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Author Topic: When gambling makes you cry.  (Read 67350 times)
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September 30, 2016, 05:00:34 AM

I feel you bro. I just lost most of my BTC in gambling last week and it's the most regretful thing that I have ever done in my life. I've just realized that rather than gambling I'm gonna do something like trading instead to start growing again my BTC amount to start a new life. I'm gonna quit gambling because it only cause problems to me and it's just not feel right.
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September 30, 2016, 05:11:26 AM

I cry everytime when I lose a big amounts bet, It's very hard to let go of what I have lost.
But I keep trying it because I try to win.
Well, gambling is like that. you really want to cry when you lose, especially when you bet large amounts. if you keep trying then gambling will be more tense you are, and makes you always want to try to win until you run out of money. I've done that a few times, and of course it almost made me cry
thats true, it feels really bad if you lose the money you need for something and you want to do something to yourself
if that's happen to me i will surely cry as well, but thats the reason why i don't use my hard own money just the money that i collected from faucets and some service that i finish because i don't really want to see myself in a situation like that making bad mistakes and risking my own self.
Loosing is part of the game if you dont want to lose too much do not deposit too much so it will not ended you crying. You will learn many more strategy to use to play it much safer but still  have chance to lose.

only gamblilng addicts are those who cry after they lose money. because the rest of the gambers are not addicts and never cry because they don't expect a big winning or even profit from gambling and they only play it for pure fun of gambling games.

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September 30, 2016, 05:16:21 AM

So here's a catch:

If you get your money from signature campaign, and this money is used in gambling, your regrets will be a little less if you lose because you earned that money for free. You still worked for it, though.
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September 30, 2016, 06:07:05 AM

So here's a catch:

If you get your money from signature campaign, and this money is used in gambling, your regrets will be a little less if you lose because you earned that money for free. You still worked for it, though.

although loss in less amount, we still regret it, because i think, that bitcoin is still bitcoin and better we use it for another way to make more bitcoin again, like we do trading bitcoin-altcoin or other. so we can avoid regret for losing money in gambling.
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September 30, 2016, 06:11:20 AM

when I loose a big money, it makes me cry and I hope everyone would be having the same feeling, as nobody wants loose the game or their money
Sr. Member
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September 30, 2016, 06:29:12 AM

So here's a catch:

If you get your money from signature campaign, and this money is used in gambling, your regrets will be a little less if you lose because you earned that money for free. You still worked for it, though.

even your signature campaign earnings are earned from you hard work it is also your hard earned money so how can we say that it will just bring a little regret Grin maybe for you it is just that easy to risk your hard earned money from signature campaign to gambling , we have a different perspective when it comes on this type of situation .
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September 30, 2016, 06:33:14 AM

In the past seven days I did not win a single bet. I mean I can't win all the time but hey when losing mostly because of a single game I wouldn't say that I cry but I am severely pissed off.
Mr. Big
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September 30, 2016, 06:35:20 AM

when I loose a big money, it makes me cry and I hope everyone would be having the same feeling, as nobody wants loose the game or their money

Losing money in gambling really could make you cry, specially if you are expecting a positive outcome but the other thing happened... I think hard earned money should not be used to gamble, and everyone should really stay away from gambling when you are desperately searching for money.. It would just pile up another problem to your previous one...  Smiley
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September 30, 2016, 07:12:03 AM

So here's a catch:

If you get your money from signature campaign, and this money is used in gambling, your regrets will be a little less if you lose because you earned that money for free. You still worked for it, though.

Losing what you have earned from any kind of sources will still make you regret. Even if you earned it for pure free i.e from giveaway. When people lost it then they will think "actually I can use the money for.....instead of losing it on gambling" Regret on gambling will always be there even if we have set our max lose.

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September 30, 2016, 07:20:03 AM

I cry everytime when I lose a big amounts bet, It's very hard to let go of what I have lost.
But I keep trying it because I try to win.
Well, gambling is like that. you really want to cry when you lose, especially when you bet large amounts. if you keep trying then gambling will be more tense you are, and makes you always want to try to win until you run out of money. I've done that a few times, and of course it almost made me cry
thats true, it feels really bad if you lose the money you need for something and you want to do something to yourself
if that's happen to me i will surely cry as well, but thats the reason why i don't use my hard own money just the money that i collected from faucets and some service that i finish because i don't really want to see myself in a situation like that making bad mistakes and risking my own self.
Loosing is part of the game if you dont want to lose too much do not deposit too much so it will not ended you crying. You will learn many more strategy to use to play it much safer but still  have chance to lose.

only gamblilng addicts are those who cry after they lose money. because the rest of the gambers are not addicts and never cry because they don't expect a big winning or even profit from gambling and they only play it for pure fun of gambling games.

Some may cry some  may not because  its their own decision  to play gambling  and they are already aware that they are lossing too much money .  In my own opinion gamblers would really cry for those  who loss up huge money  that they cant afford to lose for sure.

