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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Calling All Cause Coin, Ethical Coins, and Conscious Coins Let's Work Together on: October 28, 2015, 04:07:44 PM
Hello Ethical coins. I am creating a physical bitcoin with the logos of other AltCoins on. There will be only 100 made and these coins will have a prize for someone who can decifer a string of codes on the back. The prize will be 3 Bitcoin in Altcoins. The value of the silver coin will be 1 Bitcoin (the private key will be hidden under a holographic sticker)..


Do you want to feature your coin on this physical coin and do you want to provide 0.5 BITCOIN in your coins currency in prizes?

Let me know via PM as the design is getting finalised this week.

gentlemen please connect with us via twitter: @PICISIproject

Our blog is at   you may publicize any of your material there, send it to us via twitter direct message

2  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Bitcoin Co-op Food Initiative on: September 17, 2015, 06:57:28 AM
Your website returned as 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.2.6 (Ubuntu) , kindly check it and make sure it is online.

This is still going on, but we're no longer doing Karma Farma, the website for which is now dead. Now our founder has an actual farm that accepts Bitcoin, and you get 10% off all produce for paying with cryptocurrency. It's great if you're trying to live on bitcoins--the details are below.


Where to find us

Urban Edibles Farm Stand
Every Saturday, 9-5 PM
Every Wednesday, 3-7 PM
7200 Steveston Hwy

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House
Every Thursday, 3-7 PM
2305 West 7th Avenue

OP needs to be updated
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][EXCHANGE] Poloniex - Crypto Exchange with BTC/NXT on: September 17, 2015, 06:22:58 AM
Just a heads up to let you know that is now in admin-alpha testing.  And that we released Pi (currency code NUMUS) at the NXT currency exchange:

We would like Pi listed at Poloniex
4  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] Bittrex - Next generation exchange (btc/ltc/eac/ppc/rdd/ftc/and more) on: September 17, 2015, 06:10:02 AM
Just a heads up to let you know that is now in admin-alpha testing.  And that we released Pi (currency code NUMUS) at the NXT currency exchange:

We would like Pi listed at Bittrex

Am I missing something here?

Isn't it an old dead coin ?

Oh please  Roll Eyes  Tongue

Yes, and No.   The Pi you speak of is not our currency.  The technical name for our currency is PICISI, the currency code for our currency is NUMUS, and the nickname that we use for our currency is Pi.   We call our currency Pi because it is short for PICISI.  So when you are looking to invest in the PICISI currency just look for PICISI or NUMUS.

Our currency was created using NXT's MS platform, some of the particulars can be found here: all the particulars can be found in any NXT wallet if you go to the Monetary System and look up NUMUS.

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CommunityCoin (COMM) | Pure PoS | Original COMM MultiPools Coming Soon on: September 17, 2015, 05:24:22 AM
this coin has potential to big profits if a team that good in marketing could take over it

true but unlikely
6  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] Bittrex - Next generation exchange (btc/ltc/eac/ppc/rdd/ftc/and more) on: September 17, 2015, 05:08:48 AM
Just a heads up to let you know that is now in admin-alpha testing.  And that we released Pi (currency code NUMUS) at the NXT currency exchange:

We would like Pi listed at Bittrex
7  Economy / Exchanges / Re: - Fast and Easy to Use CryptoCurrency EXchange (BTC / USD). 100+ coins on: September 17, 2015, 04:49:25 AM is now in admin-alpha testing, this means the site is technically ready to use however the admins want to experience it with test campaigns.

We want Pi on your exchange.     Here are current particulars:
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: ALT coin Stores and Services List on: September 17, 2015, 04:31:30 AM is now in admin-alpha testing, this means the site is technically ready to use however the admins want to experience it with test campaigns.

You are encouraged to place a test campaign on the site to help us and to give your business some additional exposure. 

Start a test campaign today at and use the test credit card to make test donations to your campaigns and other campaigns of your liking.  The test will only be in effect for a few days so pls do the best you can with the resources at your finger tips don't delay. 
9  Economy / Services / Re: How To Become A Registered PICISI Contractor (writers, vid pros, & artists) on: August 30, 2015, 02:11:40 AM
We are preparing to launch Pi (currency code NUMUS), I'm in the process of reconciling the records so that all who have deferred their compensation until now could be properly compensated for their work.

