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Google translate. Thread locked.
Google translate. Thread locked.
Pesan untuk moderator dbshckDisini saya ingin mengingatkan tentang janji-janji kampanye sebelum diangkat menjadi moderator Bitcoin Forum Bahasa Indonesia. Disini saya tidak bermaksud untuk menyudut anda selaku moderator kami. Tujuan saya cuman satu, Tolong perhatikan board Jual Beli. Ketika tadi saya main kesitu semakin ngawur aja yang diperjual belikan. Berikut beberapa katagori yang dijual-belikan di Forum Bitcoin - Jasa Joki Mobile Legend- SOLD AKUN ML RANK MYTICAL GLORY- Nyari skin ML Minotaur- Bahkan ada yang berdagang jual kaos bitcoiners via crypto spesial promo- Mungkin ini beberapa contoh jual beli yang diluar kata Cryptocurrency, Atau fasilitas Forum. Ini bagaimana solusinya, apa iya dibiarkan terus-menerus board itu berantakan seperti itu, bisa-bisa bentar lagi ada yang jual cendol, cilok, miso, nasi, di board jual beli itu. Moderator harus segera mencari jalan keluarnya, bagimana caranya untuk mengubah Board itu kembali lagi kepada topic utamanya yaitu jual beli seputar fasilitas forum seperti contoh akun,atau juga seputar cryptocurrency. Saya disini paham bahwa yang salah adalah user itu sendiri yang tidak membaca/mematuhi rules, tetapi di sisi lain moderator juga harus ikut membimbing mereka agar lebih menghargai rules, atau menegur mereka. Seperti yang sudah disebutkan member lain, tidak ada yang salah dengan postingan Jual-Beli tersebut karena mereka menerima Bitcoin dan cryptocurrency lain sebagai media pembayarannya dan barang yang dijual bukan barang ilegal. Kalaupun ada hal yang harus dikhawatirkan sekarang menurut saya bukan sub Jual-Beli tapi banyaknya spam, rendahnya kualitas post, dan maraknya pelanggaran seperti copy-paste dan translate otomatis. Saya, BitRentX, dan teman-teman dari SF Indonesia juga tidak diam-diam saja dengan ini. Setiap hari banyak report yang masuk, sebagian besar selalu dihandle dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam. Banyak inisiatif yang sangat bagus juga dari member SF Indonesia, contoh yang terbaru adalah list dan history translator Indonesia untuk menanggulangi banyaknya translator yang memakai tools penerjemah otomatis. Btw, terima kasih sudah mengingatkan. Ditunggu kontribusinya
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Google translate. Thread dikunci untuk referensi.
I think bitcoin dip going until 5300$ range Which is strong support. But Sometime it will dip beyond the previous high But It will happen because of FUDS or bad news. What is your opinion guys, Where it will stop
Yeah somewhere in that range. I'm quite convinced $3K will never happen again. I'm expecting a small bull run after we hit $5000ish bottom. But even if that breaks $4500 should be a very strong support I guess it's already stopped yesterday at $5800ish.
Today it shows a great support at $6200
$6200 is a resistance. We've failed to break that and now we're down to $6000 again, which is the support. I doubt it'll hold the next time we touch $6000 again.
You're right. It's just a cycle. Big correction after a massive bull run, 100% normal.
Another reason why you should stay now is that we almost get to the bottom. If you have made it this far, there's no reason to panic. You will regret it if you quit and sell all your Bitcoin now. If you have some spare money left, start buying now. Ladder your buy all the way to the bottom to get a good average price. If the price makes you anxious all the time, maybe you should forget about it for a while. Don't check the price. Live your life normally, come back here in 2-3 years and you'll be thankful.
Hello fellas. I am interested in trading and want to know more about it.I read somewhere in this forum that being a trader is very risky. You as a trader, how did you face the risk in trading in order to lessen the possibility?
By making a plan before going into a trade. You should already decide what are you expect the market to do, determine your target and set your take protift (TP), identify what could invalidate your call and set your stop loss (SL) there. I think having such plan is what differentiate trading from gambling, you don't simply hope the market will move the way you want it to, but you have reasoning behind it and you know when you're wrong. I'd recommend you to read this risk management course from Babypips. It's easy and simple but should be enough for risk management introduction.
Bitcoin prices have never been so low this year. Prices were down to 5,826.41$ (Jun 24 2018 16:04:00 UTC). Many advisers say that at the end of the year it will hit 30,000$. The market is seeing more than the fall from the price rise. Imagine when the speculation will end?
Who said that? Those "advisers" must be a mega permabull to make that call. No, we won't make new ATH this year. Stop expecting unrealistic target and accept that we're in a downtrend right now. This might last a few years just like 2013. The speculation won't end anytime soon. Bitcoin and the whole crypto market is a perfect tool for speculation because nobody knows how these virtual coins should worth. I'm pretty sure that the price will shoot up again this fourth quarter but i don't think it will hit around 30k usd. Then again if that should happen, that's good for everyone.
That won't be good for people buying at the top I imagine there would be an immediate correction and those people buying at the top surely won't be happy.
Many people are still hesitant between trade and hold. In my opinion, Investment is different from speculation is that you spend time and knowledge for it. When you trust and understand, you will not be afraid of the volatility of the market. It's an investor or a HOLDER. It's very good, but I think you get to know the market, trade, the cycle of market so you can be an investor, a smart holder. "Don’t be a blind bull. ALL markets are cyclical. Don’t be afraid of pullbacks or market crashes – that’s where you can make the most money"
Being a holder won't make you money in pullbacks, crashes, or bear trend like this. The only way a holder can make money in pullback is if they have more fiat to buy more. By holding, you only make profit in a bull run and that's if you have the nerve to sell. Many people simply become greedy when the market is going up. Instead of selling, they increase their holding, buying at near top level. As I learn more about trading the less I want to 100% hold. It's inefficient. I do keep some saving in BTC that I won't touch but I also looking for an opportunity in the market. If I see the market is going up, I'm buying/open a long position and vice versa. That's how you make money in pullbacks.
+1 Kalau mau report langsung ke thread yang di Meta aja karena Global Mod rickbig41 selalu pantau thread itu. Tetapi kalau ada tujuan lain, silakan dilanjutkan