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181  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: --> Deutscher Altcoin-Blog on: December 03, 2018, 06:09:34 AM
Die Twitter-Crypto-Bereinigungspolizei hat aus welchen Gründen auch immer auch meinen aktuellen Account @altcoindad stillgelegt  Huh
Ich bin aktuell also nicht mehr auf Twitter zu finden.
Hier übrigens der Link zur Aktion:

Was ist denn jetzt  Huh Dein Account wurde gesperrt  Angry Ich hatte gehofft, dass ich bald deine tweets wieder verfolgen kann...
Haben die sich wenigstens mit ner Begründung gemeldet, oder herscht bei Twitter jetzt die totale Zensur?

Kann man bei Twitter dann nicht einfach einen neuen Account anlegen. Afaik gibt man doch nur seine E-Mailadresse an, oder?

Das könnte ich. Aber warum sollte ich mich für dieses Zensurunternehmen weiter engagieren?

Ist Dein Account immer noch gesperrt? Konntest Du in Erfahrung bringen warum der gesperrt wurde?

Ich weiß nur das die Zahl meiner Follower auf Twitter mit der Zeit sank obwohl ich eigentlich neue hinzugewann.
182  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: CoinAnalyst ICO - Savedroid 2.0? on: December 02, 2018, 11:49:28 AM
Man muss hier im Grunde gar nichts kommentieren - achtet auf Namen und Datum:


Verhaftungswelle! Game over für Bonofa? - 24/05/2016

Was ist Bonofa? Warum ist Bonofa so interessant für jeden?Warum wird es funktionieren? Warum müssen Wir niemanden überzeugen? Warum haben wir extremes Wachstum? Warum hat endlich jeder mal die Chance an einem großen Deal zu partizipieren?

Welcome Michael Thomale! - Jul. 18, 2016

Due to the fact that BONOFA AG has adjusted its business activities (...)

Bonofa’s Top leader, Michael Thomale, has been a significant partner for negotiations with OneCoin.

(...) We are extremely happy Michael is part of the One Dream Team and welcome him on behalf of all our partners!

Und jetzt: Einfach auf "Team" klicken und überraschen lassen:
183  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CoinAnalyst – Maximize your trading profits w/ News, Scam Detection & more on: December 02, 2018, 11:32:54 AM
Hey Coinanalyst, have you ever heard of "Bonofa" and "Alphapool"?

There is a whole german Wiki-article about it, just a few lines:

"Mehreren Angeklagten wird vorgeworfen, seit 2005 über Jahre hinweg in betrügerischer Absicht ein Geschäftsmodell aus kombinierten Methoden des Netzwerk-Marketings und Merkmalen eines „partiellen“ Schneeballsystems betrieben zu haben, um sich zum Schaden der Anleger persönlich zu bereichern. Die dabei nach außen wirkenden Firmenkonstrukte trugen die Namen „Alphapool“ und „BONOFA“.[6] Nur vorgeblich wurden die von Anlegern aus Altersvorsorge und Ersparnissen frei gestellten Gelder investiert, wobei jedoch stets im Unklaren blieb, woher die in Aussicht gestellten Gewinnausschüttungen überhaupt stammen sollten. Augenscheinlich sollte dies durch ein komplexes Bonussystem und selbst hergestellte Computersoftware verschleiert werden. Das Geschäftsmodell weist insofern ebenfalls Züge eines Ponzi-Schema auf. Es brach schließlich im Jahre 2016 zusammen, nachdem die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Unregelmäßigkeiten monierte.

Aufgrund der weltweit reichenden Verflechtungen der hier aufgebauten, multinationalen Vertriebsstruktur über das Internet erfährt das Verfahren ein deutlich überregionales Medienecho."

An article in english about Bonofa:

Bonofa Management Arrested In Germany For $100 Million Fraud

Focus on the date of the article above: MAY 25, 2016

One guy who heavily promoted it: Michael Thomale

"Was ist Bonofa? Warum ist Bonofa so interessant für jeden?Warum wird es funktionieren? Warum müssen Wir niemanden überzeugen? Warum haben wir extremes Wachstum? (...) "

Bonofa Host Michael Thomale:

Michael Thomale erwartet 100 internationale Gästeösschen-ins-neue-Jahr-–-Gastgeber-Michael-Thomale-erwartet-300-internationale-Gäste.pdf

His next step was this - Jul. 18, 2016:

Welcome Michael Thomale!

Due to the fact that BONOFA AG has adjusted its business activities  -because of the recent situation in the last few weeks- the key distributors of the company have decided to join the currently fastest growing company in the industry. After a very careful consideration and analysis, we have decided for OneCoin – OneLife – OneAcademy family which is led by Dr. Ruja Ignatova.


Bonofa’s Top leader, Michael Thomale, has been a significant partner for negotiations with OneCoin.


