Good work dev, you always keep the ball rolling which is what i feel will make people believe more into this coin. Hopefully someday the coin will have its actual value. The current value doesn't give the real value of this token.
Thanks for the support, greatly appreciated

Will the swap be 1:1? What is your discord account? It is the best community platform out there, highly recommend!
Hello, there will be no swap. We don't have a discord, we use slack. We could create a discord and a telegram if there is enough demand. 4d028d9b309415bf0535cfc92f22f1da4dc4ef556cb460e16a4b945be5a12f1d 2 10.00000000 Sat, 25 Nov 2017 14:38:46 GMT
Time now is 16:03 GMT
The blockchain is stuck?
Yup i observe the same as well. Dev, can you please comment on this? Looks like the blockchain is either stuck/hung or not working at this moment.
Seems to work again.
What was the reason why it got stuck?
It can be because the mining power decreased fastly on the network, while the difficulty stayed the same, causing the block to be mined very slowly. The difficulty is always adjusted on the next blocks.
So am going to ask something that am surprised that no one has brought up yet. When you said you had a conversation with Monaco Government, who did you actually chat with? The Prince? One of his subordinates? a police man? a teacher? i could keep on going. You see how this could be confusing.
Hello, we've seen different officials, mainly "La direction de l'expansion économique".
Are you going to offer monocei credit card like monaco? I think that is a good idea.
A payment terminal could be developped in the future, allowing the use of a debit card.
can someone help?
:~$ ./monacoCoind
./monacoCoind: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
:~$ ./monacoCoin-cli stop
./monacoCoin-cli: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
:~$ ls
monacoCoin-cli monacoCoind
monacoCoinCore- monacoCoin-tx
I get an error "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
:~$ ./monacoCoin-cli stop" when running the command " ./monacoCoind" for installing the software Ubuntu 17.10 x64
on vultr
thank you in advance.
Hello, there is a version for ubuntu 14 that you get with this command :
And ubuntu 16 :
There is no version compiled for ubuntu 17, but maybe the ubuntu 16 version is compatible, it would be nice to have a feedback from you