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Yes, but the probabilities and or multipliers must be changed.

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Author Topic: Re: [ANN] Las Vegas coin. Masternode cost only $250!! Only 400,000 coins total!  (Read 79142 times)
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July 29, 2017, 09:21:13 PM

Hi vegas after putting staking=1 in my conf file, restarted vgs and got the message that the block database was corrupted, asking if I want to rebuild it. So I said ok and when the wallet is synced it still says not staking. When I getinfo it says staking not active. Is there something wrong with my wallet?


Markethive ... A FREE social marketing platform that has the combined power of LinkedIn, Hubspot, Amazon and Techcrunch, plus the power of the blockchain ...
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July 29, 2017, 09:30:28 PM

Hi vegas after putting staking=1 in my conf file, restarted vgs and got the message that the block database was corrupted, asking if I want to rebuild it. So I said ok and when the wallet is synced it still says not staking. When I getinfo it says staking not active. Is there something wrong with my wallet?


"Ditto" to everything above!

vegasguy (OP)
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"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!

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July 29, 2017, 10:42:57 PM

Hi again, how do we stake VGS in our wllets and what is Obfuscation?


The staking does work. However some people need to add staking=1 to their lasvegascoin.conf file. This will be fixed with the next wallet release. Then open your wallet and click on tools -->unlock wallet and make sure the box that says staking is checked, thats all. As far as "obfuscation" that is the "stealth send", and will be reworded in a future wallet fix to "stealth send".


@vegasguy - so I have staking=1 in the lasvegascoin.conf file and I am fully synced however the wallet constantly says "staking is not active".  Wallet is unlocked and box check marked for staking.  Any ideas?  The wallet is constantly trying to update masternodes with no luck.

Use the command 'getinfo' and it it shows
"staking status" : "Staking Active",
then you are staking. The green circle in the lower right hand corner is mostly grey/ghosted but the wallet does stake. Seems that it goes green for a brief second but turns off as it keeps trying to sync matsternodes/winners/ect.

hrmm - ok - mine definitely says staking - not active.  Is there a console command to activate it?

The main thing after you have added staking=1 in your .conf file is to make sure when you unlock your wallet to check the box that pops up , and says "for staking ...ect". Wait a couple of min and then do a get info. If your still having problems then clear everything from roaming/lasvegascoin (except wallet.dat) and use the zapwallettxes=1

I had issues only once with a "corrupted this or that". By clearing the roaming/Lasvegascoin folder of ALL files except wallet.dat and lasvegascoin.conf, and resyncing using -zapwallettxes=1 (in a windows shortcut), I have not had one error since. That was a couple of weeks ago. Double check you are also on v2.2.102 (latest).


I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
vegasguy (OP)
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"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!

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July 29, 2017, 10:44:47 PM

Guys if you want to Join me on chat please click on this link. It WILL say "Bitsend", but there is a Las Vegas coin channel. I work closely with Bitsend coin, and anyone , who is anyone in Crypto is here on this channel, there are HUNDREDS of members.

Update, I just looked.. 681 members on this slack Chanel!!!


I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
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July 30, 2017, 12:09:53 AM

Hi again, how do we stake VGS in our wllets and what is Obfuscation?


The staking does work. However some people need to add staking=1 to their lasvegascoin.conf file. This will be fixed with the next wallet release. Then open your wallet and click on tools -->unlock wallet and make sure the box that says staking is checked, thats all. As far as "obfuscation" that is the "stealth send", and will be reworded in a future wallet fix to "stealth send".


@vegasguy - so I have staking=1 in the lasvegascoin.conf file and I am fully synced however the wallet constantly says "staking is not active".  Wallet is unlocked and box check marked for staking.  Any ideas?  The wallet is constantly trying to update masternodes with no luck.

Use the command 'getinfo' and it it shows
"staking status" : "Staking Active",
then you are staking. The green circle in the lower right hand corner is mostly grey/ghosted but the wallet does stake. Seems that it goes green for a brief second but turns off as it keeps trying to sync matsternodes/winners/ect.

hrmm - ok - mine definitely says staking - not active.  Is there a console command to activate it?

