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61  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Has Russia committed War crime? on: April 04, 2022, 08:10:57 AM
From the definition of war crime by Wikipedia
A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by the combatants, such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war, torture, taking hostages, unnecessarily destroying civilian property, deception by perfidy, wartime sexual violence etc.

Looking at the meaning of war crime from the above definition by Wikipedia, Russia has already committed War crime and should be charged to international criminal court to face the law and pay for damages done to the people of Ukraine.
Should that be why President Joe Biden is calling him a war criminal.

What's your view on these?

uff there were war crimes in donbass that actually started this war,

they where comitted over 8 years, and they where documented internationally.

over 8 years.

I do not think the whole of the Russian population is calling for genocide. There is support for the government no doubt, and there is little counterbalance to the official version nor any hint of free speech left after so many years of Putinism. It is difficult to express a dissenting view, yet there are many Russians that have been arrested, so not all of them are in favour of the war and certainly most people are not psychopaths that would like all Ukrainians dead not children killed.

War crimes are responsibility of those who order them and those who execute them. Having an opinion is not a war crime (nor a crime at all).

I would agree with you if we saw 100K+ demonstrations in Moscow or St. Petersburg. What we see is fringe opposition. Nothing to write home about. Just like in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.

Smart people leave Russia in droves. What will be left are psychopaths, Homo Sovieticus conformists, and fringe opposition who cannot leave for whatever reason. Those who support Putin's regime are responsible for these war crimes.

What Russian soldiers did in Bucha is beyond comprehension. They killed thousands just in a few weeks, in one small town.
Raping women and hanging them, some were raped, stripped naked, and burned alive, killing tied-up civilians in the back.

That type of hatred towards the civilian population is on the level of Serbs' atrocities against Muslims in the 1990s, and Germans' atrocities against the Jews in the 1940s. Mass graves etc.

Putin's propaganda created monsters. The whole civilized world should cancel Russia.

you have no idea what this war is all about you believe deliberate nonsense, completely pointless to take you serious

besides putin is no wizard, he simply is doing his job, ukraine comitted a genocide in its eastern part and the braindead western woke elite is not trying to defend this, but the truth will come out anyway they should know better.

If something belongs canceled than its the woke left racist ideology comming from the West, it has infected many so called POC. and is a pro crime, pro hate pro racism ideology.

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
62  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Biden systematically being removed from office? on: April 03, 2022, 12:21:18 PM
The real question is, who is going to replace him? Kamala? That's really a big chunk for her to swallow.

Personally, though I do not really know, seems that much of the intel comes through Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show, and his sources.

REGIME CHANGE now under way in the USA: Biden on the chopping block as intelligence community activates emergency self-preservation actions

Several days ago, fake president Joe Biden called for regime change in Russia, practically begging Russia’s military generals to remove Putin from power. But that hasn’t happened. What’s happening instead is that America’s intelligence community “generals” are now moving against Joe Biden.

I received intel over the weekend that the IC (Intelligence Community) three letter agencies had come to the realization that if they didn’t stop Biden’s accelerating destruction of America, they would all be wiped out as America collapsed. I shared this intel in a Monday morning podcast and article that you can read here. The title of that article tells the story: “ANALYSIS: Embedded “good guys” are turning against the cabal… It’s ALL coming out… and the awakening cannot be halted.”

Yesterday, the Washington Post and CNN took action that confirmed all this, running bombshell stories that exposed details from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.” In essence, the CIA ordered the Washington Post to start exposing the Biden crime family. This is all being done in preparation for Biden’s removal from power.

As Zero Hedge wrote yesterday, “Hunter Biden Dam About To Burst? WaPo, CNN Go Scorched Earth Over ‘Laptop From Hell'”:

Two weeks ago, the New York Times confirmed the laptop exists, and is legit – and confirmed several previously reported aspects of the story, including correspondence between Hunter and his business partner Devon Archer, both of whom served on the board Ukrainian energy giant Burisma.

