Activity: 2070
Merit: 1164
Keeper of the Private Key
October 18, 2016, 06:30:30 AM Last edit: June 04, 2018, 05:49:19 AM by AGD |
I think it's a good time to share my ignore list. Current list contains 1858 accounts and together with Danny Hamiltons list ( they cover an estimated of more than 95% of the newer postings. Most of the active zombie accounts discussed in this topic ( ) were included already before this topic started and they will be added as soon as they actually start their sig spamming campaign. If you think you don't belong on this list you can pm me to unignore. If you want to experience what a lonely place can be without paid sig accounts, simply go to Profile/Ignore user options and you can add this list with copy/paste. Don't forget to save it. My list, is fully dedicated to signature campaigners. All doubles with Dannies list are taken out now. (Updated April 21 2017 - 2381 accounts) (altair) 0day 155UE 1btcdream 1Referee 20kevin20 2double0 2girls 2legit2 7788bitcoin 8Habits @prashant A! a7mos aakashsangwan Aamir1 aardvark15 abayan abel1337 Aber1943 Abiky abs350 absy abugseuf ACAB AccountTrader Aceanyth Achargeturry78 achow101 AcidDemo Acidyo actmyname Actor_Tom_Truong Adaleon adamstgBit adaseb addicto Adelajda adi33 adoell Adrayrd Adrorecia adzino Aemon agamasrori Agestorzrxx Aggressor66 ahmedjamal1998 Ai7xpressTV AicecreaME aioc airezx20 airsounds aizzaku ajareselde ajaxmoor AjithBtc ajmagz009 ajmagz09 Ajpa94 ajun96 akamit Akbarkoe akogwapo14 akosipepot Akupuniard Alaki alani123 Alauria albrots aleandromagno Alepaff AlexBits alexrossi alfaboy23 AllInCrypto AllTheBitz alphablitzer altcoinhosting AltcoinInvestor Altcoinmoney Altcoinsupporter ALToids altseeker Alty Altynbekova Alvin Fahriza alyssa85 amacar2 Amadues Aman41126 Ameer24 americanpegasus amiraja Amph AMR008 An0nym0us anama AncilVTwo Anddos Anders ANdr0id andrei56 Andrelvogue andulolika Andy4.4 andycarrol AndySt andyste Anemed angaper Angell AngelSky angryrob angryswamp ANiceJewishBoy Anillos2 Anirban Sarkar Ankara ankylotic Anmol_Verma ANON.PURGED Anon_7716 anonbit992 AnonyMint AnswerQuestion antonioa Antoshka antshares Aomine~ apoorvlathey Apriand apriloni arancra arcanaaerobics arcathomas ArcCsch Arcteryx ardentvolcanoes Ardenyham ArdiPrabowo Argwai96 ariesjia arikassuja arklan Arnab biswas Arrakeen arransiv arseaboy artdor artows21 arwin100 AsaroUk asdalani ashiqdey ASHLIUSZ Ashong Salonga aso118 asriloni Assad Astargath asuryan180 ATguy AtheistAKASaneBrain Atlas Atomicat AtteJ aubert audaciousbeing AUDREY23 AuroraHF ausbit avatar_kiyoshi avikz Avirunes awesome31312 axxo Ayers ayesha sadiqa Ayiranorea Ayle56 Ayoko azeminjo09 azguard Babayega31 babsalt1975 Baby Rage babyjesusftw1 Backside walkaround BADecker Bagatell Baghead BAGOBO Baitty bajing BALIK Balls bamboylee Bananana BanksWorstFear barbara44 Barbut Bardman Barnabe barnes13 bartolo bassbity batang_bitcoin Bayuu bbc.reporter BBee bcmine BCwinning bearex beerlover BeGoods BellaBitBit Bellator Benjig Ber86 Beraturker