In order for the former BONOFA business partners to do the transition into the amazing opportunity that OneCoin presents, One Dream Team has put together a special tour headed by Mr. Udo Deppisch and Mr. Pascal-Rene Andre. Now the new Bonofa Team has the opportunity to get to know and to use the amzing cryptocurrency education packages from the OneAcademy. This new fresh start of the BONOFA organization, which has a dominant position not only on the European market but also on the key markets like: Asia, Afica, South America, India, eastern Europe and the Caribbean; will enable OneLife/OneCoin to build and develop these markets even more strongly and widely.

And that is the reason why all involved parties are looking forward to a productive and long-term cooperation. We are extremely happy Michael is part of the One Dream Team and welcome him on behalf of all our partners!

Why that might be interesting for you?

A very short summary - to not overstrain your algo's:

  • Until it's meltdown: Bonofa
  • Right after: Onecoin
  • Now: Look who is one of your new friends - just click on "team":

Featured by: [ANN] CoinAnalyst – Maximize your trading profits w/ News, Scam Detection & more
184  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CoinAnalyst – Maximize your trading profits w/ News, Scam Detection & more on: December 02, 2018, 01:23:30 AM
Coinanalyst proves that its software or product doesn't work. Otherwise Coinanalyst would have to classify itself as a scam.  There are so many clues where every serious investor must turn on the warning lights.  If you want to lose money you should invest in this ICO, but if you are smart you prefer to invest in existing coins that are really cheap nowadays.

Yes, it really is astonishing and impossible to explain. Or, maybe they could explain it but just don't want it? The Coinanalyst-Account was online several times yesterday and also today. But probably it really is hard to explain that...

1) ...they promote their project as "Scam-Detection-System" as described above as Thread-Description
2) ...make business with Nexus Global
3) ...and a video-chat with the CEO of Nexus Global
4) ...who also was a speaker for OneLife/OneCoin
5) ...posted on the same YT-Channel also Ruja Ignatova was promoted - the Mastermind behind OneCoin

If the guys from Coinanalyst don't even get something like an "internal alert" from whomever, or Google, once the term OneCoin shows up, only two possibilities are left:

[] They are not even able to use Google for a short verification of new business-partners
[] They simply don't care

Just btw, the Bafin alerted in April 2017

@Coinanalyst: Just add an X if you don't have the time to explain because selling your ICO outside Crypto is so time consuming.

185  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CoinAnalyst – Maximize your trading profits w/ News, Scam Detection & more on: December 01, 2018, 11:57:30 AM
You saw everything right @tempus mate. I'm also confused by the numbers they write.
If this algorithm were real, some kind of exchange or rating agency would have bought them back long ago. But there are simply no such figures and I do not think that someone will be able to set up such an artificial intellect in the near future.

The more I think about this project, the more I start to believe that there is not much to find what is real. My theory is: This ICO is not really about Coinanalyst but the company behind: Cogia. The team is pretty much the same and Pascal Lauria is CEO of both. Cogia also did a crowdfunding in 2016 and got about 365k Euro and they were not profitable - Quote:

Bei der COIN ANALYST UG handelt es sich lt. White Paper des Projektes um ein Spin-off der Cogia GmbH. Einer Gesellschaft, die schon durchaus Erfahrung mit Crowdinvesting hat, wurde doch erst 2016 ein erfolgreiches Crowdinvesting auf der Plattform Companisto durchgeführt. Das Unternehmen hat sich dort € 365.310,- an nachrangigen Darlehen geholt. Lt. damaligen Pitchdeck wurde das Geld für Marktaktivitäten benötigt, detto wie jetzt. Aus dem Pitchdeck, erstellt für das damalige Crowdfunding, ergibt sich das 2015 und 2016 ein Umsatz von jeweils € 600.000 erzielt wurde mit Kosten von ein wenig mehr als € 600.000,- also mit einem negativen Ergebnis. (...)

They try to sell their ICO with pointing on Cogia as successful company but what if the opposite is true? What if they try to get money in Crypto because Cogia is not just not successful but on it's way to bankruptcy?

My theory is: They've seen that their friends from Savedroid, also a not successful startup, got tons of money due to their Crowdfunding, so they decided:
"Let's do that as well, let's get millions from stupid Crypto-Kids who buy everything!"

And because they've never thought about Crypto before, why put much work into it?

  • They've started a partnership with Savedroid
  • Copied whole parts out of the Savedroid-Whitepaper
  • Made a website with the "Made in Germany - brand", exactly like Savedroid
  • Even took the Spreadsheet from Savedroid, randomly changed the numbers
  • Showed a Demo-Price-Chart, like Savedroid
  • Used a lot of Buzz-Words like Savedroid - "AI" and so on...
  • And Savedroid promoted Coinanalyst in their own Community

But: Because Savedroid already had burned their own Credibility with their PR-Stunts and all their lies (where is the Top5-exchange btw?) and because the market had changed by a lot, it was much harder to get money.

Initially they planned to finish their Crowdfunding end of October 2018. That's still to find in the first post of this thread. And they also said that they don't need a soft-cap what actually means: "We'll take what we get and it's fine." But, since nearly nobody wanted to give them money after the Savedroid-debacle, they extended the ICO to end of December.