Today, the Washington Post and CNN are piling on – with the post confirming yet-more details of the laptop contents, and CNN running a blistering segment and reporting that the federal investigation into Hunter is ‘heating up.’



the entire woke left movement in the usa is the issue, they push for the war in ukraine, they canceled trump as a "racist" without any proof, the republicans think the democrats are a different political party but they are a fascist enemy.

63  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Looking for contributers for my military plan on: April 02, 2022, 06:08:16 PM
Idea is simple im looking for sponsors who will support my military we will invade countries where is good natural resources or something then all those sponsors can be share holders of profits of exports.

It's been done, and is pretty much the basis for the entire modern world.
But if you're set on going ahead, Putin might be interested if you can get hold of him... all you'll need to do is to just tell him that your target country used to be part of Russia.

and has russian speaking minorities that are surpressed in their autonomy like in the baltics. ukraine, or moldovia
64  Other / Politics & Society / Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN on: April 02, 2022, 05:00:56 PM
I think that the United Nation (UN) needs to step up their game and do the major reason and the job why the institution was established, by not only condemning the action taken by Russia, also by taking action and extending it job to other countries where Genocide has taken place without no action taken by so called UN. They should not politicize with the the lives of people.

the UN doesn't work what the USA currently is trying to enforce the Insane Woke Will of the UN with racist Woke left wing Mobs and Migrant Mobs.

therefore it is insane to trust a US led UN, especially a left wing US led Ukraine.

65  Other / Politics & Society / Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN on: April 02, 2022, 04:39:43 PM

ADL Gives Ukrainian 'Neo-Nazis' A Pass (Because they're actually Jewish Terrorists)

You goyim starting to get it yet?

ADL should rename itself then into Pro Zionist Defamation League as they Defame others in the Name of Zionism as racists, white supremacists, islamists, antisemite etc.

or it has to learn to act and define universal
66  Other / Politics & Society / Re: UN condeming Genocide in Ukraine Could we See the rise of a Second UN on: April 02, 2022, 04:38:35 PM
Let's bet that the UN will not impose heavy sanctions on Russia regarding their attack on Ukraine. They only dared to give criticism and light sanctions to Russia. And because of this, Russia dared to launch its attacks, because nothing could stop them.

the joke of this entire war is that

russia (putin) and ukraine (zelinski)

have both legtitimate reasons to diffame the other one as a fascist nazi

i tend to be pro putin because i hate the racist woke that support zelinski, but, we have to admit that diffaming each other isn't going to help us.
67  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Biden proposes new minimum tax on billionaires, unrealized gains on: March 31, 2022, 11:55:26 AM
then these "unrealized" gains will never be nominated like they did in the past as they become a liability
68  Other / Politics & Society / Jewish Ron Stewart Comedian goes full Woke with Illegal Race Rifting Show on: March 31, 2022, 10:12:50 AM
the american Jewish Comedian Ron Stewart (jes a jewish Comedian like Zelinski)

goes Full Woke, and publishes a massively Race Rifting Comedy Show, which is technically Illegal and should not even be allowed to be published in Youtube.

The Question is how long will Youtube tolerate such racist Race Rifting Shows on Youtube it proofs that Putin's accusation that Jewish Comedians can be Neonazis (like Zelinski) is no Joke.

What to do about such extreme Examples of Racism and Neonazism?
69  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Everbody is a Nazi in his own Way. Let's See how Mad the World is. on: March 31, 2022, 01:09:57 AM
democracy is just a meme that will always only lead to authoritarianism of the majority with heaps of corruption and very poor decisions by popular demand..

Democracy isn't great, but it seems to be the least bad of all the alternatives we've had so far.

Yes there is still corruption, and manipulation of voters by spreading misinformation and appealing to base prejudices... but at least there are voters, and at least there is some degree of accountability, however imperfect.

I think the phrase "authoritarianism of the majority" is pretty meaningless.

