
Activity: 266
Merit: 10
November 02, 2018, 05:36:41 PM |
Recently, I also encountered this problem and now I cannot unlock my account. And all due to the fact that I often published video reviews related to ICO projects 

Activity: 266
Merit: 10
November 02, 2018, 05:38:28 PM |
Now again it is not clear what is happening with Twitter. Accounts are either blocked or many subscribers disappear. A friend had an account with 250,000 subscribers last night. This morning there are 114,000 left.
I do not understand what Twitter wants to achieve by its actions. I think this can only lead to the fact that they will receive a lot of letters with complaints, because so many people have already suffered

Activity: 392
Merit: 10
November 02, 2018, 06:19:12 PM |
For myself, I concluded that I need to be careful and not post too many posts related to cryptocurrency. For some reason, Twitter does not like such posts 
Jr. Member
Activity: 168
Merit: 1
November 02, 2018, 06:36:18 PM |
Now there are massive blocking of Twitter accounts. Most often, block accounts when you to use mass-following. Blocks is forever! Also do not use hashtags #ICO #Cryptocurrency etc Be careful!
UPD Some accounts of my friends that have been blocked marked "forever" are now unlocked But anyway, I think we need to be careful
Well I would not began to do the bounty the social network , due to the fact that the payouts are very kopeeshnaya , and of course I did not get banned even for something that I do a bounty there if you take the spam then Yes you will block and so is unlikely
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Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 995
Merit: 1
November 02, 2018, 06:40:27 PM |
Now there are massive blocking of Twitter accounts. Most often, block accounts when you to use mass-following. Blocks is forever! Also do not use hashtags #ICO #Cryptocurrency etc Be careful!
UPD Some accounts of my friends that have been blocked marked "forever" are now unlocked But anyway, I think we need to be careful
I got a ban. I do not lead the company twitter. But I announced my YouTube videos. For what was now blocked. Perhaps this is temporary. But it is better not to announce your videos.
Jr. Member
Activity: 112
Merit: 1
November 02, 2018, 07:16:30 PM |
Now a new wave of account locks has begun, as before, accounts with tags for mutual following or names like "FollowHelp" get blocked, be careful and if your account is still intact, take precautions.
Jr. Member
Activity: 462
Merit: 1
November 02, 2018, 07:16:34 PM |
This is yes! The rules are tightened, caution increases! 10,000 friends constantly hesitate! There is no time to disgrace!
JUR Alliance | https://jur.io/ | Join the Legal Revolution! Justice as a Service Infrastructure

Activity: 80
Merit: 10
November 02, 2018, 07:19:41 PM |
Today, bounty is probably not a very profitable business where you can just spend your time, because today cryptocurrency is starting to be forgotten, but this is only for those who are really tired of waiting, everything is really not easy.
It is not about spending time that much, the campaigns for Twitter are really easy plus it gets information on a coin out fast.
Full Member
Activity: 954
Merit: 104
November 02, 2018, 07:21:05 PM |
I am using Twitter account to promote bounties for about 15 months and I have never have any problem with blocking my account or my content. Maybe I am lucky, or I am not greedy and I am not tweeting only ICO posts. 
November 02, 2018, 07:21:59 PM |
There is a lot of different information about this now and it is all ambiguous. unfortunately now banyat many accounts and i think bounty on twitter will end

Activity: 448
Merit: 10
November 02, 2018, 07:23:32 PM |
Thank you for the PSA, I think there are many people who depend a lot on this type of bounties, so they have to be very careful with this information, now the social media are looking very cautiously at the ICOs, by the number of scams in which they are being involved, we have to be very careful with that and always be vigilant to support us as a community.
Bitcoin to the moon

Activity: 378
Merit: 11
November 02, 2018, 07:23:49 PM |
Now there are massive blocking of Twitter accounts. Most often, block accounts when you to use mass-following. Blocks is forever! Also do not use hashtags #ICO #Cryptocurrency etc Be careful!
UPD Some accounts of my friends that have been blocked marked "forever" are now unlocked But anyway, I think we need to be careful
Could you share a link to the fact that Twitter officially banned the tags #ICO #Cryptocurrency. Where did you get this information?

Activity: 1022
Merit: 10
Working Hard?? Working Smart!!
November 14, 2018, 01:26:59 AM |
I am using Twitter account to promote bounties for about 15 months and I have never have any problem with blocking my account or my content. Maybe I am lucky, or I am not greedy and I am not tweeting only ICO posts.  Woow That great i think You lucky brother. my twiter account got suspended Yesterday that make me sad , everyday i just Retweet no more than 10 , and from now i am stoped doing bounty for twiter

Activity: 700
Merit: 12
November 14, 2018, 06:13:48 AM |
They are randomly blocking but mostly fake accounts so better make your Twitter accounts geniune. Of course as a social media marketer as much as possible we need to make accounts real for us to get accepted in campaigns and people who will see the ads will believe on what we are promoting.
Not only with the fake account, but there are also many other original accounts being blocked by the twitter without any further warnings. We have to follow their rules and regulation strictly otherwise twitter is banning the twitter accounts.
November 14, 2018, 07:19:27 AM |
They are randomly blocking but mostly fake accounts so better make your Twitter accounts geniune. Of course as a social media marketer as much as possible we need to make accounts real for us to get accepted in campaigns and people who will see the ads will believe on what we are promoting.
Not only with the fake account, but there are also many other original accounts being blocked by the twitter without any further warnings. We have to follow their rules and regulation strictly otherwise twitter is banning the twitter accounts. That right , this issue is not only for bounty hunters because i see that all twitter users are affected . luckily im not of those despite that i am also using my twitter before to work on a social media campaign but i notice that my followers have decreases . twitter sucks right now just like facebook . Anyway , have you guys try contacting thier costumer support ? You can make an appeal or open a ticket and state whatever problem you are experiencing because they may even unban your accounts .
November 14, 2018, 11:49:41 AM |
I have locked a lot of twitter accounts so hard for me, do not know who can help
November 14, 2018, 11:51:05 AM |
I just lost my Twitter account, the reason you say. I'm disappointed because my account is old .. I want to know how it works to restore a problematic twitter account, I have waited more than a month to submit a proposal for Twitter support, so far there is no answer
ciang huang
November 14, 2018, 03:03:24 PM |
now it is very difficult to apply so that the blocked twitter account is returned again it will take a very long time like me yesterday very long and until now there has been no reply from the twitter service.

Activity: 392
Merit: 28
November 14, 2018, 03:27:17 PM |
Unfortunately, I was blocked in the tweeter, and my attempts were useless, I want to say that before there were difficulties with entering, 3 times, then a ban followed without recovery.

Activity: 266
Merit: 26
November 15, 2018, 12:12:05 PM |
Now there are massive blocking of Twitter accounts. Most often, block accounts when you to use mass-following. Blocks is forever! Also do not use hashtags #ICO #Cryptocurrency etc Be careful!
I was doing twitter campaigns till i got tired of small rewards and ended, recently checked that twitter account and it turned out that it is suspended . It is a part of twitter fight against BOT accounts.