But: Obviously also more time didn't help much, so they decided to sell tokens to the MLM-Guys and former OneCoin-Promoter from Nexus Global. Probably they also hoped that they would be good in marketing, but funny enough: It also does not help. The Nexus-Global-Coinanalyst-videos on YouTube have a hard time to get any views:

The interesting part is: To really deliver they would have to be experts when it's about social networking. The whole project is about that! But they are not able to get attention. But wait... is that true? Yes and no because also when it's about social activity nothing seems to fit together.

A look at the numbers:

Telegram: They have > 30k members.
That's actually very good compared to many project channels I know. It's just odd that I never saw much activity there before I was kicked. Even the most controversial topics barely get any reaction.

Twitter: 2469 Follower

Surprsing actually.. They have 30k Members on Telegram but not even 1/10th of that on Twitter?

But wait, at least they constantly get hundreds of retweets, a random example:

That's actually pretty weird. Let's take a look at a random tweet from...

NEO - they have >300k Followers: --> Only 62 Retweets!

Ethereum - they have > 400k Follower: --> 62 Retweets

A similar picture on Facebook: They get so much attention there! So many likes and comments! And they've tried to explain that:

In short: They say that are bounty-hunters. But wait: Wouldn't bounty hunters also be active here for example?

Bitcointalk: This thread was started on June 12, 2018. It has 6 pages and only 2615 views. Where are the bounty hunters, where is the community? Only on Facebook?

Reddit: It's a total desert. Where are the bounty hunters, where is the Community?

YouTube: 55 Abo's and after 1 months their most actual video only has 81 views:

1) They have much less (!) Followers on Twitter than Ethereum but they get more Retweets?
2) They have more than 30k Members on Telegram but there is nearly no activity?
3) They have tons of Bounty-Hunters on Facebook but nowhere else?
4) They want to be a Crypto-project but this Thread and Reddit are deserts without any activity and they don't care to reply on posts like above at all?
5) And while their Tweets get hundreds on Retweets their Videos on YouTube don't get 50 views after 1 week?

How is that possible?

Nothing adds up here... It seems as if they bought a bunch of fake-posts on Facebook and fake-retweets on Twitter but forgot to do the same on YouTube. They claim to have many bounty hunters on Facebook - but only there and nobody wants to buy their token. There is no Community.

That's why they try to sell their Token to Nexus-Global because selling their ICO is everything they care about.

1) They don't care about reputation
2) They don't care if serious exchanges would list their token
3) They don't care about replying on posts like above or reacting on damaging articles.
4) If there are critical users on their Channel they use the "delete & exit - feature" and that's it.

Good luck with that and with Nexus-Global.
My prediction is: It won't help. Reputation and a real community are pretty important in Crypto.

186  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: CoinAnalyst ICO - Savedroid 2.0? on: December 01, 2018, 09:59:46 AM
Da man mich wissen ließ, dass nachdem ich aus dem Coinanalyst-Channel gekickt wurde auch meine Posts verschwunden sind, dachte ich, es kann vielleicht nicht schaden hier nen Backup zu posten. Finde, die Screenshots passen auch deshalb so gut in diesen Thread CoinAnalyst ICO - Savedroid 2.0? weil es schon wirklich sehr an Savedroid erinnert - erstens warum man gebannt wird und wie schnell, und wie sie zweitens versuchen nicht nur nicht auf Kritik und kritische Fragen einzugehen, sondern solche Texte am besten verschwinden zu lassen. Gleichzeitig behaupten sie die ganze Zeit wie gut und wichtig sie Kritik finden.

Das sind Posts vom 29. November, also noch bevor mir klar wurde das deren neuen Freunde auch mal für OneCoin getrommelt haben. Die Uhrzeiten sind nicht original, sondern zeigen offenbar an wann die Posts weitergeleitet wurden.

Der erste Post den ich überhaupt je in deren Channel machte:

Antwort von Coinanalyst:

Antwort von mir:

Man beachte, bei der Antwort von Coinanalyst wie gut und wichtig er findet das man sich kritisch mit dem Projekt auseinandersetzt. Das erinnert an Sprüche wie diesen hier:

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Ihr uns weiterhin auf den Zahn fühlt! Wir werden auch in Zukunft ehrlich und transparent antworten – und nachjustieren, wenn es berechtigt ist.

Aber ist schon ein bisschen heuchlerisch wenn man genau das nicht tut sondern Leute erstens rauskickt um dann auch noch Posts zu löschen? Und ich bin da ja absolut nicht der erste - Kurzes Beispiel an dieser Stelle (Ich poste nur die ersten zwei Zeilen) -  

Derjenige wurde offenbar gebannt weil er diesen Artikel im Coinanalyst-Channel gepostet hat:


Und gehört der Artikel denn da nicht rein - immerhin gehts darin doch um Coinanalyst - aber nein, der ist ja voller Lügen und so... Deshalb haben sie ja auch sehr schnell eine Richtigstellung veröffentlich, richtig? Richtig? Würde ein professionelles und seriöses Projekt nicht genau das tun wenn Medien Mist schreiben? Ja, seriöse Projekte würden auf solche Artikel reagieren. Aber falls es eine Stellungnahme/Richtigstellung von Coinanalyst geben sollte, habe ich die bisher nirgends finden können - und das obwohl jener Artikel bereits 10 Tage alt ist.

