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861  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns [Last update: 07-May-23] on: May 13, 2023, 01:06:50 AM Signature Campaign managed by Hhampuz has 1x Sr. Member position open.

[ Up to 20 posts each week ] - *Min of 10 posts in the gambling boards*

● Sr. Members - $55 in BTC/Week.

[ You must read the Campaign Rules and Requirements before applying ]

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We have 1x Sr. Member position open, apply now!
862  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: ماذا يحدث لبلوكشاين البيتكوين on: May 10, 2023, 12:00:13 AM
ماهي الاسباب المحتملة لذلك حسب رأيكم؟ و كيف من المفترض التعامل مع مثل هذه الحالات؟ و متى من المفترض ان تنتهي هذه الموجة او أن الرسوم ستبقى في نفس المستوى الذي وصلت اليه؟
ارتفعت رسوم البتكوين بشكل جنونى لا يصدق ولم يحدث خلال اعوام سابقة وتعود الأسباب المحتملة فى رئيي ألا وهى كثرة وزيادة المعاملات على شبكة البتكوين واستخدام ordinals لسك الصور الغير قابلة للاسترداد وانشاء عملات الميم كوينز على شبكة البتكوين مما أدى إلى ازدحام بلوكتشين البتكوين, وأرى انه سيكون التوقف عن إرسال البتكوين فى هذه الايام قرار سليم حتى تضح الامور وحتى نتفادى خسارة اموالنا فى الرسوم هذه المبالغ فها, والحل فى رئيي يكمن فى الاعتماد على شبكة البرق الخاصة بالبتكوين فهى شبكة جديدة ورسومها رخيصة وشبه فورية ومن المتوقع ان يتم اعتمادها من قبل الاشخاص والمنصات ومن قبل مدراء حملات التوقيع فى المنتدى خلال الأيام المقبلة, فعندما تكون Mempool للبتكوين مزدحمة وممتلئة فان شبكة البرق سوف تعمل بشكل جيد ولا تتأثر بهذا مطلقاً, وقد يكون هناك مشاكل بالشبكة نظراً لانها جديدة لكن اذا توفرت السيولة المناسبة فإنها ستعمل بشكل أسرع وعلى نطاق واسع ومن الجدير بالذكر ان هناك منصات رائدة فى سوق العملات الرقمية قد اعتمدت بالفعل شبكة البرق لذلك من المتوقع ان تنتظم الامور, لا داعى للقلق
863  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: Ordinals و NFT على بلوكتشين البتكوين. on: May 09, 2023, 11:37:25 PM
فعلا أخي منذ بداية شهر مايو عرفت الشبكة إزدحاما كبيرا هذا كان بسبب ordinals لقد رأيت الكثير من المستخدمين يشتكون أيضاً سبب إرتفاع الرسوم أثناء التحويلات. هذا حدث أيضاً في العامين الماضيين للشبكة الإيثريوم أثناء موجة ال nfts
في إشارة من الأخ مايكي قال أننا ربما سوف لن نشهد رسم ساتوشي 1 لكل بايت في المستقبل هذا طبعاً سيعود بالسلب على البتكوين. أعتقد أيضاً أن هذه الموجة سوف لن تستمر لفترة طويلة ما علينا سوى الإنتظار. و متابعة أحداث التنصيف القادم ربما سيلحقه تحديث يعالج هذه المشكلة.
لا أرى بطبيعة الحال أن Ordinals إيجابية لنظام البتكوين, والمعسكر الأول فى رئيي هم الأقرب لرؤية ساتوشى نكاموتو فى استخدام البتكوين كنظام نقد من نظير الى نظير, أما الفئة الثانية فهم يريدون قلب رؤية ساتوشي رأساً على عقب مما يجعلهم يشترون صور غير قابلة للإسترداد وأشياء سخيفة على بروتوكول BRC-20 ويقوموا باجراء الآلاف من المعاملات التى تلعب دور سلبى فى ازدحام الشبكة وفى تفاقم الرسوم على شبكة البتكوين وما يفعله المعسكر الثانى يصب فى مصلحة  المعدنين الذين لا شك يربحون الإيرادات الضخمة من النشاط الجديد على الشبكة. ايضاً  أعتقد انه يوجد أكثر من 400 الف معاملة معقلة وغير مؤكدة على شبكة البتكوين حتى الآن والجدير بالذكر أن بينانس اوقفت المعاملات بسبب الرسوم المبالغ فيها وازدحام الشبكة, أنه لأمر محزن حقاً, فكان من الافضل ان يكون سك الNFTs  والاشياء الاخرى على الاثيريروم والشبكات المخصصة والمصممة لذلك والابتعاد على نظام البتكوين الذى لم يكن لهذا الغرض, نتمنى ان تعود المياه لمجاريها وأن لا تصبح رسوم البتكوين التى نراها الآن مشكلة نعانى منها مستقبلياً مثل الاثيريروم.
864  Local / العربية (Arabic) / منصة بيتركس أعلنت إفلاسها on: May 09, 2023, 11:06:46 PM
مرحباً أصدقائى,
منصة أخرى افسلت بعد FTX ألا وهى منصة بيتركس الشهيرة [Bittrex]

