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1  Other / Off-topic / Re: You may win 1 (one!!!!) whole merit if you guess cryptohunter's new username on: January 15, 2020, 10:22:38 PM
I will join in if you make it more than 1 merit.

Wouldn't that amount to an observable instance of merit abuse?

Suchmoon would not abuse merit. Please don't suggest such things.
2  Other / Off-topic / Re: You may win 1 (one!!!!) whole merit if you guess cryptohunter's new username on: January 15, 2020, 10:13:50 PM
I will join in if you make it more than 1 merit.
Let me know within 1 hour though because I can't hang around. I need to get going.
Does it count if you know cryptohunter? and can ask him?
3  Other / Meta / Re: THE FINAL SHOWDOWN - ALL DT , MODS and THEYMOS -- take us of ignore!!!!! on: January 15, 2020, 10:10:42 PM
Have fun spending your millions (doge I'm guessing). Forget about us peasants for we are not worthy of your presence.

he aint even got a million doge. maybe Venezuelan Bolívar, I recon that's where he is going - hence the shouting about being a millionaire. His mate is probably his parents and the tournament is probably a swinging resort, there is a team of locals ready to run trains on his mumma whilst he watches, pretty sure that's where all the anger comes from. The pajeet cryptocunter is pissed off he cant earn sig monies here to move out of his parents, he has PTSD from all the Bukkake parties at his house and the strange men wrestling with his mum all these years.

Poor Tman, I mean he can not even think up his own scenarios to joke about. We taught him the word bukkake, and told him his own mother, sister and daughters were enjoying learning all about it (from us) too just a few days ago on this forum. He now seeks to revamp the story for his own funny little tales.

Tman is of course lying about the fact he believes we have no significant amounts of BTC. Go ahead and visit the thread where he was guaranteeing that we could not sign any btc wallet with 10 BTC. We offer him to put his btc where is moronic peasant mouth was and we will sign a 50 btc + wallet .... HE RAN AWAY. What did he have to lose. If we could not sign a 50 + btc wallet (where the funds had not moved for months) then Theymos or OGnasty would have just sent him his 50 BTC back.

Tman either

1. does not have 50btc
2. KNOWS we have more than 50 BTC
3. Is not as obedient or eager as his mother, wife, sister, to put their mouths where we tell them. haha

You want to make guarantees people don't have any BTC you slobbering tourettes brain damaged moron then put your btc where your mouth is.

We will take time out to take away tmans 50btc it will be worth the inconvenience to take his money and send him postcards of what we are going to spend it on.

Of course he is too scared to do so.

Tman you broken down bum.... place your btc where your mouth is and PM us when you are ready to put up 50 BTC to see if we have 50BTC.  or just keep running away from our challenges like the rest of this forum.

I have about 1 hour or so before I am going. But if you send a PM then we will get an email alert and come back and prove AGAIN that you are just full of shit you pathetic low functioning dreg.

So again nobody met our challenges we set in the initial post. Everyone here can see TMAN is a making GUARANTEES that he DARE NOT BACK UP. He is full of shit as if everyone including hilarious and co immediately just confessed what everyone else thinks We make this challenge to TMAN because everyone assumes TMAN does not have 50 BTC to even put up to call us on it. hahahah

1 hour and counting.... THOSE ARE THE ONLY TERMS WE WILL ACCEPT. Tman puts his 50btc with theymos or OGnasty and if we can sign a wallet with 50BTC+ inside then Theymos or OGnasty will send the TMANS 50 btc to the wallet address we are signing from.

Hurry up you loud mouth moron. You are obviously too scared to do so or do not have 50 BTC. Either way we don't care if you do not. It just as fun to let everyone see what a loud mouth chicken shit you are.

I will perhaps spend some of  your 50 BTC on dental treatment for your mother, sister and wife, these large doses of semen they keep gargling with are wreaking havoc on their nasty british teeth. Well your mother of course had to be exhumed so that could be her excuse haha.

Laters fucktard.

Read, understand and accept that you have all failed the challenge set in the initial post and that TMAN has come to add extra entertainment by demonstrating he is full of shit and runs away from the 50 btc challenge we set him to back up his guarantee we don't have any bitcoins.

We will unlock this thread and update this IF HE DOES prove he is not a chicken shit and goes through with this 50 BTC guarantee.

This is the ONLY reason I will interrupt my vacation. To take 50 BTC of this turd in public for being a loud mouth moron will be more than worth it.

4  Other / Meta / nullius the scamming alt of lauda on: January 15, 2020, 03:48:19 PM

< twelve hours until the OP bids us fare-thee-well.

I liked your investigative work regarding are we bruno. Sorry timelord you are barking (mad) up the wrong tree there. Cryptohunter has great respect for bruno and his prior work. As you can find him mentioning over the years on his post history. Unless you believe CH is also Bruno then he would be the most PROLIFIC posters (by word count) bitcointalk member of all time by perhaps 2 x over. That is very unlikely.

We are NOT an alt of anyone.

Now back on topic though.

There seems NOT ONE member that can meet THE CHALLENGE we set = PROOF we never trolled or presented as TRUE information or statements that had been conclusively been debunked as incorrect or untrue.

Everything we said on this thread  is true.

We leave here NEVER having lost any debate or having any central point debunked.

Read understand accept.

The crying by some that we are morons, mentally deranged, and all the other meaningless cries and insults due to LACK or rather having ZERO independently verifiable evidence to counter ANY of the filthy dangerous and scammy shit they have in their post histories whilst posing as " THE MOST TRUSTED" members on this forum is laughable.

Towards the end they all hid away screaming troll and liar, not daring to even enter debate with us. Troll and liar they screamed, then when asked to present the central points of ours they could demonstrate we had been presenting as true after they had debunked them as false....THEY ALL GO SILENT or  just start repeat trolling and lies, trolling and lies they screamed and cried.  Hahahahah

Well done scammy little morons. You ALL had days (well over a year) to demonstrate a SINGLE one of our central points was incorrect concerning you and the systems of control and you COULD NOT.

Just because you all huddle together hunkering down crying to each other ..he is crazy, he is trolling, he is lying , he should be banned for presenting our post histories, he is stupid, he is lying about his success....ahahahhah

Read back over our encounters and realize you were all CRUSHED over and over and over again by someone likely half your age ahahahah

So long losers. You don't want me to miss my plane do you?? I mean I am tempted to stay such is the satisfaction of coming here to destroy scammers posing as DT members daily. But I must see the world first. I may send you all the ODD postcard here and there just to assure you all I'm having a great time, and as a taste of what success and HONESTY can bring here on this great forum (not meta).

