jl2012 (OP)
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1126
November 18, 2013, 08:06:22 AM Last edit: January 31, 2016, 07:54:21 AM by jl2012 |
Since the BIT has stopped reporting the daily total assets value, it is not possible to update the table daily like before. Instead, it will be updated with a different style, mainly to show the actual or estimated Bitcoin holding the BIT. Previous data are still available at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=337486.msg3620848#msg3620848Method: 1. Figures of Net asset value (NAV), total assets value (TAV), Total Share Outstanding, and XBT per Share are taken from http://www.bitcointrust.co/ or http://grayscale.co/bitcoin-investment-trust/2. Total XBT holding = Total Share Outstanding * XBT per Share * XBT is the unofficial ISO4217 code for bitcoin ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Without_currency_code) ** Estimated figures are subject to rounding error. *** Negative figures could be due to rounding error. Valuation | NAV | TAV | Total | XBT | Total | Date | ($) | (M$) | Share | per Share | XBT | 20151231 | 40.65 | 60.01 | 1,476,500 | 0.09556465 | 141,102 | 20151130 | 35.89 | 51.36 | 1,430,800 | 0.09572712 | 136,966 | 20151030 | 31.15 | 44.36 | 1,424,200 | 0.09588987 | 136,566 | 20150930 | 22.73 | 32.13 | 1,412,000 | 0.09604763 | 135,619 | 20150831 | 22.04 | 31.10 | 1,410,800 | 0.09620565 | 135,727 | 20150731 | 27.48 | 38.74 | 1,409,500 | 0.09636921 | 135,832 | 20150630 | 25.31 | 35.58 | 1,405,500 | 0.09653305 | 135,677 | 20150531 | 22.86 | 32.11 | 1,404,800 | 0.09669187 | 135,833 | 20150430 | 22.46 | 31.32 | 1,394,600 | 0.09685626 | 135,076 |
Donation address: 374iXxS4BuqFHsEwwxUuH3nvJ69Y7Hqur3 (Bitcoin ONLY) LRDGENPLYrcTRssGoZrsCT1hngaH3BVkM4 (LTC) PGP: D3CC 1772 8600 5BB8 FF67 3294 C524 2A1A B393 6517
jl2012 (OP)
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1126
November 18, 2013, 08:07:18 AM Last edit: May 13, 2015, 02:47:27 AM by jl2012 |
Since the BIT has stopped reporting the daily total assets value, the daily update of this thread is stopped. The data before May 2015 is kept here for record. __________________________ This thread is to follow the NAV and the estimated XBT holding of the SecondMarket Bitcoin Investment Trust. All information could be found on the BIT webpage ( http://www.bitcointrust.co/). This will be constantly maintained. Please consider to donate if you like this table. Warning: all raw data was publicly available on BIT website. It is suspected that they occasionally provides faulty data. Interpret the data with cautious, especially when there is a big movement in total bitcoin holding. Method: 1. Figures of Net asset value (NAV) and total