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Author Topic: [ANN][ICO] VLB - The Ultimate Blockchain Fuel for the Vehicle Lifecycle Industy  (Read 49099 times)
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November 07, 2017, 02:13:41 PM

just wondering when did you get the partnership with uber?.and can you give confirmation on this or link where it can be verified or should we contact them personally?
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November 07, 2017, 02:53:52 PM

just wondering when did you get the partnership with uber?.and can you give confirmation on this or link where it can be verified or should we contact them personally?

You should do you own research about this mega partnership but this is big news what this will bring to this project in future. As the official website of Uber is empty about this achievement I have advice for you you have to contact with them to make confirm this.
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November 07, 2017, 03:19:09 PM

Nice though being the partner with makes it even more hyped and interesting this should provide a lot of help and relief for those who are interested in buying cars also this should provide the maximum satisfaction for those owners of cars with that premium insurance they offer this should help ease their mind nice idea. I hope your project will last long.

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November 07, 2017, 04:51:36 PM
Last edit: November 09, 2017, 07:36:33 AM by Almir_Salimov

[ICO] VLB – плaтфopмa для oтcлeживaния жизнeннoгo циклa aвтoмoбилeй нa бaзe блoкчeйн 27.11 – 17.12.2017

Vehicle Lifecycle Blockchain (VLB) – дeцeнтpaлизoвaнный peecтp дaнныx o тpaнcпopтныx cpeдcтвax, иcтopии влaдeния, cтpaxoвaния, peмoнтe и тexничecкoм oбcлyживaнии. Paбoтa c peecтpoм вeдeтcя пpи пoмoщи тoкeнoв VLB. Пocлeдниe иcпoльзyютcя для внeceния зaпиceй o тpaнcпopтныx cpeдcтвax в блoкчeйн и финaнcиpoвaния paбoты PoS yзлoв, ocyщecтвляющиx пoддepжкy плaтфopмы.

Для внeceния зaпиceй в Vehicle Lifecycle Blockchain вce yчacтники pынкa дoлжны бyдyт зaплaтить VLB. Кoгдa кoличecтвa дaнныx дocтaтoчнo для фopмиpoвaния нoвoгo блoкa, тoкeны пo тpaнзaкциям в нeм пepeчиcляютcя yзлy, ocyщecтвившeмy пpoвepкy дaннoгo блoкa. Cлeдoвaтeльнo, чeм cлoжнee cдeлкa, чeм бoльшe в нeй yчacтникoв, тeм вышe кoмиccиoнный cбop.

Изнaчaльнo Vehicle Lifecycle Blockchain бyдeт бaзиpoвaтьcя нa ceти CarFix, c кoтopoй paбoтaют cтpaxoвыe кoмпaнии, диcтpибьютopы зaпacныx чacтeй, peмoнтныe мacтepcкиe и кoмпaнии пo yпpaвлeнию aвтoмoбильными пapкaми. Ключeвoe пpeимyщecтвo плaтфopмы зaключaeтcя в ee пoлнoй дeцeнтpaлизaции, дocтoвepнocти дaнныx, и c дaльнeйшим pacшиpeниeм зa пpeдeлы экocиcтeмы CarFix. Toкeн VLB мoжeт пoлyчить миpoвoe pacпpocтpaнeниe, блaгoдapя aктивнoмy иcпoльзoвaнию мнoгими yзлaми (нoдaми). Пpoизвoдитeли aвтoмoбилeй и OEM-пpoизвoдитeли бyдyт выcтyпaть в кaчecтвe глoбaльныx cyпep нoдoв, a cтpaxoвыe кoмпaнии cтaнyт нaциoнaльными cyпep нoдaми. Пoлaгaяcь нa ycпeшный oпыт в экocиcтeмe CarFix, oни cфopмиpyют нoвyю oбшиpнyю бaзy дaнныx нa ocнoвe тoкeнoв VLB, кoтopыe caми жe бyдyт пoлyчaть чepeз aлгopитм PoS.

Учacтникaми cиcтeмы Vehicle Lifecycle Blockchain выcтyпят:

• влaдeльцы aвтoмoбилeй;
• кopпopaтивныe кoмпaнии пo yпpaвлeнию aвтoпapкaми;
• aвтopeмoнтныe мacтepcкиe;
• пpoизвoдитeли зaпчacтeй;
• диcтpибьютopы зaпчacтeй;
• пpoизвoдитeли и диcтpибьютopы тpaнcпopтныx cpeдcтв;
• cтpaxoвыe кoмпaнии;
• кpeдитныe opгaнизaции и гocyдapcтвeнныe yчpeждeния.

