism, which begins to operate from tomorrow.

Here is the "mechanism": Gazprom bank would open euro/dollar and ruble accounts for gas buyers; buyers are supposed to transfer euros/dollars; the bank then would convert those euros/dollars to rubles; Gazprom would take those rubles.

The companies with existing contracts pay in Euros. The new contracts, if any, will need to be negotiated in Rubles.

German gas suppliers continue to pay Gazprom in Euros, just like before the war/sanctions.

What Gazprom does with the Euros is their business.
1. Starting today, Gazprom supplies gas to unfriendly countries for rubles (exceptions are possible through the decision of a government commission).

2. The mechanism is as transparent as possible for Western clients - they continue to receive gas under existing contracts, the conversion of euros into rubles for Gazprom through the Moscow Currency Exchange will be done by Gazprombank affiliated with Gazprom, which for the normal operation of the mechanism must be free from Western sanctions. This is just a working mechanism for circumventing sanctions, which your propaganda trumpeted as a win, giving European politicians a chance to save face. In the week of waiting for Putin's decree in Europe, they came up with everything, including scenarios that would be catastrophic for the economy of an immediate refusal of Russian gas, so the mere possibility of continuing to pay in euros under existing contracts is regarded by the European Union as its own victory. I said above that Putin's first offer is usually the best for partners - and here it is. Putin shows respect for the German industrial business by keeping their existing contracts almost unchanged, except for the bank details of the recipient of funds for a stable supply of Russian gas. Putin does not want to break mutually beneficial ties with Europe, because Moscow is also Europe. This is a strong move by Putin, showing him as a mature strategist. But you can keep shouting "Перемога", ok.  Grin
2127  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Economic sanctions are not a war declaration on: March 31, 2022, 02:19:43 PM
On April 1, gas supplies to Europe are possible only for rubles, and this is not a joke on a fool's day.

Tomorrow the operating mechanism of gas payment for rubles will be made public.

Sounds like a 30-year old living in mom's basement. "I will move out tomorrow". "I actually meant that tomorrow I will announce a mechanism for moving out but if you object to my insane conditions I will gladly stay".
You are so funny when you squirt bile. Here is Putin's decree on the "gas for rubles" mechanism, which begins to operate from tomorrow.
2128  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 31, 2022, 11:04:06 AM
You are trying to compare civilian casualties with military casualties?  So you are saying that Putin is not killing "as much as he could" because Ukrainians are your brothers? It is the same when you said that Ukrainians will forget all this and be brothers!... that is so pyscho! Are you a sociopath or did you use some "recommended answers" from your controllers (which I am sure are sociopaths)?
That's what I'm saying, instead of massive aerial bombardments of cities and fortified areas, there are pinpoint missile strikes on outbreaks of military activity. Let me remind you that the United States bombed Iraq for 37 days before launching a ground operation, and Iraq is half the size of Ukraine and there are deserts there. Russia is acting much more humanely towards the civilian population. Ukraine is heterogeneous in composition, in the East there are many Russian-speaking people who have been living under shelling from the Armed Forces of Ukraine for eight years, for example, as residents of Donetsk. Refugees from Mariupol to Russian territory talk about the atrocities of the Azov Nazis who shoot and kill civilians.

During the conflict the military of Ukraine has received and keeps on receiving billions in weapons aid which is making it stronger than ever. At this point something should be clear even for Putin: US and Europe are not going to let Ukraine fall. If planes are needed, there will be planes, if tanks are needed, there will be tanks, if more intelligence is needed it will be provided.
I think this is one of the fakes of Ukrainian propaganda, saying that the West will help. The disposal of illiquid weapons is no more difficult than one person can lift - this is the maximum of this help from the West, a rocket from the sky will immediately fly into something larger. Nothing oversized and nothing in large batches. No ships, no planes, no helicopters, no artillery, no tanks, no anti-aircraft missile systems, only hand-held anti-tank systems and a few drones.

RE Russophobia - please, this is for all Russians, Europe is not an enemy of the Russian people. We want to trade and have a pacific relationship and we are sorry that your current leader is sending your young to die by the thousands when there is absolutely no need for it nor anything to gain for you.
I'm talking about the manifestations of Kansel culture, when the names of great Russian writers, composers and artists are deleted from the list of the treasury of world culture, when athletes are discriminated against on a national basis and not allowed to compete in sports, when Russians are hounded just because they are Russian - about manifestations of Nazism in modern Europe.

