Mineral apple vs digital orange. Gold is physical, bitcoin is mathematical. Move around a few protons and you get Hg/Pt, yes it is high energy consuming but doable. You can not modify a single bit in bitcoin and come to an usable "item".
Gold has already failed to be the abstraction of 'money'; the moment a piece of paper saying "i am x amount of gold in y vault in z country" became accepted as money (due to its' lower transaction cost), gold ceased to be circulating in real life economy as a tool for value of exchange - due its very high transaction cost -; try buying anything with physical gold in an everyday real life store, it is nearly impossible - not like bitcoin, and it will have more and more of those stores- , unless you convert it to say like paper money first, so at best it is a money surrogate. Also, if gold failed once to stop fiat becoming
de facto "money", it will fail again in the future.
If we accept that money is an abstraction for value to be used in exchanges (trade), than, from the technical point of view (medium of exchange), the perfect money is an abstraction itself: a digital good. It is precisely because gold has other, physical uses - electronics, medical, jewelry as status symbol, etc- which make it less than optimal. It can go to be used as an industrial good suddenly from hold of value, if that value is getting on pair with its physical utility in electronics in one day - in other words, if it gets cheap enough, we rather "use it up" in everyday items - computers, cables etc, than store it in the vault.
Bitcoin on the other hand is programmable. Since the abstraction of money is just a public agreement - totally arbitrary -, and bitcoin can be made - and already is- widely more useful than gold (gold is just sitting there, you have to store it, guard it, transport it physically - it is heavy!, you can not divide/add it up on whim, it is hard to proof it is "real" in everyday use, etc). Technologically it is far more superior.
Of course, some argue, that without the internet, there is no bitcoin. News flash: without the internet, there is no global economy, power grid management, transportation, and in days, there is no food in any major city. Than you can trade your bag of gold for a bag of potatoes, like people do in war zones...Just a hint