التى يقع مقرها فى ولاية ديلاوير الأمريكية والتى أعلنت أفلاسها يوم الإثنين الماضى الموافق 8/9/2023

وجاء هذا بعد مرور 3 اسابيع من اتهام SEC للمنصة ولمديرها التنفيذى السابق بتداول اوراق مالية ليست مسجلة وانها انتهكت قواعد الأوراق المالية, ومن بعد عدة أشهر من إعلانها أنها ستنهى عملياتها بسبب عدم اليقين التنظيمى.

والجدير بالذكر ان الاصول على منصة بيتركس التى أفلست تراوحت بين خمسمائة مليون دولار ومليار دولار,

والخبر المفرح أن من كانت عملاته المشفرة على هذه المنصة فانه سيحصل عليها كاملة بوجب خطة التصفية ويمكنه سحبها على حد ذكر الرئيس المشارك للمنصة,

وكان لخبر الافلاس الخاصة بمنصة بيتركس تأثير سلبى على السوق حيث انخفضت اسعار العملات الرقمية بشكل ملحوظ.

865  Economy / Reputation / Re: 🛑 Be aware from these type of scammer 🚫 ☠ on: May 06, 2023, 11:17:42 PM
*** I would like to say to those scammers- nice try, but it won't gonna be able to harm  Royse777 's reputation and also don't get me into your trap. And the main purpose of this post is to make you aware of the drama of scammers.***
Scammers try to impersonate the accounts of well-known bounty managers and project admins on Telegram to deceive the victims. I block many scammers daily. Telegram is frankly now crowded with scammers. Therefore, there is a sentence that was able to thwart their fraudulent actions through impersonating accounts, which is (Admin Never DM you first), meaning that anyone who sends you a direct message first knows that he is a 100% scammer, so it is wrong to trust any account on Telegram without making sure that the person who is messaging you is the real person or not. You, @OP, have already mentioned several good points for verification. Also, any bounty manager does not ask for money from the people who work in his campaigns, as this is his job, and he receives his salary from the project owners, and of course, he does not need any financial assistance or the like.
866  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: تسريع المعاملات on: May 06, 2023, 10:54:25 PM
أما في حال استخدامك للخدمة المدفوعة للموقع فليس هنالك أي limits للعمولة أو حجم المعاملة. أضف الى أن المعاملة يمكن ادراجها مع أحواض تعدين أخرى (التي هي في شراكة مع ViaBTC)
شكراً جزيلاً على هذا الموقع الذى يقدم خدمة جيدة من نوعها لإختصار الوقت الذي نقضيه فى انتظار إكمال المعاملات,

بالفعل أنشأت حساب على المنصة وقد قمت بتأكيد اللإيميل لكن عندما أردت تجربة الخدمة المدفوعة طلب أحد الشرطان التاليان :