Genau wie Savedroid müssen wohl auch diese Typen noch lernen, dass genau das was sie verschwinden lassen wollen im Zweifel noch öffentlicher wird. ;-)

@Coinanalyst: Hier ist noch ne Menge worauf jemand ehrlich und transparent antworten könnte. Und auch diese Posts entstanden als Reaktion auf Eure Unfähigkeit in Eurem Channel offen und transparent auf kritische Themen einzugehen:

So ein Scheiß das ihr offenbar nicht wusstet, dass man hier auch moderierte Threads starten kann um dann ebenfalls ganz transparent zensieren zu können.

Welcome to Crypto! ;-)

187  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: CoinAnalyst ICO - Savedroid 2.0? on: November 30, 2018, 08:30:20 PM
Nachdem ich vor einer Woche den Key account Manager von Coinanalyst gefragt habe wie ihr ICO läuft gab er mir folgende Antwort:

Zitat "Er läuft anders als geplant. Nicht über die Community sondern über Großinvestoren."

Seit heute ist mir klar was er damit gemeint hat. Der Scam geht weiter

Starker Tobak, man kann nur hoffen, dass die irgendwann zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Egal ob direkt oder nur indirekt beteiligt, aber da scheinen ja schon etablierte Seilschaften am Werk zu sein.

Mir gefällt dieser Absatz hier:

"Der ICO der COINANALYST läuft laut ICObench bereits seit Juli 2018 und ist offenbar ein veritabler Ladenhüter. Die Kenner der Krypto-Szene haben bisher eine weiten Bogen um das deutsche Projekt gemacht. Es ist nicht bekannt wieviel von den angestrebten EUR 20 Millionen das Projekt tatsächlich schon eingenommen hat durch den Verkauf seiner COY Token. Wir vermuten auf Grund der diversen Postings in Foren und in den sozialen Medien, dass bisher kaum signifikante Einnahmen zu verbuchen waren."

Glaube, wir dürfen uns angesprochen fühlen.   Grin

Bedenklich finde ich mittlerweile, dass der Lukas Fiedler (neuer Altcoinspekulant), immer noch Advisor dieses Scams ist. Insbesondere da er sich mit dm eigenen Projekt bezüglich seiner Kommentare im telegram auch nicht mit Ruhm bekleckert. Ich lese seinen Block sowieso nur noch wenn Marc etwas postet.

Bin da deiner Meinung und hatte das auch schon im August geschrieben. Der Altcoinspekulant-Blog kann man leider nicht mehr als seriöse Quelle bezeichnen (bis auf die Veröffentlichungen von Marc, über die ich aber eigentlich auch nur hier im Forum erfahre) wenn der Betreiber bei solchen zwielichtigen ICOs berät und das auch noch mehrmalig verteitigt.

Das Problem ist wirklich das mittlerweile zu viele dem schnellen Geld hinterherlaufen. Projekte denen es nur noch darum geht Token in ICO's zu verkaufen und die sich nen Dreck darum scheren inwiefern ihre Aktionen langfristigen Schaden anrichten könnten (und ich würde mal vermuten es geht an keinem Projekt spurlos vorüber sich mit OneCoin-Promotern zusammenzutun) und dann diese ganzen "Influencer" die auch einfach mitnehmen was kurzfristig zu funktionieren scheint.

Was ich so lachhaft finde ist dass die, genau wie Savedroid, herumposaunen wie übel Scams sind und ihre Technologie könne Scams rausfiltern - und dann lassen sie sich ausgerechnet von OneCoin-Promotern helfen! Das ist so krank.

Und noch verrückter wirds wenn man sich anschaut wie gut das funktioniert... Diese Nexus-Global-Typen verstehen ihr Handwerk ja nicht mal. Die Videos kriegen keine 20 Klicks! Auf Twitter spuken die auch herum... Typen die oft keine 100 Follower haben bewerben Coinanalyst.

Was ich mittlerweile glaube: Auch diese Congia-Firma die hinter Coinanalyst steht ist nicht so erfolgreich wie sie gerne vorgeben würden. Google-Rezensionen: Eine.

Oder deren YouTube Channel:

Auch die kriegen so gut wie keine Klicks. Und das sollen Social-Media-Experten sein?

Was sie erreicht haben ist nen Telegram-Channel mit 30tausend Leuten die nie was sagen und Tonnen von Fake-Reviews auf Facebook.

Traue es mich ja fast nicht zu sagen, aber da wirkt ja selbst Savedroid noch kompetent gegen.  ;-)

Okay, das nehme ich zurück... kommen wohl alle aus der gleichen "Frankfurter Schule".
188  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] savedroid ICO - CRYPTOCURRENCIES FOR EVERYONE | MAIN SALE 9 FEB 2018 on: November 30, 2018, 03:26:52 PM
Because Savedroid and Coinanalyst are good friends and partners and Savedroid has done a lot to hype the Coinanalyst-ICO, some Savedroid-community-members here might also be interested in this:

Hey Coinanalyst, I'm surprised that you didn't announce your new relationship with Nexus Global here! Why?

