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2481  Other / Meta / Re: Giving merit to people when you don't agree with them on: September 04, 2021, 09:30:48 AM
When I give merits I always look at the quality of the post and how much the content of the post can help other members or contribute to the forum.
I don’t really remember ever finding myself in the dilemma the OP is talking about.
I don't know, it's probably normal to have a better relationship with some forum members and maybe no so good relationship with some other members, but that doesn't mean I'll give someone a merits just because I like him more.
Merits should not be a sign of attention to friends but a reward to members who have contributed something to the forum. Grin
2482  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How can I get merit as a newbie? on: September 04, 2021, 09:20:38 AM
In the beginning as a newbie or a new user in the community you are meant to understand the methods of posting at first before engaging in any conversation or communication, getting merit is the major of the forums but merit is needed to get to new height, so earning Merit is by your reactions towards another person post or creating a topic that is worthy to emulate, so the forum needs to learn from you and you also need to learn from the forum, which i can say that creativity is the primary objectives to earn Merit.

I can agree with you in principle.
From personal experience I can say that the posts with the most merits are those that bring some new information to other members or help in some way.
I think it is normal and logical that everyone will reward a post that helped them in some way, or brought some new information.
I know that many newbie members complain that they don't know much about the crypto industry and therefore can't write quality forum posts.
I think everyone can put in a little effort, explore a certain area and share their knowledge with others, or share some news, you just need to invest some time and work.
2483  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: September 04, 2021, 09:10:10 AM
Sorry ekipa što ste čekali, opet sam imao malu gužvu, ali vidim da ste već dobili merite i drago mi je zbog toga.
Kvalitetni i zanimljivi postovi, samo tako dalje slackovic i casper.
Drugi su mi se nešto ''uspavali'' i izgubili interes za merite u zadnje vrijeme pa je zahvaljujući vama ova tema još ''živa''  Grin
Tko je slijedeći?  Cheesy
2484  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 04, 2021, 09:05:06 AM
Jako je teško dati takav poklon skepticima.
Bolje je dati onima koji su neodlučni pa im ovo može biti onaj presudni poticaj da konačno "zaplove" crypto vodama bez rizika.
Mislim da je ovo dobra ideja i već razmišljam o "dobrim kandidatima " za ovaj poklon  Grin
Po meni je stvarno super poklon ali bas treba paziti kome ga pokloniti. Onda na kraju ispadne da nema takve osobe u tvom zivotu a da je dovoljno vazna da dobije poklon. Mora biti netko tko je otvoren za kripto a vec nije duboko unutra za maksimalni utjecaj.

Mozda neki NFT cak bi bio super. Samo su sad skupi za poludit.

Imam već par takvih osoba ''u vidu''  Cheesy
Ponekad je jako teško ljudima nešto pokušati objasniti riječima, dok sami ne vide iz ''prve ruke''.
Možda bi im poklon paket mogao biti onaj presudni poticaj da krenu i probaju, vidjet ćemo.
Ako se i ''zaigraju'' poslije i izgube, bar nisu ništa sami uložili pa neće ništa ni izgubiti.
A NFT ne bih sad uvodio u ovu priču, bolje prvo krenuti od jednostavnijih stvari  Grin
2485  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 03, 2021, 05:46:42 AM
Poklon nekome za rođendan?  😀
Ja sam polonio maloj od frenda 1000 ADA kao dodatak uz igračke za rođendan još davno i rekao mu da ne prodaje do njenog 18 rođendana. Ne znam koliko je vrijedilo ali par stotina kuna. Onda mi je kenjao u bearu da je trebao sve prodat da je to prevara. Sada se više ne buni ali nisam siguran da li je prodao ili ne.

