- Cryptocurrency merchant platform.
This OP will only be updated with the most important news.SuperNET is an initiative designed to:
- Unite disparate cryptocurrencies by fostering collaboration
- Reward innovation, talent and active coin communities
- Share resulting benefits with CORE members and extend advantages to
all crypto currencies
--- >
http://supernet.orgClient v.0https://forum.thesupernet.org/index.php?topic=247.0This is a temporary but fully functional client release. SuperNET client v1 is under development.
SuperNET Slack log (open channels): a SuperNET Slack invite by sending a mail to
info@supernet.org or a PM to noashh or jl777.
The real action is going on in SuperNET Slack, which is also where SuperNET announcements are made first.
https://chat.supernet.orgSupernet Forumhttps://forum.thesupernet.org Newsletter signup:
http://supernetwrk.weebly.com/newsletter.html SuperNET Newsletters archive:
[Trading]BTERhttps://bter.com/trade/UNITY_BTChttps://bter.com/trade/UNITY_CNYhttps://bter.com/trade/UNITY_NXTNxt Asset ExchangeNXT Asset 12071612744977229797 - all others are fake assets!
Issuer acct NXT-MRBN-8DFH-PFMK-A4DBM, make sure to verify before trading.
[SuperNET Dividends]SuperNET assetholders receive dividends according to the size of their investment.
The dividends are automatically transferred to their holding account on Nxt AE or Bter via the Nxt dividend mechanism.
Asset Dividends paid to this date SkyNET
Asset dividends to be released in the near futureJay
Read more about the assets and what features they represent below, under [SuperNET CORE Services and affiliates].
Future SuperNET revenue dividendsSuperNET will make revenues from the fees its core assets receive, as well as advertising revenue and shared fees with third parties. Targeted advertising similar to Google’s AdWords will allow website administrators to serve relevant adverts directly to the cryptocurrency community, with revenue being returned to SuperNET participants.
50% will be distributed as follows:
10 percent for overhead
20 percent for coin communities, according to their proportional contribution
5 percent for Nxt core development
5 percent for BTCD stakers
10 percent unallocated, for discretionary spending to maximise the market cap of SuperNET
The other 50% will go to SuperNET assetholders using the NXT dividend mechanism.
SuperNET/UNITY is a very diversified asset that is the sum of all its parts. Keep in mind that these are mostly independent projects and different ones will come online at different times, so there won’t be a switch that just starts a flood of dividends. It will start with a small trickle and as the dozens of dividend sources all combine and grow, the SuperNET dividend will eventually become quite substantial.
With SuperNET, we have financial ties with the core coins and this will be needed to ensure continued cooperation, especially if we are in a prolonged bear market. What is easy to join, is easy to unjoin and I much rather have few coins with long term commitment to build upon. Only the coins that want to be featured in the SuperNET GUI and getting the cross promotion and technical integration, need to let us buy 10%. If they just want to use the SuperNET services, any coin can do this. Coins without redeeming features wont benefit from being part of SuperNET as nobody will use them. Still, any coin or website is free to connect to SuperNET and make its services available to its communities.
[SuperNET CORE coins]NXT
http://www.opal-coin.com VPN
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=757614.0BITS (SuperNET CORE component!)
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=748045To learn more about what features each core coin contribute to SuperNET, see the SuperNET Newsletters.
Attention coin representatives:Please send your application to join SuperNET CORE to
[SuperNET CORE services and affiliates]Teleport. Darkpaper: Whitepaper:
InstantDEX. Near real-time trading between cryptocurrencies.
SuperNET core owns 241,485 InstantDEX.
InstantDEX fees will flow through these and be dividended out to SuperNET investors.
NXTprivacy. Contains all of jl777 / SuperNET’s privacy-related projects.
SuperNET core owns 241,485 NXTprivacy.
NXTprivacy dividends will flow through these and be dividended out to SuperNET investors.
Tradebots (NXTcoinsco). Allows creation of custom decentralized tradebots.
SuperNET core owns 241,485 Tradebots/NxtCoinsco.
NxtCoinsco dividends will flow through these and be dividended out to SuperNET investors.
Coinomat. Enables you to exchange Bitcoins directly in the client.
Coinomat is also the issuer of CoinoUSD (asset ID 12982485703607823902), a USD-tied asset, which can be traded directly from the SuperNET client, thus creating the first NXT/USD decentralized market. CoinoUSD can be withdrawn via Coinomat services, for example to VISA / Mastercard.
https://coinomat.comSuperNET card (cryptocard). Half-anon withdrawals of NXT and other SuperNET coins.
Dividends will flow to SuperNET holders through NXTprivacy.
neoDICE is similar to that of the legendary satoshiDice, with a few differences, the most important one been the near realtime processing of the wagers.
100% of neoDICE revenues will be distributed to assetholders. This indirectly includes SuperNET, so UNITY holders will receive dividends from neoDICE. UNITY holders will receive dividends from neoDICE through Privatebet > NXTprivacy.
https://nxtforum.org/nxtventures/(pre-ann)-neodice/Pangea. Decentralized poker application. Uses provably random numbers and will take advantage of the built-in privacy features of SuperNET.