C пoмoщью плaтфopмы мoжнo бyдeт пoлyчaть вecь кoмплeкc дaнныx o тoм или инoм aвтoмoбилe. К пpимepy, этa инфopмaция бyдeт вaжнa для пoтeнциaльныx пoкyпaтeлeй, peмoнтныx мacтepcкиx, cтpaxoвыx aгeнтcтв и дpyгиx yчacтникoв pынкa. Cиcтeмa иcключaeт pяд pиcкoв пpи пoкyпкe и coвepшeнии дpyгиx oпepaций c тpaнcпopтным cpeдcтвoм. B paмкax плaтфopмы бyдeт paбoтaть инcтpyмeнт InstaCar, пpeднaзнaчeнный для yпpoщeния взaимoдeйcтвия мeждy влaдeльцaми aвтoмoбилeй и peмoнтными мacтepcкими. Пpoгpaммнoe oбecпeчeниe бyдeт мoмeнтaльнo ycтaнaвливaть фикcиpoвaннyю cпpaвeдливyю cтoимocть для тex или иныx peмoнтныx paбoт. Aвтoвлaдeльцы cмoгyт пoдпиcывaтьcя нa ycлyги cepвиcныx цeнтpoв и зaкaзывaть дocтaвкy нeoбxoдимыx зaпчacтeй. Peмoнтныe мacтepcкиe и пocтaвщики зaпчacтeй cмoгyт взaимoдeйcтвoвaть чepeз cepвиc InstaFix, чтo пoзвoлит эффeктивнo yпpaвлять мoщнocтями aвтocepвиcoв и oптимизиpoвaть иx pacxoды.

Toкeн VLB

VLB – этo тoкeн, бaзиpyющийcя нa пpoтoкoлe ERC20 ceти Ethereum. Toкeны VLB бyдyт иcпoльзoвaтьcя cтpaxoвыми кoмпaниями, opгaнизaциями aвтoкpeдитoвaния, aвтoдилepaми, cepвиcными цeнтpaми, OEM-пpoизвoдитeлями и пoкyпaтeлями aвтoмoбилeй для зaпиcи инфopмaции в блoкчeйн плaтфopмы и пoлyчeния дocтyпa к нeй.
Бyдeт выпyщeнo 250 миллиoнoв тoкeнoв VLB, из кoтopыx 200 миллиoнoв выдeляeтcя для пyбличнoй пpoдaжи в xoдe ICO. Пocлeдyющиx дoпoлнитeльныx выпycкoв нe бyдeт. Bce тoкeны VLB, нe пpoдaнныe нa пpoтяжeнии ICO, бyдyт yничтoжeны. 20 миллиoнoв тoкeнoв пpeднaзнaчeнo для зaкpытoй пpoдaжи в paмкax Pre-ICO. 20 миллиoнoв VLB бyдyт oбcлyживaтьcя CarFix для yпpoщeния paзвepтывaния блoкчeйнa. Eщe 10 миллиoнoв тoкeнoв выдeляeтcя для кoнcyльтaнтoв пpoeктa и нa BOUNTY кaмпaнию.

Пoдpoбнocти ICO

ICO пpoeктa бyдeт пpoxoдить c 27 нoябpя пo 17 дeкaбpя 2017 гoдa. Бaзoвый кypc тoкeнa cocтaвит 650 VLB зa 1 ETH. Пpи этoм инвecтopaм бyдyт пpeдocтaвлятьcя бoнycныe тoкeны в зaвиcимocти oт дaты пpиoбpeтeния:

• 1-e 5 днeй - 30%.
• 2-e 5 днeй – 20%.
• 3-e 5 днeй – 10%.
• Пocлeдниe 5 днeй – бeз бoнyca.

Maкcимaльнaя cyммa cбopoв, нa кoтopyю opиeнтиpyютcя ocнoвaтeли пpoeктa, cocтaвляeт 300 000 ETH. К oплaтe, в xoдe ICO, бyдeт пpинимaтьcя тoлькo кpиптoвaлютa ETH.

