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btc to the abyss.
But seriously I have over 140,000 doge why have btc?
here is why diversity in holdings.
I have a lot of gear mining btc as I type.
I will have a more gear in around two weeks.
By now, in these elderly years of your life, you should realize that holding BTC-related gear is not the same as holding BTC.
Yeah, of course, you have to make your own determinations in regards to both how to allocate and whether to tweak and/or reallocate from time to time, and also whether to move or gravitate your holdings in one direction or another based on possible changes in circumstances.
We are in a BTC thread, and even though you have been mining for years (perhaps as long as you have been a member of this forum), that still should not signify that your discussion should not relate to how much BTC to hold and which direction to go based on your personal circumstances, and for sure there are a lot of us in these here parts who believe that it is better NOT to go towards zero in regards to either BTC or dollars...
And, of course, the devil is in the details, and it is your choice (ultimately) how to allocate, but you should not expect that you are not going to get any push back if you are proclaiming that it is good to go to zero bitcoin in times like these.
And fuck off with your shitcoin holdings.. for sure. you are a dumb fuck
(nohomo) to be holding doge coin (or at least advocating that nonsense here).
In regards to diversification of assets, there can be a decently large number of ways to look at that matter, and it seems logical to attempt to have diversification amongst differing kinds of asset classes.. so property, equities, bitcoin, commodities, bonds, cash.. and there can be some diversification from within, but it is not necessary to diversify within all of the asset classes, and it is usually better to attempt to select amongst winners rather than diversifying for the mere sake of it or perhaps diversifying into known losers or getting your diversifications wrong or thinking that you have to diversify.
Usually newer investors will not need to diversify until they build up their investment portfolio to a certain size. perhaps they would not want to diversify until they owned $30k to $50k in bitcoin... and then start to diversify thereafter. Or, if they came to BTC and they already owned a 401k and some equity in property in the ballpark of $100k, then maybe they would target to get to 10% of their holdings into BTC.
Of course, since you are a more elderly investor, we might be able to presume that you have experience and you hold a variety of asset classes and some asset classes are more liquid than others.. some asset classes have equity that could be somewhat liquid, too.
For sure, I want to beat up on you, but for sure I do not know your situation well enough to beat up on you very much except for what you are disclosing in this thread and some of the weird and seemingly negative assessments in regards to bitcoin and/or your thinking that it is good to own zero bitcoin right now, even if you own mining equipment which surely is not the same thing...
By the way, several times you admitted that historically, you have made mistakes of hardly at all holding any BTC, and you seem to be making the same mistake over and over and over.. at least from my limited perspective that I must express since we are in a bitcoin thread.. remember?
You do you.. but if you keep asserting low levels of BTC, you are likely going to continue to get push back on those kinds of assertions.. to the extent that some of it might not become a bit too repetitive..