20% of revenues will go to SuperNET holders through Privatebet > NXTprivacy.
SuperHODL contains 414’454.1309 of 1’000’000 Pangea = 41.45%. SuperNET internal holdings: 0.06%
https://nxtforum.org/nxtventures/pangea-poker/Omnigames (asset ID: 7441230892853180965).Freemium mobile games that use cryptocurrency for in-game purchases.
80% of Omnigames revenues will be distributed to assetholders.
20% of revenues will go to marketing affiliates, with Privatebet handling the SuperNET players for omnigames.
Omnigames will be dividended out as an asset at the usual rate of 7.5% to both NXTventure and SuperNET, with 5% going to JLH.
SuperHODL contains 400’000 of 1’000’000 Omnigames = 40.00%. SuperNET holds 7.5%
https://nxtforum.org/nxtventures/omnigames-asset/ATOMIC (asset ID 11694807213441909013). Designed to enable 100% decentralized trading for all coins and assets on a single blockchain. It will be integrated into the core of SuperNET.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=780833.0Freemarket (asset ID 134138275353332190). A decentralized physical goods store (similar to a decentralised eBay).
20% of FreeMarket listing fees (7.77 NXT per listed item from 2015) will go to SuperNET. Download the NXT Freemarket install here:
http://nxtfreemarket.comJay (asset ID: 8688289798928624137). A light wallet and a decentralised plug-in network.
James writes: ‘Jay will allow people without any software on their system to run the SuperNET GUI and access all coins. I want this to be accessible from SuperNET.org, so it would just have the latest SuperNET GUI directly available from theSuperNET.org website. It will do local client signing, so they can safely do money tx for any coin connected to the SuperNET, not just core coins!’ Possible uses include a plug-in store for downloads, multiwallet and generally allowing crypto to have a lower entry barrier due to avoiding the requirement of downloading blockchains.
Jay will be dividended out as an asset at the usual rate of 7.5% to both NXTventure and SuperNET, with 5% going to JLH. Timing is undecided.
SuperHODL contains 400’000 of 1’000’000 Jay = 40.00%. SuperNET holds 7.50%
https://nxtforum.org/jay-framework/https://nxtforum.org/nxtventures/jay-decentralized-plugin-network-asset-8688289798928624137/msg132142/NXTweb. A series of fee-generating sites, the first one being a crowdfunding website:
SuperNET will receive 25 percent of NXTweb’s NET profit.
https://nxtforum.org/assets-board/(ann)-nxtweb/SNN, SuperNET News Network (asset ID 15113552914305929842), will be ‘a community owned and operated media outlet, with stories and content written by a wide range of contributors about crypto technologies and markets’.
75 percent of SNN revenues will be distributed to its assetholders. Revenue sources include advertising, subscriptions and pay-per-view. SuperNET holds X% of SNN.
SuperHODL contains 700’000 of 1’000’000 SNN = 70.00%. SuperNET holds 7.50%
https://forum.thesupernet.org/index.php?topic=118.0BOOST (asset ID 9719950459730291994) is a startup incubator that provides zero-interest loans for new NXT companies and will have close links with NXTventure, both in funding and adopting new companies. It will act as a conduit for small companies that want to become a qualified NXTventure listing.
SkyNET (asset id: 6854596569382794790). FinHive has made an agreement with SkyNET to become a wholly owned subsidiary of SkyNET. All future revenues from FinHive operations will flow through SkyNET. Revenues in excess of operating costs will be distributed as dividends to SkyNET assetholders.
https://nxtforum.org/finhive/https://nxtforum.org/nxtventures/reserved-6826/MyNxt. Is making an online SuperNET client.
SuperHODL contains 17’200 of 100’000 MyNXT = 17.20%
http://www.mynxt.info/Coinimal Euro-crypto gateway.
Profit-sharing deal with SuperNET: In return for being featured as the EUR-gateway in the SuperNET, Coinimal GmbH will distribute 51% of the profit generated through the SuperNET Plugin to SuperNET. The Profit Share will be paid monthly in Bitcoin.
[NAV buywall]A buy wall at NAV has been put up on BTer and NXT AE. This to allow holders to sell at NAV (Net Asset Value) should they need to. The buywall is based on the value of the cryptocurrencies backing SuperNET, but not the assets added for free.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=762346.msg8735738#msg8735738 explains in a bit more detail.
SuperTradersSuperTraders are a team of cryptocurrency traders with a proven track-record of returns. Their aim is to increase SuperNET’s NAV through trading on different exchanges. They hold a maximum of 10 percent of SuperNET’s working capital, or around 570 BTC. Their capital is awarded incrementally as they increase their own bankrolls through successful trading, thereby increasing confidence and limiting downside risk. Each time they increase their bankroll by 50 percent, SuperNET also increase their available funds by 50 percent. The aim is to allocate the largest bankroll to the SuperTrader with the largest and most consistent gains.
More details:
[INFRASTRUCTURE]SuperNET nodesSuperNET’s infrastructure is a network of servers (nodes), that are publicly visible and will be used to store files in the cloud as well as relaying transactions and messages. If you are able to help set these up and maintain them, please contact Azeh on the bitcointalk forum.
