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1  Economy / Reputation / Re: legendster Unfair Neg trust given based on a having a bad day and disliking me on: March 02, 2021, 02:52:18 PM
I don't understand why some people insist on being so nasty. It doesn't even take much to be nice to people. The world needs more love.
This is the internet.  Somehow the psychology is that when you're nameless and faceless, the worst of you just comes to the top.  It allows you to say things that normally you wouldn't say in real life.  That's just how it is, how it's always been since the beginning of the internet (and I remember it from the early days).

Yes, and it is just the excuse cowards use. I will say the same exact things offline as online. Very few people are willing to do that. I fear nothing and noone. I am not sure why it is so scary for someone to confront an online person offline. Iv'e done it before at conventions and guess what 99.99% off them shut and shit their pants that you even there. Many people are kind though. Pity some can't grasp the concept. Thankfully there still people like yourself so thank you.

This is why trying to rank up here is pointless. Opening topics and things will only get you noticed until someone doesn't like you and then for some reason they are totally ok with ruining someone's account.
That's not true unless you're obviously trying to rank up, in which case you're probably going to get a bad reputation if not negative feedback (which would be unwarranted).  It's hard to rank up, true, but it's supposed to be that way.  I don't think Theymos wants the forum going back to the pre-merit system days when account farming and shitposting was out of control, and I sure as hell don't.

I totally agree with you. However bringing attention to my account just seems risky since you never know who you could be dealing with or why. Like why can't everyone be decent and reasonable like you?

Why do people who have endless negative trust become DT memers anyway? The user has many serious accusations against then for actual potential crime (Like fraud & I get my account ruined because someone like this just feels like it)
I'm on DT and take a look at my trust page.  I've probably got more negs than positives.  But have I ever scammed anybody here?  Nope.  The negs are the result of how the trust system works, which is that you can leave a neg for any member for any reason, and a lot of negs on DT members' profiles are retaliatory.  Always check to see if there's a valid reference link.

The negative trust you have is clearly bs though. The forum clearly works very badly.

I can easily say this forum is a scam.

You can and do say a lot of things that don't make sense. Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't make it any less true.

Everyone else seems to perfectly understand why I am saying.

I literally had my money taken from me

That's literally the opposite of what "literally" means.

Ok, so where are my $500 tokens? I literally had $500 taken from me. Otherwise, where is it? So my money was taken theoretically? End of the day I am down $500 plus more.

Does this person beat his spouse too??


Abusive people commit hate crimes all the time the relevance is he is a possible criminal. People should be very considered if someone is abusive. Would you date an abusive person? Very relevent. Abusive people should never be places in a position of power.

I am sorry but the only reason you would ever need to mix is due to criminal.

No. I'm not a criminal and I mix every coin that I didn't mine myself. I pay my taxes and don't beat my spouse.

Never said you did. It wasn't an attack on you.r

I'm not making any excuses for wearing the yobit signature.

Yeah you are. Lame fallacious ones too.

Nope, I just admitted to being wrong and that you are right and that I will no longer support any project anything like yobit. I made a mistake and  I am admitting to it. Most people can never admit to being wrong.

Does that sound like a mature adult?

You definitely sound immature. Take a deep breath and make a proper case for removing your red trust or for excluding legendster from DT. None of the stuff I quoted above has anything to do with it. legenster is included by Vod and YOSHIE. Appeal to them directly instead of post walls of nonsense here. Focus on the fact that the trust rating appears to be for an opinion (although we can clearly see how irritating you can be, that's not a good reason for red trust) and the reference is invalid.

Yes, I am so very immature. "walls of nonesense" that somehow you paid attention to and read. This must be the reason why I deal with people all day long and never had any complaints. I run my own businesses and do odd jobs. I cannot afford to be immature. If you want to help me then tell me which parts and perhaps I can fix it? But if you simply state something so broad it won't help. Why would Vod give legendster a dt ranking when Vod just called legenster a scumbag? So he made someone he thinks is a scumbag a dt member. Where does that make sense? "We" no you find me irritating. Don't talk for others. If you find me irritating then simply ignore me. Very simple. Also keep it to yourself. Very unnecessary comment stop focusing attention on me.

By the way, I don't think Legendster's neg on you is appropriate.  I do hope he removes it, and I had no idea he was on DT anyway.

