October 23, 2018, 02:29:49 PM |
I think it is very difficult to avoid because indeed from the tweet the project has been set up like that, so we just retweet the project post, maybe if there really is a problem like that there will definitely be a reconfirmation in the future
October 23, 2018, 02:35:38 PM |
I think we should be more careful with you DT were tagging you red trust with scam accusations.
Anyway, yes it was known that twitter have banned cryptocurrency ads and this is the reason that there were some twitter accounts being banned. Twitter is not like facebook that can locate the users location. As we all know that the location is being used as the reference for banning a twitter account advertising cryptocurrency. There were certain countries whose government are mandating social media like facebook and twitter for this.
Facebook is way better than twitter when it comes to avoiding unwanted of banning accounts. A certain country may or may not want cryptocurrency ads and thus, were the reference for the social media administrator on banning accounts or not.
Jr. Member
Activity: 196
Merit: 1
Ternion | Hybrid Crypto Exchange with fiat gateway
October 23, 2018, 02:37:55 PM |
Now there are massive blocking of Twitter accounts. Most often, block accounts when you to use mass-following. Blocks is forever! Also do not use hashtags #ICO #Cryptocurrency etc Be careful!
UPD Some accounts of my friends that have been blocked marked "forever" are now unlocked But anyway, I think we need to be careful
Well if the advertisements that we do on twitter affects the userfriendliness quality of the twitter itself, they have the right to block our accounts because of that. But the thing here is that, were not just advertising for something worthless, we're advertising for something that will change the world for the better future. Were giving the world the best technology through ICO and blockchain technologies. I think there's nothing wrong about that.
▃ ▄ Ternion ▀▄▀ Ternion | Hybrid Crypto Exchange with fiat gateway ◥◤ ICO Start: 01 OCT 2018 (
October 23, 2018, 02:40:18 PM |
Now there are massive blocking of Twitter accounts. Most often, block accounts when you to use mass-following. Blocks is forever! Also do not use hashtags #ICO #Cryptocurrency etc Be careful!
UPD Some accounts of my friends that have been blocked marked "forever" are now unlocked But anyway, I think we need to be careful
I guess this all happened since twitter bounty had started. Some bounty hunters are making a lot of twitter accounts and spamming followers to join twitter bounties. That is why twitter became strict with mass-following and banned some accounts.
Copper Member

Activity: 420
Merit: 26
October 23, 2018, 02:44:44 PM |
Well during that period of April to May my Twitter account was first suspended and it was something that really try to affect my Bounty activities but after going through the normal verification the suspension was uplifted. But what I have also observed now is that Twitter is becoming more friendly than it was before and I am enjoying the new Twitter. Thanks for the advice and I believe many will understand and learn from it. Most of those platforms don't like Spam because they think it draining their server down in one way or the way, but we have to keep promoting Cryptocurrency and ICO's because Blockchain technology have come to stay and it is something the world will benefit from.
October 23, 2018, 02:46:24 PM |
Besides using hashtag in my opinion all you have to do is do time scheduling when you want to tweet / retweet, not too fast because from my experience it can also cause a suspended twitter account

Activity: 308
Merit: 10
October 23, 2018, 02:57:19 PM |
Thanks for your advice , I think many people have banned account like your friend , I will never do that because my account has 5500 followers , I would be very sad if my account is closed
Jr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 6
October 23, 2018, 03:00:03 PM |
Yes, too much has recently been unsubscribed from me. Twitter has most likely begun a fierce battle against bounty hunters. Today, I have unsubscribed -100 followers if it goes like that then we will find ourselves banned in a few days for advertising cryptocurrencies and ico projects. Facebook is more like what twitter there is even ban current for 1 day.
Full Member
Activity: 329
Merit: 100
October 23, 2018, 10:24:29 PM |
Now something very strange is happening with these accounts. They began to be sold everywhere. Felts something I do not know if the dead DNA that searched only the vultures, n know how to make money and looking for easy line.
October 23, 2018, 10:27:05 PM |
I have at least 1 time every month my account suspended to suspicious activity but then I just have to pass bot test to have full access. I also wrote to Twitter one time and they answered me not to worry that these are automated control actions made by their bot antispam system that recognise crypto most of times as spamming activity
Jr. Member
Activity: 154
Merit: 1
October 23, 2018, 10:32:07 PM |
I don’t do anything on Twitter at all and it seems to me that you won’t earn anything there, so you leave Twitter and don’t even think about it
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October 23, 2018, 10:34:24 PM |
not only using #ICO and #Cryptocurrency hashtags, but I also use #Bounty and never happened with my twitter account, I don't think this have a bad effect
October 23, 2018, 10:40:06 PM |
It is unfortunate and very disappointing to hear some of these news. How can this be. Just for tagging crypto. There are a lot more unneccasary stuffs that go on over there but nothing has been said about it. These are some of the reasons why we need to support good blockchain based social media emerging.
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October 23, 2018, 10:42:29 PM |
Now there are massive blocking of Twitter accounts. Most often, block accounts when you to use mass-following. Blocks is forever! Also do not use hashtags #ICO #Cryptocurrency etc Be careful!
UPD Some accounts of my friends that have been blocked marked "forever" are now unlocked But anyway, I think we need to be careful
Mass following is a tool to deceive and cheat the system and twitter has a system to catch those accounts, everything here is automated we should all be careful to follow their guidelines less you get your account blocked without recovery, so take heed.

Activity: 322
Merit: 17
October 23, 2018, 10:58:25 PM |
Personally, I do not participate in Twitter campaigns because my account does not have enough followers However, caution should be exercised in the use of social accounts thank you for the advice.
Copper Member
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Activity: 798
Merit: 250
October 23, 2018, 11:16:20 PM |
Besides using hashtag in my opinion all you have to do is do time scheduling when you want to tweet / retweet, not too fast because from my experience it can also cause a suspended twitter account
Right, I think this is the problem, a certain period of time is needed so that it's not seen/detect as spam by twitter system. There are a lot of thing that advertise using twitter, such porn videos and it look okay, how could be an account just got banned because advertising crypto that have great future and that is also not unnatural thing.
Sendi blackspade team
October 23, 2018, 11:22:23 PM |
Personally, I do not participate in Twitter campaigns because my account does not have enough followers However, caution should be exercised in the use of social accounts thank you for the advice.
like you, I don't really like social media campaigns. I prefer to enter the signature articles and campaigns. In addition to the bigger results, I think there are too many social media such as Twitter that follow the bounty campaign.
Full Member
Activity: 462
Merit: 100
October 24, 2018, 02:31:16 PM |
Twitter has become sensitive to people who have discussed cryptocurrency in their site since a few months back. And I have witnessed one of my friend who is also a bounty hunter, his twitter blocked because he tweeted an ico project that he participated with a hastag #Cryptocurrency.
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Activity: 1050
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Cryptocurrency addict | Invest at your own risk.
October 24, 2018, 02:34:47 PM |
This is bad news, thank you for telling us. maybe Twitter gets a lot of input widely used to promote scam projects and I hope that the project now must be really serious because it affects everyone.

Activity: 504
Merit: 10
October 24, 2018, 02:42:59 PM |
Recently, I also encountered a similar problem. Without a declaration of war, my Twitter account was blocked. All work that was tied to the account was gone. Sorry for the time spent. On messages to the support service, did not give any result.