The main thing after you have added staking=1 in your .conf file is to make sure when you unlock your wallet to check the box that pops up , and says "for staking ...ect". Wait a couple of min and then do a get info. If your still having problems then clear everything from roaming/lasvegascoin (except wallet.dat) and use the zapwallettxes=1

I had issues only once with a "corrupted this or that". By clearing the roaming/Lasvegascoin folder of ALL files except wallet.dat and lasvegascoin.conf, and resyncing using -zapwallettxes=1 (in a windows shortcut), I have not had one error since. That was a couple of weeks ago. Double check you are also on v2.2.102 (latest).

OK, restarted yet again, put staking=1 in .conf file and unlocked wallet, check box for staking, then checked get info and still not staking after 20 mins! So, I now need to clear roaming folder of everything except .conf and wallet.dat? Then, before restarting, put -zapwallettxes=1 in .conf file (Is this a windows shortcut)?


Markethive ... A FREE social marketing platform that has the combined power of LinkedIn, Hubspot, Amazon and Techcrunch, plus the power of the blockchain ...
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July 30, 2017, 01:30:36 AM

It looks like fly wallet may be stuck again... i still need 112 confirmations, and it's been this way for I don't know how long......

i'll never get my coins swapped, lol

Looks, like we are in the same boat. I need 132 blocks to get my last coins to mature.

NovaExchange and Cryptopia

It would be nice to see it on Cryptopia but I do not think that is going to happen so NovaExchange and LiveCoin to go along with would be a good start.

You are right, but when is bittrex?
Whether this coin is not listed in bittrex

Maybe dev has a reason not to register it in bittrex.
What's wrong with nova exchange and crytopia? I think nova exchange and crytopia is good. Profit not only created in bittrex.

Cryptopia is not going to happen, we had Fly there before. But Vegas and Hexx got into a big disagreement.
Nova Exchange we could get listed on fairly easy. To do it right away is going to cost over 2 grand, aka $2,000+.
Could do it the cheaper way by submitting the coin to be added. And then have to vote everyday till it gets 250 votes.
If 25 of us have accounts there, then could get listed in 10 days, by voting everyday. Nova wants .9 BTC to be listed
immediately. Very expensive, just to get listed immediately. Bittrex, going to take some provable volume to get listed
there. Plus you more or less need at least 2 BTC of volume everyday. Or you will get delisted.

Add currency for voting

Fill this form to add your coin to the list so others can vote your coin.


Ex; TheCoolCoin
The full name of the coin.

Short acronym for the coin, ex BTC, LTC or ESP.

Ex; Scrypt Hybrid PoW/PoS
Algorithm used to mine the coin ex, PoW/Scrypt, PoW/Sha256, Hybrid or pure PoS
Coin supply

Ex; 500.000
Coins already mined, and available for trade at listing
Coin cap

Ex; 5.000.000
Total supply of coins

Ex; 50.000, 1%
Coins in premine, if any
Current height

Ex; Block 12345
How many blocks has been mined
RPC port (default)

Ex; 8337
P2P port (default)

Ex; 8773
ANN thread

Bitcointalk, cryptocointalk etc...

Ex; http://thecoolcoin.coin
Your coins website
Source code

Link to public available source code on github or bitbucket
Link to wallet

Link to where to download ready to use wallets for Windows, Mac or Linux
Pay listing with   
      1200 NPOINT   In account: 2.68170595 NPOINT
      0.1 BTC   In account: 0.00653568 BTC
      0.90 BTC   This option will bypass voting and get direct listing.
Submit your coin

So we need the info on the coin and 1200 NPOINTS or .1 BTC to get listed at Nova Then we have to vote on adding
Las Vegas coin. Till we reach 250 votes.

Peace, Dennis

Need 2 btc volume to enter in bittrex it is very difficult if in market nova, at least you put in yobit maybe it will easy
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July 30, 2017, 01:50:22 AM

Hi again, how do we stake VGS in our wllets and what is Obfuscation?


The staking does work. However some people need to add staking=1 to their lasvegascoin.conf file. This will be fixed with the next wallet release. Then open your wallet and click on tools -->unlock wallet and make sure the box that says staking is checked, thats all. As far as "obfuscation" that is the "stealth send", and will be reworded in a future wallet fix to "stealth send".