Thank you. Please just be kind like this. No need for defending yourself against me. I said I was wrong about yobit and I have learned. I haven't even logged into yobit for months and months. You talk about my maturity but it takes a mature person to admit fault does it not?

This forum is full of all kinds of clever people yet noone can fix the dt system? Imagine if a structure was run on such a system? Would you feel safe living in it? Would anyone?

You are wearing a chipmixer signature. Now let us logically look at this alright?
In the fiat world such a service is highly illegal and is money laundry.
Alice: Hello Bob can you break my ¥1,000 banknote for ¥100 coins? I'm so thirsty!
Bob: I'm sorry Alice. Such a service is highly illegal and is money laundry.

Ok. Start some polls online and get some real user opinions. Let us see what the majority of people think? You know they won't agree with you and will most definitely call it money laundry. Don't argue use facts. Run the polls and see for yourself. This is the opinion of most people, not me.
Bob is breaking his money to buy a drink.

People don't use mixers to make smaller changes to buy drinks. They use mixers to hide the sources. So are you telling me criminals do not use your service? It's a fact that they do.
Getting change to buy a drink is totally different than making 100000 transactions to hide where it comes from. How can you even compare it?

Since you know so much why not argue with my government? Hmm?? Do you want to tell them that making 100000 fiat transactions to hide the source of money is legal? Ok cool, so you clearly know more than the government for lawyers. Remind me to fire my current lawyer and hire you.

What do you think the banks going to think where they see all that activity? Guess I will tell them how thirsty I was and needed to make 100000 transactions for spare change. Because that totally make sense.

legendster has a history of leaving raged feedbacks as you can see here;u=1210969

The user "JSRAW" busted his actions and got negative trust for that.

The problem are the users who have kept this guy in the DT by adding him to their trust list, despite so many guys having neutral on him and showing someone else's work as his was worth a negative not neutral, in my opinion.

Promoting a scam is not the best choice Mike Mayor and defending it is even worse. So you cannot really expect the community to stand up for you when you are the one at fault.

That's why I never kept the messages. I deleted them because they annoyed me. I didn't think such a person would be given a position of authority.

So it's totally cool to make threats on this forum and just treat people as you like. Very good....

For the last time I am not defending Yobit I am defending myself. I already admitted I was wrong for promoting them and won't do it again. I am not arguing or making any excuses there are none to be made. I am saying the people here are right to tell me I am wrong to promote yobit and I am agreeing with them and admitting fault and asking forgiveness. Most users could not give a damn. Most people are too weak to even admit fault.
I am not afraid of being wrong. If I have done something wrong let me fix it.

Even you guys think he is trash

"User used Fake 3d portfolio to get freelance jobs in 2016 and when caught, he tricked (by saying its common practices) forum members to put Neutral feedback.
Kindly check this link also for more clarity :"

Just wow....

Here is you Suchmoon with your own negative rating on him.

"Admits using a fake/stolen "portfolio" of prior work to get new freelance jobs. Claims that such deceptive practices are common and acceptable and are needed to "put food on the table"."

Even more wow.

So a user that stole other people's pictures gets to be a dt member? Someone explain this.

Stealing other's photos and work is just beyond disgusting. Maybe if he admitted it and said sorry it would be ok but he never.

Abusive thief = Trusted dt memeber.

This isn't a game!!! I am losing money here. This is how I earn a living. Well, one way. It is funny how legenster claims he needs to lie to keep food on the table but what about me? He just takes that from me but we are supposed to be understanding towards him and not take away his earning opportunity?

It is far beyond me how you can put a fake portfolio together. The cringe of it all. It's a brilliant way to never be hired ever again.
2  Economy / Reputation / Re: legendster Unfair Neg trust given based on a having a bad day and disliking me on: February 21, 2021, 07:04:37 PM
Now I have been removed from my campaign losing 100s of $$$ because of a brat.

This user is verbally abusive, negative & aweful. The reference this user has used for the neg trust they have given me is in my favour & makes them look silly. I was nothing but polite to this user. I am fascinated as to why this user is so angry. Claims I personally attacked them then proceeds to insult and swear at me. I'm still unsure what the actual problem is. The user had a question and I answered them it's that simple. Now they upset, like do you want a teddy bear? Also claims not to have time for me yet proceeds to try to encourage drama. Noone has time for this.