Jako je teško dati takav poklon skepticima.
Bolje je dati onima koji su neodlučni pa im ovo može biti onaj presudni poticaj da konačno "zaplove" crypto vodama bez rizika.
Mislim da je ovo dobra ideja i već razmišljam o "dobrim kandidatima " za ovaj poklon  Grin
2486  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: September 02, 2021, 05:59:57 PM
Russia - Croatia should be a decent game for the neutrals today. Both teams opened the qualifications with 2 wins and a loss and occupy the qualifying positions currently.

I hope Croatia goes for the win today, in a few days we play away to Slovakia as well before hosting Slovenia. 3 of the toughest games in the same international window, not much room for error. Most of our players are out of form, but from what I've seen so far - so are the Russians. Could be a high scoring game.

It was a very bad and boring match, hard to watch.
Croatia played without Modric and that was a big handicap for the team.
However, with or without Modric, the fact is that Croatia has not played at the level at which it played at the 2018 World Cup in Russia for a very long time.
The defense does not look safe and well-coordinated and there is no idea or plan in the attack.
It seems to me that the right moment has come for new young players and a new coach.

2487  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 02, 2021, 12:20:52 PM
Baš sam slucajno naišao na ovaj članak na blogu Electrocoina:
Super ideja da nekom svom "crypto skeptiku" poklonite nešto crypto valuta i zainteresirate ga za tu priču.
Ne znam da li uz poklon dolazi i "uputstvo za upotrebu "  Grin
U svakom slučaju,  čini mi se kao dobra ideja za popularizaciju crypta u široj javnosti.
Poklon nekome za rođendan?  😀
2488  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: September 02, 2021, 10:07:59 AM
Super prijedlog koji bi ja odmah potpisao samo ne znam kako rješavaju AML zakone. Valjda ako im daš 10% zažmire na to ili pak te dvije stvari nisu povezane pa te netko opet može pitati otkud ti lova kada kupiš kuću a odgovor isplatio iz kripta nije dovoljno dobar ako nemaš dokaz da si taj kripto i kupio.

Žena ima slovensko držaljanstvo pa nek uvedu to da je pošaljem malo u deželu.

Debilno je da uopce pitaju odakle kripto ako ga imas od 2017. ili prije jer u to vrijeme ih kripto nije bas zanimao, a samo 20k kn iz tog vremena sad vrijedi 200k €€

Zapravo po tumačenju porezne ne treba prijavljivati nikakvu crypto zaradu ostvarenu prije 1.1.2016.
Meni je to pravilo dobro došlo u par navrata kada sam podizao veće crypto iznose tj prebacivao ih u fiat i trošio.
Srećom još imam pristup svom prvom crypto walletu iz 2014 i transakcije iz tog walleta sam dobro iskoristio 😀
Samo ne znam koliko ću taj "kvisko" još puta moći iskoristiti   Grin
2489  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: September 01, 2021, 07:09:14 AM
Hvala Domchi još jednom na odličnim pojašnjenjima i informacijama, što te porezna ne zaposli kao savjetnika?  Grin
Vjerujem da bi ti puno bolje od njih riješio sve ove "nedorečenosti " i nejasnoće u trenutnom načinu prijave i plaćanja crypto poreza.
U poreznoj očito ne razumiju "problematiku " i trenutna rješenja su neživotna i prekoplicirana.
2490  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: August 31, 2021, 01:02:34 PM
I think the main reason for this surprising transfer is the fact that the owners of Manchester United, after the fiasco with the Super League project, could not allow another big failure and cause renewed hostility and indignation from the fans, which would have happened if Ronaldo had gone to City.
In this way, they satisfied their fans, they bought more time at the club and the fiasco from the super league will be forgotten.
Ronaldo in this story is just a means to cover some other important problems of the club and personally he will not help the club much because his time has passed.
I don’t think Ronaldo’s time has passed, of course he’s not as fast as before, but he doesn’t have to play center forward and compete in speed with defenders. He can return to the role he already played in Manchester United as a midfielder, in addition, when playing set pieces, he will be dangerous as in his best years (due to experience).
It is not about Ronaldo not being good enough, he is great but if he is the most paid player in your team than there is a big problem because he definitely doesn't deserve to be the most paid player on your team, he should be maybe 3rd or 4th but that's about it.