As said: Putin's army has no real capability to hold long supply lines. Ukraine has delivered a few counter strikes and holds several strategic points. From "we want to depose the government" is now becoming "we want the south ports" and will eventually become "err... well, sorry, we were just passing by". To late for many.
The Russian army pushed the Ukrainian army back at least 100 km inland from the border with Russia to prevent Ukrainian rockets and cannons from firing at Russia, and then stopped in advance to reduce personnel losses. The army of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is blocked in the Donbass and in the vicinity of Kyiv, and in the vicinity of Nikolaev - from the north, east and south, but the entire territory of Ukraine, including the western one, is being shot through with missiles.

RE Energy, it seems that Putin is backing up on the senseless plan of payments in roubles - who knows, he may some day decide that this whole war was not a great idea after all. Late for many.
We'll see.
2129  Local / Политика / Re: Политика из последнего вагона на север on: March 31, 2022, 08:20:53 AM
Коалиция стран Запада недавно с позором спешно эвакуировалась из Афганистана, побросав все пожитки.
Как и Россия времен СССР в 1989 году. Ты ведь не будешь утверждать, что СССР выиграло Афганскую войну? Это проблема всех войн с неопределёнными и абсурдными целями. Русско-Украинская война - одна из них.
Операция на Украине не абсурдная и имеет вполне определённые цели. Россия показывает своё полное силовое доминирование даже армией мирного времени над хорошо вооружённой, обученной по стандартам НАТО и очень мотивированной армией ВСУ, которая в хорошем боевом тонусе за восемь лет обстрелов Донбасса. Армия ВСУ полностью обездвижена, при любой военной активности с неба прилетает "Калибр" и расхуяривает всё к ебеням. Войска ВСУ и нацбатальоны окопались в укреп-раёнах и в городах среди мирных жителей и сидят ждут когда их методично расхуярят высокоточными ракетами. Не имея возможности угрожать обстрелами территории России, кроме как во время быстрых диверсионных вылазок. Для армии ВСУ это фиаско.
2130  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 31, 2022, 04:09:55 AM
A missile attack? Do you know that the accuracy of a Russian cruise missile is around 400 meters? There is not way you can use these for small critical military targets. Just civilian buildings, large bases and depots at most, apart from the comparative cost and the economics of it.
The accuracy of Russian missiles is less than one meter. The main work on the destruction of military facilities in Ukraine is carried out by Caliber missiles and X-101 cruise missiles. Their range is sufficient for confident coverage of the entire territory of Ukraine, the power is also sufficient (400-450 kg in TNT equivalent). These missiles are unattainable for the missile defense of Ukraine and Ukraine has no analogues.

The info Ukrainians are getting is one of the reasons why the "mighty" Putin's machinery is stalled. Again, 1 month and Putin does not seem to be able to progress beyond roughly 150 km from their bases.
During the month of the operation, the military potential of Ukraine was significantly weakened. The eastern group in the Donbass is at risk of falling into the cauldron, Ukraine has not delivered a single serious counter-strike.

Every voluntary soldier (not conscripts) chose to serve their country. There is a difference between Russia and Putin, between defending your country and waging a war of aggression against, to a point, your own brothers. Apart, the seems to be an absolute disregard to soldiers lives in Putin's army - unequipped, poorly led, uninformed,... No general in history has shown such a disregard for casualties.
The losses of the personnel of the Russian army exceed the losses of the civilian population of Ukraine - a consequence of the tactics chosen by Putin to minimize damage to the fraternal people of Ukraine. The losses of Ukrainian soldiers are ten times greater than the losses of Russian soldiers - and soon Ukrainian propaganda will no longer be able to hide it. The Ukrainian army is suffering serious losses in personal strength and dramatic losses in military equipment, which the West can replace with a maximum of Javelins. Tanks, planes, helicopters, ships, air defense missiles, Tochka-U missiles, etc., Ukraine's losses in heavy equipment are great and irreplaceable. Soon the regular army will turn into gangs of Nazis with Kalashnikovs.

Russia is now walking back their statements on demanding rubles for oil exports to countries they deem "unfriendly."