News: CoinAnalyst ICO with exclusive benefits for Nexus Global members!

And in this interesting video your CEO presents Coinanalyst for Nexus-Global:

NeXus Global Mega ICO CoinAnalyst English

German version:
NeXus Global Mega ICO CoinAnalyst Deutsch

Why don't you show this to the Crypto-Community?

What I think is quiet concerning:

1) The guy, Justino Soares, who posted the Nexus-Coinanalyst-Videos above, also promoted OneCoin. Just one of several examples:


2) The CEO of Nexus Global, and he also shows up in the Coinanalyst-Videos above, is Christian Michel Scheibener.

Is it true that Christian Michel Scheibener also was or is involved in One-Life and OneCoin?

I ask because several pics on his Instagram-Page seem to implicate that:

And yes, it really turns out, he was a speaker on a OneLife-Conference:

Featured Speakers:
Christian Michel Scheibener and Andreas Szakacs, Jens Nocke and Uwe Rosin, Gerhard Schuster and Marcel Moyé, Sabine Gerl

For those who may not know about OneCoin:

OneCoin is considered a Ponzi scheme, both due to its organisational structure and because of many of the people who are central to OneCoin have previously been involved in other similar Ponzi schemes.[5][6]


On 3 May 2018 the Central Bank of Samoa (CBS) banned all foreign exchange transactions related to OneCoin and OneLife.[14] The bank had earlier in March issued a warning about OneCoin.[15] CBS describes OneCoin as a very high risk pyramid scheme.

3) As if that wouldn't be interesting enough:

Many may remember the weird headlines about Boris Beckers fake Passport last summer:

Boris Becker's diplomatic passport is a fake, says CAR

One guy who seemed to be involved: Stephan Welk

"A name appears again and again throughout Pass Posse around Becker: Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Welk An entrepreneur from Korbach, Hessen, Germany


According to information from BILD, Becker and Welk are known from London. Whether he has established contact between ZAR and Becker is not clear. One thing is certain: two months after the inauguration of Welk, Becker announced his new diplomatic work. Welk wrote to the joint photograph in front of the embassy in Brussels on Twitter: "Welcome to your new diplomatic office."

(There is much more to find about him and Becker on German News-Sites).

Is it true that Stephan Welk also seems to be behind Nexus Global?

These articles seem to indicate that:



I wasn't sure if that is true, but this Nexus Global - Broschure also seems to verify that Mr Welk is or at least was involved  (clear picture on Page 6):

Who wants to read german sources:



My main question is:

Do you really believe it's smart to partner with these folks? Why? Your Savedroid-partnership isn't shady enough?
189  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CoinAnalyst – Maximize your trading profits w/ News, Scam Detection & more on: November 30, 2018, 03:19:58 PM
Who wants to be kicked out of the Coinanalyst Channel on Telegram: Just try to talk about what I mentioned above. It will work, I promise!  Cheesy

Btw, what is really ironic and actually very funny:

In the english video for NEXUS the Coinanalyst-CEO describes how their system would detect Scams and give out a Scam-Alert. If I get it right it's actually quiet simple: It would search for social-network-activity, how folks are talking about a project, and if there would be an exceeding number of Scam-implications/accusations the system would give out Scam-Alerts. Right?

Now, let's think about Coinanalyst:

1) They started with a whitepaper and several parts are copied from the Savedroid-Whitepaper:

Guys like me would consider plagiarism as a major red flag.

2) They also overtake the spread-sheet from Savedroid, just changed the fantasy-numbers:

Not just that again they didn't care much about doing their homework themselves, also the numbers are weird. Not sure if the doc is still to find on their website, but I've downloaded it last summer. And just btw: They didn't even try to answer on questions about it.

3) Like Savedroid, they also included a "Demo-Chart" - and just btw, Savedroid is >90% below their Hype-Predictions. In any way it's very stupid to do something like that because whenever a Utility Token is promoted as "for-profit-Investment" it's actually not a Utility Token anymore, at least not if it's about US-law. And exchanges don't like to see projects hyping their tokens like that.

4) Now Coinanalyst partners with weird folks who are or were involved in the OneCoin-Scheme and maybe even worse.


Wouldn't the Coinanalyst-Scam-Alert-System explode because it would have to give out alerts against Coinanalyst?

But, I have some serious questions that I actually wanted to ask on Telegram, but since you kicked me it seems you prefer me doing this more publicly, so let's try:

  • Why did you start a partnership with Nexus-Global, what do you expect how they could be helpful?
  • Did you know that several personalities of Nexus are or were involved in OneLife and OneCoin - Promotion?
  • If yes, don't you think that could damage also your reputation?
  • If no, how is it possible that you want to build a scam-alert-system while being unaware about stuff like OneCoin?
  • Do you believe serious exchanges will list your token if you give a shit about reputation or do you believe stuff like mentioned above doesn't matter to them?
  • If you check the clicks on the Coinanalyst-Nexus-Videos - it doesn't even seem to work out, right? The english version: 9 clicks - what do you expect from your Nexus-Partnership?
  • Will you be transparent about the numbers, how much was sold to Nexus-Global and/or explain how that will work?

