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941  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Toilet paper hoarding on: March 26, 2020, 05:13:40 PM
In the past the big question was, "How am I going to make my $million?"

Now the additional question is, "And where am I going to find any toilet paper to buy?"


You are experiencing what my country did about 5~7 years ago, of course it was laughed off by foreigners. See who is laughing now.

Get that soap while you still can... Saving water isn't a bad idea if you think there will be shortages (we have). Maybe buy and install a few tanks if you don't have.

Fact: Humanity only started using toilet paper around 1920, exactly a century ago, when Americans introduced it as "medicated paper" or such.

The history of the toilet (Water closet?) is also interesting, its on youtube. Very british.

people used old newspapers before that, and before that they used cloth (also wet) or plants
942  Other / Politics & Society / Re: how to fix children are an unprofitable liability in the developed world dilema on: March 26, 2020, 05:08:58 PM
jes the costs are high because of the human rights

No, it's because of the high cost of living.

Even if what you're saying was true, how would you expect to "remove" human rights in a way that reduces the cost of raising a child? To give up the kids into some government-run orphanages? Doesn't sound like that would encourage people to have more kids or that such kids would be a better solution than automation+immigration.

high costs of living -> personal demand for live standards (room for each child) -> human rights

it is the  same.

during industrial age in the western world families lived in a room with 10 and more children that was around 120 years ago in the west.
943  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Toilet paper hoarding on: March 26, 2020, 01:41:46 PM
It’s become a little ridiculous, but over here in the UK stores have placed a limit on how many of the same item can be purchased at once which has limited the hoarding.

then you just have to buy as a single person multiple times in multiple shops to hamster toilet paper. or everyone in your houshold does that.

people that want to hamster cant be stopped hamstering, except with total surveilance state
944  Other / Politics & Society / Re: restoring the ottoman/istanbul/byzantum empire the smart way (for turks) on: March 26, 2020, 12:50:26 PM
dang kingscorpio thinks the ottoman were christian. and wants more christians??!

i guess he been reading the propaganda machine.
he has forgot all the wars. yep the west was even fighting the ottomans in the first world war..
and guess what those descendands are still angry about the invasion even till today.

the middle east hate christians. and here is king scorpio wanting to go in again and push for more christianity.

i can understand him wanting to make it switzerland2.0 for international trade reasons. but messing with religion an trying to rewrite the history of the ottoman empire is just  master face palm of silliness

again i can understand the logistical possibility of istanbul because of its positioning of mid point between middle east and europe and has the eurasian tunnel (just like london is positioned closest to europe and has the euro tunnel)

but thinking religion and history needs to rewrite to develop istanbul into a merchant centric city. doesnt need it.
and again as for trying to re-vitalise the ottoman empire.. king might need to take another glance over the history books

much better to get the west (UK/america) out of the middle east. and get asia/europe/middle east into a room and negociate between themselves.

its mainly the american involvement after all that is causing most pains in that area.

All that franky1 wants is Jewish banker rule. People are getting sick of being stolen from through the banking system. It's even the reason why we have Bitcoin and the altcoins... to slow or stop the Jewish banking thievery.

If Hitler had won in WW2, he would never have been able to hold it. Little Ireland has been fighting this war against England for ages. Hitler would have made some moves, and then he would have had to do the same thing that Genghis Kahn had to do, and Rome had to do, and any other major country had to do. He would have had to give in to the peoples of the nations, freedom, in many ways, and there would have been freedom after all.

Remember ancient Babylon from 2,700 years ago? Their empire ruled the world. But it had to give in to the Medes and Persians when it became too cocky. Same would have happened with Hitler if he had won.

Why do I talk about Hitler? Because if Hitler had won, he would have taken down the Jewish world bankers. He would have replaced them with a system of barter that wouldn't have stolen even 1% of what the Jewish banking system has stolen today. And it would have taken the Jewish bankers 500 years to come back with their sneaky, behind-the-scenes treachery that they always do.

Do you think the banking system isn't stealing? What else is Quantitative Easing? Look at all the money that is being printed out of thin air right now, literally reducing the value of all the money that the people hold.

What does this have to the bringing back the Ottoman Empire? One major thing. It has to do with bringing back all kinds of empires. And this is done by removing the money system, and replacing it with fair trade.