I am siding with Putin on this war

Yeah, but he's a nazi.

so is Zelinski

I know he Looks like one but the West forced him into this position, who prevented Putin from Being a Communist and told him to protect and respect minority Langauge rights? it was the Zionistic West, Based on that Putin is fighting for Human rights in Ukraine today, the west created this Put-In that is fighting now against a "jewish" Nazi offender he is some kind of god given Nemesis that returns the Ills of American Moralism, for Putin Zellinski looks like a Nazi for very very good Reasons.

I also know that Putin's Gas Chambers are defacto armed Middle eastern States (Weather Arabic or Islamic) since he is preventing them from being destroyed by the US for being "undemocratic"

but lets see about the alternative the destruction of Middle eastern States will not make Israel More Safe it will just make the entire Neigbourhood of Israel Including the EU and also Russia and possibly China and India, Islamist tribal like Afghanistan. Then the People there will get armed either by foreign Regimes that are not Russia (india, China etc.) or they will build weapons themselves (taliban legalised Opium despite being illegal in islam, but for their goals they tolerated it.

Being against Putin to Safeguard Israel doesn't work, you only get more Afghanistan around Israel, which the US wasn't able to change and deal with.

Israel has to Talk with Putin himself about their Future as its not the Crazy Collapsing American Democracy that will be able to decide over it.

If us wants to protect Israel it has to either, fight antisemitic sentiment in middle eastern states, or it has to fight the antisemitic islamic "anarchic" Beduins.

Removing Putin will not end the Threat to Israel, it will just change the enemy, as either China will continue to support Middle eastern states together with Islamists, or, the US will have to fight against Middle Eastern Tribes directly which it failed in Afghanistan.
70  Other / Archival / Re: Biden's panties are in a bunch over Bitcoin on: March 30, 2022, 11:41:44 PM
Have you seen where Putin tied the Ruble to gold... gold backed? When he did this, it immediately dropped the value of the dollar worldwide by about 30%. Google it.

Now, anybody can trade gold with Bitcoin with the Ruble with Oil, and the Ruble will hold its value while the dollar will lose some value.

If Biden can think at all, this will bunch his panties enough to choke him. Big business will take a while to figure out all the angles. Biden never will.


especially if the insane democrats and the lefties are starting their war corrupt spending
71  Other / Archival / Re: Biden's panties are in a bunch over Bitcoin on: March 30, 2022, 11:40:59 PM
Joe Biden's Alzheimers-addled mind cannot allow him to understand how the Bitcoin cryptocurrency works,  and so he seeks to regulate it.  We see an upcoming executive order is planned to this effect.
We can only hope that he remembers to take his Alzheimers pills,  and unruffles his panties.

OFC the entire far left woke elite in the west is limited and afraid over their power because of crypto.

72  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Things are getting ugly now. on: March 30, 2022, 08:47:19 AM
With mercenaries getting involved in this war things can only get messier than it is currently. Like the word implies mercenary, what actually comes into your mind? It's only a gain situation for them in all they do.

I only pity for Ukraine citizens cause I don't see Russia (Putin) giving up on this war anytime soon.
Many mercenarys run away, because it is a trap, there purpose was to get foreign body count up to get other countries drawn in.
The average Ukrainian citizen don't want anything to do with it, the same i dont want anything to do with the scam pandemic but is forced upon the people by some corrupt clowns. The covid scam gave Russia the opportunity to liberate Donetsk and Luhansk from the lunatic satanists.
Nato is like, wait a minute i have not got my toxic shot yet without it i may die from the covid scam. Its also a hassle to get all the face napkins to the front line or run with.
If you run scams you will have bigger problems ahaid.

Will do anything for money:

exactly ukraine should be neutral and run more like switzerland if it is going to stay multilingual

the joke is since ukraine gets rid of its female population the remaining men will have nothing else to do but to fight the russians or bei a pain for the russians.

this is very evil about this women and children safety programe
73  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Americans, do you regret voting for Biden? on: March 30, 2022, 03:36:44 AM
it doesn't matter what you would have voted for the Woke Democrats would have voted for you anyway.
74  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: March 30, 2022, 03:23:53 AM
I still can’t believe how long this has been going on. Absolutely terrible that civilians are dying as a result of Russia’s actions. I’m reading reports that there are cities where the dead aren’t even being cleaned up. They’re just littering the streets. Now you’re hearing about Ukrainian soldiers shooting captive Russian soldiers in the kneecaps. It’s just a lose-lose situation for everyone involved. It’s dumbfounding how this type of conflict can exist today. Russia’s claims appear a bit paranoid and they’re coming off a bit like the United States as we invaded Iraq for imaginary weapons.