It is not about the talent, it is about the age, and if you have a player who you rate 80/100 right now but 23 years old, and have Ronaldo who you rate 90/100 even right now but at this age, I rather pay the young kid a lot more money, even double, why? Because, I can use that player for 10-12 or even more years whereas Ronaldo will play at United for probably 3 seasons max, that's all I can see him doing, after that he either retires or he plays at a much lower level team or benched at United or goes to Qatar or something. There is no way a 40 year old Ronaldo would be a starting eleven guy at a serious club who wants to win.

Manchester United brought Ronaldo to the club due to pressure from the public and fans, and all other reasons are less important here.
They just couldn’t let Ronaldo go to Manchester City.
In the long run, such a decision will disrupt relationships between players in the team and this will have an impact on the club’s results.
A very bad decision and the future will show it.
2491  Other / Meta / Re: My Dream Bitcointalk Forum on: August 31, 2021, 11:48:12 AM
If the member never does any of the above, that means the member ought not to pay for any evil. Because it can be said, the member is not gaining anything from the forum save knowledge.
He is not gaining anything in a monetary sense, but he still gets a lot. Like you said, he gains knowledge. Users also get help and advice if they ask for it. They can take part in discussions, get merits and merit others. Getting rid of the evil fee would be the best thing to do. Instead, scammers and scamming should be strictly forbidden. Scammers should be banned to make the marketplace and overall forum experience better for everyone.   

I totally agree.
From personal experience I know very well that 2 of my friends gave up registering and participating in this forum due to evil fee.
They certainly weren’t scammers and never even in their lives had an open bitcoin wallet or did anything else in crypto.
Unfortunately, they have fallen victim to others who have abused this forum because they accidentally used the same IP.
After this experience they completely gave up crypto and for that I'm very sorry.
I think that another way should be found to prevent the registration of possible scammers on this forum.
This forum is all that Pmalek mentioned but even more than that, a place where people meet and become lifelong friends.
This forum is a community of people who have the same or similar values, ideals and thoughts and should be open to everyone.
2492  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: August 31, 2021, 11:37:09 AM
Prilično sam siguran da ću smajiti broj postova koje pišem sad kad nisam u kampanji. Ne zato jer inače pišem gluposti nego zato jer mi se nekad ne da tipkati. Prođem ja svaki dan kroz naš forum bez obzira na kampanju, samo što sam prije pisao i kad je trebalo i kad nije trebalo. Sad ću pisati samo kad treba Grin

Ali ipak se nadam da ću uhvatiti mjesto u nekoj kampanji koja dozvoljava pisanje samo u lokalu. Jednostavno mi se ne da pisati bilo gdje drugdje samo zbog kampanje jer je to onda već naporno i sigurno ne bi dugo izdržao.

Razumijem te potpuno.
Velika je razlika da li pišeš iz ''gušta'' jer voliš razgovarati s ljudima i na neki način uživaš u tome, ili pišeš da bi ispunio kvotu i dobio svoju tjednu zaradu.
Zbog toga mi je naš lokal super, dobro se poznajemo, nema ''problematičnih'' članova, teških rasprava i međusobnih napada (kao na nekim drugim dijelovima foruma) sve je opušteno a još ako si u kampanji koja ti priznaje te lokalne postove što ćeš više  Cheesy
Plaćen si za nešto što bi ionako radio, a ovako zarađeni bitcoini za koju godinu mogu vrijediti i puno više.
Sretno s novom kampanjom slackovic i da ne čekaš dugo  Cheesy

2493  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: August 30, 2021, 03:07:53 PM
@Ratimov ti si jednom već bio u ChipMixer kampanji pa te je DS odstranio, jel tako? Ili sam te možda zamjenio s nekim drugim. U svakom slučaju, čestitke novim članovima!