Appears they understand they cannot further restrict their economy when it's already on the decline. IMO Russia understands the war is a lost cause and they have no way to circumvent the sanctions, so they have to play the game that the West wants them to play. Using China and India as trading partners can only support Russia's economy to a certain extent. Being isolated from the West has ramifications. There were also some reports that Putin's military generals are downplaying the status of the war and the severity of Russian troop losses because they don't want to be the bearer of bad news. Putin is losing control of his economy and his military.
The journalists made a loud headline, relying on the words of the press secretary, although in this situation it is better to focus on Putin's words and look at the market reaction. I think Putin will give Europe a chance to save its face, just then Europe will pay even more for Russian gas.  Grin

Russians have one big problem.  They think their nation, their culture, and their country are better than any other country.
Please do not project your Ukrainian nationalist complexes onto Russia. Russia has its place in the world and this place is not small. Cultivating Russophobia is a losing strategy for the European Union, and for anyone else. Russia has a lot of natural resources and a large surplus of energy, which the European Union needs to have a powerful and competitive industry. Without industry, Europe will turn into a reservation of refugees and the unemployed, with a great cultural heritage and interesting for lovers of extreme tourism. Grin

Everyone knew that the Ukrainian army would suffer much casualties. But Russia's  disposition or belief was that Ukraine would fall in days. They made the world feel that they had the military might to overrun Ukraine easily. Now people are surprise that the 'little' Ukraine is giving the 'almighty' Russia a bloody nose. Hence, even if Ukrainian loss is hundred times higher than Russia,  Zelensky would still receive standing ovations around the world.
It looks like the West is ready to fight in Ukraine with Russia to the last Ukrainian, and even in the US Congress they put on badges with the Ukrainian flag as a sign of support. The army of Ukraine is currently completely paralyzed and shackled by the Russian army, deprived of the possibility of regrouping and changing its location, delivery of ammunition and fuel is difficult - in response to any movement of military equipment, a rocket immediately flies from the sky and there is no more military equipment. The military are locked in their fortified positions and in cities with civilians, from the point of view of military science, this campaign for Ukraine has already been lost, although of course it was lost from the very beginning. Reliable for blitzkrieg - naive fantasies, what the Russian army did in a month is a real result.

By the way, yesterday there was a episode when Russia returned captive soldiers from Snake Island to Ukraine. The very ones that Ukrainian propaganda has already declared heroically dead and awarded them with orders posthumously. Now they are alive and they were solemnly presented with well-deserved awards for their heroic deed on Snake Island to repel Russian aggression. Against the backdrop of the recently released videos of torture and executions of Russian captured soldiers by Ukrainians, this looked very amusing.
2131  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Economic sanctions are not a war declaration on: March 31, 2022, 03:40:03 AM
The future is to get rid of gas altogether, perhaps this is going to accelerate that as COVID accelerated remote working. Germany and the EU in general have options, as I guess Putin has options on where to sell his gas... eventually the market will reconfigure, but what cannot be ever restored is reputation and confidence. Anyone buying from Putin knows that contracts are wet paper and that by connecting to his version of Russia they are becoming weaker.
The energy system of Germany is focused on pipeline gas from Russia. In general, the current European strategy for the transition to carbon-free green energy relies on hydrogen, which is planned to be produced in Russia and delivered to Europe through the existing gas pipeline system with the addition of 20% natural gas (because pure hydrogen is a very volatile gas). All gas pipelines to Europe, including the non-certified Nord Stream 2, allow hybrid operation of a mixture of hydrogen and natural gas. Wind turbines and solar energy are too unstable to be a reliable main energy system, so Europe has bet on hydrogen in its future. Maybe Germany has a new energy strategy recently, I don't know anything about that.

Do you think that after changing the payment and eventually threatening to cut contractually signed gas supplies would any country invest ever in a gas pipe to connect to Putin's Russia? Do you dream of an Eastern alliance with such a reputation?
I think the freezing of funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a serious reputational damage for the West. The USA, Great Britain, the European Union, Japan and even Switzerland have significantly discredited their own national currencies in the eyes of the entire world community - the US dollar, the pound sterling, the euro, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc, these fiat currencies can no longer be considered reliable enough for long-term storage, because they can be easily frozen, just when you need them most. The value of fiat currencies rests on the trust in the issuer, and this trust no longer exists. In fact, this is the end of the Jamaican monetary system.

