June 16, 2017, 11:15:14 AM Last edit: June 16, 2017, 12:01:05 PM by BitZCoin |
Hey guys! You may should also watch InPay.  It's the first dual Blockchain token build on top of Waves and ETC. We have a new wallet, new explorer and a torrent tracker is in work. ETC even already made a shoutout for us on TwitterIf you're interested in getting some more information join our Slack. WP will be released this we! 
June 16, 2017, 11:22:17 AM |
Why does Sasha ignore these investors? Sasha can ignore these investors because nobody cares about 'other' people's money, just their own. This is why crypto adoption will take longer than some here expect, regular users are used to having fraudsters and scammers charged and prosecuted, and in the cryptosphere dishonesty goes unpunished, even when the dishonest activity is done out in the open for all to see. Will the Coinomat asset holders ever receive the WCT they are obviously entitled to? Probably not, but they definitely deserve WCT. yeah its not, its given only for those waves holders if you wan to recieve some then buy waves now and you will recieve it in next distribution.
June 16, 2017, 12:09:53 PM Last edit: June 16, 2017, 12:28:18 PM by slap |
Imho Wagerr and Waves should team up regarding the fiat and multi-coin gateway after round 18 of WGR ico. w0utje @telegram ch: Goed bezig jonguh!
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
June 16, 2017, 02:54:50 PM |
Imho Wagerr and Waves should team up regarding the fiat and multi-coin gateway after round 18 of WGR ico. w0utje @telegram ch: Goed bezig jonguh! I think riptobux would fit better. As they are using the waves and ethereum blockchain. But I dont know if it is because i really see potential with rbx or not 
June 16, 2017, 03:46:30 PM |
kindly need some info about waves liteclient DEX, do we need to update anything for the platform or just once download and can be used forever.
June 16, 2017, 04:21:39 PM |
kindly need some info about waves liteclient DEX, do we need to update anything for the platform or just once download and can be used forever.
You must update the wallet by yourself. Just check sometimes the version here: https://github.com/wavesplatform/WavesGUI/releases
June 16, 2017, 04:30:04 PM |
I wish just WCT holders had voting right on Waves Platfrom. Easy and smooth  Hope It'll be soon 
Activity: 952
Merit: 1001
June 16, 2017, 07:03:05 PM |
Hi guys;) any news? Something interesting new awaits us?
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1000
June 16, 2017, 07:07:33 PM |
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
June 16, 2017, 09:17:27 PM |
Hi Sasha, I still don't get my question answered about waves. Maybe I miss it or something like misread. Waves is a good altcoin with good platform and also have a great development. So why it can't listed on Poloniex?
What part of Waves is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) don't you understand? Have you used it yet? If not you are missing out on that feature and would implore you to try it....you just might think it has lower fees than the centralized Polo, Bittrex, etc. Liquidity is not an issue. My trades are easily completed.
June 16, 2017, 11:47:42 PM |
is there a problem agaın wıth dex. ı cant see my orders and also balance at dex. there ıs no update at wallet but why ı have a problem lıke thıs. and any of you has same problem here  or just me  just a few hours ago there was no problem lıke thıs ı logged ın to wallet and here ıt ıs.
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
June 17, 2017, 12:40:34 AM |
is there a problem agaın wıth dex. ı cant see my orders and also balance at dex. there ıs no update at wallet but why ı have a problem lıke thıs. and any of you has same problem here or just me just a few hours ago there was no problem lıke thıs ı logged ın to wallet and here ıt ıs.
Same here, Everything is at a standstill. For last 4 1/2 hours now
June 17, 2017, 12:57:22 AM |
is there a problem agaın wıth dex. ı cant see my orders and also balance at dex. there ıs no update at wallet but why ı have a problem lıke thıs. and any of you has same problem here  or just me  just a few hours ago there was no problem lıke thıs ı logged ın to wallet and here ıt ıs. I have same problem with my lite client. But i can access my balance and i just did a withdraw from bittrex and it was arrived smoothly. But i can't access the DEX, i want to buy MGO token but seems there is no connection with the waves wallet server.
June 17, 2017, 02:39:10 AM |
yes matcher is giving internal server errors, prolly will need to wait till the morning, node looks fine itself for transfer mx @slack
June 17, 2017, 07:58:55 AM |
Activity: 1316
Merit: 1021
2009 Alea iacta est
June 17, 2017, 02:26:52 PM |
https://bravenewcoin.com/news/blockchain-the-age-of-maturity/Blockchain: the age of maturity .......We reviewed many solutions for our Impak Coin project: forks from bitcoin blockchain, Smart Contracts on Ethereum, … But we chose to use Waves because of its “blockchain as a service” vision, and because it’s a Proof of Stake blockchain where transactions are less power hungry (and thus more green). This was the perfect match for us. It allows us to create a proprietary stake upon it, that will provide standard eWallet APIs to allow eWallet editors to propose Impak Coins on their apps, and block explorers as to ensure transparency. But that will also ensure that we can ascertain identity of our users and records their transactions without compromising the anonymity on the blockchain..............
June 17, 2017, 02:34:27 PM |
kindly need some info about waves liteclient DEX, do we need to update anything for the platform or just once download and can be used forever.
You must update the wallet by yourself. Just check sometimes the version here: https://github.com/wavesplatform/WavesGUI/releasesTq my friend for the info, btw how we find out txid on DEX, im try to send out some coins to TIDEX but failed and support asking for txid.