Im mining on deepbit as heres a question, how does it determine when to hop off deepbit? Since its stats are delayed we cant exactly rely on 43% can we?
estimation is the key my friend edit: right now feel like I'm in a casino betting on all tables a small bit
deepbut hopping works fine here, last version 1d3aa44, smallest number of active pools for testing purposes (mine and info) atm I'm running 4 on mine (triple, ozco,, deepb) and slush on info. rfc and btcmonkey spit a lot of LP from what I've seen
edit: DefaultScheduler here with --startLP only
nice avatar @joules means you got super hopping powers from c00w...
Yeah been running deepbit for 9 hours, no shares yet. but I have to say this slicing is working real well even though payout on larger pools is less. totally agree about time slicing, and when you think I was supporting the OldScheduler, not too much though because we're learning every day here btw @c00w dunno what happened with the shares estimation for deepbit but yesterday was working fine and with last update just stopped for unknown reason edit: it works like magic now
correction en route, I don't think originally was score based, one missed detail
bad news for me - I think to have to leave bithopper as I come today to my PC I see that no Internet connection is for a few hours... I believe that the network traffik is to big for me (I have 20 GB/month) and in 8 days this volume is over (I have done not much another in net - therfore it must have been the traffik of bithopper...) Is there any way to make it less traffic? (I'm now with another acount here because volume for this month is over...) TIA It sucks I know, have an unlimited plan here, not sure if it generates that much but it's surely allot, this is made by design because it manages allot of information from all the pools you mine, I would recommend you having 2-3 pools on mine or info until you can search for a better internet plan edit: whhooa, just disabled all the pools I don't use and submitted my first shares on deepbit, seems like was getting more info that I needed
No shares for me since several hours..
same here, not even one share have my logedit: version d0a8597 for almost 11 hours, yeah I sleep too much
hey guys, seems like someone misses us on unitedminers I could leave 1% if they were legal
pls do a search to see if you have duplicate entries in user.cfg
You know what, I reckon I probably do EDIT: Yup. Duh Thanks np @rampone # Changed to PPLNS in the middle of a round (page 94)
Hmm. For some reason, even though I have it set to mine in user.cfg, Nofeemining always starts up disabled when I restart bitHopper....
Is this happening to anyone else? Happens without fail here.... EDIT: Btcguild is doing it as well. Starts up disabled. pls do a search to see if you have duplicate entries in user.cfg
gah I'm torn between oldDefaultScheduler and DefaultScheduler is new and slow.. with old default I am stuck here until someone finds a block...crap i dont even know where to find balance or crap on that site. to slice or to not slice that is the question.
I would recommend using penalty for that slow pool issue, wait until you have desired number of shares on there and then increase penalty slowly to convince bH leave them, after they find a block same penalty applies if they still have the same average hashrate
It was paraipanakos!! I knew it! He always had it in for OldDefaultScheduler. You should code into the next hopper, If user = paraipanakos then mine+charity everything nice, I was asking for it edit: (mental note) don't mess with things I can't remember what are used for
Ok who erased OldDefaultScheduler from the wiki?
it's a valid scheduler..which some think might be the best one there is. Just cause it is called old, no need to erase it from existence.
me did it , sorry
@simonk83 happened to me a moment ago with , just deleted the log thinking it's a connection prob with them, seems like it happens with a server it chosen by bH, please run it with if you dont mind
@c00w just happened to see this in log 2011-08-09 03:33:22+0200 [HTTP11ClientProtocol,client] New Block: d8f14ee933cee60c1ab4d1232f4c60b3c9451a3a0bc43f9b0000080e00000000 2011-08-09 03:33:22+0200 [HTTP11ClientProtocol,client] Block Owner triple 2011-08-09 03:33:22+0200 [-] LP Call it's for real ? or just a guess
@GenTarkin For me mine_slush works nice in the default scheduler, dunno if it matters but I played with penalty too (1-4)
Hi paraipanakos, the problem with it is that it still switches between slush and other pools when slicing. Ideally (and what has just been added to altslicer) we want it to switch to slush as soon as it turns to zero, and stay on slush (ignoring everything else) until 11%. hey simonk83, it's an issue default scheduler has, someone will surely implement the "stick with slush" function in time because it seems to be a good ideea edit: @ed64, agree with you, seen it in ryo's and liked it allot, I would definitely like to see it some day implemented
@GenTarkin For me mine_slush works nice in the default scheduler, dunno if it matters but I played with penalty too (1-4)
@The Vark I think you're absolutely right about organofcorti sims and graphs and he'd surely open a new thread and get ppl talk about this
hey guys, found a block or what ? can't find blocks info on there
also deepbit stats just report it at 100% shares it doesnt move.
someone else asked this before, it's reporting 100% of network difficulty for deepbit because they don't report actual round shares nowhere