1- ربط رقم الهاتف وتأكيده (وللأسف لم أرى أن المنصة تدعم الدول العربية فقط دول معينة)
2- ربط تطبيق التحقق الثنائى (نجحت فى ربط التطبيق بالمنصة بنجاح واستطيع الآن شراء الخدمة )

ما لم يعجبنى فى منصة Viabtc هى رسوم الخدمة المدفوعة المبالغ فيها, فمعاملة البتكوين التى تمت كانت بقيمة 56 دولار وعندما وضعت عنوان الهاش الخاص بهذه المعاملة ولتسريع المعاملة من خلال الخدمة المدفوعة ظهر لى ان الموقع يطلب رسوم 0.0131152 فى حدود 377 دولار بسعر البتكوين الحالى

صراحة, تراجعت عن فكرة الشراء بسبب هذه الرسوم التى ضعف مبلغ المعاملة التى تمت اضعاف كثيرة, وربما اجرب الخدمة المجانية فى وقت لاحق بإتباع شروط المعاملة التى تفرضها المنصة.. موفقين جميعاً
867  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns [Last update: 30-April-23] on: May 06, 2023, 10:19:00 PM Signature Campaign managed by Hhampuz has 2x Full Member positions open.

[ Up to 20 posts each week ]

● Full Members - $40 in BTC/Week.

[ You must read the Campaign Rules and Requirements before applying ]

Apply now:

Thank you all for yet another great week, keep it up!

We have 2x Full Member positions have opened up, apply now!
868  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: البيع علي موقع noones on: May 06, 2023, 09:17:47 PM
مثل هذاا لعرض

1,626,547.557 EGP•80% above market

ووجدت عنده تعليقات ايجابية كتير

هل هذه العروض صحيحة ا م نصب؟؟؟
كما ذكر اخوانى الذين سبقونى بالتعليق, يمكن التلاعب بهذه التقيمات الإيجابية فكيف لديه +568 تقيم ايجابى وموثوق من 8 اشخاص فقط ومحظور من 66 شخص كما تفضل الأخ اوميجا بالكتابة, وعرضه اعلى من سعر السوق ب80 فالمائة هذا الامر كفيل بالرد على استفسارك! السعر لا يصدق! فماذا يستفاد من ان يشترى منك بهذا السعر هل يريد أن يخسر مثلاً؟ فهناك طرق يمكن ان يشترى منها بسعر السوق أو أقل, لكن هذا يبدو محتال, فاجتيازه لشروط التحقق من العميل يمكن ان تتم بمستندات ماخذوة من الدراك ويب وغيره, هذا لا يثبت صدق نواياه, لم اتعامل على منصة Noones من قبل فهى تبدو البديل الأفضل لمنصة Paxful ولدى يقين بان هناك تجار موثوقين لكن يوجد الكثير من المحتالين و الامور الغامضة فى المنصة لذلك يجعلنا نضع أسفلها علامات إستفهام كثيرة!! ايضاً قبل القيام بأى تعامل لابد من تأكيد الهاتف والبريد واجتياز التحقق من الهوية, لايوجد شئ مميز او جذاب للقيام بالتعاملات عليها, فالافضل والحل الآمن هو البيع والشراء على منصات التبادل المركزية الموثوقة فى السوق التى تدعم ميزة الP2P واشهرها منصة بينانس كما ذكر الاخ GxSTxV.
869  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: SUI Wave Ended, What next? on: May 05, 2023, 11:41:09 PM
So SUI Ended, got decent 1900$ from it. Sold. Now next what will be the hype? For me I think layerzero. What you guys think?
The wave and hype of SUI have not ended yet, now, the sui currency has been listed, but the price is still low, and the main network has launched. However, SUI opportunities are still available for us in projects and currencies that will engage in its network through which we can gain good returns as investors. I see upcoming projects that will have a lot of hype and can outpace sui by stages once they are launched. They are Zksynce Era, LayerZero and Starknet. In my opinion, they are strong projects, and they have solid ecosystems and great roadmaps and teams. I have already participated in their networks, hoping to get an airdrop of the coins distributed to early Participants.
870  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Do Anyone Think Luna Will Recover? on: May 05, 2023, 11:07:47 PM
Luna coin can recover if a miracle happens; it is almost impossible; this currency collapsed and lost all its value and lost the confidence of investors in it and giving investors and traders great pain that cannot be mitigated with time, supposing it can recover, how will it regain the trust of the crypto community and how can someone risk his investment in it after all that happened from its reckless team, I see that Luna coin is a page in a book and it has already been folded, so I'm giving up on it, and it's good that there are so many good alternatives on the market that have replaced it.
871  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns [Last update: 30-April-23] on: May 05, 2023, 10:32:56 PM signature campaign managed by Hhampuz has 1x Sr. Member position open according to the latest announcement from the manager :
We have 1x Sr. Member position open, apply now!

