BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
April 08, 2018, 12:39:40 PM |
Due to the long answer in the support I lost 0.22 bitcoins for which I wanted to buy xbc, now I will never return to this stock exchange.
It can not help in a timely manner.
Yeah it's hard to get through to them.Have you tried their twitter page?
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
April 08, 2018, 12:39:57 PM |
2018-04-08 12:10 UTC
Difficulty POW: 0.01442156 POS: 0.00024414 Coin Supply (XBC) 108127.86920718 556356 blocks 36 connections
Last Price 0.00440008 24hr Change +2.33% 24hr High 0.00461606 24hr Low 0.00420341 24hr Volume: 1.05010095 BTC / 240.48242945 XBC
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 08, 2018, 04:53:34 PM |
Yeah it's hard to get through to them.Have you tried their twitter page?
Yes,they did not respond. The hacker's output hung for 2 weeks in anticipation. As a result, they withdrew his funds and I lost everything.
April 08, 2018, 05:51:07 PM |
Yeah it's hard to get through to them.Have you tried their twitter page?
Yes,they did not respond. The hacker's output hung for 2 weeks in anticipation. As a result, they withdrew his funds and I lost everything. Why didn't you freeze your account?Did you keep tweeting them and email/helpdesk them from the time of hack?If you timestamped this they might refund you for your loss.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 08, 2018, 05:57:25 PM |
Why didn't you freeze your account?Did you keep tweeting them and email/helpdesk them from the time of hack?If you timestamped this they might refund you for your loss.
I wrote to them all two weeks. They did not answer, I immediately protected the account and changed the password. But the output was pending in anticipation, I asked them to cancel the withdrawal of funds. But they did not. I also created a ticket after they had already sent money and asked them why they did not answer me when the withdrawal was pending. But they closed the ticket saying that the funds did not return. And they did not explain the reason why there was no answer. p.s. I will never return to this exchange once they can not even reply to the ticket at the time. I believe now only in BTC plus, and I hope that someday we will go upstairs in price and I will be able to buy accommodation by the sea and invite the whole team of bitcoins plus to visit me. ;-) ( This is my dream.)
April 08, 2018, 06:02:55 PM |
Why didn't you freeze your account?Did you keep tweeting them and email/helpdesk them from the time of hack?If you timestamped this they might refund you for your loss.
I wrote to them all two weeks. They did not answer, I immediately protected the account and changed the password. But the output was pending in anticipation, I asked them to cancel the withdrawal of funds. But they did not. I also created a ticket after they had already sent money and asked them why they did not answer me when the withdrawal was pending. But they closed the ticket saying that the funds did not return. And they did not explain the reason why there was no answer. So the filthy thief hacked both your email AND poloniex account?How did they manage this I wonder?Sorry for your loss.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 08, 2018, 06:09:39 PM |
So the filthy thief hacked both your email AND poloniex account?How did they manage this I wonder?Sorry for your loss.
I lost access to e-mail after hacking my poloniex account.When I found it, I immediately recovered mail and account on the stock exchange.But I saw in the status already output in anticipation of my bitcoins. I wrote immediately to the ticket in technical support, wrote to the mail, They did not answer me, after 2 weeks they withdrew their money to the hacker. p.s. sorry me bad eng
April 08, 2018, 06:16:21 PM |
So the filthy thief hacked both your email AND poloniex account?How did they manage this I wonder?Sorry for your loss.
I lost access to e-mail after hacking my poloniex account.When I found it, I immediately recovered mail and account on the stock exchange.But I saw in the status already output in anticipation of my bitcoins. I wrote immediately to the ticket in technical support, wrote to the mail, They did not answer me, after 2 weeks they withdrew their money to the hacker. p.s. sorry me bad eng The hacker would need to be able to confirm transaction using your email also so he must also have hacked both your email and polo account.How he did this is hard to guess but many people have also complained that verifying your account and being forced to do this causes security flaw allowing any hacker now to withdraw up to $25k in one day instead of the old amount of $2k. after 2 weeks they withdrew their money to the hacker They should refund you something if you were not able to freeze your account because of no support.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 08, 2018, 06:21:45 PM |
They should refund you something if you were not able to freeze your account because of no support.
Confirmation of the transaction did not come to the e-mail, and the hacker created a ticket with a request for withdrawal. When I restored the account the ticket was not processed yet and I canceled it. And created a new ticket so that they cancels the withdrawal, but they did not answer. They said that the funds can not be returned. I can attach screenshots of the ticket if they are interesting to you.
April 08, 2018, 06:29:47 PM |
They should refund you something if you were not able to freeze your account because of no support.