assets value (TAV) are taken from http://www.bitcointrust.co/ or http://grayscale.co/bitcoin-investment-trust/2. Actual Bitcoin holding (ABH) is published occasionally on http://www.bitcointrust.co/ (within the investor presentation) 3. Raw estimated Bitcoin holding (REBH) = TAV / NAV * 0.1 4. Normalization factor (NF) = ABH / REBH 5. NF for each day is derived in a linear manner 6. Estimated XBT holding = REBH * NF * XBT is the unofficial ISO4217 code for bitcoin ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Without_currency_code) ** Estimated figures are subject to rounding error. The estimated XBT amount may deviate from the actual amount by at most a few hundreds of XBT. *** Negative figures could be due to rounding error. **** Normalization factor is needed as SecondMarket is taking fee and each share represents less than 0.1XBT (actual amount not announced). Date | NAV ($) | Net | Est | Est Net | Est New | Actual | spaceholder | | Assets | Holding | Buying | Invest | Holding | | | (M$) | (XBT) | (XBT) | (M$) | (XBT) | Notes | 30-Apr-15 | 22.46 | 31.32 | 136181 | 449 | 0.10 | 135076 | 23-Mar-15 | 25.93 | 36.04 | 135732 | 0 | 0.00 | | 20-Mar-15 | 25.34 | 35.22 | 135732 | -29 | -0.01 | | 19-Mar-15 | 24.91 | 34.63 | 135761 | 29 | 0.01 | | 18-Mar-15 | 26.70 | 37.11 | 135732 | 29 | 0.01 | | 16-Mar-15 | 28.21 | 39.20 | 135703 | -29 | -0.01 | | 12-Mar-15 | 28.65 | 39.82 | 135732 | 10 | 0.00 | | 11-Mar-15 | 28.58 | 39.72 | 135722 | 10 | 0.00 | | 10-Mar-15 | 28.61 | 39.76 | 135712 | -20 | 0.00 | | 9-Mar-15 | 27.47 | 38.18 | 135732 | 59 | 0.01 | | 6-Mar-15 | 26.66 | 37.04 | 135673 | -69 | -0.02 | | 5-Mar-15 | 26.18 | 36.39 | 135742 | 30 | 0.01 | | 4-Mar-15 | 27.28 | 37.91 | 135712 | 117 | 0.03 | | 2-Mar-15 | 25.56 | 35.49 | 135595 | -39 | -0.01 | | 27-Feb-15 | 24.43 | 33.93 | 135634 | 9 | 0.00 | | 26-Feb-15 | 22.97 | 31.90 | 135625 | 49 | 0.01 | | 25-Feb-15 | 23.10 | 32.07 | 135576 | -68 | -0.01 | | 24-Feb-15 | 23.19 | 32.21 | 135644 | 29 | 0.01 | | 23-Feb-15 | 22.95 | 31.87 | 135615 | 0 | 0.00 | | 20-Feb-15 | 23.67 | 32.87 | 135615 | 0 | 0.00 | | 19-Feb-15 | 23.10 | 32.08 | 135615 | 0 | 0.00 | | 13-Feb-15 | 22.64 | 31.44 | 135615 | 39 | 0.01 | | 11-Feb-15 | 21.53 | 29.89 | 135576 | 0 | 0.00 | | 10-Feb-15 | 21.27 | 29.53 | 135576 | 30 | 0.01 | | 9-Feb-15 | 21.39 | 29.69 | 135546 | -59 | -0.01 | | 6-Feb-15 | 21.41 | 29.73 | 135605 | -10 | 0.00 | | 5-Feb-15 | 21.51 | 29.87 | 135615 | 69 | 0.01 | | 4-Feb-15 | 21.96 | 30.48 | 135546 | 0 | 0.00 | | 3-Feb-15 | 23.09 | 32.05 | 135546 | -10 | 0.00 | | 2-Feb-15 | 22.11 | 30.69 | 135556 | 49 | 0.01 | | 29-Jan-15 | 22.60 | 31.36 | 135507 | 9 | 0.00 | | 28-Jan-15 | 24.23 | 33.62 | 135498 | 39 | 0.01 | | 26-Jan-15 | 27.23 | 37.77 | 135459 | 20 | 0.00 | | 22-Jan-15 | 22.46 | 31.15 | 135439 | -29 | -0.01 | | 21-Jan-15 | 20.84 | 28.91 | 135468 | 19 | 0.00 | | 20-Jan-15 | 20.54 | 28.49 | 135449 | 0 | 0.00 | | 16-Jan-15 | 20.39 | 28.28 | 135449 | 29 | 0.00 | | 15-Jan-15 | 19.60 | 27.18 | 135420 | 49 | 0.01 | | 14-Jan-15 | 19.24 | 26.67 | 135371 | 20 | 0.00 | | 13-Jan-15 | 23.60 | 32.71 | 135351 | -49 | -0.01 | | 12-Jan-15 | 26.16 | 36.27 | 135400 | 254 | 0.07 | | 9-Jan-15 | 27.82 | 38.50 | 135146 | -10 | 0.00 | | 7-Jan-15 | 28.23 | 39.07 | 135156 | -19 | 0.00 | | 6-Jan-15 | 27.02 | 37.40 | 135175 | 156 | 0.04 | | 5-Jan-15 | 26.32 | 36.39 | 135019 | 10 | 0.00 | | 2-Jan-15 | 30.64 | 42.36 | 135009 | 29 | 0.01 | | 31-Dec-14 | 30.48 | 42.13 | 134980 | -20 | -0.01 | | 30-Dec-14 | 30.44 | 42.08 | 135000 | -19 | -0.01 | | 29-Dec-14 | 30.74 | 42.50 | 135019 | 39 | 0.01 | | 26-Dec-14 | 31.50 | 43.54 | 134980 | 68 | 0.02 | | 24-Dec-14 | 32.14 | 44.40 | 134912 | 0 | 0.00 | | 23-Dec-14 | 32.50 | 44.90 | 134912 | 10 | 0.01 | | 22-Dec-14 | 32.12 | 44.37 | 134902 | -29 | -0.01 | | 18-Dec-14 | 30.42 | 42.03 | 134931 | 0 | 0.00 | | 17-Dec-14 | 31.52 | 43.55 | 134931 | 10 | 0.00 | | 16-Dec-14 | 32.89 | 45.44 | 134921 | 19 | 0.01 | | 15-Dec-14 | 34.19 | 47.23 | 134902 | 39 | 0.02 | | 12-Dec-14 | 34.23 | 47.27 | 134863 | 0 | 0.00 | | 11-Dec-14 | 34.38 | 47.48 | 134863 | 0 | 0.00 | | 10-Dec-14 | 34.15 | 47.16 | 134863 | 10 | 0.00 | | 9-Dec-14 | 34.37 | 47.46 | 134853 | 596 | 0.21 | | 8-Dec-14 | 36.10 | 49.63 | 134257 | 0 | 0.00 | | 5-Dec-14 | 36.39 | 50.03 | 134257 | -30 | -0.01 | | 4-Dec-14 | 36.55 | 50.26 | 134287 | 0 | 0.00 | | 2-Dec-14 | 37.30 | 51.29 | 134287 | 137 | 0.05 | | 1-Dec-14 | 37.06 | 50.91 | 134150 | -1 | 0.01 | 134150 | NF=0.9766 | 28-Nov-14 | 35.96 | 49.39 | 134151 | -34 | -0.01 | | 26-Nov-14 | 36.37 | 49.96 | 134185 | 4555 | 1.70 | | 25-Nov-14 | 37.52 | 49.79 | 129630 | 2123 | 0.82 | | 24-Nov-14 | 36.63 | 47.81 | 127507 | 20 | 0.01 | | 21-Nov-14 | 34.25 | 44.69 | 127487 | -56 | -0.02 | | 20-Nov-14 | 35.74 | 46.65 | 127543 | 23 | 0.01 | | 19-Nov-14 | 36.98 | 48.26 | 127520 | -6 | 0.00 | | 18-Nov-14 | 37.21 | 48.56 | 127526 | 6335 | 2.42 | | 17-Nov-14 | 38.57 | 47.83 | 121191 | -18 | 0.00 | | 14-Nov-14 | 39.24 | 48.66 | 121209 | 3 | 0.00 | | 13-Nov-14 | 41.95 | 52.02 | 121206 | -6 | 0.00 | | 12-Nov-14 | 39.46 | 48.93 | 121212 | -16 | -0.01 | | 11-Nov-14 | 35.77 | 44.36 | 121228 | 6837 | 2.51 | | 10-Nov-14 | 35.80 | 41.89 | 114391 | -37 | -0.01 | | 7-Nov-14 | 33.83 | 39.59 | 114428 | -16 | -0.01 | | 6-Nov-14 | 33.62 | 39.35 | 114444 | 14 | 0.01 | | 5-Nov-14 | 32.84 | 38.43 | 114430 | -16 | 0.00 | | 4-Nov-14 | 31.83 | 37.25 | 114446 | 7622 | 2.48 | | 3-Nov-14 | 32.07 | 35.03 | 106824 | -16 | 0.00 | | 