Berau bering bestluck Bestwishes745 betlord90 betohell bettercrypto Betwrong Beymond bhadz Bibite BicolIsarog Bifta BigBoy89 bigfryguy BigGameCAsino BigMac bigs21024 BillyBobZorton BillyBones BingoDog Biodom Bit-Gods Bit1334271 BitAurum BitBerau bitbite111 bitbunnny BitCentral Bitcoin Explorer Bitcoin Magazine Bitcoin Megastore bitcoin-hunter Bitcoin0916 bitcoin110011 bitcoin31 bitcoin730 Bitcoin_BOy$ Bitcoin_Delivery BitcoinBarrel Bitcoinbee BitcoinBlackjack Bitcoinbro BitcoinCitizen86403 BitCoinDream bitcoindusts BITCOINERSEJATI bitcoineverything Bitcoinexp BitcoinExpart BitcoinHodler bitcoinhopper BitcoinHunt3r Bitcoininspace BitcoinINV bitcoinisbest BitcoinMarshal bitcoinmasterlord BitcoinNewbie15 BitcoinNewsMagazine BitCoinNutJob BitcoinPanther BitcoinPC BitcoinsGreat bitcoinstarter Bitcoinsummoner BitcoinSupremo bitcointank bitcoinvest BitcoinzB bitcoluck Bitcotalk bitdoger Bitdonator bitdumper BitFinnese bitgoldpanther1978 bithasher BitHodler Bitinity BiTJack bitjoin bitkilo BitMaxz BitMos BitsandBites BitSat Bitsky bittrojan BitTyro BiTZeD bL4nkcode blackbird307 blackhawkeye1912 BlackMachine blackmagician Blackmet BlackPanda BlackTradeCapital Blawpaw Blind Legs Parker Blithe Blitzboy BlockEye blockman bloodnest Blue_Panda73 Blue_Tiger73 BlueStackz BlueYozakuraBTC bncbnc bob123 bohokor BombayChicken bones261 Book672 Boosterious Borisz borna_121136 BossMacko Botnake Bought BoXXoB boybugs18 boyptc boyshx Brad Harrison Bradexterb Braeron Bralex bravehearth0319 BreakPOINT BrewMaster brian_23452 BrianM Brimskie brokenfate BruceLee007 bryant.coleman BSM BTC LOVER BTC Tipster btc-facebook Btc_1856 BTCBinary BTCBLOGGER BTCBUDDY1 btccashacc btcdevil btcdiggingmaster BTCdoaA BTCdoctor BTCevo BTCish btcjoin14 btcking101 BTCLovingDude btcltccoins BTcoint BTCPOOLMINING btctube Btcvilla Btree BTT btvGainer Btwwdv buddycool buharikx31 BumbleBeeTC BurgerKill burner2014 BurstIncomeAsset Butoeskor Buttknuckle buwaytress buyinbtc BuySomeBitcoins Buziss c2e c4s7or c789 cabron caex Caladonian calkob cambda CAMTRONNNNN canah17 canhchuacaro1 CanIHazBitcoin777 capedbaldy Capradina CaptainBeck carlerha CarlesPuyol carlfebz2 carlisle1 Carlsen Carmen_Sandiego Casey89 Cashew CasioK Catmony Cconvert2G36 Cearea11 CEG5952 Ceizer54 cellard cengsuwuei centauribit Cereberus Chabacano chachaa chaosknight Charloz24 chaser15 CheapSerials CheapYoutubeHits Chemistry1988 chen miao Chennai chennan Cherry Girl chesatochi Chevas Regal chichidori chickenado chineseprancing ChineTownMan chixka000 chmod777 choppork choZin Chris! 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Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
October 18, 2016, 07:16:51 AM |
That's a hefty list but may be useful. You know, the problem with ignoring a huge amount of people is that you may miss actually something *useful* and end up repeating it yourself in an attempt to provide constructive input somewhere. This thread should probably be in Off-Topic and self moderated (spam will likely come your way).
