sorry guys. this coin going to dead soon like westerncoin.
this coin took too long and ucoincash and lots more have been taken over crendence coin..
not fud here, personally holding 10k coin. i hope the dev keep us update about the website.
1. Westerncoin most likely does not even have a blockchain. They won't show one even if you ask.
2. Westerncoin is internal exchange only. Even though the roadmap says they will be external, they mostly won't unless they can prove to the coin exchange they have a real blockchain.
3. Westerncoin will not communicate with you on twitter, facebook, telegram, or even support email (I know because I tried several times). Credence will regularly communicate with us and I have communicated directly with them on email.
4. The Credence developers have already said mid-December the site will be fully tested and ready - and if not, they will tell us - they won't launch until it can handle volume testing, hack attacks, etc.
5. Ucoin is not a proven entity - no blockchain, no QT wallet to hold your coins. Nice looking site, but that's about it.
6. People will dump the coin at Ucoin - they only are trying for a 10x - there is no interest in lending or staking.
7. Credence has said from day 1 they are a staking coin and offer lending as an addition and that the coin will grow organically because of the strong community.
There is no comparison to WesternCoin.