There were no threats to russia from Ukraine, Ukraine has never attacked any country, never in its history. We are a peaceful people and have not threatened anyone. What is happening now is an invasion based on false propaganda. Most Russians support this and this is not normal in a civilized world, such a crime cannot be left unpunished, every guilty person will answer for it.

there where threats, the threats where executed through human rights mobs, that onesidedly promoted the founding of new lingual states in russia

...they’re [Russia] coming off a bit like the United States as we invaded Iraq for imaginary weapons.

Yeah pretty much. Only Iraq didn't share a land boarder with US (wasn't even on a same continent), had different religion, didn't have 30% of population with English as their native language, didn't have regions where majority of population were Americans, and then official Russian attache didn't come out with their RuskiBear cookies during a coup where American leaning leader was removed, after which ultimately laws weren't passed that banned English books (when 60% of them were in English), English folklore heroes , and didn't de-Americanize Iraq toponymy implied also the removal from railways and airports of any information board written in English, and didn't put in language quotas against English etc etc etc... You know totally non discriminatory laws squeezing out English that people didn't know they needed before. But of course, coincidences, semantics, and they took Crimea.

So even without all that how did it turn out for Iraq? Non friendly regime changed, brought ISIS to the world, kept Saudis as a regional powerhouse, wiped out it's OPEC competitor, ensuring sale of weapons for billions of dollars to Saudis for decades, all while suffering no consequences or long term condemnations. Only 103,160–113,728 civilian died but now US gets to use that money and petrodollar on soft power, to offer preferential treatments and cookies to regimes it wants changed. That sweet soft power ensures US control of the media, so its population can be triggered and start condemning others nations that attempt to do even a small portion of the damage that US did. Pretty amazing gig, benefits of being on the top, until you go too far and someones cost of reputation becomes less than the benefits of doing same thing (oh and they have a hypersonic nuke so you can't really just bomb them into submission). Or are you an exception and made posts condemning all other more brutal conflicts that were beneficial to US?

I think that the first thing you need to stay competitive is having a country. If you are feeding a bear, he will bite you, so competitiveness at the cost of an existential threat is out of anyone's table. Before this war, I was already quite surprised of how close Germany was getting to Russia, but I thought they had really good reasons or leverage that I just was not in the know. Apparently, they did not.

Commodities and resources markets are usually quite "perfect" in the theoretical sense - products from Russia are no cheaper, they are just market price and easy to transport and, mid to long term, replaceable. A question we should be asking ourselves is why Putin is willing to sell to "unfriendly" countries as well. Seems that he cannot do without either? I am not sure that EU will accept paying in rubles. It may be the case of a pissing contest coming.

Just to put in context: Germany pays for the gas and funds Putin's war and then Putin send the gas to feed the industry that eventually produces the weapons that will kill the Russian young soldiers. Seems like everyone wins. Well, almost.

On regards to Germany "helping" the South Europe... Germany only helps Germany. Anything from them comes with strong strings attached.

Long term countries and markets adjust to newer circumstances and, as said, while Putin remains in power Russia is an unreliable partner, does not abide by any international law and cannot be assumed to honour commercial contracts.

Don't believe anyone thinks that Germany is under any existential threat, in fact it was doing pretty good pre 2014 coup and still sitting pretty good. Countries do what's most beneficial for them, a bit less so when they're in a pact. Doubt Germany thinks that US is doing them a lot of favors now, and after Brexit there's a huge pressure from UK & US on EU to sabotage its industrial complex. US & UK don't depend on Russian gas so what do they care.
“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests” - Henry Kissinger
What options does EU have, they are a declining energy importer, and will be even more so now. US won't redirect much of its output from lucrative contracts from South and Latin America (that just opens a door for Russia to come in). Doesn't make much sense to invest and increase deliveries into declining market for middle east either, to just loose their share in growing markets (India, China) to Russia. There's a reason why EU didn't sanction oil/gas.