"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks" 😼 Bitcoin Core ( onion)
Activity: 2070
Merit: 1164
Keeper of the Private Key
October 18, 2016, 07:41:16 AM |
That's a hefty list but may be useful. You know, the problem with ignoring a huge amount of people is that you may miss actually something *useful* and end up repeating it yourself in an attempt to provide constructive input somewhere. This thread should probably be in Off-Topic and self moderated (spam will likely come your way).
These 2887 accounts alone create more than 95% of the new postings and after playing around with the show/hide button for a while, I can tell you, that I really don't miss them. edit: I don't see this topic in any other than Meta and I don't fear the spammers
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1280
May Bitcoin be touched by his Noodly Appendage
October 18, 2016, 08:17:43 AM |
Great list I'll give it a try with the show/hide button
Own address: 19QkqAza7BHFTuoz9N8UQkryP4E9jHo4N3 - Pywallet support: 1AQDfx22pKGgXnUZFL1e4UKos3QqvRzNh5 - Bitcointalk++ script support: 1Pxeccscj1ygseTdSV1qUqQCanp2B2NMM2 Pywallet: instructions. Encrypted wallet support, export/import keys/addresses, backup wallets, export/import CSV data from/into wallet, merge wallets, delete/import addresses and transactions, recover altcoins sent to bitcoin addresses, sign/verify messages and files with Bitcoin addresses, recover deleted wallets, etc.
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
October 18, 2016, 11:09:55 AM |
That's a hefty list but may be useful. You know, the problem with ignoring a huge amount of people is that you may miss actually something *useful* and end up repeating it yourself in an attempt to provide constructive input somewhere. This thread should probably be in Off-Topic and self moderated (spam will likely come your way).
Yeah. Instead of people just ignoring everybody else, shouldn't we develop a better system of preventing spammers? I agree with Lauda regarding having a huge ignore list. Some of the people in your ignore list might contribute something to the discussion though.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
October 18, 2016, 11:13:38 AM |
These 2887 accounts alone create more than 95% of the new postings and after playing around with the show/hide button for a while, I can tell you, that I really don't miss them.
That's definitely too extensive to verify each member individually. Would definitely take over a week of work. I usually refer to such *quality posts* as noise. edit: I don't see this topic in any other than Meta and I don't fear the spammers I always advise the creation of self-moderated threads if you're aware of the situation here. You can moderate however you want, and set high standards for your thread. Yeah. Instead of people just ignoring everybody else, shouldn't we develop a better system of preventing spammers?
More extensive punishment against everyone involved: users, managers and services. However, this discussion was beaten to death. Unless you have a really unique and constructive idea regarding this, we should avoid starting it.
"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks" 😼 Bitcoin Core ( onion)
Activity: 70
Merit: 10
October 18, 2016, 12:09:21 PM |
These 2887 accounts alone create more than 95% of the new postings and after playing around with the show/hide button for a while, I can tell you, that I really don't miss them.
That's definitely too extensive to verify each member individually. Would definitely take over a week of work. I usually refer to such *quality posts* as noise. edit: I don't see this topic in any other than Meta and I don't fear the spammers I always advise the creation of self-moderated threads if you're aware of the situation here. You can moderate however you want, and set high standards for your thread. Yeah. Instead of people just ignoring everybody else, shouldn't we develop a better system of preventing spammers?
More extensive punishment against everyone involved: users, managers and services. However, this discussion was beaten to death. Unless you have a really unique and constructive idea regarding this, we should avoid starting it. If I did, or someone else was able to create a system of preventing spam, will the admins implement it? I think this forum has been here for quite some time already, and basing from the forum software itself, isn't it outdated? I know it works, but there are plenty of features not yet implemented in these kind of softwares and I know the owner earns sh*t tons of money from this forum.
Activity: 4531
Merit: 3183
Vile Vixen and Miss Bitcointalk 2021-2023
October 18, 2016, 12:30:26 PM |
That's nothing. I currently ignore 4,018 accounts. They are not missed.
