Can someone please check if I'm missing out on something.
I wanted to make some wallets offline. Tell me where is the largest security breach.
Using Linux TAILS and the Linux wallet to create
(TAILS runs on a laptop (DVD) with no WLAN device nor Harddrive )
Should I download the LINUX wallet from the intensecoin website or should I build it from source from github? Any checksum etc. available?
I'll import the wallet files/source with a USB stick. After Importing that I'd format (slow) and be reusing it later on in the process
Using the Wallet I would create regular wallets and saving them on a clean usb stick with veracrypt which I install with the first USB stick.
Further on I'd export the private keys and print them from the cheapest printer you could imagine (never been online or has WLAN)
and deposit them in a bank locker.
Cleaning up the private keys and wallet files from the desktop.
I would then export the "View only private keys/tracking key" to a clean formated USB Stick so I can check up the the accounts on any Device since cryptonight doesnt allow viewing addresses through explorers.
How safe is this and how can I do better.