But products from Russia are cheaper, if EU was able to obtain cheaper gas/oil surely they would've already done that. Can't do much about geography. There was a complex balance that seemed to work enough for both sides, when one sides decided to take something, it has to give up something somewhere else. Can't only have wins in international trades. What will really boggle your mind is who's transferring Russian gas to EU receiving payments from Russia for it.

The EU is run by a bunch of Transatlantic Woke Tards, they have no idea what they are doing and will let anyone except russia do damage as much as they want in the EU
75  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Everbody is a Nazi in his own Way. Let's See how Mad the World is. on: March 29, 2022, 11:08:21 PM

Here are Russian nationalists shouting the main points of Putin's papers:

Tell me, do you think they are Nazis, or just very caring Russian patriots who think Kyiv, Riga, Warsaw, and Berlin are Russian cities?

Maybe Putin should undergo lobotomy to denazify himself before he tries to denazify others.

Who is not a Nazi? the woke left racist marxists that unleashed migrant crime in America? and do racial profiling regarding their crime?

everyone is an evil nazi somehow to others, even if you are a jew that excludes polygamy in israel you are some kind of a nazi fascist to others.

those that are no nazis get destroyed by the nazis around them or they waste their life for them

this is sad but its the truth
76  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Everbody is a Nazi in his own Way. Let's See how Mad the World is. on: March 29, 2022, 10:23:14 PM
National socialism is obviously a very successful method of governance.
Pre WW2 Germany, and now China as perfect examples of this success..

Myself I’d still prefer libertarianism bordering on anarchism, unless I was the one in charge, then I’d probably prefer monarchism, for I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that democracy is just a meme that will always only lead to authoritarianism of the majority with heaps of corruption and very poor decisions by popular demand..

nope germany being accused of it as evil is now worldwide being used to justify demands or to demonise others,

it now is even firering back on those that originally abused it (jews and People of Color)

so called "woke racism" is the Racism accusation against Jews and "People of Color"

the biggest joke of the Ukraine war is the Nazi Accusation/Diffamation Circle that Closes Itself.

Putin is a Hitler because he came to aid to the Donbass Russian Speakers that Where exploited and abused as Slave Labour by the Ukranian Nationalist Corrupt Regime under Zelinski

Zelinski is Hitler because he is the head of a regime that exploited that Russian Labour.

Now you can Say, the Ukranians are responsible for this exploitation not the Jew at the Top and the Jews in the Media.

for this you can Answer then "and what are the Jews doing to Arabs/Palestinians in the Middle East.

Nazi Racist Diffamation Accusation will with in the post Trump area always Close each other on those that started it,

People that Accuse others of being Nazis or Racists will end up being considered that themselves in their own way.

Like the Woke Elite in the West that tries to enforce Moralism through that but through their "Wokeness" is basically Racist and Nazi himself in their own unaware or willently ignored Way.

I am siding with Putin on this war, despite being Pro European EU (not the Transatlantic EU Shit we currently have) because of the borderless arrogance and ignorance of the racist woke left in the West.
77  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Joe Biden is a senile, old Bitch on: March 29, 2022, 02:50:21 PM
Does any anyone actually bother to watch Joe Biden?
He is a senile, old, cowardly Bitch.
How is this idiot in charge of anything at all with his Hoe-ass?

yes but he is exactly what the woke racist western left want's they wheren't able to accept dynamic Trump that would have Managed the Country Properly they wanted biden and the Bloodshed in Europe,

the entire Western Left Wing Media Complex is showing over and over how Blood Thirsty and Racist they are.
78  Other / Politics & Society / Everbody is a Nazi in his own Way. Let's See how Mad the World is. on: March 29, 2022, 02:42:24 PM
Nowadays people are stunned about

Putin's Invasion of Ukraine which he does for denazification reasons,

but on the other hand Ukranians "jewish" president thinks Putin is a Nazi, because he acts in protective interest of russian national people, which zelinski thinks are some kind of good given slave labour that he can exploit with his corrupt ukranian Nazi Oligarchs.

