September 15, 2016, 04:57:57 AM |
congrats dev on successful ICO. 
September 15, 2016, 06:59:12 AM |
There are no more registrations, Dabs will just monitor the wallets and make sure that the balances that we show matches that of his then audits will begin.
Thanks for all who joined. Your Pesobits will be sent to your wallet.pesobit.net accounts.
hey buds congrats in advance will be waiting for more updates coming from you. cant wait to stake my pesobit for sure its more profitable rather than trade it right away after the ico rewards.
September 15, 2016, 08:05:24 AM |
yes ico has ended . and I am still waiting for a wallet win , a very good job dev , and whether all the coin has been distributed on this day ? yes I will wait for the latest news again. 
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
September 15, 2016, 09:58:31 AM |
Today is 15 ryt? where is wallet  dev still alive or gone for vacation with 50 BTC 
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1304
September 15, 2016, 10:28:33 AM |
Congratz lutzow and devs team, hope we can see the pesobit coin be listed on those big exchange so it can have a good future and be more tradable choices of fellow whales out there. And also OP when we can expect that PESOBIT will be added on exchangers? And when is the bounty distributed for those participants? Today is 15 ryt? where is wallet  dev still alive or gone for vacation with 50 BTC  Just wait mate ICO has just ended today pretty sure devs are working for that and your obligation is to wait for dev released it.
R |
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September 15, 2016, 10:44:19 AM |
Today is 15 ryt? where is wallet  dev still alive or gone for vacation with 50 BTC  Have patience, I think they are busy with auditing and finalizing stuff. You don't need to worry about the collected BTC. It is safe in Sir Dabs hand. As far as I know the Pesobit Team won't get the collected fund until they have fully distributed the coin the the ICO participant and at least some day of stable network.
September 15, 2016, 11:03:32 AM |
Nice raise guys!
Gratz to this team. Pesobit to the moon!
September 15, 2016, 11:13:21 AM |
Nice raise guys!
Gratz to this team. Pesobit to the moon!
Lets start to count the days and we will see this to happen pesobit will go to the moon. Good luck guys.
September 15, 2016, 11:30:31 AM |
Today is 15 ryt? where is wallet  dev still alive or gone for vacation with 50 BTC  They are auditing and checking the ico transactions. My pesobit wallet stil not updated
September 15, 2016, 12:18:30 PM |
Today is 15 ryt? where is wallet  dev still alive or gone for vacation with 50 BTC  go and troll yourself dumbass
September 15, 2016, 12:27:17 PM |
I still am yet to recieve my email validation I use gmx mail should I try with another email ? What is going on here ?
September 15, 2016, 12:35:06 PM |
Are we allowed to remove the pesobit sig dev?
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
September 15, 2016, 12:36:28 PM |
Today is 15 ryt? where is wallet  dev still alive or gone for vacation with 50 BTC  go and troll yourself dumbass @taurados -may be u sud do tis troll, do u have any idea about commitment? probably no. Time is Money.Member like you, will not understand dumbass
Lutzow (OP)
September 15, 2016, 01:13:36 PM |
Hi Everyone,
The ICO funds will remain in Escrow's (dabs) wallet til everything is set. Auditing will be happening as well checking each wallets comparing our records with Escrow's. I'll give updates from time to time. Right now while we're waiting for the final audit, we're coordinating with OFWs for remittance solutions where Pesobit can focus at especially since we had a positive meeting with ONE and they have Remittance and eCommerce members.
September 15, 2016, 01:32:24 PM |
Hi Everyone,
The ICO funds will remain in Escrow's (dabs) wallet til everything is set. Auditing will be happening as well checking each wallets comparing our records with Escrow's. I'll give updates from time to time. Right now while we're waiting for the final audit, we're coordinating with OFWs for remittance solutions where Pesobit can focus at especially since we had a positive meeting with ONE and they have Remittance and eCommerce members.
When all is ready, can i send directly from wallet.pesobit.net to poswallet? if yes i'll be happy because i can stake pesobit with very easy.
September 15, 2016, 02:49:52 PM |
Hi Everyone,
The ICO funds will remain in Escrow's (dabs) wallet til everything is set. Auditing will be happening as well checking each wallets comparing our records with Escrow's. I'll give updates from time to time. Right now while we're waiting for the final audit, we're coordinating with OFWs for remittance solutions where Pesobit can focus at especially since we had a positive meeting with ONE and they have Remittance and eCommerce members.
When all is ready, can i send directly from wallet.pesobit.net to poswallet? if yes i'll be happy because i can stake pesobit with very easy. Yes sure, when you have Pesobit in hands, You will be able to stake Pesobit right away from your wallets, online wallets (as banking) and from Poscoin partner. Pesobit value will be raised day by day when some essential targets of roadmap are approved in a future.
nothing gonna stop us now
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
September 15, 2016, 03:01:06 PM |
when will your wallet be ready guys?
Lutzow (OP)
September 15, 2016, 03:33:22 PM |
We re-enabled the ico.pesobit.net so you can check your details like referrals and bonuses. Once everything is set hopefully within the next 24-48 hours then we'll announce that we'll start crediting your wallet.pesobit.net accounts which you can access using your ICO credentials.
September 15, 2016, 03:53:08 PM |
Good luck PESOBIT. Philipine have http://www.coins.ph, and i know coin market in philipines is very-very good!!! 321 sats to 321 K sats!!! 