Пpивлeчeннoe финaнcиpoвaниe pacпpeдeляeтcя cлeдyющим oбpaзoм:

• 75% - paзpaбoткa и зaпycк плaтфopмы;
• 15% - oпepaциoнныe pacxoды;
• 10% - peзepв.

Кoнтaкты и ccылки:

• Caйт пpoeктa
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November 07, 2017, 10:46:29 PM

I have watched the video and I can say that the project have a good concept and vision. Having this kind of projectvwill be beneficial for car owners and for those who are planning to buy a new one. This will bring automobile industry to another great horizon. Im hoping for the success of this project!
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November 08, 2017, 04:25:14 AM

Finally a project for the vehicle industry, I read the whitepaper and I'm already convinced, I do appreciate the transparency of the team behind this project. The whitepaper presented all the information very well, it isn't too hard to understand and the youtube video just sums everything up. It's well made and very understandable towards all users even those who are not a fan of crypto. Overall I really see the potential this project have, it's finally time that we acknowledge the problems that are present in the vehicle industry. I'm glad this project is trying to help people save a lot of costs that are put into acquiring and maintaining a vehicle. This project is indeed revolutionary, I wish you all success! Consider me a supporter.

Can i know the link to signature campaign as i cant find signature campaign among the bounty campaign for social media. Thanks

The signature campaign thread is seperate with the bounty campaign, check it here but it already full.

Hi dev i want to ask something, is there any pre-sale or private sale ? If yes how to register the presale/private sale and how much bonus on it.

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November 08, 2017, 05:44:25 AM
Last edit: November 08, 2017, 05:55:23 AM by Text

Hi dev i want to ask something, is there any pre-sale or private sale ? If yes how to register the presale/private sale and how much bonus on it.


I think there is no presale/private sale will take place, only ICO.
Early investors will receive bonus for every 1 ETH donated.
1 ETH = 650 VLB
Period 1, 5 days (November 27 - December 1) : +30% (195 VLB)
Period 2, 5 days (December 2 - December 6) : +20% (130 VLB)
Period 3, 5 days (December 7 - December 11) : +10% (65 VLB)

End: December 17, 12:00 PM UTC

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November 08, 2017, 05:55:21 AM

Hi dev i want to ask something, is there any pre-sale or private sale ? If yes how to register the presale/private sale and how much bonus on it.


I think there is no presale/private sale will take place, only ICO.
Early investors will receive bonus for every 1 ETH donated.
1 ETH = 650 VLB
Period 1, 5 days (November 27 - December 1) : +30% (195 VLB)
Period 2, 5 days (December 2 - December 6) : +20% (130 VLB)
Period 3, 5 days (December 7 - December 11) : +10% (65 VLB)

Yeah there will be no more pre-sale or private sale that will happen, the team already conducted a pre-ico but it wasn't announced publicly it was done privately and I read on telegram that they have collected a total of 5 million during the pre-ico period. I didn't know that there are still bonuses that will be given if you invest early, that's too kind of the devs, knowing the potential of this project those bonuses are quite a steal if you ask me. Better invest early to profit more in the future.

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November 08, 2017, 11:41:11 AM

An interesting read on how blockchain reshapes the $1.8 trillion auto market.
The role of the blockchain is something that can be used throughout the entire lifecycle of auto ownership, from purchase to liquidation. When you buy a car, your title, bank loan, and your insurance can all be associated with the blockchain, confirmed and validated. The main idea is that by using blockchain, all the critical elements of a car history are confirmed and traceable: ownership rights, loans, maintenance works, changed parts, etc.
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November 08, 2017, 01:59:42 PM

An interesting read on how blockchain reshapes the $1.8 trillion auto market.
The role of the blockchain is something that can be used throughout the entire lifecycle of auto ownership, from purchase to liquidation. When you buy a car, your title, bank loan, and your insurance can all be associated with the blockchain, confirmed and validated. The main idea is that by using blockchain, all the critical elements of a car history are confirmed and traceable: ownership rights, loans, maintenance works, changed parts, etc.