Prvi put sam u kampanju ušao 19. listopada 2020., a uklonjen sam iz nje početkom ožujka 2021. godine. Tada su svi ruski predstavnici uklonjeni iz kampanje. Bilo nas je 2. Pa sam uspjela po drugi put ući u ovu kampanju. Upravitelj nije naveo razloge brisanja, ali je rekao da se i nakon brisanja u budućnosti mogu ponovno prijaviti

Čini mi se da je u zadnje vrijeme bilo nekih optužbi protiv ruskih i turskih članova na ovom forumu.
Smatram da nikada ne treba trpati sve članove određene zajednice u "isti koš " i da svakoga treba gledati pojedinačno,  na temelju osobnih postignuća na forumu.
Očito se tim pristupom vodi i manager CM kampanje i drago mi je da ti je dao novu šansu.
Mnogim si članovima na forumu pomogao sa svojim meritima i podrškom i hvala ti na tome.
2494  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: August 30, 2021, 02:59:40 PM
da, top2 najaktivnija clana iz proslog meseca su bez kampanje, i to bi moglo dosta uticati na statistiku u ovom mesecu svakako
mozda je sad prilika skinuti slackovica sa trona Smiley
To sam ja rekao i prošli mjesec kada je još bio i na godišnjem uz to što nije imao kampanju pa šipak, a svi znamo da on štanca postove na poslu. Možemo mi pisat i prijetit se ali kralja spamovicha sa trona skinuti nećemo Smiley

Najbolji dokaz o tome kako nas je malo stavrno aktivnih na lokalu je naš gost @Ratimov koji je u top 20 postera. Kad sam te već pingao, čestitke na ponovnom ulasku u ChipMixer.

Ma ne može naš slackovic bez ovog foruma.
Kladim se i da je, dok je bio na godišnjem negdje na moru,  na plaži imao laptop i vrijedno "štancao" svoju kvotu postova  Grin
Da nema njega mi bi bili još lošiji u konkurenciji drugih lokalnih foruma.
Hvala ti Slackovic; ne znam što bi mi bez tebe  Cheesy
2495  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: August 29, 2021, 07:33:54 PM
Transfer rumours:

Real Madrid have given Paris St-Germain until Sunday to accept their bid for France forward Kylian Mbappe, as the Spanish club are not willing to offer more than 190m euros (Ł163m) for the 22-year-old. Will the clubs eventually agree or will this saga continue until next year?  Grin
Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo, 36, will become the highest-paid player in Premier League history when he completes his move from Juventus to Manchester United. Will he also become the greatest player in Premier League history?  Grin
Manchester United are planning to make a late move for 30-year-old England right-back Kieran Trippier, with Atletico Madrid said to be demanding 40m euros (Ł34.3m) for the former Tottenham player. Manchester United are bringing in a lot of new players again but will it help them to finally win the national championship?


I'm a big fan of Ronaldo, but I would be surprised if he now becomes the highest paid player in the league. Undoubtedly he is the greatest player but age + general crisis situation in football in my opinion should reduce the appetites of all players. Now is not the time for records (at least until the launch of the Super League).

I think the main reason for this surprising transfer is the fact that the owners of Manchester United, after the fiasco with the Super League project, could not allow another big failure and cause renewed hostility and indignation from the fans, which would have happened if Ronaldo had gone to City.
In this way, they satisfied their fans, they bought more time at the club and the fiasco from the super league will be forgotten.
Ronaldo in this story is just a means to cover some other important problems of the club and personally he will not help the club much because his time has passed.

2496  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: August 29, 2021, 11:05:09 AM
Transfer rumours:

Real Madrid have given Paris St-Germain until Sunday to accept their bid for France forward Kylian Mbappe, as the Spanish club are not willing to offer more than 190m euros (Ł163m) for the 22-year-old. Will the clubs eventually agree or will this saga continue until next year?  Grin
Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo, 36, will become the highest-paid player in Premier League history when he completes his move from Juventus to Manchester United. Will he also become the greatest player in Premier League history?  Grin
Manchester United are planning to make a late move for 30-year-old England right-back Kieran Trippier, with Atletico Madrid said to be demanding 40m euros (Ł34.3m) for the former Tottenham player. Manchester United are bringing in a lot of new players again but will it help them to finally win the national championship?