KingScorpio might be saying the Ottoman Empire, and the Istanbul/Byzantium basic location. And he is right that they were Christian for a long time in ancient history. But what he is really talking about is freedom from a slaving system that is stealing from us wherever we live.

All that franky1 is promoting is slavery to the bankers. But don't really blame him. He is like millions who don't really see how loads of people are being destroyed by the money system, while he sits in a position of freedom with his wealth.

But that's not even the big point. The big point is freedom. Freedom to speak is one of the most welcomed freedoms around. And franky1 is absolutely free to speak. But the question is, why is he always deriding other people when they speak? Maybe if he could start to capitalize the first word of sentences as is standard, he would understand that communications are for everybody, and that some other people can think as well as or better than he. But even if he doesn't, he is free.


jewish bankers stand for transparency thats how the system of trust works between western states in the future a public blockchain could replace them,

its for example very untrustworthy if western european countries print and spend a ton of money staying rich while eastern european ones don't do that and try to earn their wealth. while the western ones just take it.

slavery will always exist for 99% of the population in the end its the mind or god that can set one free.

what i propose is transforming istanbul into an open and influential world city, which it was during ottoman age, today its simply a big side city living in the shadow of ankara.

in my oppinion this has to be done smart, by making istanbul a neutral city state, capital cities are often also their own state (london, washington, berlin etc.)

but it wont make turks rulers in the region they never where the rulers in the region, the rulers where the ottoman dynasty and only the leading caliph the princes got executed.


i dont mean ottoman empire return with a hostile islamist chaliphate, that is isis, i mean making istanbul an outstanding an influential city again. which is essentially the same, then it was during ottoman empire age.

during ottoman age anatolian turks/population where only labout cattle for the caliph and it will not be different with open liberal bicontinental city state istanbul,

what will change is that city state istanbul coult become a globally influential and high ranked city, whilen current situation is that istanbul is dominated by ankara.

turks that want to restore the ottoman empire want basically to put the anatolian turks under the rule of a multinational monarch in istanbul who has a lot of power and influence both in the middle east and in europe,
but erdogan acts like an orc, the smart way to achieve that is by making istanbul a huge city state like singapore, with outstanding relations to both sides of the bosporus,

turks will then also became the slaves of that cities financial administration again as it would weaken ankara, but hey thats what they want with the ottoman empire

free istanbul/byzantum (who cares how that city will be called) will then have a lot of administrative rights that ankara can't get, for example it could issue visa's into the EU for trusted people living in anatolia,
back in the ottoman age such a system also existed, it was run through precious metals and religious nobility. poor anatolian turks never where able to visit and travel europe, and it will not be different in the future.

but turks get back their dominance comming from istanbul again. and istanbul would be influential again also more influential in europe than ankara, which is losing influence and support in europe with its weaponisation of migrants.
945  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump’s decision to choose economy over people life’s will end badly for him? on: March 26, 2020, 11:37:40 AM
Time for people to really wake up to what is going on. Arrested without the possibility of even seeing a judge!

DOJ Wants to Suspend Certain Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency

While the asks from the Department of Justice will likely not come to fruition with a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, they demonstrate how much this White House has a frightening disregard for rights enumerated in the Constitution.

The DOJ has requested that Congress allow any chief judge of a district court to pause court proceedings "whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation," according to draft language obtained by Politico. This would be applicable to "any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil processes and proceedings." They justify this by saying currently judges can pause judicial proceedings in an emergency, but that new legislation would allow them to apply it "in a consistent manner."

But the Constitution grants citizens habeas corpus, which gives arrestees the right to appear in front of a judge and ask to be released before trial. Enacting legislation like the DOJ wants would essentially suspend habeas corpus indefinitely until the emergency ended. Further, DOJ asked Congress to suspend the statute of limitations on criminal investigations and civil proceedings during the emergency until a year after it ended.