There will be hard times ahead, there is no winner to this stupid war, but if I had to choose where to live those times, I am certain it would not be in Putin's Russia. You will have gas and heating, but millions of people will not have money to pay for it. Germany will also loose in some of its industrial sectors, but still has marging.
Europe is now puffing out its cheeks indignantly, but in European politics there is no leader with charisma like Che Guevara or Castro, who will set fire to the stadium with a fiery speech and the crowd in ecstasy will begin to chant "Freedom or death!" Talking heads speak in the media, but the real gas contracts are between commercial enterprises. The exchange rate of the ruble on Forex is growing, which means that non-residents are buying the ruble, preparing for the prospect of paying their gas contracts in rubles. Tomorrow the operating mechanism of gas payment for rubles will be made public. Yesterday, gas stopped flowing through Poland through a branch of the gas pipeline.

Usually, Putin's first offer is the most profitable for his partners - gas for rubles while maintaining the price of the contract. A little later there will be a new offer, less profitable, but still acceptable - gas for rubles with a revision of the price in the direction of the market.

BTW, I have a completely different version of the negotiations with Ukraine regarding the gas, as Putin needed the agreement of Ukraine to send gas to the EU. As we like to say in some of the places I live "donde tengas la olla no metas la polla".
Sometimes it seems that you and I generally live in some kind of parallel worlds. One and the same reality and we have such a different view of it. It's funny that we can still continue the dialogue. Grin
2132  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 30, 2022, 09:56:11 AM
So, tanks are the strategy of Putin, but at the same time they are not the strategy of Putin and they are not needed, right?. I see.
Tanks are needed, just a couple of thousand of them are enough, there is no need for tens of thousands of tanks for the success of the operation in Ukraine.

So, Russia has air superiority, yet almost no planes are being used. And while some areas are attacked by cruise missiles, many are also stopped. This is certainly not my concept of air superiority, which anyway is not that useful for urban warfare, but just to humour your point.
As far as I can see, reconnaissance drones are actively used on the Russian side. Airplanes and helicopters are also used, but not as actively. The drone finds the target, followed by a missile attack. Why reinvent the wheel when simple things work. In urban conditions, this tactic works worse, I agree. This is probably why Russian soldiers do not particularly climb into the cities, with the exception of Mariupol - control over which is of great strategic importance.

While the US cannot send troops over the terrain, they are certainly feeding a sh*tload of info to the Ukrainian Army, basically the best military network of satellites and radars at their full disposal along with all the information that seems to be leaking from every rank of Putin's military. Seriously, I just cannot believe how accurate the information that is being passed by the US is, I am starting to think that Putin is a double agent. Fighting blind... you must be joking.
Well, in this case, we must admit that operational tactical information support from US satellites does not help the Ukrainian army much.

On the soldiers... well, someone has to worry about them you know, and it does it seems that you and Putin could not care less about them. Nor their families.
There are risks in every profession, and for the professional military, these are the risks of being killed, captured or injured in the course of doing their job. Their relatives will receive compensation and survivor's pensions, and they themselves will be declared heroes who suffered in the fight against Nazism.
2133  Local / Политика / Re: Политика из последнего вагона на север on: March 30, 2022, 09:36:56 AM
Единственный выход спасти народ России от нищеты и забвения , это начать захват Европы!
Это хороший способ ускорить начало третьей мировой. Не думаю, что у России против коалиции стран запада будет много шансов.
нам много шансов не надо! нам нужен всего один ...когда мы войдем в прибалтику (это страны НАТО) Европа обосрется...ибо там акромя Франции которая совсем близко никого  и нет...Англичане уже тысячу лет нам показывают что предпочитают воевать чужими руками а не у себя дома...
поэтому даю 1000% никто даже не рыпнется...
я могу напомнить как Гитлер взял Европу....Дохуя они сопротивлялись? А ведь тогда не было ЯО
Надо смотреть на вещи шире - нахуй нужна эта нищая Прибалтика, когда мирный договор с Японией не подписан, и они сами полезли в залупу с санкциями, находясь юридически в состоянии войны с Россией? Притопить её всю в пизду со стороны южного побережья, чтоб Курилы наши не забрызгало, да и дело с концом. НАТО конечно сразу соберёт внеочередной саммит и станет опять бубнить про демократию, ну и не похуй ли уже? Можно ещё разок для профилактики въебать по Лондону, чтобы совсем доходчиво всё было. Олигархов наших обижают, яхты арестовывают, ну не пидорасы ли? Ваще вкрай охуели. Grin
На 3 фронта пойдем? Да легко!

