Activity: 4
Merit: 0
July 18, 2017, 01:07:07 PM |
how do I get involved in airdrops? I guess you just hold Waves in your wallet. The airdrop checks for Waves balances on all addresses and drops coins in proportion to your holdings. oh ok thank you. I have my waves at bittrex. will i still get airdrops? No you won't better to keep them in your own wallet.
July 18, 2017, 01:15:54 PM |
how do I get involved in airdrops? I guess you just hold Waves in your wallet. The airdrop checks for Waves balances on all addresses and drops coins in proportion to your holdings. oh ok thank you. I have my waves at bittrex. will i still get airdrops? Exchanges are excluded from Airdrops, so you will not receive any airdrop benefits. This is a quote from their own blog: WCT will be distributed in stages over a period of 9 months to all Waves holders excluding exchanges. Distribution will take place on the 15th of each month based on a snapshot of WAVES balances. 20% of all WCT assets will be distributed in the first month, with 10% distributed each subsequent month. In this way WCT will constantly add value to all active holders. https://blog.wavesplatform.com/waves-community-tokens-e9e8b5db0b49

Activity: 121
Merit: 10
July 18, 2017, 01:27:14 PM |
how do I get involved in airdrops? I guess you just hold Waves in your wallet. The airdrop checks for Waves balances on all addresses and drops coins in proportion to your holdings. oh ok thank you. I have my waves at bittrex. will i still get airdrops? Exchanges are excluded from Airdrops, so you will not receive any airdrop benefits. This is a quote from their own blog: WCT will be distributed in stages over a period of 9 months to all Waves holders excluding exchanges. Distribution will take place on the 15th of each month based on a snapshot of WAVES balances. 20% of all WCT assets will be distributed in the first month, with 10% distributed each subsequent month. In this way WCT will constantly add value to all active holders. https://blog.wavesplatform.com/waves-community-tokens-e9e8b5db0b49Thank you for that. I will have to pull these waves out into a wallet!! - May I ask for advice on the best waves wallet?
July 18, 2017, 05:34:59 PM |
how do I get involved in airdrops? I guess you just hold Waves in your wallet. The airdrop checks for Waves balances on all addresses and drops coins in proportion to your holdings. oh ok thank you. I have my waves at bittrex. will i still get airdrops? Exchanges are excluded from Airdrops, so you will not receive any airdrop benefits. This is a quote from their own blog: WCT will be distributed in stages over a period of 9 months to all Waves holders excluding exchanges. Distribution will take place on the 15th of each month based on a snapshot of WAVES balances. 20% of all WCT assets will be distributed in the first month, with 10% distributed each subsequent month. In this way WCT will constantly add value to all active holders. https://blog.wavesplatform.com/waves-community-tokens-e9e8b5db0b49Thank you for that. I will have to pull these waves out into a wallet!! - May I ask for advice on the best waves wallet? They have a Chrome app which works as lite wallet. Works well for me.
July 18, 2017, 05:40:05 PM |
WAVES is a sleeping giant if you have patience to wait more than one year holding the coin profit grantee because sahsha's team getting bigger every day but only for those have a good stock not needed soon .
July 18, 2017, 05:56:57 PM |
I think i did not get my WCT. Where can I check if I received some?
July 18, 2017, 06:04:59 PM |
I think i did not get my WCT. Where can I check if I received some?
waveswallet.io You must keep your Waves there and lease them. 
July 18, 2017, 06:16:44 PM |
I think i did not get my WCT. Where can I check if I received some?
waveswallet.io You must keep your Waves there and lease them.  Ah, i have. I received a miner reward. Is that what they mean with airdrops?
July 18, 2017, 06:34:02 PM |
WAVES is a sleeping giant if you have patience to wait more than one year holding the coin profit grantee because sahsha's team getting bigger every day but only for those have a good stock not needed soon .
Well, Waves like ETH in October 2016, it have a platform blockchain very good and some ICOs project promising and success as MobileGo, ZrCoin although they are still low price  . But just need waiting, the result in future not bad with person can patience
July 18, 2017, 11:31:07 PM |
I own 1000 waves. what are the upcoming events with this coin? I am thinking about adding more.
Waves is a solid project if you want to get in it seems this is the right moment since most coins crashed just a few days ago, so you could get some cheap waves.
July 19, 2017, 09:35:49 AM |
There are lots of reason to hold waves its dev team really innovative recently announced leasing waves and also there is lots os ICO happening based on waves unlike before most happening only on Ethereum platform
July 19, 2017, 09:41:53 AM |
I own 1000 waves. what are the upcoming events with this coin? I am thinking about adding more.
I think you should keep it, WAVE is a real potential coin, it can become famous in the future, a new platform will be noticed, and then you will get more profit. .
Activity: 3444
Merit: 9600
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
July 19, 2017, 01:51:10 PM |
I own 1000 waves. what are the upcoming events with this coin? I am thinking about adding more.
I think you should keep it, WAVE is a real potential coin, it can become famous in the future, a new platform will be noticed, and then you will get more profit. . right. and today we got the next news... Waves launches Eth gateway!! You need the newest client (0.4.30) to use it -> https://github.com/wavesplatform/WavesGUI/releases
July 19, 2017, 03:35:42 PM |
There are lots of reason to hold waves its dev team really innovative recently announced leasing waves and also there is lots os ICO happening based on waves unlike before most happening only on Ethereum platform
yeah my friends keep telling the i need to save some wave his always saying every time we meet can i think his inlove wavesplatform
July 19, 2017, 06:36:27 PM |
ETH gateway working! 
July 19, 2017, 07:00:44 PM |
Buy Waves bc it will replace ETH one day...
(Or not...)
July 19, 2017, 11:35:56 PM |
WAVES is a cool ETH and it is like a better version of it. Another advantage, as it is similar, WAVES can sync token from ETH. ETH guys should be very careful about it, it is likely also that Waves is starting to have a grip.
A good idea to add more.
July 20, 2017, 03:17:10 AM |
Hey all. Does anyone think waves has the possibility to be like bitcoin where it could go up to 1000 dollars? Or even 2000 dollars? Because right now its obviously very cheap to buy waves and you could buy lot of it now. Because if you buy 1000 waves now, it would be 3000 dollars. But if those waves go to 1000 per coin, thats 1 million dollars.
What is the highest you can expect waves go up to? Is 100 even possible?
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July 20, 2017, 07:26:06 AM |
Its worth to hold waves in altcoin announcement thread you can find lots of ICO happening based on waves platform also they introduced new Lease wave in their platform its really good to hold long term.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 20, 2017, 09:54:35 AM |
Its worth to hold waves in altcoin announcement thread you can find lots of ICO happening based on waves platform also they introduced new Lease wave in their platform its really good to hold long term.
So explain me what real world usecase waves is solving other than solving problems for scammy icos that could not get funding using regular methods? It's basically nothing more than providing for an unregulated environment for sharks to rip off little fish by promising them the Bitcoin dream. To get rich by buying crap non usable tokens. Only few ppl get rich. The ico guys and the waves guys Good ICO read https://hackernoon.com/dear-sec-icos-tokens-are-killing-innovation-2f8d287f88c3