I think at the time of our son/grandson bottom and c other cryptocurrency would be known by everyone and it would be common money for many. but if we save now then after 10 to 40 years they would be very happy to get those digital asset and may be at that time 1btc would worth more than $5000 which is now about 10% of the price.
Everything is possible really.
I really wish and hope that very soon Bitcoin will become mainstream and main standard for online payments, and replace Paypal from throne.
Of course, such scenario will not happen overnight but in next 10 to 20 years is very realistic goal.
In such case, value of BTC will increase a lot and if we save some bTC funds now, it can rally have much bigger value later and help our children and grandchildren.
Can you imagine, to buy let's say 10 bTC now for $6 000 and save for your grandchildren later, when value of BTC can reach $ 5000 or more? Your descendants will be eternally grateful to you