Японцев спишем на Северную Корею, а англосаксов на ИРА, говно вопрос. Больше Пиндостан беспокоит, как бы там в Йеллоустоунский супервулкан случайно не попасть - а то там столько пыли поднимется, что одним годом ядерной зимы потом не отделаешься. Пидорасы поди специально засели на континенте с тектонической активностью вот и выёбываются.
2134  Local / Политика / Re: Политика из последнего вагона на север on: March 30, 2022, 09:14:41 AM
Единственный выход спасти народ России от нищеты и забвения , это начать захват Европы!
Это хороший способ ускорить начало третьей мировой. Не думаю, что у России против коалиции стран запада будет много шансов.
нам много шансов не надо! нам нужен всего один ...когда мы войдем в прибалтику (это страны НАТО) Европа обосрется...ибо там акромя Франции которая совсем близко никого  и нет...Англичане уже тысячу лет нам показывают что предпочитают воевать чужими руками а не у себя дома...
поэтому даю 1000% никто даже не рыпнется...
я могу напомнить как Гитлер взял Европу....Дохуя они сопротивлялись? А ведь тогда не было ЯО
Надо смотреть на вещи шире - нахуй нужна эта нищая Прибалтика, когда мирный договор с Японией не подписан, и они сами полезли в залупу с санкциями, находясь юридически в состоянии войны с Россией? Притопить её всю в пизду со стороны южного побережья, чтоб Курилы наши не забрызгало, да и дело с концом. НАТО конечно сразу соберёт внеочередной саммит и станет опять бубнить про демократию, ну и не похуй ли уже? Можно ещё разок для профилактики въебать по Лондону, чтобы совсем доходчиво всё было. Олигархов наших обижают, яхты арестовывают, ну не пидорасы ли? Ваще вкрай охуели. Grin
2135  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 30, 2022, 08:52:43 AM
Do you think that you just leave a tank there and then, after 20 years, you turn the key and it works?
Yes, this is exactly how it works, a mothballed tank is taken from the warehouse, the re-mothballing procedure is carried out and the tank is ready to fight. Ukrainian fighters of the defense are similarly armed with Soviet-made Kalashnikovs, they are new in factory lubrication, as part of the Ukrainian legacy from the USSR. Old Soviet tanks played an important role in the military doctrine of the USSR, providing the ability to strike with a mechanized tank column within 48 hours anywhere in the Eurasian continent. The current military doctrine of Russia is more progressive and less relies on the brute force of tank divisions, but the tanks themselves have not gone away. That's where they came in handy.

I see... you seem to be lacking a few basic on maintenance, material sciences and mechanical engineering as Putin seems to be lacking trained crews and supplies. I am glad to know that Putin's strategic defence is based on these premises, I feel much safer. I hope the US military does not find out about this battleplan, most of them are much more aggressive than me.

Now, about that doctrine and theories... where are those tanks? They do not seem to be in Kyiv? When there is a difference between words and facts, I tend to look at facts, but that's just me.
I think these tanks for the most part continue to be stored in hangars, because in such quantities they are simply not needed in the operation in Ukraine. The very concept of warfare has changed a lot in 30-50 years. A key factor for the success of the operation in Ukraine is Russia's control over the airspace. You don't need a lot of tanks if your recon drones see the picture of what is happening, and the Ukrainian army is actually fighting blindly. Not knowing where and when the next blow will come from the sky.

