NULL. Inception
I was pleased, when I saw this:
Nullius' sole objective is to facilitate the mass adoption of bitcoin.
And anyone that somehow put an obstacle to his service (by saying negative things about bitcoin) is being targeted as a threat.
Pleased, yes; yet I was also confused, for this high praise came from someone who 44 minutes earlier in the same thread had said, “
nullius has the intention to commit sin and fraud”. I had taken that seemingly grave accusation with a grain of salt, for reason that that its source lacked credibility: Dorkie had previously
accused theymos of being part of an “inside job” hacking forum accounts—replete with a Bible quote, to warn theymos about Judgment Day.
So why now should I have bestowed on me such an ode of hagiography as I wished to frame and hang on my wall?
Nullius' sole objective is to facilitate the mass adoption of bitcoin.
Scrolling back through the same thread, I suddenly felt as if a vision and a calling were decrypted before my eyes:
A lot of entities here favor worshiping the new money god that is bitcoin.
And these entities would like everyone else to follow suit and worship the same.
Such conduct is sin and corruption.
Lo! Unwittingly as if possessed, I had acted in loyal service of the new money god that is Bitcoin! ’Twas for that, the Divine Bitcoin lavished me with this compliment as a reward:
Nullius' sole objective is to facilitate the mass adoption of bitcoin.
A reward—and a guiding light, showing me to my true calling. I now see it all so clearly, yea:
I am called to devote myself to the sacraments of Bitcoin Divine. Bitcoin of holy name, whose prophet was Satoshi, whose coming answered the prayers of the cypherpunks. Bitcoin, who keeps the world ledger of all souls’ wealth, has commanded me that my “sole objective is to facilitate the mass adoption of Bitcoin.”
Bitcoin has called, and with joy do I answer.
Thread Rules: Read Before Posting
- This is a self-moderated thread.
- As the exalted Leader of this cult, I shall pass judgment on posts:
- I will delete any post which offends the god of Bitcoin.
- I will delete any post which offends me personally.
- I will offend any post which I deem stupid, illiterate, lacking in sufficient substance to justify its forum existence, and/or lacking in sufficient substance to justify its author’s mortal existence.
- The sole exception to said rules: At my discretion, a post which fails to meet Cult standards may be spared by me—solely for the purpose that I may shower it with derision, and humiliate its author.
- The standards of the Bitcult shall be unapologetically elitist—aristocratic, in the original sense of the term. Just as is Bitcoin.
I shall take liberties in editing my own posts, including this one, for the exclusive purpose of polishing and perfecting the scripture of the Cult. I also may lock and unlock this topic as I please. Most importantly, as a cult leader, I have the prerogative of taking advantage of my adoring followers financially (and the attractive female followers in other ways).
All hail the god of Bitcoin.