Confirmation of the transaction did not come to the e-mail, and the hacker created a ticket with a request for withdrawal. When I restored the account the ticket was not processed yet and I canceled it. And created a new ticket so that they cancels the withdrawal, but they did not answer. They said that the funds can not be returned. I can attach screenshots of the ticket if they are interesting to you. You can't log into poloniex untill you confirm 2factor with email in first place though.Also you must click email confirmation before they allow withdrawl of funds so hacker must have had access to your email at the same time?
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 08, 2018, 06:33:07 PM |
You can't log into poloniex untill you confirm 2factor with email in first place though.Also you must click email confirmation before they allow withdrawl of funds so hacker must have had access to your email at the same time?
Well, he created a ticket to withdraw funds. Perhaps the notification of the withdrawal did not come to the e-mail.

Activity: 196
Merit: 10
April 08, 2018, 06:39:13 PM |
Why is the price of BitcoinPlus falling ? is it a dump?
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
April 09, 2018, 06:28:50 AM |
You can't log into poloniex untill you confirm 2factor with email in first place though.Also you must click email confirmation before they allow withdrawl of funds so hacker must have had access to your email at the same time?
Well, he created a ticket to withdraw funds. Perhaps the notification of the withdrawal did not come to the e-mail. I think he means that you can only withdraw from Poloniex once you have confirmed a withdrawl from your email address.You also can only log into your account once you have entered the 2FA code they send to your email address.
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
April 09, 2018, 06:29:57 AM |
Why is the price of BitcoinPlus falling ? is it a dump?
Yes it looks like someone has been dumping large stacks of coins for a while now.All crypto coins have lost much of their value recently so its not just XBC but due to our low coin supply out there it only takes a few traders to move the price I suppose putting us at the mercy of bagholders.
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
April 09, 2018, 06:32:48 AM |
@PlusBus @Egghead @Magic I'm aware You guys are busy with the upcoming wallet upgrade and all the required testing. But i still would like to report a recent finding. More or less by accident, i noticed that Binance Exchange has now finally published a link for Coin Listings. I'm not joking, the link looks to be real and authentic, and can be found over here: either directly access here:, chances are that this Application Form will only last for a while, and eventually be removed sometime. I think it's reasonable to expect them to get spammed and overwhelmed by an avalanche of requests and applications, as long as they offer such an easy way for listing, given the sheer size of Binance. Keep in mind, that Binance has a daily trading volume of 30-50 times (!) in excess of Poloniex' daily trading volume. (and varying around 1.5 to 4 times as much trading volume than Bitfinex has) Unfortunately (as usually with most things *too good to be true*), there seems to be a catch needed to overcome, namely the requirement for a legal opinion document by a professional lawyer, that the coin is an utility token and not a security token. Maybe such an expense could be justified however, in case such a document would help with other Exchanges too. (like Bittrex for example, and likely more exchanges to follow in future) As far as i know, there are only a few attorneys specializing in blockchain-related matters, like for example: we could at least ask Max Dilendorf, whether it would be possible for XBC to receive such an "utility" attestation, therefore knowing the positive outcome even BEFORE ordering and actually having to pay for the document. Or maybe Binance could even advise the cheapest source of such a "good-enough" document for listing purposes. What's Your take about Binance, could it be an opportunity for us, as long as this Application link is still online? Pm sent
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
April 09, 2018, 06:37:07 AM |
I think that adding XBC to Binance is a good idea.
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
April 09, 2018, 06:42:06 AM |
2018-04-09 06:21 UTC
Difficulty POW: 0.01442156 POS: 0.00030619 Coin Supply (XBC) 108154.81660142 556929 blocks 36 connections
Last Price 0.00443715 24hr Change -2.29% 24hr High 0.00461606 24hr Low 0.00419162 24hr Volume: 0.79436731 BTC / 181.58953003 XBC
April 09, 2018, 06:47:02 AM |
I think that adding XBC to Binance is a good idea.
yes, any addition certainly has the potential for the coin moreover the more has the place of exchange. and Binance is also a pretty big place for a market, when it will be confirmed
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BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
April 10, 2018, 11:13:09 AM |
What types of tokens platform is going to issue?
We aren't going to be issuing any tokens and we are not a platform. We are a PoS altcoin.
BitcoinPlusBus (OP)
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1032
April 10, 2018, 11:13:33 AM |
2018-04-10 11:05 UTC
Difficulty POW: 0.01442156 POS: 0.00025886 Coin Supply (XBC) 108189.43741903 557831 blocks 32 connections
XBC/BTC Last Price 0.00449999 24hr Change 3.93% 24hr High 0.00500590 24hr Low 0.00404361 24hr Volume: 3.93067263 BTC / 864.76902715 XBC