This person is taking food out of my mouth. Bounty hunting is a great way to earn if you know what you doing and dont support crap and dont dump as soon as you get paid. Look youc token for example.
7 months of work. Earning 200000 tokens. They sold for $0.10 and value on the exchange was $0.0003 and bounty hunter morons sold them and I bought them all up. youc is now $0.05 this is $10000

Now, this damn clown would have made me lose $10000?? How fair is that? This person is messing with my income. Lucky the coward can hide behind the pc because im telling you if I knew who it was I would come down on them like a ton of bricks.

Is it fair to steal peoples money just because you are a little brat who cant control their temper and has a fit? It seems to be  ddt member you need to be abusive. I bet you they wont talk to me this way face to face. Infact I know it. It's unbelievable.

Got me huh? Exactly what do you have? You make many blanket assumptions. It's beyond obvious that people at the beginning of a Ponzi will win earn money.

I know OGnasty had a mining rig setup for investors. Renting our ming hashrate is very easy and there is no need to scam. Of course I care.

OGNasty promised 8% monthly returns (10% if you trust him lots), while planning to pay out a 1% reserve fund and lost or embezzled the rest, depending on what you ask him.  (Nasty's own words - third link in my sig)  

Do you really expect people who knowingly run scams to follow some "ponzi" rules?  No, as you see they will steal whatever they think they can get away with.   Don't defend ponzis just because you think they follow set financial guidelines such as "people at the start make money"?  That is beyond obvious a blanket assumption that OG now showed you is wrong.


8% is too much, he mines right? I was thinking of doing the same but I want to give 1% or perhaps 2% a month or just rent the miner out and they get whatever it makes. I will make no guarantees though.
If someone guarantees you something run away.

Yeah, you are right. You have changed my mind. Though yobit don't offer you a return in USD value but rather in tokens. So if you getting more tokens but the price is down you lose profit. I actually haven't visited yobiy for a very long time and no longer use them. I don't recommend them either. I like TradeOgre, Bitfinex latoken and coinbene and no I am unaware if they are not legit as far as I know they are. Thank you for replying to me I appreciate it.

10% per day was the tokens staking rate. If you don't like it don't buy it, it is very simple. The token did not advertise itself as a get rich scheme. It said what it was and nothing else. Besides, you couldn't even buy them.
All the noobs earned them and the bigger bagholders with money to burn bought the tokens up in mass.

I am also not sure how much trading you guys do but in order for someone to make money someone else must lose some. This is why some people like to call crypto a ponzi/scam.
Basically, we shifting our coins to the next user for profits.

The existence of some other scams doesn't make Yobit not a scam. Nor does being obvious. Whataboutism is such a cliche fallacy for scam apologists, just drop it, no one's gonna buy it.

If you wanna call it a "game"... well, it's not provably fair gambling and shitty casinos have been red-trusted for similar stunts, so that excuse doesn't fly either. Yobit calls itself an exchange and they call some of their schemes "coins" or "tokens" even though there isn't even a blockchain involved.

I can easily say this forum is a scam. I literally had my money taken from me because a child had a bad day and threw their toys out of the cot. I am at the complete and utter mercy of an abuser. You can get negative trust because someone doesn't like your username. This is not a game this is a forum to make money and this negative trust thing is a silly game and should just be ignored. Bounty campaigns should ignore negative trust and therefore take the power away from abusers. There is so much abuse in the world already.

Is there a way I can report this user?? I feel harassed and abused and victimized. This is not fair. Could I sue them for losing income? I'm sure I could sue them for emotional distress. This has actually stuffed up my mindset for the last 3 weeks and upset me a lot. Abusing people online is cowardly and so wrong.

Does this person beat his spouse too?? I mean Jesus do you need to be a nasty person? Is being nice hard? People who choose to actively be abusive and mean are utter filth. The way this user talks to people is beyond unacceptable.

Why the hell is this person dt? what criteria is there for it?? Being abusive?? Who in their right mind would give him that power. This is why I was not so worried when I got the negative trust because I never thought they would become a dt member. Can you take DT away from someone?

Messing with someones financial situation is an amazing way to land yourself in some serious trouble.

