why if i switch device i need to start course from beginning
why the is no proper help and suuport as i gave up after looking for it for 15 minutes. kas do nesamone
Hey, most of the courses already store progress on your profile, not the device. So, you'll be able to continue your course no matter which device you use. The only courses that do not behave like this are some of our earliest interactive courses (at the moment of release, user profiles didn't exist yet). We'll be upgrading those courses soon, but they're not the highest priority at the moment.
Speaking about proper help and support, we've already implemented a live chat feature for teachers. They can contact team members from their dashboard at any time. We'll be implementing this feature for paid students as well, just a bit later. For now, you can always contact us via email
hello@bitdegree.org. Or private messages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on.