But about Bill for 4 month waiting so so so much
and trust me he is not good and not honest man he not find solution to ask me money because starting with request liting Dbic to trex: i ask him did i must pay some BTC, but he tell is free, but after that he lie to me, i sweer he is bad person because when i talk with him , i think talking with person who understand but he he egnore me and joke with me for long time 4 month talking with him to listed coin !!!!!!!!!!
if we talking about Poloniex yeah realy big honest exchange , but Bittrex All world know they listed coin scammer just pay 3 btc
Take it easy my friend
(now seriously, meditation could help you, you're very stressed)
I'm gonna try to put you in his situation:
(dont take it wrong, it's just so you can understand him better, so you can have a better relationship)
Bill probably has 20 devs asking him everyday to list their coin,
so he's probably quite tired of people begging him to list the coin.
I believe you were "too agresive" asking him why he has not listed the coin yet.
You should ask that more politely, even if you believe he's a racist (which I'm not sure at all)
If you can translate officialy the documents and send him in english I think that could help a lot,
cos is not his duty to translate anything, he just have to check if everything is ok and list the coin.
(I mean, there is noone inside Bittrex who is dealing with translations everyday.
He has to search for a trusted translator, send him the docs, pay him, ...)
As said, just trying to put you in his position...
I dont understand why should be dbic on trex listed.
Some guys defending here bill from trex, i have the feeling that they sleepwith him.
not a matter of love here, just business

Yobit: 900 BTC volume
Bittrex: 2,200 BTC volume
Poloniex: 25,000 BTC volume
our mistake is working about projects nothing more, but we not give time to advertise our project this is true
but we have time to working about the next project and in same time we must working about SEO , marketing
That is fucking awesome news dev!!!
Congrats!! We're now moving to the next step!!
Please check this:
is very useful info, please check it, it's about the influencers and how they can put your brand/product into the market