@vegasguy - so I have staking=1 in the lasvegascoin.conf file and I am fully synced however the wallet constantly says "staking is not active".  Wallet is unlocked and box check marked for staking.  Any ideas?  The wallet is constantly trying to update masternodes with no luck.

Use the command 'getinfo' and it it shows
"staking status" : "Staking Active",
then you are staking. The green circle in the lower right hand corner is mostly grey/ghosted but the wallet does stake. Seems that it goes green for a brief second but turns off as it keeps trying to sync matsternodes/winners/ect.

hrmm - ok - mine definitely says staking - not active.  Is there a console command to activate it?

The main thing after you have added staking=1 in your .conf file is to make sure when you unlock your wallet to check the box that pops up , and says "for staking ...ect". Wait a couple of min and then do a get info. If your still having problems then clear everything from roaming/lasvegascoin (except wallet.dat) and use the zapwallettxes=1

I had issues only once with a "corrupted this or that". By clearing the roaming/Lasvegascoin folder of ALL files except wallet.dat and lasvegascoin.conf, and resyncing using -zapwallettxes=1 (in a windows shortcut), I have not had one error since. That was a couple of weeks ago. Double check you are also on v2.2.102 (latest).


@vegasguy - I did everything you requested in the above post.  I am still getting staking not active.  Maybe the next wallet update will fix it?

vegasguy (OP)
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July 30, 2017, 12:48:49 PM

Hmmm.. not sure why your not staking Pokey. As you can see from the explorer , many users are staking. There will be fixes included in the next wallet, but there is no reason why you shouldn't be staking as that function does work if you added the staking=1 to your lasvegascoin.conf file. Well, if your open to it, pm me, and I will send you my email address, and you can send me your wallet.dat file w/password, and I will make sure its staking, and then .zip the entire lasvegascoin roaming folder and send it back to you after I stake it. I do need to make a tutorial regarding the -zapwallettxes=1 command , as its the most powerful and effective wallet repair command. Ill post that tutorial soon. Make sure after you cleared your roaming/lasvegascoin folder that you have put back lasvegascoin.conf with ONLY 1 line staking=1 , that is all that is needed. Make sure you restart, after you added the .conf file with this line, amd BE SURE when you click unlock, to check that box for staking. We will get you going, you've known me over 2 years now Smiley



I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
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July 30, 2017, 12:55:40 PM

Hmmm.. not sure why your not staking Pokey. As you can see from the explorer , many users are staking. There will be fixes included in the next wallet, but there is no reason why you shouldn't be staking as that function does work if you added the staking=1 to your lasvegascoin.conf file. Well, if your open to it, pm me, and I will send you my email address, and you can send me your wallet.dat file w/password, and I will make sure its staking, and then .zip the entire lasvegascoin roaming folder and send it back to you after I stake it. I do need to make a tutorial regarding the -zapwallettxes=1 command , as its the most powerful and effective wallet repair command. Ill post that tutorial soon. Make sure after you cleared your roaming/lasvegascoin folder that you have put back lasvegascoin.conf with ONLY 1 line staking=1 , that is all that is needed. Make sure you restart, after you added the .conf file with this line, amd BE SURE when you click unlock, to check that box for staking. We will get you going, you've known me over 2 years now Smiley



Thank you.  I am not worried about you!  I will give it another try before I send it off.  I will research a little more into my AV.  It might have something to do with it as well.


vegasguy (OP)
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"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!

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July 30, 2017, 01:18:24 PM
Last edit: July 30, 2017, 01:39:20 PM by vegasguy

Hmmm.. not sure why your not staking Pokey. As you can see from the explorer , many users are staking. There will be fixes included in the next wallet, but there is no reason why you shouldn't be staking as that function does work if you added the staking=1 to your lasvegascoin.conf file. Well, if your open to it, pm me, and I will send you my email address, and you can send me your wallet.dat file w/password, and I will make sure its staking, and then .zip the entire lasvegascoin roaming folder and send it back to you after I stake it. I do need to make a tutorial regarding the -zapwallettxes=1 command , as its the most powerful and effective wallet repair command. Ill post that tutorial soon. Make sure after you cleared your roaming/lasvegascoin folder that you have put back lasvegascoin.conf with ONLY 1 line staking=1 , that is all that is needed. Make sure you restart, after you added the .conf file with this line, amd BE SURE when you click unlock, to check that box for staking. We will get you going, you've known me over 2 years now Smiley



Thank you.  I am not worried about you!  I will give it another try before I send it off.  I will research a little more into my AV.  It might have something to do with it as well.