The young, unfired soldiers, for whose fate you are so touchingly worried, are also not needed. Mostly professional military personnel with real combat experience take part in the operation from the Russian side. It should sound like "100%" instead of "mostly", but unfortunately it seems not so and it turned out that somewhere in the supply of the rear units, conscripts were involved. I hope this misunderstanding has now been completely corrected.
2136  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 30, 2022, 08:26:44 AM
Do you think that you just leave a tank there and then, after 20 years, you turn the key and it works?
Yes, this is exactly how it works, a mothballed tank is taken from the warehouse, the re-mothballing procedure is carried out and the tank is ready to fight. Ukrainian fighters of the defense are similarly armed with Soviet-made Kalashnikovs, they are new in factory lubrication, as part of the Ukrainian legacy from the USSR. Old Soviet tanks played an important role in the military doctrine of the USSR, providing the ability to strike with a mechanized tank column within 48 hours anywhere in the Eurasian continent. The current military doctrine of Russia is more progressive and less relies on the brute force of tank divisions, but the tanks themselves have not gone away. That's where they came in handy.
2137  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Economic sanctions are not a war declaration on: March 30, 2022, 07:02:58 AM
According to your statistics, Ukraine depends on Russian gas by 0%, although Ukraine depends on the reverse of Russian gas from Slovenia. Grin
These are not my statistics, but from a specialized European site. This Statista picture apparently shows only direct gas purchases from Russia and doesn't take resales into account. Ukraine has not used Russian gas since 2015 only formally, but actually buys it through Hungary and Slovakia.
I think Europe will buy gas from Russia in a similar way with the help of a virtual reverse through Bulgaria or Turkey, additionally paying for their intermediary services, but doing it without pleasure. However, we will soon see everything for ourselves. It is not clear how Europe will get out of this delicate situation while trying to save face, but Russia's message to Europe does not allow for ambiguity and room for double interpretation: "No money - no honey".

I think Putin's Russia will be a very helpful partner, selling Europe everything they need to keep on producing the weapons to kill the young untrained Russian soldiers. Curiously, the bullets that kill them could be paid in rubles as per your theory.

This is sad, even my great sense of humour is not enough to laugh at this.
Let's try to stick to the economic aspects of sanctions and counter-sanctions in this topic, without moralizing. I understand that in the West Putin is considered the personification of evil, and all Russians in the light of the Western media apparently look like wild barbarians and bloodthirsty orcs. But Europe is already beginning to understand that among the millions of refugees from Ukraine there are many Nazis who desecrate monuments to Soviet soldiers during the Second World War and behave defiantly and unceremoniously, demanding special treatment just because of their nationality and just because "Ukraine über alles". Over time, the veil of lies will fall from the eyes of ordinary Europeans once and for all, when they realize that they are suffering from their own sanctions more than Russia. But gas prices under long-term contracts will not be the same.

Germany may not freeze to death without Russian gas (wearing a warm sweater  Grin), but it was cheap Russian pipeline gas that gave Germany the competitive edge to remain a strong industrial nation. In 2021, the average price of gas supplies by Gazprom under long-term contracts was $270 per thousand cubic meters. Gazprom is not interested in short-term gas supplies at spot prices, it does not deal with this. Tankers with liquefied gas became interested in the European market and turned away from deliveries to Asia after the price of gas on the European exchange exceeded $2,000 per thousand cubic meters. This is the approximate price point at which Europe will be able to buy gas in the near future, if it can find sufficient volumes on the market to meet its needs.

Russia already has experience cutting off gas to intractable partners. On January 1, 2009, Russia cut off gas to Ukraine. Nine days later, the Ukrainian delegation signed in Moscow a new contract for the supply of gas at a price several times higher. The lessons of history teach that they teach nothing. Well, as we like to say in Russia: "Можем повторить".
2138  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 30, 2022, 06:08:26 AM
Russian tanks and other equipment cannot be easily replaced under sanctions as the production is dependent on the US, German, and South Korean parts. Putin just issued an order to convert their military equipment production to models from the 1960s to use domestic,
Soviet technology. But this will take time for re-tooling, re-training, getting the right crews, etc. This is another fucked up idea by our chess
genius, comrade Putin.
How desperate are you if you hope that Putin will run out of tanks. Now, in military chronicles from the Russian side, they mainly show Soviet T-72s (with a modernized cannon that pierces even older Ukrainian T-60s through the forehead), which are stored in factory solid oil in warehouses, tens of thousands of units, as a legacy from the USSR . Where are the modern Armata tanks, or at least the T-90? They are simply not necessary within the framework of the model of warfare used in Ukraine in the conditions of complete Russian dominance in the air.
I think the US just found the perfect way to ruin the Soviets once and for all.
I hope this will not happen too quickly, otherwise the cavalry division of the fighting Buryats has not yet jumped up from the remote taiga to look at the Ukrainian asphalt and electric street lighting for the first time in their lives.  Grin
2139  Local / Политика / Re: Политика из последнего вагона на север on: March 30, 2022, 05:00:56 AM
Кстати, недавно задумался о том, а есть ли какие-то объективные и проверяемые доказательства того, что на Украине так уж много неонацистов? Есть явные доказательства обратного. К примеру, согласно Википедии, после выборов в Раду в 2019-м году не прошло ни одной право-радикальной партии.