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September 30, 2016, 08:05:32 AM

I cry everytime when I lose a big amounts bet, It's very hard to let go of what I have lost.
But I keep trying it because I try to win.
Well, gambling is like that. you really want to cry when you lose, especially when you bet large amounts. if you keep trying then gambling will be more tense you are, and makes you always want to try to win until you run out of money. I've done that a few times, and of course it almost made me cry
thats true, it feels really bad if you lose the money you need for something and you want to do something to yourself
if that's happen to me i will surely cry as well, but thats the reason why i don't use my hard own money just the money that i collected from faucets and some service that i finish because i don't really want to see myself in a situation like that making bad mistakes and risking my own self.
Loosing is part of the game if you dont want to lose too much do not deposit too much so it will not ended you crying. You will learn many more strategy to use to play it much safer but still  have chance to lose.

only gamblilng addicts are those who cry after they lose money. because the rest of the gambers are not addicts and never cry because they don't expect a big winning or even profit from gambling and they only play it for pure fun of gambling games.

Some may cry some  may not because  its their own decision  to play gambling  and they are already aware that they are lossing too much money .  In my own opinion gamblers would really cry for those  who loss up huge money  that they cant afford to lose for sure.
Bigger of smaller amount is not the basis in gambling but the right way to call it only gamble the amount you can afford to lose, when you win you will be happy because you will receive a bigger win but if you will lose you will definitely cry especially if that amount is intended for something important.


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September 30, 2016, 08:24:41 AM

I cry everytime when I lose a big amounts bet, It's very hard to let go of what I have lost.
But I keep trying it because I try to win.
Well, gambling is like that. you really want to cry when you lose, especially when you bet large amounts. if you keep trying then gambling will be more tense you are, and makes you always want to try to win until you run out of money. I've done that a few times, and of course it almost made me cry
thats true, it feels really bad if you lose the money you need for something and you want to do something to yourself
if that's happen to me i will surely cry as well, but thats the reason why i don't use my hard own money just the money that i collected from faucets and some service that i finish because i don't really want to see myself in a situation like that making bad mistakes and risking my own self.
Loosing is part of the game if you dont want to lose too much do not deposit too much so it will not ended you crying. You will learn many more strategy to use to play it much safer but still  have chance to lose.

only gamblilng addicts are those who cry after they lose money. because the rest of the gambers are not addicts and never cry because they don't expect a big winning or even profit from gambling and they only play it for pure fun of gambling games.

Some may cry some  may not because  its their own decision  to play gambling  and they are already aware that they are lossing too much money .  In my own opinion gamblers would really cry for those  who loss up huge money  that they cant afford to lose for sure.
Bigger of smaller amount is not the basis in gambling but the right way to call it only gamble the amount you can afford to lose, when you win you will be happy because you will receive a bigger win but if you will lose you will definitely cry especially if that amount is intended for something important.

Yep. That's why it's always better to buy that important thing with the money instead of gambling them away. People who think like "right now I have $700 to buy a computer, but I can gamble a bit and make it $900 and then buy a better computer" always lose. That's how it is, you should never try to increase your money with gambling.

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September 30, 2016, 09:04:51 AM

when I loose a big money, it makes me cry and I hope everyone would be having the same feeling, as nobody wants loose the game or their money

Well you can count me in when losing it is really making my tears to fall. Even though I just gamble very minimal but still I'm treating each cent as gold.

I don't know why there are times that when I gamble I always lose, even though I keep on saying that it is fine and it is not going to be a big lose for me.

How much more if I am going to lose big amount?

Vires in Numeris
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September 30, 2016, 11:16:31 AM

when I loose a big money, it makes me cry and I hope everyone would be having the same feeling, as nobody wants loose the game or their money

Well you can count me in when losing it is really making my tears to fall. Even though I just gamble very minimal but still I'm treating each cent as gold.

I don't know why there are times that when I gamble I always lose, even though I keep on saying that it is fine and it is not going to be a big lose for me.

How much more if I am going to lose big amount?

I am also not playing big bet, only because of fear of lose and fear of crying. But whenever i play gambling before the result announce, i am starting to cry, and i am saying oh God, but suddenly i win, Oh my God,, that was a really full of excitement moment for me always, when i was starting the betting, but if i lose, than 100 times i am saying that i am not crying but in fact my heart is crying.
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September 30, 2016, 11:23:38 AM

when I loose a big money, it makes me cry and I hope everyone would be having the same feeling, as nobody wants loose the game or their money

Well you can count me in when losing it is really making my tears to fall. Even though I just gamble very minimal but still I'm treating each cent as gold.

I don't know why there are times that when I gamble I always lose, even though I keep on saying that it is fine and it is not going to be a big lose for me.

How much more if I am going to lose big amount?