I never said Yobit is not a scam because other scams exist. That doesn't even make sense. Yeah ok, I looked at the yobit site again. I have not looked for a very long time. I agree that selling magical none existent coins is dodgy as hell. I do not think the investment box is a scam because you are told when the investment is active or not. You need to obviously be careful though. Ok, I agree. I was wrong I am sorry. I still don't see it as in the same league as earn x% a day forever like these ponzi sites. They don't do it forever there are rules and things.


I don't understand why you have so much to say.... You are wearing a chipmixer signature. Now let us logically look at this alright?
In the fiat world such a service is highly illegal and is money laundry. If you speak to people 99% will tell you that sounds very illegal and laundering money. Mixing USD or any fiat is definitely for criminal reasons.
Why is crypto different? Why would one want to "mix" their coins? Why not rent out hash power and mine the coins fresh into a new wallet?

I can't find a good reason to want to mix besides hiding your tracks because you have done something illegal. Who cares if people know my wallet? I don't care? It means nothing. So why would I want to hide them?
You sit and judge me for yobit yet you wear the signature you were for years and years.

I am sorry but the only reason you would ever need to mix is due to criminal. We already know its a fact that it is being used to mix blackmarket purchases. Knowing this you still support them?
Take the tree out your eye before the twig from mine. What lies do you tell yourself that makes it ok? It is ok to  support a site that basically hides criminal activity but its not ok to "support" a scam?

Also, this thread is not about yobit you going off track this is about me being abused.

Did you guys know that you sign an agreement with your isp saying you will not use your internet access to harass and abuse people and you can actually lose internet access? Ready the terms its all in there. Pity I don't know who this user is or I could report them.

I'm not making any excuses for wearing the yobit signature. But then don't judge me if you wearing chipmixer. I stopped waering it you continue.

How does Vod have negative trust? Do you see what I am saying. So now Vod cant do a bounty? Thats silly. Vod seems to be a nice person. Decent enough so far what I have read seems like a person of reason.
So why does he have negative trust? I mean look at his trust wall? What is the point of it?? It is just one big fat mess and tons of text that actually means nothing. Not having negative trust means nothing.

There should be a way to remove the negative trust like other forums do. Why should negative trust given 5 years ago still be valid today? It should expire after a year excluding extreme cases.
Or use karma or something to work it off?

It seems this forum likes to punish and never reward. It makes me sad that people are so focused on the negative things and in hurting one another. This fighting about trust rating is so childish. I mean I don't knowhow aold you guys are but I assume about my age. We adults. Seriously read what that user Legenster posts. Does that sound like a mature adult?

Now we all afraid to use the forum because weeks or months of work get raped from us instantly. What kind of person takes someones money away like that? Legendster you defeinetly make no differnce to anyone in the world and if you disapeared tomorrow not a single soul would miss you or even realise you are gone.

The fact that only the person who gace you the trust can remove it is beyond retared. A DT member = Judge jury and executioner and nothing else matters.

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY] ⚫⚫⚫ ETH, USDC, TKP, KCH [KEEP CALM and HODL] ⚫⚫⚫ on: February 21, 2021, 06:24:12 PM
Did you even read why I have negative trust??

"Unwarranted personal attack after sending me a lecture of what he wants me to do. Fuck this guy. A lunatic."

What the hell does that een mean>=? I got negative trust from a child who dosent like me and threw a fit. The dt member abused me and spoke very badly with no respect and now I get punished.

This negative trust stuff is stupid.
4  Economy / Reputation / Re: legendster Unfair Neg trust given based on a having a bad day and disliking me on: February 05, 2021, 06:26:26 AM
I have staked a 10%/day coins and I profited off it for 2 years. It wasn't a scam.

Gotcha. If you made a profit from a scam then it's not a scam. If you were one of Madoff's first clients and made a profit then he wasn't a scammer. Everyone agreed from the beginning etc.

Just GTFO.

Got me huh? Exactly what do you have? You make many blanket assumptions. It's beyond obvious that people at the beginning of a Ponzi will win earn money. That is what a Ponzi is.
10% per day was the tokens staking rate. If you don't like it don't buy it, it is very simple. The token did not advertise itself as a get rich scheme. It said what it was and nothing else. Besides, you couldn't even buy them.
All the noobs earned them and the bigger bagholders with money to burn bought the tokens up in mass.

I am also not sure how much trading you guys do but in order for someone to make money someone else must lose some. This is why some people like to call crypto a ponzi/scam.
Basically, we shifting our coins to the next user for profits.