Will pretend to do unspeakable things (while actually eating a taco) for bitcoins: 1K6d1EviQKX3SVKjPYmJGyWBb1avbmCFM4I am not on the scammers' paradise known as Telegram! Do not believe anyone claiming to be me off-forum without a signed message from the above address! Accept no excuses and make no exceptions!
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1073
October 18, 2016, 03:22:39 PM |
Danny's list started as a list of people whose arguments he couldn't refute, so he started advocating ignoring them as a signature spammers. The best example is MPOE-PR who never participated in any paid signature campaign but mercilessly and very skillfully poked fun at some of Danny's arguments. Anyone ignoring MPOE-PR would miss some of the best satirical and critical writing on Bitcointalk, although the account is no longer active. The list also includes me and several other long time members who had poked fun at Danny and other former stalwarts turned later scammers like DeathAndTaxes. The list may be statistically correct, i.e. the majority of the names on the list are or were wearing paid signatures and spamming them. But the list also includes multiple people involved in scam busting. And therefore becomes a danger to the newcomers who won't be able to see the warning and explanations of the old scams. About the latter additions I have nothing to say, neither positive or negative, I wasn't really paying attention. I'm mostly interested in scams not spam.
Activity: 2070
Merit: 1164
Keeper of the Private Key
October 18, 2016, 06:20:29 PM |
Danny's list started as a list of people whose arguments he couldn't refute, so he started advocating ignoring them as a signature spammers. The best example is MPOE-PR who never participated in any paid signature campaign but mercilessly and very skillfully poked fun at some of Danny's arguments. Anyone ignoring MPOE-PR would miss some of the best satirical and critical writing on Bitcointalk, although the account is no longer active. The list also includes me and several other long time members who had poked fun at Danny and other former stalwarts turned later scammers like DeathAndTaxes. The list may be statistically correct, i.e. the majority of the names on the list are or were wearing paid signatures and spamming them. But the list also includes multiple people involved in scam busting. And therefore becomes a danger to the newcomers who won't be able to see the warning and explanations of the old scams. About the latter additions I have nothing to say, neither positive or negative, I wasn't really paying attention. I'm mostly interested in scams not spam. I agree, that Dannies list is his personal thing and some accounts wouldn't be on other peoples lists, but it's a good start. My list is more focused on actual sig spamming than any foul language and personal stuff. I will update my topic later exluding you (2112) and MPOE=PR.
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1036
October 18, 2016, 10:20:31 PM |
Ah damn my name is on that list. So after inputting this into my settings who I will be left talking to? 100% of the non-wearing paid signature elitists? What a boring world I will be living in
October 23, 2016, 04:40:08 PM |
Ah damn my name is on that list. So after inputting this into my settings who I will be left talking to? 100% of the non-wearing paid signature elitists? What a boring world I will be living in You could also add up your own list. There would always be criticism in any part of this ideal world , I my self was also a part of that list but edit: I don't see this topic in any other than Meta and I don't fear the spammers Cheesy As he quoted,, You should not also have to be afraid if you aren't a spammer. They can set their own standards to labeled someone as a spammer but in my own little ways as long as i was able to try to help someone in this community, as in my logical thinking that my ways are at least 75% of my posts are constructive then i would never be afraid to post.
October 24, 2016, 03:35:19 AM |
Haha fuck you, I am on ignore list because I am giving a FREE tutorial for newbies?
Seriously fuck off people, I am trying to help newbies and this is the reward from the community?
Activity: 2070
Merit: 1164
Keeper of the Private Key
October 24, 2016, 06:00:31 AM |
Haha fuck you, I am on ignore list because I am giving a FREE tutorial for newbies?
Seriously fuck off people, I am trying to help newbies and this is the reward from the community?
You are definitely not on this list, because you are linking to free tuts. Maybe I thought you were spamming and I was wrong or maybe you caught Dannies attention with your wording?
Activity: 2674
Merit: 2965
October 24, 2016, 06:12:00 AM |
Haha fuck you, I am on ignore list because I am giving a FREE tutorial for newbies?
