Activity: 1470
Merit: 1000
June 09, 2017, 01:04:52 AM |
when other coıns will added to DEX. like ether and etc. or others. to increase wolume of DEX wave team has to list other coins too. they need to work on that. if they add ether etc xmr xrp and some more coıns to dex. everybody wıll start to use ıt. because ı belıve most of people are waıtıng for thıs.
Expanse EXP as well, I am the community manager and interesting in having Expanse added to Waves. We have lots of developers and can help with this if needed later. (I have been testing Waves out and hold a fair amount) Basically, look at the tokens JAXX is adding, they are adding tokens and coins with strong communities. You get all those on Waves and lots of people would use it.
June 09, 2017, 01:10:59 AM |
Hello everyone, i am Imed Boudali, validator developer for NVO.IO, john.wavesplatform authorized me to announce the project NVO is a wallet with enhanced features with support for multiple cryptocurrencies, and a decentralized exchange. The most important features offered by the project are a plugin system to bridge different projects to NVO (cryptocurrencies, services, APIs ...) and a decentralized exchange built on the SafeNetwork. The Validator is similar to the matcher, but the similarities are limited. The most important function of the Validator is to protect the users against double spending, and to enable offline trading. NVO is aware that Waves have a built-in promising DEX, however the waves DEX allows the trading of Waves Assets, just like counterparty DEX. NVO could bring a plus to Waves DEX by providing more trading pairs to the Assets and currency trading. Waves and its assets will be tradable for currencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin, Dash ... In a decentralized environment which will bring more volumes to the Waves DEX. We had a lot of feedback from different communities, SafeNet, BTCT, and even HackForums. I would be more than happy to receive the waves community feedback. We will answer your questions with pleasure. Website : https://nvo.ioBTCT:
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
June 09, 2017, 01:22:23 AM |
I keep getting an error on waves exchange error "order has not been created" I'm trying to buy WTC with my BTC. What gives guys? any advice would be great.
Pretty sure its because you have zero waves. you need at least .003 waves. you can get some using a credit card, or convert some bitcoin into waves on, or use Bittrex exchange. Thanks, I figured it out right after the post. strange it doesn't just deduct it from the exchange.

Activity: 102
Merit: 10
June 09, 2017, 01:36:45 AM |
In john.wavesplatform we trust.
Excellent Sasha hired some buffoons to promote competitors with scam ico's.
@Sasha kick this moron out of the team and don't let this NVO moron ruin the reputation of Waves. Or is this your hired gun ICO? Like Tidex is not your exchange? In that case a brilliant move.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1009
June 09, 2017, 01:55:59 AM |
I keep getting an error on waves exchange error "order has not been created" I'm trying to buy WTC with my BTC. What gives guys? any advice would be great.
Pretty sure its because you have zero waves. you need at least .003 waves. you can get some using a credit card, or convert some bitcoin into waves on, or use Bittrex exchange. Thanks, I figured it out right after the post. strange it doesn't just deduct it from the exchange. Yup, waves for tx fee for new users usually results in hitting the faucets to get a few tx fees worth of waves, sometimes it doesn't give you 1 tx worth though. PM me your Waves address, I'll give you a few tx worth.
June 09, 2017, 02:14:54 AM |
In john.wavesplatform we trust.
Excellent Sasha hired some buffoons to promote competitors with scam ico's.
@Sasha kick this moron out of the team and don't let this NVO moron ruin the reputation of Waves. Or is this your hired gun ICO? Like Tidex is not your exchange? In that case a brilliant move.
awesome ! The first schysophrenic of the day. Sasha haven't hired me. I am supporting a friend, and helping NVO on development. Sasha isn't the escrow of NVO. You should read before insulting people. If Sasha recruits someone, it is for the interest of WavesPlatform, he would have to be the escrow, while the NVO escrows are Lauda, Minerjones, Blazed, coinpayments. NVO would have to be a Waves asset, while it is a counterparty asset (a Bitcoin asset). No, NVO isn't a competitor to Waves DEX, it is totally different. Waves Dex allows trading for Assets and Waves, while NVO is like a poloniex into a wallet, with a validator (similar to the matcher) hosted on the SafeNetwork, so there isn't that much similarities between NVO and Waves, it also have a plugin system which can be revolutionnary for the payment processors, and annoy centralized banks. It is a freedom project, like Bitcoin. It will be managed like Bitcoin core. So, NVO isn't related to Waves, or Sasha. and before posting, the lead developer of NVO asked the permission.
June 09, 2017, 05:32:32 AM |
All of the assets should continue to be traded on the AE platform, right?
