That was back in the day when Reggie used to engage on this forum. You have made a lot of enemies on this thread, you seem to engage and spread fud, you did the same on the PPT thread. To be missing the point, spreading FUD, trolling seems like a common thread with you.
Honestly, I think you're still a kid. Nothing against kids, I know a few that are very smart. But you don't seem to grasp what 's going on here. The fact that you consider selling tells me you don't understand VERI. You are an emotional investor, and like a lot of people in crypto these days a "drama queen"
I gave you one chance (unignored you) a couple posts back, but I now realize again why I ignored you in the first place. Bye felicia
Wow, look at all your slanders.
I have made a lot of enemies.
If so, please come out and make yourself known.
Don't hide behind the background.
The only enemy I have is you.
Wow, I spread FUD here and on the PPT thread?
Despite the fact that I also said positive things that support Veritaseum?
Despite the fact that I also said positive things about PPT in PayPie thread?
Wow, you are one hell of a serious slanderer.
And yet you accuse me of spreading FUD.
And then you said I am a kid, a stupid kid, an emotional kid that happens to have money to be investor, a drama kid-cum-girl-queen.
Wow, seriously, you should be reported.
And you even give me the impression that your attention is very significant, that I should be thankful that you didn't ignore me, that I should be a very happy and grateful man for having the attention of someone with nickname PANCrypto?
You are very unreal.
You are very dishonest.
You are corrupted.
So I was wrong for the way I talked to Reggie?
I agree.
But I still disagree with the way he handled the hack.
And I am very confident I am not the only one here feeling this way.
In case I am mistaken, Reggie until today has yet to announce any update on the hack investigation.
And here we have you PANCrypto the ultimate ass kisser, the ultimate subjective person that will never say anything critical about Veritaseum.
I can honestly and sincerely say there is something wrong with you.
The way you say things about Veritaseum, the way you say things to people that is critical to Veritaseum, the way you say things about me, very strongly give me an impression that there is some hidden vested interest in you.
I don't know if it's because you have $ millions in Veritaseum, or if you are a very close friend of Reggie, or if you are a member of Veritaseum team (highly unlikely judging by your level of intellect), or if you are some racist person that is overtly defensive, but I know there is some serious problem with you.