I was hoping (for the sake of the forum) that someone would have debunked just one or two of my central points regarding the fucked state of DT members or the systems of control. Sadly I leave in the knowledge that things are just as bad as I concluded previously. Only that the corruption is certainly at ADMIN level now. Mods will delete the truth whilst pushing false accusations and lies against those that TELL THE TRUTH

Take note of the scamming scum powering up the nullius account. I would watch the mutual includes on DT from these. Take note of who nullius/dubius was reactivated to red trust on grounds of "empathy is dangerous" aka even though CH said that plagiarists could be ripe for a ban (the worst punishment) but then said ridiculing their reasons like " starving families" was in poor taste and no a good look for the forum. That is worthy of red trust. AGAIN merited by scamming scum like LAUDA.  A new dangerous double standards scum bag to keep your eyes on indeed, supporting and working with lauda the most dangerous scammer extortionist shady escrow and trust abuser here to punish those that say we should show some empathy. Fuck off nerdius you shady dirt bag.

Poor satoshi Sad Sad  

Ta Ta scumbags

5  Other / Meta / Re: Indisputable evidence that ONE MOD here is corrupt and needs removal on: January 15, 2020, 03:30:14 PM
thought the useless cunt was leaving us? maybe the lies are another reason to tag? actually could probably raise a flag - implied contract? agreeing to leave?

after the 15th you poor sad wretch.. is it after the 15th in the black lagoon where you reside.

" it is likely I will not post again"  - please help tman understand what that means.

this suggestion from TMAN is just indicative of the state of this forum

Now as I said to the user above. PUSH someone loyceV will likely refuse, to reinstate the deleted post and then investigate it yourself.

There are NO LIES. If there are some lies on the deleted post then present them.

PUGwash above sounds very similar to tman does he not. Please stop derailing my thread tmans ass felcher pugwash
6  Other / Meta / Re: Indisputable evidence that ONE MOD here is corrupt and needs removal on: January 15, 2020, 02:57:56 PM
I am no mod but if the topic is already aggressive and accusing I will leave out of it. Stop using red text mate its clearly sign of war from your end. Have some peace of mind sometime by just stopping the Wall post you are doing targeting moderators. That's a serious accusation your lucky that your not banned yet but there is no point since it's easy to create a new account to continue this further. So better ignore him and dont reply anymore.

For OP: Better pm them and stop public display of malicious accusation thread.

Perhaps you need to read the initial post again.

1. it was ONLY a page of links to observable instances lol

2. it is the most worrying show of moderator abuse yet.

3. Push loyceV to bring it back so you can see the evidence if you like.

a total and undeniable demonstration that mods will ENDORSE lies, and false accusations, and delete the TRUTH about their auction scamming, self confessed trust abusing, extorting, blackmailing and shit posting pals.

If it was not hilarious and co that deleted it, where is the mod who did delete it and their explanation for allowing requests to ban on CLEARLY DEBUNKED grounds ( we called them to provide the trolling aka presented as truth conclusively debunked claims, statements or information and they FAILED TO DO SO)
Then deleting requests to ban on CLEAR and UNDENIABLE independently verifiable observable instance of multiple instances of financially motivated wrong doing and other self confessed dangerous behaviors.

Let that sink in a moment.

If you want to refute that happened then go ahead.  bring you evidence.
7  Economy / Reputation / Re: @PrimeNumber7 is an alt account of @Quickseller on: January 14, 2020, 06:49:28 PM
If you have him on ignore, just quoting it for you. That's what I think probably.

Let me let you in on a little secret: I don't give a shit what he thinks. That's why I have him on ignore. Whatever he thinks, assume I believe the opposite. His response is inflammatory nonsense. Don't care what he thinks. Don't care what you think.

The End.

Yes, but that does not matter to the TRUTH concerning whether PN7 = QS. Everything we said is also true.

The fact you wish to assume the opposite is perfectly okay and in keeping with your usual MO.

If the source for determining a MATCH between posting styles is KNOWN it can be used to create MATCHES and therefore it can be weaponized to create FALSE matches.

If the source is NOT known then it is impossible to validate. So there is a certain issue with using it here.

Besides which I bet under deeper long term scrutiny it would be debunked as unreliable in the first place.

I see no solid evidence that PN7 is QS. We need to be very careful screaming things are true when there is no conclusive proof, like with your account sale.

8  Other / Meta / Re: THE FINAL SHOWDOWN - ALL DT , MODS and THEYMOS -- take us of ignore!!!!! on: January 14, 2020, 05:06:29 PM
Down to 24 hours now...

24 hours later, you will have less chance of ousting the real bad guys from DT. I hope you know this. Although it is good to see of late you are not pushing double standards and have decided to go after some of the REAL scammers and bad guys here. We are going to be adding you to our trust list before we leave, whether you like it or not. I think we need people that are not afraid to be unpopular to do the right thing, or rather what they consider the right thing is.

It is actually down to way under 24 hours, I'm not rushing around at the last seconds. Likely there remains around 10 hours of time that I can be sure to available to demolish ANY SPURIOUS or BOGUS attempt to meet my challenge. After that this thread will be locked.

You all had enough time to BRING 1 clearly debunked and incorrect central point of ours to present here since you guys claim ALL of our posts are trolling and incorrect.

It should not have been too much to request you provide 1 clearly debunked central point of our own.

To scream trolling aka continuing to present as true statements that have been conclusively debunked SHOULD BE EASY since all of the observable events we present and comment on ARE THERE IN BLACK AND WHITE.
There must be an easy way to demonstrate ALL of our posts are trolling and completely untrue and incorrect???

How can NOBODY present even one?? LOL..... around 10 hours of the challenge to prove we are trolling and continuing to spread FALSE and incorrect info that has been conclusively debunked ...

COME ON DT DON'T LET US LEAVE HAVING OWNED THE ENTIRE BOARD?? there are 50 or more dedicated , highly trustworthy , and finest posters of the entire forum against us?? one of the most untrustworthy least merited here haha..... do these metrics mean nothing.

9  Economy / Reputation / Re: OPEN CHALLENGE to o_e_l_e_o - Watch us humiliate this fucking troll in public ! on: January 14, 2020, 04:11:58 PM
Imagine this wimpy weasel in real life ... pathetic.
I'm pretty confident that readers of this thread will imagine a wimpy weasel in real life Smiley

There's one vote for oeleo being a wimpy weasel. Thanks qwk.

However, that is not the central point here. We want oeleo to come here and debate his accusations against us, why is he hiding away. I mean if ALL of our central points  are trolling and false accusations then how hard can it be for him to come here and give 1 central point we have made that is clearly incorrect, lies, trolling etc.

