June 15, 2017, 11:52:26 AM |
Say you want to move your trading of a waves token onto another exchange. Is that possible and how do you do it?
June 15, 2017, 12:04:09 PM |
Say you want to move your trading of a waves token onto another exchange. Is that possible and how do you do it?
send your waves to bittrex or tidex if this exchange trade also the considered token

Activity: 126
Merit: 10
June 15, 2017, 12:25:44 PM |
Say you want to move your trading of a waves token onto another exchange. Is that possible and how do you do it?
send your waves to bittrex or tidex if this exchange trade also the considered token Only curently Tidex, Bittrex not working yet
June 15, 2017, 01:08:03 PM |
If I have old version Lite Client I can see all tokens or some I dont ?
June 15, 2017, 01:12:39 PM |
Say you want to move your trading of a waves token onto another exchange. Is that possible and how do you do it?
send your waves to bittrex or tidex if this exchange trade also the considered token No i mean a created token on waves? if it becomes big can you move trading onto other exchanges etc?
June 15, 2017, 01:23:37 PM |
I Never received Waves community tokens and I'm holding waves for a month now is it normal ?
June 15, 2017, 01:40:43 PM |
I Never received Waves community tokens and I'm holding waves for a month now is it normal ?
Waves in liteclient right? if u leave Waves in Bittrex or such exchanges, you don't get it.
June 15, 2017, 01:49:05 PM |
I Never received Waves community tokens and I'm holding waves for a month now is it normal ?
Waves in liteclient right? if u leave Waves in Bittrex or such exchanges, you don't get it. Yeah in liteclient actually leased.
June 15, 2017, 01:54:53 PM |
Say you want to move your trading of a waves token onto another exchange. Is that possible and how do you do it?
send your waves to bittrex or tidex if this exchange trade also the considered token No i mean a created token on waves? if it becomes big can you move trading onto other exchanges etc? If I understand your question correct, the answer is yes. In case of Ripto Bux and Mercury for instance the coins are not only traded on the Waves Dex, but also on Cryptopia and Tidex.
June 15, 2017, 02:44:42 PM |
Great read. Thank you  Waves rocks Guys !!!! Holding Years hear !!!!!
2 years folks. 2 years. around May/June 2018 when WAVES turns 2 years old. Its the Tradition of WAVES to always go by '2'. First it was 2 weeks. Then it was 2 months. Now, its 2 years. Also, the whole world is waking up to this CRYPTO FIASCO. 1st world, 2nd world, 3rd world...damn...i bet even the fishes in the seas and oceans want some WAVES. Nvm the whales on Land or Water (are there any in the Sky?) We aint gonna wait that long. BUT when we do, it is because nobody is planning to sell all their WAVES at one price. Always be in the game. Always Ride on WAVES. 
June 15, 2017, 04:58:13 PM |
Team, thank you once again for the WCT distro. Hodling like a mad man.
June 15, 2017, 05:09:58 PM |
Receive my WCT, Thanks Buying more WAVES and holding.
Activity: 3444
Merit: 1207
June 15, 2017, 05:13:47 PM |
Ahh i missed this WCT train  too bad for me ... . Anyone knows if the other tons of tokens we received are gonna worth something in the future ?
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June 15, 2017, 05:17:18 PM |
I didn't received any WCT, i am currently holding 200+ waves in my liteclient. Is this normal?any body else who haven't received waves community token like me?
June 15, 2017, 05:46:03 PM |
I didn't received any WCT, i am currently holding 200+ waves in my liteclient. Is this normal?any body else who haven't received waves community token like me?
give a little time. I haven't got mine yet. It takes some time to send out to all.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
June 15, 2017, 06:43:12 PM |
I got my wct but i don't know why I got so low. Got 18 WCT when holding:
1545 Waves since 5/15/2017 + 278 Waves6/11/2017
= 1823 Waves
Got 18 WCT.
18/1823 = 0.009 WCT per Wave. Isn't this too low?
June 15, 2017, 06:45:05 PM |
When can the community start to use the WCT Tokens? what is the main function of these TOKEN?
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Sr. Member
Activity: 1386
Merit: 250
June 15, 2017, 06:56:18 PM |
I got my wct but i don't know why I got so low. Got 18 WCT when holding:
1545 Waves since 5/15/2017 + 278 Waves6/11/2017
= 1823 Waves
Got 18 WCT.
18/1823 = 0.009 WCT per Wave. Isn't this too low?
You are lucky; i received 0.007 per wave
█▀▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄▄▄ | . Super Six | | | | ▄█████████████▄ ████████████▀▀▀ █████████████▄ █████████▌▀████ ██████████ ▀██ ██████████▌ ▀ ████████████▄▄ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ▀██████████████ | ███████████████ █████████████▀ █████▀▀ ███▀ ▄███ ▄ ██▄▄████▌ ▄█ ████████ ████████▌ █████████ ▐█ ██████████ ▐█ ███████▀▀ ▄██ ███▀ ▄▄▄█████ ███ ▄██████████ ███████████████ | ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████▀▀▀█ ██████████ ███████████▄▄▄█ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ | ▄█████ ▄██████ ▄███████ ▄████████ ▄█████████ ▄██████████ ▄███████████ ▄████████████ ▄█████████████ ▄██████████████ ▀▀███████████ ▀▀███████ ▀▀██▀ | ▄▄██▌ ▄▄███████ █████████▀ ▄██▄▄▀▀██▀▀ ▄██████ ▄▄▄ ███████ ▄█▄ ▄ ▀██████ █ ▀█ ▀▀▀ ▄ ▀▄▄█▀ ▄▄█████▄ ▀▀▀ ▀████████ ▀█████▀ ████ ▀▀▀ █████ █████ | ▄ █▄▄ █ ▄ ▀▄██▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▄▄█████▄█▄▄ ▄ ▄███▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▄ ▄██▄███▄ ▀▀▀▀▄ ▄▄ ▄████████▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄██ ████████████▀▀ █ ▐█ ██████████████▄ ▄▄▀██▄██ ▐██████████████ ▄███ ████▀████████████▄███▀ ▀█▀ ▐█████████████▀ ▐████████████▀ ▀█████▀▀▀ █▀ | . Premier League LaLiga Serie A | . Bundesliga Ligue 1 Primeira Liga | | | | . 6 BTC PRIZE POOL | │ | . TAKE PART | ▀▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄▄█ |
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
June 15, 2017, 08:00:36 PM |
It depens on when you have transferred your waves in your wallets faggots
you need to learn how to read... since I placed dates. guess who's the faggot now...