As we get closer to initial release with core functions, we need to have the infrastructure, especially MMatrix. So SuperNET contracted for 10 mega servers to start and will probably get a lot more. For people concerned about the “Instant” of InstantDEX and core capacity of DHT this solves that, as the best software running on snotkitten class hardware will just not provide the performance people will expect.
[Calling SuperNET]SuperNET’s functionality will be available via a series of API calls.
A ‘passthru’ API call has been added to allow non-SuperNET core coins to access the features of SuperNET. This adds enormous versatility to SuperNET, in that any coin community can now customise it and use it for their own coin, if they wish.
James writes, ‘If there are specific functions that you want to make into SuperNET API, you can code it up and I can merge it in. In SuperNET.conf, the “coins” array describes how to interface to a coin’s daemon and there is a bitcoind_RPC function that invokes it via RPC, so within SuperNET you can call your daemon and encapsulate this in the SuperNET JSON API. Once your coin/service has an API, then with an HTML5/Javascript panel in the SuperNET GUI, all users of SuperNET will have direct (and easy) GUI access.
‘Just like we enhance the NXT GUI into SuperNET, any coin can enhance the SuperNET reference with their own features. Assuming it is a cool feature then SuperNET would be wanting to make it part of the reference release.
‘I think with a “passthru” API that sends the JSON to a coin daemon (even remote), it will simplify coins connecting up to SuperNET. They can update (or fork reference SuperNET GUI) and enhance the SuperNET with their coin’s features. Only their community would have all the code needed to use their coin’s functions. For the ones that have functionality that we want in the core, it then becomes a matter of merging the code and putting it into the reference implementation.’
[Bug hunting rewards]There are big bug hunting rewards available for anyone who can identify significant bugs in the SuperNET API. Rewards of UNITY will be paid out to anyone who can find problems, with a sliding scale of amounts. Rewards will be paid out at the end of each week to bug-finders and will continue for 5 weeks (until early January 2015).
Interested? PM noashh or jl777.
[ICO]SuperNET fundraising process: CLOSEDIf you still have TOKEN you must redeem to get dividendsIf you have TOKEN on NXT AE, send it to: NXT-7Y5B-J8LQ-SL5P-3ULFL (alias: RedeemTOKEN)
It will be converted to SuperNET and sent back to your account. This is done via a manual process run by valarmg
[Official Funds Raised Report]Sep 23rd
bter 303370.1402 + NXT AE 267873 TOKEN = 571243.1402 TOKEN
1201.4874086 BTC, 13836576.42463729 + 33252122.74985353 NXT, 37559.38107027 BTCD, 713706.73861822 CNY, 5403 VIA, 435658.49 VRC
1201.4874086 BTC
BTCD rate 0.01252290 BTC 37559.38107027 = 470.3524 BTC equiv
NXT rate 0.00007890 BTC 47088699.1745 = 3715.3 BTC equiv
VRC rate 0.00014073 BTC 435658.49 = 61.31 BTC equiv
VIA rate 0.00029967 BTC 5403 = 1.6191 BTC equiv
CNY rate ¥ 2486 per BTC 713706.73861822 = 287.09 BTC equiv
total BTC equiv = 5737.1589
Total UNITY issuedA total of 816061 SuperNET (UNITY) has been issued.
Trustees:CNY - Bter
BTCD - Azeh escrow acct RA7FDvaNFXZNLqosSbCWFbypuvijJNQw5J
BTC - effectsToCause (VRC), coinsolidation (BTM), crypto_zoidberg (BBR) ...
Escrow Detailshttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=762346.msg8748412#msg8748412Requestor - jl777
Approver - cobaltskky
Authorization Committee of 7:
n3lz0n - NXT-WFTS-BJQR-3V25-6S65F
Bonus plan for jl7772 bonuses of each 5 percent of UNITY will be paid to James if the following conditions are met:
1. A tripling of market cap by the end of 2014.
2. A tenfold increase in market cap by the end of 2015.
The 3x Bonus threshold is 5737.1589 * 3 = 17211.4767 before end of 2014
The 10x Bonus threshold is 57371.589 before end of 2015
If the conditions are not met, the 5% UNITY will instead go into SuperNET as working capital.
[A few more links]https://twitter.com/Jl777Newshttp://jl777news.tumblr.com/https://www.facebook.com/jl777official https://twitter.com/thesupernetorghttps://twitter.com/pangeapokerSuperNET acct.
http://nxtreporting.com/?ac=9918441724915080500SuperNET holding acct.
http://nxtreporting.com/?a=NXT-USU4-92UY-KEYT-4H649Funding request threadhttps://nxtforum.org/unity/supernet-funds-request-authorization-thread-official/ShortUNITY
https://nxtforum.org/assets-board/shortunity/ CMC asset market
http://coinmarketcap.com/assets/views/all/#BTCPrediction Markets
https://www.fairlay.com/predict/registered/new/supernet-in-top-10-of-coinmarketcap/https://www.fairlay.com/predict/registered/new/supernet-in-top-5-of-coinmarketcap-before-2016/ 
Tech Tree in the works:
