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901  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 07, 2015, 12:18:55 AM

You make claims, such as "capitalism causes violence".  Where is your evidence, or any reason at all, to support your assertions?

The evidence is all around you, you need only remove the mental blindfold the state has given you.

But what if you're wrong, and the evidence is all around you, and you need only remove the mental blindfold your indoctrination has given you?

Then we would need to check with other things besides "evidence that I can't see".  So, it would be more like real examples that we can both see, like the USSR and North Korea.
902  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 11:21:07 PM

Your logic is dangerously shallow.

And you have no logic at all.  You make claims, such as "capitalism causes violence".  Where is your evidence, or any reason at all, to support your assertions?

I have provided examples of your ideas not working, and your only answer is "Just because my ideas have never worked before doesn't mean they couldn't work in the future."  Yes, and they could also result in the same widespread death and destruction they've always caused before.

You want to gamble the lives of billions of people on these ideas - it would be bad enough if your ideas were unproven, but they're not unproven.  They're proven to be wrong. 
903  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 10:00:14 PM
Remember that capitalism was born around four hundred years ago, a time when violence was much more normal and acceptable than it is today.

Wow, from what you're saying apparently capitalism has drastically decreased the violence in the world.  Thanks for sharing what capitalism means to you.
Reason and ethics have compelled our civilization to beome less violent in spite of capitalism, the nation-state, and religion. Not because of them.

Then maybe we could be lucky enough to have some examples where people got rid of capitalism, the nation-state, and religion.  Any examples come to mind?  Ringing any bells?  Can you think of a time where people overthrew their government and established a society free of religion and capitalism? 

North Korea, the USSR, Cuba, China?  Did any of those experience a decrease in violence when they eliminated your main culprits? 
904  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 09:55:52 PM
capitalism could not exist without systemic violence

The opposite is true - capitalism is the only kind of economy that can exist without systemic violence.

Communism and socialism require government control backed by government violence.  Under anarchy, or the absence of any government, the only possible economy would be a free market. 

Since you argue against our freedom to keep the results of our own production, you are in favor of someone using violence to take it from us.
905  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 09:30:03 PM
Remember that capitalism was born around four hundred years ago, a time when violence was much more normal and acceptable than it is today.

Wow, from what you're saying apparently capitalism has drastically decreased the violence in the world.  Thanks for sharing what capitalism means to you.
906  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: shutting down - remove funds immediately on: March 06, 2015, 08:53:23 PM
Is this part of the Honor Program?
907  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 12:55:07 PM
Holy fuck i had to put the dumbfck runpaint on ignore.

That's the best way to preserve your irrational beliefs, since you can't answer my points.

After all, i'm not surprised, since 2013 this forum attracts most "wanna-get-rich" piece of shit all over the world.

Yes, those greedy pieces of shit who only care about expensive cars and buying expensive women as status symbols....

If i could have 1 BTC for every thread like this when the price crashes, i would be banging Kimdarshian and driving a Maserati.

Those greedy capitalists who see the common people as pigs to be slaughtered for their own profits...

This is why we call the noobs pigs,.... and pigs are always slaughtered.

The same greedy grubbing capitalists with their lust for gold...

We will be on par with GOLD soon!

While so many people starve, these privileged few sit on mountains of wealth which is more than any man could ever need...

I did transfer of five figures and my bank asked me all kind of questions..... some even privacy related.

They laugh and count their money, salivating over the prospect of getting even MORE money...

LOL you know eventually btc will be over $10k right? Who would buy one coin? I'm sure ppl will buy mBTC

They control the means of production...

I have a BFL SC 60GH/s IN HAND for sale.

Asking $10,000 cash. I dont consider SHIPPING right now.

But you're right, all kinds of greedy assholes showed up in 2013.  One guy hadn't posted here since June 2012, and he showed up out of nowhere, over a year later, and his first post was an offer to sell a mining rig for $10,000. ^

I'm talking about the serious capitalist assholes who were drunk with money, and called everyone else idiots for selling at $800.

Booom.... i just took that 950 wall down!

FCK TA.... money talks bs walks!

And then of course after the price came back down, now he hates capitalism and money.  Because he can't afford to pay for as much sex as he used to.

blow couple btc and you can get 5 girls for the night
908  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 02:04:25 AM
I guess you'll be conveniently ignoring the fact that capitalist sex-slave trafficking is a 40 billion dollar per year global industry? Dat profit motive though.

So you're fine with slavery and rape, as long as nobody makes any profits?

Not more food, but less people (higher infant mortality), and less waste.

Less waste, but more dead babies?  So throwing away a banana is waste, but a human being dying isn't waste. 

Thanks for clarifying your lack of value for human life.

In the amazon basin, during food shortages elders were often known to "go for a walk in the forest", which is a euphemism for go out to die, so that the young may live.
This is in stark contrast to modern american life, where the old so often becomes the predators of the young.

Okay, we get it!  You want people to die, babies and old people, and rich people, and anyone who is "extra".  You've made your point.

Ah, I see we've arrived at the part of the story where all capitalists are rewarded in exact proportion to how hard they work. The part where the wealthy elite all work 60+ hour work weeks just like the single mom with three kids.

Don't pretend to care about the single mom with three kids, you've already admitted that you want her kids to die.

909  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 01:08:23 AM
You sound like a spoiled child.
You can do better than weak ad hominem attacks, no?

Actually I was providing a valid comparison between you and a spoiled child, which can be explored thoroughly to explain your motives and solutions.

It's not just a weak insult, like when you started by calling me a "butthurt capitalist" and then came back to whine like a child about ad hominems.

Capitalism wastes food on an industrial scale. Whatever comes after will by necessity be much more efficient at resource distribution.

You claim that any system will be better, which is how you excuse your lack of a better alternative.  Fortunately for the rest of us, history has countless examples of alternative systems which are vastly inferior.

I think in the 21st century money is going to quickly become an irrelevant ritual from a bygone era

Wasn't that supposed to be the 20th century?  Marxism had more than enough chances.  It failed.

Throughout human history, starvation and death have been the everyday norm.
You could say the same for slavery, torture, and rape.

Are you trying to bring those back too?  Your ideas have been proven to result in plenty of starvation and death, but you are correct in mentioning the slavery, torture, and rape that are happening in North Korea thanks to people like you.

Take it up with God, or nature.
I don't see how superstition is going to be anything but a hindrance here.

You think nature is a superstition?  Then go ahead and test it scientifically.  Just stop eating, and see how long you last.  Otherwise, we can all agree that work and survival are not anyone's fault, but something we all are born into with no possible end short of death.

... or nature.  We have to eat, and food isn't free.
All food on this planet is free until the violence-enforced profit motive builds a big ass barbed-wire fence around it.

That makes no sense.  At what point in history did humans have more food than they now have?  At what point in history did people not starve?  At what point in history would a starving man willingly let another man take all his food, "for free"?

I have this theory that the more a person talks about human nature, the less they understand about it.

And I've noticed that the more a person whines about capitalism, the less he understands about anything at all.

Listening to a capitalist preach about human nature is about as useful as listening to a priest talk to you about science.

I just thought I'd try to explain to you that humans need to eat, and nobody can be blamed for that fact.  Obviously it was a waste of time to explain the most basic facts of existence to you.

As a civilized primate, the first thing you need to understand about your nature is that it is being held hostage by a lifetime of cultural indoctrination.

That's the first thing?  Before eating?  Because plenty of communists starved to death after they got rid of capitalism, rich people, and private property. 

But not cultural indoctrination, you'll never get rid of that.  It's your #1 favorite thing, which is why communists never give up their propaganda even while they starve.  Go ahead and trade your food for your zealous beliefs, but don't get so angry when the rest of us choose food over hatred of everyone who has more than us.

.If you actually expect that to change, you're an idiot.
I expect everything to change when it comes to human existence.

Cool story.  You expect us to stop dying, and to stop requiring food.  Then by all means, go start your utopia of immortals.  Meanwhile, those of us who need food will continue either working or starving.

Nobody forces anybody to work.  That's just life.
The Royal Navy probably said something similarly fascistic to the men they press-ganged into service aboard their ships.

What, this year?  I thought you were just whining about current circumstances.  Are you also blaming everything in history on our current system, retroactively?

In other news, Foxconn constructed huge nets around their massive factory-dorms to prevent further worker suicides.

And you're blaming what happens in China on capitalism?  Too bad you have to blame communism first.

“America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace.

Yes, the main complaint of whiny children is that someone else is in charge.  They hate their parents, they hate the government, they hate anyone who has more money, and they hate the idea of God. 

The problem is that once you've made yourself the sole authority over your own life, who will you blame for all your problems?

Once you exercise this freedom you’ve lost all control over what you do

Actually you can quit the job whenever you want.  Sorry for pointing out the fact that everything you said is bullshit.

And in the end, the product doesn’t belong to you.

Oh no!  GM factory workers don't own thousands of automobiles?  Let's riot!

Children love to whine about "fair pay", but they don't really want fair pay.  Because when the factory loses money and/or goes bankrupt, none of the workers want to pay their fair share of the debt.  They don't want to pay their fair share to buy and maintain the equipment, and, again, they can quit anytime they want and go work somewhere else.

The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don’t care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve.”

Exactly.  If you don't want to eat, then don't work.  That's been the case since the first human got hungry, and no revolution will ever change the fact that we need to eat.  So what is your point?

― Tom Morello

910  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 12:28:24 AM
Private property isn't a human right enjoyed by all, it is an often inherited privilege enjoyed by a fraction of the human population.

Can I walk into your house right now, push you away from your computer, and start using that computer for myself?

You're so privileged that you have the privilege of pretending you're not privileged.

Personal property rights are the foundation of all civilization, and the only people against it are those who want to tear down all of civilization.  

If you trace back through time you'd find that damn near all property can be linked to past violence.

So are all of our lives.  All of us are descended from a few murderers and rapists, and we wouldn't have been born without the violence of our ancestors.  

What are you going to do about that?  Is there anything you can do, other than kill yourself?

The near-future is decentralized, open-source, and crowdfunded, that much is clear

Crowdfunding has no future, too many cultural Marxists have already ruined it by scamming too much.  Too many of your beloved "starving artists" took their $100,000 and produced nothing.
911  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Future of bitcoin on: March 06, 2015, 12:18:34 AM
I haven't heard of  Tell me more.
912  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 12:16:52 AM
Or we could provide decent baseline food, shelter, healthcare, and education to all human beings as a birthright.

You sound like a spoiled child.  Where will all this food and healthcare come from?  Do you think money, goods, and services automatically appear every time a baby is born?

Throughout human history, starvation and death have been the everyday norm.  Now that we have finally found a system that changes that, you whine because it takes work.

What would art look like in a world where potential artists aren't forced to work soul-crushing jobs just to survive

Take it up with God, or nature.  We have to eat, and food isn't free.  If you actually expect that to change, you're an idiot.

Nobody forces anybody to work.  That's just life.  If you don't want to work, then don't.  Most people who call themselves artists have never done a day's work, and they get paid accordingly.

If you want to remove all suffering from all artists, then say goodbye to Van Gogh, Beethoven, Emily Dickinson, and pretty much every good artist.

You're defending the same capitalism that has systematically defunded the arts over the course of the past three decades

No, it hasn't. 

the same system which has made common the use of the phrase "starving artist"

Starving artists existed before the modern era, and so did loudmouths who are angry at the world for not giving them everything for free.

913  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Future of bitcoin on: March 06, 2015, 12:08:55 AM
If Bitcoin continues to grow, its price will necessarily continue to grow.  I didn't get in early enough to have 1000 bitcoins, but I can gamble on a few altcoins and hope that one of them can eventually get me 1000 bitcoins.  If that never happens, then hopefully I can build a savings of 100 bitcoins.  And then hopefully that will be enough money to take care of my family for the rest of my life, and hopefully everyone around the world will have a little more freedom and be a little less controlled by the power of banks and governments.
914  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 06, 2015, 12:03:37 AM

How many songs go unsung, how many books go unwritten, how much genius is wasted because the would-be writers, artists, and authors are instead wasting their lives scrambling to make next month's rent?

Yes, most of them are poor, and now you want to take away their right to make money from their work.  

If you actually care about the truth, compare the number of songs and books written in the past 100 years to the number of songs and books written in the rest of human history.

And if you really want to see the majority of songs unsung and books unwritten, take away any chance for people to make a living doing it.
915  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Future of bitcoin on: March 05, 2015, 11:56:50 PM

This site has Bitcoin news every day
916  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Future of bitcoin on: March 05, 2015, 11:52:49 PM
I haven't heard of sarcasm.  Tell me more.
917  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [UNO] Unobtanium Info & Discussion - Current wallet 0.9.5 on: March 05, 2015, 11:52:10 PM
MO is Missouri, Montana is MT
918  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The end of copyright and patent is where we should be headed on: March 05, 2015, 11:49:31 PM
If you guys hate the right to private property, which is the foundation of all freedoms, then go live in the USSR.  Wait, it doesn't exist anymore?

Nobody will spend millions of dollars to cure diseases, if their discoveries can be used equally by people who spent nothing.

Nobody will buy a microphone for $100,000 to record an album, if they can't sell that album because everyone else is giving it away for free.

Nobody will spend 3 years writing a book, if that book will not be their own property.

919  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Future of bitcoin on: March 05, 2015, 11:44:07 PM
I haven't heard anything about the future of Bitcoin.  Tell me more.
920  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How many people should get rich and how much is rich? on: March 05, 2015, 12:36:47 PM

I have more than the Kings of England could have imagined 100-200 years ago.  Fruit and vegetables out of season.  Go from London to Paris in a couple of hours.  Antibiotics.  Cell phone, with camera.

I have never missed a meal.

As Bob Marley said: Now that you got what you want, don't you want more.

I often say the same thing.  No king could listen to 12 different orchestras per hour, 24 hours a day, for free.  We can.  

Did you know there was a President of the United States who was killed by cherries with human feces on them?  That was the best in the world.  And what was the best medicine in the world, for the President?  The doctors gave him opium, to stop the diarrhea, and then maybe they cut open his veins for the healing powers of bloodletting.
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