Your double standards are amazing. What do you tell yourself about wearing your signature? I know your get paid a ridiculous amount. In the land of fiat mixing is called money laundry. You can tell me whatever you want but at the end of the day a mixer is a laundry for crypto. There are very few reasons to legitaitly use a mixer. How much criminal ,money goes through it? It was even in the news that a whole bunch of bitcoin was mixed from the black market selling drugs, fire arms and the like.

But yes I am a terible person for being paid by a company that makes no claims if you do not like it do not inverst. It is called an investment box and it is a game. Obviously you cannot give such high returns.

Tell yourself whatever you like. You are supporting money laundry and crime bascially. Real crime not little online scams. Actually drug money laundry.

If everyone agrees on something from the begining how can it be a scam?
They do not garnatee you any returns unlike ponzi which claim the world to you.

1) OGNasty and Pirate agreed in advance to lose 99% of coins in their pass through ponzi.  Do you think that was a scam, or do you not care?

2) For the second time - ponzis promise unsustainable returns, not guaranteed returns.  If the US government issues a Covid bond with a guaranteed return of 2.5%, it's not a ponzi.

3) If Suchmoon feels a neutral trust is warranted, I won't escalate with a negative.  Good luck.

1) I have no idea what you are talking about but I know OGnasty had a mining rig setup for investors. Renting our ming hashrate is very easy and there is no need to scam. Of course I care.

2) For the third time these are high inflation coins. The dev doesn't pay for the coins and can make it 1000000000% a day if the so desire. These are not returns. These are multiples of existing coins.
a con that has a daily 10% pos you would need to carefully plan to make sure that the value is more than the decline. This token promised nothing and was free to earn.

Yobit have an investment box. It is a game. In fact Yobit mostly cater for those who are already rich. They offer you a change to basically have a "seat" in a high yield program. You think there is no risk it is free and they promote it as such? Nope. YOu have to spend a large amount of collateral upfront in order to invest. Seeing at the collateral is i nthe form of YO token Yobit does not need to pay a cent for the tokens and makes 100% profit. Yo token is a Raise only currency and continues ti very slowly go up. Once more this is all free for Yobit ands generates them a lot of profit. They also have gambling dice with a 4% house edge and people still play.
Then there are thje listing fees they charge.

They also warn you beforehand when the investment pool is going to run out. So basically they make their money selling YO token place 50% of that in an investment pool which people have access to if they own certain coins. This does not attract noobs because noobs do not have access to this much crypto. I losts 0.27btc at yobit and I am not cross. I played the game and I lost. I know the risks.
We chose to play a risk game of high interst coins. Some lost some won. We all know the rules.

5  Economy / Reputation / Re: legendster Unfair Neg trust given based on a having a bad day and disliking me on: February 04, 2021, 07:36:19 PM
A high pos coin doesn't make it a scam. Everyone is aware that you gain 10% token each day. Like i said if you gain double tokens overnight that doesn't make it worth double. The investment box is a game.
I am not sure of pump and dump groups I don';t see how that has anything to do wit hthe exchange taht is external. If everyone agrees on something from the begining how can it be a scam? They do not garnatee you any returns unlike ponzi which claim the world to you.

I have staked a 10%/day coins and I profited off it for 2 years. It wasn't a scam.

1 of you are wearing a signature for chipmixer which is.... lets be honesst here. Most users who use chipmixer are not doing "savory" things. Alot of it ios from the black market and other sources. Though personally I see the point of a mixer I am merely providing a counter argument.

1 of you is wearing a gambling signature. In some countries it is even outlawed it can also be said it is another way to strip idiots of their money. So yeah perspective.

I can't see this getting better for me.

Basically do not reply when you see mods in the page. Ive always done that to stay away. Guess it didn't help.

Legenster was in the Yobit campaign with me and asked a question. I answered him and he decided to act like such a child. They should be stripped of their dt position just based on the fact that they are abusive.
I deeply hope his/her abusive behaviour is not thrown around in home life.
6  Economy / Reputation / Re: legendster Unfair Neg trust given based on a having a bad day and disliking me on: February 04, 2021, 04:27:20 PM
This is why trying to rank up here is pointless. Opening topics and things will only get you noticed until someone doesn't like you and then for some reason they are totally ok with ruining someone's account.