190  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: CoinAnalyst ICO - Savedroid 2.0? on: November 30, 2018, 02:36:59 PM
Wie es aussieht haben sich unsere Freunde von Coinanalyst mit One-Coin-Promotern eingelassen:

Vielen Dank tempus. Meiner Meinung nach ist es schon wichtig für potenzielle Investoren zu wissen auf was sie sich einlassen. Crypto und MLM ist keine wünschenswerte Kombination und eindeutig ein Scam.

Ps: Mir gefällt besonders der letzte Satz: "Your Savedroid-partnership isn't shady enough?"

Ich checke es nicht... ganz ernsthaft. Zuerst übernehmen sie ganze Abschnitte aus dem Savedroid-Whitepaper, außerdem diesen Spreadsheet mit Fantasie-Zahlen und nem Demo-Chart, genau wie und ebenfalls VON Savedroid. Und jetzt beginnen sie auch noch ne Liason mit One-Coin-Promotern. Besser kann man das was an Reputation vielleicht noch da war nicht in Flammen aufgehen lassen.

Die müssen verzweifelt und so fokussiert darauf sein ihre Token zu verkaufen, dass ihnen so Kleinigkeiten wie Reputation komplett egal sind. Wen kümmert schon ob irgendeine anständige Börse den Token listen wird? Aber genau wie Savedroid haben auch die sich auf die Fahne geschrieben vor Scams warnen zu wollen. Das ist der größte Witz überhaupt. Würde deren System funktionieren müsste es ständig Scam-Alerts über Coinanalyst rausgeben!

Ist echt traurig das der 2017er Hype so viele geldgeile Typen angezogen hat... Und weil 2018 nicht ganz so gut lief, sie aber offensichtlich glauben sie hätten ne Art natürliches Anrecht auf 20 Millionen Euro weil sie doch auch nen ICO machen, legen sie sich mit OneCoin-Promotern ins Bettchen.

191  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: CoinAnalyst ICO - Savedroid 2.0? on: November 30, 2018, 01:53:46 PM
Wie es aussieht haben sich unsere Freunde von Coinanalyst mit One-Coin-Promotern eingelassen:

192  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CoinAnalyst – Maximize your trading profits w/ News, Scam Detection & more on: November 30, 2018, 01:45:18 PM
Hey Coinanalyst, I'm surprised that you didn't announce your new relationship with Nexus Global here! Why?

News: CoinAnalyst ICO with exclusive benefits for Nexus Global members!

And in this interesting video your CEO presents Coinanalyst for Nexus-Global:

NeXus Global Mega ICO CoinAnalyst English

German version:
NeXus Global Mega ICO CoinAnalyst Deutsch

Why don't you show this to the Crypto-Community?

What I think is quiet concerning:

1) The guy, Justino Soares, who posted the Nexus-Coinanalyst-Videos above, also promoted OneCoin. Just one of several examples:


2) The CEO of Nexus Global, and he also shows up in the Coinanalyst-Videos above, is Christian Michel Scheibener.

Is it true that Christian Michel Scheibener also was or is involved in One-Life and OneCoin?

I ask because several pics on his Instagram-Page seem to indicate that:

And yes, it really turns out, he was a speaker on a OneLife-Conference:

Featured Speakers:
Christian Michel Scheibener and Andreas Szakacs, Jens Nocke and Uwe Rosin, Gerhard Schuster and Marcel Moyé, Sabine Gerl

For those who may not know about OneCoin:

OneCoin is considered a Ponzi scheme, both due to its organisational structure and because of many of the people who are central to OneCoin have previously been involved in other similar Ponzi schemes.[5][6]


On 3 May 2018 the Central Bank of Samoa (CBS) banned all foreign exchange transactions related to OneCoin and OneLife.[14] The bank had earlier in March issued a warning about OneCoin.[15] CBS describes OneCoin as a very high risk pyramid scheme.

3) As if that wouldn't be interesting enough:

Many may remember the weird headlines about Boris Beckers fake Passport last summer:

Boris Becker's diplomatic passport is a fake, says CAR

One guy who seemed to be involved: Stephan Welk

"A name appears again and again throughout Pass Posse around Becker: Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Welk An entrepreneur from Korbach, Hessen, Germany


According to information from BILD, Becker and Welk are known from London. Whether he has established contact between ZAR and Becker is not clear. One thing is certain: two months after the inauguration of Welk, Becker announced his new diplomatic work. Welk wrote to the joint photograph in front of the embassy in Brussels on Twitter: "Welcome to your new diplomatic office."

(There is much more to find about him and Becker on German News-Sites).

Is it true that Stephan Welk also seems to be behind Nexus Global?

