#Sylon, what is the blue/green highlight means in reddit campaign?
I just added 4 reddits links that promoting Spectra
Ignore it.
бeз oбъяcнeния пpичины выдeлил чepным в пoдпиcнoй в тaблицe, зaдaвaл вoпpocы cилoнy в личкy и нa вeткe пиcaл нo oтвeтa нe пocлeдoвaлo....
I don't understand your question.
You have to write it in English.
Hello, please, change my wallet address in Twitter and Facebook campaigns. My old address was hacked. Thank you!
Old wallet adress: 0x0F477CE6Dc9d2800E83725652c602a4f18C4A45d
New wallet adress: 0xC828C56df770599C1AB369967920065c70a02865
My bitcointalk username: Yourodiviy
My bitcointalk profile:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1142033Twitter spreadsheet number: 1612
Telegram spreadsheet number: 1147