So don't try to rank up - I never did.  I'll leave that scumbag negative trust if you can prove he left it because he was having a bad day - that's not right.

But since you are drawing attention to yourself - did you promote a ponzi like suchmoon's trust claims?

I'm not sure how I can prove it? You can pretty much tell the user's attitude just by the negative trust they left me. Even if I did attack them why give negative trust? I'm still not sure why such a disrespectful person become a DT member. The user is abusive.

Giving him negative trust isn't going to get rid of mine though but thank you.

Yobit being a Ponzi is a matter of perception. Ponzi scams offer you "guaranteed returns" Yobit releases coins that act rather like a game or gambling. You are made aware of how everything works unlike in a ponzi which you are lied to about. That "10% per day" was 10% tokens per day, not fiat value. Just because you have 10% more coins doesn't mean you have now gained 10 profit. It could also be argued that users wearing mixer signatures are also supporting something that could be considered criminal. I have never had issues with yobit. I know some people have but we don't know their exact circumstances and all exchanges have bad things written about them. Even a very good exchange will have someone that doesn't like something or another.
7  Economy / Reputation / Re: legendster Unfair Neg trust given based on a having a bad day and disliking me on: February 04, 2021, 12:12:05 AM
I don't understand why some people insist on being so nasty. It doesn't even take much to be nice to people. The world needs more love. I personally ould never give negative trust unless it is a scammer but i guess I am one of the few people with empathy and a heart.

Have you tried to reach him with other channel? I guess he is active in telegram; IIRC, I have seen him in the Indian Bitcointalk Community in telegram. That was long ago though.
I believe that this feedback isn’t a valid one. If you can reach him, he will remove it as this is not the correct use od the system.

How do you know he will remove it?


On 2019-06-30 This user legendster gave me the following negative trust based on the fact that they dislike me.

"Unwarranted personal attack after sending me a lecture of what he wants me to do. Fuck this guy. A lunatic."

I merely PM him about the Yobit campaign saying we should keep it clean to try to make it last longer. I am not sure what "personal attack is" This user is not very mature and I am unsure why they are a dt member, to begin with. It seems you can receive negative trust simply because someone doesn't like you. I don't see what any of this has to do with trust.

"Fuck this guy. A lunatic" Swearing insults and name-calling. Very mature.

The user also blocked me right away after having their fit. It was totally uncalled for and unneeded. Simply blocking me would have been better. Now I cannot be in the signature campaign I am currently in because someone threw their toys instead of being a mature adult about things. I was afraid this might happened but I didn't think this person would be given a dt status. It seems we are at the mercy of tantrums thrown by children.

Now I guess nothing can be done since only they can remove the negative trust which is also ridiculous. If they have a bad day they can just give you negative trust. I'm not sure why it is ok for dt members to abuse others and call them names. I can't even talk to this person since they blocked me.

This is the neutral feedback I left. I didn't think petty revenge by giving them negative trust back was worth it.

"This user is verbally abusive, negative & awful. The reference this user has used for the neg trust they have given me is in my favour & makes them look silly. I was nothing but polite to this user. I am fascinated as to why this user is so angry. Claims I personally attacked them then proceeds to insult and swear at me. I'm still unsure what the actual problem is. The user had a question and I answered them it's that simple. Now they upset, like do you want a teddy bear? Also claims not to have time for me yet proceeds to try to encourage drama. Noone has time for this."

Overall I actually don't understand why this is happening. A simple disagreement can lead to negative trust? It seems there are no consequences for doing this. It takes quite a nasty person to do this to a hero account.

I just want this removed so I can be on my way. I don't want more drama or anything.  It would be the easiest way to deal with it.

Legendster runs a yobit campaign? Or why pm him about it?

Or did I misunderstand what you're saying?

You told him to keep it clean and he tagged you red?

Yes exactly.

I just want this removed so I can be on my way. I don't want more drama or anything.  It would be the easiest way to deal with it.
The only solution is to sort with the person if you really wanted it to be removed, did you contact him regarding the issue through telegram, hope you are aware that the trust ratings are not moderated, so it is better to sort it out amicably Wink .

If you are looking for his telegram ID you can find here.

This is why trying to rank up here is pointless. Opening topics and things will only get you noticed until someone doesn't like you and then for some reason they are totally ok with ruining someone's account.

I don't see an IG ID.