Norman L. Reimer, executive director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, told Politico the measure was "terrifying," saying, "Not only would it be a violation of [habeas corpus], but it says 'affecting pre-arrest.' So that means you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. I find it absolutely terrifying. Especially in a time of emergency, we should be very careful about granting new powers to the government."


judges can be shity too and decide against you, muslims also use judges. btw.
946  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump’s decision to choose economy over people life’s will end badly for him? on: March 26, 2020, 11:36:48 AM
If you have seen my posts here then you’ll know that I’m an avid Trump supporter, and have been rooting for him to win a second term but now I feel that his decision to open US economy so soon will hurt his chances of winning the elections. Further I’m sympathetic to his beliefs too that US economy will completely crash if the lockdown persists for few months, but I just wished that he could have prioritise human life’s over profits. What are your thoughts on this will this decision backfire on Trump, and will this lead to his defeat in the upcoming US elections.


economy is people's life
947  Other / Politics & Society / Re: restoring the ottoman/istanbul/byzantum empire the smart way (for turks) on: March 26, 2020, 09:45:41 AM
in my oppinion the ottoman empire (kapitalist force from istanbul/byzantum) can be rebuild but turks are to orcish for that it will be as before a deed of a foreigner to revive the cities global glory and put it out of ankaras shadow.
948  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin declined 3% as the coronavirus spread in italy on: March 26, 2020, 09:21:51 AM

As the coronavirus spread in Italy recently, bitcoin market has dropped 3% and also the traditional market including all the top ranked cryptocurrencies. Can coronavirus spreading be the cause?

thats 2 times bad, especially if you consider that in the corona panik many banksters are fraudering their financial trust with the money printing press.
949  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Re: Schweizer Vollgeld-Initiative on: March 26, 2020, 09:11:48 AM
Nachdem aus dem bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen in der Schweiz leider nichts geworden ist, zeigen die Schweizer mal wieder, dass sie trotzdem noch nicht ganz tot sind: Eidgenössische Volksinitiative 'Für krisensicheres Geld: Geldschöpfung allein durch die Nationalbank! (Vollgeld-Initiative)' (

Wenn sowas durchkommt, wäre das wirklich bahnbrechend. Wobei es nur Vordergründig bahnbrechend und vor allem neu wäre. Eigentlich war die private Geldschöpfung (der gesetzlichen Währung?) bis 1999 in der Schweiz verboten, aber das interessiert ja keinen grossen Geist (und vor allem keine Bank). Erst 1999 wurde dort die gängige Praxis der privaten Geldschöpfung legalisiert, weil alternativlos (die Argumentation kennen wir in DE ja irgendwoher).

toll und warum sollte es die arbeitende bevölkerung der welt/europas interessieren was die korrupten schweizer banker tun? die schweizer sind abhängig von der geldwäsche reicher deutscher und andere westeuropäischer burgoise (wie man das auch schreibt) um ihren wohlstand zu halten.

die bundesbank kann auch alleine geld schöpfen, und nicht nur das, jederzeit kann irgendein depp eine ltd gründen und dann auch eine bank gründen, ihr werden mit diesen banken schon noch in die selben heuristiken der einstigen nazis und communisten bzw. royalisten kommen.

ich fürchte das leider
in der coronakrise der corrupte geldadel des westens große teile seines vertrauens verspielen wird.

950  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why are Americans so fat? on: March 26, 2020, 08:50:01 AM
because their food industry is targeting the individual costomers and ignores the needs of the state/society.
951  Other / Politics & Society / Re: how to fix children are an unprofitable liability in the developed world dilema on: March 26, 2020, 03:36:37 AM
children have human rights, thats why people don't want to breed them they all want to use the labour from the children of others. this has to end. people need to produce children like they produce crops or machines, without labour there is no society.

I don't think human rights are the problem. It's mostly caused by the enormous cost of raising a child in the developed countries, both direct financial expense and the opportunity cost.

I don't think there is an easy solution to that. Eventually automation and immigration will have to balance out the [lack of] population growth.

jes the costs are high because of the human rights

automation doesn't work well with immigration because the population gets stupid and illiterate from third world immigrants. (with some exceptions)
952  Other / Politics & Society / Re: how to fix children are an unprofitable liability in the developed world dilema on: March 26, 2020, 03:10:44 AM
this can't last forever, as it is also demaging the developed societies. leaving the people there alone with third world immigrants.