31-Oct-14 | 33.59 | 36.69 | 106840 | 3 | 0.00 | 106840 | NF=0.9781 | 30-Oct-14 | 33.07 | 36.12 | 106837 | -2892 | -0.98 | | # | 29-Oct-14 | 33.68 | 37.78 | 109729 | 2850 | 0.98 | | # | 28-Oct-14 | 34.48 | 37.67 | 106879 | 23 | 0.01 | | 27-Oct-14 | 34.49 | 37.67 | 106856 | 19 | 0.01 | | 24-Oct-14 | 34.86 | 38.06 | 106837 | -7 | 0.00 | | 23-Oct-14 | 36.04 | 39.35 | 106844 | -26 | 0.00 | | 22-Oct-14 | 37.40 | 40.84 | 106870 | 13 | 0.01 | | 21-Oct-14 | 37.69 | 41.15 | 106857 | -84 | -0.03 | | 20-Oct-14 | 37.24 | 40.69 | 106941 | 68 | 0.03 | | 17-Oct-14 | 37.06 | 40.46 | 106873 | -16 | 0.00 | | 16-Oct-14 | 37.57 | 41.02 | 106889 | 62 | 0.03 | | 15-Oct-14 | 38.64 | 42.16 | 106827 | -17 | -0.01 | | 14-Oct-14 | 39.02 | 42.58 | 106844 | -1436 | -0.56 | | # | 10-Oct-14 | 35.41 | 39.15 | 108280 | 1443 | 0.52 | | # | 9-Oct-14 | 35.89 | 39.15 | 106837 | 13 | 0.01 | | 8-Oct-14 | 33.21 | 36.22 | 106824 | -26 | -0.01 | | 7-Oct-14 | 32.15 | 35.07 | 106850 | -7 | 0.00 | | 6-Oct-14 | 31.16 | 33.99 | 106857 | 29 | 0.02 | | 3-Oct-14 | 35.88 | 39.12 | 106828 | 356 | 0.13 | | 2-Oct-14 | 36.94 | 40.14 | 106472 | 62 | 0.03 | | 1-Oct-14 | 37.72 | 40.96 | 106410 | -6 | 0.00 | | 30-Sep-14 | 37.13 | 40.32 | 106416 | -26 | 0.00 | | 26-Sep-14 | 39.58 | 42.98 | 106442 | 23 | 0.01 | | 25-Sep-14 | 40.53 | 44.00 | 106419 | -17 | 0.00 | | 24-Sep-14 | 42.36 | 45.99 | 106436 | 14 | 0.01 | | 23-Sep-14 | 40.84 | 44.33 | 106422 | 307 | 0.13 | | 22-Sep-14 | 39.11 | 42.33 | 106115 | 981 | 0.40 | | 19-Sep-14 | 39.68 | 42.54 | 105134 | 130 | 0.06 | | 18-Sep-14 | 42.44 | 45.44 | 105004 | -26 | -0.01 | | 17-Sep-14 | 44.72 | 47.89 | 105030 | -6 | 0.00 | | 16-Sep-14 | 45.96 | 49.22 | 105036 | -26 | -0.01 | | 15-Sep-14 | 46.55 | 49.86 | 105062 | 102 | 0.06 | | 11-Sep-14 | 46.70 | 49.96 | 104960 | 62 | 0.03 | | 10-Sep-14 | 46.89 | 50.13 | 104898 | -16 | 0.00 | | 9-Sep-14 | 45.84 | 49.01 | 104914 | -7 | 0.00 | | 8-Sep-14 | 46.23 | 49.43 | 104921 | -19 | 0.00 | | 5-Sep-14 | 47.66 | 50.96 | 104940 | -26 | -0.01 | | 4-Sep-14 | 47.44 | 50.73 | 104966 | -1439 | -0.70 | | 3-Sep-14 | 46.65 | 50.57 | 106405 | 189 | 0.09 | | 2-Sep-14 | 46.69 | 50.52 | 106216 | -26 | 0.00 | |
# Probably an error. See https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=337486.msg9206222#msg9206222Starting to April 2014: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=337486.msg6449073#msg6449073May to August 2014: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=337486.msg8597489#msg8597489
Donation address: 374iXxS4BuqFHsEwwxUuH3nvJ69Y7Hqur3 (Bitcoin ONLY) LRDGENPLYrcTRssGoZrsCT1hngaH3BVkM4 (LTC) PGP: D3CC 1772 8600 5BB8 FF67 3294 C524 2A1A B393 6517
November 18, 2013, 09:32:02 AM |
Good thread. Seems like SecondMarket is buying.