Come on wimpy weasel LEO....where are you hiding weasleo haha  where is weasleo??? lying little scumbag is hiding away somewhere, scared of debate with us I see.
10  Other / Meta / Re: [mod & admin appreciation] the lack of censorship on this forum is amazing! on: January 14, 2020, 04:07:15 PM
If you look at a lot of mainstream social media, they do a bit too well at trying to stop things like indirect hate speech and freedom of expression and this is something I think bitcointalk controls pretty well... While I don't appreciate hate speech, I think it's often best to leave it up and allow a community to attack that person or ideology rather than just remove it from the server and say "that's that mater resolved". (by indirect hate speech I mean when someone speaks out about something and it's due to a lack of public coverage that they feel the way they do) - it's obviously better to educate people more on an issue rather than just to delete it; but what mainstream social networks are about education these days?

But this is just an appreciation post for Theymos and the other mods who seem to have a very well balanced view on moderation of the forum (as balanced as I've seen anyway).

i don't endorse hate speach on any issue but sometimes you need a radical to get the message across and it helps to control ignorance

How much of a coincidence it is that this CLAIM made by the intial poster comes on a day when one of the most blatantly corrupt and undeniably SCAMMY deletes from any mod ever takes place.

I do NOT agree with the initial poster that in all cases the moderation is good and neutral or even allowing free speech. In this thread

There is clear and undeniable demonstration that MODS are corrupt and will delete the truth when it is in their interests of the interests of those they are aligned with.

That thread creates an irrefutable case that demonstrates the moderation here is OKAY until it effects them or their friends ( by them I mean mods). They are paid by sigs the same as everyone else here. You place those in danger or those friends that maintain their status quo then you will find the moderation is VERY CORRUPT and one sided. Perhaps NOT ALL mods but there are some that certainly want to hide up that they support scammers who in turn support them.

Debunk those points on that thread if you can. Read it all first.

Allow hate speech or criticism of 3rd parties that do not have any effect on them ... of course they don't give one fuck about that? haha how does that effect their bottom line here economically??

Sure it is good people can say what they like within reason. But when it is not hate speech and it is the truth about scamming and scammers and the mods deleted it then you know you have a serious issue.
11  Other / Meta / Re: Indisputable evidence that ONE MOD here is corrupt and needs removal on: January 14, 2020, 03:56:12 PM
@HILARIOUS and CO you fucking corrupt weasel are you now claiming you did not delete the thread ??

That is what I'm claiming. Can you provide evidence of this corruption because this is yet more unbacked accusations from you.

Once you prove it is untrue, then it will be accepted and untrue. We want the TRUTH who did delete it? and I want to know WHY it was deleted when it was based on the TRUTH and observable instances that have undeniably took place. These other same request threads are based on LIES and bullshit and are allowed to stay. I want and explanation or it is 100% evidence of everything we have been saying.

The forum has turned into being all about the MONEY

I don't know if you've noticed but you're on a forum literally about money, but says the "millionaire" who's going on a "very expensive" holiday and has to create a thread about it just so everyone knows that. Just go away and sail off into the sunset whilst you count your riches and forget this forum if you're so rich and successful. You're a complete moron if you're not out living la vida loca instead of pointlessly arguing with people on the internet, but my guess if there are no millions nor is there any expensive vacation unless of course you're going to spend a week on flight simulator or something.

DERAILING and triggered by the money again we see. We want to know WHY That thread is deleted when it is the TRUTH and the other threads requesting THE SAME are based on lies. Stop crying we have lots of money ffs. If you want the SAME challenge we offered tman hurry up and take it. Then we will take your 50 BTC and spend it and send you postcards of the things you have bought for us. Got it now?

There is undeniable evidence of this pattern of scammy behavior going right to the admin level here. His is on the chipmixer/fortunejack payroll and they pull the mods strings here.

Where is this undeniable evidence? You mean more unbacked lies based on nothing but insane conspiracy theories that you just dream up because you don't have a proper argument.

WTF, these are quotes and observable instances you fucking moron. Bring that thread back and we will demonstrate you are corrupt as fuck to be claiming these are NOT true. Proper arguement LOL haha that even sounds retarded. These are in some cases 3rd party discoveries that have been confirmed and NOT even denied by the scammer and self confessed trust abuser tman. These are UNDENIABLE. To start calling them lies and theories  Demonstrates you are corrupt and NOT to be trusted as an impartial moderator. NO QUESTION.

Everything always comes down to the MONEY.  Disgusting. Look how triggered he gets if you mention MONEY or expensive holidays. PATHETIC.

Again, stop deflecting. How am I triggered exactly? If you claim that you have a 12 inch penis and I call bullshit that's not me being triggered. You're the one posting about how rich and successful you are and I'm voicing my suspicions but don't be scared when people call into question your ridiculous claims so stop making out you're someone you're not because only you believe your own bullshit and nobody else is buying it.

Penis obsession now, is that where you waste all of your money?? penis extension nonsense or buy more penis to gag on, now fuck off Moron, I am offering you the same 50 BTC challenge  as tman take it or wimp out and run away. I can boast about lots of things but you are undeniably triggered by money lol ... stop derailing this thread is NOT ABOUT MONEY.  I have had 19.5inch biceps (natural) and still have  around 18 inch arms after a year of no training, let's see if this triggers you too. you weird little man. Perhaps I'll send you a pick to look at each morning to remember me by

Well. thank goodness we are leaving soon. But look at what is going on here with a clear view.

Why do I not believe this? The thing is, I think you need this forum because you probably don't have much better to do and you can live out your fantasy life online when in reality the truth is probably quite sad.

Why do I give one shit what a corrupt broke down sig spamming moderator believes exactly lol ??

Now stop derailing this thread

Now get back to explaining why THE TRUTH is removed whilst LIES and BULLSHIT that fall apart when I challenge it is remains here.

Where did that thread go and I want it put back here NOW. Or else this board is 100% corrupt.

where is this thread ? and why was it deleted. How can you prove it was lies , bring it back and we can see if you are lying or telling the truth. Then when we find out YOU are lying hilarious and co. You can be banned from being a mod.

Lets get on with it. If it was lies, then we will be banned. If it was true hilarious and tman should be banned. THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS TO THIS FORUM THAN THE TRUTH BEING DELETED AND LIES BEING PUSHED ON PEOPLE AS THE TRUTH.

12  Other / Meta / Re: THE FINAL SHOWDOWN - ALL DT , MODS and THEYMOS -- take us of ignore!!!!! on: January 14, 2020, 03:39:31 PM
Ah hilarious and coward ( been deleting a lot of our on topic and relevant posts today haven't we) EVEN FROM OUR OWN SELF MODERATED THREADS.

Nope. Another unfounded and false accusation.

An on topic and relevant post from MY OWN self moderated thread was deleted. Which part are you disputing. YOU deleted it or it was on topic and relevant.

Hopefully rushing to weaponize the " deleted posts metric" LOL

Again, no. If I wanted to I would just ban you as there's already more than enough reasons to ban you with your incessant off topic rants, but seeing as you're going then I guess there's no need.

You will not be able to demonstrate this is true in a debate. If you believe it is true and that you could we will open a thread where we can have public debate. I do not make off topic and irrelevant posts and especially NOT in the context of the posts we have reported and you mark as bad.

Whilst merit posts that simply scream " don't feed the troll" or marking as BAD reports of posts that simply say " shut up you used tampon" or " who made this cunt bleed". I mean he did try to stand before us in debate once of twice but soon realized that was not a smart move LOL.

You are a troll, but I'm not sure why you keep bringing up people calling you a tampon or a cunt because you have made equally tasteless remarks that were not removed.

Why repeat claims you are unable to present evidence for?? it is retarded. Present the TROLLING aka the false statements that we repeat as true once they have been conclusively debunked. If you can NOT then you are a troll. Do you not understand this??

I should not need explain this to you since you are a mod.

It is perfectly fine to present a strong counter argument then call someone a used tampon , or accompany the used tampon accusation with any kind of credible on topic and relevant point that is useful or valuable with regarding the initial post. A SINGLE statement you are a used tampon , or who made this cunt bleed WHICH YOU OR SOME MOD MARKED BAD is obviously an abuse or moderation powers. Can you present the posts where you claim we have done the same without making any kind of valid and on topic reference to the debate started in the initial post....waiting..??.

It is nice to see you are upset and triggered at the truthful knowledge we are off on a very long and very expensive vacation.

Why would I be triggered or upset by nonsense spewed on the internet? Just because you say things doesn't make them true and I'm just calling out the pathetic bullshit I see. Also BTW, I'm on my own private yacht as we type this. Do you have a yacht? I mean, you can have anything you want on the internet when you're a fantasist.

You are triggered. And it is silly as we stated to try to pretend that it is not a credible claim. The probability of US not being very wealthy at this point is very low. Please research especially since you claim we are cryptohunter. Also note the 50btc challenge TMAN initiated but then ran away from.

I mean you must have missed the 50BTC challenge that TMAN ran away from after he started claiming we could not even sign a message from a 10 btc wallet.

I did miss that as it happens, but I'm guessing you only make bets you know you can't lose and probably already knew tman doesn't have that sort of money to stake so you were safe.

Are you saying you know tman is a broke down bum too? LOL 50 BTC to us is nothing..sorry but that is just the honest truth. I hate to be crass and boastful ...but that really is not much we thought Tman would even have that being here on this forum so long.

Of course 50BTC is not a very large amount but since you are certain that we are cryptohunter ( we are not) then can you imagine the probability of someone being on nearly every single launch of wave 1 alts, being a NEM STAKE holder ( 300BTC right there) of course best to have MORE than one of those, but the real icing on the cake that will have you crying and biting into your pillow is the thread where he picked out 6 of the greatest rising projects of 2018 bull way before it happened. He was thanked by many (some publicly ) for making them wealthy beyond all expectations. I mean to PRETEND not to believe he is wealthy beyond you wildest dreams is just silly isn't it?? GO CHECK IT OUT YOU BUM.

I think you're the one pretending, but I don't really care whether you're broke or are a millionaire but you're the one making outrageous claims seemingly out of desperation to make out like you've achieved something when the reality is likely the opposite. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but I think you are a loser regardless of how much money you may or may not have and until you prove otherwise I'm going to assume you're just blowing hot air out of insecurity and a lack of actual achievements.

The fact you believe these claims are OUTRAGEOUS is even more funny. Please read the post above again. If a person has been here 8yrs and does not have MILLIONS of USD that is OUTRAGEOUS to us. Ha don't worry no need to prove your outrageous claims we will believe you. Anyway unless you are that bothered about it then don't worry just choose NOT to believe us. Stop getting hung up on our success. Did you find the CH thread yet where he predicted 6 of the top 12 largest rising projects and then got thanked by several people for making them millionaires?? or find the thread and run the analysis yourself from that date. You could have turned 1000 bucks or even less into millions and millions  yourself if you had just caught a couple in the correct order. But of course CH is just not valuable to this forum haha. Or you could have just stuck with nutildah tips and gone from NEM stake holder (300btc CH has a couple of these BTW) and early dash adopted to begging for 0.02btc loans recently lol... the valuable willing scam facilitator for pay NUTILDAH who deletes his own post history when it is evidence of willing scam facilitating haha

You heard it here first guys. You say you are now going on a very expensive holiday. YOU ARE A TROLL and should be banned perm unless you can provide the verifiable personal information so he can check you are going on such a vacation.  LOLOLOL

Well yeah. I think it's a lie, but why would you tell anyone you were going on a very expensive holiday? It's very desperate. I suppose you also have a very large penis? The people who usually tell you about how big their dick is and how much they earn usually aren't as wealthy or girthy as they make out but they'll certainly try tell you about it because they need the validation and want to be important. BTW, you could easily prove what I'm asking without revealing any personal information but I guess you're running away now?

Well, since you obviously want to know...yes my dick is very girthy indeed. Just to give you a little more to fantasize about my biceps or upper arm is STILL over 18.5" and has been near on 20" before when I was competing (natural physique, I have not even been to the gym in maybe 8 weeks)  But to answer your question. I know it will make many happy that we leave a success story with millions of dollars lots of bitcoins and going on a very long vacation. This is the sort of stories we need to hear from members here. I don't want to hear about nutildah been here years now begging for 0.02btc loans and defending scams so he can wear their sigs here to survive on the dust they pay just to live?? who wants to hear that or that you are pushed into facilitating scams for pay and willing to turn evil for 300bucks. Who wants to put years in here for that??? show people the good stuff as well. What would you say if I proved it was all TRUE?? because I can assure you it is true. Stop being jealous and just be happy some leave the forum a success themselves and having helped many others too. It does not become you to be so upset over anothers success.

THERE WILL BE NO MORE POSTS our friend is in a tournament on the 18th and we must be there to support him. He actually has even more money that ourselves. Imagine that all earned from doing something fun. Hilarious and co will be foaming at the mouth... Well you would not find it fun because you are a bunch of beta pussies and would die in the first 2 mins or start crying and begging for mercy.. haha.

Well I hope so, but I wish you could detach yourself from your own ego and see how pathetically desperate this looks. Stop lying and making shit up because nobody believes you. I mean, you literally created this account as an alter-ego to try defend and big-up cryptohunter by telling us how rich and awesome he is. How pathetic is that?

Hmm that seems to be mostly untrue. The majority of our post are simply observable instances of truth about scammers and corrupt mods. Cryptohunter is certainly rich (any sensible person would agree who studies his prior actions here as we have explained to you) but that is not what is important about cryptohunter at all. He is important because anyone reading the complete history will not find 1 financially motivated wrong doing , and lots of help for others and pushing for FAIR treatment of all members. You focus only on the RICH and wealthy claims (which are less than 1% far far far less more like 0.1% usually ) because that is the PART THAT UPSETS YOU. That is not ours or his problem. The rest of your claim is speculation.

Hilarious and co how have you been here all these years and still have to spam 2 sigs .. I mean I know probably most do but come on surely you must have made  something in the last bullrun??

I don't have or need to, but this is just another incorrect assumption and ad hominem from you and why is it only you that gets to earn from doing something fun? (allegedly). Me earning money here is irrelevant to anything but we know you like taking things off topic and for some reason you're obsessed with how much money people have or make, but if you're all about the cash money then you should be commending me for monetising my time here in such a fashion.

No, your attacks are GROUNDLESS ad hominem with zero evidence. In fact all evidence points to your attacks being incorrect and silly (read above again and refute or accept). As stated we are not all about the MONEY, that is just in your own mind. Our observations are not ad hominem. You wear 2 sigs. After all of these years that should not be needed or required or is just greedy. Why is that adhominem? you are obsessing on the money aspect not us. We mentioned it, the central point of this DEBATE is not even concerning the money is it?? you latched on to that because you seem triggered by that. Focus on the core of the debate which you seem to be avoiding. If you do not want to believe we or even CH are wealthy even after research that is completely fine.

I mean of course we can not prove you are not enjoying large bags of BTC like ourselves having also already cashed out MILLIONS FOR REAL, but then you must just be one greedy son of bitch. Why not give others a chance. Remove your sigs?? are you not a real bitcoin enthusiast. We offered to be mods here for free and have no sigs.

I don't think you can prove what you're claiming either, but if you're so rich then donate a million dollars to charity and I'll remove both my sigs, that's how greedy I am. I'm open to negotiation though if you're not prepared to donate so much, but don't be greedy now and deprive a charity of important money.

LOL so you won't stop being greedy until someone donates a million dollars to charity and then proves they have done so. OKAY. Well our point stands. Either you are wealthy and still want MORE by loading up 2 SIGS or you are a broke bum who needs it. Either way we don't care too much. You miss the point as usual. The observable evidence is this... you either are wealthy and greedy, or broke and need to spam 2 sigs. It is unknown if we have already given huge sums out to others to help them get solvent , and donated to things we consider as good causes (no direct benefit except satisfaction to ourselves). If you want to keep it a secret whether you are A/ wealthy and still want more from the forum by spamming 2 sigs or B/ you are broke and need to spam 2 sigs that is your choice.

Anyway we await the original challenges to be met. I think we will be waiting forever at this rate. Come on step it up guys.

I gave you a simple challenge and you've skirted around it with more waffle and excuses so yeah, I guess we will be waiting forever.

Please no more OFF TOPIC challenges ( i don't see any credible challenge anyway so have no idea what he is talking about). Stick on topic please. The central point is clear. Present the debunked and proven false or incorrect information we have presented regarding the scammers, scammer supporters or the system that enabled, entrenched and rewards them.

We only post the truth about you guys as you know really. Why would we lie about ourselves. Having a lot of money is not something to boast about it is crass and toe curling. It is simply the truth, and I though you would all be pleased we have done so well for ourselves. We were simply saying thank you before we leave. No need to be so upset hilarious and coward.

I don't think you know the difference between the truth and a lie. You lie because you desperately want others to believe you have achieved something and are not just a loser sat behind a computer screen wasting his time arguing with people who are getting paid to do so. If boasting about wealth/imagined riches is crass then stop doing it because it is pathetic, and what is even more pathetic is the fact that you're likely lying about it all but if you want to prove me wrong go ahead or just leave and we can all go on thinking you're a liar and you can go on living in fantasy land with your very wealthy and very stable genius imaginary boyfriend.  

Sounds like a lot of speculation and improbable (based on the observable instances in the post histories of ourselves and CH ) by a corrupt moderator spamming 2 sigs and supporting scammers to me. Whilst ignoring the facts I have presented that demonstrate you are an imbecile and unable to process information haha ... Obsessed and triggered by our innocent well meaning revelations of future planned fun and lavish lifestyle. But please control yourself and stay on topic.

Now hilarious an coward. Go forth and bring forward the TROLLING aka the provable false information you have found that you can demonstrate we are presenting as true AFTER it was conclusively debunked. Stop crying about us and CH being wealthy and enjoying our lavish lifestyle. It is upsetting to see you get in such a lather over it. Stay on topic or else I must request in another thread for your off topic comments to be removed. You are deliberately DERAILING our thread.



rather lots of crying that we are not as wealthy as we say hahahahahahahahhahhahahahhhah

Tman here crying that we are not putting up a good fight. NO other contender DARE get in the ring lolololol

13  Other / Meta / Re: Indisputable evidence that ONE MOD here is corrupt and needs removal on: January 14, 2020, 02:14:36 PM
so when is this cunt leaving?

seriously how much effort does TOAA put into trolling us all?

The TRUTH IS NOT TROLLING you auction scamming trust abusing moron.

This thread is EVIDENCE that the corruption and scamming has gone to ADMIN LEVEL. It is UNDENIABLE.

It is also evidence as we have said all along, the scammers and really dangerous members here will try ANYTHING to silence the truth about them. This was our main gripe from the start.

The forum has turned into being all about the MONEY, these sig spammers are not satisfied with their sig dust, they will scam and extort, facilitate and work with scams for financial personal gain whilst trust abusing and creating a 2 tier system so they can punish others who speak up or who are in competition to themselves.

This is clear if you simply look into it for yourselves.

There is undeniable evidence of this pattern of scammy behavior going right to the admin level here. His is on the chipmixer/fortunejack payroll and they pull the mods strings here.

Everything always comes down to the MONEY.  Disgusting. Look how triggered he gets if you mention MONEY or expensive holidays. PATHETIC.

Well thank goodness we are leaving soon. But look at what is going on here with a clear view.

BANNING , DELETING , the truth, when that does not work they just scream trolling and lies WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO EVEN present the lies  hahaha

The entire thing is laughable.  The TRUTH is deleted. The LIES and false accusations are PRESERVED and supported by mods hahaha

Then we have thanks for the brilliant moderation threads. Yeah just a coincidence I am sure. Have not seen one of these thanks for the brilliant moderation threads for EVER. Now one appears today. I mean of course completely by chance.  The more flagrant the mods are part of the scam crew and want to bolster their bogus position the more " how brilliant the mods are threads we need at the same time"


@HILARIOUS and CO you fucking corrupt weasel are you now claiming you did not delete the thread ??

Because who else did it needs to EXPLAIN IN PUBLIC THE REASON for deleting a request based on TRUTH and leaving threads requesting the SAME based on LIES and bullshit.


I call that MOD here to answer.
14  Other / Meta / Indisputable evidence that ONE MOD here is corrupt and needs removal on: January 14, 2020, 01:46:08 PM
Read this thread and understand the wider implications even if you are willing to let is slip because it is our account. The ETHICS of this are fucked.