Ok Pokey, so I found something interesting. I cleared my lasvegascoin roaming folder and used the zapwallettxes=1. Then it resynced. I unlocked it, checked the staking box, and then did a "getinfo". Its been over 10 min and the wallet is not staking! So... perhaps there is a delay... Im not sure yet. This is weird. This wallet was staking perfect. Please  allow more time for me to look into this. Damn woke up at 5:30am this morning. I guess this is what I get for "waking up in Vegas".


I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
vegasguy (OP)
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"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!

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July 30, 2017, 01:33:38 PM

Need 2 btc volume to enter in bittrex it is very difficult if in market nova, at least you put in yobit maybe it will easy

There are always pros and cons to exchanges. The best ones to enter need "proof of popularity" through volume on a smaller exchange first.  Im not going to list on Yobit, the wallets CONSTANTLY go into maintenance. Right now , its looking like our best bet is . In fact, they have already agreed to list us! Whats more is I am on their slack channel and have direct contact with their admins. My other coin XDE2 is listed their, and I LOVE their layout. It is VERY clean, easy to read, and even has additional information such as the peers tab. The team is still wrapping up little fixes in the wallet, so I cannot list there right now. We should have the wallet out in the next few days, with the masternode fix. Once everything looks good, then Ill send then the new wallet and get us listed. Then we can push some serious volume, then I can approach Richie on the Bittrex slack channel I am already on and ask him to look at our volume, but we need to prove consistent high volume first. Then WHEN we hit Bittrex, I will meet you all in Maui with a 10 ft Margarita on the beach Wink


I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
vegasguy (OP)
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"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!

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July 30, 2017, 02:17:03 PM

Ok still burning them up.. have many more to go..

Now back to the music..


I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
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July 30, 2017, 02:39:20 PM

Same here, did everything 4x still can't stake. Right now trying a new address and will send some coins to that one.

New wallet created then inserted my old .dat and now get the message corrupt block database detect. My guess is maybe just a few of us have a bad .dat file.
vegasguy (OP)
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July 30, 2017, 02:52:07 PM

Same here, did everything 4x still can't stake. Right now trying a new address and will send some coins to that one.

New wallet created then inserted my old .dat and now get the message corrupt block database detect. My guess is maybe just a few of us have a bad .dat file.

Yup. Getting same thing. Something is not working. Ok.. guys, if you can , DO NOT CLOSE YOUR WALLETS. We need to get a fix out for this. Suddenly, every time I open my wallet, Im getting corrupted block index, and not able to stake. LEAVE THEM OPEN!!! Working on a fix now.


I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
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July 30, 2017, 03:11:07 PM

Did someone say margaritas in Maui? I will personally roast the luau. :-)
Keep up the good work vegasguy!

P.S. I may have missed something but are we aiming at Novaexchange listing? It's fairly achievable and free.

vegasguy (OP)
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"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!

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July 30, 2017, 03:31:26 PM
Last edit: July 30, 2017, 03:59:12 PM by vegasguy

Did someone say margaritas in Maui? I will personally roast the luau. :-)
Keep up the good work vegasguy!

P.S. I may have missed something but are we aiming at Novaexchange listing? It's fairly achievable and free.

I dont think Nova is free, thats why I have not looked at them as an option. It might be free by getting a coin voted in, Im not sure. I am not too familiar  with Nova, but I have heard great things.  Also has already agreed to list us. If Nova is free, I am open to listing there, we could even list on both. If its free, Ill put up a poll to list on Nova or or both, and whatever the result is, we will go with.

Update.. got a PM from Nova...
Main Features of NOVAEXCHANGE is 24 Hour Volume is about 300/400 BTC.