It happens. I was also on DannyHamiltons list for a while in 2015 until they've read some quoted input from me. Maybe I thought you were spamming and I was wrong or maybe you caught Dannies attention with your wording?
This is why it's hard to keep a track of big lists. It would be much better to ban the blatant spammers in the first place.
"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks" 😼 Bitcoin Core ( onion)
Activity: 2070
Merit: 1164
Keeper of the Private Key
October 24, 2016, 07:18:38 AM |
Haha fuck you, I am on ignore list because I am giving a FREE tutorial for newbies?
It happens. I was also on DannyHamiltons list for a while in 2015 until they've read some quoted input from me. Maybe I thought you were spamming and I was wrong or maybe you caught Dannies attention with your wording?
This is why it's hard to keep a track of big lists. It would be much better to ban the blatant spammers in the first place. Banning is an exclusive instrument for the admins. If Theymos didn't want sig spammers, he would be able stop it right away. Don't get me wrong: I support advertisement to keep this forum alive, but when people can make money with a simple quantity of postings (instead of providing content), it will of course lead to an extreme inflation of postings, with the goal to go up in ranking (to earn more money). This even has a positive side effect: A lot of people are starting to use Bitcoin wallets and some of them might follow up on the development of Bitcoin in general (which might have been Theymos' original idea of allowing sig campaigns), but for my own time and energy, the "ignore" feature of this forum is also very useful, esp. in the last year or so.
Activity: 4531
Merit: 3183
Vile Vixen and Miss Bitcointalk 2021-2023
October 24, 2016, 08:10:45 AM |
Haha fuck you, I am on ignore list because I am giving a FREE tutorial for newbies?
No, you're on my list too, and I don't even ignore people based on their signatures. I'm egalitarian that way. The correlation between being on my ignore list and having a sig ad is just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Will pretend to do unspeakable things (while actually eating a taco) for bitcoins: 1K6d1EviQKX3SVKjPYmJGyWBb1avbmCFM4I am not on the scammers' paradise known as Telegram! Do not believe anyone claiming to be me off-forum without a signed message from the above address! Accept no excuses and make no exceptions!
October 25, 2016, 02:52:38 AM |
It happens. I was also on DannyHamiltons list for a while in 2015 until they've read some quoted input from me.
I dont care about individual people ignoring me, I also have a few people on ignore list. I am furious when people compile lists like these and then half of the forum uses it, on their authority. Basically following authorities, like positive trust members... So basically Danny and others are acting like censors of people, and the newbies will blindly follow these lists. And then half of the forum users is invisible, just because a few positive trust people compile a few big lists, and publish them. Pretty authoritarian.
Activity: 1894
Merit: 2934
Goonies never say die.
October 25, 2016, 07:13:56 PM |
I have not gotten any explanation as to why I am on DannyHamilton's ignore list. Nor do I care. I'd rather stay on it so everyone can see how useless these lists are. Most people are smart enough to handle their own ignore list, if your not, you probably shouldn't be here. Stop treating everyone like they are idiots and you are some sort of guardian, your list is crap just like DannyHamilton's because you did not verify anything, just copied & pasted crap and added some more crap in of your own to make yourself feel unique. A heaping pile of crap this list is.
October 26, 2016, 02:21:45 AM |
I have not gotten any explanation as to why I am on DannyHamilton's ignore list. Nor do I care. I'd rather stay on it so everyone can see how useless these lists are. Most people are smart enough to handle their own ignore list, if your not, you probably shouldn't be here. Stop treating everyone like they are idiots and you are some sort of guardian, your list is crap just like DannyHamilton's because you did not verify anything, just copied & pasted crap and added some more crap in of your own to make yourself feel unique. A heaping pile of crap this list is.
This is what I was saying 1 post above. This is a stupid follow the leader mentality, bitcoin should not supposed to be like this. I love this forum, and the way moderators light moderation, it is well balanced. But when a few geniuses come up with ideas like this, massive ignore lists, what is the point on posting on the forum, when 90% of the people dont even see you?