In the Meantime the racist Woke Left in the West is supplying Zelinski with Weapons so the War can go on, because they Love seing a Bloody War in Europe, since the Woke Left is racist, it is also Nazi as the Nazi's where clearly racists.

now the Resistance against the racist Woke Left in the West, is hurting their People of Color Feelings, which then makes them racist, according to the Definition of the Anti Defamation League, racism is when white people don't do what people of Color want.

"racist" itself of Course is a Defamatory Term which the Anti Defamation League thinks to Define, instead of Banning it.

in the Meantime Ultra Ethnic Homogenous States like China are trying to Buy themselves out of Nazi Defamation, as their Ethnic Homogenity makes its Population Act racist, and Xenophobic.

in the Middle east People are trying to avoid Being Nazis, by using Religion as a Justification.

My Conclusion:

Mad New World is ready for World War III
the Winner will earn the Right to Spend Money on his Chosen Others to silence them from Nazi Defamation, but they will ofc only shut up depending on their Pay Check
79  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Brands not pulling out of Putin's Russia [list] on: March 29, 2022, 01:07:58 AM
Hi all, these are some brands that are happy to conduct their merry and profitable operations in Putin's Russia. "Do not ever let some carnage get in the way of profits" - said an executive when questioned about it (FAKE, or maybe not?). I am not saying you should boycott them or anything...

Leroy Merlin

And from a list here

Societe Generale
Emirates Airline
Credit Suisse
Wex Inc.

Many others are just suspending new investments and new contracts. I am particularly angry at Decathlon, as they were, until now, my favourite for leisure wear - You broke my heart Fredo.

Any other comes to mind?

why are jew comedians not pulling out of donbass, Ukraine?

I am not talking about orthodox jews that work hard if necessary to run their families, that only want to live in safety etc.

I am talking about jewish Comedians that distract the people from running their communities and being aware of the injection of long term evil racist woke threats.

that would have prevented the entire war.
80  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Americans, do you regret voting for Biden? on: March 29, 2022, 12:45:36 AM
I am not American and not that much interested in their politics but since Russia started a war with Ukraine, I read the news very often and it can't seem strange if I say that I see Joe Biden very frequently on TV and social media.
When I watch this man, it's very clear that he is very old for his job and probably he suffers from Dementia. Sometimes he forgets what he wants to say, sometimes he forgets what he was actually saying and sometimes he calls Iranians to Ukrainian people.

I can't believe that in American there weren't better alternatives than Joe Biden. What was wrong with Trump that made you to choose president with Dementia?

I think you would have a tough time finding a worse leader than Joe Biden if you randomly selected someone out of the phone book.  I literally think he would be fired from a job as a Walmart greeter.  I'm not saying this to be funny.  I truly believe it.  There is no job this man could be paid to do by any actual business owner that he wouldn't be fired from.  The damage he's doing to this country is going to take several decades to fix, if it's even possible.  I never thought I'd see inflation numbers like he's responsible for in this country in my lifetime.  It's absolutely insane. 

I also hate to be the crazy person in the room, but as someone who lives in Arizona and sees with my own eyes that there is literally NO SUPPORT for Joe Biden here, it's beyond humorous to think that it was even possible for him to win this state.  The idea that there wasn't voter fraud and Joe Biden, who struggled to get 100 people in his online rallies could have possibly beaten Trump who was having to turn away tens of thousands from his rallies here is an insult to the intelligence of Americans.  The world is suffering from this fraud now.  I'm terrified for my fellow citizens that there will be 2 more years of this leadership.

Biden is an empty husk

racist woke politicians and oligarchs like Mitt Romney are Running Biden,

Biden itself has no Idea what he is doing, he is thinking he is surrounded by good people.
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