Jr. Member
Activity: 97
Merit: 1
May 14, 2018, 05:21:58 AM |
Well even i can tell those reason quite clearly and in details LOL
May 14, 2018, 05:33:57 AM |
Well even i can tell those reason quite clearly and in details LOL
The advantage of bitcoin is the high price. When we bug the bitcoin at low price and we can sell it at high price. The profit is huge when compare to invest this is the advantage. In short time itself we can make more profit at the same time you can hold it for long time will also give more and more profits than you invest. The disvantages is depends upon the market rate. We have to sell it at right time to get more benefits otherwise it leads to very huge loss. So always we have to keep an eye in the to see the prices.

Activity: 231
Merit: 10
May 14, 2018, 07:28:43 AM |
I is simply stated that investing bitcoins is really good but we need to check what kind of investments we are going to join. So we need to be aware of it since it involve our own money. For me the disadvantages of investing in bitcoin is that when you are trying to invest in bitcoin without any checking if this investments is reliable or not please do not believe in the big profit they offer because most of the highest offered investment is scam. There are lot of bitcoin investment and the advantage of bitcoin is bitcoin is not so hard to earn there are lots of work the pays bitcoins.
Jr. Member
Activity: 92
Merit: 2
The Future Of Work
May 14, 2018, 07:59:24 AM |
Advantages of bitcoins are it can be used internationally for international affairs of course like nations contract to another nation and for buying things online and other electronic currency. The disadvantages of this is that it can be hacked or it can cause scamming but Bitcoin has security features for this.
May 14, 2018, 05:55:19 PM |
Bitcoin is having many advantages and disasvantages.Investing in bitcoin is very easy as it is very easy to understand.It act as a extra source of income for many people specially youngsters who are not having any job.We can use bitcoin at any time and at any place without any restrictions.But there are many disadvantages as well .In bitcoin there is no central authority to control the transaction.Once your account is hacked you cannot access your account again.Wallet password lost cannot be recovered.Bitcoin is virtual in nature so this is also one of the disadvantage of bitcoin.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1932
Merit: 442 - Mars, here we come!
May 14, 2018, 06:06:05 PM |
The advantages in investing in bitcoin is that you can have a huge profit when you buy at the low price of bitcoin and the price of the bitcoin goes up after you bought in a low price. The disadvantage is the opposite, buying at the high price and it goes down after you bought in a high price. That's just a simple explanation about the pros and cons in investing.
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rimueng agam

