so. gladiuse believers! august passed and i do not see any progress. what developers are doing now? is it scam?
Because you dont know where to search
Open Beta is live now, people are raising bugs(Win,OS,Linux) team is fixing them and implementing features(KYC+rewards system).
Actually network has more than 500 nodes online!
Within months this project will be huge!
Latest update:Public BETA Update! 🌟
1. Latest release is 0.6.2 - Found here From the development side. We are full steam ahead! The feedback from the BETA testers has been awesome! Truth is we have had such good feedback from you guys, we need time to catch up before taking on new BETA testers.
3. We have decided to not caste in stone an exact end date to the public BETA. Truth be said. Its not possible until such time as we uncover all the issues 100%. This means BETA testing may end in October, November, December or even January! If we had a crystal ball, be able to "see" into the future then yes an exact date would be possible.
4. As a result of the above. We will be completing the KYC and BETA reward...."as we go along". Therefore once a "tester"has completed the 72 continuous hours we will be awarding them the reward as we progress after completing a KYC (hope to have KYC prepared next week).
5. Also as a result of this awesome feedback, we will only be supplying referral links as and when we are ready to take on board more BETA testers.
6. Discord is the communities choice. Boaz (@borgqueenx) an awesome part now of our community is helping us prepare this. Thanks Boaz!!!
This is honestly going a LOT better than we originally anticipated. Thank-you guys!