If you are an Admin, a Promotion Contractor, or Referral Agent please look over the PICISI assignments to see if you did any of the assignments listed and provide me with a link to that work so that you get credit for those assignments.

I have a list of 7 people who are due compensation, I will reach out to everyone on the list.

The criteria for payment is that you must have successfully completed the task, if you started something but didn't finish or matter has not taken place yet that would not qualify for payment as of yet.


Just wanted to post publicly and say I got my reward today! I'm looking forward to helping move things along, Smiley. Though I do think a run-down of how "currencies" in NXT work would be helpful. I get the assets and such, but this is my first time with something classified as a currency.

Essentially an Asset is something you own of value, it need not be physical.  Financially the owner does a valuation and buyer/lender/investor does a valuation, then the parties determine the extent they want to be involved with the instrument.  Do they want to lend based on it, or do they want to buy a share of it based on potential profits, etc ...

A Currency a different story, if there was only one currency in the world it would only be a currency, however once you introduce other currencies to the world then people will see advantages to having one currency over the other in different circumstances.  As such, the birth of the currency exchange market.  

When a currency is used as a means of exchange between buyer and seller for good or services the face value of that currency doesn't change with supply and demand of the currency.  However, if it is more advantageous to me to get one currency over another it is in the comparison of the different currencies that I may want one currency over another and that is when I'm looking at the currency as a commodity -- something to be purchased (or sold).  Only when currency is viewed as a commodity does it have a price, that is when the law of supply and demand effect the value of the price of that currency.  

NXTs Monetary System allows the creator of the currency to place on it many different investment features, like
-  Exchangeable
-  Controllable
-  Reservable
-  Claimable
-  Mintable
-  Non-Shuffleable

those features enhance the commodity side of the currency with various opportunities.  The strength of all currencies is in utility, the more that it is used the greater value it will have.  Given Pi's role in the long-term development of PI it will be an extremely strong coin.

10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: Sponsors Wanted For Crowdfunding Start-up [] on: August 28, 2015, 05:08:17 AM
We are preparing to launch Pi (currency code NUMUS), I'm in the process of reconciling the records so that all who have deferred their compensation until now could be properly compensated for their work.

If you are an Admin, a Promotion Contractor, or Referral Agent please look over the PICISI assignments to see if you did any of the assignments listed and provide me with a link to that work so that you get credit for those assignments.

I have a list of 7 people who are due compensation, I will reach out to everyone on the list.

The criteria for payment is that you must have successfully completed the task, if you started something but didn't finish or matter has not taken place yet that would not qualify for payment as of yet.

11  Economy / Services / Re: How To Become A Registered PICISI Contractor (writers, vid pros, & artists) on: August 28, 2015, 05:07:29 AM
We are preparing to launch Pi (currency code NUMUS), I'm in the process of reconciling the records so that all who have deferred their compensation until now could be properly compensated for their work.

If you are an Admin, a Promotion Contractor, or Referral Agent please look over the PICISI assignments to see if you did any of the assignments listed and provide me with a link to that work so that you get credit for those assignments.

I have a list of 7 people who are due compensation, I will reach out to everyone on the list.

The criteria for payment is that you must have successfully completed the task, if you started something but didn't finish or matter has not taken place yet that would not qualify for payment as of yet.

12  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: WHAT IS PICISI? ........ on: August 28, 2015, 01:44:02 AM
We are preparing to launch Pi (currency code NUMUS), I'm in the process of reconciling the records so that all who have deferred their compensation until now could be properly compensated for their work.

If you are an Admin, a Promotion Contractor, or Referral Agent please look over the PICISI assignments to see if you did any of the assignments listed and provide me with a link to that work so that you get credit for those assignments.

I have a list of 7 people who are due compensation, I will reach out to everyone on the list.

The criteria for payment is that you must have successfully completed the task, if you started something but didn't finish or matter has not taken place yet that would not qualify for payment as of yet.