I could almost understand what you're trying to say until this point. How are children "demaging [sic] the developed societies"? Did you mean lack of children, i.e. lack of young workforce to sustain the economic growth? That would explain the thing about immigration (if we don't have children then we need immigrants) but I'm not certain if that's what you're trying to say.

the low fertility rates are damaging for the developed societies not children,

children have human rights, thats why people don't want to breed them they all want to use the labour from the children of others. this has to end. people need to produce children like they produce crops or machines, without labour there is no society.
953  Other / Politics & Society / how to fix children are an unprofitable liability in the developed world dilema on: March 26, 2020, 02:10:49 AM
the developed world suffers from a drama that it didnt had before industrialisation,

during ages having children was something profitable, people had them for profit gains, children were teached religious teachings to serve their parents,

and till today among wild people in africa or the middle east having children is access to cheap farm labour, but not in the west.

children here have become some kind of fun object, like an ultra expensive toy.

this can't last forever, as it is also damaging the developed societies. leaving the people there alone with third world immigrants.

now how to fix that issue, in order to make the developed world more sustainable?

954  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Euthanasia on: March 26, 2020, 01:53:58 AM
Euthanasia is a painless death, a deliberate shortening of human life so as to reduce the incurable patient's suffering.
There are four types of euthanasia.
The first type of euthanasia is voluntary euthanasia.
In voluntary euthanasia, the patient and the doctor spoke of ending the patient's life.
The second type of euthanasia is non-voluntary euthanasia.
In this euthanasia, the patient is unable to require euthanasia.
Some of these cases are when the person is in a coma, when the person is too young, eg a baby, when he or she is senile, etc. ...
The third type of euthanasia is active euthanasia.
As for active euthanasia, it was when death was intentionally caused.
The last type of euthanasia is passive euthanasia.
In this euthanasia, death is also caused by a weaker / discontinued supply, while active death is caused by, for example, a lethal needle.
I think every man has his own right to do what he does unless he endangers the others.
Let me know what you think about it and if you have known someone that has done euthanasia?

no need for euthanasia we have god send corona to deal with aging population in the developed world and the financial burdens out of it
955  Other / Politics & Society / Re: In third world China, men death rate outpace everyone else. on: March 26, 2020, 01:36:04 AM

That’s why we need more boy babies in the bio lab insemination, while girl babies made into delicacy cuisine on the table for the men, so they can increase their fertility rate.😂

We documented 20,033 deaths in 1,239,191 person-years of follow-up. The mortality from all causes was 1480.1 per 100,000 person-years among men and 1190.2 per 100,000 person-years among women.

The death rate among the men in the Chinese sample – which covers late 2019 when the virus first emerged in the city of Wuhan up to 11 February – was 2.8 per cent, compared to 1.7 per cent for the women.

do the chinese want to become a hive like species, without female based family units?
956  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Niedergang der Bitcoin GründerCommunities (Bitcointalk, CMC) on: March 26, 2020, 12:46:34 AM
ist eine weile her seit ich das letze mal hier gepostet habe aber ...
Tja, du kommst halt nur, wenn es negative Neuigkeiten gibt.  Cheesy
Und da es seit deinem letzten Erscheinen keinen weiteren Rückgang gegeben hatte, wundert mich das nicht.  ^^

Was macht denn dein Shitcoin, kommt der endlich mal voran?  Roll Eyes

na klar, bitcoin geht den bach runter, und die EU staaten zerstören in der chorona panik ihren euro, führt zur rückkehr des kommunismus

ich finde das unverantwortentliche verhalten der EU staaten mit dem euro jedoch schade, weil ich in europa lebe, und von der usd hegemonie nicht direkt profitiere, turmp schüttet ja sonderzahlungen und jobs in erster linie nur für amerikaner aus und unterwürfige ausländer.
957  Other / Politics & Society / Re: restoring the ottoman/istanbul/byzantum empire the smart way (for turks) on: March 26, 2020, 12:26:52 AM
So you want them to go back in time, and make it an autonomous city state ruled by a christian monarchy no less.

This isn't going to happen, and the Ottoman Empire wasn't a mere city state, or christian, but Islamic caliphate.