Why do people who have endless negative trust become DT memers anyway? The user has many serious accusations against then for actual potential crime (Like fraud & I get my account ruined because someone like this just feels like it)
8  Economy / Reputation / legendster Unfair Neg trust given based on a having a bad day and disliking me on: February 03, 2021, 05:17:36 PM

On 2019-06-30 This user legendster gave me the following negative trust based on the fact that they dislike me.

"Unwarranted personal attack after sending me a lecture of what he wants me to do. Fuck this guy. A lunatic."

I merely PM him about the Yobit campaign saying we should keep it clean to try to make it last longer. I am not sure what "personal attack is" This user is not very mature and I am unsure why they are a dt member, to begin with. It seems you can receive negative trust simply because someone doesn't like you. I don't see what any of this has to do with trust.

"Fuck this guy. A lunatic" Swearing insults and name-calling. Very mature.

The user also blocked me right away after having their fit. It was totally uncalled for and unneeded. Simply blocking me would have been better. Now I cannot be in the signature campaign I am currently in because someone threw their toys instead of being a mature adult about things. I was afraid this might happened but I didn't think this person would be given a dt status. It seems we are at the mercy of tantrums thrown by children.

Now I guess nothing can be done since only they can remove the negative trust which is also ridiculous. If they have a bad day they can just give you negative trust. I'm not sure why it is ok for dt members to abuse others and call them names. I can't even talk to this person since they blocked me.

This is the neutral feedback I left. I didn't think petty revenge by giving them negative trust back was worth it.

"This user is verbally abusive, negative & awful. The reference this user has used for the neg trust they have given me is in my favour & makes them look silly. I was nothing but polite to this user. I am fascinated as to why this user is so angry. Claims I personally attacked them then proceeds to insult and swear at me. I'm still unsure what the actual problem is. The user had a question and I answered them it's that simple. Now they upset, like do you want a teddy bear? Also claims not to have time for me yet proceeds to try to encourage drama. Noone has time for this."

Overall I actually don't understand why this is happening. A simple disagreement can lead to negative trust? It seems there are no consequences for doing this. It takes quite a nasty person to do this to a hero account.

I just want this removed so I can be on my way. I don't want more drama or anything.  It would be the easiest way to deal with it.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is INDIA going to BAN Bitcoin Again? on: February 03, 2021, 04:48:28 PM
These are first world problems. India can't even deal with its social-economical problems yet the thirsty government is fast to milk the people. They take away something which could take the people out of poverty.
The worst government in the world. How many resources are they wasting arguing about this?
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Strategies to save off Bitcoin fees? on: February 02, 2021, 10:42:44 PM
For me, I send a larger amount of bitcoin, and then I subdivide it into separate currencies so I have a variety of different ways to pay with cheaper transaction fees. Another way is to fill your WebMoney or Skrill wallet.
It also helps to diverse my portfolio.

I never move bitcoin worth less than about $100 it just isn't worth it and many places only support bitcoin so you end up paying a massive % of the total sale in fees. I really hope something is done soon. Especially with Eth since so many tokens rely on it. It makes trading incredibly expensive.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Buying Bitcoin is like planting trees on: February 02, 2021, 10:37:42 PM
I agree with you. Every day is a good day to buy bitcoin. It is still early and most people won't even listen and sell for weak fiat. I am more certain that you will become more wealthy investing in bitcoin and other cryptos than any other investments out there of which I have 0 interest in any way. Never invest in something you don't support and believe in and want.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: High possibility major governments will BAN Bitcoin in the near future on: January 27, 2021, 11:09:36 PM
Banning will be a shot on their foot, this will be like drugs, cutting off the supply will not be enough but instead will in turn increase the prices overtime. People have a history of resisting oppressive authority, banning bitcoin with the narrative that it does not help with the interest of the state will only spark a problem that does not need to exist in the first place, bitcoin never hurt anybody it's the people that does, don't shoot the messenger as they said. Banning will only make the prices higher and make more people flock to it, introducing the same concept will not work because shitcoins have existed.

No, Bitcoin isn't like heroin, cocaine or speed. If banned price would go down to almost nothing, probably in the hundreds of dollars, not in the thousand's like today. People would not flock to it, they would in fact avoid it.