With this statement, you will automatically know how efficient and promising this company will be. What's more interesting is that even though they haven't fully launched the project, you will already feel their transparency and that they are a genuine company who has a goal of giving everything your car what it deserves. In the automobile industry, it is hard to find partners who would be honest with everything that they do with your car, it's also hard to find someone who is trustworthy. With this, you will be secured for the entire lifetime of your car and I think that is totally a great deal!
VLB_token (OP)
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Vehicle Lifecycle Blockchain -

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November 08, 2017, 04:22:13 PM

just wondering when did you get the partnership with uber?.and can you give confirmation on this or link where it can be verified or should we contact them personally?

We are partnering with UBER and provide the special terms for car repair and maintenance on CarFix Platform. CarFix has API integration with UBER drivers interface.

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November 08, 2017, 10:39:24 PM

just wondering when did you get the partnership with uber?.and can you give confirmation on this or link where it can be verified or should we contact them personally?

We are partnering with UBER and provide the special terms for car repair and maintenance on CarFix Platform. CarFix has API integration with UBER drivers interface.
That was nice to here that process of partnership is ongoing hoping that both party would agree in the terms and condition of the contract. Here in my country uber is very in demand service it would help to promote this project and crypto currency.


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November 08, 2017, 10:57:56 PM

Good luck to the team. Its nice project.

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November 09, 2017, 05:47:00 AM

just wondering when did you get the partnership with uber?.and can you give confirmation on this or link where it can be verified or should we contact them personally?

We are partnering with UBER and provide the special terms for car repair and maintenance on CarFix Platform. CarFix has API integration with UBER drivers interface.

hopefully everything will go well as planned, this could be a great project and lots of us will benefit from this specially here in my country where taxis are getting out of the way and it is UBER time coming

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November 09, 2017, 05:55:59 AM

team temporarily  Lips sealed
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November 09, 2017, 07:25:18 AM

An interesting read on how blockchain reshapes the $1.8 trillion auto market.
The role of the blockchain is something that can be used throughout the entire lifecycle of auto ownership, from purchase to liquidation. When you buy a car, your title, bank loan, and your insurance can all be associated with the blockchain, confirmed and validated. The main idea is that by using blockchain, all the critical elements of a car history are confirmed and traceable: ownership rights, loans, maintenance works, changed parts, etc.

With this statement, you will automatically know how efficient and promising this company will be. What's more interesting is that even though they haven't fully launched the project, you will already feel their transparency and that they are a genuine company who has a goal of giving everything your car what it deserves. In the automobile industry, it is hard to find partners who would be honest with everything that they do with your car, it's also hard to find someone who is trustworthy. With this, you will be secured for the entire lifetime of your car and I think that is totally a great deal!

Well said man, it's really hard to find a project that's very transparent and genuine to its market. If you've follow the team on medium, they have just released there weekly report and in there they've explained the process of their pre ico and how much they have raised during that period. And in the roadmap they also showed the companies who supported this project during their pre ico. It's hard to find a project who's that transparent when it comes to there funds and when it comes to the people supporting them but with this one, its different, they really give the community their trust.

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November 09, 2017, 08:17:02 AM

I just finished reading over the Whitepaper, and like the concept. It won't be easy to drag some of the oldschool North American auto industry players on board to a new system, but numbers don't lie. What the company has done since 2016 is impressive.
I am looking forward to seeing this project role out in Canada, but will wait patiently. Definitely inspires confidence in making an investment, I will be on the look out for November 27th.

Are they only accepting ETH for the initial ICO? might have to grab some.

VLB_token (OP)
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Vehicle Lifecycle Blockchain -

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November 09, 2017, 08:34:48 AM

Are they only accepting ETH for the initial ICO? might have to grab some.

Glad to hear that Smiley

We accept only Ether (ETH). If you do not have an Ether Wallet, please take a few minutes to set it up on

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November 09, 2017, 10:28:39 AM

just wondering when did you get the partnership with uber?.and can you give confirmation on this or link where it can be verified or should we contact them personally?

We are partnering with UBER and provide the special terms for car repair and maintenance on CarFix Platform. CarFix has API integration with UBER drivers interface.
Its nice to know that you are already in touch with the UBER. Since it was the most known "ride-sharing" company and the first business that will benefits by this kind of project. Aside from that it will be a great advantage if they adopt the decentralized system offered by Vehicle Lifecycle Industry or (VLB).
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November 09, 2017, 12:10:58 PM

I have seen your project on icobench. But when i saw in this thread i was shocked, this thread would be more quality and include bounty campaign Smiley However i wish success.
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