13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] the Internet of Coins on: August 21, 2015, 03:45:01 PM
Invitation To Agent725

The admins of are seeking to develop our crowdfunding site. 

We are assembling a tech team, and inviting specific individuals to the team -- agent725 is invited to be part of our tech development team.

If interested please let us know.  The project is expected to last about 15 calendar days, and the work will be distributed between at least 3 experienced developers.

We see you as a crypto expert, we also have a crowdfunding expert, and a social media expert everyone has extensive programming experience.
Currently we have 2 programmers, once we get 3 we will have a meeting to introduce everyone, to select a team leader, and to assign responsibilities.

14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: Sponsors Wanted For Crowdfunding Start-up [] on: August 08, 2015, 05:06:32 PM
Developer broke another promise, will update whenever [throws hands up]
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: Sponsors Wanted For Crowdfunding Start-up [] on: August 05, 2015, 12:08:31 AM
Looking forward to seeing the alpha testing, great news.

New developer said he would start alpha testing by the end of this week.  Presently site contents are on his server once contents are correctly situated he will move everything to the Crypto Cloud Hosting server then he will add the Paypal api (and perhaps the bittrex api, we are not sure if that will be implemented at this juncture), with that alpha testing could start.  Once alpha is successful, we will schedule a date to release the PICISI issued currency while moving site testing into beta.   Beta will enable everyone to start crowdfunding for project with fiat via Paypal and perhaps some manually processed CCs, the site will remain in beta until we properly coded for the processing of at least 2/3rds of our target CC list of 200 CCs.  With that in place we will announce the formal launch of the site. 



16  Economy / Services / Re: How To Become A Registered PICISI Contractor (writers, vid pros, & artists) on: July 22, 2015, 10:23:07 AM
PICISI experienced a recent setback that resulted in the replacement of her developer, the new developer took over on Monday.

17  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Great Sponsorship Opportunity For CryptoCurrency Exchange With PICISI on: July 22, 2015, 10:22:36 AM
PICISI experienced a recent setback that resulted in the replacement of her developer, the new developer took over on Monday.

Sponsors may take a look at the site work in progress if they wish, simply send us a message via the site or email, not via PM or thread. 
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: Sponsors Wanted For Crowdfunding Start-up [] on: July 22, 2015, 10:20:14 AM
PICISI experienced a recent setback that resulted in the replacement of her developer, the new developer took over on Monday.

Sponsors may take a look at the site work in progress if they wish, simply send us a message via the site or email, not via PM or thread. 
19  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: WHAT IS PICISI? ........ on: July 22, 2015, 10:18:27 AM
PICISI experienced a recent setback that resulted in the replacement of the developer, the new developer took over on Monday.

Sponsors may take a look at the site work in progress if they wish, simply send us a message via the site or email, not via PM or thread. 
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][EMC2] Einsteinium | funding science education, research, & development on: July 21, 2015, 07:32:45 PM
Sent 20k as well to DK2.

Looks like I should have some time this coming month to organise a few things and maybe even see what DK V2 is all about and make some EMC2 gameplay Smiley

Thank you for your contribution as well. Lots of things in the works for DKV such as a new casino where players can play BlackJack in game and several other things are coming as well courtesy of the new dev addition to the game.

So far DKV is impressing, i've played it since the beginning and the evolution is really interesting. Keep up the good work.

Thanks. The majority of the additions to game are player suggestions. I like to give the players what they want (reasonable of course) as it makes everyone happy.

I have played many games in my time and was the GM boss in one and have seen games go to waste because the developers ignored what the players wanted and only cared about what could make them more money. This is the quickest way for a game to fail and I expect DKV to still be up and running 20 years from now with hundreds of thousands of players (hopefully), just takes some time and effort for it to succeed.

When PICISI gets up and running well and the future campaign for DKV becomes successful I will be able to afford advertising and much more that will help the game expand to even greater heights.

PICISI experienced a recent setback that resulted in the replacement of her developer, the new developer took over on Monday.

Sponsors may take a look at the site work in progress if they wish, simply send us a message via the site or email, not via PM or thread. 

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