[ You must read the Campaign Rules and Requirements before applying ]

Apply now: signature campaign managed by Hhampuz has 1x Hero/Legendary position open according to the latest announcement from the manager :
We have 1x position open, apply now!

Apply now:
872  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [SCAM ALERT] SUI's Fake Airdrop Website.... on: May 04, 2023, 11:28:27 PM
Currently, there is a lot of hype about the Sui project in the crypto market due to the large exchanges supporting this project. As a result, scammers are exploiting this trend to target crypto users with airdrop offers. So that crypto users connect their wallets to that fake website to claim airdrop, and in the meantime scammers steal crypto users' wallet information. So till now there is no announcement regarding the separate website of sui's airdrop, so be careful.
Thank you for sharing this warning, and indeed until now, the hype is still going on over Sui coin even after its listing in the exchanges; scammers take advantage of any popular event to spread their traps and scam and phishing domains, so it is better for anyone not to believe and not to link his wallet to any site if It was to claim an airdrop from a coin that will be newly listed on Sui Mainnet or to mint any NFTs for new projects on Opensea, because they are 99% scam, and they will steal the victims' funds in the end, Twitter is now flooded with scams, and there is no censorship, so it is better when anyone sees these domains are completely ignored or reported them.
873  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [Warning]: AI voice replicating scams on: May 04, 2023, 12:01:14 AM
So scammers thru AI has found a way to clone and mimic our love ones voice. And then we received this calls, they they are any form in a emergencies and need money or even bitcoin at some point. And so you panic and send them the money right away without hesitation. And after that initial shock, you realized that you have been scammed already.
It is really scary, and artificial intelligence is a double-edged technology that can be used for good and for the benefit of humanity and can be used by a criminal group in acts of evil and scams, cloning of voices, mimicking faces or handwriting and conversations by means of AI that can be believed by a large group of people who do not know such modern technology, they can be deceived quite simply, but the scammer, before using AI voice, collects somewhat large information & data about the targeted victim, the people close to the victim, sensitive information, their phone numbers, names, accounts and so on, which ensures that his method of scam will not be exposed and can be believed without the slightest doubt, so if the person is anonymous on the Internet and maintains his privacy, there is no doubt that this scam can be detected in minutes.
874  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is it wise to stake your crypto currency on: May 03, 2023, 11:06:30 PM
I think it is wise to make a stake for your currencies, so what is the wisdom of leaving them idle in the wallet without getting some returns from them, even if they are small? The return on staking varies according to the type of currency, whether the stake is fixed term or flexible, the duration of times the currency will be staked, and your capital; among these factors, you can determine how much the ARP will be and the interest rate. BTW, You do not lose anything by staking your coins; only your coins are subject to price fluctuations if they are not stablecoins. Also, I advise you to choose the top exchange platforms, which may be that the stake ARP of the currencies listed on it is lower than other platforms, but it is safer, and you can't fall into any scam.
875  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Sui - $45 to $2000| Are you Among The Lucky Ones!!! on: May 03, 2023, 10:34:29 PM
Even I was not one of the lucky ones who got the allowed list in which qualified participants could get the currency at a price of $0.03 on the exchanges, which is an excellent price compared to the current price after the listing. Me, I participated in the launch pool of the Sui currency on Binance, and I was able, through my capital, to build 16.38 sui currency, and I was able to sell this amount for the equivalent of $ 27, but I preferred to hold the sui currency in the long term. The sui project is solid, and its currency is promising and attractive to investors. Therefore, the price of Sui that I see likely to reach in the coming years or months is $3-5 (just speculating), and I will not sell before it reaches that price.
876  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: ETH gas fees are a joke. on: May 01, 2023, 10:57:52 PM
So I have to pay $9 ETH to transfer 70 USDT I just received, out of my wallet? And worse, transferring any amount of ETH will set you back $3 in gas fees.