Absolutely. When WAVES network is up they'll be transferred there. Look at the date on the post .... over a year later, and still nothing  This coinomat stuff is really bad for Sasha's credibility, why doesn't he just open up swaps again and get it over with, just delegate to someone else. Makes WAVES look unprofessional to have this drag on for over a year, maybe people in Russia accept this sort of behaviour but to Western eyeballs this level of contempt and disrespect for past investors is a red flag. @sasha, you need to deal with these old assets asap
June 09, 2017, 06:47:22 AM Last edit: June 09, 2017, 07:20:26 AM by Nat2021 |
 Alexander Ivanov and the business ombudsman Boris Titov signed an agreement to establish business incubator on «People of Growth» platform that will help real business to conduct ICO on the Waves platform. About Boris Titov:
June 09, 2017, 07:17:01 AM |
 Alexander Ivanov and the business ombudsman Boris Titov signed an agreement to establish business incubator on «People of Growth» platform that will help the real business to conduct ICO on the Waves platform. About Boris Titov:, never saw a crypto-CEO doing that much for his blockchain. Waves will be great ! I know well
June 09, 2017, 08:03:46 AM |
Well, didnt Vitalik visit Putin recently? I feel there is a strong fundament being created atm, focussing on Russia. I dont know which implications it will have, but things seem rather positive to me. One thing which I am started to question lately, regarding DEX matchers... is it centralized? If so, will it be dcentralized in future? How about the dangers of relying on a centralized part with the risk of DDOS? I am no techie, so be gentle on me. 
June 09, 2017, 08:16:56 AM |
Well, didnt Vitalik visit Putin recently? I feel there is a strong fundament being created atm, focussing on Russia. I dont know which implications it will have, but things seem rather positive to me. One thing which I am started to question lately, regarding DEX matchers... is it centralized? If so, will it be dcentralized in future? How about the dangers of relying on a centralized part with the risk of DDOS? I am no techie, so be gentle on me.  Matchers aren't centralized, it's an option you can enable on your node. Anyone can "be" a matcher.
June 09, 2017, 08:21:40 AM |
Well, didnt Vitalik visit Putin recently? I feel there is a strong fundament being created atm, focussing on Russia. I dont know which implications it will have, but things seem rather positive to me. One thing which I am started to question lately, regarding DEX matchers... is it centralized? If so, will it be dcentralized in future? How about the dangers of relying on a centralized part with the risk of DDOS? I am no techie, so be gentle on me.  Matchers aren't centralized, it's an option you can enable on your node. Anyone can "be" a matcher. Thank you once again. And fiat gateways, do you know perhaps?
June 09, 2017, 08:37:24 AM |
Well, didnt Vitalik visit Putin recently? I feel there is a strong fundament being created atm, focussing on Russia. I dont know which implications it will have, but things seem rather positive to me. One thing which I am started to question lately, regarding DEX matchers... is it centralized? If so, will it be dcentralized in future? How about the dangers of relying on a centralized part with the risk of DDOS? I am no techie, so be gentle on me.  Matchers aren't centralized, it's an option you can enable on your node. Anyone can "be" a matcher. Thank you once again. And fiat gateways, do you know perhaps? Gateway are centralized. No solution exist to transfer fiat to the blockchain without a third party unfortunately.
The Goat Master
June 09, 2017, 10:13:36 AM |
All of the assets should continue to be traded on the AE platform, right?
Absolutely. When WAVES network is up they'll be transferred there. Look at the date on the post .... over a year later, and still nothing  This coinomat stuff is really bad for Sasha's credibility, why doesn't he just open up swaps again and get it over with, just delegate to someone else. Makes WAVES look unprofessional to have this drag on for over a year, maybe people in Russia accept this sort of behaviour but to Western eyeballs this level of contempt and disrespect for past investors is a red flag. @sasha, you need to deal with these old assets asap 🙈🙉🙊 I think they'll take care of this swap thing. Forklog being swapped right now. shouldn't bebig deal for Waves team. I gues this is not their priority.
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June 09, 2017, 10:48:48 AM |
From Slack, credits to user 'Token' 
Activity: 1560
Merit: 1001
Epic Private Internet Cash
June 09, 2017, 10:54:21 AM |
The Goat Master
June 09, 2017, 10:57:59 AM |
I guess that economic forum in St. Petersburg gave lots of opportunies to Sasha, hope we hear more exciting ones 
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June 09, 2017, 11:03:45 AM |
Good news for waves  My question: Are there payments you receive if you have some waves? I mean like dividends or something like this?
June 09, 2017, 11:28:54 AM |
From Slack, credits to user 'Token'  Omg. This shall be one of the biggest thing what happened in crypto until now.
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June 09, 2017, 11:29:09 AM |
This is the last chance to buy cheap WAVES. Soon price will be over 10 USD and you can't buy then like you can today. First target is 10 USD, second target is 20 USD. Long term target is 100 USD. WAVES will be the new ETHEREUM.