2497  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: August 29, 2021, 10:57:53 AM
^ I guess every young generation of tennis players have big respect to the big 3 or big 4 that's why most of the time they can't beat them because of that mentality, (I'm not saying it's bad). But Murray's game has deteriorated so much after coming back from the injury that we all know that it's just a matter of time before he retires for good. Of course, it's still not an easy game for Tsitsipas and he shouldn't underestimate Murray in their match.

I dont like hearing it the Big 4 ,because Murray isnt even close with all of the achivements to the Big 3. Yes he won some big titles while they were dominating but he didnt keep winning titles every year like them. Now Murray just plays big tournament with wild cards and always get knockout in the first or second round.

I would say it a little differently.
In fact, it is a great achievement and a huge success to win several GS tournaments at a time when the three greatest tennis players in history played together.
Murray and Wawrinka did it and it says a lot about their quality and mental strength.
Had they played at a different time, they would probably have won a lot more GS tournaments.
Murray unfortunately had a lot of injury problems and therefore didn't achieve what he could in tennis given his talent and quality of play.

2498  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: August 29, 2021, 10:45:01 AM
Group H is also very interesting.
It seems to me that the first favorite in that group is the English club West Ham, and Genk and Dinamo will probably fight for the second place.
I believe Rapid has no chance in this group.
Group F with Crvena Zvezda, Ludogorets, Braga and Midtjylland will also be quite interesting. The obvious favorite in this group is Braga, and Crvena ZVezda and Ludogorets should fight for second place.
What do you think?

In fact, there will be interesting matches in almost every group, the problem is that none of them has any epic confrontation (like Real Madrid - Barcelona) and because of this these matches will be interesting only to fans of the teams participating in them. And one more factor reduces the level of rivalry - some large teams (for example, before it was Manchester United), getting into the Europa League, treat it as an "extra" tournament and do not play there seriously. I am sure there will be such teams this year as well.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you.
Given that the number of places in the Champions League is limited, some clubs must be satisfied with this competition as a consolation prize.
However, if any English club gets the opportunity to win the biggest prize through this competition, a place in the Champions League next season, then they will take this competition seriously, especially if they lose the chance to win a place in the Champions League through the national championship.
For example, I don't believe that West Ham will be able to win a place in the Champions League through the national championship, so they will probably take this competition much more seriously.
2499  Other / Meta / Re: Here Is One Reason Why Legendary Members Get So Many Merits on: August 29, 2021, 10:35:12 AM
eh, the only reason why I send out merits there is when they help solve a problem I have, or offer a suggestion, or give me some helpful guidance (or maybe they developed some useful software).
You only merit people in those boards if they help you personally? What if they help other members or post something that can be of benefit to everyone, even those who don't seek help?
You are a merit source, so I guess you were joking with the statement above.

Each of us has a different mindset and attitude about merits and that is normal.
First of all, each of us has different interests and follows different parts of the forum.
Also, each of us has a different definition of what kind of post or content on the forum deserves merit.
I believe NotATether didn’t express himself best in the post above and that he probably meant to say that he rewards posts and forum content that help him and others.
2500  Economy / Reputation / Re: Upgrade to Senior member rank - Congratulatory message on: August 29, 2021, 10:26:47 AM
Pokapoka124, congratulations on your promotion to a higher forum rank!
Unlike other forums, progress here is not automatic, but a necessary condition is also the quality of writing on the forum and contribution to the community.
Because of that it is very difficult to reach a higher rank here and the fact that you managed to reach this higher forum rank says a lot about your contribution to this forum.
We need more members like you on this forum, congratulations and keep it up!  Cheesy
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