I am also not playing big bet, only because of fear of lose and fear of crying. But whenever i play gambling before the result announce, i am starting to cry, and i am saying oh God, but suddenly i win, Oh my God,, that was a really full of excitement moment for me always, when i was starting the betting, but if i lose, than 100 times i am saying that i am not crying but in fact my heart is crying.

haha that hurt much! You cant control your self when you are winning! Greedy and the emotions is your real enemy on that game if you cant beat it or control it then they will control yyou and make you cry because you loose pretty a lot Cheesy so if yyou win then just go! Cheesy hahaha
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September 30, 2016, 02:05:03 PM

when I loose a big money, it makes me cry and I hope everyone would be having the same feeling, as nobody wants loose the game or their money

Well you can count me in when losing it is really making my tears to fall. Even though I just gamble very minimal but still I'm treating each cent as gold.

I don't know why there are times that when I gamble I always lose, even though I keep on saying that it is fine and it is not going to be a big lose for me.

How much more if I am going to lose big amount?

I am also not playing big bet, only because of fear of lose and fear of crying. But whenever i play gambling before the result announce, i am starting to cry, and i am saying oh God, but suddenly i win, Oh my God,, that was a really full of excitement moment for me always, when i was starting the betting, but if i lose, than 100 times i am saying that i am not crying but in fact my heart is crying.

haha that hurt much! You cant control your self when you are winning! Greedy and the emotions is your real enemy on that game if you cant beat it or control it then they will control yyou and make you cry because you loose pretty a lot Cheesy so if yyou win then just go! Cheesy hahaha

AHHA moment, it's very much experienced by most people and it is a problem that should be fixed by everyone who do gambling. And also all that is the start we get addicted to that can ruin our lives. Can only do gambling in the number of low and remain consistent for a low bet
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September 30, 2016, 07:28:23 PM

when I loose a big money, it makes me cry and I hope everyone would be having the same feeling, as nobody wants loose the game or their money

Well you can count me in when losing it is really making my tears to fall. Even though I just gamble very minimal but still I'm treating each cent as gold.

I don't know why there are times that when I gamble I always lose, even though I keep on saying that it is fine and it is not going to be a big lose for me.

How much more if I am going to lose big amount?

I am also not playing big bet, only because of fear of lose and fear of crying. But whenever i play gambling before the result announce, i am starting to cry, and i am saying oh God, but suddenly i win, Oh my God,, that was a really full of excitement moment for me always, when i was starting the betting, but if i lose, than 100 times i am saying that i am not crying but in fact my heart is crying.

haha that hurt much! You cant control your self when you are winning! Greedy and the emotions is your real enemy on that game if you cant beat it or control it then they will control yyou and make you cry because you loose pretty a lot Cheesy so if yyou win then just go! Cheesy hahaha
thats true, it is really hard to control yourself when you gamble all the time, thats why i dont play it

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September 30, 2016, 09:44:11 PM

Gambling doesnt make me cry but it makes me sad when i am losing everything i deposit. But that was in the past when i was still playing dice but now in sports bet even i lose it doesn't matter to me because i am enjoying watching my favorite team plays while i have bet on them, so win or lose i am still happy.
This is a good move on your part, instead of gambling being the be all and end all now it’s just a way to make more interesting something that you already enjoyed.
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September 30, 2016, 11:10:19 PM

when I loose a big money, it makes me cry and I hope everyone would be having the same feeling, as nobody wants loose the game or their money

Well you can count me in when losing it is really making my tears to fall. Even though I just gamble very minimal but still I'm treating each cent as gold.

I don't know why there are times that when I gamble I always lose, even though I keep on saying that it is fine and it is not going to be a big lose for me.

How much more if I am going to lose big amount?

I am also not playing big bet, only because of fear of lose and fear of crying. But whenever i play gambling before the result announce, i am starting to cry, and i am saying oh God, but suddenly i win, Oh my God,, that was a really full of excitement moment for me always, when i was starting the betting, but if i lose, than 100 times i am saying that i am not crying but in fact my heart is crying.

haha that hurt much! You cant control your self when you are winning! Greedy and the emotions is your real enemy on that game if you cant beat it or control it then they will control yyou and make you cry because you loose pretty a lot Cheesy so if yyou win then just go! Cheesy hahaha

AHHA moment, it's very much experienced by most people and it is a problem that should be fixed by everyone who do gambling. And also all that is the start we get addicted to that can ruin our lives. Can only do gambling in the number of low and remain consistent for a low bet

if we keep our bet amount at lower then we will not lose all of our wealth and we will not cry ever after gambling. I often spend sometime in playing dice and always keep my bet at smallest i do earn a good profit and when I feel to go for work then I leave it at that time.
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September 30, 2016, 11:22:48 PM

I just lost 1 bitcoin tonight and it really feels like im more than broken hearted i do not know will i cry later or gonna chase my lose i do not really know what to do i should quit gambling now because it really not profitable and i dont have luck on it i will keep my moneysafe fo day and forevers

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