These articles seem to indicate that:



I wasn't sure if that is true, but this Nexus Global - Broschure also seems to verify that Mr Welk is or at least was involved  (clear picture on Page 6):

Who wants to read german sources:



My main question is:

Do you really believe it's smart to partner with these folks? Why? Your Savedroid-partnership isn't shady enough?
193  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: CoinAnalyst ICO - Savedroid 2.0? on: November 28, 2018, 10:23:32 PM
Nachdem ich vor einer Woche den Key account Manager von Coinanalyst gefragt habe wie ihr ICO läuft gab er mir folgende Antwort:

Zitat "Er läuft anders als geplant. Nicht über die Community sondern über Großinvestoren."

Seit heute ist mir klar was er damit gemeint hat. Der Scam geht weiter

Starker Tobak, man kann nur hoffen, dass die irgendwann zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Egal ob direkt oder nur indirekt beteiligt, aber da scheinen ja schon etablierte Seilschaften am Werk zu sein.

Mir gefällt dieser Absatz hier:

"Der ICO der COINANALYST läuft laut ICObench bereits seit Juli 2018 und ist offenbar ein veritabler Ladenhüter. Die Kenner der Krypto-Szene haben bisher eine weiten Bogen um das deutsche Projekt gemacht. Es ist nicht bekannt wieviel von den angestrebten EUR 20 Millionen das Projekt tatsächlich schon eingenommen hat durch den Verkauf seiner COY Token. Wir vermuten auf Grund der diversen Postings in Foren und in den sozialen Medien, dass bisher kaum signifikante Einnahmen zu verbuchen waren."

Glaube, wir dürfen uns angesprochen fühlen.   Grin
194  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] savedroid ICO - CRYPTOCURRENCIES FOR EVERYONE | MAIN SALE 9 FEB 2018 on: November 25, 2018, 03:37:34 PM
I am disappointed  Cry lot of friends lose their money

It is happening only with ICOs investors at the moment price is very low after having this experience so many will learn there is no safe side to make profit.

It's especially about 3 aspects:

1) Quality of the project and Team
2) How much money they raise, at what a marketcap it's already valued because of the ICO
3) General Market-conditions

If 3 is very good, like it was in 2017, even bad projects that raise a shitload of money, can go higher on the exchanges - but only for a short time. This year, in this constant bear-market only the really good projects with honest und skilled teams that didn't raise more money than they need are in a good shape.

195  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] savedroid ICO - CRYPTOCURRENCIES FOR EVERYONE | MAIN SALE 9 FEB 2018 on: November 22, 2018, 02:22:55 PM
How many barbecues and "Testessen" etc. have you done since April?

You guys should have opened a restaurant instead of starting a Crypto-project! ;-)
196  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] FACTOM - Introducing Honesty to Record-Keeping on: November 18, 2018, 10:32:51 PM
A great coin is going to bounce back fast and Factom has done just that.

Thanks Factom  

Dead Cat Bounce Angry

When you said the above the price was at about or even below $5.


$8,71 USD
+ 43,88%
197  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] savedroid ICO - CRYPTOCURRENCIES FOR EVERYONE | MAIN SALE 9 FEB 2018 on: November 18, 2018, 12:05:36 PM
“Tesla would be picked by those, who claim that the world and inventions serve them, not the other way around.”
Read the whole article and find out, why on earth we are mentioning Tesla in the article about collaboration with Quantoz
with a new partner, Quantoz, Savedroid can be a home for investors in the future,
I'm sure that, the SVD also looks up 2% today, very good

If this trend will continue than it will get more high chance to catch the attention of new investors. This project badly need to show good performance to gain trust of the people. Dev has learn from their past experience and now moving forward carefully. 
This kind of news is good, it will make us alive in this dying market.
SVD needs to bounce back hard, price has been pushed to the wall, continue with the aggressive development as we need that in times like this.

I see only one way for this to have a Comeback: A huge bull-market. But even in that case it would need a x20 rise to get it back to ICO-level.

Current price: €0,000485 EUR = $0,000554 USD
Current volume: €141 EUR = $161 USD

How overvalued it would be at ICO-price becomes clear if we think in Total Value:

0.01 EUR * Total supply = about 70 M EUR = about 80 M Dollar

How successful would it have to be to justify such a high value? After all SVD is a utility Coin and it's first use case was to raise money while it wouldn't need the token at all if they would just have started to expand a successful running business (what they claimed to be) into Crypto.

It could be hard to achieve that level again but the market is crazy during the bull run, if it's possible to see a x100 increase so it could happen to SVD
at least x20. We don't really know, lots of coins in the crypto space but coins that are in different has the advantage as they have good exposure.

Hype will come, believe me, the team will take advantage on the bullish situation to market their product.

x100 Increases usually happen from much lower ICO-levels while the projects are bigger. Savedroid raised about $60 M which is more than Ethereum, NEO, Binance and other very big projects. Savedroid is just an App.
198  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] savedroid ICO - CRYPTOCURRENCIES FOR EVERYONE | MAIN SALE 9 FEB 2018 on: November 18, 2018, 09:56:08 AM
“Tesla would be picked by those, who claim that the world and inventions serve them, not the other way around.”
Read the whole article and find out, why on earth we are mentioning Tesla in the article about collaboration with Quantoz
with a new partner, Quantoz, Savedroid can be a home for investors in the future,
I'm sure that, the SVD also looks up 2% today, very good

If this trend will continue than it will get more high chance to catch the attention of new investors. This project badly need to show good performance to gain trust of the people. Dev has learn from their past experience and now moving forward carefully. 
This kind of news is good, it will make us alive in this dying market.
SVD needs to bounce back hard, price has been pushed to the wall, continue with the aggressive development as we need that in times like this.