We noticed a thread Requesting our own ban here on meta (based on false grounds that we had told lies about other members) on that thread we had requested evidence of these lies, the people there are STILL FAILING to present the LIES.  They do not exist that is why, they simply want the truth to be silenced that is why.

AT the same time some scumbag moved tmans thread requesting THE SAME on the SAME spurious grounds from REP to meta to bolster the " opinions" of scammers that we should be banned for presenting THE TRUTH about the.

Also some mod at the SAME TIME deleted 4 of our on topic relevant posts.

SO here we have 2 threads based on OBSERVABLE FALSE ACCUSATIONS ALLOWED TO STAY IN META, they do not even attempt to present evidence because they KNOW there is NO EVIDENCE they simply do not LIKE us telling the TRUTH about them and their pals. TOUGH SHIT MOFOS.

We created a thread of a similar/identical nature requesting TMAN be banned. OUR thread compiled undeniable observable instances of TMans auction scamming, extortion, blackmail, self confessed trust abuse and proliferation of a mass of other UNDENIABLE negatives this person fills the board with. I MEAN REAL REASONS THAT POSE A CLEAR DANGER TO OTHER MEMBERS AND REAL REASONS THAT SOMEONE COULD BE PUNISHED FOR.


This is clear and indisputable evidence that one of the mods here ( obviously hilarious and co ) is allowing only a ONE SIDED AND INCORRECT REPRESENTATION  of events. This is SCAMMING. You can not silence the truth and PUSH LIES and be a moderator. This is disgraceful.

How can this be permitted?HuhHuhHuhHuhHuh

We did quote such moons post from that thread.

Who here can prove that thread was deleted and archive it??
How can our thread be deleted??? when it was stacked full of indisputable independently verifiable reasons that demonstrate someone is completely dangerous and net negative. THEN LEAVE threads we have debunked as pure garbage?? THIS MOD NEEDS REMOVAL it is UNDENIABLE.

Who can resurrect that thread so we can debate why OURS is removed when it is TRUE and their threads LFC and TMAN threads remain and they are FALSE

That is a post we quoted that proves this happened. Who can prove that thread did exist?? There is NOT EVEN ANY EVIDENCE OF THIS IN OUR MESSAGES which usually registers the spurious deletes??

LoyceV could but obviously he will say he is too busy to do it.

This is one the STRONGEST examples of MODS being in on this 2 tier system. It is undeniable.

How the fuck do you remove a request for ban BASED on observable TRUTHS then leave 2 requests for that persons ban based on LIES they can not even produce any evidence to support when called on it.

Bogus scum bag mod needs to be kicked off here. There is NO OTHER explanation. THE MOST clear example of ONE SIDED moderation. There can be NO DENIAL.


where is that thread HuhHuhHuhHuhHuh??

When the corruption goes to the highest levels then you really do need to worry. I mean if it stopped at sub admin level then you had a SLIGHT outside chance to pull these scammers out of their entrenched positions. BUT WHEN mods are in on that crew you are totally FUCKED. They can just delete your posts at will and if you can not post then you really have ZERO chance. The forum is fucked if they allow this type of one sided corrupt moderation.

Some mod is out of control. Get them OUT FFS. They are meant to be impartial.

If you let mods get involved in board politics and paid by sig campaign managers that are also political then you will never have impartial moderation. I mean they should really not be posting from 2 accounts to max their sig spamming income and including people with proven financial wrong doing in their past. HOW THE FUCK can this type of person be relied upon to be an impartial moderator LOL


15  Other / Meta / Re: Requesting a permanent ban for The-One-Above-All on: January 14, 2020, 01:08:38 AM
Since it seems okay to break local rules in META especially when defending YOUR OWN BAN LOL

we tested it and as you see, it does not work.

How about people just crush the accused's defense?? that would be better and a more credible case for the BAN right?? let's get to the bottom of this for REAL.

However I want to JOIN the debate, rather than derail the debate (which I never do anyway). Let's make a start. Right now I am voting for not even a temp ban because posting the truth is not an offense this forum should be banning people for.

1. LFC bitcoins claim is that you should ban someone for making " with outrageous accusations against good quality posters & trustworthy, valuable members of the community."

let's run with that ...

Which of the posts that LFC lists as evidence MEET THAT CRITERIA.

I mean all you need to do is demonstrate that our central points ABOUT THOSE "valuable members of the community" are untrue and you can debunk them clearly.

I mean NOBODY debunked any of the claims on the dirty turds thread did they?? why ?? because they are observable instances. Can you debunk observable instances ... WELL you can try to nutildah the evidence away so they are no longer observable I guess. Perhaps try with that one.

I think we need to drill down on the "with outrageous accusations against good quality posters & trustworthy, valuable members of the community."  

Which are the outrageous accusations?? let's start with that.

We can bring in later the senible and credible punishments for varying degrees of danger posed by each member later.

Let's get started. I want to know for real if it is sensible to ban us. I mean I don't think making " outrageous accusations against good quality posters & trustworthy, valuable members of the community" is very nice at all so if this is TRUE. Who will be first to demonstrate these accusations are incorrect and debunk them conclusively.

Who will go first?? LFC bitcoin. Why don't you take the lead or even TMan since this is your idea.  

I mean the person who said we are sealioning or whatever that is. Have another look on the dirty turds threads. These are the LIES and TROLLING they believe exist.  Now we have supplied observable instances so this is not sealioning at all. If the observable instances are not REAL and never took place that is different. Let's all have a nice long look at it all.

I mean the VERY LAST THING we want to do is accuse valuable honest members of things they HAVE NOT DONE, that would be clearly wrong and certainly grounds (when they are proven incorrect which they should be since they are relating to things they have posted here and people can verify) for some form of public punishment at the least as a deterrent to stop them doing it again.

Let's all be sensible and just get to the bottom of this.
16  Economy / Reputation / Re: OPEN CHALLENGE to o_e_l_e_o - Watch us humiliate this fucking troll in public ! on: January 14, 2020, 12:53:39 AM
We notice the CHICKEN SHIT TROLL o_e_l_e_o

Does not dare come here and present his evidence that we have been trolling , he can not even FIND ONE a single 1 instance of one of our central points that he can debunk or prove are false/ and incorrect.

BUT CAN SEE THE CHALLENGE because he is here giving merit to suchmoon above LOL

What a coward and troll he seems to be. Humiliation wasn't hard to achieve was it. Imagine this wimpy weasel in real life ... pathetic.
17  Other / Meta / Re: 🥺 HAVE A NICE TRIP! on: January 14, 2020, 12:42:45 AM
I mean of course we can not prove you are not enjoying large bags of BTC like ourselves having also already cashed out MILLIONS FOR REAL,

Although I believe you, that’s not too impressive.  I myself cracked Satoshi’s private keys by performing esoteric rites, and then quantum-meditating until my soul developed the power of sumperimposing all possible keys in all possible universes into a single O(1) bruteforce attempt that is mathematically guaranteed to succeed.  FOR REAL.  My soul makes Shor’s Algorithm as obsolete as doing point multiplications on an abacus.