Besides why would you want to change their religion? Who are YOU to pick THEIR religion? Are you from the mistaken view that Islam cannot be peaceful, when that is the very meaning of the word? Christianity also has its long history of violence, so the religion is not the problem people are.

Should i remind you how the Ottoman Empire was stopped from invading Europe? Should i mention how the "christian" Vlad the Impaler got its nickname from?

This is the guy that single handedly stopped a many times larger Ottoman army in their tracks by breaking people minds with the "spectacle" they saw...

While the fictional vampire tales made later that came to our days are all utter garbage, the REAL Vlad was actually far crueler, medieval style. The Pope had a serious trouble with him as he was both a devil to ex-commune and the savior of (Christian) Europe from the Ottoman (Islamic) empire.

Sure there are also the crusades, the witch burning, inquisitions, etc. This is THE AGE when Islam was seen as the civilized, cultured and even scientifically advanced world, precisely by the likes of the Ottoman, vs the DARK savage Europe.

Again, its the people. Funny thing you need to be told that...

it depends how you define it, turks seem to only care that istanbul doesnt dominate their life anymore, and they having lost freedoms in europe, i bet turks don't care how istanbul rules its region as long as its doing that.

because also ankara/eu turkey will be run by a ton of discriminations against the poor.

958  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Toilet paper hoarding on: March 25, 2020, 03:57:22 PM
poor people there is a way to live even cleaner without toilet paper and never having to spend money on it at all, but its emberassing to explain how, so people will continue suffering on toilet paper shortages.
959  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Coder and the Dictator: Petro creator talks with the New York Times on: March 25, 2020, 03:53:39 PM
nyt is a big junk media outlet it has racists working for it
960  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Rich and Famous tested Positve on: March 25, 2020, 03:52:04 PM
If you know someone missing who is not listed, drop a line

Prince Charles
Prince Albert II, ruler of Monaco

Rand Paul, U.S. senator
Ben McAdams, Democratic member of Utah's congressional delegation
Mario Diaz-Balart, member of U.S. Congress
Francis Suarez, Miami Mayor
Fabio Wajngarten, public official in Brazil
Masoumeh Ebtekar Vice president of Iran
Begoña Gómez wife of Spanish prime minister
Karl von Habsburg  the archduke of Austria
Mario Díaz-Balart  Republican Representative for Florida’s
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, wife of Canadian Prime Minister
Michel Barnier European Union's chief negotiator

Daniel Dae Kim, actor
Kristofer Hivju, actor
Olga Kurylenko, actress
Idris Elba, actor and wife Sabrina Dhowre Elba
Rita Wilson, actress
Tom Hanks, actor
Rachel Matthews actress
Debi Mazar
Aaron Tveit
Colton Underwood, reality star
Linda Lusardi actress and former model

Four Brooklyn Nets
Sean Payton, NFL coach
Christian Wood, NBA forward
Kevin Durant, NBA player
Rudy Gobert, NBA star
Donovan Mitchell, NBA star
Jason Collins retired NBA player
Daniele Rugani, Italian national soccer team star
Blaise Matuidi  Italien Soccer
Paolo Maldini, the technical director of Italian soccer club AC Milan
Daniel Maldini, forward for AC Milan’s youth team
Marcus Smart Celtics player
Timo Hubers German soccer Hannover 96
Mikel Arteta, Arsenal's head coach
Callum Hudson-Odoi, Chelsea winger
Fernando Gaviria Colombian cyclist
Dmitry Strakhov  Russian ProTour cyclist
Thiago Seyboth Wild  Brasilian Tennis player

Placido Domingo, opera singer
Charlotte Lawrence , singer
Manu Dibango Cameroon jazz legend
Mwana FA Tanzanian rapper
David Bryan, keyboardist and songwriter for Bon Jovi
Natalie Horner The Cascada singer
Slim Thug Rapper
Jackson Browne singer-songwriter
Mark Prendergast Kodaline guitarist
Terrence McNally, playwright
Andy Cohen Host
Fiona Phillips Former GMTV host
Oliver Pocher German actor, stand-up comedian and television host

Lucian Grainge music executive
Harvey Weinstein
Andrew Watt record producer and musician

Arielle Charnas Fashion and lifestyle

corona will reach everyone sooner or later
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