I see only one way for this to have a Comeback: A huge bull-market. But even in that case it would need a x20 rise to get it back to ICO-level.

Current price: €0,000485 EUR = $0,000554 USD
Current volume: €141 EUR = $161 USD

How overvalued it would be at ICO-price becomes clear if we think in Total Value:

0.01 EUR * Total supply = about 70 M EUR = about 80 M Dollar

How successful would it have to be to justify such a high value? After all SVD is a utility Coin and it's first use case was to raise money while it wouldn't need the token at all if they would just have started to expand a successful running business (what they claimed to be) into Crypto.

199  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] FACTOM - Introducing Honesty to Record-Keeping on: November 14, 2018, 11:54:22 PM

Paul Snow - Market Driven Pegged Tokens (Texas Bitcoin Conference)

Edit: He also answers questions about Factom of course...

Still trying to understand it all, but it almost seems like its just a play to try and bring more factoid burns to the network. He makes it sound like the only people who would maybe use these stable coins would be traders/speculators...

Let's look at it like this though, if it brings more users to the protocol than its a good thing for the price of factoids. Even if no one ends up using it, at-least its an added utility of the protocol.

There has been alot of development over the last year, sad to see price not reflecting at all.
Factom will use any excuse to fall in price - it is a sheep in Wolf clothing
These guys are just living off the ICO - it's a great life when you can print your own money
It's been around for 5 years and going nowhere fast.

1) Living off ICO-money? That's bullshit. Factom has not made much money during their ICO because they've done that in a time when markets were down and long before the ICO-hype, in Spring 2015. As far as I know they didn't get much more than about $500k. Compare that to shit-projects that are building useless Apps and got several millions or blockchain-projects like Tezos or EOS with ICO's about hundreds of millions.

2) Around since 5 years? No, also not true. Launch was in mid 2015, that is three years ago.

3) Going nowhere fast? Yes... but I believe that is true for all teams who are building real stuff. If you compare projects in this space you will not find that many that are already on a level to really get traction when it's about real usage. Some are making money, like Binance - but they are making money as Crypto-exchange. Some may have more partnerships but most of the time that is just testing - like it's also the case for Factom as far as I know.

Prices in Crypto don't reflect quality but money follows money, people tend to those who get more attention and that is often a question of exchanges etc. That's why one of the most asked questions of "Investors" is not about the quality of a project but "when Binance?" etc.

thanks for sharing that perspective.

Sadly, people are more enclain to spread FUD and react for no reason on the bad direction... following the louder whose are surely not doing it to help others... but to selfishly make more money no matter what!
Congratulations Factom for once again excelling yourself by being one of the biggest losers whenever there is a dump - breaking the $4 barrier was a walk in the park - you have asmuch support as a house of cards.

Why don't you sell your FCT and buy some BCH or Zcash or ICX or XMR etc.? Oh wait, they all lost as much or even more than FCT today... damn.
200  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] FACTOM - Introducing Honesty to Record-Keeping on: November 01, 2018, 10:58:31 AM

Paul Snow - Market Driven Pegged Tokens (Texas Bitcoin Conference)

Edit: He also answers questions about Factom of course...

Still trying to understand it all, but it almost seems like its just a play to try and bring more factoid burns to the network. He makes it sound like the only people who would maybe use these stable coins would be traders/speculators...

Let's look at it like this though, if it brings more users to the protocol than its a good thing for the price of factoids. Even if no one ends up using it, at-least its an added utility of the protocol.

There has been alot of development over the last year, sad to see price not reflecting at all.
Factom will use any excuse to fall in price - it is a sheep in Wolf clothing
These guys are just living off the ICO - it's a great life when you can print your own money
It's been around for 5 years and going nowhere fast.

1) Living off ICO-money? That's bullshit. Factom has not made much money during their ICO because they've done that in a time when markets were down and long before the ICO-hype, in Spring 2015. As far as I know they didn't get much more than about $500k. Compare that to shit-projects that are building useless Apps and got several millions or blockchain-projects like Tezos or EOS with ICO's about hundreds of millions.

2) Around since 5 years? No, also not true. Launch was in mid 2015, that is three years ago.

3) Going nowhere fast? Yes... but I believe that is true for all teams who are building real stuff. If you compare projects in this space you will not find that many that are already on a level to really get traction when it's about real usage. Some are making money, like Binance - but they are making money as Crypto-exchange. Some may have more partnerships but most of the time that is just testing - like it's also the case for Factom as far as I know.

Prices in Crypto don't reflect quality but money follows money, people tend to those who get more attention and that is often a question of exchanges etc. That's why one of the most asked questions of "Investors" is not about the quality of a project but "when Binance?" etc.
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