With great power comes great responsibility; and I don’t want to inadvertently FUD the Bitcoin market by revealing any proof of my mystical achievement.  So sorry, you will must needs take my word for it.

@ nullius I mean for the massive amount of self congratulatory trying to sound smart nerd waffle.




go read some more books and memorize their achievements and discoveries then you can regurgitate them here and you may seem smart to some.


Feel free to debunk any of our points. We would like a bit of a challenge before we leave. This is really getting silly now. Come on you have the GREAT NULLIUS lol surely this genius can find a chink in the armor??

It must perplex you that when I write long posts, they accrue to me fame for the classic “nullius post” celebrated by adoring fans, and oft showered with merits; but when you write long posts, you become known as a deranged troll almost unanimously ignore-listed in a decentralized mass-agreement nearly tantamount to a forum consensus rule.

How, too, it must burn.  No wonder you are obsessed with ridiculing my intelligence.  Doth protest too much, methinks.

As for your “challenge” to “debunk” your alleged “points”, hilarious already hit the nail on the head.  Generalizing what he said:  You haven’t actually made any points.  All you have ever done is to emit a confusing tangle of rapid-fire bare assertions, wild accusations, and vague insinuations.  Shifting the burden of proof to others is, in your case, worse than fallacious:  It is quite silly.  Dare I say, it is hilarious.

Ok. If this isn't a troll thread then please provide verifiable proof of these unbacked claims by posting evidence of your great successes and also this fancy expensive vacation you're going on, because I don't believe you. Otherwise I'm just going to assume you're going to stay in your basement whilst lurking on the forum.

come on time is running out guys. THERE WILL BE NO MORE POSTS our friend is in a tournament on the 18th and we must be there to support him. He actually has even more money that ourselves. Imagine that all earned from doing something fun.

Anyway, it’s been nice chatting; but you belong back in my ignore list, and anyway, you are too busy enjoying your MILLIONS FOR REAL and supporting your rich friend in his tournament and whatever.  Thus I regret, I must bid you farewell.  This forum will miss your presence as terribly as a cancer survivor misses cancer.

Cheers, and

🥺 Have a nice trip!

Bla bla bla nerd spew waffle.

You seem to lurching from one attack to the other , all of which are equally weak and pathetic. Stop trying so hard to sound so smart. We will only smash it with basic english and strong reasoning. You will end up looking like that idiot that has the BIG NOISY exhausted fitted to their 20 year old shitbox car revving hard at the lights against someone with a new 488 or tuned 720s. haha

You make a semi convincing noise, but when you place it under even shallow analysis and scrutiny it all starts to fall to pieces.

1. we have offered to dispel the claims of being unable to even demonstrate we control wallets with 1 btc to 50 BTC but tman ran away. As we say 50 BTC is not that much but it is more than YOU are showing as evidence isn't it you bum. I saw you offering to make some improvements to tor or some other shit the other day, but demanding PAYMENT first. Do some work around here for free you scum bag are you an enthusiast of this movement or not?? Your malnourished mind is seemingly very damaged. Those claiming empathy is something to deride ( like you have) is nothing other than a sociopath like lauda ( your alt more than likely)

2. No it does not surprise me at all. The unpopular truth is not going to get many merits from those beneficiaries of the status quo those truths place in danger of being ousted by more deserving individuals.

3. You CLAIMING observable and undeniable independently verifiable instances of scamming, lying, trust abuse, and other financially motivated wrong doing is NOT MAKING A POINT.  Does not mean the point is not CLEAR that you are supporting those types and that they should not be in positions of trust.

Sorry to dubunk your nerd speak garbage, but this kind of " trying to sound knowledgeable and smart" and intimidating people with flowery waffle does not work with us.

Try again nerdius. Don't run away. We like reading your nerd speak garbage and pulling it to pieces with some good old basic simplistic but robust enough terms.

You must be talking about someone who wants to be taken away by some filthy little mutations rather than man up and take the appropriate  action themselves. I hear ya bro..

Run away loser Smiley
18  Economy / Reputation / Re: @PrimeNumber7 is an alt account of @Quickseller on: January 13, 2020, 11:23:01 PM
I think if someone has proofs of the connection he would open a thread about it with something solid. Bumping this thread is purely equal to stirring unnecessary drama.

You don't see any irony in your comment?

There is no concrete "proof" of the matter -- there is only varying degrees of evidence, most of which hasn't been posted. If you do the research yourself you might stumble upon it.

There's also no "proof" that gravity is real.

I see no evidence at all this PN7 is QS. Also imagine people who DELIBERATELY replicate peoples style then start doing untrustworthy things to SCAM the bullshit writing style analysis. If something can RECOGNIZE a provable style match SOMETHING CAN REPLICATE a style match. Therefore that is NOT reliable and can be weaponized.

I don't think they appear the same person after comparing samples of both.

There can really be ZERO proof of alt. Like there can be ZERO proof of someone selling their account then the new person announcing it was not sold. This is anonymous forum for a reason. Can we give this kind of proof to your account selling??

I mean the evidence of you not being the original nutildah is VERY COMPELLING from a financial perspective.
But that is NOT PROOF.

Better we stick to the same standards for all members. QS is of is not an alt of PN7. You will need more than a possible style match for proof.

A vote for NOT the same person on the basis we will never know. I would rather not destroy and innocent account.
19  Other / Meta / Re: THE FINAL SHOWDOWN - ALL DT , MODS and THEYMOS -- take us of ignore!!!!! on: January 13, 2020, 10:40:33 PM
We need a bitcointalk one of these:

Just leave if you're going to. No need for the overdramatic death-rattle.

reporting for off topic and irrelevant just to demonstrate this board is broken when it gets a merit from the mods and marked bad...

thanks suchmoon. Smiley

Thats one girl that has learned her lesson about facing us in debate and getting OWNED hard, haha won't make that mistake will again will you. I was looking forward to some of your famous self debunking .

How is it off topic? It's a appropriate warning to anyone who might not be aware that they're wasting their time on a troll who only wants attention and this is yet another look at me troll thread where you over-compensate and desperately try to get others to believe that you're somewhat of a success with a lot of money and not just an autistic loser who's been colossally wasting his time banging his head against a brink wall for the past year or so.