I've just converted most of my ETH to BTC, and have $0.5 left in metamask. It claims to have an "advanced gas control" when you hit Send, but it's not showing me that.

Is there a way for me to lower the gas fees from metamask, or otherwise import the wallet into some other software?
Frankly, I am not a fan of the Ethereum network because of these expensive & joke fees, which represent a loss for every person who makes transactions on this network. The fees of the Ethereum network constitute the liquidity needed to carry out transactions, and they vary from time to time according to the supply and demand available in real-time. Because of the congestion of the network and its adoption by millions of investors, companies, and amateurs of NFTs, the network has become very crowded. Its fees doubled more than many years ago, so if it wants to do transactions with relatively low fees, choose the right time when the network is not busy and not crowded, and you must not adjust gas fees from your wallet because the transaction may fail if the fees are not appropriate and you will lose these fees without completing the transaction, or you can use other networks not based on Ethereum, and the fees are reasonable.
877  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: How to avoid a scam project? on: May 01, 2023, 09:57:00 PM
There are so many new projects launching everyday and some of them can be good and some of them can be a scam as well. How can we identify it well? Perhaps we should have more discussion about it so we all can learn from everyone's experience.
Avoiding scam projects depends on the person’s ability to analyze, conduct research, and reveal all aspects of the project. It takes time and experience because many scam projects have been launched recently. It can be done through the project whitepaper, the project team, the roadmap, and what they achieved in terms of goals and domain details and their currency contract and its details; through this, they can give the person an indication that this project is legitimate or fraudulent. A loophole or proof must be revealed to show whether this project is good for the person to invest in or avoid. There are those who invest in a project without bothering to conduct good research and collect the necessary information about the project and its currency, which results in them falling victim to scams and losing their capital.
878  Economy / Reputation / Re: Warning about the Novus Chain project/bounties on: April 30, 2023, 04:27:59 PM
Now my suspicion was correct, and it turned out that the project promoted by BountyBoss_RMTM is a scam project, and after that, he deleted the topics, as you can see in the following image:

This is an untrustworthy and reckless manager, and he may be part of the Novus scam project, so he didn't even bother to be here on the topic to answer questions and preserve his reputation.

I was really sad to see one of the comments of one of the participants in one of his scam bounties who fell victim to this scam and wasted his time:

Never will I be trusting a project like this and a BM like that of above...just a big waste of time and effort...are we here in this forum now a big haven of scam-filled projects just out to victimized innocent people?
879  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Does Bounty really pay? on: April 30, 2023, 12:27:48 AM
If the bounty project is strong and legit, then it is certain that they pay the bounty hunters the coins of their project in the end; it is not in their interest to refrain from paying because this will lead to the loss of the confidence of their project, which promoted it. Also, I always prefer the bounties that their allocations escrowed, and I am always interested in working in bounties that trusted managers manage; 90% of them will pay, but currently, the bounty work is not worth it and a waste of time due to the spread of many scam projects, so it is the responsibility of every person to do his research before joining a bounty. I recommend working in signature campaigns that regularly pay with the top currencies in the market; it is safer than others.
880  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is Doge worth investing? on: April 29, 2023, 11:52:01 PM
I am not against Dogecoin in particular, but against meme coins in general, so to be frank, Dogecoin is the king of meme coins and the best of them in terms of market value and attracting investors, as it is the coin with the greatest luck highlighted by the leading businessman Elon Musk, and the dogecoin has achieved great successes since its launch However, this does not mean that they are devoid of risks. All meme coins can turn investment capital to below zero in short periods, so any investor or trader should beware of these mems coins and invest money that they wish to lose.
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