Yet another noob know it all. You must have some special inside knowledge to know these things. I don't care if they ban it. There tons of other people that do as well. In fact, most users would ignore the ban and it would fall apart like the joke it is. Here we have "toll booths" where there shouldn't be. Legally you must pay but only like 2% of the people actually pay. My point is after a certain amount of people refuse to do what the government want there is not much they can do. I mean will they arrest us all? They know they need us.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What will you do if Bitcoin hits $1m in the future? on: January 27, 2021, 11:05:13 PM
When it reaches 1 million $$ Then I will be rich xD I think it can easily get to a million. Look at the speed of adoption and wait until the next massive buy-in of newcomers. Soon there will be now newly created bitcoin and thus bitcoins rarity increases. Up until now, we have had the mining to absorb the adoption by people. Without that the price should skyrocket. Come, on guys, we all know it will reach a million so please please please save your bitcoin do not be foolish. We messed up once let us not mess up again. If it doesn't reach 1 million then lifes not worth living.
14  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: I am being mercilessly scammed by somone from the bitcoin world on: January 27, 2021, 11:51:54 AM
You must be new to the internet. These are just your regular phishing email attempts. Just blacklist the email address sending you this and add it to the trash. What email client are you using and what service?
Surely they block this sort of thing because it is quite obviously spam phishing. I always wonder what their "lead rate" is. How many emails they must send before someone falls for it. It must be worth their while or they would not do it.
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: High possibility major governments will BAN Bitcoin in the near future on: January 26, 2021, 11:04:37 PM
Lol I love how some very very foolish gullible people seem to think if something is banned it disappears. Firstly doing this is beyond unconstitutional even bordering the line of civil disobedience. I can promise you right now I would both reject and fight the government with everything I have if ever they did this. May as well bring back slavery laws. STOP SPREADING FUD!!!

Ok so.... Drug war? Increased the price of drugs and increased the number of users. increased the black market hold and profit for criminals. Great job government.
Ban on gold? People still hold it. There is no way to know who has and who does not hold gold. You don't even have to hold the gold in your own country.

This will never happen and will explode in the government's face.

A ban is just a sily law written in a book it means nothing. If a ban happened as a write this no one will sell anything. In In fact we will all laugh at the government.

Before the government wants to point pictures they should stop corruption that robs the taxpayer.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Driving to the moon? HODLer installs portable mining rig in BMW on: January 26, 2021, 10:58:06 PM
This is just silly and something that someone that has too much money than sense does or something someone does just because they can. I would never do this is just ridiculous and unconventional. Do you just leave the car lying around? Why would you want to drive it when it's full of mining equipment?

This is surprising and the first of its kind that I heard, but won't this be injurious to the car?

The extra weight from the graphics cards alone will probably negate the profit...

... unless he can charge his car for free.

Shit post more? You know nothing about mininig.

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY] ⚫⚫⚫ ETH, USDC, TKP, KCH [KEEP CALM and HODL] ⚫⚫⚫ on: January 23, 2021, 12:37:09 AM

Forum Username: Mike Mayor
Forum Profile Link:;u=836754;
Telegram Username: @ MaxiMonkey
Participated Campaigns: Signature

18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Early signs of crime with bitcoin. on: December 16, 2020, 08:01:24 PM
Maybe we should also ban gold and silver oh we use to trade in cattle so I guess we better ban cows too. If something has value criminals want it, it is honestly that simple.

Money laundering has been going on ever since the creation of trade. Even before coins were used. People had to pay cattle to the king or whatever and people could have "laundered" that cattle so they don't have to give cattle to the king. If some people can find a way not to pay for something they will.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Satoshi Nakamoto Lived In London While Working On Bitcoin + proof on: December 16, 2020, 07:57:26 PM
Someone, please explain this fascination that's really just a bog waste of time with Satoshi. So he lived in London? So what? What will you do with that info? Does it somehow satisfy some curiosity you had? What exactly are you hoping to find. Why not just waste your life away trying to find the holy grail. It's just as pointless.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Defend the bitcoin network to the death on: December 16, 2020, 07:50:48 PM
I full-heartedly agree with you! Down with tyranny and oppression. Down with the greedy governments of the world. I would give my life for bitcoin any day. Without it I am nothing. I wouldn't have work or a job or a house, car, tv, pc, and anything else that's around me at this time.

Bitcoin is not a currency it's a tool of liberation and freedom. Viva la bitcoin!!
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