Here is your FINAL CHANCE GUYS. We shall likely NOT return at all again after the next 2 days. It is time to start enjoying ourselves (even more) . We have a lot of fun living ahead of us, and perhaps not even time enough to burn though the resources we have already accumulated here regardless of the lavish system we will choose to do it in. Thanks to theymos and this forum for that. No question we are grateful and appreciate this forum has and still is a great place for the most part. We wish many more our similar success.

Let's give you ALL one last opportunity to clearly demonstrate the lack of value, and TROLLING of our posts.

Ok. If this isn't a troll thread then please provide verifiable proof of these unbacked claims by posting evidence of your great successes and also this fancy expensive vacation you're going on, because I don't believe you. Otherwise I'm just going to assume you're going to stay in your basement whilst lurking on the forum.

Ah hilarious and coward ( been deleting a lot of our on topic and relevant posts today haven't we) EVEN FROM OUR OWN SELF MODERATED THREADS. Hopefully rushing to weaponize the " deleted posts metric" LOL but has never managed to demonstrate EVEN 1 was really off topic and irrelevant EVER LOL after multiple challenges to do so. Whilst merit posts that simply scream " don't feed the troll" or marking as BAD reports of posts that simply say " shut up you used tampon" or " who made this cunt bleed". I mean he did try to stand before us in debate once of twice but soon realized that was not a smart move LOL.

It is nice to see you are upset and triggered at the truthful knowledge we are off on a very long and very expensive vacation. I mean you must have missed the 50BTC challenge that TMAN ran away from after he started claiming we could not even sign a message from a 10 btc wallet. Of course 50BTC is not a very large amount but since you are certain that we are cryptohunter ( we are not) then can you imagine the probability of someone being on nearly every single launch of wave 1 alts, being a NEM STAKE holder ( 300BTC right there) of course best to have MORE than one of those, but the real icing on the cake that will have you crying and biting into your pillow is the thread where he picked out 6 of the greatest rising projects of 2018 bull way before it happened. He was thanked by many (some publicly ) for making them wealthy beyond all expectations. I mean to PRETEND not to believe he is wealthy beyond you wildest dreams is just silly isn't it?? GO CHECK IT OUT YOU BUM.

You heard it here first guys. You say you are now going on a very expensive holiday. YOU ARE A TROLL and should be banned perm unless you can provide the verifiable personal information so he can check you are going on such a vacation.  LOLOLOL

@ nullius I mean for the massive amount of self congratulatory trying to sound smart nerd waffle. I see only a couple of points being made.

Nerdius OBVIOUSLY being eating laudas asshole regularly and on NEARLY EVERY POST SINCE HIS Dubious return Knows EXACTLY how to spell felching and will give you lesser ass munchers a detailed video guide of him doing in perfectly to laudas full satisfaction.  Well done nerdius. That was actually a good one.

Now for his whistleblower genius distinction..... well nerdius, imagine a large pool of people that DO NOT KNOW SOMETHING about something very scammy and wrong,  and a tiny tiny tiny few that do know something. If one from the tiny pool that do know reveal it to the big pool THEY WILL BE PUNISHED WITH RED TRUST AND other such request like having their account nuked. Can you see the similarity?? probably not , go read some more books and memorize their achievements and discoveries then you can regurgitate them here and you may seem smart to some.

The only thing nerdius really demonstrates is how fucking disgustingly corrupt and devious he is. I mean he is ass licking REAL SCAMMERS and trust abusers and then saying those "whistle blowing on his scamming pals" must be red trusted because they say empathy is valid and he says empathy is something to avoid. What a turd.


Telling the truth ...perhaps that is what you all mean?? did you think that is trolling around here?? LOL

Feel free to debunk any of our points. We would like a bit of a challenge before we leave. This is really getting silly now. Come on you have the GREAT NULLIUS lol surely this genius can find a chink in the armor?? come on time is running out guys. THERE WILL BE NO MORE POSTS our friend is in a tournament on the 18th and we must be there to support him. He actually has even more money that ourselves. Imagine that all earned from doing something fun. Hilarious and co will be foaming at the mouth... Well you would not find it fun because you are a bunch of beta pussies and would die in the first 2 mins or start crying and begging for mercy.. haha.

There will be no more posting from us after the 15th. So hurry up we will be locking most of our threads at that point (if we get the time).

Hilarious and co how have you been here all these years and still have to spam 2 sigs .. I mean I know probably most do but come on surely you must have made  something in the last bullrun?? Only nutildah is still begging for 0.02btc loans ( but that is likely an imposter) I mean some alts went up 300x and many made 100x or at least 50x. What happened?? didn't buy that expert investor guide from nutildah did you?? You should have read cryptohunters guide that made people with fuck all into millionaires.  We did.

I mean of course we can not prove you are not enjoying large bags of BTC like ourselves having also already cashed out MILLIONS FOR REAL, but then you must just be one greedy son of bitch. Why not give others a chance. Remove your sigs?? are you not a real bitcoin enthusiast. We offered to be mods here for free and have no sigs. As we can see, we are far smarter too?

Anyway we await the original challenges to be met. I think we will be waiting forever at this rate. Come on step it up guys.

We only post the truth about you guys as you know really. Why would we lie about ourselves. Having a lot of money is not something to boast about it is crass and toe curling. It is simply the truth, and I though you would all be pleased we have done so well for ourselves. We were simply saying thank you before we leave. No need to be so upset hilarious and coward.
20  Other / Meta / Re: THE FINAL SHOWDOWN - ALL DT , MODS and THEYMOS -- take us of ignore!!!!! on: January 13, 2020, 06:12:34 PM
Time to ban OP I guess.

Looks like off topic posting PLEADING by lauda - he does not like whistleblowers since he is busted scamming , extorting , trust abusing and shady escrow regularly  BAN BAN BAN they cried the scammer and his friends, the truth must not be told about us in public else how can we keep scamming and trust abusing, and extorting they said.

LOL ban the truth please theymos they cry.... not knowing that will only increase the arsenal of those that decide to take up the torch.
find the lauda section it is a very interesting read

THEYMOS should ban all the whistleblowers and promote all the scammers lauda says. Who agrees with him?? well everyone that wants to keep on DT and spamming a sig does thats for sure. ahah

and some other wittering by those he bullies around like LFC bitcoin.

BUT STILL NO EVIDENCE to back up their false claims of trolling LOLOL

Please stay on topic and meet the challenges we have set out for you. NO more screaming what you WANT with no evidence to substantiate your FAUX and DECEPTIVE stated reasons for requesting the ban. IT is clear the real reason is that you all hate the truth being presented about you. Sorry that must be hard.

Please stop sending the self exploding cannon fodder scammers with NO EVIDENCE we request, NO EXAMPLES of our trolling and huge packets of self igniting dynamite self scamming evidence in their ring pieces. It is making a big mess of the sensible debate and opportunities I am offering the entire board to demonstrate they are telling the truth that we are spreading lies, bullshit and incorrect nonsense everywhere. LOL

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