MPEx seems like the sort of project where the operator assumes technical competence and decent architecture is self-evident and will wow the marketplace, and then proceeds to vigorously blame people for their failure to appreciate the system - when it's more a case of the operator failing to understand (or give a rats arse about) people.
Hint: Your model will work nicely when autonomous software agents are starting Bitcoin businesses and need to IPO.
I lolled, MP lolled, you certainly got a point somewhere in there.
Reality is of course a little more complex than that, as there's plenty of people with accounts. Seems it's not strictly a matter of waiting for autonomous software.
I assume the clear technical advantage and communication skills that you obviously possess is the reason that Mpex has about the volume of a mid sized pizza parlor.
scamboy, you and your pump and dump scams can create all the fake volume you want, it's not going to change anything. Sure, you may convince a throng of muppets that don't know any better that you matter because you've written more digits on a website somewhere. This is scarcely worth the effort, the muppets can be convinced and unconvinced of any arbitrary thing or other five times each day, and they'll be out of everyone's way in a fortnight anyway. You might as well spend your time trying to be popular with gnats and Mayflies.
MP on the other hand is there where it matters, when you actually have 10s of ks at your disposal (
2) for the general good of Bitcoin you may revisit this point again. When you decide whether the "top exchange" lives or dies you may revisit this point again. In the meanwhile the "success" of the last pirate in
convincing muppets of his importance was instructively ephemeral. You're no different.
Bitcoin is not about the muppets. It's true that it's not about autonomous software, either. Nevertheless, the expectations of consumerism, welfarism, democracy as mis-implemented by the socialist West and so on do not carry over. A difficult point to digest for many, especially if they've lived their entire lives immersed in that particular ideological box. Nevertheless, as difficult, inconvenient, or unexpected as it may be, Bitcoin is not about people, and it certainly is not about "the people".
... and with the customer service of the soup nazi.
Here's the difference: I'm the one PR of a Bitcoin business that doesn't lie to the public. Everyone else "is nice". Enjoy it.
More along the same lines: MPEx is the one business where all the complaints come from people who aren't customers, as opposed to everyone else getting all the complaints from customers. On the strength of this observation, any time your complaints bother you enough you can simply switch sides.
Excellent analysis. Megalomania is particularly ugly and sad.
Getting confused as to what's funny and what's srs because you've had Real Bad Experiences in the Past (tm) is ugly and sad. Get over your trauma, be a human being. Free and all that.
The other 2 projects i check out at the moment are Labcoin and ActiveMining. Are there any more that will have a mining farm from Asics they practically own the design? Maybe Scrypt Asic's too?
has your account been hacked?
No, this is perfectly in character. I don't think there's a scam Sebastian has missed investing in so far, it's what he does. He just judiciously avoids/mudslings everything else.