При том, что в РФ есть ЛДПР, отдельные представители которых в разное время высказывали если не неонацистские, то явно право-радикальные мнения.
Да и, мне интересно, как РФ собирается определять кто нацик, а кто нет? По каким критериям? По мне, элиты РФ обращаются с термином "неонацист" так же вольно, как и с термином "террорист". При желании этим термином можно назвать любого своего оппонента.
Проблема украинских ультра-правых националистов не в том, что они патриоты своей страны, а в том, что они двигаются на пердячем паре анти-российской риторики. Посмотри западные репортажи о детских лагерях "Азова" - там дети на серьёзных щах скандируют анти-российские речёвки. За 17 лет активного промывания мозгов выросло целое поколение прыгающих бабуинов, а потом они захотели начать прыгать с гранатой в руке. Это представляет опасность не только для самих прыгающих, но и для окружающих.
Не думаю, что у России против коалиции стран запада будет много шансов.
Коалиция стран Запада недавно с позором спешно эвакуировалась из Афганистана, побросав все пожитки. Талибы на ишаках невзатяг отпиздили доблестных солдат НАТО, позорище блять. Ладно Байден слабоумный маразматик, но генералы Пентагона думаю более трезво оценивают шансы и эти шансы сейчас не в пользу НАТО. Обычная стратегия США подогнать авианосец и организовать с него ковровые бомбардировки всех несогласных с демократией. А тут у русских ёбаный Кинжал оказывается не мультик, а настоящий сука, и это в корне меняет дело (а ведь по сути это обычный старый-добрый Искандер, который просто подразогнали предварительно с самолёта, у России есть ракеты и ещё побыстрее). У НАТО затяжной технический застой в прогрессе средств доставки, собственно поэтому они стараются подобраться поближе к границам России, чтобы повысить свои шансы. Россия не стремится подобраться поближе к США, потому что имеет сейчас доминирующее преимущество в средствах доставки. Технически Россия может одновременно разъебать к хуям все 46 стран из своего "недружественного списка", сбить все ракеты которые прилетят в обратку, и переждать на стратегических запасах гречи год-два ядерной зимы без урожая, пока вся пыль не уляжется. И генералы Пентагона об этом в курсе, наверняка сейчас проводят спешную ревизию бункеров на предмет актуальности стандартов защиты. Напомню первый Кинжал на Украине разъебал вхлам секретный советский бункер, использующийся как склад боеприпасов, а ведь он был на глубине 60 метров под толстым слоем железобетона и был рассчитан чтобы выдержать направленный ядерный удар, а не ссаные 500кг тротила. Подумай об этом на досуге, прежде чем в следующий раз лить воду на мельницу оправдания украинских радикальных националистов. После разгрома регулярной армии ВСУ на Донбассе, все бандеровские отморозки из нацбатов с калашами станут обычными террористами, а их "Слава Украине" будет звучать на той же ноте, что и "Аллах Акбар" исламских радикалистов.

ps "Украiна — понад усе" это переводная калька с "Deutschland über alles".
2140  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 30, 2022, 02:08:49 AM
Some of it has to be unique and made (up) by you certainly. The old Russian propaganda machine cannot have fallen so low as to be producing such a low quality stuff.

Great article on this topic:

(it's in Russian, but google translation works reasonably well)
According to this article, the fighters of the invisible front cybertroops are working on a two-by-two schedule. If I text every day, can I get two sets of food stamps? Grin

I'm disappointed that you haven't provided proof that my content isn't unique. You have fallen rather low in my eyes with such empty slander. It is interesting that a person who wears a commercial signature and receives payment for each message accuses the interlocutor of some kind of bias without evidence, this is a shame.
Some of it has to be unique and made (up) by you certainly. The old Russian propaganda machine cannot have fallen so low as to be producing such a low quality stuff.
I express my personal opinion on the topic of the conversation, I always formulate it in a unique way and I do it for free. I am an anarchist politically and have never voted for Putin in elections (I don't go to elections or I come to spoil the ballot, thus voting against everyone). My political preferences have not changed since the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, although I began to sympathize more with Putin for the decisiveness of his actions. Also, I do not hate Ukrainians, although I dislike the ideology of the Nazis, their modus vivendi and modus operandi.
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