guys please help a brother with some coins
Next big thing is you can't say "Bob Düsseldorf" on public TV.
Greetings out to Elga, Fritz und Hanzi.. Some day you will learn to speak all languages.
Remember BTCZ is not like very other community - Here is why
There is no central website, in fact we encourage many sites to be created. Each
community member possesses a different perspective, let it be known. Discrepancies can
always be addressed with the community. The power of decentralization comes with the
power to destroy fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
Decentralized development by volunteers with no geographical boundaries. Everyone can,
and is encouraged to participate and contribute to the project, to further progress BitcoinZ as a
gift to the world.
In furtherance of the fairness core formula, methods to continue the decentralized nature are
strongly encouraged. Innovative methods of decentralization should always be researched to
keep the integrity and principal vision of “a coin for all”.
The following Core Decentralization Techniques / Specifications have successfully been injected
into the BitcoinZ community coin. There are no limits to discovery of new techniques, in
accordance with the Proposal Criteria of Community Acceptance.
Have a good day sir