Activity: 322
Merit: 10
May 14, 2018, 06:33:35 PM |
If I think investing in bitcoin is beneficial because many are already successful in this bitcoin, but make no mistake before you make an investment then you have to learn how to invest and you have to learn first what bitcoin is and how bitcoin can be profitable for you.
May 14, 2018, 06:40:04 PM |
If I think investing in bitcoin is beneficial because many are already successful in this bitcoin, but make no mistake before you make an investment then you have to learn how to invest and you have to learn first what bitcoin is and how bitcoin can be profitable for you.
Indeed, we have to analyze first especially when we want to take risk here, what area we want to succeed, are we going to invest or just a holder or we want to be a day trader, don't just try and try summarize capacity and be ready of the consequences, don't just step in analyze first what could be the advantage and disadvantage of everything.
May 14, 2018, 07:49:16 PM |
The advantages of investing in bitcoin are huge, and the main advantage is getting huge profits, and the losses on bitcoin are also huge, as bitcoin prices sometimes go up and down, so we can lose if we can not analyze bitcoin prices.
Let’s begin with the disadvantages. Investment is really a risky thing. It will take a long term yet you couldn’t have the hundred percent assurance of earning in it due to market fluctuations. Investors will be experiencing so much pump and down stage. But if you’re strategically good at it you’ll definitely be getting a huge amount of investment that’s worth your time, money and everything. It may be seemingly hard to tell when high and low in value come into place since the market is very volatile. Investment is innately full of risk and losses. However, it can still give huge profit if you only know how to play the game with the use of correct methods and having a strong set of plans to reduce the level of disadvantages.
May 14, 2018, 08:15:55 PM |
The advantages in investing in bitcoin is that you can have a huge profit when you buy at the low price of bitcoin and the price of the bitcoin goes up after you bought in a low price. The disadvantage is the opposite, buying at the high price and it goes down after you bought in a high price. That's just a simple explanation about the pros and cons in investing.
Absolutely! The greatest disadvantage of investing in bitcoin would be its young and volatile market. There is no certain prediction about its price stability. Despite this, I still believe that it can generate high returns if done effectively. Knowledge and preparedness are still the important combined factors to consider to deal investment risks and uncertainties.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1091
May 14, 2018, 08:30:27 PM |
Absolutely! The greatest disadvantage of investing in bitcoin would be its young and volatile market.
You and all people fail to understand something very important, which is that long term investors don't have anything to do with the volatile short term market at all. Think about it with common sense, if your plan is to hold your coins for a few years, what importance does the volatility of tomorrow or next week have for you? If you look back at the price development throughout the years, then despite all the massive pumps and dumps we have gone through, the price kept going up. In other words, short term volatility doesn't affect the long term price and never will. You guys see problems where there aren't any -- with such mentality you won't come very far....
May 14, 2018, 08:31:07 PM |
Well even i can tell those reason quite clearly and in details LOL
The advantage of bitcoin is the high price. When we bug the bitcoin at low price and we can sell it at high price. The profit is huge when compare to invest this is the advantage. In short time itself we can make more profit at the same time you can hold it for long time will also give more and more profits than you invest. The disvantages is depends upon the market rate. We have to sell it at right time to get more benefits otherwise it leads to very huge loss. So always we have to keep an eye in the to see the prices. The high price is just even more like a side benefit and not just the main advantage. For those who understood the gospel according to satoshi pretty well, you will understand that the main idea why bitcoin came into existence was as a result of inflation, policies that affects transactions both locally and internationally, monopolies here and there with the banks doing whatever they want and these are some of the things that bitcoin really came to solve which gives it a lot of edge and advantages over fiat. The disadvantages that some people see are just more like the characteristics and only if you want to see it as a disadvantage will it be a disadvantage.
May 14, 2018, 10:29:31 PM |
In my opinion the advantage of investing in Bitcoin outweigh the disadvantage because if you a good knowledge of what trading crypto currency is all about you not fall victim of cashing out at a wrong time or buying Bitcoin at a wrong time.
May 14, 2018, 10:34:14 PM |
Absolutely! The greatest disadvantage of investing in bitcoin would be its young and volatile market.
You and all people fail to understand something very important, which is that long term investors don't have anything to do with the volatile short term market at all. Think about it with common sense, if your plan is to hold your coins for a few years, what importance does the volatility of tomorrow or next week have for you? If you look back at the price development throughout the years, then despite all the massive pumps and dumps we have gone through, the price kept going up. In other words, short term volatility doesn't affect the long term price and never will. You guys see problems where there aren't any -- with such mentality you won't come very far.... That's exactly why many still fail despite too much acquisition of knowledge about , not doing own research and being dependent with the ideas of others. They missed to play the game wisely and still living and trapped with misconceptions. Besides, I don't think it's too late to change mindsetting strategies. There are still rooms for recovery and learning from mistakes.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
May 14, 2018, 11:32:28 PM |
Bitcoin investment advantage and disadvantage are bitcoin can possible you to become rich but also to become poorer you should study first the principles of bitcoin before you enter the world of bitcoin or to start on trading or other money making related on bitcoin people always regret and sometimes have luck but you need to learn first how bitcoin works to dont lose huge money.
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
May 15, 2018, 02:31:40 AM |
The advantage is that they will give you high returns in the short term, but the downside is that they are very risky. Maybe the price will drop in the short run and you lose money. You should always be on the lookout for hackers who are stalking your account.
May 15, 2018, 02:39:39 AM |
Absolutely! The greatest disadvantage of investing in bitcoin would be its young and volatile market.
You and all people fail to understand something very important, which is that long term investors don't have anything to do with the volatile short term market at all. Think about it with common sense, if your plan is to hold your coins for a few years, what importance does the volatility of tomorrow or next week have for you? If you look back at the price development throughout the years, then despite all the massive pumps and dumps we have gone through, the price kept going up. In other words, short term volatility doesn't affect the long term price and never will. You guys see problems where there aren't any -- with such mentality you won't come very far.... That's exactly why many still fail despite too much acquisition of knowledge about , not doing own research and being dependent with the ideas of others. They missed to play the game wisely and still living and trapped with misconceptions. Besides, I don't think it's too late to change mindsetting strategies. There are still rooms for recovery and learning from mistakes. There's always a lots of room improving yourself inside this industry, if you can manage to understand each aspects that will affect the economy of crypto then you can build your own concept in what way you wanted to bring your investment, I also did the same mistakes before not allowing myself to do my home work and leave everything to a friend and to the telegram group that I followed, but now seeing the advantage as crypto still young and many things still possible to happen, changing attitude and being positive will bring more profits in the long run.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
May 15, 2018, 03:20:15 AM |
My perception in investing in bitcoin has the following advantages and disadvantages: advantage: - Trends and strengths in profitability - Convenience in transaction and each person can be free with his own bank. - Ensure safety and security. - Bitcoin can not be faked disadvantages: - born of online technology -> need basic skills and some understanding of transactional operations. - scammers and hackers always exist and affect the development of bitcoin in particular and blockchain technology in general.

Activity: 170
Merit: 10
May 15, 2018, 03:38:20 AM |
The only disadvantage that it has, is that you can easily lose a lot of money if you do not invest your money in the right moment (just like it happened to those who invested at $19k on december)
Jr. Member
Activity: 392
Merit: 2
May 15, 2018, 03:48:23 AM |
invest in bitcoin: Reward points (as well as the benefits they bring): Make quick money, high profits Disadvantages (as well as risk): BTC investment is high risk, if made wrong. Do not know the right time, choose the wrong time to invest and sell
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