We would like to add YOUR ALTCOIN on NOVAEXCHANGE.

Total cost to LIST coin 0.90 BTC (   )

But We would like to take project for voting only in 0.40 BTC. Altcoin will get Advertisement by Voting

you have to just ADD COIN in voting round and we will start voting with the help of community.

We have policy " Work first PAY LATER"

Please contact me on SKYPE.

Waiting for your Kind Reply.



I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
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July 30, 2017, 03:59:58 PM

Did someone say margaritas in Maui? I will personally roast the luau. :-)
Keep up the good work vegasguy!

P.S. I may have missed something but are we aiming at Novaexchange listing? It's fairly achievable and free.

I dont think Nova is free, thats why I have not looked at them as an option. It might be free by getting a coin voted in, Im not sure. I am not too familiar  with Nova, but I have heard great things.  Also has already agreed to list us. If Nova is free, I am open to listing there, we could even list on both. If its free, Ill put up a poll to list on Nova or or both, and whatever the result is, we will go with.


Yep. I was tihinking about a Nova community vote-in without payment. Let me find out what can be done about it. Will be back to you.

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July 30, 2017, 04:35:28 PM

u understand the codebase u use PIVX was never meant to run POW and POS at same time
it started with POW and it switched to POS

thats the reason POW is fucked up diff wise because it have to compete with POS generated blocks

the only logical solution is to shut down POW

  Diamond [DMD]     uNiq.Diamonds  
Scarce✦✦✦✦ Valuable ✦✦✦✦ Secure ✦                     ▬ a collector experience ▬                
vegasguy (OP)
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July 30, 2017, 06:10:18 PM
Last edit: July 30, 2017, 06:24:30 PM by vegasguy

u understand the codebase u use PIVX was never meant to run POW and POS at same time
it started with POW and it switched to POS

thats the reason POW is fucked up diff wise because it have to compete with POS generated blocks

the only logical solution is to shut down POW

Agreed, there are some issues with the PIVX code, but even with the issues, its a fantastic wallet. I am very excited about your DMDV3 release. Care to share with us, what codebase its from? Wink

u understand the codebase u use PIVX was never meant to run POW and POS at same time.

Yup. Pow was added by US. I have also proven that POW AND POS can exist is the PIVX codebase. See, for progress and innovation to be made in crypto there are those of us that will try new things and try different things. I suppose I could have cloned litecoin and released it as Las Vegas coin, but I am quite sure I didnt need to do a poll to ask if this is what the community wanted, OR if they wanted to get a feature packed wallet with all of the latest technology.

Ok so POW and POS diff run together in VGS. Is this wrong? I love it. I think its VERY innovative... However it does need some balancing. One consideration was to raise the POW reward as it stands right now, POS gets almost all the blocks. So, I like the diff "riding together". Its innovative, it just needs balancing.

To my knowledge I am not aware of any coin that has working POW , POS and masternodes. Not saying there are not any, but I am quite sure if this coin exists, it is very few. I will get ALL working. I know many have tried and failed at this. I will succeed, it just may take a few tries Smiley



I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
vegasguy (OP)
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"Yobit pump alert software" Link in my signature!

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July 30, 2017, 06:37:52 PM

Moving on... I have sent 130 coins to our next test wallet releasefrom the community wallet to the test wallet. These will be returned once testing is complete. The address of the test wallet is: VEyRcUpd36CuL9gJgtCRFuFTE56wcwmjNJ

Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 10 nodes
Date: 7/30/2017 11:30
To: VGS test wallet.  VEyRcUpd36CuL9gJgtCRFuFTE56wcwmjNJ
Debit: -130.00000000 VGS
Transaction fee: -0.00003380 VGS
Net amount: -130.00003380 VGS
Transaction ID: a3d111a131f7aee3b70ac52d624e0ad370c583f6e06c98423d6246f8ca9e20a2
Output index: 0


I want to make sure everyone knows that I just released my software called "Yobit pump alert". THis is custom software that uses an algo to detect the start of a pump here on yobit, the second it starts. YOu can even filter the coins you see by price. Most pumps start less than 100 sats , so you can easily filter the cheap coins, so they are the only ones displayed Smiley
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