Zangelbert Bingledack
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
November 18, 2013, 09:42:51 AM |
I was thinking we needed a BIT observer. Next update in about 12 hours. Investors are in for another pleasant surprise.
November 18, 2013, 01:24:30 PM |
Boy, I wish there was some way us normal people could get in on this wonderful investment opportunity... 
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1003
November 18, 2013, 01:26:24 PM |
Boy, I wish there was some way us normal people could get in on this wonderful investment opportunity...  You are joking probably, right?
November 18, 2013, 01:35:47 PM |
Boy, I wish there was some way us normal people could get in on this wonderful investment opportunity...  You are joking probably, right? Yeah. I thought the winky face made it obvious... 
November 18, 2013, 02:44:53 PM |
It looks almost like they single handedly caused all this. If this really small institutional investor can cause this just wait until Mastercoin brings in the big money.
Zangelbert Bingledack
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
November 18, 2013, 03:38:56 PM |
It looks almost like they single handedly caused all this. If this really small institutional investor can cause this just wait until Mastercoin brings in the big money.
I've pondered that idea many a time. Of course China is not insignificant. But also you could make the argument that for Second Market to get into this, it really indicates that there's an underlying sea change happening within Wall Street and other big money people (the Mellon banking dynasty, supposed to be wealther than the Rockefellers). They are buying on dark pools, meaning the exchanges only show a severe coin shortage rather than a bunch of huge whale buys. This results in more delayed price action, but more assured upward movement.
jl2012 (OP)
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1126
November 18, 2013, 11:40:41 PM |
November 18, 2013 NAV 55.22USD Net Assets 29.7MUSD Estimated holding 53,784.86XBT
Donation address: 374iXxS4BuqFHsEwwxUuH3nvJ69Y7Hqur3 (Bitcoin ONLY) LRDGENPLYrcTRssGoZrsCT1hngaH3BVkM4 (LTC) PGP: D3CC 1772 8600 5BB8 FF67 3294 C524 2A1A B393 6517
jl2012 (OP)
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1126
November 19, 2013, 09:16:38 AM |
One more data point identified. So they bought about 20000XBT in the last 2 weeks
Donation address: 374iXxS4BuqFHsEwwxUuH3nvJ69Y7Hqur3 (Bitcoin ONLY) LRDGENPLYrcTRssGoZrsCT1hngaH3BVkM4 (LTC) PGP: D3CC 1772 8600 5BB8 FF67 3294 C524 2A1A B393 6517
November 19, 2013, 10:54:29 AM |
Net assets are updated once per week? What day?
Zangelbert Bingledack
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
November 19, 2013, 12:26:34 PM |
Last time I think it was Thursday.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
November 19, 2013, 12:31:59 PM |
Boy, I wish there was some way us normal people could get in on this wonderful investment opportunity...  ain´t it a shame 
November 19, 2013, 02:27:32 PM |
One more data point identified. So they bought about 20000XBT in the last 2 weeks
Or about half of all mining production....very interesting. If that isn't a demand indicator I don't know what is.
jl2012 (OP)
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1126
November 22, 2013, 03:45:10 AM |
OP update. About 2300XBT was bought in the past 3 days
Donation address: 374iXxS4BuqFHsEwwxUuH3nvJ69Y7Hqur3 (Bitcoin ONLY) LRDGENPLYrcTRssGoZrsCT1hngaH3BVkM4 (LTC) PGP: D3CC 1772 8600 5BB8 FF67 3294 C524 2A1A B393 6517
November 22, 2013, 04:17:54 AM |
Interesting thread. Thanks for the info.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2106
November 22, 2013, 09:15:12 AM |
One more data point identified. So they bought about 20000XBT in the last 2 weeks
Or about half of all mining production....very interesting. If that isn't a demand indicator I don't know what is. so it has the same effect as a halving !?
November 22, 2013, 12:09:05 PM |